AG :: Volume #4

#380: An eye for an eye

( ( Bang.” “轰。” Seventh Luminary, Star Shift changes into myriad star light to erupt in Longzui, sees only that radiant stars to pass the body of Black Dragon king, shoots through tattered and torn the body of its huge, castrates continues, stars bang pound on Black Dragon king back stone wall, is the end destruction strength is likely ordinary, becomes integrated with pulpy stone wall, big dragon that avoids miserable howling, one after another was rumbled torn to pieces by Seventh Luminary, Star Shift. 七曜星辰变化为万千星光爆发在龙嘴之中,只见那一道道璀璨星辰直透黑龙王的身躯,将其巨大的身体射穿成千疮百孔,去势不止,一枚枚星辰轰砸黑龙王背后的石壁上,像是末日毁灭的力量一般,将石壁打成一片稀烂,躲避不及的巨龙嗷嗷惨嚎,纷纷七曜星辰变轰得支离破碎。 Roar roar......” “吼吼……” Roaring of Black Dragon king turned into whinning, a tongue was almost struck Seventh Luminary, Star Shift to rot to the bang by forest Mu Yu. 黑龙王的怒吼变成了哀嚎,一条舌头几乎被林沐雨一击七曜星辰变给轰烂掉了。 While Seven Luminaries backlash has not manifested suddenly completely time, Lin Muyu raises long sword suddenly, is a Stars Art Sacred Mountains of China day descends on the head of Black Dragon. 趁着第七曜反噬还沒有完全发作的时候,林沐雨猛然扬起长剑,又是一次星辰诀五岳天降落在黑龙的头颅上。 „......” “咔嚓……” These time has cut to pieces the main item, the Black Dragon king skull was broken, immediately died, was washed the rain consecutively three swords to break the skull by the forest again, seized spirit stone, the body of Black Dragon king then suddenly crashes to below boundless stars. 这一次切碎了龙头,黑龙王颅骨被破,马上死亡,再被林沐雨连续三剑破开脑颅,攫出灵石,黑龙王的身躯便猛然坠落向下方的无边星辰中去了。 spirit stone that will warm up has thrown into Cosmos Bag, in within the body tired transmission irresistibly, Lin Muyu is well aware, quick will lose the soaring the strength, then immediately turns around to fire into Qu Chu, lifts the hand to raise long sword to chop into pieces to imprison Qu Chu that iron lock, draws out long gun|spear that seals up his sea of qi, actually sees only the Saint Realm spin to fight the glow rapidly maneuver in together fiercely the integration sea of qi, it seems like Qu Chu has the means to protect the sea of qi strength not to leak. 将温热的灵石扔进了乾坤袋中,体内一股无法抵抗的困乏感传來,林沐雨心知肚明,很快的自己就会失去飞翔的力量,便立刻转身冲向了屈楚,抬手扬起长剑劈碎禁锢屈楚的那一副铁锁,拔出封住他气海的长枪,却只见一道圣域旋烈斗芒急速回旋的纳入气海之中,看來屈楚是有办法保护住气海力量不外泄的。 Shouted......” “呼……” A muddy breath has spat, Qu Chu gratified looks to hold forest Mu Yu of vine, said with a smile: A'Yu, is this real, you found this plane to come unexpectedly.” 一股浊息吐了出來,屈楚欣慰的看着抓住藤蔓的林沐雨,笑道:“阿雨,这是不是真的,你居然找到这个位面來了。” Naturally real.” “自然是真的。” Lin Muyu the physical strength is weak, said: I am not easy to know that Elder Qu was compelled into Tower of Babel, therefore had found the Elder Qu whereabouts in Blood Venerate there, this Blood Venerate has not deceived me.” 林沐雨体力虚弱,道:“我还不容易才知道屈老被逼入通天塔,所以在血尊那里找到了屈老的下落,这一次血尊沒有骗我。” You are what kind, all right.” Qu Chu is replying Battle Qi and physical strength in within the body rapidly, at the same time kind asking. “你怎么样,沒事吧。”屈楚飞速的回复着体内的斗气与体力,一边关切的问道。 