AOA :: Volume #10

#946: The dark night confronts

To the Zambez empire, recently this month simply was a it most unendurable time. 对于赞比斯帝国来说,最近这一个月简直是它最难熬的一段时期。 The empire majority of high rank knights were centralized to the Dabire high ground, under that formidable Fourth Grade Saint knight Director Luo Lan, was attacking evil Sorceress Tower courageously. 帝国大部分的高阶骑士都集中到了达比雷高地,在那位强大的4阶圣骑士罗兰指挥下,正在奋勇攻击着邪恶女巫高塔 But at this time, some formidable and evil Adept intruded Envic plane once more, starts to wreak havoc north the empire crazily. 而在这个时候,一些强大且邪恶的巫师再次闯入了恩维克位面,开始在帝国北部疯狂肆虐。 These outcomers as if do not belong to Faction, they arrive at Envic plane, fell into the crazy each other attack and fight. But compared with them, the Envic plane indigenous people appeared is extremely frail and tiny. 这些外来者似乎并不属于一个阵营,他们一来到恩维克位面,就陷入到了疯狂的彼此攻击和战斗中。而和他们相比,恩维克位面的原住民就显得太过脆弱而渺小了。 Do not say that pursued these outcomers, was leaves them about, possibly destroys slightly in the end disaster Adept fight. A man and a woman two Adept from different plane, unscrupulous getting rid, has destroyed two border small towns one after another, and concocted several nobody to be possible in Thede Larke mountain range the fearing death territory that dared to approach. 不要说驱逐这些外来者了,就是离得他们稍微近一点,都可能毁灭在末日天灾般的巫师战斗中。一男一女两位来自异位面巫师,肆无忌惮的出手,已经陆续毁灭了两座边境小镇,并在锡德拉克山脉内炮制出了数个无人胆敢靠近的可怕死域。 Moreover leaves Thede Larke mountain range along with two Adept , enters the empire, the empire personnel and material damages that their unseemly behavior causes recklessly start to soar, even has still caused a disaster north the empire. 而且随着两位巫师离开锡德拉克山脉,进入帝国内部,他们肆意妄为所造成的帝国人员和物资损失就开始直线攀升,甚至还在帝国北部引发了一场灾难。 Causes the disaster is not Grim, is not Kety, but is that Plague Poison Spirit. 引发灾难的并不是格力姆,也不是凯蒂,而是那个瘟疫毒灵 As Plague Poison Spirit of Second Grade peak, it does not have the qualifications to participate in within the battle to two Third Grade Adept . Therefore, Grim almost never summoned this Plague Poison Spirit in daytime fight, but will only send to harass Kety in the night it. 作为2阶顶峰的瘟疫毒灵,它是没有资格参与到两位3阶巫师间的争斗的。所以,格力姆在白天的战斗中几乎从不召唤出这个瘟疫毒灵,而只会在夜晚间把它派出去骚扰凯蒂。 But the Plague Poison Spirit only forms of combat are poisoning! 瘟疫毒灵唯一的战斗方式就是施毒 On air or earth that in Kety possibly passes through poisoning, in Kety possibly rest water source poisoning, jungle creature poisoning that even possibly feeds to Kety...... In brief, the thing that all Kety possibly contact, it has released the massive creature toxin and plague spore ecstatically. 在凯蒂可能经过的空气或大地上施毒,在凯蒂可能休息的水源地施毒,甚至对凯蒂可能取食的丛林生物施毒……总之,所有凯蒂可能接触到的东西,它都乐此不疲的释放了大量生物毒素和瘟疫孢子。 What a pity, Blade Beauty Kety also comes prepared, in addition own toxin anti- also high astonishment, therefore has not fallen into Plague Poison Spirit lay out violently poisonous traps. Instead was these ordinary jungle creature suffered suffering as an innocent bystander, has become the victims of these violently poisonous traps. 可惜,刀姬凯蒂也是有备而来,再加上自身的毒抗也高的惊人,因此并没有掉入瘟疫毒灵布下的一个个剧毒陷阱。反而是那些普通的丛林生物遭受了池鱼之殃,成了这些剧毒陷阱的受害者。 These by the fellow of poisoning to death, some vitality tenacious jungle creature were carried at the scene the plague spore to go to outside the mountainous area, transmitted in these fearful plague toxin a broader range. 