AG :: Volume #4

#381: Kills the Saint sovereign

( ( Bang.” “嘭。” Under the Dragon Spirit sword ray, top the dragon deep pool iron plate was twisted the smashing, but occupied becomes in nearby innumerable green cane the juice has splashed, the aura was bone-chilling cold, attacks one side defends imperial armed soldier one after another to retrocede, the next moment, Lin Muyu brought Qu Chu to run out of Dragon Yuan, on the face full was the anger looks at surrounding one group of people. 龙灵剑光芒下,龙渊顶部的铁盘被绞成了粉碎,而盘踞在一旁的无数绿藤更是成了汁液飞溅开來,气息凛冽浩荡,冲击得一旁守御的甲士纷纷后退,下一刻,林沐雨就已经带着屈楚冲出了龙渊,脸上满是怒意的看着周围的一群人。 Lin Zhi, your this rebels.” 林炙,你这逆贼。” Not far away, exclaiming of Saint sovereign face killing intent: I so recognize you, bestowed you to work as spirit Venerable, betrothed four princesses to you, you unexpectedly such did not know the good and evil, entered the counter- thief who Dragon Yuan has colluded with Qu Chu this treason and heresy on the contrary, came the person, took to me, I must cook these two people with the wok with cooking oil.” 不远处,圣皇一脸杀意的吼道:“寡人如此赏识你,赐你当了灵尊者,更将四公主许配给你,你居然这样的不识好歹,反倒进了龙渊勾结屈楚这个大逆不道的反贼,來人,给我拿下,我要用油锅烹煮了这两个人。” All around, three spirit Venerable and 27 demon Venerable, quantity many military Venerable draw out weapons all, face killing intent. 四周,三名灵尊者、27名魔尊者,还有数量不少的武尊者尽数拔出兵刃,一脸的杀意 Qu Chu floating falls to the ground, although clothes sleeve of whole body worn-out corrupting slightly is distressed, but the expert aura actually does not get angry but the prestige, strokes the beard to say gently: A'Yu, Grandpa look at you as, if you cannot fight, I help you again.” 屈楚飘然落地,全身的衣袂虽然破旧腐烂略显狼狈,但强者的气息却不怒而威,轻轻捋着胡须说道:“阿雨,爷爷看你作为,你若是战不过,我再帮你。” Good.” “好。” Lin Muyu long sword one cold, looks that one crowd of spirit Venerable and demon Venerable flushed, when their weapons are away from the less than several rice, suddenly the Spiritual Force quantity erupts, an invisible domain pressure falls in all around, body surface God Binding Lock and gold/metal hu ray rises suddenly, lets one crowd of spirit Venerable unexpectedly and demon Venerable cannot move. 林沐雨长剑一凛,看着一群灵尊者、魔尊者冲了过來,就在他们的兵刃距离自己不到数米的时候,忽然精神力量爆发开來,一股无形领域威压在四周落下,体表缚神锁、金葫光芒暴涨,竟让一群灵尊者和魔尊者动弹不得。 Death.” “死。” He raises the armored hand suddenly, strength of the ghosts and gods linger around the fist, struck to rumble outrageously. 他猛然扬起铁拳,一道道鬼神之力萦绕在拳头周围,悍然一击轰了出去。 Fourth Luminary, Gods and Ghosts Cry. 四曜鬼神哭 Bang.” “嘭。” The blood energy evaporation impact, spirit Venerable and five bodies of demon Venerable are rumbled immediately one pile of blood energy and hashed meat, but Lin Muyu ejects long sword suddenly, tittering penetrated nape of the neck of spirit Venerable, the finger has raised gently, by the strength of fire imperial sword stiffly made long sword shift the route, directly soared another three demon Venerable chests. 血气蒸发冲击,一名灵尊者、五名魔尊者的身体立刻被轰成了一堆血气与碎肉,而林沐雨猛然将长剑抛出,“噗嗤”一声穿透了一名灵尊者的脖颈,手指轻轻一扬,以火御剑的力量硬生生的让长剑转移路线,直奔另外三名魔尊者的胸口。 „......” “啊啊啊……” The miserable howling sound is unceasing, in an instant is three people perishes, which this fights likely, pours completely likely is a slaughter. 惨嚎声不绝,转眼又是三人殒命,这哪儿像是战斗,倒完全像是一场屠杀。 