AG :: Volume #4

#387: The arrow box reveals the prestige

( ( Night, the candlelight is dragging in the armed forces big tent of gentian camp gently, Wei Chou sets the simple map that just drew up on the table, on the forehead seeps out the careful sweat, said with a smile: Enlisted in the military only to draw up such map, Commander was using reluctantly, the demon race's marking point on Mountain Range of Qin has drawn up.” 夜晚,烛火在龙胆营的中军大帐内轻轻摇曳着,卫仇将一张刚刚绘制的简易地图铺放在桌案上,额头上渗出细细的汗水,笑着说道:“参军们只能绘制出这样的地图了,统领勉强用着吧,魔族在秦岭上的标记点都已经重新绘制了。” Un.” “嗯。” Lin Muyu the hand presses the table, said: Rapid Bai Hangsheng, the star province by Mountain Range of Qin, this Mountain Range of Qin about 200 li (0.5km) lengths, the demon clan will not have too many military strength to contend with us separately.” 林沐雨手按桌案,说:“迅白行省、地星行省分别在秦岭两侧,这一段的秦岭大约有200里长度,魔族不会有太多的兵力跟我们抗衡。” Wei Chou nods: Demon clan 10,000 military strength were arranged in nearly 10 li (0.5km) Mountain Range of Qin important pass, is scattered.” 卫仇点点头:“魔族10000兵力被布置在近10里地秦岭关口上,非常分散。” Yes.” “是啊。” Nearby, Qin Yan is grasping Lin Muyu the Saint Level lance that brings from chaos, on the face to sweep past worried look, said: Big brother, even if only then 10,000 demon clans, but after is armor demon, we do not have the rice river as the barrier now, once armor demon kills Mountain Range of Qin, the decisive battle on plain fears heavy cavalry of gentian camp cheaply not to occupy.” 一旁,秦岩握着林沐雨从混沌界带回來的圣品长矛,脸上掠过一丝忧色,道:“大哥,纵然只有10000魔族,但毕竟是甲魔啊,我们现在沒有稻江作为屏障,一旦甲魔杀下秦岭,在平原上的决战恐怕龙胆营的重骑兵一点便宜都占不到。” Not necessarily.” “未必。” Lin Muyu the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards tighten said: „A winter frost city war, we at all the strength of surrendering demon regiment, therefore dispatches cavalry to fight a decisive battle with armor demon on the plain, has caused final suffer a crushing defeat, armor demon strength is strong, carapace is thick, the ordinary sword is very difficult to chop to put on, moreover their strengths also already strong to the situation of fearless cavalry impulse, but we have always neglected a point, we gave up the cavalry proper superiority.” 林沐雨剑眉紧锁道:“冬霜城一战,我们根本不了解甲魔军团的实力,所以派遣骑兵在平原上跟甲魔决战,导致了最后的惨败,甲魔力量强、甲壳厚,普通刀剑很难砍穿,而且他们的力量也已经强到无惧骑兵冲击力的地步,但我们始终忽略了一点,我们放弃了骑兵应有的优势。” Any superiority.” Fengxi asked in consternation. “什么优势。”风溪愕然问道。 Lin Muyu the corners of the mouth raise: Mobility.” 林沐雨嘴角一扬:“机动性。” What mobility.” Wei Chou asked. “何谓机动性。”卫仇问道。 Lin Muyu explained: So-called mobility is to refer to the mobile capability, armor demon speed again quickly also quickly our cavalry, we can adopt the harassment tactic, all heavy cavalry download the mail-armor and helmet, changes the body becomes light cavalry, takes the bow and arrow, pulls open with armor demon distance, has killed them with the White Diamond arrow, armor demon pursues us to walk, and can dispatch many light cavalry sneak attack armor demons the military strength, their separations of force, subsequently killed these armor demons using trap, thorn car(riage) and other tactics.” 林沐雨解释道:“所谓机动性就是指移动能力,甲魔的速度再快也快不过我们的骑兵,我们可以采取骚扰战术,所有重骑兵卸掉甲胄,变身成轻骑兵,带上弓箭,拉开与甲魔的距离,一直用白钻箭射杀他们,甲魔追我们就走,并且可以派遣多股轻骑兵偷袭甲魔的兵力,把他们的兵力分散开來,继而利用陷坑、棘车等战术杀死这些甲魔。” On the face of Qin Yan gushes out the excited color: Big brother, this tactic.” 