AG :: Volume #4

#378: Fights Dragon Yuan

( ( In an instant the night falls, four princess bleary eyes dim is pulling the Lin Muyu's arm, leading him to return to own imperial palace, but Lin Muyu was not glad, but did not have what means that one side, about 20 -year-old over bodyguards with worrying the vision looks at itself. 转眼夜幕降临,四公主醉眼朦胧的挽着林沐雨的手臂,带着他回自己的寝宫了,而林沐雨虽然不乐意,但也沒有什么办法,一旁,一名大约20岁出头的侍卫则用担忧的目光看着自己。 Lin Muyu was well aware this matter some to be not quite wonderful, returning to the imperial palace four princesses of keeling over drunk to place on the bed, then turned around, looks at this bodyguard, said: Young fellow, you names.” 林沐雨心知肚明这事情有些不太妙了,回到寝宫里就把醉倒的四公主放在床上,然后转身而出,看着这名侍卫,道:“小伙子,你叫什么名字。” Subordinate named azure side.” “属下名叫青方。” Blue side, the good strange name......” forest Mu Yu smiled, said: I cannot fall asleep, you come out along with me.” “青方,好奇怪的名字……”林沐雨笑了笑,说:“我睡不着,你随我出來走走吧。” Yes.” “是。” Arrives under the moonlight in garden, Lin Muyu looks to him, asked: You had certainly anything to me saying that said that can say now......” 來到庭院里的月光下,林沐雨看向他,问道:“你一定有什么想对我说吧,说吧,现在可以说了……” The azure side said hurriedly respectfully: Subordinate dedicates, anything has not said that carries the coffin your father to rest earlier.” 青方急忙恭敬道:“属下尽忠职守,沒有什么好说的,请灵尊大人早点休息。” Right.” “是吗。” Lin Muyu is narrowing the eye be quietly, Spiritual Pulse Technique extends completely, the brain territory of Spiritual Force quantity relaxed invasion azure side, quick, the pupil of this azure side then becomes the nihility gets up, an appearance of sleepwalk. 林沐雨眯着眼睛,灵脉术已经悄无声息的完全延伸开來,精神力量轻松的入侵青方的脑域,很快的,这青方的瞳孔便变得虚无起來,一副梦游的样子。 Now can say.” Lin Muyu feels gradually, oneself as if have controlled this bodyguard mental. “现在可以说了吧。”林沐雨渐渐感觉到,自己似乎已经控制这个侍卫的心智了。 Standing of azure side both eyes non- light there, muttered: Spirit your father cannot sleep together with four princesses.” 青方双目无光的站在那里,喃喃道:“灵尊大人不应当与四公主同寝。” Why.” “为什么。” Because four princesses' bodies had already given the Saint sovereign, she in fact is the Saint sovereign person.” “因为四公主的身子早就给了圣皇陛下了,她实际上是圣皇陛下的人。” „.” Lin Muyu flies once again to sweep past one flock of xx horses, said: Saint sovereign her daughters do not let off.” “啊。”林沐雨心里再度飞掠过一群xx马,说:“圣皇连自己的女儿都不放过。” Yes.” “是的。” Blue side as if patrolling dreamland general continues saying: Saint sovereign lascivious such as the woman in crazy, entire imperial palace is almost he has visited, therefore...... He that natural bestows you four princesses.” 青方仿佛神游梦境一般的继续说道:“圣皇好色如痴,整个皇宫里的女人几乎都是他所临幸过的,所以……他才会那么大方的将四公主赐给你。” Now I knew.” Lin Muyu said lightly: Blue side, chaos dragon deep pool where.” “现在我知道了。”林沐雨淡淡道:“青方,混沌龙渊在哪儿。” Chaos Dragon Yuan is the imperial palace heavy, is being guarded by three demon Venerable, in southwest direction of four princess imperial palaces, about 500 meters outside.” “混沌龙渊是皇宫重地,由三名魔尊者看守着,就在四公主寝宫的西南方向,大约500米外便是了。” Good.” “好的。” Lin Muyu stops Spiritual Pulse Technique slowly, immediately in the eye pupil of azure side presented some rays, said: Spirit your father, I...... How I a moment ago was.” 