AG :: Volume #4

#385: Goes to battle once more

Roar!” “吼!” Late at night, a sonic boom roar transmits in the jungle, a big piece of dense and numerous armor demon appears north Mountain Range of Qin, in their hands carries jet black ladders, that is used to climb up the great crag to use. 深夜时分,一声爆吼在密林中传来,紧接着一大片密密麻麻的甲魔出现在秦岭以北,他们的手中扛着一架架漆黑的梯子,那是用来攀爬巨岩而用的。 The righteousness and Country above Garrison troops Mountain Range of Qin are just drowsy, was dragged the flare that to have a scare by the distant place, Ten Thousand-Man Commander stands up from failure, raises the steel knife to shout to clear the way lowly: Brothers, give me to get up, the demon clan attacked!” 秦岭之上的义和国守军正昏昏欲睡,被远方摇曳的火把吓了一跳,一名万夫长翻身而起,提着钢刀低喝道:“兄弟们,都给我起来,魔族进攻了!” Righteousness and country soldier one after another wakes up from coma, opens the eye to look at the spark that the distant place links up into a single stretch, said: What ghost thing, what in armor demon carries on the shoulder is what?” 一个个义和国士兵纷纷昏睡中醒来,睁大眼睛看着远方连成一片的星火,道:“什么鬼东西,甲魔手里面扛着的是什么?” Ladder, is a ladder! They understood launches attack unexpectedly using the ladder!” “梯子,是梯子!他们居然懂得利用梯子发动进攻!” Preparation rolling stone, must block them!” “准备滚石,一定要挡住他们!” Yes!” “是!” ...... …… Rolling stones fall to mountain peak, but armor demons early are prepared, on the left arm of each armor demon takes away the steel shield that one is casting newly, one after another raises, „, when ding-dong opens the rolling stone one after another ball, bursts out spark in the dim light of night, armor demon was welcoming chaotic arrow one after another long ladder on the Mountain Range of Qin dangerous mountain peak, exuded the roaring sound to start the storm. 一颗颗滚石落向山峰下,但甲魔们早有准备,每个甲魔的左臂上都扣着一面新铸就的钢盾,纷纷扬起,“当当当”的将滚石纷纷弹开,在夜色中迸发出一道道的火星,紧接着,甲魔迎着乱箭纷纷的将长梯架在秦岭的险峰上,一个个发出怒吼声开始强攻。 Mother!” “妈的!” This Ten Thousand-Man Commander face anger, said: Archer do not stop kills, the heavy shield camp prepares to force up with me, must expel these demon clans completely, do not let any demon clan climb up Mountain Range of Qin!” 这名万夫长一脸怒意,道:“弓箭手别停射杀,重盾营准备跟我顶上去,必须把这些魔族全部赶走,别让任何一名魔族攀上秦岭!” Yes, General!” “是,将军!” One crowd of heavy shield camp soldier one after another hold up the shield, the right hand is raising the steel knife, under the moonlight, on faces full is the color of indignation, but more is the scared look, facing the dense armor demon, who can not dread? 一群重盾营士兵纷纷将盾牌举起,右手提着钢刀,在月光下,一个个脸上满是愤慨之色,但更多的则是惧色,面对黑压压的甲魔,谁会不畏惧呢? Came up!” “上来了!” In the armor demon on long ladder to open behind wings vertical to leap to fly suddenly, dashes to Mountain Range of Qin. 一名身在长梯上的甲魔忽然张开身后的双翼纵跃飞起,直扑向秦岭 Courts death!” “找死!” The Ten Thousand-Man Commander horizontal blade flushed suddenly, above the blade is reappearing the Battle Qi gloss, calls out directly dividing the mountain peak this armor demon, the horizontal blade anger shouted to clear the way: Withstands to me, no one can idle!” 万夫长猛然横刀冲了出去,刀刃之上浮现着斗气光泽,一声暴喝直接将这名甲魔给劈下山峰,横刀怒喝道:“都给我顶住,谁也不能懈怠!” Yes, General!” “是,将军!” One crowd of soldier one after another welcomed goes forward, greets armor demon that their was more and more flies, armor demon, although can only soar short is less than 20 meters, but was used to attack the dangerous mountain peak has actually sufficed, the next moment, dozens armor demons appeared in the crowd of heavy shield camp, brandished the blunt instrument to divide to chop everywhere, broke with the shield the heavy shield camp soldier together, horrible to look. 