AG :: Volume #4

#388: Saint domain

( ( Roar roar roar......” “吼吼吼……” Three grandiose valiant armor demons brandish battle-axe to slash the city gate, on the forehead four White Diamond arrow arrows, blood stream over the face, probably is the brain caused heavy losses continuously, the whole body twitches is falling down, but as if also wants to grip battle-axe to continue as before to divide to chop the city gate, but behind, many armor demons brandished heavy weapons to approach under the city gate crowded. 三名壮硕彪悍的甲魔挥舞战斧猛砍城门,其中一名在的脑门上连续中了四支白钻箭矢,血流满面,大约是大脑受到了重创,浑身抽搐着跌倒在地,但依旧似乎还想握住战斧继续劈砍城门,而身后,更多的甲魔挥舞钝重兵刃拥挤向了城门下。 Although battle-axe of demon clan forging craft not excellent, even already rusty stain stained, but above handle battle-axe about 200 jin (0.5 kg), falling have made the city gate semblance iron sheet of Gucheng turn completely in the city gate, chops the sawdust to scatter, in an instant collapses loudly, no one has thought that the defense of arrange Gucheng like this will be unexpectedly frail, short less than 20 minutes were broken through the city gate. 魔族的战斧虽然铸造工艺并不精良,甚至已经锈迹斑斑,但一柄战斧之上近200斤重,一次次的落在城门上已经让布谷城的城门外表铁皮全部翻起,劈得木屑四溅,转眼之间轰然倒塌下來,谁也沒有想到布谷城的防御居然会这样脆弱,短短不到20分钟就被攻破了城门。 Bang.” “轰。” When the front door collapses, one crowd of armor demon both eyes blood red, nearly in crazy brandishes the weapons direct impact on go, however they have not flushed completely, tyrannical Battle Qi heads on. 大门倒塌下來之际,一群甲魔双眼血红、近乎于疯狂的挥舞兵刃直冲进去,然而他们尚未完全冲进去,一股强横斗气扑面而來。 Bang.” “嘭。” The lance changed into the star burr to pass several armor demons statures, their body straight bang the city gate, vice- Commander of guarding a gate gentian camp, Qin Yan, now Qin Yan cultivates to strive, had already stepped into the Heaven Realm 2nd Heavenly Layer peak boundary, above the lance Battle Qi was vigorous, in addition was young and vigorous, this prestige of striking naturally cannot belittle. 长矛化为点点星芒刺透了数名甲魔的身躯,将他们的身躯笔直的轰出城门,守门者正是龙胆营的副统领,,秦岩,如今秦岩修为精进,早就已经踏入了天境二重天巅峰境界,长矛之上斗气浑厚,加上年轻力壮,这一击之威自然不能小觑。 But armor demon huge quantity, and fell into the crazy battle condition, roared to fire into Qin Yan altogether. 但甲魔数量庞大,并且一个个陷入了疯狂的战斗状态,怒吼一声一股脑的冲向了秦岩 Defends the front door.” “守住大门。” Qin Yan drinks one lowly, troop grasps the gentian camp soldier of heavy shield to hold up the shield high, defends the entry, but Qin Yan raises the long gun|spear to graze to go forward, defending of one man guards the pass in the people front, the body the dragon air/Qi grazes on Monday, condenses for the dark golden dragon scales Martial Spirit shape, the dike, shield armor and thorn first-class Martial Spirit skill 11 in addition holds, lance one horizontal, welcomed dividing of five armor demons to cut to go. 秦岩低喝一声,身边一大群手持重盾的龙胆营士兵将盾牌高高举起,守住门洞,而秦岩则提着长枪飞掠上前,一夫当关的守在众人前方,身周一道道龙气飞掠而过,凝聚为暗金色的龙鳞甲武魂形态,岩壁、盾甲、刺甲等武魂技能11加持,长矛一横,迎着五名甲魔的劈斩而去。 „......” “蓬……” The bracing cold erupts, dragon scales ray inspires greatly, good Qin Yan, stiffly shakes five armor demons by the formidable defensive power of dragon scales together draws back, the lance delivers, tittering punctured thoroughly armor demon nape of the neck, this handle lance was Saint, and Lin Muyu seperately to spear head tempered White Diamond, punctured thoroughly armor demon hard armor naturally is a piece of cake. 