AG :: Volume #4

#374: Chaos

( ( This...... Was a long story.” “这个……就说來话长了。” Lin Muyu look one cold, starts serious talking nonsense: This God Binding Lock is founds a country the Great Emperor to grant me, you still remembered founding emperor in Qin empire.” 林沐雨神色一凛,开始一本正经的胡说八道:“这缚神锁是开国大帝赐予我的,你还记得大秦帝国的开国皇帝吗。” Qin Yi...... My ancestor, military might limitless Heavenly Emperor, who can not know him.” Blood Venerate said to be excited somewhat, after all similarly was the bloodlines of Qin empire, Qin has the world, this was he his entire life proudest matter. 秦屹……我的先祖,威武无极天帝,谁会不认识他。”血尊说得有些激动起來,毕竟同样是大秦帝国的血脉,秦家拥有天下,这是他一生最为骄傲的事情。 The forest washes the raindrop to nod, said: In soon, heaven lowers together the tora, flies upwards heaven Qin Yi Divine Emperor to my tora, he grants me this together God Binding Lock, orders me by the status protection empire of Qin family, protects this landscape, the eternal life gives loyalty to Qin, can not disobey, but Qu Chu took Qin Her Highness Yin Teacher, I must find Qu Chu.” 林沐雨点点头,说:“就在不久之后,天界降下一道神谕,正是飞升天界秦屹神帝给我的神谕,他赐予我这一道缚神锁,命令我以秦家人的身份守护帝国,守护这片江山,永生效忠于秦家,不得违逆,而屈楚作为秦茵殿下老师,我必须找到屈楚。” You said...... Real.” “你说的……是真的吗。” Also will have the vacation, you do not have to read the plan, come, read.” “还会有假,你不是有读心术吗,來,读。” Lin Muyu spoke has urged the valley Spiritual Pulse Technique to most in peak condition, Blood Venerate can read out a bird's egg. 林沐雨说话间就已经将灵脉术催谷到最巅峰状态,血尊能读出个鸟蛋來。 ...... …… Some Blood Venerate mood are fearless, said: Since you are protecting country of military might limitless Heavenly Emperor tora formulation, my Qin Hong naturally cannot stop you, limitless Heavenly Emperor makes you protect Qin Yin, thinks that Qin Yin is the empire monarchy who he approves, Lin Muyu, you come along with me, I led you to find Qu Chu.” 血尊有些情绪昂然,道:“既然你是威武无极天帝神谕制定的护国者,我秦鸿自然不能阻拦你,无极天帝让你守护秦茵,想必秦茵是他老人家所认可的帝国君主,林沐雨,你随我來吧,我带你去找到屈楚。” Many thanks seeks Venerable to be righteous.” “多谢寻尊深明大义。” Lin Muyu rejoices secretly, if not for is quick-witted, so to be how smooth. 林沐雨暗自庆幸不已,若不是机智,又怎会那么顺利。 As Blood Venerate arrived at the tower top, the airborne scarlet vortex reverses, Blood Venerate is pointing at the airborne vortex, said: Three years ago Qu Chu escaped chasing down of Divine Venerate Luo Lan from here, plane that Qu Chu passed through has been called chaos, I was not quite clear as for that side situation, this wanted you to pass to know that the plane clock of chaos has not arrived temporarily, must wait for about after one double-hour, can pass through, if Qu Chu had not been burnt by the time wind-drift sand, you should be able to find him.” 随着血尊來到了塔顶,空中血色漩涡扭转,血尊指着空中的漩涡,道:“三年前屈楚就是从这里逃过了神尊洛岚的追杀,屈楚所穿过的位面叫做‘混沌界’,至于那一边的情况我也不太清楚,这要你自己过去才能得知,混沌界的位面时钟暂时还沒到,要等待大约一个时辰之后才能穿越,如果屈楚沒有被时光流沙烧死的话,你应该就能找到他了。” Many thanks Blood Venerate.” “多谢血尊。” Lin Muyu turns around to express gratitude, then asked: Blood Venerate, that Divine Venerate Luo Lan chases down Qu Chu, finally chases down the failure, why he has not vented anger in you, made you continue to live here.” 