秦岩的脸上涌出兴奋之色:“大哥,这种战术真的可以吗。” Ok, but......” forest Mu Yu hesitates, said: All must look tomorrow's fights the result to be what kind, Thunder to rush armor demon regiment kills the empire to strike awe regiment whole army has been annihilated in the winter frost city, this is the shame of empire, armor demon has killed Mountain Range of Qin at this moment, forces the righteousness and country instead very draws back draws back again, armor demon regiment arrogance Sheng, our tomorrow's war must kill armor demon well the spirit.” “可以,不过……”林沐雨沉吟一声,说:“一切都要看明天的一战结果怎样,雷冲的甲魔军团在冬霜城杀得帝国扬威军团全军覆灭,这是帝国的耻辱,此时此刻甲魔又杀过了秦岭,逼迫义和国反贼一退再退,甲魔军团傲气正盛,我们明天一战必须好好杀一杀甲魔的锐气。” Wei Chou nods: I and others all depending on the Commander arrangement.” 卫仇点头:“我等全凭统领安排。” Good.” “好。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, said: Tomorrow's 0.5000 gentian camp elite cavalry go out of town to challenge with me, directs arrange Gucheng armor demon, remembers that all arrow boxes must install ahead of time, erects in the city wall, tomorrow can rout armor demon army to look at the achievement of arrow box, tonight earlier rests, early tomorrow morning starts to take action.” 林沐雨点点头,说:“明天0.5000名龙胆营精锐骑兵跟我出城去挑战,把甲魔引到布谷城來,记得所有的箭箱都要提前安装好,架设在城墙上,明天能不能击溃甲魔大军就看箭箱的作为了,今晚早点休息,明天一早就开始行动。” Yes.” “是。” In the barrack of gentian camp the flame drags, all appear that quiet, but all people know that tomorrow will soon welcome decisive battle once more with demon clan, the righteousness and country has defeated, Mountain Range of Qin held the important pass entire tribe in demon clan, the gentian camp must from demon clan approaching several important pass seizure power seized, otherwise the thunder will slaughter the righteousness and entering empire core region of country vast stretch of flat land to the hundreds of thousands armor demon armies of regiment. 龙胆营的营盘中火光摇曳,一切都显得那么静谧,但所有人都知道,明天即将迎來与魔族的再次决战,义和国败了,秦岭的扼守关口全部落在了魔族手里,龙胆营必须从魔族手里把临近的几处关口占领权夺回來,否则雷冲军团的十几万甲魔大军屠杀完义和国就会一马平川的杀入帝国核心地带。 ...... …… Next morning, the sunlight disperses the dense fog, in jungle the hoofbeat is stormy, Lin Muyu personally led 5000 gentian camp elite cavalry to go out of town, goes straight to Mountain Range of Qin at the foot of the hill, on roadside coniferous pines has hung all over the dew, falling, the drop splashed on the Lin Muyu's mail-armor and helmet, burst out a faint trace water drop to splash on the face, unexpectedly somewhat cool feeling. 次日清晨,阳光驱散迷雾,丛林里马蹄声密集,林沐雨亲自率领5000名龙胆营精锐骑兵出城,直抵秦岭的山脚下,路边一颗颗针叶松上挂满了露水,啪嗒啪嗒的落下,滴溅在林沐雨的甲胄上,迸发开一丝丝水珠溅在脸上,竟有几分凉意。 Again toward the front is a spacious mountain road, goes nonstop to south Mountain Range of Qin, this is neighbor only one can surmount the Mountain Range of Qin section, paint black Nanking is situated in the mountain valleys, black ink loose pass/test, empire star province and righteousness and first fort between country rapid white provinces, but at this time, the black ink loosen pass/test fell in the hand of demon clan. 再往前方就是一条宽敞山道,直通秦岭南方,这是附近唯一一个能够攀越秦岭的地段,一座漆黑色的石头城塞坐落在山谷之间,墨松关,帝国地星行省与义和国迅白行省之间的第一要塞,而此时,墨松关已经落在了魔族的手中。 , Grasps the heavy battle-axe armor demon back and forth to patrol by far in the area just outside the city gate, in the area just outside the city gate also sets up an demon clan war flag, on the war flag is drawing up two handle overlapping modeling strange long sword, named Divine sword flag, should be the belief of demon clan, probably is also the higher demon clan understands the reason of say|way of Sword Technique to be. 远远的,一个个手持沉重战斧的甲魔在城关上來回巡走,城关上还插着一面魔族战旗,战旗上绘制着两柄交叉的造型怪异的长剑,名为“神剑旗”,应该是魔族的信仰,大约也是高等魔族都深谙剑术之道的原因所在。 horse treads the pine needle distantly, Lin Muyu looks at the black ink loose pass/test of distant place, said: Exchanges the bow and arrow, closes the fire from the place chaotic arrow of important pass half li (0.5km) road toward the black ink loosen, directing the demon clan to go out to meet head-on, we cannot walk too quickly, must not near coherence they.” 马踏松叶,林沐雨遥遥的看着远方的墨松关,说:“换上弓箭,距离关口半里路的地方乱箭往墨松关上射击,引魔族出关迎战,咱们不能走得太快,务必不远不近的粘着他们。” Yes, Commander.” “是,统领。” One crowd of gentian camp soldier one after another and other long handle weapons are hanging the lance, long gun|spear nearby the warhorse, lifts the hand to take out the bow and arrow, speeds away to close together to the black ink loosen on mountain ridge along with forest Mu Yu. 一群龙胆营士兵纷纷将长矛、长枪等长柄武器悬挂在战马一旁,抬手取出弓箭,随着林沐雨一起疾驰向山岭上的墨松关下。 In the area just outside the city gate, one crowd of armor demons had also discovered the trail of human army, they seem to be excited, is bellowing some demon clan languages of not being able to understand in the area just outside the city gate, frowning of Wei Chou cannot bear: This flock of cockroach insects were calling anything.” 城关上,一群甲魔也发现了人类军队的踪迹,他们似乎非常兴奋,在城关上嗷嗷大吼着一些听不懂的魔族语,卫仇忍不住的皱起了眉头:“这群蟑虫在叫什么。” God knows, prepares to kill.” “天知道,准备射杀。” Lin Muyu opens the hand to raise warhorse one side treasure to carve the bow, made contact with a special characteristics black great arrow, above the palm spins has fought the glow to be dense fiercely, the strength of overwhelming True Dragon Fire emerged in the great arrow, whiz a pen non-stop flew to the area just outside the city gate, the next moment, bang a great arrow pricked in the rock, spattered in all directions together the flying dust. 林沐雨张手擎起战马一侧的宝雕弓,搭上了一枚特质黑色巨箭,手掌之上一道道旋烈斗芒氤氲,浩然真龙元火之力涌入巨箭之中,“嗖”一声笔直飞向了城关上,下一刻,“嘭”一声巨箭刺入岩石之中,迸溅出一道飞尘。 Roar.” “吼,。” A armor demon military officer profound head looks at not far away to insert the great arrow in city wall, rise looks to distant place dense and numerous gentian camp heavy cavalry, raising battle-axe that cannot bear, bellows: Dry west that.” 一名甲魔军官深长脑袋看着不远处插在城墙上的巨箭,抬头看向了远方密密麻麻的龙胆营重骑兵,忍不住的扬起战斧,一声大吼:“干巴西那。” Commander, this demon clan language is any meaning, after dry west that......” a Wei Chou arrow shot the flag string of demon clan, asked with a smile. 统领,这句魔族语是什么意思,干巴西那……”卫仇一箭射断了魔族的旗帜绳子之后,笑着问道。 Does not know that......” forest Mu Yu shakes the head, said: Approximately meaning is...... Kills to go out of town, chops his blood mother, to dig the meaning of his ancestral grave......” “不知道……”林沐雨摇摇头,说:“大约的意思是……杀出城來,砍他血妈、挖他祖坟的意思吧……” This flock of smelly cockroach insects, dare to dig our ancestral graves......” Wei Chou lightly smiled: „After we destroyed completely the demon clan, must exhaust their ancestral graves, an eye for an eye.” “这群臭蟑虫,竟敢挖我们的祖坟……”卫仇微微一笑:“等我们灭掉魔族之后,一定要挖掉他们的祖坟,以眼还眼。” The surrounding gentian camp soldiers laugh boisterously. 