AG :: Volume #4

#373: Qu Chu has not died

The tora brilliance in airborne drags slowly, as if in seeking for anything, leaves Ze Tian Palace after forest Mu Yuta, the tora brilliance immediately likely found the master to be ordinary, moves rapidly. 神谕光辉在空中缓缓摇曳,似乎在寻找着什么,直到林沐雨踏出泽天殿之后,神谕光辉立刻像是找到了主人一般,迅速移动过来。 Brushes!” “刷!” Myriad rays gather on Lin Muyu's together, immediately produces a air wave certainly, pushed by far Feng Ji Xing, Qin Yin, Chu Yao and the others leaves, even has also ruined a Little Duan wall, golden rays plate above the Lin Muyu's armor, his rise looked to the sky, the eye almost soon is unable to look straight ahead this brilliance, muttered asks: „Is big brother Devil Emperor, you?” 万千光芒一起汇聚在林沐雨的身上,顿时产生一股强绝的气浪,将风继行秦茵楚瑶等人推得远远离开,甚至还毁掉了一小段的宫墙,一道道金色光芒镀在林沐雨的铠甲之上,他抬头看向天空,眼睛几乎快要无法直视这种光辉了,喃喃问道:“魔帝大哥,是你吗?” Really, in the tora has broadcast the Seven Luminaries Demon Emperor sound: Hey, the weak chicken little brother, has not thought that you have not died unexpectedly, made the big brother I shock......” 果然,神谕中传来了七曜魔帝的声音:“嘿,弱鸡小弟,没有想到你居然还没死,太让大哥我震惊了……” „, Haven't I died you to be very disappointed?” Lin Muyu ill-humored say|way. “靠,我没死你很失望吗?”林沐雨没好气道。 Seven Luminaries Demon Emperor continues saying: My Divine Power is not enough to support the too long tora to convey a message, therefore we made a long story short.” 七曜魔帝继续道:“我的神力不足以支撑太久的神谕传话,所以我们长话短说。” Un, Devil Emperor you journeys in ten thousand stars how?” “嗯,魔帝你在万界星辰里的征程怎么样了?” Extremely smooth, this Great Emperor marvelous ability is invincible, in one month has destroyed completely over a hundred Divine Venerate and about 30 Divine King, their godship refining, received their palaces and disciple audiences, snort|hum, present heaven, who doesn't know my Seven Luminaries Demon Emperor prestige? However recently met Divine Emperor, is very fierce, is somewhat thorny, after we fight for three days three nights, finally made me break off his head, now I therapy, therefore found time to direct to find you with Divine Power.” “极其顺利,本大帝神功无敌,一个月内就灭掉了上百名神尊和近30名神王,把他们的神格炼化,收了他们的宫殿与徒众,哼,现在的天界,谁不知道我七曜魔帝的威名?不过最近遇到一个神帝,十分厉害,有些棘手,我们大战三天三夜之后终于让我掰下了他的脑袋,现在我正疗伤呢,所以抽空用神力指引找到你。” That congratulated big brother Devil Emperor, did you ask me certainly to have the matter?” “那恭喜魔帝大哥了,你找我一定有事吧?” Un!” “嗯!” Seven Luminaries Demon Emperor layer on layer nods, said: I seven days ago destroys completely Divine King time, had found a soul spectrum in his mansion, discovered in the Fragmented Cauldron soul samsara list that you are at has many people, but does not have that fellow who only called Qu Chu, I suspected that Qu Chu has not died, therefore ordered under my hand Divine King to seek for the Qu Chu soul, finally made him give to find.” 七曜魔帝重重点头,说:“我七天前灭掉一个神王的时候,在他的府邸里找到了一本灵魂谱,发现你所在的碎鼎界灵魂轮回名单上有许多人,但惟独没有那个叫屈楚的家伙,我怀疑屈楚并没有死,所以命令我手底下的一个神王去寻找屈楚灵魂,终于让他给找到了。” „Hasn't Elder Qu died?” 屈老没死?” Lin Muyu is overjoyed, said: He where?” 