AOA :: Volume #9

#805: Powerful surprise attack

Storm fort. 风暴要塞。 Stands under the rugged steep precipice, raises the face, almost cannot sneak a peek at that to lord over the magnificent palace above clouds. 站在崎岖陡峭的绝壁之下,扬起脸庞,几乎根本窥见不到那高踞云端之上的华丽宫殿。 Grim one line of 7 people have rushed to layer upon layer the checkpoint, finally arrived in this to tower the this lofty one certainly cliff in hills. From here upward, needs to climb up more than 3000 meters to arrive in that Fourth Grade Giant Dragon palace. 格力姆一行7人闯过了层层关卡,终于抵达了这座耸立于群山之中的孤绝山崖。从这里向上,足足需要攀爬3000多米才能抵达那位4阶巨龙的宫殿。 We came up first! Remembers that all handled affairs......” the confession of Kesuna coldly according to the plan, lifted the hand to summon a Fourth Grade Novice giant corpse dragon, the load bearing she and Feimisi is howling the direct impact cliff top. “我们先上去了!记得一切按计划行事……”克苏娜冷冷的交代了一句,抬手召唤出了一头4阶初级的巨大尸龙,承载着她和菲米丝呼啸着直冲崖顶。 Saw that two Fourth Grade Sorceress embarked, Grim said calmly: Arms, this us!” 看到两位4阶女巫已经出发了,格力姆平静地说道:“阿姆斯,该我们出发了!” Arms who in the team turns into the human form extremely does not prefer freely, but also knows that the time cannot delay. Once several Fourth Grade begin, all will approach the battlefield individual becomes their targets. But reason that he with coming, the most main reason needs to control that Third Grade emerald dragon beautiful woman Aredina. 队伍中化成人形的阿姆斯尽管万分不情愿,可是也知道时间耽误不得。一旦几位4阶动起手来,所有靠近战场的个体都将成为她们的攻击目标。而他之所以跟来,一个最主要的原因就是需要控制住那位3阶的翡翠龙美女艾瑞蒂娜 These date and time, Aredina has stayed in the storm fort, Arms wants completely various means unable to direct her elsewhere. Has no alternative, today is Fourth Grade Sorceresses sets seizes the day of dragon. If he does not come, how can there be under the compound nest to end the egg, Aredina extremely may become the sacrificial victim of this war! 这些时日,艾瑞蒂娜一直呆在风暴要塞之中,阿姆斯想尽了各种办法也无法把她引到别处。无可奈何,今天就是4阶女巫们定下擒龙的日子。他如果不来,覆巢之下岂有完卵,艾瑞蒂娜极可能就会成为此战的牺牲品! Therefore along with unwilling roaring, Arms's body inflates rapidly expands, unexpectedly in 5 counted on the fingers changes from a 2 meters in height young man the length of body 30 meters formidable Thunder dragon appearance. 因此随着一声不甘的怒吼,阿姆斯的身躯急速膨胀壮大,竟然在5屈指内从一个身高2米的年轻男子变回了体长30米的强大雷龙模样。 Grim, Mary, Zacha, Tigula and other people of social climbing above the Third Grade Thunder Dragon's back, put out a hand firmly to hold on its back that to raise up straightly is one meter fearful keel thorn. 格力姆玛丽扎查提古勒等四人纷纷攀附在3阶雷龙的背脊之上,伸手牢牢地抓住了其背脊上那笔直竖起长达一米的可怕脊刺。 ...... 嗷…… Short dragon roar, Arms spreads out reaches 20 meters great sign of the dragon wing broadly, is whipping the air furiously. A sturdy powerful hind legs tread treads, the huge body load bearing 4 people are rising straight from the ground, pursues corpse dragon that tightly after turned into a tiny sunspot, skyrockets toward the peak cliff top certainly. 一声短促的龙吟,阿姆斯伸展开广达20米的巨大龙翼,奋力拍打着空气。粗壮有力的后肢一个蹬踏,庞大的身躯承载着4人拔地而起,紧追在已经变成一个渺小黑点的尸龙之后,向着绝峰崖顶扶摇直上。 For does not cause the security near storm fort ahead of time, Grim and the others almost go to surprise attack that Wings of Blue Sky in quickest and most direct way. 