AG :: Volume #4

#376: Demon Venerable

The alley winds rugged, near one hour walks, but Lin Muyu arrives at time also can"t help it, on flat land to relax, really scared to death oneself this acrophobe. 小路蜿蜒崎岖,近一个小时才走完,但林沐雨来到平地上的时候也禁不住松了一口气,真是吓死自己这个恐高症患者了。 The distant place, star light gather in together, becomes a city, carefully looks, these are not the star light, but is the bunch is gathering the star light lamp bowl, magnificent incomparable. 远方,一片星光汇聚在一起,成为一座城市,仔细一看,那些不是星光,而是一束束汇聚着星光的灯盏,瑰丽无比。 That is a palace wall.” “那就是皇城。” De Wen lightly smiled said: Is the Saint sovereign and all spirit Venerable and demon Venerable life place.” 德文微微一笑道:“就是圣皇和所有的灵尊者、魔尊者生活的地方。” That chaos dragon deep pool where?” “那混沌龙渊在哪儿?” Dragon deep pool...... Dragon Yuan in the most core place of palace wall, uttered fine words that a point is Dragon Yuan, in fact is the Saint sovereign executes the place of criminal, it is said the dragon deep place occupied the fearful big dragon, after the criminal threw into the dragon deep pool, mostly has been becoming the fine food of big dragon.” “龙渊啊……龙渊就在皇城的最核心处,说得好听一点是龙渊,实际上是圣皇处决犯人的地方,据说龙渊深处盘踞着可怕的巨龙,犯人被扔进龙渊之后多半是成了巨龙的美餐的。” Transaction place where?” “交易地点在哪儿?” Mixes in the palace wall, can trade on chaotic market.” “混入皇城,在混乱集市上就能交易了。” Good, walks.” “好,走吧。” Un.” “嗯。” Two people do not go out far, that aura was getting more and more near, but Lin Muyu as far as possible falls own aura to lowly, oneself come this world also to begin, how seizes the chance to have a look at the strength of this world follower. 两个人走出没有多远,身后那股气息越来越近了,而林沐雨则尽量把自己的气息降到最低,自己来这个世界还动过手,趁机看看这个世界修炼者的实力如何。 Really, the person of track sees to hunt for cherished, pursued quickly. 果然,跟踪的人见猎心切,快步追了上去。 Works as!” “当!” In the drawing a sword sound, he drinks one lowly: You, halt to the father!” 拔刀声中,他低喝一声:“你们两个,给老子站住!” De Wen frightens jumps, turns around with Lin Muyu, under the star light, sees only a tall and powerfully built guy to stand there, an armor, the chest a bronzine badge, De Wen be not frightening immediately is frightened out of one's wits saying: Bad...... Is military Venerable, military Venerable discovered us......” 德文吓得一跳,和林沐雨一起转身,星光下,只见一个身材魁梧的大汉站在那里,一身铠甲,胸口别着一枚青铜色的徽章,顿时德文吓得魂飞魄散道:“糟了……是武尊者,一名武尊者发现我们了……” This military Venerable looks that the De Wen startled look seems to be satisfactory, coldly said with a smile: Your outcastes have not obtained the meaning of Saint sovereign to enter the world of mortals unexpectedly, courts death simply, immediately hands over that spirit stone, get lost the upper boundary to go, I forgive you not dead.” 这武尊者看着德文惊慌的神色似乎非常满意,冷冷笑道:“你们两个贱民居然没有得到圣皇的意旨就进入了下界,简直找死,立刻交出那枚灵石,滚回上界去,我饶你们不死。” You come to spirit stone?” Lin Muyu asked. “你只是冲着灵石来的吧?”林沐雨笑问。 How is?” “是又如何?” Lin Muyu smiles, unarmed walks to go forward, the both arms inspire slightly, Battle Qi dense around body, the bracing cold revolves, blows the cape to fly upwards, said with a smile: Comes, you can be victorious I, returns spirit stone to you!” 