AG :: Volume #5

#417: Fangniuchang

Taking advantage of grain?” “借粮?” On Ze Tian Palace, several empire high-ranking court officials establish separately about, but Lin Muyu and Tang Xiaoxi stands on the central aisle together, rise looks at Qin Yin in throne. 泽天殿上,几位帝国重臣分立左右,而林沐雨则和唐小汐一起站在中心走道上,抬头看着皇位上的秦茵 Regarding borrowing grain matter, as if Tang Lan is most sensitive, after all the household unit is him to govern. 对于借粮这件事,似乎唐澜最为敏感,毕竟户部直属于他掌管。 How, billows Duke?” Qin Yin is astonished however said: „Did the empire link 3 million jin (0.5 kg) grain unable to provide?” “怎么了,澜公?”秦茵讶然道:“难道帝国连3000000斤粮食都提供不了吗?” Your Highness......” 殿下……” Tang Lan looks the embarrassment, said: „After Your Highness ascends the throne, the pardon world, the tax revenue cuts in half, therefore the fund and grain of household unit become serious, 3 million jin (0.5 kg) grain seems like not many, but...... Your Highness has not to know that grain ration of soldier about one day two jin (0.5 kg), grain ration one day of 10,000 people of armies are 20,000 jin (0.5 kg), around the empire altogether is stationed in the soldier about 200,000, we are only every day provide the grain of these armies are 400,000 jin (0.5 kg), quite became serious, gives the words of monster clan again, perhaps......” 唐澜面露难色,道:“殿下登基之后,大赦天下,税收减半,所以户部的资金和粮食都非常吃紧,3000000斤粮食看似不多,但……殿下有所不知,一个士兵的口粮大约一天两斤,10000人军队的口粮一天就是20000斤,帝国周围一共驻兵近200000,我们光是每天提供这些军队的粮食就是400000斤,原本就已经相当吃紧了,再给妖族的话,恐怕……” Tang Xiaoxi is nipping the red lip, said: But these 3 million jin (0.5 kg) grain were too important to the monster clan, even can make the monster clan little die 100,000 people......” 唐小汐咬着红唇,道:“但是这3000000斤粮食对妖族来说太重要了,甚至可以让妖族少死100000人……” Lin Muyu asked for leniency: Billows Duke, you govern the household unit, pushes slightly, should be able to collect 3 million jin (0.5 kg) grain? Really the incorrect words, we spend money to buy, always.” 林沐雨说情道:“澜公,你掌管户部,稍微挤一挤,应该还是能凑出3000000斤粮食的吧?实在不行的话,我们用钱买,总是可以的。” Tang Lan cup one fist in the other hand said: Rain Commander has not to know that Orchid Goose City today's crop is not considered as good, moreover...... Ships the grain to go to endless forest from Orchid Goose City, the combat tank is unable to apply in the jungle, can only use the people husband to go to the back, arrives in the endless forest at least to take 15 days by the people husband's foot regulation, they must eat one jin (0.5 kg) grain every day, 15 days are 15 jin (0.5 kg) grain, come one 30 jin (0.5 kg)...... A people husband makes a long and wearisome journey most carries a heavy load 60 jin (0.5 kg), therefore transports the grain to go to the monster clan is not 3 million jin (0.5 kg), but is 6 million jin (0.5 kg)!” 唐澜抱拳道:“雨统领有所不知,兰雁城今天的收成也不算是太好,况且……从兰雁城运送粮食去无尽森林,战车在丛林里无法派上用场,只能动用民夫去背,以民夫的脚程抵达无尽森林至少要15天,他们每天要吃一斤粮食,15天便是15斤粮食,一来一回30斤……一个民夫长途跋涉最多负重60斤,所以运粮去妖族不是3000000斤,而是6000000斤啊!” On pretty face of Tang Xiaoxi low-spirited: But Grandpa......” 