AOA :: Volume #9

#806: Before the palace, bloody battle

Crush of such two colossi from the Dragon-Human teams, have made them very injured instantaneously very injured. 这样两个庞然大物从龙人队伍中间碾压而过,瞬间就让它们很受伤很受伤。 Had been swept by the Thunder dragon strong Dragon's Tail, had been ground by the Dragon-Human leader 1 tons in weight body , the body of Dragon-Human soldier will cave in instantaneously, the hit bone breaks the muscle booklet, lies in spitting blood of ground big mouth. 不论是被雷龙强劲的龙尾扫过,还是被龙人首领重达1吨的身躯碾过,龙人战士的身躯都会瞬间塌陷下去,被擦撞的骨断筋折,趴在地上大口的吐血。 You cope with space that crowd of wind Elves!” Grim visual Mary, is ordering loudly. “你去对付天上那群风精灵!”格力姆目视着玛丽,大声的命令着。 The Mary's attack is weak, deals with Dragon-Human this thick-skinned blood long fellow almost not to have the good means that therefore Grim has given her the most Jane Da duty. 玛丽的攻击偏弱,对付起龙人这种皮厚血长的家伙几乎没有太好的办法,因此格力姆就把最简答的一个任务交给了她。 Zacha you watch palace front door, do not put one to go. Tigula, you and I clash together!” 扎查你守好宫殿大门,不要放一个进去。提古勒,你和我一起冲!” The fast distribution good duty, Grim to eject Magic Puppet Crystal Core, summoned Terror Flame Fiend, then also roared was starting Second Transformation. 快速的分派好任务,格力姆抛出魔傀晶核,召唤出恐怖炎魔,然后自己也咆哮着开始了二次变身 Next counts on the fingers, two big Flame Fiend also rise straight from the ground, rocks the body that the roaring flame is winding around, Lava Fireball did not ask for money to go to the Dragon-Human team likely crazily. 下一屈指,两个高大炎魔同时拔地而起,晃动着烈焰缭绕的身躯,一颗颗熔岩火球像不要钱般疯狂的投向了龙人队伍。 Mentioned by name Tigula complies with one, puts the goblin tearer from puppet talisman, three next two drill into. The next second, the goblin tearer roared low and deep is starting the activity body, was brandishing the metal chain saw and metal drill bit in hand, keeping off of being without hesitation above Path that in Dragon-Human have charged. 被点名的提古勒答应一声,从傀儡护符里放出来地精撕裂者,三下两下钻入其中。下一秒,地精撕裂者低沉咆哮着开始活动身躯,挥舞着手中的金属链锯和金属钻头,毫不迟疑的挡在了龙人们冲锋的路线之上。 A series of Lava Fireball blast open in the Dragon-Human team, wild Flame Shockwave and rock magma hot rain of splash flushed on the destruction recklessly instantaneously in forefront 11 Dragon-Human. They fall in everywhere flame dejected, fast conditioning of body surface metal armor in pinnacle high temperature, turns molten iron that has flowed scarlet-red, fires the following flesh and blood and Dragon scale flip-flop makes noise. 一连串的熔岩火球龙人队伍中炸裂,狂暴的火焰冲击波和肆意飞溅的岩浆火雨瞬间就覆灭了冲在最前端的11位龙人。它们在漫天火焰中颓然倾倒,体表金属铠甲在极致高温中快速软化,变成了赤红流淌的铁水,把下面的血肉和龙鳞灼烧的劈啪作响。 Grim and Terror Flame Fiend stand shoulder to shoulder, is responsible for setting on fire in all directions, is responsible for pulling up the firewall interception opposite party, almost shortly tilts at present a one or two hundred meters region in a dreadful sea of fire. 格力姆恐怖炎魔并肩而立,一个负责四处纵火,一个负责拉起火墙拦截对方,几乎顷刻间就把眼前一二百米的区域倾覆在了一片滔天火海之中。 These First Grade Dragon-Human soldiers almost just crashed in the sea of fire, inside leaves the sad and shrill pitiful yell of magic flame ignition. Wild flame besides burning down their statures, but also and other frail spots sneaks into within the body from their eye ear mouth and nose, inside the connection internal organs fire together. 