AG :: Volume #4

#375: Hunts for the demon person

Under the Lin Muyu's vision gaze, the person who several wore soft armor raises the sword to climb up the corpse of great snake, brandished battle-axe to divide to chop the body of great snake, the meat and bone were divided into toward the corpse under has thrown, a guy raised the extravagant blade to arrive at the forehead of great snake, the knitting the brows head, said: spirit stone was seized, mother...... Any person, snatched unexpectedly in our front has taken spirit stone, do not let my De Wen know, otherwise butchered certainly him.” 就在林沐雨的目光注视下,十几个身穿软甲的人提着刀剑就爬上了巨蛇的尸体,挥舞战斧劈砍巨蛇的身躯,将肉、骨头分成一块块的往尸体下扔了过去,其中一名大汉提着阔刀来到了巨蛇的头部,皱了皱眉头,道:“灵石被攫取掉了,妈的……什么人,竟然抢在我们的前面取走了灵石,别让我德文知道,不然一定宰了他。” That......” forest Mu Yu and Scarlet Crystal Dragons stand under the great snake corpse front big tree, could not bear say one. “那个……”林沐雨与赤晶龙站在巨蛇尸体前方的大树下,忍不住说了一句。 „!?” “啊!?” De Wen stares, retrocedes hurriedly several steps: What person?” 德文一愣,急忙后退几步:“什么人?” Lin Muyu cup one fist in the other hand said: My name was Lin Muyu, person who just arrived at chaos.” 林沐雨抱拳道:“我叫林沐雨,是刚刚来到混沌界的人。” „?” “哦?” De Wen behind one crowd of person one after another have encircled, on faces has the color of alert, De Wen to raise extravagant blade edge lightly smiled saying: Boy, which plane galaxy do you from pass through to chaos come?” 德文身后的一群人纷纷围了过来,一个个脸上带着戒备之色,德文则提着阔刃微微一笑道:“小子,你又是从哪个位面星系穿越到混沌界来的?” I do not know, but my world is called Fragmented Cauldron.” “我也不知道,但我那个世界叫做碎鼎界。” Fragmented Cauldron?” 碎鼎界?” The De Wen knitting the brows head, said: Is a Fragmented Cauldron person.” 德文皱了皱眉头,道:“又是一个碎鼎界的人。” „?” In Lin Muyu the heart moves: Sir, before also had with me same the person who came from Fragmented Cauldron?” “啊?”林沐雨心中一动:“大人,之前还有跟我一样从碎鼎界来的人吗?” Has.” “有。” On the face of De Wen to sweep past has a lingering fear, said: „The old fogy may not be really simple, almost our chaos noisy upside down, if not for the Saint sovereign sent several four spirit Venerable to defeat him, perhaps this chaos must change surnamed Qu......” 德文的脸上掠过一丝心有余悸,道:“那老家伙可真不简单,差点就把我们混沌界闹个底朝天了,若不是圣皇派数四名灵尊者击败了他,恐怕这混沌界就要改姓屈了……” That person called Qu Chu, right?” “那人叫屈楚,是吗?” You...... Do you know him?” “你……你认识他?” Not...... Did not know...... Is has heard.” Lin Muyu does not know in the heart wonderfully, smiled: This Sir De Wen, you unearths the corpse of this snake, is useful?” “哦不……不认识……就是听说过。”林沐雨心知不妙,笑了笑说:“这位德文大人,你们挖掘这条蛇的尸体,有什么用吗?” Snort, this gadget did not call the great snake, but called the chaos insect, asked that what my these issues made, who were you?” Asking that De Wen harbors evil intentions. “哼,这玩意可不叫巨蛇,而是叫混沌虫,问我这些问题做什么,你到底是谁?”德文不怀好意的问道。 I said that I pass through from other galaxy, but I think that this should be the thing that you need?” Lin Muyu took out spirit stone of this chaos insect from Cosmos Bag, in 5000 flame spirit stone, has thought over in the hand, said with a smile: Sir De Wen, I am newly-arrived, has not massacred this chaos insect carefully, if you need spirit stone I to you, considers to become friends, I want to pass through the original world also to wait again for several days, for these days asked you to look, how this did trade?” “我说了,我是从别的星系穿越过来的,不过我想,这个应该是你们需要的东西吧?”林沐雨从乾坤袋里取出了这条混沌虫的灵石,5000年火焰灵石,在手里掂量了一下,笑道:“德文大人,我初来乍到,不小心杀掉了这条混沌虫,如果你需要灵石的话我可以给你,就当是交个朋友吧,我想穿越回去原来的世界还要再等几天,这几天请你多关照,这笔交易如何?” De Wen narrows the eye to look at flame spirit stone, said with a smile: „Can Young Hero know this spirit stone value in a big way?” 