AG :: Volume #4

#389: Living person

( ( The night of arrange Gucheng, the star light all over the sky, in the jungle of distant place hears the cry of insect, is very quiet. 布谷城的夜晚,星光满天,远方的丛林里传來昆虫的叫声,十分静谧。 The barrack of gentian camp sets up in the Nancheng open area in city, warhorses are chewing the fodder, the soldiers by starlight are training the rush and a shield defense. 龙胆营的营盘设立在城内的南城空地上,一匹匹战马正在咀嚼着草料,士兵们则趁着夜色正在训练着冲杀与盾阵防御。 In the armed forces tent, candlelight glimmer shines on the forest Mu Yu weary face, the one side, the Wei Chou respectful hand is holding the dossier, said: Today a war, we died in battle 316 people, the severely wounded 748 people, cuts to kill 2174 armor demons, does not have the living witness, the arrow box steel arrow and White Diamond arrow that consumes basically completely have pulled out, is missing more than 300 White Diamond arrows.” 中军帐内,烛火微光照射在林沐雨略带疲倦的脸庞上,一旁,卫仇恭敬的手捧着卷宗,道:“今日一战,我们战死316人,重伤748人,斩杀2174名甲魔,沒有活口,所耗费的箭箱钢箭与白钻箭基本上已经全部拔回來了,失踪300多枚白钻箭。” Lin Muyu rise asked: Which these White Diamond arrows went, could not pull out.” 林沐雨抬头问:“这些白钻箭去哪儿了,拔不回來了。” Should unable to pull out.” “应该是拔不回來了。” Wei Chou somewhat awkward smiles: These White Diamond arrows also insert on armor demon of running away majority of......” 卫仇有些尴尬的一笑:“这些白钻箭大部分都还插在逃走的甲魔身上呢……” That considers as finished......” forest to wash the rain to be somewhat speechless. “那算了……”林沐雨有些无语。 At this time, Fengxi entered the tent, said: Commander, the arrange Gucheng city Lord King Ju to seek an interview.” 这时,风溪进了营帐,道:“统领,布谷城城主王举求见。” „, Please come.” “哦,请进來。” Yes.” “是。” Several, has not worn the middle-aged person of civilian official clothing to walk, is a very obese person, among the napes of the neck wears the symbols of two stars, the look is flattering, goes forward to bow says with a smile: Small King Ju pays a visit rain Commander.” 未几,一名身穿文职官员服饰的中年人走了进來,是个很肥胖的人,脖颈间佩戴着两颗星的徽记,神色十分谄媚,上前躬身一笑道:“小的王举拜见雨统领。” Lin Muyu stands up, says with a smile: Sir King Ju was polite, such late comes to the gentian camp, has any matter.” 林沐雨站起身,笑道:“王举大人客气了,这么晚來龙胆营,有什么事情吗。” King Judao: Rain Commander is remarkable today, routs this to sweep away the righteousness and demon clan army of Country Rebel army, making me and others broaden the outlook, the empire has rain Commander this grade of star, can regain to lose inevitably, series continent.” 王举道:“雨统领今日大显神威,击溃了这支横扫义和国叛军的魔族军队,让我等大开眼界,帝国有雨统领这等名将在,必然能收复失地,一统大陆。” Lin Muyu listens to this thinking highly words to suddenly feel repugnant, said: Sir has any matter, spoke frankly.” 林沐雨听着这种恭维的话顿觉反感,道:“大人到底有什么事情,直说吧。” Is such......” King Ju flattered to smile, said: This all day gentian Battalion brothers were laborious, even some have also been wounded, the gentian camp as the army of Her Highness Yin institute personally rein, can bleed the perspiration for we small arrange Gucheng, therefore the colleagues in arrange Gucheng feel grateful, then conscientiously has prepared some food, weapons and woman has delivered, Commander please feel relieved that these women are very clean, some even virgin's body, if their bodies can make the generals in gentian camp happy, this is I the good fortune and other.” “是这样的……”王举谄媚一笑,说:“这一整日龙胆营的兄弟们都辛苦了,甚至有的还负伤了,龙胆营身为茵殿下所亲自统御的军队,能为我们小小的布谷城流血流汗,所以布谷城的同僚们十分感恩,便尽心尽力的准备了一些食物、兵刃与女人送了过來,统领请放心,这些女人都很干净,有的甚至还是处子之身,若是她们的身子能让龙胆营的将军们为之欢愉,这都是我等之幸。” How these women come.” Lin Muyu asked. “这些女人是怎么來的。”