AOA :: Volume #10

#945: Fight under curtain of night

Night sinks. 夜已深沉。 Under the curtain of night of star moon/month non- light, Thede Larke mountain range appears especially silent, even some close deathly stillness. 星月无光的夜幕下,锡德拉克山脉显得尤其寂静,甚至有些接近死寂。 A three day time, Grim and Kety's unscrupulous fight has been conducted nine rounds, makes the death territory that nine vitalities completely extinguished in Thede Larke mountain range. 才不过三日时光,格力姆和凯蒂肆无忌惮的战斗已经进行了九个回合,也在锡德拉克山脉制造出了九处生机尽灭的死域。 The wild animal and monster of Thede Larke mountain range, although cannot say that has the how spirit wisdom, is under the threat of Death, becomes careful and sensitive. So long as is two Adept visits some piece of wooded mountain, there rapidly will erupt disaster beast tide. 锡德拉克山脉的野兽和魔物虽然称不上有多么灵智,可是在死亡威胁下,也变得小心而敏感起来。只要是两位巫师踏足某片山林,那里就会迅速的爆发出一场天灾般的兽潮。 No matter the wild animal or the birds, or are formidable monster, will flee from this region competitively, does not dare in two Adept body side stay moments. 不管是野兽还是飞禽,亦或者是强大的魔物,都会争先恐后的逃离该区域,绝不敢在两位巫师身侧停留片刻。 Moreover along with passing of time, two Adept regarding the Plane Principle analysis of Envic plane more is deeper, the prestige that they can display can be also bigger, but the destruction to the peripheral environment even more is also fearful. 而且随着时间的流逝,两位巫师对于恩维克位面位面法则解析的越多越深,他们所能发挥出的威能也就越大,而对周边环境的破坏也就越发可怕。 When a fight, Gate of Flame that Grim Witchcraft produced out of concentrated feelings summons hundred and thousand of formidable flame creature, turned into the rock magma to flow rapidly the mountain valley of mountain range deep place, lava end world everywhere. 在一次战斗时,格力姆巫术凝铸的火焰之门召唤出了成百上千的强大火焰生物,生生把山脉深处的一座山谷变成了岩浆奔流,熔岩遍地的末日世界。 In light of there special geographical environment, this Gate of Flame year after year will extremely possibly retain, but passes through in flame creature to mountain valley with the aid of Gate of Flame becomes there protector, prevents nearness of all creature. 结合那里特殊的地理环境,这座火焰之门极可能会长年累月的保留下来,而借助火焰之门穿越到山谷里的火焰生物更是会成为那里的守护者,阻挡一切生物的靠近。 But has made this natural defenses hopeless situation two Adept , then simply has not cared about own unseemly behavior recklessly the Larke mountain range to cause the how huge damage to Thede, immerses as before during each other attack and slaughters. 而制造了这处天险绝境的两位巫师,则根本没有在意自己的肆意妄为给锡德拉克山脉造成了多么巨大的伤害,依旧沉浸在彼此的攻击和厮杀之中。 Daytime kills, in the evening can not be peaceful, the both sides association finds out various sinister despicable methods to assassinate and sneak attack the opposite party. Was only a pity, so far, all methods were defeated. 白天打打杀杀,晚上也不得安宁,双方总会想出各种各样阴险卑劣的手段去暗杀、偷袭对方。只可惜,到目前为止,所有的手段都失败了。 Both sides both are unable to end this war fast, can only evolve a seesaw battle the fight! 双方都无法快速的结束这场战争,只能把战斗演变成了一次拉锯战! Both sides both are miserable beyond description! 双方都苦不堪言! After the curtain of night hangs down, Grim has ignited one pile of bonfire in snowy peak. 夜幕低垂后,格力姆在一处雪峰脚下燃起了一堆篝火 On bonfire, hits Jing in his hands to puncture the wild boar also has become his tonight's food. 篝火上面,一头无意间撞在他手里的荆刺野猪也就成了他今晚的食物。 