An demon Venerable face whiten, the lance in hand still shivers, he retrocedes slowly, mutters: Impossible...... Impossible...... Lin Zhi possibly so will be how strong.” 一名魔尊者脸色苍白,手里的长矛兀自颤抖,他缓缓后退,喃喃道:“不可能……不可能……林炙怎么可能会那么强。” One crowd of waste.” “一群废物。” The Saint sovereign roars, opens the aura suddenly, is Saint Realm, takes advantage of opportunity to draw out the saber in bodyguard hand, the Saint sovereign called out in the sound a sword to divide to Lin Muyu. 圣皇怒吼一声,猛然张开气息,又是一个圣域,顺势拔出侍卫手里的佩剑,圣皇暴喝声中一剑劈向了林沐雨。 Works as.” “当。” Lin Muyu keeps off in the bottle gourd wall standard directly, on dragon armor spatters in all directions together spark, only thought that a body pain, the attack of Saint sovereign is really outstanding, in an instant, the Saint sovereign consecutively several sword lightnings chop, bottle gourd wall dividing stiffly rottenly, on the face full is the fierce color, the anger exclaims: Lin Zhi, suffers to death.” 林沐雨直接以葫芦壁格挡,龙甲上迸溅出一道火星,只觉得身躯一痛,圣皇的攻击果然不同凡响,转眼之间,圣皇连续十几剑闪电劈出,将葫芦壁硬生生的劈烂了,脸上满是狰狞之色,怒吼道:“林炙,受死吧。” Crash-bang......” “哗啦……” Suddenly the golden bottle gourd cane emerges as the times require together, has tied up the both feet of Saint sovereign directly. 忽然一道金色葫芦藤破土而出,直接捆住了圣皇的双足。 Lin Muyu treads Falling Star Steps to raise the sword to kill, „, when sword blade kept off by square, but the left hand actually tows the band that the radiant stars compose together, is the Stars Art second type, stars chains. 林沐雨踏着坠星步提剑杀出,“当”一声剑刃被格挡掉,但左手却拖曳出一道璀璨星辰所组成的绸带,正是星辰诀第二式,,星辰锁链。 Suddenly the Saint sovereign could not move, Lin Muyu sword punctures a suddenly fights the armor, pierces a blood-stained mouth in the front of Saint sovereign. 一时间圣皇也动弹不得了,林沐雨骤然一剑刺破斗铠,在圣皇的胸前洞穿出一道血口。 Scoundrel.” “混账。” Under the Saint sovereign violent anger the aura does not fall instead rises, the body socializes fights the glow to dance in the air fiercely crazily, condenses unexpectedly with the Qu Chu same Saint Heaven Realm ray, makes the broken stars chains and bottle gourd cane instantaneously, the backhand layer on layer was in charge in the Lin Muyu's front. 圣皇暴怒之下气息不降反升,身周旋烈斗芒疯狂飞舞,竟凝聚出和屈楚一样的圣天境光芒,瞬间挣破星辰锁链和葫芦藤,反手重重一掌印在了林沐雨的胸前。 Bang.” “嘭。” Throat one sweet, Lin Muyu spits blood to fly to draw back, has not thought that this Saint Kokyo however is also Saint Realm Third Layer day expert, but fortunately the Saint sovereign has not practiced Martial Spirit, otherwise in addition held a palm of Martial Spirit almost to massacre itself. 喉头一甜,林沐雨吐血飞退,万万沒有想到这个圣皇居然也是圣域第三重天的强者,不过值得庆幸的是圣皇沒有修炼武魂,否则加持武魂的一掌就差不多能杀掉自己了。 Makes me come, A'Yu.” “让我來吧,阿雨。” Qu Chu leapt the body to arrive at Lin Muyu the front suddenly, the palm has raised, Flame Cauldron howled, formed for day to soar to the heavens the counterfort. 屈楚猛然跃身來到了林沐雨前方,掌心一扬,火鼎呼啸而出,形成了一天冲天护壁。 Bang.” “嘭。” The Saint sovereign violent palm bang of above Flame Cauldron, spatters in all directions the boundless flame energy, even one side several bodyguards will fire all kill, but this palm slightest is actually not able to vacillate Qu Chu Flame Cauldron. 