一群士兵纷纷迎上前,迎接他们的是越来越多飞起来的甲魔,甲魔虽然只能飞翔短短不到20米,但用来冲击险峰却是已经够了,下一刻,数十名甲魔出现在重盾营的人群中,挥舞钝器到处劈砍,将重盾营士兵连人带盾一起震碎,惨不忍睹。 Bastard!” “畜生!” The Ten Thousand-Man Commander indignation however kills to go forward, a blade chops to fly a head of armor demon, but actually feels behind to transmit the chill in the air, turns round hurriedly is a blade! 万夫长忿然扑杀上前,一刀将一名甲魔的头颅劈飞,但同时却感受到身后传来浓浓的寒意,急忙回身就是一刀! Works as!” “当!” The knife point came by steel shield standard parry at the same time, under the moonlight, wears the commander to fight in the demon clan armor demon vision of armor to fill visits him proudly, is demon clan second regiment marshal Thunder to rush! 刀锋被一面钢盾格挡开来,月光下,一名身披统帅战铠的魔族甲魔目光中充满傲然的看着他,正是魔族第二军团元帅雷冲! Fights the hammer to fly, bang, breaks the Ten Thousand-Man Commander long blade and arm together, Thunder to rush the strength was too too strong, will go forward a foot to be miserable howling Ten Thousand-Man Commander to tread to turn in the place, will fight the hammer sharp handle to take advantage of opportunity to the Ten Thousand-Man Commander mouth in the straight thrust is getting down, tittering, will pass the cerebellum, this fierce righteousness and country Ten Thousand-Man Commander ended own life in light of this. 战锤飞起,“嘭”的一声,将万夫长的长刀与手臂一起震碎,雷冲的实力太强太强了,上前一脚将惨嚎中的万夫长踏翻在地,战锤尖利的把柄顺势对着万夫长的口中直刺下去,“噗嗤”一声,直透后脑,这位勇猛的义和国万夫长就此终结了自己的一生。 North Mountain Range of Qin, the dense armor demon regiment invades to come on a large scale, crossed Mountain Range of Qin all over, irresistible. 秦岭北方,黑压压的甲魔军团大举入侵而来,漫山遍野的越过了秦岭,势不可挡。 Game is as good as lost, the righteousness and country cannot defend the danger of Mountain Range of Qin under the oppression of the people that the thunder clashes eventually. 大势已去,义和国终究还是没有能够在雷冲的铁蹄下守住秦岭之险。 ...... …… Dragon is graceful, is not good, is not good!” “龙帅,不好了,不好了!” The Mountain Range of Qin southern ground barrack, Long Qianlin is looking at the war material under the candlelight the detailed list, suddenly Ten Thousand-Man Commander flushed crudely, look anxious cup one fist in the other hand said: Dragon is graceful, Mountain Range of Qin fell into enemy hands...... Thunder to rush has led the army to cross Mountain Range of Qin, our army lost seriously!” 秦岭南方的地面营盘,龙千林正在烛火下看着军需物资的清单,忽然门外一名万夫长鲁莽的冲了进来,神色紧张的抱拳道:“龙帅,秦岭失守了……雷冲已经率领大军越过了秦岭,我军损失惨重!” In the Long Qianlin vision is completely indifferent, said: Knew.” 龙千林的目光中满是淡然,道:“知道了。” Ten Thousand-Man Commander panic-strickenly: Dragon is graceful, we...... We now what to do?” 万夫长惊骇不已:“龙帅,我们……我们现在怎么办?” Retreats, enters south the steel and iron back wall, takes the steel and iron back wall to contain the footsteps of demon clan as the barrier.” “撤退,进入钢铁护墙南方,以钢铁护墙为屏障遏制住魔族的脚步。” We...... Did we give up south of the steel and iron back wall territory in light of this? There...... There has our innumerable cities...... My God......” “我们……我们就此放弃了钢铁护墙以南的领土了吗?