林沐雨缓缓停下灵脉术,顿时青方的眼眸中出现了一些光芒,道:“灵尊大人,我……我刚才是怎么了。” „, You have not gone to the guard four princesses, I cannot fall asleep temporarily, go out for a walk.” “沒怎么,你去护卫四公主吧,我暂时睡不着,出去走走。” Yes.” “是。” ...... …… Chaos person originally few, the person in imperial palace are naturally less, four princesses on a bodyguard, can thus be inferred. 混沌界的人原本就少,皇宫里的人自然更少,四公主就一个侍卫,由此可见一斑了。 Lin Muyu left the imperial palace, southwest directly soars goes, basic does not have on a bodyguard all the way unexpectedly, therefore has not received anything to stop, proceeds again is a big garden, but surrounding completely by iron fence blocking, in the stockade full is the rusty stain, should some date and time nobody go. 林沐雨出了寝宫,直奔西南而去,一路上居然根本就一个侍卫都沒有,所以也沒有受到什么阻拦,再往前就是一个偌大的花园,不过外围全部都被铁栅栏给拦住了,栅栏上满是锈迹,应该已经有些时日沒有人进去过了。 In the darkness, demon Venerable welcomed goes forward, said respectfully: Lin Zhi Venerable spirit, late at night does not rest, how to come to here.” 黑暗中,一名魔尊者迎上前,恭敬道:“林炙灵尊,深夜不睡,怎么來这里了啊。” Walks everywhere.” “到处走走。” Lin Muyu tranquil calm smiles: Heard that in the imperial palace has a dragon deep pool, wants to go in finds out.” 林沐雨平静从容的一笑:“听说皇宫里有一个龙渊,非常想进去一探究竟。” This demon Venerable laughs: Lin Zhi Venerable to chat spirit, Longyuanli only then died, where had anything to find out well.” 这魔尊者哈哈一笑:“林炙灵尊说笑了,龙渊里只有死亡,哪儿有什么好一探究竟的。” Had the death, explained has powerful enemy, this was I pursues.” Lin Muyu light say|way. “有死亡,说明有强敌,这就是我所追求的。”林沐雨淡淡道。 On demon Venerable face a to sweep past respect, said: Good, if Venerable spirit must enter, subordinate then when only anything did not know that 's the end of it, but the Sir was certainly careful, sooner came back.” 魔尊者脸上掠过一丝敬意,道:“那好吧,如果灵尊一定要进入的话,属下便只当什么都不知道便罢了,不过大人一定要小心,早些回來。” Many thanks.” “多谢。” After standing up from failure enters the garden, in the center of garden, a huge iron plate covers Dragon Yuan the entrance, demon Venerable walked to go forward, makes an effort to move out of the way the iron plate, only under listens to hear the rumor the keenly blowing, just likes the ghost crying god is howling, is very astonishing. 翻身进入花园之后,在花园的中心处,一个巨大的铁盘盖住了龙渊的入口,魔尊者走上前,用力挪开铁盘,只听下方传來风声的尖啸,犹如鬼哭神嚎一般,十分惊人。 Needs the flare.” Demon Venerable asked. “需要火把吗。”魔尊者问道。 No need.” “不必。” Lin Muyu has drawn out the Dragon Spirit sword, said: I have gotten down, bothersome Sir Lao defends for me here.” 林沐雨拔出了龙灵剑,道:“我下去了,烦劳大人为我守在这里。” Un, the spirit Venerable to feel relieved.” “嗯,灵尊放心吧。” ...... …… Lin Muyu turned over has leapt forward in the dragon deep pool, was in airborne to summon gold/metal hu Martial Spirit, bottle gourd canes twined rapidly on the wall of dragon deep pool, fluttered with the strength, lifted the hand to hold Dragon Yuannei stone wall, lifted the Dragon Spirit sword, rise looks that the discovery above iron plate slowly has actually covered, probably that demon Venerable was afraid is discovered. 林沐雨翻身就跃入了龙渊之中,身在空中就召唤出了金葫武魂,一道道葫芦藤急速缠绕在龙渊的墙壁上,借力飘了过去,抬手抓住龙渊内的石壁,抬起龙灵剑,抬头看去,却发现上方的铁盘缓缓盖上了,大约那个魔尊者是害怕被人发现。 Spiritual Pulse Technique extends, Lin Muyu knitting the brows head, under the dragon deep pool full is the dense and numerous formidable aura, is unable to distinguish humanity or the wild animal, he opens the palm, drinks one suddenly lowly: Dawn.” 