那些当场被毒毙的家伙还算好的,还有一些生命力顽强的丛林生物携带着瘟疫孢子跑到了山区以外,也就把这些可怕的瘟疫毒素传递到了更广阔的范围之内。 Suddenly, the empire northern plague is in flood, the speed of epidemic situation proliferation is extremely astonishing. 一时间,帝国北部瘟疫泛滥,疫情扩散的速度极其惊人。 Also is one does not have the star non- light dark night, bonfire that two groups of neighbors burn has illuminated entire wilderness once more. 又是一个无星无光的黑夜,两堆比邻而燃的篝火再次照亮了整个荒野 Although is the summer end day of autumnal equinox, but in the wilderness night as before is that cold. 虽然已经是夏末秋初,但是旷野之中夜晚依旧是那么寒冷。 Grim sits well by bonfire, technique is baking the venison in hand adeptly, clear brushed completely the venison surface like the amber delicate fragrance meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce, sent out slight inciting under the bonfire roasting the abnormal noise. Often 12 drops of golden yellow fat drip into the following fire of high-piled firewood, thus initiates one after another slight flip-flop explosive. 格力姆端坐在篝火旁,技艺娴熟地烧烤着手中的鹿肉,晶莹如琥珀般的清香酱汁刷满了鹿肉表面,在篝火烘烤下发出轻微的滋滋异响。不时有12滴金黄色的油脂滴入下面的火堆,从而引发一连串轻微的噼啪爆响。 Strange puppet Plague Poison Spirit peaceful sitting in the Grim shoulder, with hand the chin, is pondering silently. But above the wooden body of its palm of the hand size, often overflows bunch of deep green dazzling light, coils around several to submerge regarding its body to the body. 怪异木偶般的瘟疫毒灵安静的坐在格力姆肩头,用手支着下巴,默默地沉思着。而它巴掌大小的木质身躯之上,不时地荡溢起一团团碧绿荧光,围绕着它的身躯盘绕几圈又没入到身躯内部。 Near at hand Grim sensation is very clear, each group of deep green dazzling light shine, will have faint trace strange energy continuously to disseminate from peripheral void, integrates the Plague Poison Spirit body. But its energy aura, along with strengthening little. 近在咫尺的格力姆感知的很清楚,每一团碧绿荧光亮起,都会有丝丝缕缕的奇异能量从周边的虚空中弥散出来,融入瘟疫毒灵的身躯。而它身上的能量气息,也会随着增强了少许。 To be honest, the energy of enhancement is simply not worthy of mentioning. If Grim is not and its soul intercommunication, but also has the careful scanning of chip, is almost impossible to realize this energy amplification. 说实话,增强的这点能量简直是微不足道的。如果格力姆不是和它灵魂互通,还有着芯片的细致扫描,几乎不可能察觉到这点能量增幅。 However, weak energy , if continuous, accumulates is also very considerable! 不过,再微弱的能量如果连绵不绝的话,积累起来也是很可观的! Therefore, these days, Grim can the obvious feeling, Plague Poison Spirit store up the energy crazily, in order to breaks through that impregnable Third Grade threshold. 所以,这几日来,格力姆能够明显的感觉到,瘟疫毒灵正在疯狂的囤积着能量,以求突破那牢不可破的3阶门槛。 But these weak energies that it absorbs, come from these actually by the life individual that it kills by poison. 而它所摄取的那些微弱能量,其实就来自那些被它毒杀的生命个体。 These small and weak jungle creature, such as the centipede, lizard and a piebald snake kind, they die of the plague violently poisonously under can take to the Plague Poison Spirit life energy micro not to look up simply. However spreads along with the plague toxin to the human state, the life energy that Plague Poison Spirit obtains starts to soar immediately. 那些弱小的丛林生物,如蜈蚣、蜥蜴、花斑蛇一类的,它们死于瘟疫剧毒之下所能带给瘟疫毒灵的生命能量简直微不可查。但是随着瘟疫毒素扩散到人类国度,瘟疫毒灵获得的生命能量立刻开始直线攀升。 Under the strange life principle function, any creature and plant die of the plague toxin, will strengthen Plague Poison Spirit strength in disguised form! 