唐小汐的漂亮脸蛋上一片黯然:“可是爷爷……” Tang Lan looks at Tang Xiaoxi, looks granddaughter who this most love, vision can"t help it, is gentle, said: Xiaoxi does not need to be worried that Grandpa will try to find the solution to you, these 6 million jin (0.5 kg)...... The state treasury leaves 2 million jin (0.5 kg), other 4 million jin (0.5 kg) Grandpa help you collect, do not worry, the first batch of grain can start off tomorrow.” 唐澜看着唐小汐,看着这个自己最宠爱的孙女,目光禁不住的柔和起来,道:“不过小汐不用担心,爷爷会给你想办法的,这6000000斤……国库出2000000斤,其余的4000000斤爷爷帮你筹集,别担心,第一批粮食明天就能上路。” Saying, Tang Lan looks respectfully to Qin Yin, said: Your Highness, so does not know that can be good?” 说着,唐澜恭敬看向秦茵,道:“殿下,如此不知可好?” The Qin Yin nod smiles: Monster clan is our dependent country, we must rescue, so long as can save the monster clan in danger, to be how good, thanks the billows Duke so to take the trouble the hard sledding to strive for the country.” 秦茵点头一笑:“妖族是我们的附属国,我们应当救援,只要能拯救危难中的妖族,如何都好,谢谢澜公如此费心费力为国出力。” Tang Lan: Many thanks Your Highness understands the old minister, right......” 唐澜:“多谢殿下理解老臣,对了……” „Do billows Duke have other matter?” “澜公还有别的事情?” Yes.” “是。” Tang Lan cup one fist in the other hand, said: Recently gentian camp as if in the Orchid Goose City northern jungle edge newly-built many camps, the person doing an inspection city of old minister time saw that many are not the emperor ** the person takes weapons and wear armor to train the fighting with all might tactic, the population are many, at least 30,000 audiences, and people of Lingbei mercenary group as if there, do not know that Your Highness can know this matter?” 唐澜抱拳,说:“最近龙胆营似乎在兰雁城北方的丛林边缘新建了不少营地,老臣的人巡查城池的时候看到不少并不属于帝**的人拿着兵刃、穿着铠甲正在训练拼杀战术,人数还不少,至少30000之众,并且岭北佣兵团的人似乎也在那里,不知道殿下可知这件事情?” Qin Yin stares, said: I know...... These are the gentian camps outside arranges the spare strength.” 秦茵一愣,道:“我知道……那些都是龙胆营的外编备用战力吧。” But Your Highness.” Tang Lan rise said: Emperor ** the law stipulates the population of each regiment severely, once some people recruitment are regarded as defies one's superiors secretly, but also invited the Your Highness intelligent apprehension.” “可是殿下。”唐澜抬头道:“帝**法严苛规定每个军团的人数,一旦有人私自募兵就被视为犯上作乱,还请殿下明察。” If so......” Qin Yin stands up slowly, in pair of bright eyes full is the happy expression, said: Gentian camp Commander Lin Muyu saves the nation active, the gentian camp defeats the army of demon clan, righteousness and country's above Mountain Range of Qin continuously, inspires the national prestige greatly, instantly plans the aim, expands manpower the gentian camp, the upper limit is 50,000 people, on, under conforms to the public opinion about the divine intervention, I think that the billows Duke and grandfather should not have the objection?” “如果是这样的话……”秦茵缓缓站起身来,一双明眸中满是笑意,道:“龙胆营统领林沐雨救国有功,龙胆营更是在秦岭之上连续击败魔族、义和国的军队,大振国威,即刻拟旨,扩编龙胆营,上限为50000人,上合天意、下合民意,我想澜公和外公应该都不会有异议吧?” Tang Lan stares. 唐澜一愣。 Su herd cloud complexion tranquil bowing, anything had not said. 苏牧云则脸色平静的一躬身,却什么都没有说。 Several military officers of Su have shown not the indignant look actually, one of them Su Long, evening rain suburban railway blade edge armed forces Commander, cup one fist in the other hand said: Your Highness, the empire is experiencing a grain deficient disaster now, the common people cannot eat to the full the grain time actually expands the army, this as if in Li does not gather, but also asked Your Highness to read and world common people.” 