那里……那里可是有我们的无数城池啊……我的天……” This is mostly the order of series, anybody can not defy, immediately the transmitting orders three services, retreat, before the demon clan arrives removes the steel and iron back wall, otherwise the god could not save us.” “这是大都统的命令,任何人不得违抗,立刻传令三军,撤退,在魔族到来之前撤进钢铁护墙,不然神也救不了我们。” Yes!” “是!” Ten Thousand-Man Commander turns around, Long Qianlin looks at the big tent curtain that drags, on the face cloudy clear uncertain, layer on layer a fist bang on the table, the anger exclaimed suddenly: What nonsense Dragon Shuai father is!?” 万夫长转身而出,龙千林则看着摇曳的大帐门帘,脸上阴晴不定,忽地重重一拳轰在桌案上,怒吼道:“老子算什么狗屁龙帅!?” ...... …… Three days later, the military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency arrives in Orchid Goose City. 三天后,羽书抵达兰雁城 On Ze Tian Palace, on the whole body of ministers face has the happy expression, the suffer a crushing defeat of righteousness and country's, as if to Orchid Goose City is a huge good deed, after all the righteousness and country once at the monstrous crimes that Orchid Goose City committed are unpardonable. 泽天殿上,群臣脸上都有喜色,义和国的惨败,似乎对兰雁城来说是一件天大的好事,毕竟义和国曾经在兰雁城犯下的滔天罪行是不可宽恕的。 Congratulates Your Highness.” “恭喜殿下。” Tang Lan cup one fist in the other hand said: Righteousness with the country and demon clan at a Mountain Range of Qin war, the buckle over 100,000 troops, the national strength was damaged seriously, the demon clan thunder clashes regiment same buckle over ten thousand armor demons, to the empire this is really a good news.” 唐澜抱拳道:“义和国与魔族在秦岭一战,折损了超过100000人马,国力受损严重,魔族雷冲军团一样折损上万名甲魔,对帝国来说这真是一个好消息。” Qin Yin stands up, on the pretty face is having the dignity, asked: Has the specific news of demon clan not to have, where do their main regiments gather? The righteousness and country defeat no doubt are good deeds, but cannot to demon clan strengthen constantly.” 秦茵站起身来,漂亮脸蛋上带着威严,问道:“有魔族的具体消息没有,他们的主力军团到底囤聚在什么地方?义和国战败固然是好事,但不能任由魔族一味的变强。” Su Yudao: Opens reports Your Highness, our military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency repayments, the Qian Feng regiment has 100,000 audiences to store up in the winter frost city, 50,000 guarding in the range winter province border, 30,000 build the warship in the Cangnan Province eastern boundary, they altogether have enslaved about 200,000 human people husbands, in addition, the thunder flushed the regiment about 200,000 people south of Mountain Range of Qin.” 苏妤道:“启禀殿下,我们的羽书回报,浅风军团有100000之众囤积在冬霜城,50000驻守在岭冬行省边境,还有30000在苍南行省的东境修造战船,他们一共奴役了大约200000人类民夫,此外,雷冲军团近200000人都在秦岭以南了。” Su herd Yun say|way: If as expected, by cruel, he who the thunder clashes massacring city south Mountain Range of Qin in the past, will become the human purgatory to several hundred li (0.5km) of steel and iron back wall from Mountain Range of Qin.” 苏牧云道:“不出意外的话,以雷冲的性情残暴,他会在秦岭南方一个个的屠城过去,从秦岭到钢铁护墙的数百里将会成为人间炼狱。” These...... Once was the Empire Subjects......” Qin Yin muttered. “那些……曾经都是帝国子民……”秦茵喃喃道。 The Su herd cloud nods: Right, the righteousness and country rebellion are not false, but south of Mountain Range of Qin also once was the empire territory, perhaps the people in Lingnan province were also hoping for the emperor ** regaining.” 