圣皇猛烈的一掌轰在火鼎之上,迸溅出无边火焰能量,甚至将一旁的几个侍卫尽数灼烧杀死,但这一掌却分毫无法动摇屈楚火鼎 How possible, this small old.” In the eyes of Saint sovereign full is panic-stricken. “怎么可能,这小老儿,。”圣皇的眼中满是惊骇。 Qu Chu visits him lightly, said with a smile slightly: You think that I am three years ago I, if not for cuts Dragon Jue for self-created, I already had Dragon Yuan to massacre your this.” 屈楚淡淡的看着他,微微笑道:“你以为我还是三年前的我吗,若不是为了自创斩龙诀,我早就出了龙渊杀掉你这个狗贼了。” During the speeches, a Qu Chu superficial palm departs, the roaring flame soars to the heavens. 说话间,屈楚轻描淡写的一掌飞出,烈焰冲天。 „......” “啊啊啊……” The strength that the Saint sovereign hits back continually does not have, the body moves under Saint Realm pressure locking of Qu Chu cannot move, such changed into pile of ashes in the roaring flame. 圣皇连还手的力量都沒有,身体在屈楚圣域威压锁定下一动不能动,就这么在烈焰中化为一堆灰烬了。 Two people with are the Saint Realm Third Layer days, but the disparity of strength is the day leaves simply badly. 两个人同为圣域第三重天,但战力的差距简直是天差地别。 ...... …… Lin Muyu received the armor effect, making Scarlet Crystal Dragons re-enter the different space to go, raises long sword to look to the people, said: Saint sovereign died, whom you do not need to follow again, dispersed respectively.” 林沐雨收了铠化效果,让赤晶龙重回异空间去,提着长剑看向了众人,道:“圣皇已死,你们也不必再追随谁了,各自散了吧。” One group of people are dumbfounded, all spirit Venerable had been killed, demon Venerable also died half, the palace of this chaos is a group of people without a leader. 一群人目瞪口呆,所有的灵尊者都已经被杀,魔尊者也死了一半,这个混沌界的宫殿已经是群龙无首了。 Saying that Lin Zhi spirit your father......” an demon Venerable whole body trembles: You...... How you plan to handle chaos.” 林炙灵尊大人……”一名魔尊者浑身颤栗的说道:“您……您打算怎么处置混沌界。” Qu Chu killed the Saint sovereign, strength has aspired to seize this chaos, therefore he was Ruler of this world, this demon Venerable will have this one to ask. 屈楚杀了圣皇,实力已经问鼎这混沌界,所以他是这个世界的主宰了,这名魔尊者也才会有此一问。 Lin Muyu said: We are only the traveler, chaos later has nothing to do with us, that...... Demon Venerable, you know where the buried treasure of Saint sovereign, leading us to go, we must take the buried treasure to walk again.” 林沐雨道:“我们只是过客,混沌界的以后与我们无关,那个……魔尊者阁下,你知道圣皇的宝藏在哪儿吗,带我们去,我们要拿了宝藏再走。” Yes...... Sir.” “是……大人。” Demon Venerable transferred with Lin Muyu and Qu Chu entered the imperial palace deep place, saw only along the way is Yingying Yanyan's palace maid, the Qu Chu knitting the brows head, immediately ordered to disband this group of palace maids, making them go home respectively. 魔尊者转身带着林沐雨和屈楚进入了皇宫深处,只见沿途都是莺莺燕燕的宫女,屈楚皱了皱眉头,随即下令遣散这群宫女,让她们各自回家了。 The scene of palace deep place, in the imperial palace cave of Saint sovereign school of being bedecked with jewels, piles of jewelry pile up, in addition also some weapons, Qu Chu found a space bag, starts to install the jewelry, but Lin Muyu arrived among one pile of weapons, the vision of Saint sovereign is also good, has stored up many god soldiers, a best handle lance unexpectedly is handle Saint, with ten thousand years of Fiery Jiāo Soul Refining, is somewhat similar to the Qin Yan hot snake lance, therefore received Cosmos Bag, turned head to give Qin Yan to be good, Qin Yan was one of the gentian camp vice- Commander, the strength and prestige were armed forces. Few, he can also be joined to this handle lance. 