为了不提前引起风暴要塞附近的警戒,格力姆等人几乎是以最快、最直接的方式去奇袭那位碧空之翼 Two Giant Dragon one after the other, furiously is whipping Dragon Wing, almost top the palace to throw to the cliff in the according to vertical angle. Because the Giant Dragon flying speed is too quick, Grim can only grasp reluctantly is grasping Thunder Dragon's keel thorn, the entire body flew upwards like the flag completely. 两条巨龙一先一后,奋力的拍打着龙翼,几乎是在以垂直的角度向崖顶宫殿扑去。由于巨龙的飞行速度过快,格力姆只能勉强抓握着雷龙的脊刺,整个身躯像旗帜一样完全的飞扬了出去。 Mary oneself will also fly, therefore copes with this aspect handily but actually. 玛丽自身也会飞行,因此应付起这种局面倒也得心应手。 Only has Dragon-Human Zacha and goblin Tigula, will not fly , the fluttering line, only cannot firmly hold Thunder Dragon's back, shuts tightly the eye, feels Ling Lie the cold wind to blow from the ear has sent out incisive grating howling. 唯有龙人扎查地精提古勒,既不会飞,也不会飘行,只能一个个紧紧抓住雷龙的背脊,紧闭眼睛,感受着凌冽的寒风从耳边刮过发出尖锐刺耳的呼啸。 Since this mountain peak is the Fourth Grade Giant Dragon private property, from the foot to the cliff top, on that rugged steep Panshan stone-paved road must have guarding of Dragon-Human. Their protections in the cavern that on the cliff wall knocks out, saw that two Giant Dragon howl from is rushing at present straightly, immediately shouts and wrangles has sounded copper clocks, then in threes and fours flushes away to the peak along the stone-paved road. 这座山峰既然属于4阶巨龙的私产,从山脚到崖顶,那崎岖陡峭的盘山石道上就少不了龙人的驻守。它们一个个守护在崖壁上凿出的洞窟之内,看到两头巨龙呼啸着从眼前笔直冲上,立刻大呼小叫的敲响了一座座铜钟,然后三五成群的沿着石道向峰顶冲去。 If no Giant Dragon to guide, perhaps Grim and the others need to get the peak from the foot. At that time, even if that Wings of Blue Sky response was slow, before Grim and the others rushed to the summit has completed all defensive preparations. 如果没有巨龙带路,恐怕格力姆等人需要从山脚一路打上顶峰。那时,哪怕那头碧空之翼反应再迟钝,也会在格力姆等人冲到山顶前做好了一切防御准备。 Here is Rance plane, Giant Dragon plane! 况且,这里是兰斯位面,巨龙位面 Perhaps whatever Scril wants to break the head unable to think that two Fourth Grade powerhouses will get the gate unexpectedly, attacks its magnificent palace in a frigid way directly. 恐怕任凭斯克里尔想破脑袋也想不到,竟然会有两位4阶强者打上门来,以一种如此惨烈的方式直接突袭它的华丽宫殿。 More than 3000 meters cliffs, flew over half in a flash, cracks-up the cloud cluster when two Giant Dragon , to continue the upward rapid flight, in the peripheral air has heard the incisive crafty laughter suddenly. 3000多米的山崖,转瞬就飞越了一半,就在两头巨龙撞碎云团,继续向上疾飞之时,周边的空气里突然传来了尖锐至极的诡笑声。 Be careful...... These wind Elves came!” Mary is sharp-eyed, opens the mouth to remind. “小心……那些风精灵来了!”玛丽眼尖,开口提醒道。 Grim covers the howling severe gale that front surface is blowing diligently, while is rotating the head, is seeking for these almost transparent Variation wind Elf. 格力姆一边努力的遮挡着迎面刮来的呼啸厉风,一边转动着头颅,寻找着那些几乎透明的变异风精灵。 Relied on chip elemental vision, Grim in peripheral had been discovering quickly several dodged the green form that passed. 凭借着芯片的元素视觉,格力姆很快就在周边发现了几个一闪即逝的青色身影。 The wind Elf is actually disassimilation Wind Element, they had the human shape initially, the entire body is condenses by bluish white flowing Wind Element. Because they excel at the imperial wind extremely the line, therefore in the upper current rapid place, is not specially good to cope. 风精灵其实就是一种异化的风元素,它们已经初步具有了人类形态,整个身躯都是由青白色的流动风元素凝聚而成。由于它们极其擅长御风而行,因此在高空气流湍急的地方,特别不好对付。 