AG :: Volume #4

#384: The monster clan submits to

( ( „The dossier of weapon division.” “兵器司的卷宗。” Qin Yin somewhat surprisedly looks scarlet red books that Lin Muyu presents. 秦茵有些惊讶的看着林沐雨呈递上來的赤红色书卷。 Un, is the weapon division.” In Ze Tian Palace does not have others, therefore Lin Muyu sits on the Qin Yin table, said with a smile: Perhaps in the future we can only depend on the research of weapon division to rout the demon clan.” “嗯,是兵器司的。”泽天殿里沒有别人,所以林沐雨是坐在秦茵的桌案上的,笑吟吟道:“或许将來我们只能倚仗兵器司的研究來击溃魔族了。” Can rout demon clan.” Qin Yin winked the attractive big eye. “真的能击溃魔族吗。”秦茵眨了眨漂亮的大眼睛。 Naturally energy.” “当然能啦。” Feng Ji Xing said in not far away that he is lying down on the table of empress table right front, lying down of big font appreciates top the palace mural there, curls the lip saying: Draws really well, the figures of these young girls are lifelike, these painters really do not have a good person.” 风继行在不远处说道,他正躺在女帝桌案右侧前方的桌案上,大字型的躺在那里欣赏殿堂顶部的壁画,撇撇嘴道:“画得真不错,那些少女的身段惟妙惟肖,这些画工果然沒有一个好人。” Qin Yin tittered smiles, these two empire Commander nobody time which likely was Commander, looked like two vagabond rascals bullies empress Your Highness to be the same simply here. 秦茵噗嗤一笑,这两位帝国统领沒人的时候哪儿像是统领,简直就像是两个地痞无赖在这里欺负女帝殿下一样。 But, needs much money.” “可是,需要好多钱啊。” Qin Yin carefully read the dossier, said: Three surely Gold Yin Coin.” 秦茵仔细看了看卷宗,道:“三千万金茵币呢。” All right, compared with constructing steel and iron back wall expenditure five hundred million Gold Yin Coin, this is anything, if these weapons developed, previous ten steel and iron back walls that can go against.” Lin Muyu said. “沒事啦,比起修建钢铁护墙花费的五亿金茵币,这算什么,如果这些兵器真的研制出來了,能顶的上十个钢铁护墙。”林沐雨道。 Good......” Qin Yin with one stroke of the pen, writes down own name in the dossier, afterward caps the empress imperial seal, gives Lin Muyu it, said: That plenary powers oversaw the manufacture of by A'Yu Elder Brother.” “那好吧……”秦茵大笔一挥,在卷宗上写下自己的名字,随后加盖女帝印玺,将其交给林沐雨,道:“那就由阿雨哥哥全权督造了。” Good.” “好。” Was right, Xiaoxi tonight and Linghu Yan, Tang Zhenjiang will come Orchid Goose City, A'Yu Elder Brother and Commander Feng must come.” Qin Yin also said. “对了,小汐今夜和令狐颜、唐镇将会來兰雁城,阿雨哥哥风统领要不要过來。”秦茵又说道。 „, Xiaoxi pass/test from town monster, any matter.” Lin Muyu asked. “哦,小汐从镇妖关回來了,什么事。”林沐雨问道。 Is having the ten military officers of Linghu Yan and monster clan, takes an oath gives loyalty to the empire.” “带着令狐颜与妖族的十位将领,宣誓对帝国效忠。” Really.” “真的。” Lin Muyu joyfully: Xiaoxi has the skill, but can also convince the monster clan to give loyalty to the empire, had the military strength of monster clan, we contended with the capital of demon clan and righteousness and country's were also more.” 林沐雨欣喜不已:“小汐真有本事,还真能说服妖族对帝国效忠了,有了妖族的兵力,我们抗衡魔族和义和国的资本也就更多了一些。” Un.” Qin Yin nods gently, said: For serveral days we sent many person disguises to enter the range winter province, inquired many news, it is said demon clan marshal Qian Feng is establishing the new order in the winter frost city, enslaved the human artisan massively, wantonly construction attacking a city scaling ladder, attacking a city combat tank and other instruments, and they dispatched probably the 3 w armor demon to establish the shipyard in the downstream edge in rice river, as if thinks the shipbuilding.” “嗯。”