苏牧云点点头:“没错,义和国叛乱是不假,但秦岭以南也曾经是帝国领土,岭南行省的民众兴许也在期盼着帝**的收复。” Tang Lan is startled slightly, said: Yun does not want to dispatch troops to compete in Lingnan , helping the righteousness and country hits the demon clan?” 唐澜微微一怔,道:“云公不会是想派兵出征岭南,帮义和国打魔族吧?” „It is not not, but the premise is ensure our oneself too in a big way has not lost.” “并不是不可以,但前提是确保我们自身没有太大损失。” Tang Lan nods, cup one fist in the other hand said: Your Highness, in south star province arrange Gucheng closest Mountain Range of Qin, is the place of empire territory closest righteousness and country's, the old minister suggested that sends a elite master to arrange Gucheng guarding, on the one hand can wait for the opportunity to act, on the other hand can protect the empire territory the southern border region, guarantees absolutely safe.” 唐澜点点头,抱拳道:“殿下,地星行省境内的布谷城最为接近秦岭南方,也是帝国领土最为接近义和国的地方,老臣建议派遣一支精锐之师前往布谷城驻守,一方面可以伺机而动,另一方面可以守护帝国疆土的南方边陲,确保万无一失。” Billows Duke thought that which regiment sends to go to be quite appropriate?” Qin Yin asked. “澜公觉得派哪个军团去比较合适?”秦茵问道。 Tang Lan said: Pingnan marquis Xiang Yu can draft cleverly in fighting, the hand grasps the Seven Seas City 50,000 crack troops, may be competent fully.” 唐澜道:“平南侯项彧能征善战,手握七海城50000精兵,足可胜任。” The Su herd clouds lightly smiled, said: Pingnan marquis meritorious service is outstanding, truly endures this appointed greatly, however the Pingnan marquises actually must be responsible for rice river war along the route, may not two use wholeheartedly, in my opinion, might as well send another elite master to arrange Gucheng.” 苏牧云微微一笑,说:“平南侯功勋卓著,确实堪此大任,然而平南侯却要负责稻江沿线的战事,一心不可二用,依我看,不如派遣另外一支精锐之师前往布谷城。” „? Yun thinks that who is appropriate?” “哦?云公认为谁合适?” Rain Commander gentian camp!” The Su herd cloud said with a smile: Gentian camp battle-trained, has fought with armor demon, is experienced, moreover rain Commander recently stepped into Saint Realm, the strength multiplies, therefore the old minister thinks that 20,000 heavy cavalry of gentian camp reenforce arrange Gucheng to be most appropriate, comes the strength to be tyrannical, but marches speed to be quick, takes a broad view at the empire, which army can like the gentian camp be the pure heavy cavalry branch of the services?” “雨统领的龙胆营!”苏牧云笑道:“龙胆营久经战阵,与甲魔交过手,有经验,而且雨统领新近踏入圣域,实力倍增,所以老臣认为龙胆营的20000重骑兵去增援布谷城最为合适,一来战力强横,而来行军速度快,放眼帝国,还有哪支军队能像龙胆营一样是纯重骑兵兵种呢?” Saying, Su Muyun cup one fist in the other hand said respectfully: Your Highness, feudal official Su Muyun thinks that requested earnestly Your Highness to dispatch the gentian camp to go to the cuckoo cities to guard the frontier the boundary!” 说着,苏牧云抱拳恭敬道:“殿下,臣苏牧云认为恳请殿下派遣龙胆营前往布谷城镇守边境!” „It is not good!” “不行!” Qin Yin blurted out that Lin Muyu and she gathers little leaves many, at this time wanted Lin Muyu to go to battle, this is Qin Yin does not want, but this reason actually cannot say visibly. 秦茵脱口而出,林沐雨和她聚少离多,这时又要林沐雨出征,这是秦茵所万万不愿意的,不过这个理由却又不能明着说出来。 Tang Lan also said at this time: Is inferior to this...... Rain Commander leads the gentian camp to guard arrange Gucheng, but Pingnan marquis Xiang Yu leads the crack troops to move into the iron blade edge pass/test, the iron blade edge pass/test is the Cangnan Province southern border, same will face directly the attack of demon clan, does not allow to idle.” 