AG :: Volume #4

#382: Big Si Axe

( ( Brushes.” “刷刷。” Two silhouette bind golden ray to shuttle back and forth plane, fell above the Tower of Babel top layer directly, Qu Chu has not fallen to the ground has opened the Saint Heaven Realm domain, the whole body has wrapped the bone-chilling cold cyclone, the expert aura is making Tower of Babel Blood Venerate and the others on dumbfounded, was unconscious, Blood Venerate fought the bear to make the gesture of submitting to with together. 两道身影裹着金色光芒穿梭出位面,直接落在了通天塔的顶层之上,屈楚尚未落地就已经张开了圣天境的领域,全身包裹着凛冽气旋,强者气息让通天塔上的血尊等人目瞪口呆,不自觉的,血尊与自己战熊一起做出了臣服的姿态。 Lin Muyu follows, the wings of Dragon Jiakai diverges rapidly, falls top turret that in the stone has laid on top of one another, lightly smiled said: Blood Venerate, I invited Elder Qu.” 林沐雨紧随其后,身后龙甲铠化的双翼迅速散去,落在了石头垒砌的塔楼顶部,微微一笑道:“血尊,我把屈老请回來了。” On the face of Blood Venerate full is the imposing color, said respectfully: Has not thought that Sir Qu Chu entered Saint Heaven Realm.” 血尊的脸上满是凛然之色,恭敬道:“沒有想到屈楚大人已经进入圣天境了。” Qu Chu cup one fist in the other hand smiles: See Blood Venerate, many thanks Blood Venerate stretched the rules, making A'Yu enter the different space to find the old man who my this will die gradually, many thanks Blood Venerate.” 屈楚抱拳一笑:“参见血尊,多谢血尊通融,让阿雨进入异空间找到我这个垂垂将死的老头儿,多谢血尊了。” Sir Qu Chu was too polite.” 屈楚大人太客气了。” The Blood Venerate look is not quite attractive, said: Here does not have what good entertainment, did not keep you to pass the night......” 血尊的神色不太好看,道:“我这里也沒有什么好招待的,就不留你们过夜了……” Originally already at nightfall. 原來已经入夜了。 Lin Muyu nods smiles: Elder Qu, we returns to Orchid Goose City.” 林沐雨点头一笑:“屈老,我们回兰雁城吧。” Un.” “嗯。” They walk following staircase step by step of turret, when opens that moment of iron gate, distant several soldier of imperial guard ran over, in which Hundred-Man Commander is that person who Lin Muyu entrusts, on the face full is pleasantly surprised saying: Rain Commander, you come back, this is.” 两人循着塔楼的楼梯一步步走下來,当打开铁门的那一刻,远远的几名禁军的士兵跑了过來,其中的百夫长就是林沐雨托付的那个人,脸上满是惊喜的说道:“雨统领,你回來啦,这位是。” Qu Chu lifts the cape that is damaged slowly, reveals an old face, said: This general, you do not know my.” 屈楚缓缓掀开破残的斗篷,露出一张苍老的脸庞,道:“这位将军,你不认识我的。” No...... I know you.” “不……我认识您。” Hundred-Man Commander rapid one knee kneels, said respectfully: Subordinate see Sir Qu Chu.” 百夫长飞速单膝跪地,恭敬道:“属下参见屈楚大人。” One crowd of imperial guard armed soldier one after another kneel down in the place, Qu Chu in the prestige of empire not in two Duke, in the mind of follower in two Duke above, he can receive such respect. 身后,一群禁军甲士纷纷下跪在地,屈楚在帝国的声望不在二公之下,在修炼者的心目中更是远在二公之上,他受得起这样的尊重。 „, How you will know that my this departs three years of person.” Qu Chu said in consternation. “哦,你怎么会认识我这个离去三年的人。”屈楚愕然道。 Hundred-Man Commander lightly smiled: Elder Qu has certainly forgotten, has your portrait in Ze Tian Palace, the subordinate has seen.” 百夫长微微一笑:“屈老一定忘了,在泽天殿里是有您的画像的,属下见过。” „, Set out, does not need so to stand on ceremony.” “原來如此,起身吧,不必如此拘礼。” Yes, Sir.” “是,大人。” Lin Muyu said: Pulls my strolling in the snow, gives a Elder Qu horse again, escorts us to return to Ze Tian Palace.” 