林沐雨转身道谢,接着问道:“血尊,那神尊洛岚追杀屈楚,最后追杀失败,他为什么沒有迁怒于你,却让你在这里继续活了下來。” Blood Venerate smiles lightly: Because I have given loyalty to him, therefore he has not killed me.” 血尊淡淡一笑:“因为我效忠了他,所以他沒有杀我。” Gives loyalty.” “效忠。” Yes, Divine Venerate Luo Lan, Divine Venerate of thirst for power inflation, he too wants to conquer entire day below expert extremely, but also has a expert self-respect, therefore I submit to him, he will then not kill me.” “是啊,神尊洛岚,一个权力欲极其膨胀的神尊,他太想征服全天下的强者了,但又拥有一颗强者的自尊心,所以我臣服于他,他便不会杀我。” Blood Venerate somewhat self-ridicules smiles: „My old man, alone was imprisoned in Tower of Babel is unable to depart, how submits to him can, after all, for me, the dignity already lost entirely.” 血尊有些自嘲的一笑:“我一个老头儿,孤零零的被囚禁在通天塔内无法离去,臣服于他又能如何呢,毕竟,对我來说,尊严早就丧尽了。” Lin Muyu said: So long as you can help me find Elder Qu, you are an empire hero, after I return to Orchid Goose City, certainly makes Her Highness Yin plan to write the imperial edict to confer you.” 林沐雨道:“只要你能帮助我找到屈老,你便是一位帝国功臣,我回到兰雁城之后,一定让茵殿下拟写诏书册封你。” Really.” Blood Venerate vision brilliant. “真的。”血尊目光灼灼。 Naturally real.” “当然是真的。” When his state of mind disorder, Lin Muyu starts Spiritual Pulse Technique to read the heart, really...... Blood Venerate has not deceived him, Qu Chu offered a far-fetched interpretation plane to enter the chaos place, this was real. 趁着他心绪紊乱之际,林沐雨发动灵脉术读心,果然……血尊沒有骗他,屈楚穿凿位面进入了一个名叫混沌界的地方,这是真的。 ...... …… Also for a long time, the airborne thunder and lightning suddenly had become fierce, dozens scarlet eddy currents interlock the samsara mutually, space and time plane had the transformation, Blood Venerate has put out a hand to point to the front, said: Left has the third vortex, there is chaos, has a Incense sticks time, Lin Muyu, a bit faster passes, otherwise without enough time.” 又过了许久,空中的雷电忽然变得剧烈起來,数十个血色漩涡相互交错轮回,时空位面已经发生了转换,血尊伸手直指着前方,道:“左起第三个漩涡,那里就是混沌界,只有一炷香的功夫,林沐雨,快点过去,不然就來不及了。” Un, how I must be able to pass through.” “嗯,那我要怎样才能穿越回來。” 7 days later at the same time, is three days, the place that you must return to pass through, offers a far-fetched interpretation space plane, naturally can return to Fragmented Cauldron to come.” “7天之后同一时间,也就是三更天,你要回到穿过去的地方,穿凿开空间位面,就自然能回到碎鼎界來了。” Good.” “好。” Lin Muyu jumps to leap, the whole person just likes in the injection scarlet vortex of advantage arrow, immediately burns the heat quantity to transmit, is the time wind-drift sand, at this time the light wind-drift sand was more like the distortion strength in wormhole, making people very uncomfortable, he stirred Battle Qi forcefully, protected the whole body not to be fired by the wind-drift sand with the fight armor, in the meantime, the consciousness deep place „” shouted suddenly that was Scarlet Crystal Dragons, Scarlet Crystal Dragons regained consciousness. 