林沐雨问。 King Ju stares, said respectfully: „After is the chaos caused by war, escapes the refugee who from Orchid Goose City, as well as some local selling into servitude for the female of slave, the background are very clean, pray for rain Commander to feel relieved.” 王举一愣,恭敬道:“都是战乱之后从兰雁城逃过來的难民,以及一些本地的卖身为奴的女子,來路十分干净,请雨统领放心。” Lin Muyu smiles, said: Many thanks good intent of city main Sir, but the gentian camp does not give shelter to any camp women, this is our customs, but also looks at the Sir to excuse me, these women our cannot want, as for food, weapons that the Sir sends , etc., I represent the gentian camp and empress Your Highness many thanks the Sir, these we want.” 林沐雨不禁一笑,说:“多谢城主大人的美意,只不过龙胆营不收留任何一个营姬,这是我们的规矩,还望大人能够见谅,这些女人我们一个不能要,至于大人送來的食物、兵刃等,我代表龙胆营和女帝殿下多谢大人,这些我们都要。” King Juzheng being startled: Rain Commander, the officers in gentian camp majority are the positive maturity man, can not need the woman.” 王举怔了怔:“雨统领,龙胆营的将士大部分都是正值壮年的男子,真的会不需要女人吗。” Does not need.” “不需要。” Lin Muyu shakes the head, said: Soldiers each month of gentian camp can receive certain soldier's rations and pay, after cutting kills armor demon, has the generous reward, moreover I will have their several days of vacation every month, they have the need to go to the colored building to solve, not exhausted city main Sirs.” 林沐雨摇摇头,说:“龙胆营的士兵们每个月都可以领到一定的军饷,斩杀甲魔之后更有厚赏,而且我每个月都会放他们几天假,他们有需要可以去花楼解决,就不劳烦城主大人了。” Such being the case...... The lower officials also understood, rain Commander training troops is strict, making the person admire.” “既然如此……下官也明白了,雨统领治军严格,让人敬佩。” Nothing words, the city main Sirs please return, I must process some military affairs, good intent Lin Muyu of city main Sir declined with thanks, after we repel the demon clan in star province, I will advise to Your Highness, explained Sir King Ju the support and favoring to the gentian camp.” “沒有什么事的话,城主大人就请回吧,我还要处理一些军务,城主大人的美意林沐雨心领了,等我们击退地星行省内的魔族之后,我会向殿下进言,说明王举大人对龙胆营的支持与厚待。” That...... That really many thanks rain Commander.” “那……那真是多谢雨统领了。” King Ju one excited, knees knelt down unexpectedly, he and Lin Muyu are the empire high-ranking court official, did not need this courtesy, this also can only explain that approximately King Ju excitement, after all arrange Gucheng is only the small town of outlying province, this life not necessarily one time sees the opportunity of empress, now Lin Muyu will say for him fine talk two in front of Qin Yin, simply shape with reconstructing. 王举一激动,竟然双膝下跪了下來,他和林沐雨都是帝国重臣,原本根本不需要这种礼数,这大约也只能说明王举的激动,毕竟布谷城只是边远行省的一座小城,他这一生都未必有一次见到女帝的机会,如今林沐雨说会为他在秦茵面前美言两句,简直形同再造了。 