德文眯着眼睛看着火焰灵石,笑道:“少侠可知道这枚灵石的价值有多大吗?” Does not know......” “不知道……” Ha Ha, its value is family of ten 100 years of living expenses!” “哈哈,它的价值是一个十口之家100年的生活费用!” Has not related, gives to you!” “没关系,送给你了!” Lin Muyu lifted the hand to throw spirit stone. 林沐雨抬手就把灵石抛了出去。 De Wen puts out a hand to hold, on the face full is the happy expression, said: Forest washes rain Young Hero to be really natural, is money is the muck and righteousness Bo Yuntian, De Wen admires......” 德文伸手抓住,脸上满是喜色,道:“林沐雨少侠果真大方,是金钱为粪土、义薄云天,德文佩服……” No, this is only the transaction, has nothing to do with the loyalty.” “不,这只是交易而已,与义气无关。” Lin Muyu jumps to jump down from the stone, is bringing Scarlet Crystal Dragons, said: I possibly wanted thank your for your hospitality Sir De Wen actually for these days, was right, who are you?” 林沐雨纵身从石头上跳了下来,身后带着赤晶龙,道:“倒是我这几天可能要叨扰德文大人一下,对了,你们到底是什么人?” We? Ha Ha......” De Wen smiled, said: In chaos, we are called hunts for demon person,...... These are my brother, comes, has seen Young Hero Lin!” “我们?哈哈……”德文笑了笑,说:“在混沌界,我们被称为‘猎魔人’,喏……这些都是我的兄弟,来来来,见过林少侠!” One crowd of person one after another cup one fist in the other hand: See Young Hero Lin!” 一群人纷纷抱拳:“参见林少侠!” Lin Muyu returns a courtesy respectfully, said: Has seen.” 林沐雨恭敬回礼,道:“见过诸位。” De Wen looks at military rank symbol on Lin Muyu the neckband, cannot bear ask: Young Hero Lin, in your original that world, you should be an honored person, looks like, is status not low one khaki cloth?” 德文看着林沐雨领口上的军衔徽记,忍不住问道:“林少侠,在您原先的那个世界,您应该是一位贵人吧,看起来,还是地位不低的一个将军呢?” Lin Muyu smiles: Is indebted the Your Highness undeserved kindness, I in Fragmented Cauldron am Commander of 20,000 people of regiment, was right, you are called to hunt for the demon person, what hunts and kills?” 林沐雨笑笑:“承蒙殿下错爱,我在碎鼎界是一个20000人军团的统领,对了,你们叫做猎魔人,到底是猎杀什么呢?” Your rise has a look.” “您抬头看看。” De Wen and Lin Muyu rise looks at the crown above vault of heaven together, said: Chaos is a broken photostar, was lucky that this zenith makes us be able to survive in the vault of heaven, but these damn chaos insects always drill the broken zenith, making the gas that we live to need day after day thin, therefore the chaos first people then start to hunt and kill these chaos insects, is good can make armor because of the skin of chaos insect, the meat can eat, the bone can be used as medicine, spirit stone can sell to demon Venerable and spirit Venerable to trade the massive gold coins, we are the specialty hunt and kill the chaos insect the person.” 德文和林沐雨一起抬头看着天穹之上的顶部,说:“混沌界是一个残破的星体,多亏这层天顶才让我们能够存活于天穹之中,但是这些该死的混沌虫总是钻破天顶,让我们生活所需的气体日渐稀薄,所以混沌界第一层的人们便开始猎杀这些混沌虫,好在混沌虫的皮可以制甲,肉可以食用,骨头可以入药,灵石更是可以卖给魔尊者、灵尊者来换得大量的金币,我们便是专职猎杀混沌虫的人。” Lin Muyu rise looks at the sky, said: Chaos insect life in that high zenith, properly speaking, you do not have the opportunity to hunt and kill them.” 林沐雨抬头看着天空,说:“混沌虫生活在那么高的天顶,按理说,你们是没有机会猎杀到它们的。” Therefore, can only depend on luck, waited for the chaos insect to lose footing to fall.” “所以,只能靠运气,等着混沌虫失足掉下来了。” Was right, Sir De Wen you said a moment ago here is first, chaos does have multi-layer?” “对了,德文大人您刚才说这里是第一层,难道混沌界还有更多层?” Yes......” “是啊……” De Wen said: Actually here strictly speaking is divided as chaos second, first is the nihility space, is the above zenith, the place of chaos insect life, second is here, the poor, hunts for the place that the demon people, mercenary and few followers are, third is the chaos core, is Saint the sovereign Sir and spirit Venerable, demon Venerable and other expert life of the places.” 