林沐雨纵身一跃,整个人犹如利箭的射入血色漩涡之中,顿时一股灼热力量传來,是时光流沙,这时光流沙更像是虫洞里的扭曲力量,让人十分难受,他强行鼓荡斗气,用斗铠保护着周身不被流沙灼烧掉,同时,意海深处忽然“嗷呜”一声喊,是赤晶龙,赤晶龙苏醒了。 The body surface swiftly condenses amethystinus rays, changes into Dragon Lin, unexpectedly is Scarlet Crystal Dragons is protecting the master not to be killed by the wind-drift sand ignition. 体表迅速凝聚出一道道紫晶色光芒,化为龙鳞,居然是赤晶龙在保护主人不被流沙灼烧杀死。 Lin Muyu is secret, such one, a mail-armor and helmet will not be cremated, did not use up the body to pass through to another world went, good. 林沐雨暗暗欣喜,这么一來,一身的甲胄也不会被烧化掉了,也不用光着身子穿越到另一个世界去了,太好了。 Enough by time wind-drift sand baptism nearly five minutes, at present suddenly one bright, offers a far-fetched interpretation plane to succeed, Lin Muyu has fallen into a pitch-dark space with the sword. 足足被时光流沙洗礼了近五分钟,眼前忽地一亮,穿凿位面成功,林沐雨连人带剑跌入了一个黑漆漆的空间里。 Bang.” “嘭。” Body numerous pounding fall on place, that scarlet vortex vanishes slowly, the plane crack did not have. 身躯重重的砸落在地,身后,那道血色漩涡缓缓消失,位面裂缝沒有了。 He stood up slowly, rubs to hit the painful face, all around looked at the past, here was a wilderness, all thing as if some distortions, really a little chaos appearance. 他缓缓站起身,揉了揉撞得生疼的脸部,四周看过去,这里是一片荒野,所有的事物仿佛都有些扭曲,果然有点混沌界的样子。 Grips tightly the sword hilt, he lifts the hand suddenly, the Spiritual Sense impact, offers a far-fetched interpretation a space crack in not far away. 紧握剑柄,他猛然一抬手,灵觉冲击而出,在不远处穿凿出一个空间裂缝來。 „......” “嗷呜……” Scarlet Crystal Dragons cheered one to crawl, swayed the tail to arch the Lin Muyu's arm to frisk and scamper with the head. 赤晶龙欢呼一声爬了出來,摇晃着尾巴用脑袋拱着林沐雨的胳膊撒着欢儿。 Small apple.” Lin Muyu laughs in spite of trying not to: We come to here to not to play, must a bit faster find Elder Qu, he must live here for three years, how also did not know, you can induce to the Elder Qu aura.” “小苹果。”林沐雨不禁失笑:“我们來这里不是为了玩耍的,必须快点找到屈老,他在这里应当已经生活了三年了,也不知道怎么样了,你能感应到屈老的气息吗。” The small apple shouted that lifts the head, the small ear fanned, is one calls, then swaggering, in the front guided. 小苹果嗷呜一声喊,抬起头颅,小小的耳朵扇动了一下,又是一声叫,然后大摇大摆的在前方带路了。 Lin Muyu knows nothing about here, but as if Scarlet Crystal Dragons probably knew that here appearance, it has called not to know was calling anything, simply opened Spiritual Pulse Technique, proceeded to investigate the past with the dragonet. 林沐雨对这里一无所知,不过似乎赤晶龙好像认识这里的样子,它一直嗷嗷叫着也不知道在叫什么,干脆开启灵脉术,就跟着小龙一路往前探查过去。 All around desolateness, everywhere is the broken stone, could not see including a grass that walks here just likes in the lunar terrain, the good air here as if also suits survives, or was Lin Muyu's cultivates for has achieved some boundary, the dependency on the air was not the average man has relied on likely, thinks carefully that Green Gourd was Plant Attribute Martial Spirit, can provide the oxygen, therefore Lin Muyu the dependency on the air was not formidable approximately also because of this. 