AG :: Volume #4

#386: Without firing a single bullet

( ( In the morning, the mist lingers in Orchid Goose City, Qin Yin accompanied Lin Muyu to leave Ze Tian Palace under the protections of four Ze Tian Palace court ladies, went to battle to near, Lin Muyu a military garb, outside the dark blue empire high-quality military uniform was covering sincere silver clothes armor, a white cape threw over after behind, clamped the silver helmet in the armpit, said with a smile: Xiao Yin does not need to deliver, we march with light packs, one day later can arrive in arrange Gucheng.” 清晨,雾气萦绕在兰雁城中,秦茵在四名泽天殿女官的守护下陪同林沐雨出了泽天殿,出征在即,林沐雨一身戎装,深蓝色的帝国高级军装外覆盖着厚重的银色衣甲,一袭白色斗篷披于身后,将银盔夹在腋下,笑吟吟道:“小茵不必送了,我们轻装行军,一天后就能抵达布谷城了。” Un, is certainly careful.” In a Qin Yin pair of beautiful eye does not abandon completely. “嗯,一定要小心啊。”秦茵一双美目中满是不舍。 Relax.” “放心吧。” Lin Muyu is self-confident: I and demon clan have had to do, what let alone seizes Mountain Range of Qin is foolhardy Thunder to rush, but is not brave and resourceful Qian Feng, this was insufficient to fear, actually the situation that you must pay attention to a rice river coast steel and iron back wall, will momentarily alert Qian Feng to mount a large-scale attack from the winter frost city Cangnan Province.” 林沐雨自信满满:“我和魔族打过交道,何况占领秦岭的是有勇无谋的雷冲,而不是智勇双全的浅风,这就不足为惧了,倒是你要注意一点稻江沿岸钢铁护墙的情况,随时戒备浅风会从冬霜城大举进攻苍南行省。” Un, knows.” Qin Yin smiles affectionate, walks to go forward to stretch out the arms is supporting the Lin Muyu's nape of the neck gently, said in his ear in a soft voice song: I can think your.” “嗯,知道啦。”秦茵亲昵一笑,走上前张开双臂轻轻拥着林沐雨的脖颈,在他耳边轻声细语道:“我会想你的。” In the noses full is the young girl delicate fragrance, Lin Muyu the heart bang bang jumps, but here many ministers looked. 鼻间满是少女幽香,林沐雨心脏砰砰直跳,这里可是许多大臣在看着的啊。 Wei Chou, Qin Yan and Fengxi three military officers hey smile: Commander, we.” 身后,卫仇秦岩、风溪三名将领嘿嘿笑着:“统领,我们何时出发。” Immediately......” forest Mu Yu looks at Qin Yin awkwardly. “马上……”林沐雨尴尬的看着秦茵 Qin Yin leaves his bosom, cheek red smiles, said: I in Orchid Goose City , etc. you, hope that Monarch triumphal returns.” 秦茵离开他的怀抱,脸蛋红红的一笑,说:“我在兰雁城等你,盼君凯旋。” Un.” “嗯。” Lin Muyu stands up from failure to start, draws the reins, said: „.” 林沐雨翻身上马,一拉缰绳,道:“出发。” Wei Chou leads several hundred gentian Battalion Jing to ride one after another to turn around immediately, marches forward toward the Orchid Goose City south gate slowly, but Feng Ji Xing brought Zhang Wei and Lou Yu two vice- Commander to follow together. 卫仇马上带领数百名龙胆营精骑纷纷转身,向着兰雁城的南门缓缓行进,而风继行则带着章炜罗羽两个副统领一起跟了上來。 A'Yu, the star province is the billows Duke territory, after you pass, is surely careful.” Feng Ji Xing sincere saying: „The garrison commanders in cold Xingcheng, arrange Gucheng are the billows Duke people, is not necessarily able to be too friendly to you, in the past, must learn the self-preservation.” 阿雨,地星行省是澜公的领地,你过去之后千万要小心。”风继行语重心长的说道:“冷星城、布谷城的守将都是澜公的人,对你未必会太友好,过去之后要学会自保。” Un.” The forest washes the raindrop to nod. “嗯。”林沐雨点点头。 Feng Ji Xing hesitated also saying: Gentian camp the grain and fodder, instrument and other military baggage of I will supervise personally, then makes Zhang Wei personally lead 5000 imperial guards to be responsible for shipping, in addition, Lou Yu will lead 10,000 imperial guard Cavalry to enter the Lingbei province south boundary, momentarily can coordinate you, goes to arrange Gucheng to want from there quite a while.” 