The speed that they fly is extremely fast, the color and background of body merge into one organic whole, the average person is almost hard to catch their trail. Moreover they little play a position game with the enemy, takes advantage of the very high transparent wind bayonet of speed in the hand to poke the enemy each time. 它们飞行的速度极快,身躯的颜色和背景融为一体,普通人几乎难以捕捉到它们的踪迹。而且它们很少与敌人打阵地战,每次都是依仗着极高的速度用手中透明的风枪刺戳敌人。 Strikes to, fast flees! 一击必中,就快速遁走! If above the flat land, attacks the people not to fear like this. But attaches above Thunder dragon Arms's back now, rising typhoon furiously on. At this time, the people can take to cope with the wind Elf the method to be possible. 如果是在平地之上,这样的攻击众人根本不惧。可现在依附在雷龙阿姆斯的背脊之上,正在奋力的扶摇而上。这个时候,众人能够拿出来对付风精灵的手段可并不到。 Above the top of the head, three wind Elves presumptuously think to discard that two Sorceress from the corpse dragon back with the air gun. What a pity, they just approached corpse dragon, on inexplicable scream one, entire body was defeated and dispersed. 头顶之上,三个风精灵妄想着用风枪把那两位女巫从尸龙背脊上挑下去。可惜,它们刚刚接近尸龙,就莫名的尖叫一声,整个身躯溃散了。 The bitter experiences of three companions make the wind Elf of troop frighten for four points five powder, does not dare to provoke the two Sorceress on corpse dragon and its back. 三个同伴的遭遇让大群的风精灵吓得四分五散,再也不敢去招惹尸龙和它背脊上的两位女巫了。 A vision revolution, this crowd of wind Elves are out of control to howl to clash toward Grim and the others. 目光一转,这群风精灵又禁不住呼啸着向着格力姆等人冲来。 Thunder dragon Arms body shakes, the thunder light of big group starts to its throat mouth gathering, as if the plan drives away these annoying fellows with Thunder Cloud Storm. 雷龙阿姆斯身躯一震,大团的雷光开始向它喉咙口汇聚,似乎打算用雷云风暴把这些烦人的家伙赶走。 You did not need to manage...... Gives me these fellows!” Grim patted the Thunder dragon back gently, the opposite party knew machine diverged thunder light, continued furiously flew upwardly. “你不用管了……把这些家伙交给我吧!”格力姆轻轻拍了一下雷龙背脊,对方知机的散去了雷光,继续奋力的向上飞去。 Grim head light pendulum, in the eye pupil the blue glow twinkle, quick has locked the dive, but below 7 wind Elves. 格力姆头颅轻摆,眼瞳中蓝芒闪烁,很快就锁定了俯冲而下的7个风精灵。 The next second, the Grim eye pupil red glow stirs up * shoots, two scarlet-red scalding hot burning sun beams sweep away the entire horizon like the laser. The place of laser sweeping, the transparent wind Elves pay the personal appearance suddenly, whinned sad and shrill was changing into scattered in disorder air current. 下一秒,格力姆眼瞳红芒激*射,两道赤红灼热的炎阳射线像激光一样横扫整个天际。激光扫荡之处,一个个透明的风精灵陡然付出身形,凄厉哀嚎着化为了一阵散乱的气流。 These wind Elf strength First Grade , besides all over the body are also transparent and flying speed fast, almost did not have other merit. 这些风精灵实力也不过1阶,除了通体透明和飞行速度迅捷外,几乎没有别的优点了。 If changes into other Adept , perhaps can only aid the whole body by ranged magic, to isolate the attack of opposite party. But Grim is relying on chip elemental vision, at all not by here very severe environmental effect. He does not live stirs up * is shooting dazzling beam, sweeps the scattered in disorder air current Wind Element of human form. 如果换成别的巫师,或许只能凭借范围巫术护佑住全身,以隔绝对方的攻击。可格力姆凭借着芯片的元素视觉,根本不受这里酷厉的环境影响。他不住的激*射着阳炎射线,把一个个人形的风元素扫成散乱的气流。 The quantity reaches as high as 40-50 wind Elves can only smile the shuttle in the surrounding craftily, actually cannot fly Grim and the others the body sides. Suddenly, both sides on refused to budge like this were rushing to the cliff top. 数量高达四五十个的风精灵只能在外围诡笑穿梭,却飞不进格力姆等人的身侧。