AG :: Volume #4

#372: Tora

( ( Before leaving Cangnan Province, Lin Muyu has handled three matters. 离开苍南行省之前,林沐雨办了三件事。 First, sneaks East Changjiang while the night, has stressed five armor demon that staying in East Changjiang scouts, pass/test with the iron basket completely transported to Orchid Goose City, this was Feng Ji Xing requests. 第一件,趁夜潜入江东,把留在江东斥候的甲魔抓了五名,全部用铁笼子关了运往兰雁城,这是风继行所要求的。 Second, submitted the soaring to the heavens crossbow design drawing of Qin Zi Ling picture to the ministry of public works. 第二件,把秦子陵画的冲天弩设计图呈交给了工部。 Third, concentrates the military authority of fourth regiment to give Qin Yan, Lin Muyu this goes not to know when returned to the fourth regiment again, therefore can only make Qin Yan control this army to say first again that as for expanding merged to about 20,000 people of Saint rearguards and gentian camps, the temple camp included the gentian camp sequence, altogether called the gentian camp. 第三件,集中第四军团的兵权交给秦岩,林沐雨这一去就不知道什么时候再回第四军团了,所以只能先让秦岩掌控这支军队再说,至于扩充到近20000人的圣殿军、龙胆营已经合并了,圣殿营列入龙胆营序列,共称龙胆营。 ...... …… Is far away, large military forces return to Orchid Goose City enormously and powerful time the summer entered the autumn, the path both sides full is the fiery red maple leaf, Qin Yin re-enters Orchid Goose City, the somewhat excited color that cannot bear, on the pretty face is having the light happy expression, under a piece by piece fiery red maple leaf in the autumn wind drags to be faded and fallen, falls on the empress and under horse's hoof of one group of military officers. 路途遥远,大队人马浩浩荡荡回到兰雁城的时候就已经夏季入秋了,道路两旁满是火红的枫叶,秦茵重回兰雁城,忍不住的有些兴奋之色,漂亮脸蛋上带着淡淡笑意,一片片火红枫叶在秋风摇曳下飘零下來,落在女帝与一群将领的马蹄下。 The Orchid Goose City north gate opens greatly, guards the Imperial Capital minister to welcome innumerably goes out of town outside, shouted " long live " before the emperor to long live, links up into a single stretch. 兰雁城北门大开,无数驻守帝都的大臣迎出城外,山呼万岁,连成一片。 Qin Yin is with smile on the face to nod, both sides Lin Muyu, Feng Ji Xing protect enter a city slowly, afterward is the billows Duke, Yun's emperor, under leadership of Wei Chou, 20,000 gentian camps postpones the reentry city, is stationed in the temple barrack, was shoulders the camber to protect the heavy responsibility of Imperial Capital with the imperial guard together. 秦茵面带微笑点头致意,林沐雨、风继行守护两侧缓缓进城,随后才是澜公、云公的车驾,在卫仇的率领下,20000龙胆营延后再入城,就驻扎在圣殿后方的营盘之中,也算是与禁军一起担负起拱护帝都的重任了。 The whole body of ministers enter Ze Tian Palace along with the empress, Ze Tian Palace high noon gives a banquet, in the afternoon discussed official business. 群臣随女帝进入泽天殿,泽天殿正午设宴,下午议事。 Feast conference is over, the people enter in the Ze Tian Palace main hall. 宴会毕,众人进入泽天殿大殿之中。 On Lin Muyu, Feng Ji Xing, Chu Yao, Zhang Wei, Wei Chou and other faces is having the happy expression, Lin Muyu after a Chu Yao to chat leaves many matters, knew Chu Yao for serveral days in rushing about in the god cinema city and cold Xingcheng, Cangnan Province Spirit Medicine Department headquarters, to arrange the medicament has been fed up the pain. 林沐雨、风继行楚瑶章炜卫仇等人脸上都带着笑意,林沐雨更是与楚瑶一叙离别之后的许多事情,才得知楚瑶这些天都在奔波于神影城、冷星城、苍南行省灵药司总部之间,为了筹备药剂可谓是吃尽了苦。 