Plucks, cuts up the chest and abdominal cavities, cleans and smudges the meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce, as well as smokes on the wooden club roasts, this series of flows are Grim personally are completed. Had the assistance of chip, Grim has momentarily been able to assign out 180 types to smoke roasts, cooks and fries the wild pork the cookbook, became the peerless beautiful kitchen by own Body Transformation, became the peerless delicacy of mouth-watering desire drop this wild boar cooking. 退毛、开膛、清洗、涂抹酱汁,以及架在木棍上熏烤,这一系列的流程都是格力姆亲手完成的。有了芯片的辅助,格力姆随时可以调出180种熏烤、烹煮、煎炸野猪肉的菜谱,让自己变身成绝世美厨,把这头野猪烹饪成令人垂涎欲滴的绝世美味。 Moreover, is disturbing the wild pork chop on wooden frame gently, while rubs the amber shapes layer by layer to mount the thick delightful meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce to it, when Grim raised the head looks to another flame of wooded mountain distant place, is filled with taking pleasure in others'misfortunes that the whole face cannot cover up. 而且,一边轻轻地翻搅着木架上的野猪排,一边给其刷上一层又一层琥珀状黏稠的甜美酱汁,格力姆抬头望向山林远处的另一处火光时,满心满脸都是遮掩不住的幸灾乐祸。 With Grim at this moment leisurely and carefree satisfied different, top ten inside and outside another mountain peak, one pile of bonfire in flaming are also burning. 格力姆此刻的悠闲惬意不同,十里外另一处山峰顶部,一堆篝火也在熊熊燃烧着。 However was a pity very much that Blade Beauty Kety puts up is not the wild pork or mountain who Langrou on bonfire smokes roasts, but is the snake meat. Moreover, has not shed completely the colorful snake scale to see from these snake meat that Kety smokes is the poisonous snake that roasts. 但是很可惜,那位刀姬凯蒂架在篝火上熏烤的并不是野猪肉或山狼肉,而是蛇肉。而且,从这些蛇肉上还未褪尽的五颜六色蛇鳞可以看出,凯蒂熏烤的都是毒蛇。 It is not Kety does not like living on the wild pork or mountain Langrou, but is she cannot project from the start. 不是凯蒂不喜欢吃野猪肉或山狼肉,而是她压根打不到。 Although her the Violent Dragon King excrement of contamination has cleaned cleanly, but that special fishy smell odor actually lingers. This also caused Kety everywhere one visit, surrounding area in ten miles almost unable to find any large-type creature. 她身上沾染的暴龙王摩什粪便虽然已经清洗干净,可是那特殊的腥臊恶臭却经久不散。这也导致凯蒂所到之处,方圆十里之内几乎根本找不到任何大型生物 Did not have large-type creature, did not have the food source of supplies. Although Kety brought some nutrition potion along, but that can only maintain the basic physical strength, is actually not able to let the loss serious strength quick recovery. 没了大型生物,也就没了补给的食物来源。虽然凯蒂随身带了一些营养药剂,可那只能维系基本的体力,却无法让损耗严重的力量快速恢复。 Compares in the average person, although Adept is formidable, but their formidable strength also needs to supplement through the massive feeds. Therefore, do not look at the Blade Beauty Kety personal appearance petite likely neighbor young miss, but her appetite is ten robust men is actually hard to compare. 相比于普通人,巫师虽然强大,可他们强大力量也需要通过大量进食来补充。所以,别看刀姬凯蒂身形娇小的像个邻家小姑娘,可她的食量却是十个壮汉都难以比拟的。 These date and time, could not look for enough meat, Blade Beauty Kety almost give to gobble up the poisonous snake and mole of place cleanly. 这些时日,找不来足够的肉食,刀姬凯蒂几乎把所过之地的毒蛇和地鼠都给吞吃干净了。 