林沐雨则说:“把我的踏雪牵來,再给屈老一匹马,护送我们回泽天殿。” Yes, rain Commander.” “是,雨统领。” ...... …… Enters a city not to receive anything to stop . Moreover the commander-in-chief who that night the imperial guard is on duty is Zhang Wei, he saw Lin Muyu and Qu Chu in the city wall, jumps to leap jumped down, laughs saying: Rain Commander...... Sir Qu Chu, my God...... You came back.” 一路进城并沒有受到什么阻拦,而且当夜禁军当值的最高统帅是章炜,他在城墙上就已经看到了林沐雨和屈楚,纵身一跃跳了下來,哈哈大笑道:“雨统领……屈楚大人,,我的天……你们回來了。” Lin Muyu nods smiles: Old Zhang, leading us to see Your Highness.” 林沐雨点头一笑:“老章,带我们去见殿下。” Was so late, perhaps Your Highness has rested.” “已经那么晚了,恐怕殿下已经休息了。” All right, this is good news, Xiao Yin not to blame.” “沒事,这是好消息,小茵不会责怪的。” Yes.” “是。” Directly soars Ze Tian Palace at high speed, when late at night, when Lin Mu the rain belt Qu Chu, Zhang Wei and the others were arriving at outside Ze Tian Palace, making a maidservant go circular, is about several minutes, Qin Yin graceful silhouette appears in the main hall, is wearing the empress long gown, inside wears the cream night clothes, but comes hurriedly, pair of jade trod the ice-cold jade ground to walk fully, in pair of wonderful full was joyful: Sir Qu Chu...... Sir Qu Chu you is also living, good, good......” 快马加鞭直奔泽天殿,正值深夜,当林沐雨带着屈楚章炜等人來到泽天殿外的时候,让一名侍女前往通传,不过几分钟,秦茵曼妙的身影出现在大殿之中,身披着女帝长袍,里面穿着乳白色睡衣,但來得匆忙,一双玉足踏着冰冷的玉石地面就走了过來,一双妙目之中满是欣喜:“屈楚大人……屈楚大人您真的还活着,太好了,太好了……” Qu Chu lightly smiled, one knee kneeling tunnel: Inactivity old minister Qu Chu sees empress Your Highness, but also looks at Your Highness to forgive me to become a fugitive the fault of another plane, the old minister is not really willing death in vain in the Luo Lan subordinate.” 屈楚微微一笑,单膝跪地道:“无为老臣屈楚参见女帝殿下,还望殿下宽恕我逃亡另一层位面之过,老臣实在不愿意白白的死在洛岚的手下。” Sir Qu Chu does not need to rebuke oneself.” 屈楚大人不必自责。” Qin Yin fills with joyfully, said: You can re-enter Orchid Goose City, is the good fortune of empire.” 秦茵满怀喜悦,道:“您能重回兰雁城,是帝国之幸啊。” Lin Muyu said with a smile: Xiao Yin, a good news, Elder Qu to have stepped into the Saint Realm Third Layer day, in addition I and Brother Feng, even if Luo Lan comes Orchid Goose City again, we are also in an impregnable position.” 林沐雨笑道:“小茵,还有一个好消息,屈老已经踏入圣域第三重天了,加上我和风大哥,就算是洛岚再來兰雁城,我们也立于不败之地。” Oh, good.” “嗯嗯,太好了。” Qu Chu takes a deep breath, stands up saying: Her Highness Yin, the Qu Chu no talent, is willing when again your Teacher, this Qu Chu brought one set of newly creation Martial arts to come back, cultivated for Her Highness Yin.” 屈楚深吸一口气,站起身道:“茵殿下,屈楚不才,愿意再当你的老师,并且,这次屈楚带了一套新创的武学回來,供茵殿下修炼。” Qin Yin joyfully: Good...... Good.” 秦茵欣喜不已:“好……太好了。” Lin Muyu said: Xiao Yin, sends for the billows Duke, Yun and other mansions giving the message, Elder Qu came back, tomorrow all minister Ze Tian Palace will discuss official business, you should confer a Elder Qu point anything.” 林沐雨说:“小茵,派人去澜公、云公等府邸传递消息吧,屈老回來了,明天所有大臣泽天殿议事,你应该册封屈老一点什么了。” Un.” “嗯。” Qin Yin blinked, said: „More than 1000 years ago, empire once big division axe the official title, the antiwar time has to transfer the authority of national soldiers and horses, I plan to begin using the duty of big division axe, and grants Sir Qu Chu, A'Yu Elder Brother you think appropriate.” 