All right, the Seventh Luminary, Star Shift backlash strength was too strong.” “沒事,七曜星辰变反噬力量太强了。” Seventh Luminary, Star Shift.” Qu Chu is startled, narrows eye saying: As far as I know...... This was giving up study of antiquity demon god Seven Luminaries Demon Emperor, you...... How your boy can Seventh Luminary, Star Shift.” 七曜星辰变。”屈楚一怔,眯着眼睛道:“据我所知……这是上古魔神七曜魔帝的绝学吧,你……你小子怎么会七曜星辰变的。” This has been a long story, chance coincidence, Seven Luminaries Demon Emperor has become the friend of mine, has taught my whole set Seven Luminaries Mystic Power, my spirit soul is just weak, is unable to control Seven Luminaries completely, will therefore use up each time will receive the body and spiritual backlash.” “这说來话长了,机缘巧合,七曜魔帝成了我的朋友,就传授了我整套的七曜玄力,只不过我的灵魄不够强,无法完全驾驭七曜,所以每次用完都会受到身体和精神上的反噬。” Originally is this.” “原來是这样。” Qu Chu hesitates, on the face to sweep past low-spirited, said: I looked that the stars distinguish the livelihood to calculate the time, had been locked in this plane enough three years, in the three years...... The empire had many matters.” 屈楚沉吟一声,脸上掠过一丝黯然,道:“我看星辰辨日月算时间,已经被锁在这个位面足足三年了,这三年……帝国发生了多少事情。” Lin Muyu has been startled being startled, muttered: Is a long story.” 林沐雨怔了怔,喃喃道:“说來话长。” Said that all right.” “说吧,沒事的。” Big brother Chu Huaisheng and big brother Qin Yan and Lei Hong Grandpa, died in battle, the righteousness and country attack and occupy Orchid Goose City.” 楚怀渑大哥、秦岩大哥、雷洪爷爷,都已经战死了,义和国攻占兰雁城。” Later......” on the Qu Chu face full is the color of pain. “之后呢……”屈楚脸上满是痛苦之色。 Lin Muyu said: We had the father sovereign Qin Jin skeleton in Xiannv Lake of Tian Shu province, has buried, after the righteousness and country seize Orchid Goose City, Seven Seas City and evening rain city has dispatched troops finally, 300,000 crack troops compel to draw back the righteousness and country army, regains Imperial Capital, Xiao Yin ascends the throne for the king, the number is an empress, I follows orders to regain the range winter province in later along with prestige marquis Mu Yulin, but has met the invasion of demon clan in the range winter province, 100,000 strike awe regiment whole army has been annihilated, your marquises also died in battle.” 林沐雨道:“我们在天枢行省的仙女湖发生了父皇秦靳的尸骸,就地安葬了,义和国占领兰雁城之后,七海城、暮雨城终于出兵了,300000精兵逼退义和国大军,收复帝都,小茵登基为王,号为女帝,在之后我奉命随威侯闵禹林收复岭冬行省,但在岭冬行省遇到了魔族的入侵,100000扬威军团全军覆灭,君侯也战死了。” Demon clan.” “魔族。” Qu Chu knits the brows: Any demon clan.” 屈楚皱眉道:“什么魔族。” Is I goes to the clouds on the road in province, in that assassin respective race of in the rice river meets, they can utilize the demon Battle Qi spin and blood ghost demon breath and grandmaster demon vigor, the effective strength of higher demon clan is very strong, the main military strength of demon clan is one type the species that called armor demon, the body surrounding had the carapace, the sword does not enter, the strength was greatly infinite, therefore we suffered a loss with the combat of demon