唐澜这时又说道:“不如这样……雨统领率领龙胆营镇守布谷城,而平南侯项彧则率领精锐兵力入驻铁刃关,铁刃关是苍南行省的南方边境,一样会直接面对魔族的侵袭,都不容懈怠。” Xiang Yu rapid cup one fist in the other hand: End is willing to go to battle!” 项彧飞速抱拳:“末将愿意出征!” Lin Muyu sigh, it seems like that this time does not go to battle a gently is not good, therefore cup one fist in the other hand, said: Your Highness, I am also willing to compete in arrange Gucheng, guards the southern border.” 林沐雨轻轻一声叹息,看来这次不出战是不行了,于是一抱拳,说:“殿下,我也愿意出征布谷城,镇守南方边境。” The Su herd clouds that rise looks at Qin Yin, gently nod. 苏牧云抬头看着秦茵,轻轻点头。 Qin Yin muttered: Good......” 秦茵喃喃道:“那好吧……” ...... …… After three day, embarks. 三日后出发。 In the afternoon, Lin Mu the rain belt Wei Chou, Qin Yan, Fengxi and other senior generals were directly soaring the weapon division, entered that moment of weapon division in him, saw Qin Zi Ling was wild with joy welcomed goes forward saying: Rain Commander, arrow box improvement has been completed, penetrates 40 centimeters log sufficiently!” 当天下午,林沐雨带着卫仇秦岩、风溪等大将直奔兵器司,就在他进入兵器司的那一刻,就看到秦子陵欣喜若狂的迎上前道:“雨统领,箭箱改良已经完成了,足以穿透40公分的原木!” Is very good.” “很好。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, asked: Three days later I went to battle, how many such arrow boxes can you give me?” 林沐雨点点头,问:“三天后我就出征了,你能给我多少这样的箭箱?” This......” “这个……” The badge of Qin Zi Ling front weapon division manager under the sunlight flood the golden light, was saying: Adds on the iron hardware shop of Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce to help by the manpower of weapon division, can forging leave arrow boxes after 100 improvement to give the Commander use approximately.” 秦子陵胸前兵器司主管的徽章在阳光下泛着金光,笑着说:“以兵器司的人力加上紫茵花商会的铁器铺帮忙,大约能铸造出100架改良后的箭箱给统领使用。” 100......” forest Mu Yu hesitates: Was also good, the more better, stay up till dawn on time, this type of arrow box are more, my opportunity is bigger.” “100架……”林沐雨沉吟一声:“也不错了,越多越好,日夜不停的赶早,这种箭箱越多,我的机会就越大。” Un.” Qin Zi Ling nod with a smile, said: General Xiang Yu sent for under the order a moment ago, said that also takes a number of arrow boxes!” “嗯。”秦子陵笑吟吟的点头,说:“项彧将军刚才派人来下订单,说是也要一批箭箱呢!” Does not give!” “不给!” Lin Muyu sinking sound track: My person developed arrow box, why gives them, first gives the gentian camp to equip . Moreover, can these arrow boxes disassemble to carry?” 林沐雨沉声道:“我的人研制出来的箭箱,凭什么给他们,优先给龙胆营装备,另外,这些箭箱能拆开携带吧?” Ok, Commander felt relieved that two ten thousand cavalry of gentian camp carry these many arrow boxes not to have the issue certainly, will not affect to march speed . Moreover, the arrow arrow I will also prepare for you sufficiently.” “可以,统领放心,龙胆营的两万骑兵携带这么多的箭箱绝无问题,不会影响行军速度的,另外,箭矢我也会为你们准备充足。” Good, you added on really busy, Zi Ling!” “好,你真是帮上大忙了,子陵!” Is impolite, if no Commander, I still become a soldier in five Gucheng!” “不客气,若是没有统领,我还在五谷城当兵呢!” Ha Ha!” “哈哈!” ...... …… In an instant three days pass by, Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi also accompanied Lin Muyu three days, every night at least together eats meal, three days later, Lin Muyu goes to battle, Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi continue to keep Orchid Goose City, faces one another distantly. 转眼三天过去,秦茵唐小汐也足足的陪了林沐雨三天,每天晚上至少是一起吃饭的,三天后,林沐雨出征,秦茵唐小汐继续留在兰雁城,遥遥相望。 !! !!
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