林沐雨不禁一笑,赤手空拳的走上前,双臂微微一振,斗气氤氲在身体周围,气劲回旋,吹得斗篷飞扬起来,笑道:“来来来,你能打得过我,就把灵石交还给你!” De Wen was shocked: Young Hero, you...... Are you a follower? My God......” 身后的德文惊呆了:“少侠,您……您是一个修炼者?我的天……” This military Venerable is narrowing the eye, when is unable to back down could not attend to that many, sword one horizontal, Battle Qi concentrated on the sword, said in a low voice: This is you courts death, may no wonder I!” 这武尊者则眯着眼睛,骑虎难下之际也顾不上那么多了,战刀一横,斗气贯注在战刀内,低声道:“这是你自己找死,可怪不得我了!” Buzz!” “嗡!” The blade incision air has divided, is simple and fast, Lin Muyu even can imagine that this blade definitely kills many have not repaired for the person. 刀刃切开空气劈了过来,简单而快速,林沐雨甚至能够想象到,这一刀肯定杀过不少没有修为的人。 The left arm searches suddenly, the real Dragon Force quantity in arm condenses to protect the shield, working as a blade of standard parry match stiffly, Lin Muyu the diving posture bullies near, right fist scarlet cyclone circulation, defeats this person not to need to use Stars Art, but the first Luminary was OK! 左臂骤然一探,手臂里的真龙力量凝聚为护盾,“当”一声硬生生的格挡开对手的这一刀,林沐雨飞身欺近,右拳血色气旋流转,击败这种人不需要用星辰诀,只是第一曜就可以了! This military Venerable as if also realizes the arrival of crisis, but the look on face ominously is even more severe, shouted to clear the way lowly: Come, the father does not fear you!” 这个武尊者似乎也意识到危机的到来,但脸上的神色愈发凶厉起来,低喝道:“来啊,老子不怕你!” He has discarded the sword, both arms resist Lin Muyu this fist in the front horizontally. 他丢弃了战刀,双臂横在胸前来抵挡林沐雨这一拳。 But in leaving that moment of fist, golden God Binding Lock Martial Spirit strengths emerges suddenly around the fist, makes the first Yao's strength promote directly doubled and re-doubled, in the flash this eye of military Venerable completely is the dying embers, he can induce to the Lin Muyu's strength fluctuates, after in addition holds the strength of God Binding Lock, this fist is not he can resist. 但就在出拳的那一刻,忽地一道道金色缚神锁武魂力量涌现在拳头周围,直接让第一曜的力量成倍提升,一瞬间这武尊者的眼中就尽是死灰,他能感应到林沐雨的力量变幻,加持缚神锁之力后,这一拳就绝不是他能抵挡得住的了。 Bang!” “嘭!” First Luminary, Mortal Turmoil! 一曜苍生乱 In sound of skeleton disruption, this military Venerable miserable howling drops down, unexpectedly was rumbled to faint directly by a fist. 骨骼碎裂的声音中,这名武尊者惨嚎一声倒下下去,居然被一拳轰得直接昏死过去了。 Lin Muyu knit the brows, the wrist|skill inspires gently, strength fist Battle Qi and God Binding Lock on diverges, turns around to say with a smile: De Wen, do we trade?” 林沐雨皱了皱眉,手腕轻轻一振,把拳头上的斗气缚神锁力量散去,转身笑道:“德文,我们去交易吧?” De Wen actually stands there is dumbfounded: Young Hero...... A your fist has defeated unexpectedly military Venerable......” 德文却站在那里目瞪口呆:“少侠……你居然一拳头就击败了一名武尊者……” How?” “怎么了?” Military Venerable, but follower, in the upper boundary is god general existence, you unexpectedly are only a fist......” “武尊者可是修炼者啊,在上界是神一般的存在,您居然只是一拳……” Walks, do not want to be too many.” “走啦,别想太多了。” Yes!” “是!” ...... …… They arrive at the palace wall front time, one group of guards block the way, a finger rubs gently, in the vision is completely greedy, says with a smile: Upper boundary outcastes, gave road toll to go.” 