秦茵眨了眨眼睛,说:“1000多年前,帝国曾经有一个‘大司钺’的官衔,非战时期拥有调动全国兵马的职权,我打算重新启用大司钺之职,并且赐予屈楚大人,阿雨哥哥你觉得合适吗。” Appropriate, but wants billows Duke, Yun this to close is not very easy.” “合适,不过要过澜公、云公这一关并不是很容易。” Therefore tomorrow you and Commander Feng, Wei Chou Sir, Zhang Wei and the others must help me.” “所以明天你和风统领卫仇大人、章炜等人必须要多帮帮我。” Good.” “好。” ...... …… Is the night, Lin Muyu, Qu Chu lived in Ze Tian Palace, and a Qu Chu night has not rested, Bing Zhuye the book, cutting dragon Secret Art altogether sevenfold day practice Martial Art has written completely. 是夜,林沐雨、屈楚就住在了泽天殿里,并且屈楚一夜沒睡,秉烛夜书,把斩龙诀一共七重天的修炼武诀全部写了出來。 Next morning, Feng Ji Xing, Wei Chou, Qin Yan and the others came, one after another sends respects to Qu Chu, Qu Chu looks that empire so many young military officers naturally are also delighted beyond measure, since Lin Muyu after the recent situation of empire government and people, Qu Chu unconscious also had some senses of responsibility, so long as becomes greatly Si Axe, he cannot when again that idle Yun Yehe, pursued Medicine Refining Technique Dragon Tomb to defend the tomb person, but must take on the responsibility of this acting. 次日一早,风继行卫仇秦岩等人闻讯而來,纷纷屈楚问安,屈楚看着帝国还有那么多的年轻将领自然是喜不自胜,自从林沐雨谈起帝国朝野的近况之后,屈楚不自觉的也有了一些责任感,只要当上大司钺,他就再也不能再当那个闲云野鹤、追求炼药术龙墓守陵人了,而必须担当起该担当的责任來。 The ding reverberation, after Lin Muyu, Feng Ji Xing and the others had enjoyed the Ze Tian Palace serving as a tool breakfast, morning discussing official business soon will also start. 钟声回荡,林沐雨、风继行等人享用了泽天殿的御用早餐之后,上午的议事也即将开始了。 Above the main hall, the whole body of ministers arrange respectfully, Qu Chu stands in forest Mu Yu, the front of Feng Ji Xing these two Commander level military officers, on the face with deep veneration, does not get angry, but prestige, expert aura is makes all followers on the scene feel the awe, this is an absolute strength, Lin Muyu are unable to contend with the Qu Chu Saint Realm pressure, not to mention others. 大殿之上,群臣恭敬排列,屈楚就站在林沐雨、风继行这两个统领级将领的前方,脸上肃然,不怒而威,身上的强者气息更是让在场的所有修炼者都感受到敬畏,这是一种绝对的实力,就连林沐雨都无法抗衡屈楚圣域威压,就别提别人了。 Congratulates Sir Qu Chu to return to the empire.” Su herd cloud respectful cup one fist in the other hand said. “恭喜屈楚大人重回帝国。”苏牧云恭敬抱拳道。 The Qu Chu nod smiles: Qu Chu was pursued the mouse to flee another plane, is really ashamed, Yun completely has the evening rain city three services to regain the empire to lose actually, making the person admire.” 屈楚点头一笑:“屈楚被追得鼠窜到了另一个位面,实在惭愧,倒是云公尽起暮雨城三军收复帝国失地,让人敬服。” Sir Qu Chu overpraised.” 屈楚大人过奖了。” Tang Lan also led Tang Lu, Tang Tian, Tang Wei and the others to walk, respectful cup one fist in the other hand said: Veteran Tang Lan see Elder Qu, Elder Qu can return to the empire simply is the good fortune of empire, White-Robe Imperial Forest that initially the first emperor conferred, living also had Elder Qu, Feng Ji Xing and Sir Yao Yuan three people.” 