在奇异的生命法则作用下,任何生物和植物死于瘟疫毒素,都会变相的增强瘟疫毒灵力量 Therefore these date and time come, Plague Poison Spirit is in this strange team harvests without doubt many , a richest fellow. But Grim is also relying on moon/month odd/surplus to come tempering and exercise, had an own fight style and method gradually, the harvest is large. 因此这些时日来,瘟疫毒灵无疑是这个奇异队伍中收获最多,也最丰富的一个家伙。而格力姆也凭借着月余来的磨砺和锻炼,渐渐有了一丝自己的战斗风格和手段,收获颇大。 However, corresponds with them, that Blade Beauty Kety appeared somewhat is distressed and somewhat goes down in the world! 不过,与他们相对应的,那位刀姬凯蒂就显得有些狼狈、有些落魄了! From the Grim fire of high-piled firewood less than 200 meters another open land, Blade Beauty Kety has also ignited one pile of bonfire, is confronting with them distantly. 在距离格力姆火堆不足200米的另一处荒地,刀姬凯蒂也燃起了一堆篝火,和他们遥遥对峙着。 Because some unknown reasons, Blade Beauty Kety is always hard to hunt for these large-type carnivorous or food grass creature. Therefore, her food also can only choose the mole, snake or the lizard that these find at everywhere first-class. 由于一些未知原因,刀姬凯蒂始终难以捕猎到那些大型的食肉或食草生物。所以,她的食物也只能选择那些随处可见的地鼠、蛇或蜥蜴一流。 To be honest, if has neglected on the Blade Beauty Kety body and face that outline distinct flesh and blood and metal boundary, she is a beautiful woman of personal appearance petite beautiful fascinating'winsome. Her facial features are extremely beautiful, however tight lip actually thin looks like two pieces of sharp bits, but her brow tip corner of the eye is the full arrange bone-chilling cold murderous aura. 说实话,如果忽略了刀姬凯蒂身上、脸上那轮廓分明的血肉和金属分界线,她还是一个身形娇小婀娜的美丽女人。她的脸型极美,但是紧绷的嘴唇却薄的像两片锋利的刀片,而她的眉梢眼角更是满布着凛冽的杀气 This time she, bitterly however looks steadily at the distant place to enjoy good food Grim easely, while both hands turns pushes, that black scale snake that in the hand grips tightly on the whole body Skeleton dislocation, the whole body close scale also looks like the snowflake to fall in abundance. 此时的她,正一边恨恨然的盯视着远处悠然享受着美食的格力姆,一边双手一扭一挤,手中紧握的那根黑鳞蛇就全身骨骼错位,周身细密的鳞片也像雪花般纷纷落下。 One squeezes in the black scale snake the mouth, almost does not need any mastication fast, Kety on swallows. This two meters long black scale snake three two were swallowed by her gets into the stomach, finally only odd/surplus Cunxu long section of short snake tail trembles to drag in the mouth. 一把把黑鳞蛇塞入口中,几乎不需要任何咀嚼,凯蒂就快速的吞咽起来。这条两米多长的黑鳞蛇三口两口就被她吞咽下肚,最后只余寸许长一截短短的蛇尾在口边震颤摇曳。 coldly is looking steadily at that puppet Monster of Grim and his shoulder, Kety however inspires bitterly fiercely, that last section of snake tail also to slide one to vanish in her scarlet small mouth thoroughly. 冷冷盯视着格力姆和他肩头的那个木偶怪物,凯蒂恨恨然地猛吸一口气,那最后一截蛇尾也呲溜一声彻底消失在她猩红的小口之中。 Can become Third Grade Adept does not have a normal fellow! 能够成为3阶巫师的就没有一个正常的家伙! The black scale snake illustrious snake venom regarding Blade Beauty Kety, is a joke, her inhuman stomach pouch even can digest the energy crystallization when necessary directly. Therefore, after having gobbled up 12 Second Grade magic beast Elemental Crystal Core, the magic energy of Blade Beauty Kety within the body also rapidly obtained the supplement. 黑鳞蛇赫赫有名的蛇毒对于刀姬凯蒂来说,就是一个笑话,她那非人的胃囊必要时甚至可以直接消化能量结晶。所以,吞吃了12颗2阶魔兽元素晶核后,刀姬凯蒂体内的魔法能量也就迅速得到了补充。 