两人来到皇城前方的时候,一群守卫拦住去路,其中一个手指轻轻一搓,目光中满是贪婪,笑道:“上界贱民,给了过路费才能进去。” De Wen takes out the heavy purse from the bosom hurriedly, said: Sir please kindly accept.” 德文急忙从怀里取出沉甸甸的的钱袋,道:“大人请笑纳。” After the guards received money, smiles: Goes, plays happily!” 守卫收了钱之后,嘿嘿一笑:“进去吧,玩得愉快!” Many thanks Sir!” “多谢大人!” The De Wen manner was respectful, leading Lin Muyu to enter in the palace wall, but Lin Muyu in observing the surrounding all, this chaos truly worthily was under-populated, the architectural complex grand scale in city is unable to place on a par with Orchid Goose City, this palace wall even might as well five Gucheng City Lord Mansion came magnificently grandly. 德文神态恭敬,带着林沐雨进入了皇城之中,而林沐雨则一直在观察周围的一切,这混沌界确实不愧是人口稀少,城内的建筑群宏伟规模跟兰雁城根本就无法相提并论,这个皇城甚至还不如五谷城城主府来得辉煌宏伟。 After entering chaotic market, De Wen had found a Men in Black of knowing extremely well, hands over spirit stone, obtained a gold banknote, the happy expression of whole face, said: Young Hero, spirit stone has changed that much money, enough you in the chaos delicious tasty several days, you returned to the upper boundary with me , to continue to stay in the palace wall?” 进入混乱集市之后,德文找到了一名熟稔的黑衣人,交出灵石,获得了一张金票,满脸的喜色,道:“少侠,灵石换了那么多的钱,足够您在混沌界好吃好喝几天了,您是跟我回上界,还是继续留在皇城里?” De Wen, these money I do not need, you take away.” 德文,这些钱我不需要,你拿走吧。” Lin Muyu said: You must tell me, how can go to chaos dragon deep pool there?” 林沐雨道:“不过你要告诉我,怎样才能去混沌龙渊那里?” De Wen narrowed the eye to smile: Young Hero really comes to that Qu Chu...... Cannot deceive me.” 德文眯着眼睛笑了:“少侠果然是冲着那个屈楚来的啊……骗不过我的。” Lin Muyu touches the nose to smile: Good, is open about the facts you, Qu Chu is my Teacher, I come chaos to look for him.” 林沐雨摸摸鼻子一笑:“好吧,也不瞒你,屈楚是我的老师,我来混沌界就是为了找他。” So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” In the De Wen eye full is the respect, said: „The Young Hero heavy affectionate righteousness, De Wen admires! However...... To enter Dragon Yuanke not to be simple, there is the imperial palace heavy, these spirit Venerable that only then works for your majesty and demon Venerable can enter, military Venerable does not have the qualifications to enter the range of dragon deep pool, but the words that wants, have means.” 德文眼中满是敬意,道:“少侠重情重义,德文佩服!不过……想要进入龙渊可不简单,那里是皇宫重地,只有为陛下效力的那些灵尊者、魔尊者才能进入,就连武尊者都没有资格进入龙渊的范围,而想要进去的话,只有一个办法。” What means?” “什么办法?” Saint sovereign is infatuated with Military Soldier, therefore recruits the guard camp brave warrior in chaos, but this guard camp brave warriors only then 31 people, but everybody are having extraordinary skill expert, four big spirit Venerable strengths are strongest, 27 strength next bests of demon Venerable, Young Hero , to enter Dragon Yuan, must through the challenge, become one of the guard camp brave warriors, but was too dangerous, these demon Venerable and strength of spirit Venerable is not military Venerable can compare by far.” “圣皇醉心修武,所以在混沌界招募近卫营勇士,而这个近卫营勇士人数只有31人,但人人都是身手不凡的强者,其中四大灵尊者实力最强,27位魔尊者的实力次之,少侠若是想进入龙渊,就必须通过挑战,成为近卫营勇士之一,但太危险了,那些魔尊者、灵尊者的实力远远不是武尊者能够相比的。” I understood.” Lin Muyu lightly smiled: How much money here lives in an evening school approximately to need?” “我已经明白了。”