灵脉术延伸出去,林沐雨不禁皱了皱眉头,龙渊下方满是密密麻麻的强大气息,无法分辨人类还是野兽,他张开手掌,猛然低喝一声:“晨曦。” The ray rises suddenly radiantly, just likes fierce positive general. 光芒璀璨暴涨开來,犹如烈阳一般。 Under the glare illumination, downward looks that sees only around on the dragon deep pool under wall to occupy a leader to live the dragon class of wings, but is not sacred Dragon clan, is only false dragon of one crowd of winged, Lin Muyu somewhat is disappointed, where does not know Qu Chu. 强光照射下,往下看去,只见龙渊下方四周的墙壁上盘踞着一头头生有双翼的龙类,不过并不是神圣龙族,只是一群长着翅膀的伪龙罢了,林沐雨不禁有些失望,不知道屈楚在哪儿。 step by step migration of downward in the past, soon, one first 5400 great pterodactyl languid rise looked at a Dragon Spirit sword of golden light twinkle, called one, the wings opens slowly, four fingernails grab the vine on wall tightly, fled rapidly, the opens mouth bit to the Lin Muyu's both legs, the cold wind bone-chilling cold. 一步步的往下移动过去,不久之后,一头5400年的巨翼龙懒洋洋的抬头看了一眼金光闪烁的龙灵剑,嗷嗷的叫了一声,双翼缓缓张开,四爪紧抓着墙壁上的藤蔓,飞速窜了过來,张口就咬向了林沐雨的双腿,寒风凛冽。 Lin Muyu early has the protection, the palm catches up, the bottle gourd cane pulled the body to rise about ten meters, turning around both hands grasps the sword to divide, on the long sword cutting edge reappeared the energy that the asterism was peeping, has been dividing to the head of great pterodactyl. 林沐雨早有防备,手掌发力,葫芦藤拉扯着身体上升近十米,转身双手握剑劈了下來,长剑锋刃上浮现着星芒初现的能量,对着巨翼龙的头颅就劈了下去。 Bang.” “嘭。” The stellar scintillation, a sword has broken out the head of great pterodactyl directly, while it has not fallen, Lin Muyu rapidly wields a sword to unearth spirit stone to force in the bosom, afterward crash-bang, the body of great pterodactyl crashes rapidly . Moreover the bloody smell also surges, immediately Longyuanli full is the roaring sound of big dragon, leader flame is, wind system and rock is, the big dragon of ice department launches the wings to fly in the dragon deep pool inside turn, competes to fight for the corpse of great pterodactyl, after a half minute, that great pterodactyl dropped down to looking at deep place on only remaining one pile of skeletons. 星光闪烁开來,一剑直接劈开了巨翼龙的头颅,趁着它沒有掉落的时候,林沐雨急速挥剑挖掘出了灵石塞进怀里,随后哗啦一声,巨翼龙的身躯急速坠落下去,而且血腥的气味也波荡开來,顿时龙渊里满是巨龙的咆哮声,一头头火焰系、风系、岩石系、冰系的巨龙展开双翼在龙渊内盘旋飞行着,竞相争抢着巨翼龙的尸体,半分钟后,那巨翼龙就只剩下一堆骸骨直落向看不到底的深处去了。 obediently......” 乖乖……” Lin Muyu cannot bear some bottom of one's heart round of cold, has gripped tightly the Dragon Spirit sword , to continue step by step downward walks, must find Qu Chu, otherwise this time was equal to Bai Lai. 林沐雨忍不住心底有些发寒,紧握了一下龙灵剑,继续一步步的往下走,必须找到屈楚,不然这次就等于是白來了。 What lets his very bothersome work is, Spiritual Pulse Technique is unable to distinguish the aura difference of Qu Chu and big dragon, in dragon deep pool said in surely the aura is unable to find Qu Chu, but this dragon deep pool high and low at least several thousand li (0.5km) altitude, had no way to find. 只是让他十分烦劳的是,灵脉术无法分辨出屈楚与巨龙的气息差别,所以在龙渊的千万道气息里根本就无从找到屈楚,而这龙渊上下至少数千里的高度,根本就沒法找到。 Even if so, must look. 纵然如此,还是要找。 Quick, Lin Muyu strikes to massacre another one swiftly and violently first 6100 universal chuck gold/metal Linlong, strikes has seized instantaneously spirit stone that kills to complete, afterward Spiritual Pulse Technique hides the aura, looks helplessly gold/metal Linlong the corpse was swallowed by the innumerable big dragons, rare these big dragons very gluttonous, after finishing eating, naps to sleep, did not seek for more food. 