But the Tang Lan complexion was not quite attractive, Tang Lu, the Tang Tian two brothers are the surface such as the waiting of dying embers the ruling of empress, the merit and demerit of war of rice river are keeping the Orchid Goose City ruling, they are not willing but at this moment always to come. 唐澜的脸色就不太好看了,唐庐、唐天两兄弟更是面如死灰的等待着女帝的裁决,稻江之战的功过是非都留到兰雁城裁决,他们再不愿意但这一刻始终还是如约而來了。 On empress Your Highness palace.” Courtier loud say|way. “女帝殿下上殿。”侍臣大声道。 Two maidservants are holding the Qin Yin towing after behind long skirt, she has changed one set of brand-new empress long gown, the long hair graceful plate gets up, empress laurel crown flood light bright brilliance, and Qin Yin insists the saber, the purple cushion sword hangs in the waist, the hand according to sword hilt step by step has arrived at the Emperor throne front, does not sit down, that animated standing there, said: Rice river water battle forces demon clan to repulse the enemy, was laborious, Qin Yin represents Qin row of kings many thanks to supporting and support of family.” 两名侍女捧着秦茵拖曳在身后的长裙,她已经换上了一套崭新的女帝长袍,长发优雅的盘起,女帝桂冠泛着淡淡的皎洁光华,并且秦茵坚持佩剑,紫茵剑就悬在腰间,手按剑柄一步步的走到了帝君宝座前方,也不坐下,就那么俏生生的站在那里,道:“稻江水战逼迫魔族退兵,诸位辛苦了,秦茵代表秦氏列位帝王多谢诸位对家族的拥戴与支持。” People simultaneously one knee kneels down: Your Highness long live.” 众人齐齐单膝跪下:“殿下万岁万万岁。” Lin Muyu and Feng Ji Xing have knelt down abreast in row together, although said the modern people who he as passing through, only the kneeling day kneel the kneeling parents, but has felt but actually also relaxed at this moment, he knows that will happen one day perhaps he will get married Qin Yin, after stepping into the Divine Emperor domain, obtains the strength of fight of runner returning, bringing Qin Yin to pass through the space and time to re-enter the original world, when the time comes has such an attractive girlfriend, perhaps also wants the kneeling keyboard, now first adapts. 林沐雨和风继行并排一起跪下了,虽然说他作为穿越來的现代人,只跪天跪地跪父母,但这一刻倒也释然了,他知道,终有一天或许他会迎娶秦茵,当踏入神帝领域之后,获得斗转轮回之力,带着秦茵穿越时空重回原來的世界,到时候有这么一个漂亮的女朋友,说不定还要跪键盘,现在先适应一下。 Qin Yin impressive and dignified manner four directions lifts both arms, said: Please straighten up after bowing or performing the kowtow, does not need to be overly courteous.” 秦茵威仪四方的抬起双臂,笑着说:“诸位请平身,不必多礼。” People one after another sets out. 众人纷纷起身。 Qin Yin looks at the Your Highness whole body of ministers, afterward said with a smile: With an demon clan war, Feng Ji Xing and Lin Muyu, the Xiang Yu three generals has established the illustrious military exploits, has to enjoy, therefore I decided that promotes Feng Ji Xing is on First Rank the general, bestows the gold/metal 100,000 , to promote Lin Muyu is the Second Rank town country general, the rein gentian camp, protects Imperial Capital with an imperial guard camber , to promote Xiang Yu is the First Rank military might day general, bestows the gold/metal 200,000, and confers rank and title for the Pingnan marquis.” 秦茵看着殿下群臣,随后笑道:“与魔族一战,风继行、林沐雨、项彧三位将军立下了赫赫战功,不得不赏,所以我决定,擢升风继行一品上将军,赐金100000,擢升林沐雨为二品镇国将军,统御龙胆营,与禁军一起拱护帝都,擢升项彧一品威武天将军,赐金200000,并册封为平南侯。” People one after another congratulates: Congratulates Commander Feng and rain Commander, congratulates General Xiang Yu to confer nobility upon.” 