AG :: Volume #4

#383: Weapon division

( ( In the afternoon, Qin Yin arranged the Qu Chu dwelling to go, Qu Chu was the empress grand mentor lives in Ze Tian Palace is also justifiable, moreover can protect the Qin Yin security. 午后,秦茵安排屈楚的住处去了,屈楚身为女帝太傅住在泽天殿也是名正言顺,而且还能保护秦茵的安全。 Lin Muyu returned to the temple, faced Great Deacon office big pile of dossiers to be dumbfounded immediately. 林沐雨返回了圣殿,面对着大执事办公室一大堆卷宗立刻目瞪口呆了。 How, Great Deacon.” Ge Yang standing with a smile said in the one side. “怎么了,大执事。”戈羊笑吟吟的站在一旁说道。 Lin Muyu only thought that the scalp somewhat tingles with numbness, said: Ge Yang Grandpa, the temple truly should hire several civilian officials, in these dossiers has many not to need me to review personally, this has wasted my time on the contrary.” 林沐雨只觉得头皮有些发麻,说:“戈羊爷爷,圣殿确实应该聘用几个文职官员了,这些卷宗里有许多根本就不需要我亲自批阅,这样反倒是浪费了我的时间。” Ge Yang strokes the beard to say with a smile: Knew obsolete, later some make Zheng Deacon choose the qualifications enough civilian official, but in the temple majority is Warrior, being literate are actually not many.” 戈羊捋着胡须笑道:“老朽知道了,稍后一些就让郑执事去挑选资历足够的文职官员,不过圣殿里大部分都是武者,认字的倒是不多。” Would having.” “总会有的。” Yes.” “是。” Lin Muyu static peaceful mind, sits down the change of later notebook, to review the dossier, as before about empire each temple operator selections, fund transfer wait / etc., very tedious senseless, must be more bored compared with the practice, is good washes the rain to be able because of the forest silently in within the body practice calcines Dragon-forged Bone Tome, was insufficient to waste the excellent time. 林沐雨静了静心,坐下之后一本本的翻动、批阅卷宗,依旧还是一些关于帝国各个圣殿人员选拔、资金调用等等,十分繁琐无趣,比起修炼要无聊多了,好在林沐雨可以默默的在体内修炼煅龙骨残卷,也不至于浪费了大好光阴。 Under sun west, not yet dusk time, suddenly outside temple guards said respectfully: Great Deacon, imperial guard Commander Feng Ji Xing interview.” 日头西下,尚未黄昏的时候,忽然外面的圣殿守卫恭敬道:“大执事,禁军统领风继行求见。” „, Making him come.” “哦,让他进來。” Yes.” “是。” Feng Ji Xing travel-worn entered the office, honest impolite sits in the corner of Great Deacon desk, said with a smile: Yo, Great Deacon is reviewing the memorial to the throne.” 风继行风尘仆仆的进了办公室,老实不客气的一屁股坐在大执事办公桌的一角,笑道:“哟,大执事又在批阅奏章。” Is only the dossier, the emperor called the memorial to the throne.” Lin Muyu rise looked at his one eyes, said with a smile: „It is not approximately good to drink in the evening, how Brother Feng comes early.” “只是卷宗,皇帝的才叫奏章。”林沐雨抬头看了他一眼,笑道:“不是约好晚上才去喝酒吗,风大哥怎么來得那么早。” Ha Ha.” Feng Ji Xing breaks into a hearty laugh: „Before drinking, wants to lead you to go to a place first.” “哈哈。”风继行朗声一笑:“喝酒之前想先带你去一个地方。” Where.” “什么地方。” Ministry of public works, weapon division.” “工部,兵器司。” „, Weapon division.” “哦,兵器司。” Right, walks, puts down your dossiers, there treasure may probably be fiercer than these dossiers.” “对啊,走吧,放下你的这些卷宗,那里的宝贝可比这些卷宗要厉害多了。” Un good.” “嗯好。” Left the temple, Lin Muyu turned over to start, rides is strolling in the snow with Feng Ji Xing one after the other speeding away went to the empire ministry of public works, two people both have not led the bodyguard, did not need, empire two big Saint Realm, who dares to have their ideas. 出了圣殿,林沐雨翻身上马,骑乘着踏雪与风继行一前一后的疾驰向帝国工部去了,两个人都沒有带侍卫,根本沒有必要,帝国两大圣域,谁敢打他们的主意。 