AG :: Volume #4

#377: Four princesses

( ( father same can kill you with the fist.” “老子用拳头一样能杀你。” Becoming angry out of shame, almost gathers Battle Qi of whole body on the fist, fights the boots explode suddenly tread the ground, the personal appearance such as the electricity has fired into Lin Muyu. 洛凯恼羞成怒,将全身的斗气几乎都聚集在拳头上,战靴猛然爆踏地面,身形如电的冲向了林沐雨。 However, when he rushes to Lin Muyu the front, suddenly working as, a shameless direct hit is hard like is on steel plate Martial Spirit, is the bottle gourd wall. 不过,就在他冲到林沐雨前方的时候,忽然“当”一声,一张老脸直接撞击在一块硬得像是钢板一样的武魂上,是葫芦壁。 Ha......” “呜啊……” Draws back several steps continually, two front teeth hitting to fly by the bottle gourd wall, rise looks that actually discovered Lin Muyu sharply clashes to come, the long sword crack empties under. 洛凯连退数步,两颗门牙已经被葫芦壁给撞飞了,抬头看去,却发现林沐雨急冲而來,长剑裂空而下。 Father's fighting armor destroys the hardest defenses, you come.” “老子的斗铠无坚不摧,你來啊。” Continues to call out, he knows that he has defeated, but he is not willing to accept the destiny of failure, after is one of the 27 demon Venerable, the stance in the past keeping aloof. 洛凯继续暴喝着,他知道自己败了,但他不愿意接受失败的命运,毕竟身为27位魔尊者之一,往常是多么高高在上的姿态。 .” “噗。” The blood splash spatters in all directions, Dragon Spirit sword tempered the White Diamond crystal stone, the Lin Muyu's strength has been in addition abundant at this time, naturally can break out fights the armor, a the next moment entire right arm stiffly to be divided with ease, the blood splashes at the scene. 血花迸溅而出,龙灵淬炼白钻晶石,加上此时林沐雨的力量充裕,自然能轻松劈开斗铠,下一刻洛凯的一整条右臂就硬生生的被劈了下來,血溅当场。 Under the field, the innumerable bystanders have revealed the astonished vision, no one has thought that this looks like the young handsome youth unexpectedly intrepidly in this way, can defeat incomparably abnormal demon Venerable. 场下,无数围观者都露出了惊愕的目光,谁也沒有想到这个看起來年轻英俊的青年居然会强悍如斯,能把无比变态的魔尊者都击败了。 Knees down, has lain down slowly, the face pastes the tread, in the mouth the blood spurts crazily, was cursing at the same time still angrily: You are waiting, the spirit will revere will take revenge for me.” 洛凯跪倒在地,缓缓的躺了下來,脸部贴着地面,口中鲜血狂喷,一边还在怒骂着:“你等着,灵尊会为我复仇的。” Go away.” “滚吧。” Lin Muyu lifts the foot, vigorous Battle Qi flew, the numerous hits that kicked above the wall, were miserably howling to fall, Lin Muyu started to be ruthless, but was insufficient, because under he did not have the cruel methods to kill this after all. 林沐雨一抬脚,雄浑的斗气将洛凯踢的飞了出去,重重的撞击在墙壁之上,惨嚎着又摔了下來,林沐雨下手非常狠,但还不够,因为他毕竟沒有下狠手杀了这个洛凯。 ...... …… Now, I can become one of the guard camp brave warriors.” Lin Muyu asked. “现在,我可以成为近卫营勇士之一了吗。”林沐雨问道。 The bodyguard who is responsible for supervising combat stares, cup one fist in the other hand said: Sir overwhelming power is invincible, is really praiseworthy, you have defeated Sir, properly speaking, you should be an demon Venerable Sir, but...... After spirit Venerable Sir Luo who Bing also needs to be responsible for selecting confirms the life and death shape and victory and defeat, can decide that asking the Sir to wait a bit, subordinate this invited Sir Luo Bing.” 