After looking at King Ju timid drawing back next, Lin Muyu lowered the head immediately , to continue to look at the dossier and map on table. 看着王举唯唯诺诺的退下之后,林沐雨马上低下头,继续看桌案上的卷宗与地图。 Wei Chou gazes after King Ju to go far away, says with a smile: Really interesting, these officers......” 卫仇则目送王举远去,笑道:“真有意思,这些官啊……” Lin Muyu smiles: Officer is not this, all right, so long as these people did not destroy our motions to be good.” 林沐雨不禁一笑:“官不都是这样吗,沒事,只要这些人不破坏我们的行动就好了。” Yes.” “是。” On the face of Wei Chou a to sweep past respect, cup one fist in the other hand said: Commander, Sir Qin Yan had the person to go to seven zhang (3.33 m) forest excavation trap to go, after a night, can finish, our real early tomorrow morning continues to challenge.” 卫仇的脸上掠过一丝敬意,抱拳道:“统领,秦岩大人已经带人去七丈林挖掘陷坑去了,一夜之后就能完工,我们真的明天一早就继续去挑战吗。” Un.” “嗯。” Lin Muyu nods to say with a smile: Demon clan this fought buckle about one-fourth troops, was definitely annoying, before snow , the shame mood was very urgent, but in these 10,000 people of demon clan armor demon regiments did not have what resourceful general, was one group of fools, so long as we will provoke they certainly to be swindled tomorrow, but tomorrow do not attack the black ink loose pass/test, we challenged the fine park pass/test, in the fine park pass/test probably about 3000 armor demons to defend, destroys completely these 3000 people almost to make a connection to the path in righteousness and country's.” 林沐雨点头笑道:“魔族这一战折损了近1的人马,肯定非常懊恼,一雪前耻的心情十分迫切,但偏偏这10000人的魔族甲魔军团里沒有什么智将,都是一群笨蛋,只要我们明天挑衅他们就一定会上当,不过明天不要去攻打墨松关,我们去挑战嘉苑关,嘉苑关里大约有近3000名甲魔守备,灭掉这3000人就差不多能打通去往义和国的道路了。” Wei Chou one startled: Commander, you...... You want to go to the righteousness and country.” 卫仇一惊:“统领,你……你想去义和国。” Yes......” “是啊……” Lin Muyu both eyes read the dossier, body week Battle Qi is dense, was demonstrating his innermost feelings is not tranquil, but the sound is very tranquil, said lightly: Big brother Qin Lei head was chopped to soak in the medicine bottle, but also in Lingnan......” 林沐雨双眼看着卷宗,身周斗气氤氲,显示着他内心的不平静,但声音却十分平静,淡淡道:“秦雷大哥的头颅被砍下泡在药瓶里,还在岭南呢……” Saying, his rise looks to Wei Chou, in a pair of limpid pupil full is the hatred, muttered: I do not have one not to have the nightmare in the evening, I do not have one day not to kill toward Lingnan, recaptures big brother’s head, buries him under the town country tablet.” 说着,他抬头看向卫仇,一双清澈的眸子里满是恨意,喃喃道:“我沒有一个晚上不做噩梦,我沒有一天不想杀往岭南,夺回大哥的头颅,把他安葬在镇国碑下。” Wei Chou moves, eye red cup one fist in the other hand said: How regardless of Sir Commander plans to do, Wei Chou pledges certainly to fight to the death to follow, eternal life not regret.” 卫仇为之一动,眼睛通红的抱拳道:“无论统领大人打算怎么做,卫仇一定誓死追随,永生不悔。” Un, relax, I will not make you risk neck to recapture to lose anything, I cannot make everybody fall into the dangerous situation.” Lin Muyu lowers the head to continue to look at map, asked: How the situation in Lingnan, had the news.” “嗯,放心吧,我不会让你们冒着生命危险去夺回失地什么的,我再也不能让大家陷入险境了。”