But gobbles up flesh and blood creature, more absorbs their flesh and blood organizations, thus maintains the strange body of oneself this half -and-a-half people of machinery. Moreover every day, Blade Beauty Kety must fixed time swallow the creature activeness to adjust the composition. 而吞吃血肉生物,更多的不过是摄取它们的血肉组织,从而维系自己这具半人半机械的奇异身躯。而且每日里,刀姬凯蒂都要定时吞服生物活性调和剂。 That is one black viscous, similar engine oil lubricant Witchcraft potion! 那是一种黑色粘稠,类似机油润滑液般的巫术药剂 Only then closes right up against the creature activeness that they bring, Mechanical Adept can avoid oneself flesh and blood part and mechanical part has the irreconcilable conflict. Because year to year takes the creature activeness to adjust composition heavy taste sorcerer medicine, causes their taste buds almost to vanish. 只有靠着它们带来的生物活性,机械巫师们才能避免自己的血肉部分和机械部件产生不可调和的冲突。正是因为常年服用生物活性调和剂这种重口味的巫药,也才导致他们的味蕾几乎完全消失。 Mechanical Adept cannot distinguish any flavor/smell! 机械巫师们是分辨不出来任何味道的! Any food in their eyes be only the energy and blood active height division, actually cannot distinguish the so-called pain, sweet, salty, sour, spicy and other foundation flavors. Therefore, the Grim feed also needs to bake, cook and other fine methods. But Blade Beauty Kety ate food actually to omit these middle steps every so often, but received work to swallow. 任何食物在他们眼中只有能量和血液活性高低之分,却分辨不出所谓的苦、甜、咸、酸、辣等基础味道。所以,格力姆进食还需要烧烤、烹煮等各种精细手段。可刀姬凯蒂很多时候进食却已经省略了这些中间步骤,而是直接活吞的。 A man and a woman, two Third Grade Adept , are away from a about 200 meters distance, is adjusting own status/mode, while coldly is confronting. 一男一女,两位3阶巫师,隔着近200米的距离,一边调整着自己的状态,一边冷冷对峙着。 If possible, new fight momentarily can erupt. 如果有可能,新的战斗随时可以爆发。 Trivial 200 meters distance, in Blade Beauty Kety under erupts fully also only takes 3 seconds, just sufficed Grim complete cast to leave a big might Third Grade Witchcraft. As for that Third Grade Elemental Magic Machine, as a result of the horrible to look at speed, degenerated into one thoroughly waste! 区区200米的距离,在刀姬凯蒂的全力爆发下也只需要3秒,刚刚够格力姆完整施放出一个大威力的3阶巫术。至于那个3阶元素魔械,由于惨不忍睹的速度,彻底沦为了一个‘废物’! So long as Grim emits Elemental Magic Machine, Blade Beauty Kety without hesitation runs on turning around. 只要格力姆放出元素魔械,刀姬凯蒂就毫不犹豫的掉头就跑。 By Elemental Magic Machine and Grim's speed, is in any case impossible to overtake her. 反正以元素魔械格力姆的速度,是绝不可能追上她的。 But Elemental Magic Machine within the body has the Magic Engine Furnace news, Grim did not plan such easily reveals. Therefore he also pretentiously the opposite party frightens off hurries to receive after Elemental Magic Machine, a worry energy loss excessively great appearance. 元素魔械体内藏有魔动熔炉的消息,格力姆可不打算这么轻易的就泄露出去。所以他也装模作样的用元素魔械把对方吓走后就赶紧收起来,一副担心能量损耗过巨的模样。 Only when Grim feels exhausted, when needs deep meditation to restore Spiritual Force, association president time puts to act as the bodyguard Elemental Magic Machine, can have the time of relieved sleep by oneself. 只有当格力姆感到疲累,需要深度冥想恢复精神力时,才会长时间的把元素魔械放出来充当保镖,让自己能有个安心睡眠的时间。 With this Third Grade Mechanical Sorceress battle obviously is a long war, Grim must with every effort maintain own Spirit status/mode and level of strength. When that Blade Beauty Kety feels is exhausted, she hurricane without hesitation will also escape, looks for one enough to be far, the enough covert place well to eat and drink and sleep. 