气劲爆发开來,龙鳞甲光芒大振,好一个秦岩,硬生生的以龙鳞甲的强大防御力将五名甲魔一起震退,长矛一送,“噗嗤”一声刺透了一名甲魔的脖颈,这柄长矛是圣器,并且林沐雨另外给枪头淬炼白钻,刺透甲魔的硬甲自然是小菜一碟了。 Roar roar roar......” “吼吼吼……” The Qin Yan flaunting prestige makes armor demons angrier, over a hundred armor demons flushed reckless, many even directly raised the lance to throw. 秦岩的逞威却让甲魔们更加愤怒,上百名甲魔不顾一切的冲了过來,许多甚至直接扬起长矛就投掷了出去。 Works as ding-dong......” “当当当……” The lance hits unceasingly on the shield wall and dragon scales, the lance effort that armor demon inborn Divine Power, throws can be imagined, Qin Yan protects the dragon scales broken, but the complexion even more was pale, but the side has the gentian camp soldier unable to dominate the shield unceasingly, was killed by the lance, the pitiful yell sound occurred repeatedly, the tactical situation even more was then intense. 长矛不断撞击在盾墙与龙鳞甲上,甲魔天生神力,投掷出的长矛力度可想而知,秦岩力保龙鳞甲不破,但脸色却愈发的苍白了,而身边不断有龙胆营士兵把持不住盾牌,被长矛所射杀掉,惨叫声迭起,战况便愈发的激烈了。 ...... …… Below anything situation.” “下面什么情况。” Lin Muyu defends in the city wall, gentian camp soldier is divided half head by battle-axe that a armor demon threw, the blood plasma with ** the mix spattered in all directions, splashed on Lin Muyu's clothes armor, he clenched jaws, starts to promote within the body Battle Qi, lifted the hand to draw out sword blade, the offensive of armor demon was too fierce, the city wall in gentian camp arrange Gucheng defended the imperial superiority not to occupy the absolute winning side unexpectedly, this absolutely was incorrect. 林沐雨守在城墙上,身边一名龙胆营士兵被一枚甲魔投掷的战斧劈掉了半个脑袋,血浆与**混合迸溅开來,溅在林沐雨的衣甲上,他咬牙切齿,开始提升体内斗气,抬手拔出剑刃,甲魔的攻势太猛烈了,龙胆营布谷城的城墙守御优势居然沒有占到绝对上风,这绝对是不行的。 Outside city gate bang, is shining, and has heard the Qin Yan roaring sound, grasps at least 300 jin (0.5 kg) battle-axe armor demon to be shaken again and again by the dragon scales flies to draw back, but on the face full is the fierce and contemptuous happy expression, obviously his struck has made Qin Yan somewhat unable to withstand, this armor demon front was wearing the symbol of senior general, should be in armor demon regiment at least the character of Thousand-Man Commander rank, even might be Ten Thousand-Man Commander, must solve this armor demon military officer first, otherwise city gate on danger. 城门外“嘭”的一声,金光四射,并且传來了秦岩的怒吼声,一名手持至少300斤战斧的甲魔被龙鳞甲震得连连飞退,但脸上满是狰狞而轻蔑的笑意,显然他的这一击已经让秦岩有些承受不住了,并且,这个甲魔胸前佩戴着高级将领的徽记,应该是甲魔军团中至少千夫长级别的人物,甚至有可能是万夫长了,必须先解决掉这个甲魔将领,不然城门就危险了。 Works as.” “当。” Lin Muyu has drawn out the Dragon Spirit sword, the body week Battle Qi maneuver condensation is the Saint Realm spin fights the glow fiercely. 林沐雨拔出了龙灵剑,身周斗气回旋凝聚为圣域的旋烈斗芒。 Wei Chou in great surprise, hurried say|way: Control...... You are the arrange Gucheng's three services command, will be the resourceful general does not fight, but cannot go forth to battle by oneself, the subordinate will plead Commander do not go.” 