唐澜也带着唐庐、唐天、唐薇等人走了过來,恭敬抱拳道:“老将唐澜参见屈老,屈老能重回帝国简直是帝国之幸,当初先帝册封的白袍御林,活着的也就只有屈老风继行尧渊大人三个人了。” Qu Chu look tranquil nod, said: Billows Duke were the pillar of the state of country, granddaughter Princess Xi are lead the monster clan to establish the empire first meritorious military service, may celebrate encouraging, but also looked at billows Duke loyal and heroic, can continue again for the empire potency.” 屈楚神色平静的点点头,说:“澜公乃是国之栋梁,孙女汐郡主更是率领妖族立下了帝国第一战功,可喜可贺,还望澜公一门忠烈,能继续再为帝国效力。” That is natural.” Tang Lan lightly smiled, on face motionless look. “那是自然。”唐澜微微一笑,脸上不动神色。 At this time, palace of Qin Yin on surrounded by several maidservants, the beautiful eye swept the whole body of ministers, said: Today early asks everybody to come Ze Tian Palace, then for a matter, Sir Qu Chu returned.” 这时,秦茵在几名侍女的簇拥下上殿了,美目一扫群臣,笑着说:“今天那么早请大家來泽天殿,便是为了一件事,屈楚大人归來了。” People one after another said: Congratulates Your Highness to attain again right-hand.” 众人纷纷道:“恭喜殿下再获左膀右臂。” Qin Yin lightly smiled, said: Sir Qu Chu is White-Robe Imperial Forest and princess who grand mentor the father sovereign gift of the emperor, is my kind teacher, is empire the feudal official of indispensable assistance, this time Sir Qu Chu cultivates to strive the return, must give the heavy responsibility, therefore I decided that restarts for more than 1000 years ago empire big division axe the duty, and grants the Qu Chu people Si Axe post.” 秦茵微微一笑,说:“屈楚大人是父皇所御赐的白袍御林、公主太傅,是我的恩师,更是帝国的股肱之臣,这次屈楚大人修为精进归來,必然要予以重任,所以我决定,重启1000多年前帝国‘大司钺’之职,并赐予屈楚大人大司钺的职衔。” This......” “这……” Ministry of War Shangshu Xue Ling stares, nearby Tang Lu signals with the eyes to him unceasingly, his then cup one fist in the other hand said: Your Highness, the duty of big division axe has abandoned the millenniums ago, but also looks at Your Highness to be prudent, moreover big Si Axe is in charge of empire all soldiers and horses, but Sir Qu Chu of noble character and high prestige, but after is the follower, has not brought the soldiers and horses directly, therefore...... Asked Your Highness three to think.” 兵部尚书薛翎一愣,一旁的唐庐不断对他使眼色,他便抱拳道:“殿下,大司钺之职早在千年前就已经废弃,还望殿下慎重,而且大司钺主管帝国一切兵马,而屈楚大人虽然德高望重,但毕竟是修炼者,并未直接带过兵马,所以……请殿下三思。” Tang Lan behind one crowd of minister one after another kneel down: Asked Your Highness three to think.” 唐澜身后的一群大臣纷纷下跪:“请殿下三思。” You......” “你们……” Qin Yin is enduring the anger, on small cheek full is not happy. 秦茵忍着怒意,小脸蛋上满是不高兴。 At this time Lin Muyu left ranks, sound clear and bright cup one fist in the other hand said: Your Highness, big Si Axe is only a post, soldiers and horses that governs whole nation, but does not mean that leads troops to go to battle directly, the Elder Qu prestige controls the duty of big division axe sufficiently, but leads troops to go to battle to have Feng Ji Xing, Xiang Yu and other senior generals, therefore end thinks that anything is inappropriate, Sir Qu Chu is capable this.” 这时林沐雨出列,声音清朗的抱拳道:“殿下,大司钺只是一个职衔,掌管举国上下的兵马,但并不意味着直接带兵出征,屈老的威望足以驾驭大司钺之职,而带兵出征有风继行项彧等大将,所以末将认为并沒有什么不合适,屈楚大人堪当此任。” Saying, his palm to the next pressure, behind Zhang Wei, Wei Chou, Lou Yu, Qin Yan, Fengxi and other understandingly kneels down on military officer one after another gently immediately, cup one fist in the other hand said: End will wait for seconding the motion rain Commander, looks at Your Highness to grant the duty of Qu Chu people Division axe.” 