与这位3阶机械女巫的争斗显然是一场漫长的战争,格力姆必须尽力的保持好自己的精神状态和实力水平。而当那位刀姬凯蒂感到疲累时,她也会毫不犹豫的狂飙远遁,找一个足够远、足够隐蔽的地方好好吃喝和睡一觉。 Grim also once attempted to dispatch the low rank wind spirit to pursue with Earth Element absorbs the opposite party, what a pity was thrown away by the opposite party. 格力姆也曾尝试着派遣低阶风灵和土元素去追摄对方,可惜都被对方甩脱了。 When Grim in does not run away while Blade Beauty Kety 300-400 miles, strange fellow at a moderate pace pursuing of this half -and-a-half people of machinery will still absorb, as if she can clear is in control of the Grim's trend to be ordinary. 而当格力姆趁着刀姬凯蒂不在的时候一口气逃遁出去三四百里,这位半人半机械的奇怪家伙依然会不紧不慢的追摄上来,似乎她能够清晰的掌握格力姆的动向一般。 After having tried several times, Grim thorough was speechless, gave up the plan of throwing away match, started hurrying along with all one's heart and fights. 尝试了几次后,格力姆彻底无语了,也就放弃了甩脱对手的打算,开始一门心思的赶路和战斗了。 Therefore, presented at present this type each other how the awkward scene of opposite party! 于是,也就出现了眼前这种彼此都奈何不了对方的尴尬场景! Peaceful coexistence? In respective ownership different Faction, in the situation of respectively shouldering the different duties, this is impossible. 和平共处?在各自归属不同阵营,各自肩负不同任务的情况下,这是根本不可能的。 Is bathed in blood to slaughter, does the life and death wrestle? Has the great ideal and faith Third Grade Adept as one, Grim, or is Blade Beauty Kety, does not prepare dead in this dirty contamination low status plane. 浴血厮杀,生死相搏?作为一位有着宏大理想和信念的3阶巫师,不论是格力姆,亦或者是刀姬凯蒂,都不准备死在这个肮脏污秽的低等位面 Therefore, as long as has the danger of perishing together, they will discard without hesitation at present seem like the happy fighter aircraft, the emergence of waiting next opportunity. 所以,但凡有着同归于尽的生命危险,他们都会毫不犹豫的舍弃眼前看似美好的战机,等待下一次机会的出现。 Their lives are very long, has too the fine thing to wait for them to realize, enjoys, is not worthwhile, for one point resources and a duty ruin oneself in this ugly world. 他们的生命还很漫长,也有着太多美好的东西等着他们去体会、去享受,犯不着为了一‘点’资源和一个任务就把自己葬送在这个丑陋的世界。 However in two Adept rest feed, while is confronting silently time, above their body passed over gently and swiftly suddenly invisible strange chill/yin cold. 然而就在两位巫师一边休息进食,一边默默对峙着的时候,他们身躯之上陡然掠过了一阵无形的奇异阴寒。 Was not ambient temperature had change, was not the magic energy had the disorder, but was...... But is one type is unable to palpitate with the strange mind that language described. Like...... Suddenly had been observed closely by some formidable strange creature like oneself generally, body and mind in subconscious contraction and palpitation. 不是环境温度发生了变化,不是魔法能量出现了紊乱,而是……而是一种无法用语言来描述的奇异心灵悸动。就像……就像自己陡然被某种强大的奇异生物盯住了一般,身躯和心灵都在下意识的收缩和悸动。 Damn, this feeling came...... 该死的,这种感觉又来了…… When this feeling appears each time, does not have any good deed! 每次这种感觉出现时,都没什么好事! Sure enough, when two Third Grade Adept cursed secretly, in the darkness of distant place suddenly a babel of voices, the lights writings, the gust of wind rainstorm hoofbeat came in waves. 果不其然,就在两位3阶巫师暗自咒骂的时候,远处的黑暗里突然人声鼎沸,灯火大作,疾风暴雨般的马蹄声更是滚滚而来。 Had the enemy to appear! 有敌人出现了! The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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