The warhorse strength of legs is quick, after entering the ministry of public works, all the way is various types of prisons makes the craft the scene, when Feng Ji Xing brings Lin Muyu is entering the ministry of public works deep place, distant finally saw a very dignified construction stands and waits for a long time there, and outside guards with large army, at least over 200 guard orderly encirclement to alert in the surroundings. 战马脚力快,进入工部之后,一路上都是各种监造工艺的场面,当风继行带着林沐雨进入工部深处的时候,远远的终于看到了一座十分庄严的建筑伫立在那里,并且外面重兵把守,至少超过200名守卫严整的围在周围戒备着。 It seems like that in this truly is hiding the secret. 看來,这里面确实藏着秘密。 Still remembers Qin Zi Ling.” Feng Ji Xing asked. “还记得秦子陵吗。”风继行问道。 Remembers, Zi Ling how.” “记得,子陵怎么了。” Has not been under your permission, my direct generation of ministry of public works Shangshu Ouyang He must walk this person, hunting for beast continually crossbow of Qin Zi Ling manufacture very excellent, therefore the skilled craftsmen of ministry of public works improve with his blueprint, you can see quickly.” “沒有得到你的许可,我直接代工部尚书欧阳鹤把这个人要走了,秦子陵制造的猎兽连弩非常精良,所以工部的能工巧匠以他的图纸重新改良,你很快就能看到了。” Un.” “嗯。” They arrive at the front door place of weapon division, soldier respectful cup one fist in the other hand that immediately guards: Commander Feng and rain Commander.” 两人來到兵器司的大门处,顿时守卫的士兵恭敬抱拳:“风统领、雨统领。” Feng Ji Xing nods: Leads us to go, I and rain Commander must experience the might of arrow box.” 风继行点点头:“带我们进去,我和雨统领要见识一下箭箱的威力。” Yes.” “是。” Hundred-Man Commander respectful led them to enter the weapon division, soon after, wore the official of civilian post official's costume to welcome goes forward, about 50 years old high and low, but over the face dark green face, the wrinkle was very deep, cup one fist in the other hand said with a smile: Ouyang crane see Commander Feng and rain Commander.” 一名百夫长恭敬的带着两人进入了兵器司,不多久之后,一名身穿文职官服的官员迎上前,大约50岁上下,但满面苍颜,皱纹很深,抱拳笑道:“欧阳鹤参见风统领、雨统领。” Feng Ji Xing lightly smiled: Sir Ouyang does not need to be polite, I bring rain Commander to come to see our new weapons.” 风继行微微一笑:“欧阳大人不必客气,我带雨统领來看看我们的新兵器。” Yes, rain Commander invited.” “是,雨统领这边请。” Lin Muyu is confused, heart this arrow box is anything, is the continuous emission and similar even/including Nu new equipment, if so, oneself already the experience crossed actually, but will not make, does not understand the principle. 林沐雨一头雾水,心道这箭箱到底是什么,是连续发射、类似连弩的新装备吗,如果是的话,自己其实早就见识过了,只是不会造,不明白原理而已。 Ouyang Hedai they are arriving in the weapon division target range, not far away, one crowd wears the person of ministry of public works civilian post official's costume to manipulate a black box, on the box full is the dense and numerous arrows shows hole, is really the arrow box in legend, in which one of the group of civilian officials is Qin Zi Ling, saw that Lin Muyu came to stand up hurriedly, said respectfully: Zi Ling see Great Deacon.” 欧阳鹤带着两人一路來到兵器司靶场上,不远处,一群身穿工部文职官服的人正在摆弄着一台黑色的箱子,箱子上满是密密麻麻的箭头透出洞孔,果然是传说中的箭箱,这群文职官员的其中一个就是秦子陵,看到林沐雨來了急忙站起身,恭敬道:“子陵参见大执事。” Lin Muyu eyes then saw that the Qin Zi Ling military rank promoted Thousand-Man Commander, is in the weapon division, it seems like also enrolls the emperor ** the team establishes, then the nod said with a smile: Zi Ling does not need to be polite.” 