林沐雨大喜过望,道:“那他在哪儿?” Do not be anxious first, listening to me to say.” Seven Luminaries Demon Emperor as if drank tea, smacks the lips later continues: Qu Chu certainly is when Orchid Goose City chaotic has met Luo Lan, knew perfectly well that does not beat, therefore escaped, was pursued by Luo Lan is forced, but therefore entered one tall Tower who has the offering a far-fetched interpretation space force to have, calling any tower me not to know that the Qu Chu final aura vanished there, if you must look for him, must pass to search from that space plane.” “你先别急,听我慢慢道来。”七曜魔帝似乎是喝了口茶,咂咂嘴之后继续说:“屈楚一定是在兰雁城之乱的时候遇到了洛岚,明知不敌所以逃脱了,被洛岚追得被迫无奈所以进了一座拥有穿凿空间力量存在的高塔,叫什么塔我就不知道,屈楚最后的气息就消失在那里,如果你要找他,就必须从那个空间位面里过去寻觅。” Lin Muyu said in consternation: Tower of Babel?” 林沐雨愕然道:“通天塔?” Perhaps was Tower of Babel that you said that was good, Brother A'Yu you cultivated in the world of human beings well, the big brother also waited for you to fly upwards to enter heaven, with my shoulder to shoulder decisive battle all Tianwan Divine King and Divine Emperor!” “或许就是你说的通天塔了,好了,阿雨小弟你好好在人界修炼,大哥还等着你飞升进入天界,跟我并肩决战诸天万界的神王神帝呢!” Good, I...... forest Mu Yu hear creepy feeling with every effort, the road of practice is how long, was a God Realm single layer day Luo Lan sufficiently second killed itself, let alone stronger Divine King and Divine Emperor? “好,我尽力……”林沐雨听得头皮发麻,修炼之路何其漫长,一个神境第一重天的洛岚就足以秒杀自己了,何况是更强的神王神帝 The light beam draws in suddenly, changes into the flowing light to soar to the heavens to go together, the tora also in light of this vanished. 光束猛然收拢起来,化为一道流光冲天而去,神谕也就此消失了。 ...... …… The distant place, Qin Yin, Chu Yao, Feng Ji Xing and the others one after another catch up, Qin Yin face anxious asking: A'Yu Elder Brother, are you all right?” 远方,秦茵楚瑶风继行等人纷纷赶来,秦茵一脸焦急的问道:“阿雨哥哥,你没事吧?” All right. Xiao Yin, told you a good news.” Lin Muyu excited say|way. “没事。小茵,告诉你一个好消息。”林沐雨兴奋道。 What good news?” “什么好消息啊?” Elder Qu has not died.” 屈老没死。” What? Hasn't Elder Qu died?” Qin Yin occurred simultaneously joyfully: He...... He where?” “什么?屈老没死?”秦茵欣喜交加:“他……他在哪儿?” Matter that I then must handle was found Elder Qu.” “我接下来要做的事情就是去找到屈老。” Lin Muyu lightly smiled: Therefore I will leave probably for several days, does not need to look for me, when I come back, must bring Elder Qu to come back together.” 林沐雨微微一笑:“所以我大概会离开几天,不用找我,当我回来的时候,应当就会带着屈老一起回来了。” Feng Ji Xing is stunned: A'Yu, this tora is who issues you?” 风继行愕然:“阿雨,这神谕是谁发给你的?” „A god friend.” “一位神界的朋友。” „The friend of god......” Wei Chou and Zhang Wei stares dumbfounded, a shock of Zhang Wei face, said: Rain Sir Commander, your unexpectedly also bright friend, obediently...... Extraordinary you......” “神界的朋友……”卫仇章炜瞠目结舌,章炜一脸的震惊,道:“雨统领大人,你居然还有神界的朋友,乖乖……了不得啊你……” Lin Muyu looks at Qin Yin that is confused, said: Xiao Yin I am all right, but also remembers why I will reactivate? Is the friend help of this god, therefore I can live, and...... Peerless Martial arts that I have is also he teaches for my, although he flying upwards god was unable to help me now again, but sends a tora to me.” 林沐雨看着一头雾水的秦茵,笑着说:“小茵我没事,还记得我为什么会复活吗?