倒是苏家的几个将领露出了不忿的神色,其中一人正是苏垅,暮雨城铁刃军统领,抱拳道:“殿下,如今帝国正经历着一场粮食缺乏的劫难,百姓都吃不饱粮食的时候却扩充军队,这似乎于理不合,还请殿下能念及天下百姓。” Is this?” Qin Yin looks at Su Long, said: Billows Duke, grandfather, actually Xiao Yin has a decision-making, I will plan from next month, all empires high and low one will reduce 20% on the salary of official, will be used to encourage to open land and create cultivated fields, planter and other jobs this sum of money, how will you look?” “是这样吗?”秦茵看着苏垅,道:“澜公、外公,其实小茵有个决策,我打算从下个月起,所有帝国上下一应官员的俸禄减少两成,把这笔钱用来鼓励垦田、种植等营生,你们看如何?” Su herd Yun Gongshen said: Old minister supports the Your Highness resolution, but was worried that these auspicious day ministers understanding had refused to accept.” 苏牧云躬身道:“老臣支持殿下的决议,只是担心那些过惯了好日子的大臣们会心有不服。” Has not related, they will be sincerely convinced.” “没关系,他们会心服口服的。” Qin Yin said with a smile slightly: Plans to write the Saint imperial edict, when empire danger, all ministers reduce 20% salary, in addition, expands the gentian camp, the weapon, grain and fodder, warhorse that needs is provided by Ministry of War completely, can not neglect.” 秦茵微微笑道:“拟写圣诏吧,帝国危难之时,所有大臣减少两成俸禄,此外,扩建龙胆营,所需要的兵器、粮草、战马等全部由兵部提供,不得怠慢。” People simultaneously cup one fist in the other hand: Yes, Your Highness!” 众人齐齐抱拳:“是,殿下!” Nearby, Ministry of War Shangshu Xue Ling looked with a smile to Lin Muyu, said: respectful seasonable rain Commander, rolled the Commander promotion from a camp finally is regiment Commander.” 一旁,兵部尚书薛翎笑吟吟的看向了林沐雨,道:“恭喜雨统领,终于从一个营团统领升级为一个军团统领了。” According to emperor ** the system, is lower than 20,000 people of armies only to be Battalion Tuan establishes, but over 20,000 armies can call the regiment, a population of regiment does not have the upper limit, but a regiment Commander prestige and authority must Battalion Tuan control by far high, the gentian camp expands, the biggest beneficiary is no different is Lin Muyu, present he, in emperor ** in the team is indispensable existence. 按照帝**制,低于20000人的军队只能算是营团编制,而超过20000的军队就可以称之为军团了,一个军团的人数是没有上限的,而一个军团统领的威望与权力显然要远远高过于一个营团统制,龙胆营扩充,最大的受益者无异于就是林沐雨,如今的他,在帝**队中已经是一个不可或缺的存在了。 Many thanks Sir Xue Ling.” Lin Muyu smiles respectfully: Later gentian camp must rely upon Sir Xue Ling to look after much, otherwise our grain and fodder, weapon could not supply, this population also existed in name only.” “多谢薛翎大人。”林沐雨恭谦一笑:“以后龙胆营还要仰仗薛翎大人多多照顾,否则我们粮草、兵器等都供应不上,这人数也就形同虚设了。” Xue Ling Ha Ha said with a smile: Rain Commander felt relieved that the Your Highness below decree, I do personally personally inevitably, will not make the gentian camp receive neglecting of least bit on the military supplies.” 