卫仇大惊,急忙道:“统制……你是布谷城的三军统帅,是智将不是斗将,可千万不能亲身上阵啊,属下恳求统领千万不要去。” All right.” “沒事。” Lin Muyu confident smiles, said: My Heaven Realm time can with armor demon preying, now Saint Realm, they how me, relax, I will not prolong contact, but strives for a superiority for Ah'Yan, you defend in the city, the arrow box do not attack interrupted.” 林沐雨胸有成竹的一笑,道:“我天境的时候就能与甲魔搏杀,现在圣域了,他们更加奈何不了我,放心,我不会恋战,只是为阿岩争取一点优势,你们守住城上,箭箱不要间断攻击。” Yes.” “是。” In look that Wei Chou worries about, Lin Muyu stands up from failure to fly the city wall, the body is wrapped by the cream honest fighting armor, long sword flies high to fall, just likes the stars crash world of human beings is together ordinary. 卫仇担忧的眼神中,林沐雨翻身飞下來城墙,身体被乳白色敦厚的斗铠所包裹着,长剑凌空落下,犹如一道星辰坠落人界一般。 Bang.” “轰。” Prestige of the sword just likes the deity descends to earth, in the sword light, the statures of three armor demons were ripped pile of hashed meat, a aura of stench overflows, the ordinary armor demon cannot block the Lin Muyu's Stars Art first type to strike. 一剑之威犹如天神下凡,剑光中,三名甲魔的身躯被撕成了一堆碎肉,一股腥臭的气息四溢起來,普通甲魔是挡不住林沐雨的星辰诀第一式一击的。 The sword light releases to fall on the place, tows a long gully, goes straight to near the foot of that armor demon military officer, his rise looks at Lin Muyu, in a scarlet eye full is fierce and angry, in the hand a battle-axe spin, roars suddenly: Tea Baja.” 剑光泄落在地,拖曳成一道长长的沟壑,直抵那名甲魔将领的脚边,他抬头看着林沐雨,一双猩红的眼睛里满是狰狞与愤怒,手中战斧猛然一旋,怒吼一声:“茶巴哈。” Which Lin Muyu knows that he was saying anything, but is certainly scolding itself, is not forgiving, left hand, the band of seven colors galaxy condenses gently together slowly, is the stars chains of Stars Art second type, jumps to spin to go, the palm raises, the band wraps the armor demon military officer who airborne raids rapidly. 林沐雨哪儿知道他在说什么,但一定是在骂自己,也不留情,左手轻轻一张,一道七色星河的绸带缓缓凝聚而成,正是星辰诀第二式的星辰锁链,纵身疾奔而去,掌心一扬,绸带迅速包裹住空中袭來的这名甲魔将领。 Roar.” “吼。” armor demon military officer roars unceasingly, regarding own strength makes him self-confidently very extremely arrogant, thinks that own battle-axe can chop to chop all between world, what a pity, this axe unexpectedly just likes the clay ox entering the sea under the fetter of stars chains, cannot use a wee bit strengths to come, this stars chains looks like the rope more bundles together generally is tighter, even in Untidy-looking his both arms hears the report of skeleton, the pitiful yell is unceasing. 甲魔将领怒吼不绝,对于自身力量的自信让他变得十分狂妄,认为自己的战斧能够劈砍天地间的一切,可惜,这一斧头在星辰锁链的束缚下居然犹如泥牛入海,根本就使不出一丁点的力气來,这星辰锁链就像是一道绳索一般越捆越紧,甚至勒得他双臂之中传來骨骼的爆裂声,惨叫不绝。 Death.” “死。” Before Lin Muyu sharply rushes, fights the boots to tread suddenly on the front armor of this armor demon military officer, a Dragon Spirit sword spin, brought to burn fierce True Dragon Fire to puncture to armor demon nape of the neck, from top to bottom, passed the heart, in the process that in armor demon military officer tumbled loudly drew out to bring long sword of blood, jumped to leap floating falls to the ground, the white long gown fluttered with the wind, was especially of outstanding ability. 林沐雨急冲上前,战靴猛然踏在这名甲魔将领的胸前铠甲上,龙灵剑一旋,带着灼烈的真龙元火对着甲魔的脖颈就刺了下去,自上而下,直透心脏,在甲魔将领轰然跌倒的过程中拔出带着鲜血的长剑,纵身一跃飘然落地,白色长袍随风飘扬,格外俊逸。 