负责督战的侍卫一愣,抱拳道:“大人威猛无敌,实在令人钦佩,您已经击败了洛凯大人,按理说,您应该已经是一位魔尊者大人了,不过……还需要负责选拔的灵尊者洛炳大人來验证生死状与胜负之后才能决定,请大人稍等,属下这就去请洛炳大人。” At this moment, the distant place has broadcast an extremely dignified sound: Does not need.” 就在这时,远方传來了一个极其威严的声音:“不必了。” Lin Muyu frowned, this sound is very old, and Luo Bing, obviously are one group, perhaps this spirit Venerable father, oneself punches that pitiful look, Luo Bing agree gave up has blamed, but was also good, since must rescue Qu Chu, these spirit Venerable must face directly. 林沐雨不禁皱起了眉头,这声音十分苍老,并且洛炳、洛凯,显然是一伙的,说不定这个灵尊者还是洛凯的老爹呢,自己把洛凯揍成那个熊样,洛炳肯善罢甘休就怪了,不过也好,既然要救屈楚,这些灵尊者是必须要正面面对的。 The imperial city gate place, must the fine beard all white old man take a step, the complexion is actually ruddy, but on the face without the slightest show of feeling, has a look under corner, the knitting the brows head, said: Was this Sir has defeated, but also cut his arm, making him become half disabled person.” 宫门处,一名须髯皆白的老者迈步走了过來,脸色倒是非常红润,但脸上毫无表情,看看墙角下的洛凯,皱了皱眉头,说:“就是这位大人击败了洛凯,还斩掉了他的一条手臂,让他成了半个废人。” The bodyguards said respectfully: „, Bingling Venerable, this Sir is called Lin Zhi, person who just challenged.” 侍卫恭敬道:“正是,洛炳灵尊,这位大人叫做林炙,是刚刚來挑战的人。” Snort.” “哼。” Luo splendid both hands lost behind, have gotten on the martial arts contest stage slowly, said: Saint sovereign selects the talent, for pure slaughtering, Lin Zhi, your hostility was not heavy, does not suit in the Saint sovereign manservant, this...... The old men come to go to hostility for you, how.” 洛炳双手负于身后,缓缓的走上了比武台,道:“圣皇选拔贤才,可不是为了单纯的杀戮啊,林炙,你的戾气太重了,不适合在圣皇陛下的身边当差,这样吧……老夫來为你去一去身上的戾气,如何。” Lin Muyu thinks funny: Said that many to do, begins.” 林沐雨不禁觉得好笑:“说那么多干什么,动手啊。” Extremely frivolous.” “太过轻狂。” Luo Bing shouted angrily, whole body Battle Qi stirs, five pure white fought linger around the body spirit, made forest Mu Yuwei be startled directly, this was Heaven Realm Third Layer day peak expert, was the same to own rank. 洛炳怒喝一声,全身斗气鼓荡起來,五枚纯白色斗灵萦绕在身体周围,直接就让林沐雨为之一怔,这是一个天境第三重天巅峰的强者,与自己的级别一样。 However, Lin Muyu does not fear actually, because he discovered that the follower of chaos as if not practice Martial Spirit, or they absolutely do not have Martial Spirit, will lack the assistance of Martial Spirit, the strength developed fiber strength will sell at a discount greatly. 不过,林沐雨倒是一点都不惧怕,因为他发现,混沌界的修炼者似乎都并不修炼武魂,又或者他们根本就沒有武魂,缺少武魂的辅助,实力发挥强度将会大打折扣。 In the wind spin, in Luo's splendid palm was dense the roaring flame to pat, this was practice flame is expert of principle. 风旋之中,洛炳的掌心里氤氲着烈焰就拍了过來,这是一个修炼火焰系法则的强者 Buzz.” “嗡。” The golden bottle gourd wall across the sky, the direct standard keeps off Luo's splendid flame impact, Lin Muyu a spin body cuts the attack consecutively for three swords, but Luo brandishes the hot palm splendidly, 11 standard parries come, in that palm full is the roaring flame, unexpectedly can keep off cutting of Dragon Spirit sword to strike qualified. 金色葫芦壁横空而出,直接格挡出洛炳的火焰冲击,林沐雨一旋身就是连续三次剑斩攻击,但洛炳挥舞火掌,11格挡开來,那掌心里满是烈焰,居然能够格挡龙灵剑的斩击。 Good.” “好。” Lin Muyu lifted the hand to turn over to the sheath sword blade, the fist raised, the strength of gathering stars, a fist rumbled outrageously, has used 70% strengths, struck the asterism to peep directly. 林沐雨抬手就把剑刃归鞘了,拳头一扬,星辰之力汇聚,悍然一拳轰了出去,用了七成力量,直接就是一击星芒初现。 