那些1阶龙人战士几乎刚一冲进火海,就别内里的魔法火焰灼烧的凄厉惨叫。狂暴的火焰除了焚烧它们的身躯外,还从它们的眼耳口鼻等脆弱部位窜入体内,连通内里的脏腑一起灼烧。 Breaking through sea of fire that many Dragon-Human soldiers stagger, has not waited for the goblin tearer and they meet the weaponry, already five hole torching face upwards to throw down, in the grandiose body full is the trace of withered ignition. 很多龙人战士踉跄的冲过火海,还没等地精撕裂者和它们接仗,就已经五窍喷火的仰天摔倒,壮硕的身躯上满是焦枯灼烧的痕迹。 Only then these Second Grade Dragon-Human can rely on is lingering in the Wind Element protection of body surface, has rushed to this terrifying sea of fire. But they just trod the sea of fire, appears in the other aspect, the front surface ran upon has been brandishing the Tigula of metal chain saw and drill bit. 只有那些2阶龙人才能够凭借着萦绕在体表的风元素保护,一口气闯过这片恐怖的火海。可它们刚刚踏出火海,在另一面露头,迎面就撞上了挥舞着金属链锯和钻头的提古勒 ...... 咣咣咣…… A noisy grating metal cutting sound spreads by far. 一阵嘈杂刺耳的金属切割声远远传出。 Is one -and-a-half meters metal chain saw every time brandishes, can cuts massive Mars on the Second Grade Dragon-Human metal armor and tenacious dragon scale, but the metal drill bit that rotates crazily, each rise can drill the gigantic blood holes in the Dragon-Human body. 长达一米半的金属链锯每一次挥舞,都能在2阶龙人的金属铠甲和坚韧龙鳞上切削出大量的火星,而疯狂转动的金属钻头,每一次起落都能在龙人身躯上钻出一个个硕大的血洞。 Although Dragon-Human the strength is greatly infinite, but also has had both some Giant Dragon lord elemental attribute, but faces a military equipment the Magical Machine soldier of tooth, still some strength fall short. The time also fears the kitchen knife again high, the Dragon-Human strength is formidable, actually cannot support own equipment and goblin tearer has the difference of heaven and earth. 龙人虽然力大无穷,还兼具了部分巨龙领主元素属性,可是面对一个武装到牙齿的魔械战士,依然有些力有不逮。功夫再高也怕菜刀,龙人的实力再强大,却架不住自身的装备和地精撕裂者有着天壤之别。 Therefore, several Second Grade Dragon-Human sealed off by the goblin tearer in the sea of fire edge, the stump residual limb that every time throws to strike follows splashes recklessly the big piece bloody water and everywhere that dances in the air. 因此,十几位2阶龙人地精撕裂者封堵在火海边缘,每一次扑击都伴随着肆意泼洒的大片血水和漫天飞舞的残肢。 Just was repaired a new goblin tearer again to endure the stern war test. 刚刚被修复一新的地精撕裂者再一次经受了严峻的战争考验。 Almost every time, has the serious attack of plural number to fall above its metal Zheng's firm body however. In the Dragon-Human hand heavy war hammer every time falls, four braves Mars that the goblin tearer strokes, Tigula was shaken dizzy in inside, binaural almost could not hear other sounds. 几乎每一时刻,都有复数的沉重攻击落在它金属铮然的坚固躯壳之上。龙人手中沉重的战锤每一次落下,都把地精撕裂者击打的火星四冒,提古勒在里面被震得头昏眼花,双耳几乎已经听不见其余的声音了。 Sees the situation to be critical, Meteor Fiery Rain that a Grim fire revolution without hesitation, the wild roaring flame storm, crashes loudly, as well as terror Apocalyptic Volcano, is ordinary like the lava sea of fire that the overhead sprinkles, during besieging Tigula Second Grade Dragon-Human sweeps across. 见到局势危急,格力姆毫不犹豫的炮火一转,狂野的烈焰风暴,轰然坠落的流星火雨,以及恐怖的末日火山,就像当头洒落的熔岩火海一般,把围攻提古勒2阶龙人席卷当中。 Fire Element Adept worthily is illustrious battlefield fort! 