林沐雨一眼便看到秦子陵的军衔已经升级到了千夫长了,身在兵器司,看來也是编入帝**队编制的,便点头一笑道:“子陵不必客气。” Qin Zi Ling somewhat ashamed saying: Has not been under permission of Great Deacon, Zi Ling has then joined the weapon division, is really...... Is unfair to Great Deacon, but also asked Great Deacon to excuse me.” 秦子陵有些羞愧的说道:“沒有得到大执事的允可,子陵便加入了兵器司,实在是……对不起大执事,还请大执事见谅。” Lin Muyu laughs in spite of trying not, pats the shoulder of Qin Zi Ling gently, said: Dumb kid spoke any nonsense, had the opportunity in weapon division your ability, I for you happily without enough time.” 林沐雨不禁失笑,轻轻一拍秦子陵的肩膀,道:“傻小子说什么傻话,在兵器司你的才能有了用武之地,我为你高兴都來不及呢。” Great Deacon is Zi Ling was really happy.” 大执事真的为子陵高兴。” Un, brings weapon that I experience you to develop.” “嗯,带我见识一下你们研制的兵器吧。” Yes.” “是。” Qin Zi Ling issues an order, two soldiers promoted the arrow box to move slowly, have aimed at the target of distant place, this target was very far, approximately 200 meters away, is the firing distance upper limit of bow and arrow . Moreover the target was very sincere woods, the appearances of range estimate about half meter thickness, Lin Muyu knitting the brows head , the vision fell to arrow Yakami in box. 秦子陵一声令下,两名士兵推动着箭箱缓缓移动,瞄准了远处的靶子,这靶子很远,大约在200米之外,已经是弓箭的射程上限了,而且靶子是一块块非常厚重的木头,目测都有近半米厚度的样子,林沐雨皱了皱眉头,目光落向了箱子里的箭矢上。 Ouyang crane lightly smiled, has taken an arrow arrow from nearby table, sees only the forehead of arrow arrow fully is the flame gloss, he said with a smile: This type of arrow arrow is specially-made, tempered the burning, this burning by the nandina and India pokeberry grass two types of the venom of poisonous herbs, the upas, prompt is armor demon vigorous vitality is unable to contend with this type of toxin.” 欧阳鹤微微一笑,从一旁的桌案上取过一枚箭矢,只见箭矢的头部满是火焰光泽,他笑着说道:“这种箭矢是特制的,淬炼了火毒,这种火毒以南天竹、商陆草两种毒草的毒液,见血封喉,及时是甲魔的强大生命力也无法抗衡这种毒素。” Lin Muyu is astonished however, asked: This type of toxin has experimented on armor demon.” 林沐雨讶然,问道:“这种毒素在甲魔身上试验过了吗。” Un.” Ouyang He nods: Was lucky that rain Commander has several living from the rice river position armor demon, we can experiment, what a pity these armor demons do not suppress drug, died.” “嗯。”欧阳鹤点点头:“多亏雨统领从稻江阵地上带回來几个活着的甲魔,我们才能得以试验,可惜这些甲魔不禁毒,都死了。” Hey.” “嘿。” Was good, prepares to put arrow.” “好了,准备放箭。” Yes.” “是。” A soldier is drawing the spanner, moves suddenly suddenly, immediately in the arrow box broadcasts the sound that machine the reed twists, whiz whiz whiz the continual archery, almost shoots about 40 arrow arrows instantaneously cleanly, but the distant place is similar to the wall common target „” drills into the innumerable arrow arrows, the strength is astonishing, shakes the target dust to fly upwards. 一名士兵拉动着扳手,忽地猛然扳动,顿时箭箱内传來机簧绞动的声音,紧接着“嗖嗖嗖”的连续射箭,几乎瞬间就把近40枚箭矢射得一干二净,而远方如同墙壁一般的靶子上则“啪啪啪”的钻入无数箭矢,力道惊人,震得靶子尘土飞扬起來。 We had a look in the past.” Feng Ji Xing said. “我们过去看看吧。”风继行道。 Un.” “嗯。” Lin Muyu the steps go, arrive at the target front, draws out an arrow arrow gently, this arrow arrow all over the body is steel and iron forging, the arrow is very sharp, pricked the blockhead target directly about 20 centimeters depth, Ouyang He in side quite somewhat self-satisfied said: Emperor ** in most outstanding bowman approximately also only then this ability.” 