Bang.” “嘭。” The air current revolves, Stars Art is how overbearing, let alone this fist also held the God Binding Lock strength, a fist bang results in the Luo Bing Liantui several steps, on the face full is the startled color. 气流回旋,星辰诀何其霸道,何况这一拳又加持了缚神锁的力量,一拳轰得洛炳连退数步,脸上满是惊色。 Did not wait for him to return to the breath, the consecutively 78 fists of Lin Muyu gust of wind sudden downpour rumbles, shakes Luo retroceded splendidly again and again already arrived at the edge of martial arts contest stage, the complexion pale to roar, the whole body full was the roaring flame, the double fist pounded together fiercely from the day, this was must go all out. 不等他回息,林沐雨疾风骤雨的连续78拳轰了出去,震得洛炳连连后退已然來到比武台的边缘,脸色铁青的咆哮起來,浑身满是烈焰,双拳一起从天猛砸下來,这是要拼命,。 Little animal, the father extinguished you.” “小畜生,老子灭了你。” In Luo Bing Kou spurts crazily, on the face completely is killing intent. 洛炳口中狂喷,脸上尽是杀意 Lin Muyu knit the brows, said lightly: That suffers to death.” 林沐雨皱了皱眉,淡淡道:“那就受死吧。” The foot pedal surrounding area, the Lin Muyu's center of gravity sank slightly, the body week golden light is radiant, gold/metal Hu and God Binding Lock ray interwines, changes into deep blue brilliance to condense in the palm, immediately stars are patrolling the accumulation for the radiant star dust, the front surface rumbled suddenly, the Stars Art third type, the Sacred Mountains of China day fell. 脚踏方圆,林沐雨的重心略微下沉了一些,身周金光璀璨,金葫与缚神锁的光芒交织在一起,化为一道道湛蓝光辉凝聚在掌心里,顿时一道道星辰游弋着聚集为璀璨星尘,猛然迎面就轰了出去,星辰诀第三式,,五岳天降。 Bang.” “嘭。” The cyclone rises suddenly, drove out the hot curtain of Luo splendid condensation instantaneously, the profound wonderful destructive power of Sacred Mountains of China day falling has put out suddenly, immediately Luo Bing „.” Miserable howling, the body then explodes to break to pieces, blood energy changes into a faint trace the blood curtain, Lin Muyu this strikes not to control the strength, unexpectedly fell to disintegration corpse of this spirit Venerable directly. 气旋暴涨,瞬间轰开了洛炳凝聚的火幕,五岳天降的玄奇破坏力猛然吐出,顿时洛炳“啊。”的一声惨嚎,紧接着身体便爆碎开來,血气化为一丝丝的血幕,林沐雨这一击沒有控制住力道,居然直接就把这个灵尊者的尸体给“瓦解”掉了。 „......” “呜哇……” Looks at front scene of skeleton non- saving, Lin Muyu is experiences Orchid Goose City unable to bear some gastric disorders randomly, moreover Luo's splendid strength is not weak, tyrannical enthusiasm backlash comes, making him long time unable to mention any strength. 看着前方尸骨无存的场面,林沐雨就算是经历过兰雁城之乱也忍不住有些反胃,而且洛炳的力量也并不弱,一股强横的火劲反噬而來,让他半晌都提不起什么力量來。 The people under field look dumbfoundedly, the bodyguard who is responsible for supervising combat stares dumbfounded: Lin Zhi you...... Your bang killed spirit Venerable Luo to be splendid unexpectedly, you......” 场下的众人看得目瞪口呆,负责督战的侍卫更是瞠目结舌:“林炙你……你居然轰杀了灵尊者洛炳,你……” I violated the important matter.” Lin Muyu is stunned. “我是不是犯下大事了。”林沐雨愕然。 No.” “不。” The bodyguards have actually smiled, said: Saint sovereign had said that as long as can the direct challenge execute the person of spirit Venerable, can promote for spirit Venerable directly, Lin Zhi, you now are spirit Venerable of Saint sovereign subordinates, the subordinate sees spirit Venerable Sir Lin Zhi.” 