秦茵轻轻点头,说:“这些天我们派了不少人乔装进入岭冬行省,打探回來了不少消息,据说魔族元帅浅风正在冬霜城建立新的秩序,大量奴役人类工匠,大肆建造攻城云梯、攻城战车等器械,并且他们派遣了大约3w甲魔在稻江的下游边缘建立船厂,似乎是想造船了。” I already guessed correctly that Qian Feng will do such.” Lin Muyu the wriggle lip, said: Qian Feng is brave and resourceful, to us throughout is a big trouble, his threat is even more serious than Long Qianlin.” “我早就猜到浅风会这么做了。”林沐雨蠕了蠕嘴唇,说:“浅风智勇双全,对我们來说始终是一个大患,他的威胁甚至比龙千林还要严重。” Feng Ji Xing said: Demon clan potential, righteousness and countries and our relations were occurring to transform gradually, couple days ago even the rumor said the righteousness and country wants with our alliance resistance demon clan.” 风继行道:“魔族势强,义和国和我们的关系已经在渐渐发生转变了,前几天甚至传言说义和国想和我们联盟对抗魔族。” „.” The Qin Yin delicate eyebrows are light, said: If the righteousness and country must with our alliance, really how you believe.” “哦。”秦茵秀眉轻蹙,道:“如果义和国真的要和我们联盟,你们认为如何。” The Feng Ji Xing armored hand grasps: End believes that forms an alliance, but routs that moment of demon clan, was we and righteousness and country's the date of battle.” 风继行铁拳一握:“末将认为,结盟可以,但击溃魔族的那一刻,就是我们和义和国的开战之日。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod: Righteousness and country and our intense and deep-seated hatred, alwaysed remember that Qin resolute and Long Qianlin did not die, we were unfair to big brother Chu Huaisheng and big brother Qin Lei and Lei Hong Grandpa soul in heaven.” 林沐雨点点头:“义和国和我们血海深仇,永远铭记,秦毅和龙千林不死,我们就对不起楚怀渑大哥、秦雷大哥、雷洪爷爷的在天之灵。” Un.” Qin Yin lightly smiled: Xiao Yin knows how to do.” “嗯。”秦茵微微一笑:“小茵知道怎么做了。” ...... …… Night, listens to the rain building. 夜晚,听雨楼。 After reopening, hearing the voice of rain building to be as before good, but the vegetable price dropped actually much, after all after a three years ago war, the national strength was already not as before. 重新开张之后,听雨楼的声音依旧不错,不过菜价倒是下降了不少,毕竟经过三年前的一战,国力已然大不如前了。 Feng Ji Xing and Lin Muyu, Zhang Wei, Wei Chou, Lou Yu and other important military officers encircle one table, drinks to one's heart's content, has not relaxed for a long time, about 56 feeling of being drunk time, a gentian camp bodyguard walks to go forward, cup one fist in the other hand said: Rain Commander, Ze Tian Palace sent for asking fellow generals to go to Ze Tian Palace to discuss official business, said is...... Princess Xi came.” 风继行、林沐雨、章炜卫仇罗羽等几个重要将领围成一桌,开怀畅饮,也好久沒有那么放松过去了,大约56分醉意的时候,一名龙胆营侍卫走上前,抱拳道:“雨统领,泽天殿派人來请各位将军去泽天殿议事了,说是……汐郡主來了。” Xiaoxi came.” Lin Muyu puts down the wine glass, said: Has been in any case also satiated with food and wine, walks, the proper business is important.” 小汐來了。”林沐雨放下酒杯,笑着说:“反正也吃饱喝足了,走吧,正事要紧。” Un.” “嗯。” After having paid the tip, people one after another goes downstairs to start, speeds away to Ze Tian Palace goes. 付了酒钱之后,众人纷纷下楼上马,一路疾驰向泽天殿去。 