众人纷纷贺喜:“恭喜风统领、雨统领,贺喜项彧将军封侯。” Lin Muyu was astonished rise however to look at Qin Yin, has not thought that she gave Xiang Yu to confer nobility upon unexpectedly, in fact this rice river water battle Xiang Yu military exploit was inferior to itself radically, it seems like certainly was the pressure that Tang Lan gave, after all Xiang Yu was the Tang Lan person, Xiang Yu does in a big way, means Tang Lan in the influence of empire also in promotion with steady steps. 林沐雨讶然的抬头看了一眼秦茵,沒有想到她居然给项彧封侯了,事实上这一次稻江水战项彧的军功根本就不如自己,看來一定是唐澜给予的压力,毕竟项彧唐澜的人,项彧做大,也意味着唐澜在帝国的势力也在稳步的提升。 Qin Yin continues saying: Other departments will have also to seal|confer Shang, the demon clan and righteousness and country are different, demon clan vicious is more tyrannical, therefore, Qin Yin revised the military exploit system, with the demon clan combat, kills a armor demon to promote is assorted long, kills two armor demons to promote Hundred-Man Commander, kills five armor demons to promote Thousand-Man Commander, kills over ten armor demons to promote Ten Thousand-Man Commander.” 秦茵继续道:“其余部将也都有封赏,魔族与义和国不同,魔族更加凶狠强横,所以,秦茵修改了军功制,与魔族作战中,杀死一名甲魔擢升什长,杀死两名甲魔擢升百夫长,杀死五名甲魔擢升千夫长,杀死十名以上的甲魔擢升万夫长。” Under Kings command, Wei Chou cup one fist in the other hand, said with a smile: Opens reports Your Highness, rain Commander fights with Qian Feng in the rice river, prestige of the palm has killed over a hundred armor demons, according to the new meritorious military service system, rain Commander was promoted to the empire marshals sufficiently.” 王阶下,卫仇抱拳,笑道:“启禀殿下,雨统领在稻江上与浅风一战中,一掌之威就足足杀了上百名甲魔,按照新的战功制度,雨统领已经足以升任帝国元帅了。” Zhang Wei grins to say with a smile: End will support also Your Highness to confer rain Commander is the empire marshal, wields the world soldiers and horses.” 章炜咧嘴笑道:“末将也支持殿下册封雨统领为帝国元帅,执掌天下兵马。” Qin Yin laughs in spite of trying not. 秦茵不禁失笑。 At this time, Tang Lan said with a smile: Several generals have cracked a joke, empire marshal post extremely in important, not only wants fiercely invincible, wants the strategy to be excellent, at present looks like, in the empire also nobody can be capable this, has a lot of time for that rain Commander also needs to temper much.” 这时,唐澜笑道:“几位将军开玩笑了,帝国元帅职衔太过于重要,不但要勇猛无敌,更要智谋过人,目前看來,帝国内还沒有谁能堪当此任,來日方长,雨统领还需要多多磨炼啊。” Lin Muyu cup one fist in the other hand smiles: What billows Duke said that Lin Muyu knows to have little talent and less learning, does not dare the position of overstepping one's authority marshal.” 林沐雨抱拳一笑:“澜公说的是,林沐雨自知才疏学浅,也不敢僭越元帅之位。” Tang Lan smiled: Rain Commander was modest.” 唐澜笑了笑:“雨统领过谦了。” Lin Muyu the vision hinted Wei Chou and Zhang Wei two fellows do not create a clamor again, otherwise in this deliberation hall the serious feeling did not have, will make Qin Yin unable to get out. 林沐雨目光示意卫仇章炜两个家伙不要再鼓噪了,不然这朝堂上一点严肃感都沒有,会让秦茵下不了台的。 On a Qin Yin beautiful cheek brings to be calm and tranquil, said with a smile: But demon clan repulses the enemy does not represent the empire to be stable, the empire is on the verge of death at this time as before, east has the demon clan, south has the righteousness and country, north has nomadic Barbarians, but also asked the people do not idle, the official ruled a nation, the military commander protected the country, trained the army industriously, pledged to fight to the death to guard the territory, once we had enough strength, then has killed rice river Mountain Range of Qin, regains each inch land that the empire lost, making all sea submit , a world series, the common people no longer receives the pain of flames of war, forever will enjoy the peaceful peace.” 