林沐雨低头继续看着地图,问道:“岭南的情况怎么样了,有消息吗。” Heard that Marshal Thunder of to rush demon clan leads 170,000 armor demon regiments to open killing for warning in dozens big and small cities of Lingnan greatly, the blood stream thousand li(500 km), but the rebel army of righteousness and country's does not make the resistance, returned to the steel and iron back wall, Lingnan now is a piece of bloodshed, false righteousness and country not only could not protect the safety of common people, ignored, the world person must also see clearly Qin resolute the false appearance now.” “听说魔族的雷冲元帅率领170000甲魔军团在岭南的几十座大小城池内大开杀戒,血流千里,而义和国的叛军根本不做抵抗,一路退回到钢铁护墙了,岭南如今已经是一片血海,虚伪的义和国不但保护不了平民的安全,更是置之不顾,天下人如今应当也看清了秦毅的虚伪面目了。” I knew.” Lin Muyu somewhat weary has rubbed the temples with the palm, said: Long Qianlin army, retreated.” “我知道了。”林沐雨有些疲倦的用手掌揉了揉太阳穴,说:“龙千林的军队呢,也都撤退了吗。” Yes.” “是的。” Wei Chou said: Long Qianlin initially withdrew troops from Orchid Goose City, has carried off 50,000 Lingnan Cavalry, now these five ten thousand cavalry military authorities had been given Long Qianlin by Qin Yifeng, after more than three years of tempering, this 50,000 people of Cavalry also becomes the Lingnan righteousness and a country most tyrannical strength, was called dragon to ride the armed forces by the Lingnan feudal lords ‚’, well-equipped, the tactical rules are wise, but...... After the demon clan invades Lingnan, Dragon Qijun has evaded not to fight, does not know that this Long Qianlin is actually thinking anything.” 卫仇道:“龙千林当初从兰雁城撤军,带走了50000岭南铁骑,如今这五万骑兵的兵权被秦毅封给了龙千林,经过三年多的磨砺,这支50000人铁骑也成为岭南义和国最为强横的一支战力,被岭南诸侯称之为‘龙骑军’,装备精良,战法高明,不过……魔族入侵岭南之后,龙骑军一直避而不战,不知道这个龙千林到底在想什么。” Dragon rides the armed forces.” “龙骑军。” Lin Muyu smiles, the eye looks at the trace on table, suddenly killing intent is dense and fresh. 林沐雨不禁一笑,眼睛看着桌案上的纹路,忽然之间一股杀意氤氲而生。 Commander, you......” Wei Chou stare, said: You are thinking anything.” 统领,你……”卫仇一愣,道:“你在想什么。” Does not have, does not have anything......” “沒,沒什么……” Lin Muyu shakes the head, said: I have one premonition, our gentian camp and Dragon Qijun must have a war, wait and see...... Wei Chou , to continue to strengthen training gentian camp, will happen one day, I want the gentian camp to ride the armed forces to kill a wiped out to the last man the Long Qianlin dragon, to console the Chu Huaisheng soul in heaven.” 林沐雨摇摇头,说:“我有一种预感,我们龙胆营与龙骑军必有一战,等着瞧吧……卫仇,继续加强训练龙胆营,终有一天,我要龙胆营把龙千林的龙骑军杀个片甲不留,以告慰楚怀渑的在天之灵。” Yes, subordinate meeting.” Wei Chou layer on layer cup one fist in the other hand, he is concerned looked at Lin Muyu, said: Sir, daytime in fought you to be also tired, earlier rested, the remaining matters, Wei Chou and Fengxi and Qin Yan two generals naturally can complete.” “是,属下会的。”卫仇重重一抱拳,他关切的看了看林沐雨,道:“大人,白天里的一战您也倦了,早点休息吧,剩下的事情,卫仇和风溪、秦岩两位将军自然会做好。” Un, knew.” “嗯,知道了。” Lin Muyu stands up, puts on the cream battle dress, said: Made one to heat trough hot water to me, I must soak a foot.” 林沐雨站起身,披上乳白色的战袍,说:“叫人给我烧一盆热水來,我要泡个脚。” Yes, Commander.” “是,统领。” ...... …… The Lingnan province, constructs the iron-covered steel and iron back wall to cross continent together, is very dignified, this together steel and iron back wall is protecting the righteousness and country does not wash out by the demon clan armor demon army. 