Night Ze Tian Palace is brilliantly illuminated, when Lin Muyu and the others rushed, big division axe Qu Chu that and the others Tang Lan and Su Muyun as well as promotes newly already. 夜晚的泽天殿灯火通明,当林沐雨等人赶到的时候,唐澜、苏牧云以及新擢升的大司钺屈楚等人都已经在了。 A Tang Xiaoxi red skirt, tenderly and beautifully like flower, with a smile walks: Mu Mu, you told me our many days not to meet.” 唐小汐一身红裙,娇艳如花,笑吟吟的走來:“沐沐,你告诉我我们多少天沒有见面了。” Forgot.” Lin Muyu courageous say|way. “忘了。”林沐雨果敢道。 Did not have the conscience......” Tang Xiaoxi to stare his one eyes spookily, said: Heard that you stepped into Saint Realm.” “沒良心……”唐小汐幽幽的瞪了他一眼,又说:“听说你踏入圣域了。” Un.” “嗯。” That is good.” Tang Xiaoxi opens pair of bright eyes, deep looks at his face. “那就好。”唐小汐睁大一双明眸,深深的看着他的脸庞。 Although is looked by a peerless beautiful woman is a happy matter, but Lin Muyu looked at the whole body to be scared as before, could not bear say: Xiaoxi, you think so me to do, I am not a roast chicken.” 虽然被一个绝世美女看着是一件幸福的事情,但林沐雨依旧被看得浑身发毛,忍不住说:“小汐,你这么看着我干什么,我又不是一盘烧鸡。” Tang Xiaoxi throws smiles, said: I am thinking, since Mu Mu has stepped into Saint Realm, that obtained the ability in face, your appearance will forever stay in this moment, 26-year-old Saint Realm, hee hee, Mu Mu of our family|home can be under the entire day most graceful Saint Realm expert.” 唐小汐扑哧一笑,说:“我在想,沐沐既然已经踏入圣域了,那就已经获得了驻颜的能力,你的容颜永远都会停留在这一刻,26岁的圣域,嘻嘻,我们家的沐沐一定会是全天下最帅的圣域强者。” Feng Ji Xing coughed in side: Princess Xi, end is also Saint Realm.” 风继行在旁边咳了咳:“汐郡主,末将也是圣域。” But you grow do not have Mu Mu to be graceful......” Tang Xiaoxi to take truthfully. “可你长得沒有沐沐那么帅啊……”唐小汐如实以告。 Feng Ji Xing touches the nose: Princess Xi a few words, in my Feng Ji Xing such as in August cold blade edge......” 风继行摸摸鼻子:“汐郡主一句话,于我风继行如八月寒刃……” Nearby, Tang Lu as if could not get used to seeing Tang Xiaoxi and Lin Muyu is so affectionate, coughed, said: Discussed the proper business, today is the monster clan to the day that humanity surrendered, do not say these useless things.” 一旁,唐庐似乎看不惯唐小汐与林沐雨如此亲昵,咳了咳,说道:“还是谈正事吧,今天是妖族向人类投诚的日子,不要说那些沒用的东西。” The Tang Xiaoxi delicate eyebrows are light, said: Second Brother, is forms an alliance to profess allegiance, is not the surrender.” 唐小汐秀眉轻蹙,道:“二哥,是结盟称臣,并非投诚。” Also has anything to distinguish.” Tang Lu coldly smiles. “又有什么区别呢。”唐庐冷冷一笑。 At this time, Linghu Yan behind several fox clan, the snake person and lizard person military officers were not glad, has been putting out the wick of mouth to Tang Lu, hissing hissing has roared lowly, although did not know to say anything, but thinks that was not the word of praise, should be sent regards to Tang Lu family females and so on words. 这时,令狐颜身后的几个狐族、蛇人、蜥人将领都不乐意,对着唐庐吐出了嘴里的信子,嘶嘶的低吼了一声,虽然不知道说什么,但想必不是好话,应该都是问候唐庐全家女性之类的话。 A Qin Yin empress long gown, hand is grasping the sword hilt of empress saber, has gone down Kings command slowly, said: Linghu, that starts.” 