Roar roar.” “吼吼。” Surroundings, about hundred original manuscripts besiege the city gate armor demon to be dumbfounded, on faces is the anger is panic-stricken, finally, one after another throws weapons to come, to directly soar Lin Muyu. 周围,近百名原本围攻城门的甲魔目瞪口呆,一个个脸上又是愤怒又是惊恐,最终,纷纷投掷出兵刃來,直奔林沐雨。 Lin Muyu vision one cold, drinks one lowly, the golden bottle gourd wall broken body, but lingers in the surroundings, immediately expunges handle handle battle-axe and lance one after another ejection, the surroundings, one crowd of unarmed armor demons roared to come loudly, the commander was killed, they also lost the reason, will not prey on forest Mu Yu under the city as if not give up attacking. 林沐雨目光一寒,低喝一声,金色葫芦壁破体而出萦绕在周围,顿时将一柄柄战斧、长矛纷纷弹射开去,周围,一群赤手空拳的甲魔大声咆哮而來,统帅被杀死,他们也已经失去了理智,不把林沐雨搏杀在城下似乎也不会放弃进攻了。 Is facing dense one crowd of armor demons, Lin Muyu not startled, vigorous Battle Qi direct impact consciousness goes, the next moment, the Battle Qi energy changes into the Spiritual Force quantity, the formidable saint domain blots out the sky to fall, and in the domain field is dense the golden God Binding Lock gloss, the Lin Muyu's domain pressure was in addition held God Binding Lock Divine Power, was not ordinary Saint Realm expert can compare by far. 面对着黑压压的一群甲魔,林沐雨并未惊慌,一股雄浑斗气直冲意海而去,下一刻,斗气能量化为精神力量,强大的圣者领域铺天盖地落下,并且领域场中还氤氲着一道道金色缚神锁的光泽,林沐雨的领域威压是加持了缚神锁神力的,远远不是普通圣域强者所能相比。 Bang bang bang......” “嘭嘭嘭……” The combative armor demons only thought the whole body received the imprisonment to be ordinary, many armor demon knees one soft knees down unexpectedly, under the formidable Saint Realm pressure, they absolutely does not have the strength of revolt. 一个个原本杀气腾腾的甲魔只觉得浑身都受到了禁锢一般,不少甲魔居然双膝一软就那么跪倒在地,在强大的圣域威压下,他们完全沒有反抗之力。 The sword glittering, Lin Muyu has been a sickleman cuts to fall likely generally armor demons heads, in an instant chops about 50 armor demons the head, Battle Qi in within the body was not enough to continue to maintain the domain finally, that moment when the domain relieved, armor demons stood up to returning to run, they had realized that at present this formidable humanity is not can defeat. 剑光闪烁而过,林沐雨像是一个收割者一般将一颗颗甲魔的头颅斩落下來,转眼之间砍下近50颗甲魔的人头,体内的斗气终于不足以继续维持领域了,当领域解除的那一刻,一个个甲魔站起身就向回跑,他们已经意识到眼前这个强大的人类并不是自己能够战胜的了。 The distant place, hears armor demon unique sharp conch sound, they were ordering to retreat. 远方,传來甲魔特有的尖利螺号声,他们在下令撤退了。 Under city, as before also many armor demons in storm city, but greets their is the baptism of heartless White Diamond arrow, the revolt of armor demon is getting more and more weak, until evolved an escape finally, thousands of armor demon disorderly running away to the black ink loose pass/test, gave up to the attack of arrange Gucheng. 城下,依旧还有不少甲魔在强攻城池,但迎接他们的是无情白钻箭头的洗礼,甲魔的反抗越來越微弱,直至最后演变成了一场逃逸,数以千计的甲魔凌乱的逃向了墨松关,放弃了对布谷城的进攻。 ...... …… In Lin Muyu returns to the city again, on the battle dress was stained with completely the blood. 林沐雨重回城内,战袍上沾满了鲜血。 On the Qin Yan arm is entangling gauze, as if received a minor wound, excited saying: Big brother, we attack, runs away while this flock of cockroach insects in a panic.” 