She is not Elemental Adept , closes right up against meditation and sleep can natural recovery Elemental Power. She is Mechanical Adept, all strength sources come from Constitution, but the restoration of Constitution cannot leave the supplement and good sleep of magic energy food. 她不是元素巫师,靠着冥想和睡眠就能自然恢复元素力量。她是机械巫师,一切力量的源头都来自体质,而体质的恢复又离不开魔能食物的补充和良好的睡眠。 Therefore, since entered this Envic plane, her own margin of energy in unceasing reduction. But these date and time unceasing with that hateful Sorcerer fight, makes her suffer loss. 所以,自从进入了这个恩维克位面,她自身的能量储备就在不断的降低。而这些时日不断的与那个可恶的男巫战斗,也让她吃尽了苦头。 Has gobbled up several semi-coke poisonous snakes, alleviated in the abdomen slightly that raging fire cauterization sense of hunger, Kety has then spared time to repair that several Sorcerer Artifact along. 吞吃了几条半焦的毒蛇,略微缓解了肚腹内那烈火烧灼般的饥饿感,凯蒂这才腾出了一点时间去修复那几件随身的巫器 Puts out some spare metal blade edge wheels from storage ring, in the replace next daytime by foot supple trample on these. Taking advantage of sparkle bonfire, Kety has put out some Witchcraft materials, repair slowly maintains the damaged part and body. 储物戒指里拿出一些备用的金属刃轮,替换下白日里饱受足柔躏的那些。借着闪耀的篝火,凯蒂又拿出了一些巫术材料,慢慢的修理维护起破损的部件和身躯。 To be honest, under the jet black curtain of night, by bonfire of flame beat, looks at a semblance petite beautiful young girl, like opening the components some part in body picks the clean, to maintain and maintain, then attire cautiously. 说实话,在漆黑的夜幕下面,在火光跳动的篝火旁,看着一位外表娇小美丽的少女,像拆零件一样把身躯上的某个部件摘下来清洗、维护、保养,然后再小心翼翼的装回去。 A such scene is simply appalling! 这样的一幕场景简直令人毛骨悚然! But Grim big mouth is gobbling up the good food, while draws support from the wind spirit angle of view of dispatching, carefully examines to observe this formidable Mechanical Sorceress silently. 格力姆则一边大口的吞吃着美食,一边借助派遣出去的风灵视角,默默审视观察着这位强大的机械女巫 This fellow is not current Northern Witch! 这个家伙绝不是现任的北地女巫 At least Grim never has heard this kind of Mechanical Sorceress in North land! 至少格力姆从未在北地听说过这样一位机械女巫 But on her actually obvious has the Adept World flavor/smell. 可是她身上却明显的带有巫师世界味道。 Therefore, Grim guessing, she extremely possibly is Northern Witch accredits guarding Adept in some secondary plane. Moreover, trains fine to slaughter and that type of assassination specially friendly. 因此,格力姆推估,她极可能是北地女巫派驻在某个次级位面里的驻守巫师。而且,还是专门培养出来精善杀戮和刺杀的那一种。 To be honest, if Grim ordinary a little, by this Mechanical Sorceress strength, the dregs that he extinguishes does not remain slightly sufficiently. However now along with the unceasing enhancement of plane analysis progress, the strength that Grim can display even more is also formidable. 说实话,如果格力姆稍微普通那么一点,以这位机械女巫的实力,足以把他灭的连渣都不剩了。不过现在随着位面解析进度的不断提高,格力姆所能发挥出来的战力也就愈发强大了。 Finally, after a clear drop sound, Grim , etc. that Chip Notification sound. 终于,在一声清晰的滴声后,格力姆等来了那句久违的芯片提示音。 Drop, the plane analysis work is completed, progress 100%...... The Host's Body fundamental strength basically restores, the highest strength can reach the Adept World 78% points......” “滴,位面解析工作完成,进度100%……主体基础实力基本恢复,最高战力可以达到巫师世界的78点XXXXX……” Grim did not have the interest to listen to that a series of digit that chip prompts again, although the strength unlocking has not achieved anticipated 80%, but 78% digit enough he heartily has also displayed. 