林沐雨微微一笑:“在这里住一夜大约需要多少钱?” „A gold coin was enough.” “一枚金币足够了。” Gives me several gold coins, then you go back, here will be very dangerous.” “给我几个金币,然后你回去吧,这里会很危险。” That...... Young Hero please from treasuring!” “那……少侠请自珍重!” Un.” “嗯。” ...... …… After De Wen walks, Lin Muyu has been admitted to nearby in an imperial palace inn, is satiated with food and wine later continues to practice, after a night of good dream, the sky has shone. 德文走后,林沐雨住进了皇宫一旁的一间客栈里,吃饱喝足之后继续修炼,一夜好梦之后,天已经亮了。 The sunlight of chaos is genial, and is three star Sun is chaotic is shining, Lin Muyu stands in the garden in inn, has to plant 360 degrees ray illumination feeling unexpectedly. 混沌界的阳光和煦,并且是三个恒星太阳在混乱得照射着,以至于林沐雨站在客栈的庭院里,竟有种360度光芒照射感觉。 Has had the breakfast in a hurry, directly soars imperial palace. 匆匆吃了早饭,直奔皇宫。 In imperial palace square, big soliciting the best-qualified workers flag flutters against the wind, the one side is huge compared with martial stage, the surroundings have been crowding around one group of people, but under the flag, several wear person languid yawning of bodyguard clothes armor. 皇宫广场上,一个大大的“招贤”旗帜迎风飘扬,一旁就是一个巨大的比武场,周围已经簇拥着一群人了,而旗帜下,几个身穿侍卫衣甲的人正懒洋洋的打着呵欠。 Lin Muyu walks to go forward, said respectfully: Hello, I want to join the guard camp.” 林沐雨走上前,恭敬道:“您好,我想加入近卫营。” You?” “你?” A bodyguard gains ground to say with a smile: You know that joins the custom of guard camp?” 一名侍卫抬起头笑道:“你知道加入近卫营的规矩吗?” Does not know, what custom?” “不知道,什么规矩?” Must defeat an demon Venerable Sir, in addition, but must sign the life and death shape, because this martial arts contest killed will not have compensated.” “必须战胜一名魔尊者大人,此外,还得签订生死状,因为这场比武打死了可是不会赔偿的。” Knew.” “知道了。” On bodyguard face to sweep past astonished, at present this youth of outstanding ability with local imperial palace style and style completely different clothes armor . Moreover the look is tranquil, this stance is not installs, does not have enough self-confidence, so will not be calm, he then asked: Young Hero, do you name?” 侍卫脸上掠过一丝惊愕,眼前这个俊逸的青年一身与本地皇宫风格、画风完全不同的衣甲,而且神色平静从容,这种姿态不是装出来的,没有足够的自信,绝不会这般从容,他便问:“少侠,你叫什么名字?” Lin Zhi.” Lin Muyu has used own given name as before. 林炙。”林沐雨依旧用了自己的本名。 Good, here signed on line.” “好,在这里签个字就行了。” Lin Muyu takes the writing brush to sign, said: Now was OK......”