就是这位神界的朋友帮忙,所以我才能活下来,而且……我身怀的绝世武学也是他传授给我的,虽然他现在已经飞升神界不能再帮我了,但给我发个神谕还是可以的。” Qin Yin sips red lip: Seeks for Elder Qu quite to be certainly dangerous?” 秦茵抿着红唇:“去寻找屈老一定相当危险吧?” Also good, that place I have gone, relax.” “还行,那个地方我去过,放心吧。” Lin Muyu claps on the fragrant shoulder of Qin Yin, said: Walks, you go back to continue to eat meal, brings two roast chickens to me, I ate while to hurry along.” 林沐雨拍拍秦茵的香肩,说:“走吧,你们回去继续吃饭,给我带两只烧鸡,我一边吃一边赶路去了。” Un!” “嗯!” ...... …… Just learned that Qu Chu has not died, how Lin Muyu possibly could eat meal, grabs to burn the chicken leg was nipping while left Ze Tian Palace, after a whistling, strolled in the snow to clash from the horse stable, turned over to start to directly soar Tower of Babel to go. 刚刚得知屈楚没死,林沐雨怎么可能吃得下饭,抓着烧鸡腿一边咬着一边出了泽天殿,一声口哨之后踏雪从马棚里冲了过来,翻身上马直奔通天塔而去。 With town country general number and route plate that succeeds in obtaining newly, opens access left Imperial Capital. 凭着新到手的镇国将军腰牌,一路畅通无阻的出了帝都 Tower of Babel is very as before gloomy, the airborne space vortex circles, the thunder, around the turret inside and outside one has the empire imperial guard in defending imperial, when Lin Muyu progresses, but, imperial guard Hundred-Man Commander welcomed goes forward, cup one fist in the other hand said: Is rain Commander? See rain Commander, does not know that what rain Commander late at night does arrive at Tower of Babel to have?” 通天塔依旧十分阴森,空中空间漩涡盘旋,电闪雷鸣,塔楼四周一里外就有帝国禁军在守御着,当林沐雨策马而至的时候,一名禁军百夫长迎上前,抱拳道:“是雨统领啊?参见雨统领,不知道雨统领深夜来到通天塔有何事?” In Tower of Babel had a condition, Your Highness has sent me to go to nose.” 通天塔里出了一点状况,殿下派我进去查探一下。” But......” Hundred-Man Commander is astonished, said: In legend Tower of Babel ferocious beast runs amuck, even also has to eat the god demon of person, rain does Commander want the one person alone to enter Tower of Babel really? Or...... Do the subordinates lead one team of troops to accompany Commander to go in together?” “可是……”百夫长一脸愕然,道:“传说通天塔猛兽横行,甚至还有吃人的神魔,雨统领真的要孤身进入通天塔吗?要不……属下带一队人马陪同统领一起进去?” Does not use.” Lin Muyu smiled: I go in quite safely, relax this general, I have entered Tower of Babel, at that time can live coming back, now can live.” “不用了。”林沐雨笑了笑:“我一个人进去比较安全一点,放心吧这位将军,我进入过通天塔,那时候都能活着回来,现在就更能活着回来了。” Un, that rain Commander multi- in addition was careful!” “嗯,那雨统领多加小心了!” Many thanks!” “多谢!” Comes the person, makes way, allows to pass, gives rain Commander to open the door!” “来人,让开,放行,去给雨统领开门!” Yes!” “是!” One crowd of imperial guards accompany Lin Muyu to arrive under the turret, opened that rusty stain stained iron gate, in an instant was three years has not come, Lin Muyu strolling in the snow to have given Hundred-Man Commander, said: Helps me take care of the warhorse, I will not be long come back.” 一群禁军陪同林沐雨来到塔楼下,打开了那锈迹斑斑的铁门,转眼就是三年没有来过了,林沐雨把踏雪交给了百夫长,说:“帮我保管战马,我不会太久就回来。” Yes, Commander feels relieved!” “是,统领放心吧!” ...... …… Works as!” “当!” Lin Muyu has drawn out the Dragon Spirit sword, urges valley Battle Qi, immediately in the sword glittering has stepped into Tower of Babel, as before, Tower of Babel any people do not have as before, he treads fully is being the dust stone steps to two times, then heard a very fierce sound: „...... For a long time did not have the fresh flesh and blood to enter Tower of Babel, this time...... Was which bad luck ghost the empire emperors delivers?” 