宫殿深处,圣皇的寝宫地窖里一派珠光宝气的光景,一堆堆的珠宝堆积如山,除此之外还有一些兵刃,屈楚找到一个空间袋,开始装珠宝,而林沐雨则來到了一堆兵刃之间,圣皇的眼光还算是不错,储存了不少神兵,最好的一柄长矛居然还是一柄圣器,用万年火蛟炼魂,与秦岩的火蛇矛有几分相似,于是收入乾坤袋中,回头送给秦岩好了,秦岩是龙胆营的副统领之一,实力与威望都是军。中屈指可数的,他也配得上这柄长矛。 They install the darkness from the dawn, altogether has used four space bags, installing to empty the buried treasure of Saint sovereign. 两人从天亮装到天黑,一共用了四个空间袋,把圣皇的宝藏给装空了。 After leaving the cave, in the palace the nobody left, all bodyguard, palace maid and imperial concubine imperial concubines diverged, only several princess of crying is red the eye to look at Lin Muyu, four princess suffering from injustice appearances, cried saying: Lin Zhi Venerable spirit, since I am your woman, you must lead me to leave, I cannot stay here.” 出了地窖之后,宫殿里已经空无一人,所有的侍卫、宫女、嫔妃都已经散去,唯独几个哭哭啼啼的公主红着眼睛看着林沐雨,四公主一副委屈的样子,哭着说:“林炙灵尊,我既然是你的女人,你就必须带我离开,我不能留在这里。” Qu Chu laughs in spite of trying not to: A'Yu, your good fortune in romance great.” 屈楚不禁失笑:“阿雨,你的艳福不浅啊。” Lin Muyu awkwardly: Elder Qu do not play my joke, her hair I have not bumped, she is not my woman, said again...... She does not match.” 林沐雨尴尬不已:“屈老别开我玩笑了,她的一根头发我都沒有碰过,她也不是我的女人,再说了……她也不配。” The Qu Chu nod said: Yes, Princess Xi and Her Highness Yin any looks completely above her.” 屈楚点头道:“是啊,汐郡主茵殿下任何一个的姿容都完全在她之上。” I do not mean this......” “我不是说这个……” Lin Muyu is somewhat speechless: Was good, the time was also up, we hurry.” 林沐雨有些无语:“好了,时间也差不多了,我们赶紧回去吧。” Un.” “嗯。” Is packed in bags the space, Lin Muyu summoned Scarlet Crystal Dragons armor again, opened the wings to bring Qu Chu to fly to the sky, arrived at chaos second directly, afterward flew directly to first, has killed several chaos insects conveniently, threw the corpse to the world of mortals, treated as the gift to De Wen and the others, took advantage of opportunity to receive spirit stone, spirit stone was the good thing, sold for money or forges weapons to be good, shortly after empire reconstruction, was short of money everywhere, the Lin Muyu's gentian camp once more has 20,000 people of military strength now, was also getting higher and higher in demand on weapons and instrument, naturally needs to spend money, therefore. He receives the treasure in Cosmos Bag not to plan to take from the start. 将空间袋装好,林沐雨再次呼唤赤晶龙铠化,张开双翼带着屈楚飞向了天空,直接來到了混沌界第二层,随后直接飞向第一层,顺手干掉了几条混沌虫,把尸体扔向了下界,给德文等人当做礼物,顺势把灵石收掉,灵石是好东西,无论是卖钱还是锻造兵刃都好,帝国重建不久,到处都缺钱,林沐雨的龙胆营现在再次拥有20000人的的兵力,在兵刃、器械上的需求也越來越高了,自然更加需要用钱,所以。他收入乾坤袋里的宝贝压根沒有打算拿出來。 The contribution to the words of state treasury, became the wealth that Tang Lan and Su Muyun these two grand dukes controlled, if kept in oneself hand, can sell off these treasure to promote a rank the well-equipped level of gentian camp again, why not. 贡献给国库的话,就成为唐澜、苏牧云这两个大公支配的财富了,若是留在自己手里,就能变卖这些宝贝将龙胆营的装备精良水平再提升一个等级,何乐而不为呢。 However the Qu Chu manner is upright, the buried treasure in his three space bags will certainly give to Qin Yin. 不过屈楚为人忠厚,他的三个空间袋里的宝藏一定会献给秦茵的。 ...... …… Strolls when the chaos first desolated space, Lin Muyu seeks vigorously is coming in the position, at the same time said to Qu Chu: Elder Qu, after returning to the empire, regardless of Xiao Yin gives you any to seal|confer Shang do not reject, had better be able confer you to have the official title of real power, this can also be Xiao Yin shares some pressures.” 