风继行沉吟一声又说:“龙胆营的粮草、器械等辎重我会亲自监督,然后让章炜亲自率领5000禁军负责运送,此外,罗羽会率领10000名禁军铁骑进入岭北行省南方边界,随时可以策应你们,从那里去布谷城只要半天而已。” Many thanks Brother Feng, I have been able cautiously.” “多谢风大哥了,我会小心翼翼的。” This time goes to arrange Gucheng, you will probably meet the demon clan, will probably meet the person in righteousness and country's, what to do has planned.” “这次去布谷城,你可能会遇到魔族,也可能会遇到义和国的人,打算过怎么办吗。” Demon clan with the enemy of our life and death, meeting must fight,...... forest washes the rain vision as for the righteousness and country one coldly, said: Long Qianlin accomplished dying in battle of big brother Chu Huaisheng, this enmity was absolutely irreconcilable, the righteousness and country butcher knife conquered by killing Orchid Goose City, I watched, relax, I know how to do.” “魔族跟我们生死之敌,逢必战,至于义和国……”林沐雨目光一寒,道:“龙千林一手造就楚怀渑大哥的战死,此仇不共戴天,义和国屠刀血洗兰雁城,我都看在眼里,放心吧,我知道怎么做的。” Un, I felt relieved.” Feng Ji Xing deep looked at his one eyes, said: A'Yu, never trust the person in righteousness and country's, never attempt into their friends, can kill , then kills, does not take Jin/benevolent of the reading.” “嗯,那我就放心了。”风继行深深的看了他一眼,道:“阿雨,永远不要信任义和国的人,永远不要试图成为他们的朋友,能杀则杀,不要一念之仁。” Yes.” “明白。” Lin Muyu said with a smile slightly: I was to lie undiscovered three years of person of one in death, I fully enjoyed lost family member's pain, relax, Lin Muyu was not initial forest Mu Yu, waited for me to triumphal return to ask you to drink.” 林沐雨微微笑道:“我是一个在死亡里沉睡三年的人,我饱尝了失去亲人的痛苦,放心吧,林沐雨再也不是当初的林沐雨,等着我凯旋请你喝酒吧。” Good.” “好。” Left south gate, Feng Ji Xing again has not then delivered, after all he was imperial guard Commander, cannot lose the official duty duty. 一路出了南门,风继行便沒有再送了,毕竟他是禁军统领,不能失了本职任务。 ...... …… Out of the door, the mist lingers, 20,000 gentian camp Cavalry already prepared to finish, the rows of soldier vision solemn, are silent, warhorse also very silent, after Lin Muyu progresses, but, people tacit one after another of transfers the wharf, sped away to leave Orchid Goose City with Commander together, the rear, was dispatched the grain and fodder motorcade that then slowly to march forward by Ministry of War Shangshu Xue Ling, but arrange Gucheng was away from Orchid Goose City only then 700 li (0.5km) remote, was not unattainable like the winter frost city, the grain and fodder will not be the too major problem. 门外,雾气萦绕中,20000名龙胆营铁骑已然准备完毕,一列列士兵目光冷峻、沉默不语,战马也非常的缄默,当林沐雨策马而过之后,众人默契的纷纷拉转马头,跟着统领一起疾驰离开了兰雁城,大后方,由兵部尚书薛翎调遣的粮草车队这才缓缓行进,不过布谷城距离兰雁城只有700里之遥,不像冬霜城那样遥不可及,粮草绝不会是太大的问題。 In the dense fog, above the major road full is the stormy hoofbeat, the armor and weapons of gentian camp soldier is brand-new forging, Lin Muyu consumes the army that the large sum of money builds may be called the empire strongest cavalry group, flags everywhere flies upwards, trade route motorcade along the way distant then gives way to traffic nearby the major road, gentian Battalion Feichi who looks at the well-trained and equipped army, on faces full is gratified and joyful, they know that this is an emperor ** team, is the army of protecting the borders and setting people's minds at ease, likely will not be the righteousness and country and demon clan cruelty like that. 迷雾中,官道之上满是密集的马蹄声,龙胆营士兵的铠甲、兵刃都是崭新铸造的,林沐雨耗费重金打造的这支军队堪称帝国最强骑兵团,旌旗漫天飞扬,沿途的商旅车队远远的便避让在官道一旁,看着兵强马壮的龙胆营飞驰而过,一个个脸上满是欣慰与喜悦,他们知道这是帝**队,是保境安民的军队,绝不会像是义和国、魔族那般的残暴。 