周围的龙胆营士兵都哄然大笑起來。 At this moment, the black ink loosen turns off the heavy iron gate suddenly buzz humming sound rose, the the next moment innumerable armor demons raised heavy weapons then to clash, in the mouth was roaring dry west that, even some were also vibrating the wing, made the leaping flight of short distance, indeed, moving speed of armor demon wanted moving of surpassing by far humanity, but compared with the warhorse is well below. 就在这时,墨松关沉重的铁门忽然“嗡嗡嗡”的升了起來,下一刻无数甲魔提着钝重的兵刃便冲了出來,口中嗷嗷怒吼着“干巴西那”,甚至有的还振动着翅膀,做出短距离的跃动飞行,诚然,甲魔的跑动速度远远超过人类的跑动,但是与战马相比就远远不及了。 Retreats.” “撤退。” Lin Muyu entrains the reins, instigates to stroll in the snow to turn around to go, after 5000 gentian camps the advance guard support turns immediately the team, from the pinery on the main road returns rapidly, but Wei Chou does not flee completely, on a face of outstanding ability full is killing intent, said: First team of retreating, the second team prepares to kill.” 林沐雨一拽缰绳,策动踏雪转身而去,5000龙胆营马上前队变成后队,急速从松林内大道上返回,而卫仇并不完全逃离,一张俊逸的脸上满是杀意,道:“第一队撤退,第二队准备射杀。” About 300 gentian camp cavalry anchor the warhorse rapidly, turns around to pick up the bow nocking, „after whiz one round shoots fiercely, immediately dials the horse to walk, a rear round archery actually prepared to finish, after two rounds snapped, several by hitting a target the armor demon of eye and oral cavity miserable howling fell get lost in the pinery, this has enraged other armor demons. 近300名龙胆营骑兵飞速停住战马,转身拈弓搭箭,“嗖”一轮猛射之后马上拨马就走,后方的一轮射箭却又准备完毕了,两轮乱射之后,几名被射中眼睛和口腔的甲魔惨嚎不已的在松林内跌滚着,这更加激怒了其余的甲魔。 Thump, thump, thump.” “咚,咚,咚。” The distant place, the black ink loosen closed to hear the battle drum sound of demon clan, these thought simple armor demon military officers did not understand that what tempts the idea of enemy, was in a rage completely has armor demon regiment that the black ink loosen pass/test, shouting oneself hoarse chased down Lin Muyu to lead 5000 gentian camp elite cavalry that. 远方,墨松关上传來了魔族的战鼓声,果然,这些思维简单的甲魔将领根本就不懂得什么叫诱敌之计,一怒之下尽起墨松关的甲魔军团,声嘶力竭的追杀着林沐雨所率领的5000名龙胆营精锐骑兵 ...... …… After leaving the pinery, Wei Chou has not stopped the bow riding the tactic, the coherence demon clan did not put, but armor demons soldiers in gentian camp have not killed, eyes are red, grasp battle-axe to dash about wildly furiously. 出了松林之后,卫仇并未停止弓骑战术,一直粘着魔族不放,而甲魔们虽然一个龙胆营的士兵都沒有杀到,却也一个个眼睛通红,握着战斧奋力狂奔着。 This pursues is nearly 40 li (0.5km), arrange Gucheng already appeared in the front, Qin Yan and Fengxi in the area just outside the city gate, the big sonar shouts: Commander, a bit faster enters a city.” 这一追就是近40里地,布谷城已然出现在前方,秦岩、风溪就在城关上,大声呐喊道:“统领,快点进城來。” The battle drum sound writings in arrange Gucheng, attracted the attention of demon clan army directly. 布谷城上的战鼓声大作,直接吸引了魔族军队的注意力。 Runs an demon clan military officer in front line to brandish battle-axe, is roaring: Dry west that.” 奔跑在最前方的一名魔族将领将战斧抡起,嗷嗷怒吼着:“干巴西那。” The hoofbeat is stormy, the gentian camp enters a city rapidly, the last person enters in the city time, Lin Muyu orders to say loudly: Guan Cheng men, prepares arrow box, once armor demon enters the firing distance to launch.” 