林沐雨拔出了龙灵剑,催谷斗气,顿时剑光闪烁中踏入了通天塔中,依旧如故,通天塔的一层什么人都没有,他踏着满是灰尘的石阶去往二层的时候,便听到了一个十分狰狞的声音:“哦……好久没有新鲜的血肉进入通天塔了,这次……是帝国皇帝把哪个倒霉鬼送进来了呢?” The demon shade flushed together rapidly. 一道魅影急速冲了过来。 Lin Muyu looks clearly, opens the arm suddenly, but gold/metal Hutou the body the condensation is the bottle gourd wall, bang, coming the person to hit seven meat eight elements, Lin Muyu lifts the hand is separates the spatial fist, Seven Luminaries Mystic Power reverses, direct First Luminary, Mortal Turmoil bang above the arm of person! 林沐雨看得真切,猛然张开手臂,金葫透体而出凝聚为葫芦壁,“嘭”的一声,来人撞个七荤八素,林沐雨抬手就是隔空一拳,七曜玄力扭转,直接一次一曜苍生乱轰在来人的手臂之上! „......” “啊……” She fell to fly, miserable snort|hum was falling down, under the Dragon Spirit sword ray illumination, this was the woman who wore black soft armor, approximately Heaven Realm single layer day cultivating was, the both arms seeped out the blood, was shaken arm bleeding by the first Yao's strength, was really pitiful. 她跌飞了出去,惨哼着倒在地上,龙灵剑光芒照射下,这是个身穿黑色软甲的女人,大约天境第一重天的修为,双臂渗出鲜血,被第一曜的力量震得手臂出血,真是可怜。 Lin Muyu delivers long sword gently, sword blade goes straight to her nape of the neck, asked lightly: You who?” 林沐雨轻轻一送长剑,剑刃直抵在她的脖颈上,淡淡问道:“你谁?” I...... I called the blood demon!” In her vision is bringing wisp of cold brightness. “我……我叫血魅!”她的目光中带着一缕寒光。 „Are you also the Blood Venerate subordinate?” Lin Muyu asked. “你也是血尊的手下?”林沐雨问道。 You...... How do you know Blood Venerate?” On the face of blood demon full is the doubt, looked taking advantage of the sword light to the Lin Muyu's military rank, said: Snort, originally is an empire great general of Commander level...... You have killed me, after having killed me, Blood Venerate has the reason to butcher you, takes revenge for me.” “你……你怎么知道血尊?”血魅的脸上满是狐疑,借着剑光看向了林沐雨的军衔,道:“哼,原来是一个统领级的帝国大将……你杀了我吧,杀了我之后,血尊才有理由宰掉你,为我复仇。” What do I kill you to make for no reason?” Lin Muyu lightly smiled: Walks, leading me to see Blood Venerate, he is knows my.” “我平白无故杀你做什么?”林沐雨微微一笑:“走吧,带我去见血尊,他是认识我的。” You...... Do you know Sir Blood Venerate?” “你……你认识血尊大人?” Un.” “嗯。” The blood demon stands up, pair of bright eyes winked winking, said: „...... Are you Lin Muyu?” 血魅站起身,一双明眸眨了眨,道:“难道……你就是林沐雨?” What's wrong, not like?” “怎么,不像吗?” Like!” The blood demon nods, in the vision a to sweep past respect, said: Sir Blood Venerate mentioned you frequently, walked, my this led you to see him.” “像!”血魅点头,目光中掠过一丝敬意,道:“血尊大人经常提起您,走吧,我这就带你去见他。” Many thanks!” “多谢!” ...... …… Under the leadership of blood demon, Lin Muyu goes up steps on, two presented some fierce Swift Wolf, majority is 5000-6000 years of Swift Wolf, does not know where Blood Venerate Qin Hong from did these Spirit beast, three will be one crowd in 7000 high and low Stone Ape, four will be raising 78 8000 treading flame beast, but these ominous beasts have not injured Lin Muyu, as if the appearance of understanding blood demon. 