很快的,林沐雨迅猛击杀掉另一头6100年的三爪金鳞龙,击杀完成的瞬间就攫取了灵石,随后灵脉术隐藏住气息,眼睁睁的看着金鳞龙的尸体被无数巨龙吞食掉,难得这些巨龙一个个都十分的贪吃,吃完之后就打盹睡觉,也不去寻找更多的食物了。 Also has not known how long, Lin Muyu climbed up, the Dragon Spirit sword has cut to kill several big dragons, the whole person was tired nearly must collapse. 也不知道过了多久,林沐雨一路攀爬下去,龙灵剑已经斩杀了十几头巨龙了,整个人累得险些就要虚脱了。 rise has a look at the place above, a darkness, that demon Venerable the crown dragon deep pool has sealed up, could not see is already the dawn. 抬头看看上方,一片黑暗,那魔尊者把龙渊的顶部封住了,也看不到是不是已经天亮了。 Takes out two marching pie to swallow from Cosmos Bag, has drunk a water, makes the rest slightly, Lin Muyu somewhat fondly remembered in the day of empire, is been momentarily better than by the feeling that Dragon clan will dismember present this type. 乾坤袋里取出两张行军大饼吞食掉,喝了点水,稍作休息,林沐雨不禁有些怀念在帝国的日子了,远比现在这种随时都会被龙族分尸的感觉好许多。 Rumble...... Rumble......” “咕噜……咕噜……” The distant place, a big dragon is napping, looked at the past taking advantage of the glimmer of Dragon Spirit sword, on its head was reappearing gold/metal pigment figure lines, altogether 11, this was first 11000 years of Spirit beast, should better do not disturb its to lie undiscovered to be quite good, Lin Muyu avoided it cautiously, gold/metal Hu the bottle gourd cane towed the body to delimit the wall, went round gently. 远处,一头巨龙正在打着盹儿,借着龙灵剑的微光看过去,它的头颅上浮现着一道道金色纹线,一共11道,这是一头11000年的灵兽,最好还是不要打扰它的沉睡比较好,林沐雨小心翼翼的避开它,金葫的葫芦藤牵引着身体划过墙壁,轻轻绕开。 Crash-bang......” “哗啦……” Suddenly under the wall vine strength, trim decayed stone wall fell unexpectedly together. 忽然墙壁的藤蔓力量下,一整片腐朽的石壁居然一起落下了。 „.” “啊。” Lin Muyu crashes rapidly, hurried wields the bottle gourd cane hurriedly, can twine anything is anything. 林沐雨飞速坠落下去,匆忙中急忙挥出葫芦藤,能缠绕住什么就是什么。 „.” “啪。” The bottle gourd cane very accurate winding the lower jaw of this first 11000 years of big dragon, immediately its opening eye slowly, in a pair of blood red eye pupil full is heartless, roared, in the mouth spouted Dragon Flame to come, instantaneous, this Dragon Flame has illuminated the four directions, finally the Lin Muyu's body hung under its mouth, swayed, looks like the fish that just fished to swallow the bait is common. 葫芦藤很准的缠绕住了这头11000年的巨龙的下颚,顿时它缓缓的睁开眼睛,一双血红色的眼眸中满是无情,一声吼叫,口中喷出一道道龙炎來,瞬间,这龙炎照亮了四方,结果林沐雨的身体就挂在它的嘴巴下,摇摇晃晃,就像是刚刚钓上钩的鱼儿一般。 Roar roar roar......” “吼吼吼……” The howling links up into a single stretch, almost all big dragons saw Lin Muyu, one after another danced in the air to circle flushed. 吼叫声连成一片,几乎所有的巨龙都看到了林沐雨,纷纷飞舞盘旋的冲了过來。 Ended.” “完了完了。” Lin Muyu is secret, too was not careful that woke this high life big dragon unexpectedly, then really ended, in the noses full is the stench aura, the innumerable big dragons circled , a dragon of sharp mouth opened the mouth rapidly, just liked the steel needle common tooth linking comes loudly, this was wants Lin Muyu one to swallow. 林沐雨暗暗懊恼,实在是太不小心了,居然弄醒了这头高寿命的巨龙,这下是真的完了,鼻间满是腥臭的气息,无数巨龙盘旋冲了过來,一头尖嘴的龙迅速张开嘴巴,一道道犹如钢针一般的牙齿轰然咬合过來,这是想要林沐雨一口吞掉。 