秦茵一张绝美的脸蛋上带着从容与平静,笑着又说:“但魔族退兵不代表帝国安定,帝国此时依旧危在旦夕,东有魔族,南有义和国,北有游牧的蛮族,还请众人不要懈怠,文臣治国,武将护国,勤加训练军队,誓死守卫疆土,一旦我们拥有足够的力量,便杀过稻江秦岭,收复帝国失去的每一寸土地,令四海臣服、天下一统,百姓不再受战火之苦,永享安乐太平。” The Su herd clouds that rise sees this granddaughter, in the look left the little appreciations, war baptism, let Qin Yin more and more likely is an appearance of monarchy. 苏牧云抬头看着这位外孙女,眼神中多出了几许赞赏,一次次的战争洗礼,也让秦茵越來越像是一个君主的样子了。 Soon , the whole body of ministers 11 diverge, Lin Muyu also returned to the temple. 不久之后,群臣11散去,林沐雨也重回了圣殿。 ...... …… Night, Qin Yin gives a banquet in the Ze Tian Palace rear palace, only invited few several people, Lin Muyu, Feng Ji Xing, Chu Yao, Wei Chou, the Zhang Wei five people, receive the invitation Zhang Wei and Wei Chou to be very delighted, this on behalf of the one approval of empress, the people are well aware, the person who tonight can feast, was regarded as the trusted friend by Qin Yin. 夜晚,秦茵泽天殿的后殿设宴,只邀请了寥寥数人,林沐雨、风继行楚瑶卫仇章炜五个人,收到邀请的章炜卫仇十分欢喜,这代表着女帝的一种认可,众人心知肚明,今夜能來赴宴的人,都被秦茵视作心腹。 The well-illuminated of candlelight in according to the rear palace, several maidservants serves about, soon, full table of delicacies have prepared to finish. 烛火照得后殿内一片通明,几名侍女侍奉在左右,不久之后,满满一桌的佳肴已经准备完毕了。 Qin Yin is holding the jade cup, looks at the people with a smile, said: Anything did not say that first drinks one cup.” 秦茵捧着玉杯,笑吟吟的看着众人,说:“什么都不说了,先喝一杯。” Feng Ji Xing said with a smile: Good, drinks one cup.” 风继行笑道:“好,喝一杯。” Tosses down, Lin Muyu asked with a smile: Xiao Yin hosted a banquet to welcome by rights ought to the Imperial Capital whole body of ministers, only will invite why several of us.” 一饮而尽,林沐雨笑着问道:“小茵本來理当设宴宴请帝都群臣,为什么会只邀请我们几个。” The Qin Yin vision was spooky, said: Because...... Because everybody present almost lost the parents in this war, does not have the person of father non- mother, moreover Xiao Yin already regarded as own family member you, if no you, this life crosses very lonely miserable......” 秦茵目光幽幽,说:“因为……因为在座的各位几乎都在这一场战争中失去了父母,都是无父无母的人,而且小茵早就把你们看做自己的家人,如果沒有你们,这人生岂不是过得十分孤独凄凉……” She said very quietly and beautifully, making the forest wash rain nearby Chu Yao can"t help it, getting angry circle. 她说得十分清幽,让林沐雨一旁的楚瑶禁不住红了眼圈。 Chu Yao had the family member, has Chu Huaisheng this intimate Elder Brother, but did not have now, only then everybody. 原本楚瑶有家人,有楚怀渑这个贴心的哥哥,但是现在沒有了,只有大家。 But Lin Muyu is also alone in the world in this world, Wei Chou and Zhang Wei were the same so, as if everybody by Qin Yin are said bottom of one's heart most painful place, Zhang Wei still drank the next glass of liquor, said: Zhang Wei is a careless person, no matter this is under controlling of Your Highness the technique, but only depends on Your Highness these words, even if Zhang Wei will defeat this life not to abandon Your Highness.” 而林沐雨在这个世界里也是孑然一身,卫仇章炜一样如此,似乎大家都被秦茵说中了心底最为痛苦的地方,章炜兀自喝下一杯酒,说:“章炜是粗人,不管这是不是殿下的驭下之术,但仅凭殿下这一句话,章炜纵然拼掉这条命也绝不会背弃殿下。” Feng Ji Xing same nod: Feng Ji Xing seconds the motion.” 风继行一样点头:“风继行附议。” Chu Yao micro smile: Xiao Yin, Xiaoxi this family member......” 