漫步走在混沌界第一层的荒芜空间里,林沐雨极力寻找着进來时的方位,一边对屈楚说道:“屈老,重回帝国之后,无论小茵给你什么封赏都不要拒绝,最好能册封你一些拥有实权的官衔,这样也能为小茵分担一些压力。” Shares the pressure, said.” Qu Chu is stunned. “分担压力,怎么说。”屈楚愕然。 Lin Muyu said: Elder Qu you practice wholeheartedly do not ask the humans affair, therefore some does not know, reason that Orchid Goose City will break the city , because Tang Lan and Su Muyun two grand dukes hold troops, the hand grasps 400,000 armies to sit looks at the Imperial Capital destruction, after the empire is disillusioned, commands troops to go out, has been built on stilts the Xiao Yin imperial authority at one fell swoop, the person who therefore the empire truly is in power now is two grand dukes, is not Xiao Yin, I do not want to make this situation get down, therefore after you return to Orchid Goose City, must help Xiao Yin much.” 林沐雨道:“屈老你一心修炼不问世事,所以有所不知,兰雁城之所以会破城,是因为唐澜、苏牧云两位大公按兵不动,手握400000大军坐看帝都覆灭,等到帝国破灭之后才率兵出关,一举架空了小茵的皇权,所以帝国现在真正掌权的人是两位大公,并不是小茵,我不想让这种情况一直下去,所以你回到兰雁城之后,一定要多多帮助小茵。” Cannot.” “不会吧。” Qu Chu deeps frown saying: Tang Lan and Su Muyun are my old acquaintance, how they will make this grade of treason and heresy the matter.” 屈楚眉头紧锁道:“唐澜、苏牧云都是我的旧相识,他们怎会做出这等大逆不道的事情。” „After returned to Orchid Goose City, you knew.” “等回到兰雁城之后你就知道了。” Lin Muyu touches the nose, said with a smile: „The military authorities in two grand duke Xiao Yin are for fear that many tiny bit, if not the demon clan invades, the authority that perhaps my gentian battalion expands manpower does not have.” 林沐雨摸了摸鼻子,笑道:“两位大公生怕小茵手里的兵权多出一分一毫,如果不是魔族入侵,恐怕我的龙胆营连扩编的权力都沒有。” „, I knew.” “原來如此,我知道了。” Qu Chu said lightly: Relax A'Yu, Qu Chu by the emperor great reputation, certainly well will be assisted first empress Your Highness, if Tang Lan and Su Muyun has the non- feudal official's heart, my Qu Chu first will not let off them.” 屈楚淡淡道:“放心吧阿雨,屈楚受先帝重望,一定会好好辅佐女帝殿下,如果唐澜和苏牧云真的有不臣之心,我屈楚第一个不会放过他们。” Un, Grandpa Qu Chu returns to the empire, this was too good, I do not need to be worried Xiao Yin was safe, can wholly-absorbed fighting up and down the country regain to lose for her.” “嗯,屈楚爷爷重回帝国,这就太好了,我也再也不用担心小茵的安全了,也可以专心的南征北战为她收复失地了。” Un.” “嗯。” At this time, Lin Muyu arrived entered chaos the place, the vision one cold, said: To, has prepared to offer a far-fetched interpretation plane, Grandpa Qu Chu one will flush together with me then.” 这时,林沐雨已经來到了进入混沌界的地点,目光一凛,说:“到了,准备穿凿位面,屈楚爷爷一会跟我一起冲进去便是了。” Good.” “好。” A body Qu, golden Divine Power revolves in the palm slightly, Lin Muyu calls out, launches the Spiritual Sense rapid attack, immediately front 8 meters away zi zi the appearance radius one meter space crack, has flown into with Spiritual Sense searches, in the scarlet cyclone can see that Blood Venerate and his one group of subordinates are defending in the Tower of Babel top layer, was here. 身体微微一屈,金色神力在掌心里旋转,林沐雨一声暴喝,发动灵觉飞速进攻,顿时前方8米外“啪嗞啪嗞”的出现了一个半径一米大小的空间裂缝,用灵觉飞入一探,血色的气旋里就能看到血尊和他的一群部下正守在通天塔的顶层,就是这里了。
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