火系巫师不愧是赫赫有名的战场炮台! Grim this unscrupulous getting rid, has crushed this crowd of Second Grade Dragon-Human rampant arrogance immediately. 格力姆这一肆无忌惮的出手,立刻把这群2阶龙人的嚣张气焰打了下去。 Dragon-Human were burnt sad and shrill pitiful yell, charge to the left and dash to the right in the sea of fire, is unable to gather the agglomerate again. 一个个龙人被烧得凄厉惨叫,在火海里左冲右突,再也无法聚拢成团了。 However, the again strictness that Grim and the others defended, actually cannot support here Dragon-Human quantity many astonishment. Just the firepower full had taken down one crowd, has not waited to gasp for breath, thump was stepping the step of everything may become vulnerable, another crowd of Dragon-Human have dripped the sea of fire, roared to clash to Grim and the others. 不过,格力姆等人防守的再严密,却也架不住这里的龙人数量多的惊人。刚刚火力全开放倒了一群,还没等喘口气,咚咚咚迈着地动山摇的步伐,又一群龙人淌过火海,咆哮着向格力姆等人冲了过来。 left Zhiyou the clumsy goblin tearer was pushed gradually by the Dragon-Human soldiers one side, large quantities of Dragon-Human are brandishing war hammer and great axe, rushed to Grim and Terror Flame Fiend body side. Has no recourse, Grim and Terror Flame Fiend this to the firepower fort also can only left hand fireball, the right hand big sword and opposite party played near body to fight hand-to-hand. 左支右拙的地精撕裂者渐渐被龙人战士们推挤到了一边,大批的龙人挥舞着战锤和巨斧,冲到了格力姆恐怖炎魔身侧。迫不得已,格力姆恐怖炎魔这对火力炮台也只能左手火球,右手大剑的和对方玩起了近身肉搏。 The entire battlefield becomes the chaotic disorder gets up instantaneously! 整个战场瞬间就变得混乱无序起来! Grim and the others knew in heart. 格力姆等人心里有数。 Third Grade Thunder dragon Arms confronts that Third Grade Dragon-Human leader, on the one hand has Dragon's might to suppress, on the other hand on the build and strength have the overwhelming superiority, the victory will be only sooner or later matter. 3阶雷龙阿姆斯对阵那位3阶龙人首领,一方面有着龙威压制,另一方面体型和力量上也占据绝对优势,胜利只是早晚的事情。 Therefore Grim can only with every effort drags the Dragon-Human team here, after waiting for that side Thunder dragon to win, turns round to rescue. 所以格力姆这边只能尽力的把龙人队伍拖在这里,等待着雷龙那边取胜后回身救援。 After all Second Grade of Grim side only then 4, but opposite Second Grade , little said that also has 20-30. 毕竟格力姆一方的2阶只有4位,而对面的2阶,少说也有二三十名之多。 Above sky that the cliff top, Mary wraps up in one group of blood fog, recovers the lightning quickly from the sky shuttles back and forth, before every time throws strikes follows wind Elf at the point of death sad and shrill wailing. 崖顶的天空之上,玛丽卷裹在一团血雾之中,快愈闪电的在空中穿梭,每一次扑击都伴随着一个风精灵临死前的凄厉哀嚎。 The Mary one breath has slaughtered more than 30 wind Elves, the surplus wind Elves cannot withstand the bottom of the heart fear again, sends to shout that ran away respectively to the distant place. 玛丽一口气屠戮了30多个风精灵,剩余的风精灵再也承受不住心底的恐惧,一声发喊各自逃向了远方。 Mary has not pursued them, whips the bat wing to lord over above the sky, is overlooking under the body distantly the confusion and bloody battlefield. When she saw Grim is brandishing the giant flame big sword clumsy and three Second Grade Dragon-Human fight in the same place, immediately dived without hesitation. 玛丽没有追赶它们,拍打着蝠翼高踞天空之上,遥遥俯视着身下混乱而血腥的战场。当她看到格力姆挥舞着巨大的火焰大剑笨拙的和三位2阶龙人战在一起,立刻毫不犹豫的俯冲了下去。 