岭南行省,一道浇筑着铁皮的钢铁护墙横穿大陆,十分威严,也正是这一道钢铁护墙保护着义和国不被魔族甲魔大军所冲散。 In the back wall, a young military officer throws over is commanding the cape, gorgeously looks at the distant place fragmentary flame the city, in the eye is passing the chill in the air and anger, said: Which city that is.” 护墙上,一名年轻将领披着统帅斗篷,巍然的看着远方零星火光的城池,眼中透着寒意与愤怒,道:“那是哪座城池。” Commander Qi Binglong, judges from the position, is seven Yuan city, in the city has about 100,000 population, now...... Degenerated into the territory of demon clan.” Nearby, Ten Thousand-Man Commander look indifferent saying. “启禀龙帅,从方位上判断,是七元城,城内有大约100000人口,现在……已经沦为魔族的领地了。”一旁,一名万夫长神色漠然的说道。 Long Qianlin sighs with regret, said: 100,000 population, such ruined in the hand of demon clan...... We are the criminals, is the criminal of righteousness and country and humanity......” 龙千林一声慨叹,道:“100000人口,就这么葬送在魔族的手里了……我们都是罪人,都是义和国和人类的罪人……” Ten Thousand-Man Commander is nipping the tooth, said: Other I am weak, this does not have the means of means that Dragon Shuai does not need to rebuke oneself.” 万夫长咬着牙齿,道:“彼强我弱,这是沒有办法的办法,龙帅也不必过于自责了。” How wire rope series trained.” “铁索连环阵训练得怎么样了。” Is training.” Some Ten Thousand-Man Commander bursting out laughing, asking cautiously: Dragon is graceful, we must meet head-on the demon clan thunder to clash the regiment with wire rope series, if...... If we have defeated, that 50,000 Dragon Qijun did not have, the righteousness and master of country sharpest King did not have.” “尚在训练之中。”万夫长有些哑然,小心翼翼的问道:“龙帅,我们真的要用铁索连环阵迎战魔族雷冲军团吗,如果……如果我们败了,那50000龙骑军就沒了,义和国最精锐的王者之师就沒了啊。” In the Long Qianlin eye projects together the none remaining, looks at the north of steel and iron back wall as before, said: Dragon rides the armed forces is the master of King, if cannot to mostly the series rout at present the powerful enemy, but also is the master of any King, listening to me to order is, after three day, Dragon Qijun left the steel and iron back wall from the flank important pass, avoided the main force to meet head-on the thunder to the auxiliary military force of regiment, I will go to battle personally, try the wire rope series might.” 龙千林眼中射出一道精光,依旧看着钢铁护墙的北方,道:“龙骑军是王者之师,如果不能为大都统击溃眼前强敌的话,还算什么王者之师,听我命令便是了,三日后,龙骑军从侧方关口出钢铁护墙,避开主力迎战雷冲军团的偏师,我会亲自出战,试一试铁索连环阵的威力。” Yes.” “是。” The cold wind blows the Long Qianlin body to tremble slightly, he asked suddenly: Mountain Range of Qin falls in the hand of fascinated clan, the empire has any action.” 寒风吹得龙千林身体微微一颤,他忽地问道:“秦岭落入魔族的手中,帝国有什么举动。” Xiang Yu and Lin Muyu leads the unit audiences to arrive in Mountain Range of Qin respectively, how the tactical situation does not know.” 项彧、林沐雨各自率领部众抵达秦岭,战况不知如何。” Forest Mu Yu also came......” “林沐雨也來了啊……” On the face of Long Qianlin full is pain, said lightly: Night, I rested.” 龙千林的脸上满是痛苦,淡淡道:“夜深了,我去睡了。” Yes, Dragon Shuai.” “是,龙帅。”
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