秦茵一袭女帝长袍,手握着女帝佩剑的剑柄,缓缓走下了王阶,道:“令狐,那就开始吧。” Yes.” “是。” Linghu Yanrou supple has complied with the sound, three beautiful cloven hooves after behind gently drag, she knelt in the Qin Yin front slowly, facial expression respectful saying: My Linghu Yan swore as monster clan saintess that from now henceforth the monster clan and human Yongxiu treaty of alliance, does not encroach on own initiative, Linghu Yan professes allegiance to empress Qin Yin, and wants to present tribute every year, every year offers 5000 superior warhorses, 10,000 antlers, 1000 box of precious herbal medicines, 2000 blue sheep and 3000 to tire of the boasting.” 令狐颜柔柔的应了声,三条美丽的狐狸尾巴在身后轻轻摇曳,她缓缓跪在了秦茵的面前,神情恭敬的说道:“我令狐颜以妖族圣女的身份立誓,从今以后妖族与人类永修盟约,绝不主动侵犯,令狐颜向女帝秦茵称臣,并愿意每年纳贡,每年进献5000匹上等战马、10000根鹿角、1000箱珍奇草药、2000头岩羊、3000张厌牛皮。” Good.” “好。” Qin Yin walks to go forward, covers the palm on Linghu Yan's shoulder, look earnest saying: As the suzerain, Orchid Goose City will provide 1 million jin (0.5 kg) grain every year to the monster clan, to do to thank.” 秦茵走上前,将手掌覆盖在令狐颜的肩膀上,神色认真的说道:“作为宗主国,兰雁城每年将会提供1000000斤粮食给妖族,以作答谢。” Many thanks Your Highness.” “多谢殿下。” Treaty of alliance concludes, forever abandons.” “盟约缔结,永远背弃。” Yes, the treaty of alliance concludes, will never abandon.” “是,盟约缔结,永不背弃。” Linghu Yan stands up slowly, on the face has the happy expression, the vision to sweep, immediately ten monster clan general one after another kneel down in the place, has not spoken, actually kneels in front of Qin Yin, pasted the head on the rug. 令狐颜缓缓站起身,脸上带着笑意,目光一扫,顿时十名妖族上将纷纷下跪在地,沒有说话,却都跪在秦茵面前,将头颅贴在了地毯上。 Ridicule that Tang Tian cannot bear: Bastard on the bastard, only matches is controlled.” 唐天忍不住的讥笑了一句:“畜生就畜生,只配被人支配。” You said anything.” Linghu Yan gets angry suddenly, in the eye completely is the anger. “你说什么。”令狐颜猛然发怒,眼中尽是怒意。 Several snake person military officer also one after another draw out to wear a sword, takes knife handle Tang Tian to hew two appearances shortly. 几个蛇人将领也纷纷拔出佩刀,眼看就要一刀把唐天砍成两段的模样。 Tang Lan hurried cup one fist in the other hand said: Several juniors are not quite sensible, but also asked Linghu Yan saintess Sir do not blame them, taught obsolete with an improper method, here apologized to you.” 唐澜急忙抱拳道:“几个小辈不太懂事,还请令狐颜圣女大人不要怪责他们,老朽管教无方,在这里给你们致歉了。” Saying, Tang Lan stared Tang Lu, Tang Tian eyes maliciously, these two grandsons truly are two good-for-nothings, compared with unflustered of Tang Xiaoxi, simply looks like two calves of making a debut. 说着,唐澜狠狠的瞪了唐庐、唐天一眼,这两个孙子确实是两个窝囊废,与唐小汐的从容不迫相比,简直就像是两个初出茅庐的牛犊。 Tang Lan is also disappointed, is helpless, but can have any means. 唐澜也失望,也非常无奈,但又能有什么办法呢。 ...... …… Qin Yin only considers has not had this, holds Linghu Yan hand, said with a smile: Linghu, since that side the monster clan does not have what important matter, that keeps Orchid Goose City to live for several days, making Xiaoxi lead you to stroll everywhere in Orchid Goose City, in Imperial Capital may live it up.” 秦茵只当是沒有发生这一幕,牵起令狐颜的手,笑道:“令狐,既然妖族那边也沒有什么大事,那就留在兰雁城多住几天吧,让小汐带你在兰雁城里到处逛逛,帝都里可热闹了呢。” Linghu Yan chuckle: Many thanks Your Highness, Linghu Lingming.” 