秦岩则手臂上缠着纱布,似乎受了一点轻伤,一脸兴奋的说道:“大哥,我们进攻吧,趁着这群蟑虫仓皇而逃的时候。” No.” “不。” Lin Muyu shakes the head: A hard-pressed enemy should not be pursued too far, let alone the quantity of armor demon are as before many, once at the outside field operation, we lost the arch of city to protect, perhaps was not their matches.” 林沐雨摇摇头:“穷寇莫追,何况甲魔的数量依旧不少,一旦在外面野战,我们失去了城池的拱护,恐怕就不是他们的对手了。” Actually, what is more important was Lin Muyu has killed many armor demons using the Saint Realm pressure, but has at least consumed within the body about half Battle Qi, perhaps chased down again has improper, these armor demons extremely in powerful, must defeat them, price not poor. 其实,更重要的是林沐雨利用圣域威压杀了不少甲魔,但至少耗费了体内近半的斗气,再去追杀恐怕有所不妥,这些甲魔太过于强悍,要击败他们,代价不菲。 Nearby, Fengxi said: What Sir said that armor demon is tyrannical, strength is infinite, once compelled them to go all out with us in the open country anxiously, perhaps the gentian camp at least must pay the opposite party quantity over three times prices to wipe out them, was too not worth.” 一旁,风溪道:“大人说的是,甲魔强横、力道无穷,一旦逼急了他们在野外跟我们拼命,恐怕龙胆营至少要付出对方数量三倍以上的代价才能全歼他们,太不值得了。” Un.” “嗯。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, said: Sends for going out of town Ba arrow, as long as the blood was not the red armor demon do not pull out the arrow, after drawing out the arrow, calculated the quantity points of these armor demons, dug a big hole to bury completely, buried deeply, on armor demon bacteria are many, do not have the plague to come.” 林沐雨点点头,说:“派人出城拔箭,但凡鲜血不是红色的甲魔就不要去拔箭了,拔出箭头之后把这些甲魔的数量点算一下,挖个大坑全部埋了,埋得深一点,甲魔身上细菌多,别生出瘟疫來。” Yes.” “是。” Qin Yan cup one fist in the other hand, said with a smile respectfully: Big brother, we went to battle with beforehand empress Your Highness are the military system reform increased reward rule to an demon clan fight, the request, as long as after striking killed armor demon, can knock the Xiajia demon two buckteeth to take the certificate, whether we knocked these dying in battle armor demons the fang.” 秦岩抱拳,恭敬笑道:“大哥,我们出征之前女帝殿下为军制改革添加了一条对魔族战斗的奖赏条例,要求但凡击杀甲魔之后,可以敲下甲魔的两颗獠牙作为凭证,我们是否敲下这些战死甲魔的獠牙。” Good, goes.” “好,去吧。” Yes.” “是。” Emperor ** in old system, once repels the enemy, rewards the way of soldier is camp women, massacres city, in the plundering city generally the belongings, but in the Lin Muyu's gentian camp already abolished these customs, therefore makes them knock off armor demon the fang, this was the best reward. 帝**的旧制中,一旦击退敌军,奖赏士兵的方式一般都是营姬、屠城、掠夺城内财物等,但林沐雨的龙胆营里早就废除了这些规矩,所以让他们去敲掉甲魔的獠牙,这是最佳的奖励了。 ...... …… Looks at outside the city the innumerable armor demon corpse, Lin Muyu is smug, this is first time gains the absolute quality victory to armor demon regiment, but also needs to make persistent efforts , to continue to seek for armor demon the weakness, by shame of defeat of report winter frost city, can be Mu Yulin and Min battle, Xu Ying and others the military officers who died in battle takes revenge. 看着城外无数甲魔的尸体,林沐雨心里踌躇满志,这是第一次对甲魔军团取得绝对性的胜利,还需要再接再厉,继续寻找甲魔的弱点,以报冬霜城之败的耻辱,也能为闵禹林、闵战、徐鹰等战死的将领们复仇。
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