Orchid Goose City massacres city to slaughter, let the common people thoughts of returning home actually in Qin. 一场兰雁城的屠城杀戮,倒是让万民归心于秦家了。 Passed by many villages and small towns and small towns along the way, until approaching dusk time, the setting sun next palatial city towers in the plain by far, receives the arches of myriad village to protect, is the metropolis of star province, cold Xingcheng, the gentian camp speeds away for day, must rest to supply slightly outside cold Xingcheng, and military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency already passed to cold Xingcheng, therefore outside the city presented many cold Xingcheng serviceman, smoke from kitchen chimneys curling, the spirit hot division has cooked the gruel food, eats to the gentian camp rest outside the city. 沿途路过不少村镇与小城,直到接近黄昏的时候,远远的,夕阳下一座巍峨城池耸立在平原之中,受到万千村庄的拱护,正是地星行省的都会,,冷星城,龙胆营疾驰一天,必须在冷星城外稍微休息补给一下,并且羽书早就传到冷星城,所以城外出现了不少冷星城的军人,炊烟袅袅,灵火司已经煮好了粥饭,就在城外给龙胆营休息食用。 Under arriving Dacheng that strolling in the snow foot Cheng Kuai, Lin Muyu pushes to the front, the order said: Discontinues to fit out, after half double-hour , to continue.” 踏雪脚程快,林沐雨一马当先的抵达城下,命令道:“下马整备一下,半个时辰后继续出发。” Yes.” “是。” Wei Chou, Qin Yan, Fengxi and the others the one after another nod discontinued, transmitted orders, cavalry one after another of gentian camp stayed under cold Xingcheng. 卫仇秦岩、风溪等人纷纷点头下马,传令下去,龙胆营的骑兵纷纷在冷星城下停留下來。 The gentian camp arrives, cold Xingcheng the city gate opens slowly, one row of cavalry speed away to come, is a people about 50-year-old appearance, the neckband is wearing three Gold Star, is a senior general, on his face has covered entirely scar of knife wound able to move unhindered, obviously is one can draft the clever in fighting person, after standing up from failure to discontinue, said respectfully: End star province governor and cold star regiment Commander Tang Xi will see rain Commander.” 龙胆营一到,冷星城的城门缓缓开启,一列骑兵疾驰而來,为首一人大约50多岁的模样,领口佩戴着三枚金星,又是一名高级将领,他的脸上布满了纵横的刀疤,显然是一个能征善战之人,翻身下马之后,恭敬道:“末将地星行省总督、冷星军团统领唐袭参见雨统领。” This is the Tang Family person, is the Tang Lan arrangement guards the town feudal lord in star province here. 这是唐家的人,也是唐澜安排在这里镇守地星行省的一镇诸侯。 Lin Muyu places on one bowl of gruel in hand nearby table immediately, respectful cup one fist in the other hand said: Forest Mu Yujian Tang Xi Commander.” 林沐雨马上把手里的一碗粥放在一旁桌案上,恭敬抱拳道:“林沐雨见过唐袭统领。” Tang Xi Ha Ha said with a smile: Old man had heard before this Lan wild goose four outstanding prestige, see rain Commander now with own eyes, seriously startled is the beauty, dignified in appearance, was really my Qin Empire beave general.” 唐袭哈哈笑道:“老夫此前只是听说过兰雁四杰的威名,如今亲眼见到雨统领,当真惊为天人,仪表堂堂,真乃我大秦虎将。” Tang Xi Commander erroneous approved.” Lin Muyu is smiling: Tang Xi Commander guards the star province actually, defends the northern gateway for the empire, was really too laborious.” “唐袭统领谬赞了。”林沐雨一脸笑意:“倒是唐袭统领镇守地星行省,为帝国守住北方门户,实在是太辛苦了。” Rain Commander spoke discreetly.” Tang Xidao: Two days ago, demon clan breaks through the Mountain Range of Qin fort that Long Qianlin guards, the righteousness and country rout, entire Mountain Range of Qin almost degenerates into the territory of demon clan, our scouting repayments, less than 50 miles away presented the trail of demon clan armor demon regiment on distance arrange Gucheng Mountain Range of Qin, end will have dispatched 10,000 of cold star regiment elite to go to guard arrange Gucheng, now rain Commander came, can guarantee absolutely safe.” “雨统领言重了。”