说着,他的手掌轻轻向下一压,顿时身后章炜卫仇罗羽秦岩、风溪等一应将领纷纷会意跪下,抱拳道:“末将等附议雨统领,望殿下赐予屈楚大人大司钺之职。” Feng Ji Xing laughs in one's heart, cup one fist in the other hand said: End will second the motion, Sir Qu Chu is capable this.” 风继行不禁暗笑,抱拳道:“末将附议,屈楚大人堪当此任。” ...... …… At this time, almost all items went to Su baldly, where Su Muyun supported, where was lopsided. 这时,几乎所有的目光头投向了苏家了,苏牧云支持哪边,哪边就是一面倒。 But at this time, Su Muyun deeps frown, is silent. 而此时,苏牧云眉头紧锁,沉默不语。 Finally, Su Yu cup one fist in the other hand, said: End thinks...... Sir Qu Chu may endure this, asking Your Highness not to use hesitant, when empire life or death worked as so, Sir Qu Chu to Si Axe, may gather the will of the people greatly, may encourage the three services officers, may make all followers in empire territory be adopted by us, brings only benefit , and no harm whatsoever.” 最终,苏妤一抱拳,说:“末将认为……屈楚大人可堪此任,请殿下不用犹豫,帝国存亡之际就当如此,屈楚大人为大司钺,可聚拢人心,可激励三军将士,可让帝国版图内的所有修炼者为我所用,有百利而无一害。” The daughters said that Su Muyun naturally also no longer said that cup one fist in the other hand said: Old minister seconding the motion rain Commander.” 女儿都这么说了,苏牧云自然也不再多说了,抱拳道:“老臣附议雨统领。” Immediately, Su Muyun behind at least more than 20 the military officer and official of one after another Su kneels down, said with one voice: I and other seconding the motion rain Commander.” 顿时,苏牧云身后至少20多名苏家的将领与文臣纷纷跪下,齐声道:“我等附议雨统领。” Thanks the grandfather.” “谢谢外公。” The Qin Yin corners of the mouth raise smile very delightfully, said: Comes the person, immediately plans to write the Saint imperial edict, confers Sir Qu Chu for the empress grand mentor, greatly Si Axe, leads the duke salary, and to Si Axe construct the residence in the Ze Tian Palace southern palace greatly, after Sir Qu Chu, lived in Ze Tian Palace is good.” 秦茵嘴角一扬笑得非常甜美,道:“來人啊,立刻拟写圣诏,册封屈楚大人为女帝太傅、大司钺,领公爵俸禄,并于泽天殿的南殿为大司钺修建住所,屈楚大人以后就住在泽天殿好了。” Yes, Your Highness.” Shangshu made respectful cup one fist in the other hand. “是,殿下。”尚书令恭敬抱拳 ...... …… At this time, Lin Muyu relaxed finally, Qu Chu returned, obtains greatly Si Axe conferring rank and title, so long as after the big division axe token carved, can in verbal command nation all soldiers and horses, two Duke occupy the pattern of empire, although is unable to change in a short time as before, but at least started to shake slowly. 这时,林沐雨终于松了一口气,屈楚归來,获得大司钺的册封,只要大司钺令牌雕刻出來之后就能号令全国境内的所有兵马,二公盘踞帝国的格局虽然短时间内依旧无法改变,但至少已经开始缓缓的撼动了。 A'Yu, you stepped into Saint Realm.” Feng Ji Xing asked one suddenly. 阿雨,你踏入圣域了。”风继行忽然问了一句。 Was looked by you.” Lin Muyu smiles. “被你看出來了。”林沐雨嘿嘿一笑。 Snort, tonight listens to rain building to drink.” “哼,今晚听雨楼请喝酒吧。” Good, I handled the matter of temple on the past, should not be late.” “好,我处理完圣殿的事情就过去,你可别迟到了。” Un, drinks is never late.” “嗯,喝酒从不迟到。” Anything did not say that drinks to drink with Elder Brother several too late, renewed lately, hey ~ 啥都不说了,跟哥几个喝酒喝太晚,更新迟了,嘿嘿嘿~
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