楚瑶微微笑:“小茵,还有小汐这个家人呢……” Xiaoxi......” Qin Yin supple smiles, said: Xiaoxi guards the western boundary town monster pass/test, does not have how much time Imperial Capital, was really laborious she......” 小汐啊……”秦茵柔柔的一笑,说:“小汐镇守西境镇妖关呢,也沒有多少时间來帝都,真是辛苦她了……” Lin Muyu said: And other town monsters pass/test that side to stabilize to be all right, moreover after saintess Linghu Yan of Tang Zhen and monster clan wearing was familiar day-by-day, believes that Xiaoxi can often live in Imperial Capital.” 林沐雨说:“等镇妖关那边安定下來就沒事了,而且唐镇与妖族的圣女令狐颜一天天的磨合熟悉之后,相信小汐就能常住在帝都了。” Un, I am also hoping this day.” “嗯,我也盼着这一天。” Comes, drinks to eat meal.” Lin Muyu pinched the chopsticks is Qin Yin has added a wild pheasant leg meat, said: Since said is a whole family, that must a little appearance of whole family, eat meal, little discussed the national affairs.” “來來來,喝酒吃饭。”林沐雨捏起筷子为秦茵添了一块野雉腿肉,说:“既然说是一家人,那就要有点一家人的样子,多吃饭,少谈国事。” Ha Ha, yes.” Feng Ji Xing smelled the wine taste in wine glass, said: „The good wine that Your Highness gift of the emperor is fragrant and mellow, was inferior that one will enjoy my several altar|jar good wines, making the subordinate bring back to the tent to enjoy......” “哈哈,是啊。”风继行闻了闻酒杯里的酒味,说:“殿下御赐的美酒就是醇香,不如一会赏我几坛美酒,让属下带回营帐享用吧……” Qin Yin said with a smile: In the armed forces does not forbid to drink wine.” 秦茵笑道:“军中不是禁止饮酒吗。” Aha, I to the Old Zhang belt.” “啊哈,我是给老章带的。” Zhang Wei stares the round eye: Commander Feng, you very do not uphold justice.” 章炜瞪圆眼睛:“风统领,你忒不仗义。” Lin Muyu laughs, actually at this moment, suddenly the people feel a tyrannical strength to cover from the horizon, even near the ear can hear one continuously to be similar to the sound of singing in praise of the Buddha, in the sound has filled the impressive and dignified manner and inviolability, moreover this strength is very sacred, covers the earth rapidly, if still the rising sun illumination is common. 林沐雨哈哈大笑,却就在这时,忽然众人都感受到一股强横力量从天际笼罩下來,甚至耳边都能听到一缕缕类似于梵音的声音,声音中充满了威仪与不可侵犯,而且这股力量十分神圣,迅速笼罩大地,犹若旭日照射一般。 How.” Qin Yin stands up, said in consternation: What's the matter.” “怎么了。”秦茵站起身,愕然道:“怎么回事。” Outside, an imperial guard bodyguard flushed, cup one fist in the other hand said: Your Highness, is the tora...... The tora arrived at Orchid Goose City.” 外面,一名禁军侍卫冲了进來,抱拳道:“殿下,是神谕……神谕降临兰雁城了。” „, The tora......” Qin Yin stares: Empire several hundred years had not presented the tora, how will present the tora.” “啊,神谕……”秦茵一愣:“帝国已经数百年沒有出现过神谕了,怎么会出现神谕呢。” Anything is the tora.” Lin Muyu is confused. “什么是神谕。”林沐雨一头雾水。 Qin Yin explained: So-called tora, is god one direction of all Shen to humanity, in other words, was heaven some god words must say to humanity, let alone that many, we a bit faster went to have a look.” 秦茵解释道:“所谓的神谕,就是神界的诸神对人类的一种指引,换言之,是天界的神有些话要对人类说,别说那么多了,我们快点出去看看。” Un.” “嗯。” ...... …… One crowd of person one after another ran Ze Tian Palace, actually saw only sky golden light to glitter, which likely was the dark night, one bunch of golden skylight punctured thoroughly the cloud layer, the light beam surroundings were lingering in golden color the ancient writing, the singing in praise of the Buddha was intermittent, 一群人纷纷跑出了泽天殿,却只见天空一片金光闪烁,哪儿像是黑夜,一束金色天光刺透了云层,光束周围萦绕着一道道金色上古文字,梵音阵阵,
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