侍卫却笑了,说:“圣皇陛下曾经说过,但凡能够直接挑战格杀灵尊者的人,可以直接晋升为灵尊者,林炙,你现在已经是圣皇陛下麾下的一名灵尊者了,属下参见灵尊者林炙大人。” Impolite......” forest Mu Yu looks at the ground a beach blood, knit the brows, bottom of one's heart somewhat feels nervous. “不客气……”林沐雨看着地上的一滩鲜血,皱了皱眉,心底有些发慌。 Waits on to defend traditional moral principles: Sir Lin Zhi, anything let alone, this along with me having an audience with Saint sovereign, this is your majesty decree, can challenge to execute the person of spirit Venerable, obtained sees right in front of one qualifications of Saint sovereign directly.” 侍卫道:“林炙大人,什么都别说了,这就随我去觐见圣皇陛下吧,这是陛下的旨意,能够挑战格杀灵尊者的人,就获得直接面见圣皇的资格了。” Good, many thanks.” “好,多谢。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, just he also wants to see this Saint sovereign who Qu Chu imprisons is what kind of person. 林沐雨点点头,刚好他也想见见这个把屈楚囚禁起來的圣皇陛下到底是何许人。 ...... …… Enters the imperial city gate, the imperial palace is not big, but inside is very fine, walked enough for nearly ten minutes along the pavilion waterside pavilion, first convenient is a resplendent in gold and jade green palace, above, wears the people of silver and golden badge virulent to look at itself along the way much, Lin Muyu also knows that chaos altogether also on 4 spirit Venerable, oneself came to kill one, truly was makes them shock. 进入宫门,皇宫并不大,但内里十分精致,沿着亭台水榭走了足足近十分钟,前方便是一座金碧辉煌的宫殿,沿途之上,不少佩戴银色、金色徽章的人都充满敌意的看着自己,林沐雨也知道,混沌界一共也就4个灵尊者,自己过來就杀了一个,确实是让他们震惊了。 However he actually very puzzled, properly speaking Qu Chu is Saint Realm cultivates is, Flame Cauldron Martial Spirit is so strong, three years ago Qu Chu will not compare present too to be weakly many, how he such will be imprisoned. 不过他却又非常的困惑,按理说屈楚圣域修为,火鼎武魂那么强,三年前的屈楚绝不会比现在的自己弱太多,他怎么会就这么被囚禁了呢。 Above the main hall, one group of palace maids are dancing lightly, the dancer's posture is graceful, in the throne, about 30 -year-old high and low person sits respectfully, on the face full is the red light, the Saint sovereign occupies chaos unexpectedly so to be for a long time young, can only explain that he stepped into Saint Realm in the 30-year-old time, this Saint sovereign was not general, the reason that Lin Muyu as if also found Qu Chu imprison. 大殿之上,一群宫女正在翩翩起舞,舞姿优美迷人,王位上,一个大约30岁上下的人正襟危坐,脸上满是红光,圣皇盘踞混沌界许久居然那么年轻,只能说明他在30多岁的时候就踏入圣域了,这个圣皇不是一般的强,林沐雨似乎也就找到屈楚被囚禁的原因了。 You execute Bingling Venerable Lin Zhi.” Saint sovereign straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards asked. “你就是格杀洛炳灵尊者的林炙。”圣皇剑眉一扬问道。 Yes, subordinate Lin Zhi see your majesty.” Lin Muyu salutes respectfully. “是,属下林炙参见陛下。”林沐雨恭敬行礼。 The Saint sovereign laughs: Lin Zhi, you can execute the Luo splendid that old monster unexpectedly, is not really easy, comes the person, is Lin Zhi Venerable to look at the place spirit, offers the wine and meat.” 圣皇哈哈大笑:“林炙,你居然能格杀掉洛炳那个老怪物,真是不易,來人啊,为林炙灵尊看座,奉上酒肉。” Yes.” “是。” A maidservant goes forward to hold Lin Muyu's, draws him to sit near nearby dinner table, afterward, the Saint sovereign said with a smile: Lin Zhi, since arrives at chaos, here Xiao Yao is merry, elsewhere not so happy.” 一名侍女上前牵着林沐雨的手,拉着他坐在一旁的桌席边,随后,圣皇笑道:“林炙,既然來到混沌界,就在这里逍遥快活吧,别处沒有这般美好。