薛翎哈哈笑道:“雨统领放心,殿下亲自下的旨意,我必然事事躬亲,不会让龙胆营在军需上受到半点的怠慢。” Un, many thanks.” “嗯,多谢。” ...... …… In the afternoon, 100 carried the carriage of grain to leave Orchid Goose City to the town monster pass/test, the matter of Tang Lan to Tang Xiaoxi has thought highly of, this working efficiency also was really compel admiration, according to the instruction of Tang Xiaoxi, after this batch of grain arrived the town monster pass/test, by the town of Tang town ** escorted to the endless forest, but the monster clan in endless forest also will send for aiding, such came one to save the people husband's grain ration and manpower, poured does not have Tang Lan to describe that fearfully. 午后,100辆满载着粮食的马车离开了兰雁城去往镇妖关,唐澜唐小汐的事情十分器重,这种办事效率也实在是让人折服,按照唐小汐的吩咐,这批粮食抵达镇妖关之后就由唐镇的镇**送往无尽森林,而无尽森林里的妖族则也会派人接应,这么一来一回就节省了民夫的口粮与人力了,倒也没有唐澜描述得那么可怕。 Tang Xiaoxi as if as before is unable to forgive Tang Lan, but promises him to go back Duke's Mansion to eat meal in the evening, in the afternoon as before leads dozens guard knights to follow in the forest to wash side the rain. 只是唐小汐似乎依旧无法原谅唐澜,只是答应他晚上回去公爵府吃饭,下午则依旧带着几十名近卫骑士跟在林沐雨身边。 Lin Muyu afternoon duty is to examine the newly-built camp in gentian camp, actually he did not feel relieved, although before saying Situ Sen, is a high-quality empire military officer, but has worked as four years of big hoodlum after all, the conduct attitude had the change slowly, is not Wei Chou, Fengxi and the others scrupulously follows the duty likely. 林沐雨下午的任务是查看龙胆营的新建营地,其实他心里十分不放心,虽然说司徒森以前也是一名高级帝国将领,但毕竟当了四年的大流氓,行事作风已经缓缓的发生了变动,不像是卫仇、风溪等人那么恪守本分。 As expected, newly-built camp of gentian camp outside Beicheng is very chaotic. 不出所料,龙胆营在北城外新建的营地里十分混乱。 Lin Muyu leads thousand people of gentian camp heavy cavalry to enter the camp slowly, the both sides everywhere are carelessly the tents of build, a mud also nobody of place levels, in the wilderness, the day of the slum area coming decides the meeting disciple audiences to compete for only several gentian Battalion Zhankai and military insignia much, wins to be red in the face, but another side is one sits in the mud plays the recitation tour poet of horse's head qin, side gathers round one group of gentian camp recruits, applauding, the farther place several tall recruits are also competing to trip and fall, even also had the person to open the gambling house. 林沐雨带领一支千人龙胆营重骑兵缓缓进入营地,两侧遍地都是胡乱搭建的帐篷,一地的烂泥也没有人填平,荒野里,不少从贫民区来的天决会徒众正在争夺着仅有的几件龙胆营战铠与军徽,一个个争得面红耳赤,而另一边则是一个坐在烂泥里弹奏马头琴的吟游诗人,旁边围着一群龙胆营新兵,嗷嗷的叫好,更远一些的地方还有几个五大三粗的新兵正在比赛摔跤,甚至还有人开了赌局。 Tang Xiaoxi pair of bright eyes look around, can"t help it, throws smiles: I said wash Commander, your this gentian camp recruit looks like is really good...... After does not know you, how really must ** they......” 唐小汐一双明眸看来看去,禁不住的扑哧一笑:“我说沐统领,你这支龙胆营新兵看起来真是不错啊……真不知道你以后要怎么**他们……” Lin Muyu surface like dying embers: I go...... Irritated me! Comes the person, Situ Sen, gives me to look him!” 林沐雨面如死灰:“我去……气死我了!来人,司徒森呢,给我把他找过来!” Yes, Commander!” “是,统领!” In the chaotic crowd, Situ Sen progresses to come, among the napes of the neck is wearing two Gold Star Ten Thousand-Man Commander military ranks, a lust red gentian General Battalion robe, respectful said in cup one fist in the other hand immediately: End see Sir Commander!” 