唐袭道:“两天前,魔族攻破龙千林所镇守的秦岭要塞,义和国溃败,以至于整条秦岭都几乎沦为魔族的领地,我们的斥候回报,在距离布谷城不足50里外的秦岭上已经出现了魔族甲魔军团的踪迹,末将已经派遣冷星军团的10000精锐前往镇守布谷城,现在雨统领又來了,可以确保万无一失了。” Lin Muyu nods saying: Tang Xi Commander, arrange Gucheng currently has many military strength.” 林沐雨点头道:“唐袭统领,布谷城目前有多少兵力。” In the city then had many, in addition 10,000 people of cold star regiment, the appearances about 20,000 military strength, in the event of the war, end will dispatch together with 30,000 recruits in cold Xingcheng 40,000 crack troops, prays for rain Commander to put to feel relieved.” “原本城内便有不少,加上冷星军团的10000人,大约20000兵力的样子,一旦发生战事,末将会将冷星城内的40000精兵与30000新兵一起调遣过去,请雨统领放宽心。” Demon clan has many military strength.” “魔族有多少兵力。” Ha, the thunder of demon clan is busy slaughtering south the righteousness and country to the regiment three big provinces not by the city of steel and iron back wall asylum, has no time to care about the empire radically, therefore rain Commander felt relieved that they will keep the military strength on Mountain Range of Qin not to be most over 10,000 armor demons.” “哈,魔族的雷冲军团正在忙着杀戮义和国南方三大行省不受钢铁护墙庇护的城池,根本就无暇顾及帝国,所以雨统领放心吧,他们留在秦岭上的兵力最多不会超过10000甲魔。” That was also the frightening military strength.” “那也是非常恐怖的兵力了。” Lin Muyu nods the head hesitates, said: Tang Xi Commander, if possible, please again dispatch 20,000 people to go to arrange Gucheng to coordinate the defense, once the opportunity is mature, we attack Mountain Range of Qin, obtains the Mountain Range of Qin initiative, perhaps can also take advantage of opportunity the rapid white province in adjoins to Mountain Range of Qin several cities to take back in the empire territory.” 林沐雨颔首沉吟一声,说:“唐袭统领,如果可以的话,请再调遣20000人去布谷城协同防御,机会一旦成熟,我们就攻上秦岭,取得秦岭的主动权,或许还能顺势把迅白行省内毗邻秦岭的几座城池收回帝国版图内。” Tang Xi eyes one bright: Rain Commander, you want...... Attack righteousness and country.” 唐袭眼睛一亮:“雨统领,您是要……进攻义和国。” Righteousness and country are only one group of revolting thieves, their lands are the empires, we conveniently regain the empire to lose, before I come, Her Highness Yin gives my order is the camera moves, so long as the condition permits, we may attack to defend.” “义和国只是一群叛贼,他们的土地原本就是帝国的,我们只是顺手收复帝国失地而已,我來之前,茵殿下给我的命令就是相机而动,只要条件允许,我们可攻可守。” Saying, Lin Muyu deep looked at Tang Xi one eyes, said with a smile: Although the general is the billows Duke person, but also is the emperor ** the person, defends the merit of star province and regains by the losing place of righteousness and country plundering, which merit I want not to need me to say greatly.” 说着,林沐雨深深的看了唐袭一眼,笑道:“虽然将军是澜公的人,但同时也是帝**人,守住地星行省的功劳和收复被义和国掠夺的失地,哪个功劳更大我想也不用我多说了。” Tang Xi eyeful rays: End will be willing hear of rain Commander to dispatch.” 唐袭满眼光芒:“末将愿听雨统领调遣。” Good, increases 20,000 crack troops to go to arrange Gucheng again, listens to my verbal command, once accomplishes, I will ask higher authorities for you in front of Your Highness.” “好,再增派20000精兵去布谷城,听我号令,一旦成事,我会在殿下面前为你请功的。” Yes.” “是。” ...... …… Off and on one bowl of gruel drink up, half the time of double-hour also arrived, 20,000 gentian Battalion Jingqi fit out, Lin Muyu stands up from failure to start, after issuing an order, the army once more steps the major road, directly soars arrange Gucheng of empire south border to go. 