格力姆已经没有兴趣再听芯片所提示的那一连串数字,虽然实力解锁没有达到预期的80%,可是78%的数字也已经足够他尽情发挥了。 The beforehand fight, he has been fighting single-handedly, has not used Elemental Magic Machine. This is not he wants to exercise itself, but in situation that in Spiritual Force serious does not attain a designated standard, emits Third Grade Elemental Magic Machine to drain his Spiritual Force instantaneously. 之前的战斗,他一直在孤军奋战,没有使用元素魔械。这并不是他想锻炼自己,而是在精神力严重不达标的情况下,放出3阶元素魔械会瞬间抽干他的精神力 In front of Mechanical Sorceress that is skilled to slaughter shows such big flaw, that was equal to did oneself give itself to apply for a Death passage ticket? Therefore, Grim can only bite the root painstakingly, with oneself not adept the fight skill went to and Mechanical Sorceress slaughters the dogfight to be so long. 在一位精于杀戮的机械女巫面前露出这么大的破绽,那岂不是等于自己给自己申请了一张死亡船票?所以,格力姆只能苦咬牙根,用自己并不‘娴熟’的战斗技巧去和一位机械女巫厮杀缠斗了这么久。 Was good makes him also obtain because of these years plane conquest has disciplined much, added on a passable Witchcraft equipment again, this did not have the sewer to capsize, has become the prey of opposite party. 好在这些年的位面征伐让他也得到了不少磨练,再加上一身说得过去的巫术装备,这才没有阴沟翻船,成了对方的猎物。 However these days were pestered by opposite party with hardship, Grim has also suppressed a lot of fires. Therefore hears the Chip Notification sound, Grim without hesitation has abandoned in the hand the steak, stride flushes away to distant place bonfire. 不过这几日来被对方苦苦纠缠,格力姆也憋了一肚子的火。所以一听见芯片提示音,格力姆毫不犹豫的就扔下了手中肉排,大步的向远处篝火冲去。 That Mechanical Sorceress as if also has itself to investigate and tracing way uniquely, Grim has the sound slightly, the standing up personal appearance that she has doubts, looks distantly to the depressed forest. 那位机械女巫似乎也有自己独特的侦查和追踪方式,格力姆这边稍有动静,她就疑惑的站起身形,遥遥向黑沉的森林中望去。 This sub-field does not gather all the way, does not divide the place, so long as they gather to be able dingdong to hit together. The number of times of night fighting is but few, after all they also require certain time to restore Spiritual Force and repair own wound. 这一路上不分场合,不分地点,只要两人凑到一起就能叮叮当当的打起来。可是夜战的次数还是屈指可数,毕竟两人也需要一定的时间来恢复精神力和修复自身的创伤。 Under assurance that in cannot win, both sides are not willing to compel into the hopeless situation the opposite party, terror injury that thus incurring is hard to repair to oneself. Therefore, night became they did not have the armistice time of clear words. Although assassinates, poisoning, harassment and other series of small methods to emerge one after another incessantly, but the war of bright blade bright spear/gun never has. 在没有必胜的把握之下,双方都不愿意把对方逼入绝境,从而给自己招致难以修复的恐怖伤害。所以,夜晚也就成了两人没有明言的休战时间。虽然暗杀、施毒、骚扰等一系列的小手段层出不穷,可是明刀明枪的大战却从未有过。 Therefore, regarding that Sorcerer unusual action, Blade Beauty Kety also cannot help but not in part of ones duty enhanced vigilance. 因此,对于那位男巫的异常举动,刀姬凯蒂也不由得份外提高了警惕。 From the current situation, the foundation strength of both sides takes Blade Beauty Kety as superiorly, the almost most fight was she has gained the victory, but the opposite party fled to the wilderness. However discussed the slyness and hard to deal with fight, Grim even better. 