clan.” “就是我去云中行省的路上,在稻江上遇到的那个刺客所属的种族,他们能够运用魔斗气旋、血煞魔息和宗师魔劲,高等魔族的战斗实力十分强,魔族的主要兵力则是一种叫甲魔的物种,身体外围有甲壳,刀剑不入,力大无穷,所以我们与魔族的作战里吃了大亏。” These demon clans...... In the legend several thousand years ago continent master originally.” “那些魔族……是传说中数万年前大陆原本的主人吧。” Properly speaking, is this, they say the god clan.” “按理说,是这样,他们自称神族。” A Qu Chu sigh, said: Righteousness and country have made the empire disintegrate randomly, now the demon clan reappears, this continent was also more chaotic, A'Yu, you cross what kind.” 屈楚一声叹息,道:“义和国之乱就已经让帝国分崩离析了,如今魔族再现,这大陆也就更加混乱了,阿雨,你过得怎么样。” Fortunately.” “还好。” Lin Muyu lightly smiled: I and Brother Feng, Elder Sister Chu Yao, Xiaoxi, Xiao Yin lived in this turmoil, this is the place that is worth comforting, now demon clan potential, we needed you, Grandpa Qu Chu.” 林沐雨微微一笑:“我和风大哥楚瑶姐小汐小茵都在这场动乱里活了下來,这是最值得安慰的地方,如今魔族势强,我们太需要你了,屈楚爷爷。” Qu Chu also smiles: I also want to go home, is only...... I do not know how can pass through, A'Yu you have this ability.” 屈楚也是一笑:“我也想回家,只是……我不知道如何才能穿越回去,阿雨你有这个能力吗。” Has.” “有。” Lin Muyu sinking sound track: Seven Luminaries Demon Emperor before flying upwards heaven teaches me to offer a far-fetched interpretation the plane secret technique, therefore we can go back, just the Grandpa body can bear the impact of time wind-drift sand.” 林沐雨沉声道:“七曜魔帝在飞升天界之前传授过我穿凿位面的秘术,所以我们可以回去,只不过爷爷的身躯能承受时光流沙的冲击吗。” Does not have the issue.” “沒问題。” Qu Chu said lightly: You think me in the three years in the chaos spatial time, how possible...... I daily am together with the Black Dragon kings and numerous big dragons, in the three years is studying Dragon Force and Dragon Yu, I self-created one set of Martial arts from the bloodlines of Dragon clan, named have cut dragon Secret Art, but takes my bloodlines unable cutting Dragon Jue displays cultivating more than enough, therefore I planned that cutting Dragon Jue taught for having Qin Her Highness Yin of real dragon bloodlines.” 屈楚淡淡道:“你以为我这三年都在混沌界空度光阴吗,怎么可能……我与黑龙王与众多巨龙日日相处,这三年都在研究龙力与龙语,我已经从龙族的血脉中自创一套武学,名为‘斩龙诀’,但以我的血脉并不能将斩龙诀发挥到十成十的修为,所以我打算把斩龙诀传授给拥有真龙血脉的秦茵殿下。” Lin Muyu is secret: This is the good deed, you are the princess grand mentor, this is the job.” 林沐雨暗暗欣喜:“这是好事啊,你原本就是公主太傅,这是分内之事。” Un.” “嗯。” Qu Chu nods: You rest well, after restoring the physical strength and Battle Qi, we leave chaos.” 屈楚点点头:“那你好好休息一下,恢复体力、斗气之后我们就离开混沌界。” No.” “不。” Lin Muyu the vision is imposing, said: I had entered the chaos palace before, has seen that so-called Saint sovereign, he you harms such bitterly Grandpa, how I possibly let off him.” 林沐雨目光凛然,道:“我之前进入过混沌界的宫殿,见过那个所谓的圣皇陛下了,他把爷爷你害得这么苦,我怎么可能放过他。” You want to do.” Qu Chu is stunned. “你想干什么。”屈楚愕然。 Lin Muyu makes a fist, said lightly: Tits for fat, an eye for an eye, he to the matter that Grandpa makes, I want him to double the repayment, before leaving chaos, I must except the Saint sovereign chaos degenerate.” 