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, says with a smile: Yes, is joyful, elsewhere does not go.” 林沐雨点点头,笑道:“是,此间快乐,别处都不去。” Ha, is well good.” “哈哈哈,好好好。” Although Saint sovereign eyes are shining, but slightly reveals the edema, Lin Muyu counted on the fingers, Saint sovereign kidney empty. 圣皇一双眼睛虽然精光四射,但略显浮肿,林沐雨掐指一算,圣皇肾虚。 At this moment, sits with the Saint sovereign in same row of several female Yingying Yanyan's tender smiling. 就在这时,与圣皇坐在同一排的几个女子莺莺燕燕的娇笑着,。 „, Chaos unusual Lin Zhi Venerable such handsome character spirit.” “哇,混沌界少有林炙灵尊这么英俊的人物呢。” Yes, is so of outstanding ability, letting the person has no alternative but to move.” “是啊,如此俊逸,让人不能不动心呢。” Eldest sister, is it possible that you also like.” “大姐,莫非你也喜欢。” Yes......” “是啊……” Saint sovereign lightly smiled, said: Lin Zhi Venerable spirit, you look, my altogether four daughters, are the chaos princesses, which if you have a liking for then to open the mouth, this lofty one King for you bestow the marriage are.” 圣皇微微一笑,说:“林炙灵尊,你看,我一共有四个女儿,都是混沌界的公主,你若是看上哪一个便开口,孤王为你赐婚便是。” Lin Muyu stares. 林沐雨一愣。 Actually sees only in four princesses smallest to stand up, about 18 -year-old high and low age, carries the wine glass to walk with a smile, said: Father sovereign, this spirit Venerable me to look likes, three elder sisters do not snatch with me, he is my.” 却只见四个公主里最小的一个站起身來,大约18岁上下的年纪,笑吟吟端着酒杯走來,说:“父皇,这位灵尊我看着着实喜欢,三位姐姐不要跟我抢,他是我的。” Lin Muyu shot a look at her one eyes, these four princesses but actually also grow well, although is inferior to Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi such outstandingly beautiful, but also has ** minute of appearance. 林沐雨瞥了她一眼,这四公主长得倒还不错,虽然不及秦茵唐小汐那样的绝色,但也有**分的容颜。 The Saint sovereign said: Lin Zhi Venerable spirit, you may satisfy four princesses, if satisfies, she was your woman.” 圣皇道:“林炙灵尊,你可满意四公主,若是满意,她便是你的女人了。” Lin Muyu stares, but is not good to decline, has cup one fist in the other hand saying: Many thanks your majesty.” 林沐雨一愣,但又不好回绝,只得抱拳道:“多谢陛下。” Good, good......” “好,好……” The Saint sovereign laughs: „The person of chaos crosses simply, does not have that many over-detailed formalities, one will drink up the liquor you then to lead four princesses to go to the room, she will wait on the bedroom for you, from now henceforth we also were the whole families.” 圣皇哈哈大笑:“混沌界的人过得简单,也沒有那么多的繁文缛节,一会喝完酒你便带着四公主回房间,她自会为你侍寝,从今以后我们也便是一家人了。” Lin Muyu 1 million first xx horse Kuangben, the person of this chaos also rather too has been bold, at present among this four princess facial features traces of spring, see likely are not the respectable family female, sits pastes toward oneself on the side, but also is rubbing own arm with the chest unceasingly, is the madam travels by boat simply does not depend on the oar, depends entirely on the wave. 林沐雨心里1000000头xx马狂奔而过,这混沌界的人也未免太奔放了吧,眼前这个四公主眉眼间一股春意,怎么看都不像是良家女子,坐在身边就往自己身上贴,还不断用胸脯磨着自己的手臂,简直是老鸨子坐船不靠桨,全靠浪啊。 ...... …… Ended, perhaps this time could not rescue Qu Chu, but also got sucked by oneself. 完了,这次说不定救不了屈楚,还让自己深陷进去了。 It is not good, calm, Spiritual Pulse Technique full, preserves the chastity and moral integrity. 不行,镇定,灵脉术全开,保住贞操与节操。
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