从目前的情况来说,双方的基础战力还是以刀姬凯蒂为优,几乎大半的战斗都是她取得了胜利,而对方落荒而逃。不过论起战斗的狡猾和难缠,格力姆则更胜一筹。 Every so often, the Blade Beauty Kety's strength superiority under the Grim sinister deceitful small method, is actually hard to transform the chance, therefore makes this Other World interception so the life and death is complicated, is so loathsome. 很多时候,刀姬凯蒂的战力优势在格力姆阴险狡诈的小手段下,却难以转变成胜机,因此才让这场异界截杀变得如此生死交缠,如此拖泥带水。 Reason that by Blade Beauty Kety's familiar with that Sorcerer, he so impatient wish and fights, certainly grasped the turning point of some win. 刀姬凯蒂对那位男巫的熟悉,他之所以会如此迫不及待的想要和自己战斗,一定是掌握了某种致胜的契机。 That...... What can be? 那……会是什么呢? When Blade Beauty Kety thinks, while fast gets ready for action, Grim has howled was running out of the wooded mountain. 就在刀姬凯蒂一边思索,一边快速的做好战斗准备时,格力姆已经呼啸着冲出了山林。 Boy, how many first time by fleeing like a scared rat that the old lady hits, is owing that you eat insufficient? How today to think that does not start to look......” “小子,前几次被老娘打的抱头鼠窜,你吃的亏还不够吗?今天怎么想不开跑来找……” Kety's words have not said that Grim has emitted Elemental Magic Machine without hesitation. 凯蒂的话语还未说完,格力姆已经毫不犹豫的放出了元素魔械 Looks that reaches as high as 2 meters metal Magical Machine rises straight from the ground, in the shining alloy body shines through the wild fierce magic energy, the Blade Beauty Kety's complexion instantaneously becomes a paleness. 看着一台高达2米的金属魔械拔地而起,金灿灿的合金身躯里面透射出狂暴凶猛的魔法能量,刀姬凯蒂的脸色瞬间变得一片铁青。 Third Grade ...... Damn, this is Third Grade Magical Machine! 3阶……该死,这是一台3阶魔械 From the magic energy intensity of opposite party overflow, as well as the destroy the Heavens and exterminate the Earth imposing manner, the scarlet mechanical eye in Blade Beauty Kety eye socket has distinguished the Elemental Magic Machine foundation strength rapidly. 从对方外溢的魔法能量强度,以及举手投足间毁天灭地的气势,刀姬凯蒂眼眶中的猩红机械眼迅速判明了元素魔械的基础战力。 Damn damn damn...... This Magical Machine must be not as good besides Agility in oneself, strength and Constitution, are Spirit, wants formidable little. If with such big fellow battle, Blade Beauty Kety can maintain 60% odds of success reluctantly. 该死该死该死……这台魔械除了敏捷要稍逊于自己外,无论是力量体质,还是精神,都要比自己强大少许。如果和这样的大块头交战,刀姬凯蒂勉强能够保持6成胜算。 However even if won, perhaps own strength and body must damage greatly. 不过即便胜利了,恐怕自己的实力和身躯也要大损。 If simultaneously battles with this big fellow as well as that Sorcerer, Blade Beauty Kety heart one cold, the fight winning percentage of calculating unexpectedly less than 3%. 如果同时和这个大块头以及那个男巫交战,刀姬凯蒂心头一冷,计算出的战斗胜率竟然不足3%。 Therefore, Blade Beauty Kety rave, five metal edges round depart crazily, the pocket has intercepted advancing and making an attack on two big enemies. But she turning around without hesitation runs, vanished in the wooded mountain darkness rapidly. 于是,刀姬凯蒂狂吼一声,五面金属刃轮疯狂飞出,兜截住了两位高大敌人的进袭。而她自己则毫不犹豫的掉头就跑,迅速消失在了山林黑暗之中。 Face countenance and dignity...... What is that? 颜面、尊严……那是什么? Probably only then living the talented person needs these. 好像只有活着的人才需要那些。 An unrivalled war has not begun early to end on this! 一场旷世大战就这样还未拉开序幕就早早结束了! The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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