Is lifted the head by that Dragon-Human soldier who she locks, fixing the eyes on that the vertical pupils of two big two small four amber shapes do flicker anxiously, but below red form, in the hand the great axe is surrounding the green transparent wind blade edge, bellows, welcomed the opposite party to divide on the illness. 被她锁定的那位龙人战士抬起头颅,两大两小四只琥珀状的竖瞳一瞬不瞬的紧盯住了急冲而下的红色身影,手中巨斧环绕着青色的透明风刃,大吼一声,迎着对方就疾劈了下去。 Thump a dull thumping sound spreads. 咚一声闷响传出。 Dragon-Human and Mary's form simultaneously outward throws flies. 龙人玛丽的身影同时向外抛飞。 In the body of Mary bat wing vibration the young tiger has projected a dark red blood from the pores of the feet immediately, but the Dragon-Human soldier throat spot had also pulled out two fearsome blood holes. 玛丽蝠翼抖动的身躯上立刻彪射出了一道殷红的血箭,而龙人战士咽喉部位也被生生掏出了两个可怖的血洞。 Falling that the Dragon-Human soldier staggers has drawn back two steps, was relying on the powerful body and spirit and formidable physical body resilience has secured the position. 龙人战士踉跄的跌退了两步,凭借着强悍的体魄和强大的肉*体恢复能力重新稳住了阵脚。 trade wound for wound...... Snort, depends on that thin and weak woman also to be own match? 以伤换伤……哼,就凭那个瘦弱的女人也会是自己的对手? What a pity, such thought has not transferred in the head of its Giant Dragon shape, that say/way threw the scarlet form that flew to draw a strange arc to dive unexpectedly once again. 可惜,这样的念头还未在它巨龙状的头颅里转完,那道抛飞的血色身影竟然划了一道奇异的弧线又一次俯冲了下来。 Damn, I an axe divided a moment ago on her, she should the severe wound fall to the ground...... 该死,我刚才一斧子劈在她身上,她应该重伤倒地才是啊…… Thinks without enough time that the severely wounded Dragon-Human soldier raises the axe illness to divide once more, two size disparate forms once more respectively toward two sides. 来不及多想,重伤的龙人战士再次扬斧疾劈,两个大小悬殊的身影再次分向两边。 This time, the Dragon-Human soldier is also again hard to haunch the body, two sturdy lead legs one soft, the whole person kneels to bend down above the ground, the great axe throws one side, closely covers throat large hole that the bloody water overflows with the pair only big hand. No matter what what a pity, how it seals off, the dark red bloody water looks like the rill general cheerful from referring to the seam flows, gathered a lakelet before it quickly. 这一次,龙人战士再也难以支撑起身躯,两条粗壮的前腿一软,整个人跪伏在地面之上,巨斧扔到一侧,用双只大手紧紧地捂住血水四溢的咽喉大洞。可惜,任它如何封堵,殷红的血水都像小溪一般欢快的从指缝中流淌出来,很快在它面前聚拢成了一个小湖。 The uphold head that the Dragon-Human soldier struggles, in the vertical pupil of amber shape shone upon one to approach again rapidly the filament Li form. 龙人战士挣扎的抬起头颅,琥珀状的竖瞳中再一次映照出了一个急速逼近中的纤丽身影。 Is she a person? She simply is not being able to kill fearful Monster...... 她还是人吗?她简直是一个杀不死的可怕怪物…… As the scarlet form leans one volume from its body, a large head tumbled has been flying the sky. 随着血色身影从它身侧一卷而过,一颗斗大的头颅翻滚着飞上了天空。 The sensation was deriving the blood energy from the opposite party within the body, Mary was patching damaged in body fast, while was vibrating the bat wing, passed through in the noisy chaotic battlefield. Her blood like one sharp dagger, fast had delimited from Dragon-Human throat, eye pupil, meatus auditorius, armpit and crotch unit and other positions. 感知着从对方体内汲取到了血液能量,玛丽一边快速的修补着身躯上的破损,一边震动着蝠翼,在嘈杂混乱的战场中穿过。她的血手就像一把把锋利的匕首,快速的从一位位龙人的咽喉、眼瞳、耳道、腋下、裆部等位置划过。 