德文道:“其实这里严格说来是被划分为混沌界第二层的,第一层是虚无空间,也就是上方的天顶,混沌虫生活的地方,第二层就是这里,贫民、猎魔人、佣兵和少量修炼者所在的地方,第三层则是混沌界的核心,是圣皇大人与灵尊者、魔尊者等强者生活的地方。” Was right, that Qu Chu that you said that what's the matter?” “对了,你说的那个屈楚,到底怎么回事?” He......” De Wen brandishes to fight the blade edge to chop the meat of chaos insect, while said with a smile: Three years ago, this Qu Chu crashes into chaos, nothing, offered a far-fetched interpretation the plane people to enter chaos after all, here opens plane, does not kill in revenge the outcomer, may this Qu Chu provoke the Saint sovereign, therefore was imprisoned in chaos Dragon Yuan, the present is dead does not know exactly.” “他呀……”德文一边挥舞战刃砍下混沌虫的肉,一边笑着说道:“三年前,这个屈楚坠入混沌界之中,原本没有什么事,毕竟许多穿凿位面的人都进过混沌界,我们这里是开放位面,并不仇杀外来者,可偏偏这个屈楚招惹了圣皇陛下,所以就被囚禁在了混沌龙渊之中了,现在是死是活也不知道。” Chaos Dragon Yuan?” “混沌龙渊?” Lin Muyu knitting the brows head, also asked: How that does Qu Chu provoke the Saint sovereign?” 林沐雨皱了皱眉头,又问:“那屈楚是怎么招惹圣皇陛下的?” De Wen said: Saint sovereign just when maturity, hey...... You are also youngster, knows that this feeling, the mature Saint sovereign set one initially to defend the power the custom, the young women of all chaos, got married the beforehand first night to make the Saint sovereign favor one time, that daughter who just, Qu Chu lodged will soon get married, but the favor of rejection Saint sovereign, therefore had been killed by demon Venerable, Qu Chu was unbearably angry, a palm divided demon Venerable, throughly has angered the Saint sovereign, incurred the fatal disaster.” 德文道:“圣皇陛下正值壮年,嘿……你也是年轻人,知道这种感觉,壮年的圣皇陛下定下了一个初守权的规矩,所有混沌界的年轻女子,出嫁之前的第一夜必须让圣皇陛下宠幸一次,刚好,屈楚寄宿的那一家的女儿即将出嫁,但拒绝圣皇的宠幸,所以被一名魔尊者杀死了,偏偏屈楚气不过,一掌劈死了魔尊者,彻底惹怒了圣皇陛下,才招致杀身之祸。” Initially defends the power......” forest Mu Yu to curl the lip, says with a smile: Saint sovereign is the dragon fine tiger how is fierce, female who he can visit entire chaos?” “初守权……”林沐雨撇撇嘴,笑道:“圣皇陛下是多么的龙精虎猛,他能临幸全混沌界的女子吗?” What has unable?” “有什么不能?” De Wen said: Young Hero do not think that chaos is very big, tells you, chaos altogether is only also living 20,000 people, said that many, Young Hero do you come chaos are do do?” 德文道:“少侠你别觉得混沌界很大,告诉你,混沌界一共也只生活着20000人不到而已呢,说了那么多,少侠你到底来混沌界是来干什么的?” „...... I offer a far-fetched interpretation plane time has gone astray, astrays here, wants to return to Earth.” “哦……我穿凿位面的时候走错了,误入这里,原本是想回地球的。” Earth?” De Wen knit the brows: Has not heard, Young Hero is really beyond the side the person, since Young Hero here also idle, do the hunting for demon person brothers who that helps our these experiencing suffering misery slaughter this chaos insect?” “地球?”德文皱了皱眉:“没听说过,少侠果然是方外之人,既然少侠在这里也无所事事,那就帮我们这些受尽苦难的猎魔人兄弟宰杀这条混沌虫吧?” Un, good......” “嗯,好……” Quick, Lin Muyu acted to hunt for the role of demon person, because he also needed De Wen to indicate one to go to the chaos three paths for him, after all were newly-arrived, cannot handle affairs rashly, otherwise not only could not rescue Qu Chu, will also lose an own life, Qu Chu was Saint Realm single layer day expert hits these spirit Venerable, thinks one could not stand off, must be careful the conduct. 很快的,林沐雨充当起了猎魔人的角色,因为他还需要德文为他指明一条去混沌界三层的道路,毕竟自己初来乍到,不能贸然行事,不然不但救不了屈楚,还会搭上自己的一条性命,屈楚身为圣域第一重天的强者都打不过那些灵尊者,想必自己也敌不过,必须小心谨慎行事。 ...... …… To darkness time, one crowd hunts for the demon people car(riage) car ships the corpse fragment of chaos insect to return to the town, is actually small market, the meat of these chaos insects really sell, silver coin one jin (0.5 kg) meat, divided the minute buying up by these facial features withered and yellow poor, but De Wen look hurried smiled, said: Young Hero Lin, I must go to the world of mortals to sell this flame am spirit stone, since you also want to go to the world of mortals to have a look there situation, together goes with me?” 一直到天黑的时候,一群猎魔人大车小车的运送着混沌虫的尸体碎片回镇子,其实就是一个小小的集市,这些混沌虫的肉果然好卖,一个银币一斤肉,分分钟就被那些面容枯黄的贫民给买光了,而德文则神色匆忙的一笑,说:“林少侠,我要去下界售卖这枚火焰系灵石,既然你也想去下界看看那里的情况,就跟我一起去吧?” Un, good.” Lin Muyu looks all around, said: Only then both of us?” “嗯,好。”林沐雨环顾四周,道:“就只有我们两个人吗?” Right.” “对。” De Wen smiles lightly: Many people and many voices, this spirit stone the person, but the good thing, to know the fewer the better.” 德文淡淡一笑:“人多嘴杂,这灵石可是好东西,知道的人越少越好。” Un, walks.” “嗯,走吧。” Two people have not ridden a horse, such walked to go out of the small town, has turned toward direction to walk enough a about double-hour, Lin Muyu dept frown, in Spiritual Pulse Technique, has had a aura not near not, he lowered the sound saying: De Wen, we were possibly tracked.” 两个人没有骑马,就这么步行走出了小镇,一直向着一个方向走了足足近一个时辰,林沐雨眉头紧锁,灵脉术中,身后一直有个气息不远不近的跟着,他压低声音道:“德文,我们可能被跟踪了。” „?” De Wen stares. “啊?”德文一愣。 Do not stop , to continue, how long are we away from the entrance of world of mortals also?” “别停下,继续走,我们距离去下界的入口还有多久?” Will draw near, meets Young Hero not to be frightened.” “就快到了,一会少侠可别被吓到。” Ha, cannot.” “哈,不会的。” But after several minutes, Lin Muyu stared dumbfounded, the front is a piece of cliff, proceeds to look not to have the abyss and canyon, only then the vast stars sea, this piece of continent looks like together the broken tile block general float in the universe, proceeds even to see a planet wither away the picture that the wormhole is swallowing one of the photostar very soul-stirringly. 但几分钟后,林沐雨还是瞠目结舌了,前方是一片断崖,往前看去没有深渊、峡谷,只有一望无际的星辰海洋,这片大陆就像是一块残破的瓦块一般漂浮在宇宙之中,往前甚至能看到一颗行星正在消亡的画面,虫洞吞噬着星体的一幕十分惊心动魄。 Here then sneaks across the track.” “这里便是偷渡小道。” De Wen has referred to, sees only one almost to look that not the clear stone steps go nonstop to the world of mortals, seems hanging the broken stair on cliff is ordinary, as if saw Lin Muyu's is surprised, De Wen smiles awkwardly, said: Young Hero should not be offended, our these hunt for the demon person and mercenary follower in world of mortals look like are the outcastes, we do not have the qualifications life in the world of mortals, therefore wants to sell spirit stone to make a living also can only sneak crossing from here ‚’ get down.” 德文指了指下方,只见一条几乎看不真切的石阶直通向下界,就仿佛悬挂在峭壁上的残破台阶一般,似乎看出了林沐雨的惊奇,德文尴尬一笑,说:“少侠不要见怪,我们这些猎魔人、佣兵在下界的修炼者看来都是贱民,我们是没有资格生活在下界的,所以想售卖灵石谋生也就只能从这里‘偷渡’下去了。” All right, walks.” “没事,走吧。” Lin Muyu pats his shoulder, said with a smile: Hurry up, we stared, certainly is you put out spirit stone a moment ago the time by him is seen.” 林沐雨拍拍他的肩膀,笑道:“快点,我们已经被盯上了,一定是你刚才拿出灵石的时候被他看到了。” That what to do?” “那怎么办?” Has not related, finds nobody's place, solved him then.” “没关系,找个没人的地方,解决掉他便是了。” This......” “这……” De Wen uneasy holds good spirit stone, step by step climbing up cautiously above the stone steps, Lin Muyu follows, even does not dare to look to the right, there is the vast universe, a mysterious suction makes here as before maintain the downward center of gravity attraction, once loses footing to drop, probably will flutter to the universe? 德文忐忑不安的揣好灵石,一步步小心翼翼的攀爬在石阶之上,林沐雨紧随其后,甚至都不敢看向右侧,那里就是一望无际的宇宙,一股神奇的吸力让这里依旧保持向下的重心引力,一旦失足跌落,大约会一路飘向宇宙之中了吧? !! !!
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