四周一片荒芜,到处都是碎石头,连一株草都看不到,行走在这里犹如走在月球表面,好在这里的空气似乎还适合生存,又或者是林沐雨的修为已经达到了某种境界,对空气的依赖并不像是常人那么依赖了,仔细想想,青葫植物系武魂,原本就能提供氧气,所以林沐雨对空气的依赖并不强大约也就因为这个。 Also does not know how long, arrived at together on the soil bank, the dragonet is roaring to one, the whole body scarlet crystal scale but actually has set upright, this is virulent roaring, had the thing to come. 也不知道走了多久,來到一道土坡上,小龙对着嗷呜一声怒吼,浑身的赤晶鳞片都倒竖了起來,这是充满敌意的吼叫,有东西來了。 Lin Muyu grips tightly the Dragon Spirit sword hurriedly, in Spiritual Pulse Technique, a tyrannical strength is approaching fast. 林沐雨急忙紧握龙灵剑,灵脉术中,一股强横的力量正在快速逼近。 ...... …… Bang.” “嘭。” The front ground was pierced suddenly, the crushed stone spatters in all directions, a huge demon beast ran out of the ground, without eye, only then a fearsome big mouth, tittering a great crag biting, the long body likely is Dragon Snake general is swaying from side to side, above the head, is printing five gold/metal pigment figure lines, unexpectedly will be one first 5000 Spirit beast. 前方的地面猛然被洞穿,碎石迸溅中,一条巨大魔兽冲出了地面,沒有眼睛,只有一张可怖的大嘴,“噗嗤”一声就把一块巨岩给咬碎了,长长的身躯像是龙蛇一般的扭动着,头颅之上则印着五道金色纹线,居然是一头5000年的灵兽 Lin Muyu raises the sword to overrun, God Binding Lock Martial Spirit ray Sheng, above long sword is surging greatly radiant stars, to this Spirit beast that drills from the place bottom is being layer on layer a sword. 林沐雨提剑就冲了过去,缚神锁武魂光芒大盛,长剑之上激荡着一颗璀璨星辰,对着这头从地底钻出來的灵兽就是重重一剑。 The asterism peeps. 星芒初现。 Bang.” “嘭。” sword blade to sweep past, the stars bang enters in the head of this great snake, but struck its head chopping into pieces, flame spirit stone rolled in the blood plasma. 剑刃掠过,星辰轰入这条巨蛇的头颅之中,只是一击就把它的头颅给劈碎了,一枚火红色的灵石在血浆中滚了出來。 Scarlet Crystal Dragons excited is swaying the head, goes forward to swallow the meat of great snake on the big mouth. 赤晶龙兴奋的摇晃着脑袋,上前就大口吞噬起巨蛇的肉來。 Lin Muyu the knitting the brows head, picks to scratch spirit stone throws into Cosmos Bag cleanly, then after waiting for Scarlet Crystal Dragons to eat to the full, said: Then, which we go to seek for Elder Qu.” 林沐雨皱了皱眉头,把灵石捡起來擦干净丢进乾坤袋里,然后等着赤晶龙吃饱了之后,说道:“接下來呢,我们去哪儿寻找屈老。” This great snake was really too big, the dragonet has only eaten less than 10% parts, before it rushed, was arching the body of great snake with the head, it toward soil. 这条巨蛇实在是太大了,小龙只吃掉了不到10%的部分,它冲上前,用头颅拱着巨蛇的身躯,将其往泥土里塞。 Lin Muyu looks is confused, must help, under when a person of dragon same fortune vigor, the corpse of great snake following coming the cavern fell down, crash-bang the sound is unceasing. 林沐雨看得一头雾水,只得去帮忙,一人一龙同时运劲之下,巨蛇的尸体顺着來时的洞穴掉了下去,哗啦啦的响声不断。 „......” “嗷呜……” The dragonet bends down in the cavern edge, winks to forest Mu Yu. 小龙伏在洞穴边缘,冲着林沐雨挤眉弄眼。 You make me enter in this cavern.” Lin Muyu is stunned. “你让我钻进这个洞穴里。”林沐雨愕然。 The dragonet swings the tail to nod. 小龙摇着尾巴点头。 Without the means that can only try. 沒有办法,只能试一试了。 Lin Muyu jumps to leap forward, immediately all around full is the rumor, the top of the head place above hears a cry of dragonet, this fellow huge body also together fell unexpectedly, the buttocks pounded suddenly in the top of the head of master, Lin Muyu whinned: Your younger sister......” 