( please do not ask that my why this chaos also used Chinese character, wasted words is not good) 林沐雨拿起毛笔签了字,说:“现在可以了吧……”(请不要问我为什么这个混沌界也用汉字,浪费笔墨是不好的) Un, I invited demon Venerable.” “嗯,我去请魔尊者阁下。” ...... …… Soon, raised Warrior of long gun|spear to walk, about 40 -year-old high and low appearance, on the face full was unruly, distant looked to Lin Muyu, said lightly: „Do you want to challenge my Lin Zhi?” 不久之后,一名提着长枪的武者走了出来,大约40岁上下的样子,脸上满是桀骜不驯,远远的看向了林沐雨,淡淡道:“你就是要挑战我的那个林炙?” Yes.” “是。” In Lin Muyu the mark time compared with the martial stage, lifted the hand to draw out the Dragon Spirit sword slowly. 林沐雨踏步走上了比武场,抬手缓缓拔出龙灵剑。 Under the field, city people of one crowd of chaos cheer immediately, many people and others to watch the fun here, looked that the Challenger blood splashes five scenes, but was makes them give to arrive. 场下,一群混沌界的城民一个个立刻欢呼起来,许多人等在这里就是为了看热闹,看挑战者血溅五步的场面,可算是让他们给盼到了。 Causes demon Venerable lightly smiled of spear|gun, the front silver symbol flood the light gloss, said: Lin Zhi, you know that you can be the several Challenger that I kill this month?” 使枪的魔尊者微微一笑,胸前的银色徽记泛着淡淡光泽,笑着说:“林炙,你知道你会是我这个月杀死的第几个挑战者吗?” Does not know.” “不知道。” Seventh! Moreover, my name was, when you were reborn in paradise do not forget my name.” A stubbornness of face, has not washed rain handsome boy to pay attention to the forest completely. “第七个!另外,我叫洛凯,你往生之时别忘掉我的名字。”洛凯一脸的桀骜,完全没有把林沐雨这个“小白脸”放在眼里。 Lin Muyu also smiles, the imposing manner is imposing: Relax, you are reborn in paradise must remember my name.” 林沐雨也是一笑,气势凛然:“放心吧,你往生的时候也要记得我的名字。” Extremely arrogant!” “狂妄!” Drinks suddenly lowly, immediately Battle Qi of whole body spins anxiously, condenses to rapidly fight the armor covers in the body week, but around the long gun|spear circles in flight to fight the spirit ray, this seemed one just stepped into the Heaven Realm Third Layer day expert, shouted at again, long gun|spear chaotic dance punctured, the bracing cold was vigorous, was very astonishing. 洛凯猛然一声低喝,顿时周身的斗气急旋起来,飞速凝聚为斗铠笼罩在身周,而长枪周围则飞旋起一枚斗灵光芒,这似乎是一位刚刚踏入天境第三重天的强者,再一声断喝,长枪乱舞的刺了过来,气劲雄浑,十分惊人。 Really is not simple! 果然不简单! Lin Muyu's raises the air/Qi and luck completes in the flash, on the Dragon Spirit sword five fight the spirit ray anxious spin, the vision looks clearly, clang a sword hilt covers the long gun|spear handle, takes advantage of opportunity, entrains anxiously to clash, fights the boots to lift, accumulated filled a foot of Battle Qi to trample. 林沐雨的提气与运气只是在一瞬间完成,龙灵剑上五枚斗灵光芒急旋,目光看得真切,“铿”一声剑柄扣住长枪把柄,顺势一拉,拽得洛凯急冲过来,战靴一抬,蕴满了斗气的一脚就踹了出去。 Bang!” “嘭!” Simultaneously lifts the foot, two people trample suddenly in the same place, Lin Muyu are built on are entirely still same place, the body week cyclone surges, but has drawn back continuously 78 steps, the long gun|spear in hand was gets down to buckle by forest Mu Yu directly. 洛凯同时抬脚,两个人猛然踹在一起,林沐雨立于原地纹丝不动,身周气旋激荡,而洛凯连续退了78步,手里的长枪更是直接被林沐雨给“扣”下来了。 You......” “你……” In a flash, on face of this demon Venerable full is the ashamed and resentful color. 一瞬间,这位魔尊者的脸上满是羞愤之色。 !! !!
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