令狐颜轻笑:“多谢殿下,令狐领命。” Well, lives in Ze Tian Palace tonight.” “好好,今晚就住在泽天殿吧。” Yes.” “是。” At this time, Tang Xiaoxi was holding Lin Muyu's on the contrary, dug the small mouth saying: Mu Mu, your several person liquor air/Qi, have certainly drunk is right, snort|hum, excessive drinking.” 这时,唐小汐反倒是拉着林沐雨的手,撅着小嘴说:“沐沐,你们几个人一身酒气,一定是又去喝酒了对不对,哼,酗酒。” No, is slightly thinks.” Lin Muyu explained. “沒有,是小酌。”林沐雨解释。 Again when Tang Xiaoxi must say, not far away Tang Lan actually deep visits her, said: Xiaoxi, you must live in Ze Tian Palace, is not willing to return to the Seven Seas City Duke's Mansion housing, there...... Is your family|home.” 唐小汐还要再说什么时候的,不远处的唐澜却深深的看着她,道:“小汐,你还是要住在泽天殿,不愿意回到七海城公爵府居住吗,那里……才是你的家啊。” Grandpa......” 爷爷……” Tang Xiaoxi arrives in front of Tang Lan, deeply bows with hands clasped, said: Xiaoxi lives in Ze Tian Palace, Grandpa must take care own health, for these years you were old many.” 唐小汐走到唐澜面前,深深一揖,说:“小汐还是住在泽天殿吧,爷爷要照顾好自己的身体,这几年您都老了许多了。” Tang Lan shows a painful look, said: Also good, Xiaoxi accompanies Her Highness Yin to be also good, that...... Then went back obsolete.” 唐澜露出一丝痛苦的神色,道:“也好,小汐多陪陪茵殿下也好,那么……老朽便回去了。” Xiaoxi delivers you to exit.” 小汐送你出去。” Un, good.” “嗯,好。” Tang Xiaoxi walks to go forward, is holding the Tang Lan wrist|skill gently, but Tang Lan is the whole body gently trembles, arrives under the star light, muttered: If the time flows backwards, I will listen to you, instantly dispatches troops to reenforce Orchid Goose City, does not hesitate the price.” 唐小汐走上前,轻轻扶着唐澜的手腕,而唐澜则是浑身轻轻一颤,來到星光下,喃喃道:“如果时光倒流,我会听你的话,即刻发兵增援兰雁城,不惜代价。” Grandpa......” Tang Xiaoxi visits him spookily. 爷爷……”唐小汐幽幽的看着他。 Tang Lan smiled, what some palm shivering is Tang Xiaoxi opens out beautiful hair before volume, said: Grandpa obtained the half of the country, actually loses the person who has most cherished, this business, owed owes.” 唐澜笑了笑,手掌有些颤抖的为唐小汐拨开额前的秀发,道:“爷爷得到了半壁江山,却失去了最钟爱的人,这笔生意,太亏太亏了。” Tang Xiaoxi has almost cried: Grandpa, I......” 唐小汐差点哭了出來:“爷爷,我……” „It is not no need to say anything again.” Tang Lan smiles temperately: You make all very much to be right, Grandpa is proud for you, never turn head do not have doubts.” “不必再多说什么了。”唐澜温和一笑:“你做得一切都很对,爷爷为你感到骄傲,永远都不要回头也不要疑惑。” That Grandpa.” “那爷爷呢。” Grandpa...... Could not turn head.” Tang Lan stands up from failure to start under supporting by the arm of servant, senile turning head looked at Tang Xiaoxi, said: Xiaoxi does not need to deliver, goes back.” 爷爷……回不了头了。”唐澜在仆人的搀扶下翻身上马,老态龙钟的回头看了一眼唐小汐,道:“小汐不必送了,回去吧。” Tang Xiaoxi is built on the night breeze, clothes sleeve flutters slowly, beautiful results in cannot the victory receive, gazes after Tang Lan to go far away, desolate that could not say. 唐小汐立于晚风之中,衣袂缓缓飘飞,美得不可胜收,目送唐澜远去,说不出的落寞。 Lin Muyu does not know when arrives at side her, the hand presses the sword hilt, said in a soft voice: Xiaoxi, .” 林沐雨不知何时來到她身边,手按剑柄,轻声道:“小汐,么么哒。” Tang Xiaoxi: „......” 唐小汐:“……”
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