林沐雨纵身跃入,顿时四周满是风声,头顶上方传來一声小龙的叫声,这家伙巨大的身躯居然也跟着一起落下來了,屁股猛然砸在了主人的头顶上,林沐雨一声哀嚎:“你妹……” The cavern of great snake is very long, Lin Muyu has crashed along with the cavern together enough for nearly three minutes, finally crash-bang one is luminous at present, but the trend continues. 巨蛇的洞穴十分悠长,林沐雨随着洞穴一起坠落了足足近三分钟,终于“哗啦”一下眼前光亮起來,但趋势不止。 Buzz.” “嗡。” The whole person appears in the midair unexpectedly, falls to go to falling downwards suddenly. 整个人居然出现在半空中,猛然向下坠落而去。 Lin Muyu is dumbstruck, at least five kilometers altitude, this, certainly must what to do plunge to death. 林沐雨吓得目瞪口呆,至少五千米的高度啊,这怎么办,肯定要摔死了。 „.” “靠。” He whinned, rise looks to Scarlet Crystal Dragons: Was killed by you.” 他哀嚎一声,抬头看向了赤晶龙:“被你害死了。” But actually only sees Scarlet Crystal Dragons Mengmeng's big eyes, the next moment, Scarlet Crystal Dragons opens unexpectedly pair of claws, crash-bang body both sides dragon scale one after another turn, the scale turns a faint trace the mist gloss to come, to sway from side to side the body state-of-art, appearance that unexpectedly mounting the clouds and riding the mist, Lin Muyu both feet one tight, must grasp by Scarlet Crystal Dragons, the dragonet raises the forehead, throws the master in own carrying on the back. 但却只看到赤晶龙一双萌萌的大眼睛,下一刻,赤晶龙居然张开双爪,“哗啦”一声身体两侧的龙鳞纷纷翻起,鳞片尖端翻起一丝丝的雾气光泽來,扭动着身躯,居然一副腾云驾雾的样子,林沐雨双足一紧,就已经被赤晶龙要抱住了,小龙扬起脑门來,将主人丢在自己的背上。 Lin Muyu is still shaken, sits carries on the back in the dragon, the dragonet will fly, matter that this he does not know actually. 林沐雨惊魂未定,坐在龙背上一身冷汗,小龙会飞,这倒是他所不知道的事情。 Bang.” “嘭。” Under hears one to thunder, is the body of great snake drops the sound on earth, the body of that great snake was hard enough, but hits on at the foot of the hill rock, falls as before is split up. 下方传來一声轰鸣,是巨蛇的身躯跌落在大地上的声音,那巨蛇的身体已经足够坚硬了,但撞击在山脚下的岩石上,依旧摔得四分五裂。 The dragonet flew rapidly, falls by the corpse of great snake. 小龙急速飞了下去,落在巨蛇的尸体旁边。 „......” “嗷嗷……” After receiving the scale, it as before likely is airedale general squatting side the master. 收了鳞片之后,它依旧像是一条大狗一般的蹲在主人身边。 Lin Muyu looks at the surroundings, Spiritual Pulse Technique opens slowly, a here actually beautiful scenery piece, but the sky is a layer upon layer flame rock, above is densely covered hole, even can also faint saw that some great snakes are making the hole in the zenith, what egg this is hurts plane, has planting to make people soon crazily feel. 林沐雨则看着周围,灵脉术缓缓张开,这里倒是青山绿水一片,而天空则是一层层火红色的岩石,上面密布着一个个洞孔,甚至还能隐隐的看到一些巨蛇正在天顶上打着洞,这是一个什么样的蛋疼位面啊,有种让人快要疯狂的感觉。 At this moment, suddenly the distant place heard hoofbeat, in Spiritual Pulse Technique also experienced the aura fluctuation, one crowd of aura were not very strong person have caught up, 就在这时,忽然远处传來了马蹄声,灵脉术中也出现了气息波动,一群气息不是十分强的人赶了过來,
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