Buzz.” “嗡。” The God Binding Lock golden ray shoots up to the sky, in Lin Muyu the hand long sword shakes, the lightning ray twinkle, Thunderbolt Slash directly this first 4800 the mouth of sharp mouth dragon chopping, a body spin, sword blade brought Sword Qi to divide to chop together in the group dragons, immediately is caused that they burning with rage, opened the mouth to nip. 缚神锁的金色光芒冲天而起,林沐雨手里长剑一抖,雷光闪烁而过,雷击斩直接就把这头4800年的尖嘴龙的嘴巴给砍了下來,身体一旋,剑刃带过一道剑气劈砍在群龙之间,顿时更是引得它们“群情激愤”,一个个张开嘴巴就咬了过來。 Bang bang bang......” “嘭嘭嘭……” Longzui adds on Dragon Flame impacts the bottle gourd wall, in an instant the bottle gourd wall broke, Lin Muyu can only depend upon to fight the armor to defend the attack of Dragon clan, the complexion was pale, within the body Battle Qi because of God Binding Lock and gold/metal Hu to absorb, but is losing unceasingly, the physical strength gradually is also weak, attack speed of sword sword was getting more and more slow. 龙嘴加上龙炎一次次的冲击着葫芦壁,转眼之间葫芦壁就破碎了,林沐雨只能依靠斗铠來防御龙族的进攻,脸色都铁青了,体内斗气因为缚神锁、金葫的吸纳而不断的损耗着,体力也渐渐不支,一剑一剑的出击速度越來越慢了。 Ended, I must die here.” He cannot bear is whinning. “完了,我要死在这里了吗。”他心里忍不住的哀嚎着。 Condenses a bottle gourd wall with the strength that only remains once again, the arm and thigh had been nipped scars to come by these sharp mouth dragons, Lin Muyu incomparably desperate loosening bottle gourd cane, the whole person had gold/metal Hu the radiant ray to fall directly to the incomparably dark dragon deep place. 用仅剩的力量再度凝聚出一个葫芦壁來,手臂、腿部都已经被那些尖嘴龙咬出一道道伤痕來了,林沐雨无比绝望的松开葫芦藤,整个人带着金葫的璀璨光芒直接落向了无比黑暗的龙渊深处。 Surroundings, innumerable big dragon circling calligraphy stroke food comes. 周围,无数巨龙盘旋啄食过來。 Just before the end before, Lin Muyu is unable to say the words to come again, at heart what never forgets is Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi, but can also say anything at this time, can only silently was stretching out the middle finger to one flock of big dragons. 临终之前,林沐雨再也无法说出话來,心里念念不忘的是秦茵唐小汐,但这时候还能说什么呢,只能默默的对着一群巨龙伸出了中指。 ...... …… The body falls rapidly, at present suddenly one bright, under completely is radiant starry skies, ended, just like De Wen said that this chaos is an shatter photostar in interspace, under the dragon deep pool is the boundless entire world, perhaps fell down can only die in the vacuum. 身体急速掉落,眼前忽然一亮,下方尽是一片璀璨星空,完了,正如德文说的一样,这个混沌界是星际中的一块破碎星体,龙渊下方就是无边的寰宇,掉下去恐怕只能死在真空中了。 At this moment, suddenly „”, Scarlet Crystal Dragons is unsolicited. 就在这时,忽然“嗷呜”一声,赤晶龙不请自來。 Tittered.” “噗嗤。” Under, the space crack appears together, was dug up a blade space crack that pulls open by the sharp claws of Scarlet Crystal Dragons stiffly. 正下方,一道空间裂缝出现,是被赤晶龙的利爪硬生生扒拉开的一刀空间裂缝。 Please note, because the annual meeting will soon conduct, the leaf must participate, therefore 14-17 these four days of daily chapters, this is every year convention, but I know especially many people were unsatisfied, said any leaf changed lazy only knew to tow, to stop up these teased compared with the mouth let their few bb, I decided that I exhausted oneself, 18 th 8, 6, daytime 2, sought the subscription before dawn, asked the monthly ticket ~~ 请注意,由于的年会即将举办,叶子也要参加,所以14-17这四天每天一章,这是每年的惯例,不过我特么就知道很多人不满意,说什么叶子变懒了只知道拖更,为了堵住这些逗比的嘴让他们少bb,我决定自己受累一些,18号8更,凌晨6更,白天2更,求订阅,求月票~~
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