在血魅的带领下,林沐雨拾级而上,二层出现了一些凶猛的迅狼,大部分都是5000-6000年的迅狼,也不知道血尊秦鸿从什么地方搞到这些灵兽的,三层则是一群7000年上下的石猿,四层豢养着78只8000年的踏炎兽,不过这些凶兽都没有伤害林沐雨,似乎认识血魅的样子。 Arrives at seven times, the blood demon knocks on a door gently, said: Sir Blood Venerate, had a person to come.” 来到七层的时候,血魅轻轻一扣门,道:“血尊大人,有个人来了。” Who?” “谁?” Forest Mu Yu.” “林沐雨。” „?” The Blood Venerate sound trembles slightly: How this boy came, making him come in!” “哦?”血尊的声音微微一颤:“这小子怎么来了,让他进来吧!” Yes!” “是!” The blood demon opens the door, the courtesy bows: Sir Commander, please enter.” 血魅推开门,礼节的一躬身:“统领大人,请进吧。” Lin Muyu the steps enter, see only the Blood Venerate back to oneself, the palm caresses for ten thousand years to fight the forehead of bear lightly, that war bear to the demonstration of own grinning carnassial tooth. 林沐雨踏步而入,只见血尊背对着自己,手掌轻抚着万年战熊的脑门,那战熊正冲着自己龇牙裂齿的示威着。 Forest Mu Yujian Blood Venerate!” He bows to salute. “林沐雨见过血尊!”他躬身行礼。 Blood Venerate turns around slowly, was devastated on fearsome face to have the light happy expression by the years wind and frost the somewhat: Forest Mu Yu, you initially escaped from Tower of Babel, why must come back, don't you fear death?” 血尊缓缓转身,一张被岁月风霜摧残得有些可怖的脸庞上带着淡淡笑意:“林沐雨,你当初逃出了通天塔,为何还要回来,难道你就不怕死吗?” Blood Venerate behind, several followers look at Lin Muyu maliciously, under the induction of Spiritual Pulse Technique, this group of people are Heaven Realm 2nd Heavenly Layer expert, is very strong, once besieges, victory and defeat difficult material. 血尊身后,几名修炼者不怀好意的看着林沐雨,灵脉术的感应下,这群人都是天境二重天强者,很强,一旦围攻,胜负难料。 At this time, in the imposing manner cannot lose! 这时候,气势上不能输! Lin Muyu has brushed off the dust on sleeve, said: I am not look for trouble, Blood Venerate, this time I came to find a person.” 林沐雨掸了掸袖子上的灰尘,说:“我不是来找麻烦的,血尊,这次我来是想找到一个人。” „, What person?” “哦,什么人?” Qu Chu, the master of empress.” 屈楚,女帝之师。” You said...... Is that hoary-headed Qu Chu?” “你说的……是那个白发苍苍的屈楚?” „, Have you also seen him?” “正是,您也见过他?” Snort, homicide my two senior generals, but also has brought Divine Venerate of devils, you thought that I can not see him?” “哼,他杀了我两个大将,还带来了一个凶神恶煞的神尊,你觉得我会没有见过他?” Blood Venerate appeases anger......” forest Mu Yu to bow to say hurriedly: Blood Venerate, Qu Chu is empire high-ranking court official, government and people needs him, but also hopes that Blood Venerate can be accommodating, which tells me Qu Chu to go?” 血尊息怒……”林沐雨急忙躬身道:“血尊,屈楚是帝国重臣,朝野需要他,还希望血尊能够行个方便,告诉我屈楚去哪儿了?” Blood Venerate sneers: Why do I want to tell you? Comes the person, has hacked this boy to me!” 血尊冷笑一声:“我为什么要告诉你?来人,给我剐了这小子!” Hey!” “嘿!” Lin Muyu laughs, gold/metal hu Martial Spirit passes the body, simultaneously sword edge raises, a continuously golden God Binding Lock winding around sword blade, flood light dignified color. 林沐雨哈哈一笑,金葫武魂透体而出,同时剑锋扬起,一缕缕金色缚神锁缠绕在剑刃周围,泛着淡淡的威严之色。 Wait / Etc.......” “等等……” Blood Venerate visits him panic-strickenly: You...... How will you have God Binding Lock Martial Spirit?!” 血尊惊骇的看着他:“你……你怎么会有缚神锁武魂?!” !! !!
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