林沐雨踏步而去,來到靶子前方,轻轻拔出一枚箭矢,这箭矢通体都是钢铁铸造的,箭头十分锋利,直接刺入了木头箭靶大约20公分深度,欧阳鹤在旁颇有些得意的笑着说:“帝**里最优秀的弓手大约也就只有这份能耐而已。” Is uncertain.” “不一定。” Lin Muyu experiences the Wei Chou archery, 200 meters away, Wei Chou has certainly been able an arrow to penetrate this type of target, he lifted the hand to draw out the Dragon Spirit sword gently, hesitated, transported Battle Qi to divide a sword, immediately the sword blade week spun fights the glow to wave fiercely radiantly, bang divided an approximately 40 centimeters gap on a blockhead target. 林沐雨见识过卫仇的箭术,200米外,卫仇一定能一箭穿透这种箭靶,他轻轻抬手拔出了龙灵剑,沉吟一声,默运斗气劈出了一剑,顿时剑刃周围旋烈斗芒璀璨舞动,“嘭”一声就在一块木头箭靶上劈进去约40公分的缺口。 Rain Commander, your this is.” An Ouyang He face is surprised. “雨统领,您这是在。”欧阳鹤一脸惊奇。 Lin Muyu said: I and armor demon face-to-face has fought, therefore knows that the degree of hardness and tenacity of their body surface carapace, is this strength can break out armor demon approximately hard armor, therefore Sir Ouyang, only if your arrow box can inject a target 40 centimeters depth, otherwise is unable the hole armor-piercing demon carapace, not to mention to inject armor demon within the body to make him be poisoned to death.” 林沐雨道:“我和甲魔面对面的战斗过,所以知道他们体表甲壳的硬度与韧度,大约就是这个力道才能劈开甲魔的硬甲,所以欧阳大人,除非您的箭箱能够射入箭靶40公分深,否则就无法洞穿甲魔的甲壳,更别提射入甲魔体内使其中毒身亡了。” Ouyang He knits the brows: This was a little difficult to manage......” 欧阳鹤皱眉道:“这个有点难办了……” At this time, Qin Zi Ling said: Sir Ouyang, gives me again the little time, the subordinate has the confidence to continue to improve the arrow box, making it meet the requirements of rain Commander, and...... Our arrow arrow forging also has the leeway of improvement, so long as hires the enough outstanding master craftsman, believes that can shoot the armor-piercing demon hard armor.” 这时,身后的秦子陵则说:“欧阳大人,再给我一点点时间,属下有信心继续改良箭箱,让它达到雨统领的要求,而且……我们的箭矢锻造也还有改良的余地,只要聘用足够优秀的匠师,相信就能射穿甲魔的硬甲。” Ouyang He is joyful: Zi Ling can accomplish.” 欧阳鹤欣喜道:“子陵真能办到。” Subordinate can whole-heartedly.” Qin Zi Ling honest say|way. “属下会全力以赴。”秦子陵诚诚道。 Lin Muyu also smiles, said: If Zi Ling can improve the arrow box to make it really the sharp weapon that kills armor demon, I recommended your weapon division manager to Qin Her Highness Yin.” 林沐雨也是一笑,说:“如果子陵真的能改良箭箱让它成为射杀甲魔的利器,那我就向秦茵殿下举荐你位兵器司主管。” Qin Zi Ling is joyful: Many thanks rain Commander, Zi Ling surely does utmost.” 秦子陵欣喜道:“多谢雨统领,子陵必当竭尽全力。” At this time, Ouyang He also said: Except the arrow box outside, we have also studied the crossbow car(riage) and crossbow artillery, Commander Feng and rain Commander had a look along with the lower official in the past.” 这时,欧阳鹤又说:“除去箭箱之外,我们还研究了弩车和弩炮,风统领、雨统领随下官过去看看吧。” Good, Sir Ouyang please guide.” “好的,欧阳大人请带路。” Un.” “嗯。” The Qin Zi Ling drawing blueprint went, but ministry of public works Shangshu Ouyang He is excited, the weapon division, is the department that various empire most parts most are not favored, because the Qin empire was negligent in the research to the weapon, the empire esteems martial arts, Qin Jin has encouraged the subjects to practice martial skill and archery, has not actually encouraged to study the weapon. 