混乱的人群中,司徒森策马而来,脖颈间佩戴着两枚金星万夫长军衔,一身火红色龙胆营将军袍,恭敬的在马上抱拳道:“末将参见统领大人!” Situ Sen.” “司徒森。” Lin Muyu puts out a hand one group of people in finger of camp, said: These...... Is you to the recruit who I lead? You once were also an empire military officer, had you to lead troops like this?” 林沐雨伸手一指营地里的一群人,说:“这些……就是你给我带的新兵吗?你曾经也是一个帝国将领,有你这样带兵的吗?” Situ Sen said with deep veneration: Commander has not to know that this group of people are some hooligan rascals, trains the genuine empire soldiers not to be simple them, is not one day two days can complete, was unable to adapt to the barrack life situated in them temporarily . Moreover the gentian camp does not suppose camp women, therefore I have authorized their one week in the situation that goes to Orchid Goose City flowered restaurant PC and condition to permit twice to take a concubine, but can not lead into the military compound, in three days allow to fight one time, but can not kill, when tactical rules training allow to dig out the nostril, every day do not surpass three times.” 司徒森肃然道:“统领有所不知,这群人原本都是一些泼皮无赖,把他们训练成真正的帝国士兵也没有那么简单,不是一天两天就能完成的,介于他们暂时还无法适应军营生活,而且龙胆营不设营姬,所以我已经批准他们一星期可以去两次兰雁城里花酒楼PC、条件允许的情况下可以纳妾一房,但不得带入军营,三天内允许打架一次,但不得打死,战法训练时允许抠鼻孔,每天不超过三次。” The forest washed the looking like rain soon the eye to brave the Gold Star faint: Situ Sen, you...... You regarded Fangniuchang my gentian camp......” 林沐雨气得快要眼冒金星的昏厥了:“司徒森,你……你把我的龙胆营当成放牛场了……” Wei Chou also said: „Does Situ Sen, have you to lead troops like this?” 卫仇也说道:“司徒森,有你这样带兵的?” Situ Sen stares to say immediately: Wei Chou, do not think that you were vice- Commander were great, told you, so long as my Situ Sen can in three moves defeat you with 50% strengths, Commander can scold my Situ Sen, your Wei Chou did not have this qualifications!” 司徒森马上瞪眼道:“卫仇,别以为你是副统领就了不起了,告诉你,我司徒森只要用五成的实力就能三招内败你,统领可以呵斥我司徒森,你卫仇没有这个资格!” Wei Chou also together was almost irritated. 卫仇差点也一起被气死。 Lin Muyu is narrowing eye, asked: „Does General Situ Sen, you plan like this to lead troops really? Can such gentian camp, prey with the demon clan really? I am worried very much......” 林沐雨则眯着眼睛,问道:“司徒森将军,你真的打算就这样带兵吗?这样的龙胆营,真能与魔族搏杀吗?我很担心啊……” Situ Sen respectful cup one fist in the other hand smiles, in the eye full is the profound meaning, said: Commander, if you trust my Situ Sen, training the duty of recruit plenary powers gives me, relax...... Once we to demon clan, I can guarantee that really these grandsons immediately colored building in ** forgets the none remaining, carries weapons with the demon clan that we laugh in the face of death together to go all out!” 司徒森恭敬的抱拳一笑,眼中满是深意,道:“统领,如果你信任我司徒森,就把训练新兵的任务全权交给我,放心吧……一旦真的我们对上魔族,我敢保证这些孙子立刻就把花楼里的**们忘得精光,扛着兵刃跟我们一起舍生忘死的与魔族拼命!” Un.” “嗯。” A nod that Lin Muyu commended, said with a smile: Perhaps, only then the blood can make them realize that the war is any appearance, will have such opportunity.” 林沐雨赞许的一点头,笑道:“或许,只有鲜血才能让他们认识到战争是什么样子的,会有这样的机会的。” Situ Sen nods: Commander, again toward the north is Ah'Xue the camp of third regiment, Lingbei mercenary group will certainly make you satisfy.” 司徒森点点头:“统领,再往北方就是阿雪的第三军团的营地,岭北佣兵团一定会让你满意的。” Un, walks.” “嗯,走吧。” !! !!
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