断断续续把一碗粥喝完的时候,半个时辰的时间也到了,20000龙胆营精骑整备完毕,林沐雨翻身上马,一声令下之后,大军再次踏上官道,直奔帝国南方边境的布谷城而去。 After two hours, on the major road presented several arrange Gucheng to scout the team to come to greet, will arrive in arrange Gucheng again shortly afterward. 两个多小时后,官道上出现了几支布谷城斥候队伍前來迎接,再过不久抵达布谷城。 Cloth Gucheng is the same to five Gucheng, is rich and populous because of the cultivation and fishery, but also is only a rich and populous small town, definitely is unable to place on a par with seven big famous cities, even compares to cold Xingcheng also to be more inferior, the city is not considered as that extremely in firm, Lin Muyu has not entered the time arrange Gucheng garrison commanders in city to welcome, as before the military officer of Seven Seas City army, but was very polite, has not been Tang Lu, Tang Tian so is likely unkind with aiming. 布谷城与五谷城一样,因耕种、渔业而富庶,但也只是一座富庶的小城,与七大名城完全无法相提并论,甚至比起冷星城也要逊色许多,城池也不算是太过于坚固,林沐雨尚未入城的时候布谷城守将就已经迎了出來,依旧还是七海城大军的将领,不过十分客气,沒有像是唐庐、唐天那样刻薄与针对。 Enters arrange Gucheng, Lin Muyu takes over control of the city defense comprehensively with all politics important matters, this Qin Yin makes him come to arrange Gucheng, he cannot come away empty, at least must let the star province to the empress thoughts of returning home, but is not only only the Tang Lan manor. 进入布谷城,林沐雨全面接管城池防御与一切政事要务,这次秦茵让他來布谷城,他就不能空手而回,至少也要让地星行省对女帝归心,而不仅仅只是唐澜的封地而已。 ...... …… Late at night, bringing Wei Chou and Qin Yan two person plainclothes to go on a journey, does an inspection area Mountain Range of Qin deploying troops for defense of demon clan. 深夜,带着卫仇秦岩两个人便衣出行,巡查秦岭一带魔族的布防。 The thunder to is a foolhardy fool, now this fool had one crowd of idiot armor demons to enter in the righteousness and border kills and burns to plunder, keeps another group of fools to defend Mountain Range of Qin here, thinks that the intelligence quotient of this group of fools will not be high, this was Lin Muyu captures the Mountain Range of Qin heaven-sent opportunity. 雷冲原本就是一个有勇无谋的笨蛋,现在这个笨蛋带着一群蠢货甲魔进入义和国境内烧杀抢掠,留了另外一群笨蛋在这里守住秦岭,想必这群笨蛋的智商也不会太高,这是林沐雨夺取秦岭的天赐良机。 Three people hide in the bushes look as far as the eye can see, on Mountain Range of Qin the flame drags, the station of armor demons is very crude, only then tent of common vetch build, moreover over 50% armor demons are open-air sleep, but looks like the military strength are many, Tang Xi said not empty, their at least 10,000 armor demons stayed here to guard Mountain Range of Qin. 三人隐藏在灌木之间极目远望,秦岭上火光摇曳,甲魔们的驻地十分简陋,只有草藤搭建的帐篷而已,而且超过一半的甲魔都是露天睡觉的,不过看起來兵力并不少,唐袭所言非虚,他们至少有10000甲魔留在这里镇守秦岭 Big brother, in my opinion......” in the Qin Yan eye full is fighting intent, said: Tomorrow dawn we can dispatch troops to attack Mountain Range of Qin, gentian camp elite, does not fear these 10,000 armor demons.” “大哥,依我看……”秦岩眼中满是战意,道:“明天天一亮我们就能发兵攻打秦岭了,龙胆营精锐,不惧这10000甲魔。” No.” “不。” Lin Muyu shakes the head: I, or taking Mountain Range of Qin of waste soldier, goes back, tomorrow will dispatch the light cavalry to come the provocation, making armor demon attack arrange Gucheng, I must the might of arrow box will try the weapon division to develop.” 林沐雨摇摇头:“我要不废一兵一卒的拿下秦岭,回去,明天派遣轻骑过來挑衅,让甲魔來进攻布谷城,我要试试兵器司研制的箭箱的威力。” Un.” “嗯。”
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