秦子陵绘画图纸去了,而工部尚书欧阳鹤则兴奋不已,兵器司,一直都是帝国各大部最不被看好的部门,因为大秦帝国原本就疏于对兵器的研究,帝国尚武,秦靳一直都是鼓励子民练习武技与箭术的,却从來沒有鼓励过研究兵器。 This Feng Ji Xing and Lin Muyu these two hands grasp the power empire Commander so to think highly to the weapon division, has made Ouyang crane feel extremely flattered sufficiently, recommends new weapon naturally also going all out. 这次风继行、林沐雨这两个手握大权的帝国统领对兵器司如此器重,已经足以让欧阳鹤受宠若惊了,推荐新兵器自然也更加的卖力。 The crossbow car(riage), is divided into single Nuche and even/including Nuche, compares the shortcoming of arrow box is the launch quantity are few, the merit is to carry facilely, by far not heaviness like arrow box. 弩车,分为单弩车和连弩车,相比箭箱的缺点是发射数量少,优点则是携带轻便,远远不像箭箱那样的沉重。 Ouyang He said complacently: This type of crossbow car(riage) can an arrow shoot through 50 centimeters blockhead, the distance suffices near can being enough hole armor-piercing demon body, but the request to the accurate aim was too big.” 欧阳鹤得意洋洋道:“这种弩车就能一箭射穿50公分的木头,距离够近的就能足以洞穿甲魔的身躯,但是对准头的要求太大了。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, has not spoken. 林沐雨点点头,沒有说话。 Ouyang He has referred to nearby one approximately their high machines, said: This is the crossbow artillery in legend, can project the giant stone and great arrow, the strength is vigorous, needs over ten people to control together, is unable unable to launch, moreover very heavy, is not quite suitable to battle.” 欧阳鹤又指了指一旁的一个大约两人高的机具,道:“这是传说中的弩炮,可以投射巨石与巨箭,力道雄浑,需要十人以上一起操控,无法无法发射,而且也十分的沉重,不太适合作战。” Feng Ji Xing has licked the lip, raises head to look, says with a smile: „It looks like actually the military might.” 风继行舔了舔嘴唇,仰头看着,笑道:“看起來倒是挺威武的。” Lin Muyu eyes one bright, said: If on this type of crossbow artillery equips the sharp stone, can shoot through the side bar of ordinary warship.” 林沐雨则眼睛一亮,说:“如果这种弩炮上装备尖利的石头,是不是就能射穿普通战船的侧板了。” Can, certain energy.” Ouyang He said excitedly: „The meaning of rain Commander is.” “能,一定能。”欧阳鹤兴奋道:“雨统领的意思是。” „The improvement reduces some slightly, can equip on the warship of Empire Naval forces.” “稍微改良缩小一些,就能装备在帝国水师的战船上了。” Lin Muyu said smugly: Demon clan is not a fool, sooner or later will fight to the death in the rice river water surface with us . Moreover the righteousness and country also sooner or later have a war with us, does not develop the aquatic weapon on being hard uniform they.” 林沐雨踌躇满志道:“魔族不是傻子,迟早会跟我们在稻江水面上决一死战的,而且义和国也迟早跟我们有一战,不研制水上兵器就难以制服他们。” Ouyang He over the face red light: Lower official understood, is only...... Gold Yin Coin that weapon Si applied for could not approve, the billows Duke, Yun did not have what interest to the weapon development, therefore the dossier has pressed in the Ze Tian Palace former palace to empress Your Highness there.” 欧阳鹤满面红光:“下官明白了,只是……兵器司申请的金茵币一直迟迟批不下來,澜公、云公对兵器研制都沒有什么兴趣,所以卷宗一直压在泽天殿的前殿到不了女帝殿下那里。” Gives me the dossier, I present directly to Your Highness.” Lin Muyu said with a smile. “把卷宗给我吧,我直接呈递给殿下。”林沐雨笑道。 Ouyang He wild with joy: Good...... Good...... Many thanks rain Commander.” 欧阳鹤狂喜不已:“好……好……多谢雨统领。” Feng Ji Xing also in side lightly smiled: A'Yu, we also drink in the evening.” 风继行也在旁微微一笑:“阿雨,我们晚上还喝酒吗。” Sees Xiao Yin to drink again.” “见过小茵再去喝吧。” Good.” “好。”
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