林沐雨一握拳,淡淡道:“以牙还牙、以眼还眼,他对爷爷做出的事情,我要他加倍偿还,离开混沌界之前,我要除去圣皇这混沌界的败类。” Qu Chu smiled: Although you have stepped into Saint Realm, moreover has giving up study of Seven Luminaries Demon Emperor, but the Saint sovereign is not the affable Lord, you have the confidence to defeat the Saint sovereign.” 屈楚不禁笑了:“虽然你踏入了圣域,而且又身怀七曜魔帝的绝学,但圣皇也不是好惹的主,你有信心击败圣皇。” No, but can challenge . Moreover, I have the help of Grandpa.” “沒有,但可以挑战,况且,我还有爷爷的帮助。” Ha Ha...... How you know that my strength can defeat the Saint sovereign.” “哈哈……你怎就知道我的力量能够战胜圣皇。” I can induce.” Lin Muyu mysterious smiles. “我能感应到。”林沐雨神秘兮兮的一笑。 Qu Chu has also smiled, the release that at this moment, the strength of his whole body does not restrain, certainly the aura changes into the pressure to arrive at entire Dragon Yuan, lets leader big dragon can"t help it, is shivering, has made the gesture of submitting, but the Qu Chu body week is lingering golden rays, if still the deity is common, this strength is Lin Muyu is unable to contend at present. 屈楚也不禁笑了起來,这一刻,他全身的力量毫不收敛的释放开來,强绝气息化为威压降临整个龙渊,让一头头巨龙禁不住的颤抖着,做出了臣服的姿态,而屈楚的身周更是萦绕着一道道金色光芒,犹若天神一般,这股力量是林沐雨目前所无法抗衡的。 This...... This is any strength.” Lin Muyu asked astonished. “这……这是什么力量。”林沐雨惊愕问道。 This called Saint Heaven Realm.” “这叫圣天境。” Qu Chu said lightly: Saint Realm Third Layer day strength.” 屈楚淡淡道:“圣域第三重天的力量。” Grandpa Qu Chu Saint Heaven Realm.” Lin Muyu is overjoyed: In other words...... Grandpa Qu Chu stepped into God Realm to be also just round the corner.” 屈楚爷爷天境了。”林沐雨大喜过望:“也就是说……屈楚爷爷踏入神境也指日可待了。” God Realm is distant, when I do not know can, but I I never have the moment to idle in the three years, is together with Dragon clan, in dragon deep pool the practice mood, had the considerable entering step certainly unexpectedly, has stepped into Saint Heaven Realm at one fell swoop.” A Qu Chu sigh, said with a smile: Misfortune may is a blessing in disguise danger is next neighbor to security, who can understand this world all kinds ingenious method.” 神境遥遥,我不知道什么时候能够比及,但我这三年我从來沒有一刻懈怠过,与龙族相处,在龙渊的绝地中修炼心境,竟有了长足的进阶,一举踏入了圣天境。”屈楚一声叹息,笑道:“祸兮福所倚福兮祸所伏,谁能明白这世界万般妙法呢。” Lin Muyu has grasped the fist confidently, said with a smile: I and Brother Feng have stepped into Saint Realm, in addition Elder Qu Saint Realm Third Layer day strength, even if Luo Lan arrives at Orchid Goose City once more, we did not fear that not.” 林沐雨信心十足的握了握拳头,笑着说道:“我和风大哥都已经踏入圣域了,再加上屈老圣域第三重天的实力,就算是洛岚再次降临兰雁城,我们也不怕了,不是吗。” Un.” “嗯。” Qu Chu layer on layer nods, said: I am gradually old, can display many for the empire photo-thermal is many, actually A'Yu you and Feng Ji Xing, must practice well, the future of empire will wield in your hands as before.” 屈楚重重点头,道:“我垂垂老矣,能为帝国发挥多少光热便是多少,倒是阿雨你和风继行,要好好修炼,帝国的未來依旧执掌于你们两人之手。” Un, Grandpa was also hungry, ate a thing.” “嗯,爷爷也饿了吧,吃点东西。” Good good.” “好啊好啊。” „, This is the roast chicken that brings from Orchid Goose City,...... Grandpa your slow point eats, this is the liquor, the cushion flower ferments, in Ze Tian Palace brings secretly.” “喏,这是从兰雁城带來的烧鸡,啊……爷爷你慢点吃,这是酒,茵花酿,泽天殿里偷偷带來的。” Delicious, the flavor of hometown......” Qu Chu almost must cry with emotion. “好吃,家乡的味道……”屈楚差点又要感动落泪了。 „......” Forest Mu Yu visits him silently, actually in wants to look at Elder Qu this prospect at heart, is not meat liquor. “……”林沐雨默默的看着他,心里却在想瞧屈老这点出息,不就是一点肉一点酒嘛。 ...... …… Also does not know after several days, Qu Chu and Lin Muyu hides in Longyuanli with concentration cultivates and restores, Qu Chu strength no doubt already certainly, but the Lin Muyu's strength in rapid progression, the backlash injury of Seventh Luminary, Star Shift gradually recovers, the physical strength and Battle Qi have promoted in peak condition. 也不知道过了几天,屈楚和林沐雨藏匿在龙渊里只是潜心修炼与恢复,屈楚的力量固然已经强绝,而林沐雨的力量则在飞速增进中,七曜星辰变反噬伤害渐渐恢复,体力、斗气都已经提升到了巅峰状态。 I restored.” In darkness, Lin Muyu lightly smiled. “我恢复了。”黑暗中,林沐雨微微一笑 Un.” “嗯。” Qu Chu nods, said: Saint sovereign person is too long in the chaos power and influenced acquired over a long period, has left many buried treasures and wealth in the palace, good also good, if we can massacre the Saint sovereign, steals his valuables and money and collection brings back to the empire, is makes a contribution for the empire.” 屈楚点点头,说:“圣皇此人在混沌界积威太久,也在宫殿里留下了不少宝藏与财富,也好也好,我们若是能杀掉圣皇,就劫走他的财宝与珍藏带回帝国,也算是为帝国做一点贡献。” Good, I also think.” “好,我也是这么想的。” Lin Muyu rise looks at the crown to dragon deep pool, induces occupies to many expert aura in the crown, can"t help it, knit the brows, said: Elder Qu, I entered dragon deep pool at least three days, I think that the Saint sovereign should discover situation is not wonderful, their many people encircled above, after meeting us to exit, must launch an attack in advance.” 林沐雨抬头看向龙渊的顶部,感应到不少强者气息盘踞在顶部,禁不住皱了皱眉,说:“屈老,我进入龙渊至少三天之久了,我想圣皇应该已经发现情况的不妙了,他们不少人围在上面,一会我们出去之后,必须先行发难。” Qu Chu said with a smile: Un, the Saint sovereign regains in spirit Venerable, demon Venerable and military Venerable completely is one group of ferocious people, dies pities insufficient, does not need to show mercy, except them, perhaps to chaos is also a good deed.” 屈楚笑道:“嗯,圣皇收复在手下的灵尊者、魔尊者、武尊者尽是一群穷凶极恶之徒,死不足惜,不必手下留情,除去他们,或许对混沌界來说也是一件好事。” Lin Muyu said: That...... The preparation begins.” 林沐雨道:“那……准备动手吧。” How we come up.” Qu Chu asked. “我们怎么上去。”屈楚问道。 Flies.” “飞上去。” Lin Muyu the vision sinks, summoned gently: Small apple, armor.” 林沐雨目光一沉,轻轻呼唤道:“小苹果,铠化。” „......” “嗷呜……” In consciousness, Scarlet Crystal Dragons roars, offers a far-fetched interpretation rapidly plane, changes into scarlet rays to condense in the forest Mu Yu body week, enters the armor shape rapidly, wing of the pair of scarlet crystal behind is howling to open, suddenly numerous big dragon one after another of Longyuanli hum shivers to submit, Lin Muyu does not have the thoughts to kill these Dragon Lei, then puts out a hand to grasp Qu Chu, jumped to leap opens the wings to fly to Dragon Yuan the crown. 意海中,赤晶龙一声怒吼,飞速穿凿位面而出,化为一道道血色光芒凝聚在林沐雨身周,迅速进入铠化形态,一对赤晶之翼在身后呼啸张开,一时间龙渊里的众多巨龙纷纷呜呜的颤抖臣服着,林沐雨也沒有心思干掉这些龙类,便伸手抱住屈楚,纵身一跃张开双翼飞向了龙渊的顶部。
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