Each Dragon-Human soldier cannot be borne by Mary has attacked stuffily snort/hum makes noise. But they or sweep away, or illness chops, either seized the attack entire tribe that hugged in the vacancy. 每一位被玛丽攻击过的龙人战士都会忍不住闷哼出声。而它们或横扫,或疾劈,或擒抱的攻击全部落在了空处。 Mary like a scarlet spirit, charge to the left and dash to the right in the Dragon-Human team, evades attacks, with attack that pouring into scarlet blood of scarlet energy did not live in Dragon-Human frail spot. 玛丽就像一位血色幽灵,在龙人队伍中左冲右突,躲过一道道攻击,用灌注了血色能量的猩红血手不住的攻击着龙人的脆弱部位。 By the Mary's frail body and Dragon-Human great supernatural power, she like a flexible glass person of shuttle in going crazy herd, so long as were hit by the enemy, is a bone breaks the severely wounded aspect that the muscle folds. Mary can only display the pinnacle own ultra highly agile Czech Republic, is hard to catch the terrifying speed shuttle that by the naked eye in one great axe and war hammer, does not make the opposite party bump into oneself slightest. 玛丽的脆弱身躯和龙人的伟岸神力,她就像一个灵活穿梭在发疯牛群中的玻璃人,只要被对方擦撞到一下,就是一个骨断筋折的重伤局面。玛丽只能把自己的超高敏捷发挥到极致,以肉眼难以捕捉到的恐怖速度穿梭在一把把巨斧和战锤之下,决不让对方碰到自己分毫。 Grim, when we must insist...... What these are Sorceress doing? How not to have begun......” 格力姆,我们要坚持到什么时候……那些女巫在干些什么?怎么还不动手……” Mary crazy is slaughtering, while loud was roaring to Grim. 玛丽一边疯狂的杀戮着,一边大声的向格力姆吼叫着。 However has not waited for Grim to have the opportunity to answer that deafening Giant Dragon roared to pass from the palace deep place. 然而没等格力姆有机会回话,一股震耳欲聋的巨龙咆哮从宫殿深处传了出来。 Sorceress...... You are Fourth Grade Sorceress......” 女巫……你们是4阶女巫……” The Grim and other person after that great palaces collapse during a violent turbulence loudly, about 50 meters in length huge Giant Dragon shoots up to the sky from inside from beginning to end, inspires the wing rapid flight while crazy was roaring. 紧接着,格力姆等人身后的那座宏大宫殿在一阵猛烈动荡中轰然倒塌,一条头尾长达50多米的庞大巨龙从里面冲天而起,一边振翼疾飞一边疯狂的咆哮着。 Damn, won't Sorceresses make Giant Dragon run away? 该死,女巫们不会让巨龙跑掉吧? Grim first is the innermost feelings one tight, raises the head to look, saw impressively that whole body wraps up in the Fourth Grade Giant Dragon body of blue black dragon scale to tow to entrain a strange light chain. A light chain end deep submerges Giant Dragon within the body, another end firmly grasps in the hand of that Death Witch leader Kesuna. 格力姆先是内心一紧,仰首望去,赫然看到那头浑身卷裹着碧青龙鳞的4阶巨龙身躯上拖拽着一条奇异的光链。光链一端深深的没入巨龙体内,另一端则牢牢地握在那位死亡女巫首领克苏娜的手中。 Has existence of this light chain, how whatever coiling around rapid flight of that Wings of Blue Sky in the sky, is unable to fling from its body Kesuna. 有这根光链的存在,任凭那头碧空之翼在天空中如何盘绕疾飞,都无法把克苏娜从它的身躯上甩出去。 But another Fourth Grade Sorceress Feimisi, then the foot is stepping on strange Undead Dragon, closely pursues in Wings of Blue Sky. As for that Fourth Grade corpse dragon, then roared to drill from the palace ruins, the giant dragon wing twisted the inadequate appearance that broke. 而另一位4阶女巫菲米丝,则脚踩着一头奇异的亡灵龙,紧紧追赶在碧空之翼的身后。至于那头4阶尸龙,则咆哮着从宫殿废墟里钻了出来,巨大的龙翼已经扭曲断折的不成模样了。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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