马蹄声密集,龙胆营迅速进城,最后一人进入城中的时候,林沐雨大声命令道:“关城门,准备箭箱,一旦甲魔进入射程就发射。” The front door closes loudly, Lin Muyu gives a bodyguard the warhorse, raised long sword to lead Wei Chou and other military officers to rush to the city wall, looked distantly, the dense and numerous armor demon army has encircled, Wei Chou can"t help it, has held breath a cold air/Qi: Commander, at least over 5000 armor demons, their this was must act seriously.” 大门轰然闭合起來,林沐雨则将战马交给一名侍卫,提着长剑就带着卫仇等将领冲上了城墙,遥遥望去,密密麻麻的甲魔大军围了过來,卫仇禁不住倒吸了一口冷气:“统领,至少超过5000名甲魔,他们这是要动真格的了。” Has not related, making them come.” “沒关系,让他们來。” Lin Muyu is narrowing the eye, said: Arrow box preparation.” 林沐雨眯着眼睛,道:“箭箱准备。” In the city wall, the arrow box places one row, the soldier in gentian camp calibrates slowly kills the angle, straight to the city , the killing effort from top to bottom will be stronger, can significantly promote the penetrating power of arrow box. 城墙上,箭箱摆放成一排,龙胆营的士兵缓缓校准射杀角度,笔直的对着城下,自上而下的射杀力度会更强,也能大幅度提升箭箱的穿透力。 ...... …… Roar roar......” “吼吼……” Under the city, armor demon army roared is killing to rush to the city wall, their attacking a city ways were very simple, dug the foundation of city wall with battle-axe, the short time could not see the effect, dug one hour also a little awfully. 城下,甲魔大军怒吼着杀奔了城墙,它们的攻城方式十分简单,用战斧刨挖城墙的根基,短时间看不出效果,刨个一小时也就有点要命了。 Preparation, puts the arrow.” When armor demon close city about 200 meters, Lin Muyu ordered decisively. “准备,放箭。”当甲魔接近城池大约200米的时候,林沐雨果断下令。 Suddenly, on the city over a hundred arrow boxes launch the attack together, tempered alloy steel arrow straight shooting at burning distant place, puff shot through armor demon body, really on such that such as Lin Muyu expects, the formidable penetrating power of arrow box can puncture thoroughly armor demon sufficiently hard armor, and tempered burning can the upas general killing armor demon. 一时间,城池上上百个箭箱一起发动攻击,一枚枚淬炼了火毒的特制钢箭笔直的射向了远方,“噗噗噗”的射穿了一个个甲魔的身躯,果然就如林沐雨所预料的那样,箭箱的强大穿透力足以能刺透甲魔的硬甲了,并且淬炼的火毒能够见血封喉一般的杀死甲魔。 In an instant the armor demon under city died a big piece, but these armor demons as if are not willing to accept this result, dense one crowd attacked as before to the city gate, humming sound times divided to chop the front door with battle-axe. 转眼之间城池下的甲魔就死掉一大片了,但这些甲魔似乎并不愿意接受这个结果,依旧黑压压的一群攻向了城门,用战斧嗡嗡的一次次劈砍着大门。 In city arrows falling like the rain, uniform White Diamond arrow. 城上箭如雨下,清一色的白钻箭。 Arrow box nearby soldier rapidly twists to pull the rope, gathers the strength and packing arrow arrow for the arrow box, this process is completed by 8 soldiers together, probably takes 2 minutes, but also sufficed. 箭箱旁边的士兵则飞速绞动扳索,为箭箱重新蓄力、填充箭矢,这个过程由8名士兵一起完成,大约需要2分钟时间,但也够了。 On the city, uses the archery time arrived, Wei Chou and the others drew the full moon the bowstring, times killed armor demon that attacked a city with the White Diamond arrow. 城池上,施展箭术的时候到了,卫仇等人将弓弦拉成了满月,一次次的用白钻箭射杀掉攻城的甲魔。 ...... …… In the city gate able to move unhindered innumerable battle-axe are dividing has chopped the trace, has somewhat creakied, the Qin Yan knitting the brows head, said: Big brother, the city gate soon jacket demon divided rottenly, I went.” 城门上纵横着无数战斧劈砍过的痕迹,已经有些摇摇欲坠了,秦岩不禁皱了皱眉头,道:“大哥,城门快要被甲魔劈烂了,我去。” Un, is certainly careful.” “嗯,一定要小心。” Yes.” “是。”
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