一时间,双方就这样僵持着冲上了崖顶。 As a result of the disturbance of wind Elf, Grim and the others the speeds were slightly slow one step. 由于风精灵的干扰,格力姆等人的速度稍慢了一步。 When Third Grade Thunder dragon Arms roaring whereabouts when the cliff top, here could not see that corpse dragons and two Sorceress forms. However, was broken the bloody road that the body and disintegration flesh lump smudged to extend in that fine magnificent palace from the stump residual limb of Dragon-Human soldier from them at present. 3阶雷龙阿姆斯咆哮着落在崖顶之时,这里已经看不到那条尸龙和两位女巫的身影了。不过,一条由龙人战士的残肢断体和散碎肉块涂抹的血路从他们眼前一直延伸到了那座精美华丽的宫殿之内。 Inclines the head and listens attentively, but can also hear Dragon-Human soldier that roaring continuously indistinctly and roars from the palace deep place spreads! 侧耳倾听,还能隐约听见龙人战士那此起彼伏的吼叫和咆哮从宫殿深处传出! „The opposite party has killed! We defend palace mouth!” According to the scheduled plan, Fourth Grade Giant Dragon obviously is two Fourth Grade Sorceress essential targets. But as auxiliary, Grim and the others are only responsible for cleaning up some mixed soldiers. “对方已经杀进去了!那我们就守好宫殿口吧!”按照预定的计划,4阶巨龙显然是两位4阶女巫的主要目标。而作为辅助,格力姆等人只负责清理一些杂兵。 Aredina......” 艾瑞蒂娜……” Thunder dragon Arms whooshes one, this plans to crash in the palace, was actually blocked by Grim. 雷龙阿姆斯嘶吼一声,这就打算冲进宫殿,却被格力姆一把拦住。 Arms, now is the battlefield of Fourth Grade powerhouse, you determined that can go in the risk?” “阿姆斯,现在里面已经是4阶强者的战场了,你确定要进去冒险?” But Aredina in inside......” “可艾瑞蒂娜在里面……” Relax! Their goals are only that Scril, I had greeted with them, not under cruel methods to your Aredina.” “放心!她们的目标只是那位斯克里尔,我已经和她们打过招呼,不会对你的艾瑞蒂娜下狠手的。” But......” “可是……” Without that many, but...... You either choose and us now persevere together here, waited for that inside fight ended. Now either to/clashes, disrupts the arrangement of Sir Kesuna...... Two Path, you choose one!” “没有那么多可是……你现在要么选择和我们一起坚守在这里,等待里面战斗结束。要么现在就冲进去,打乱克苏娜大人的布置……两条路线,你选一个吧!” Has made excuses the half of the day, whole face unwilling Third Grade Thunder dragon Arms has dangled finally that arrogant head. 支支吾吾了半天,满脸不甘的3阶雷龙阿姆斯终于垂下了那颗高傲的头颅。 I remain......” “我留下来……” Grim relaxed in bottom of the heart finally. 格力姆终于在心底松了一口气。 Since he has wanted to draw in his combat tank this Third Grade Thunder dragon. However the opposite party is always unruly, little is to obey the Grim's arrangement and plans. 一直以来,他一直想要把这头3阶雷龙拉上自己的战车。但是对方始终桀骜不驯,很少为听从格力姆的安排和计划。 This time, Grim had also made a determined effort, this has pressed Arms's imposing manner using the Fourth Grade Sorceress power and influence. 这一次,格力姆也是发了狠了,这才算是利用4阶女巫的威势把阿姆斯的气势压了下去。 Must know that Fourth Grade Wings of Blue Sky Scril under has many hard stubbles. Besides two Third Grade Giant Dragon lord, a Third Grade Dragon-Human trusted subordinate. 要知道,4阶碧空之翼斯克里尔手下可是有着不少硬茬子的。除了两位3阶巨龙领主外,还有一位3阶龙人亲信。 Although Third Grade Giant Dragon is the Scril subordinate, but they have oneself territory in the surrounding areas. When the Scril summon, they stalwartly will catch up to receive an order. Therefore, this time storm fort peripheral, besides Scril this Fourth Grade Giant Dragon, only remaining that Third Grade emerald small female dragon Aredina and a Third Grade Dragon-Human leader. 3阶巨龙虽然是斯克里尔的手下,但是它们在周边地区也有自己的领地。只有在斯克里尔召唤的时候,它们才会不远万里的赶来领命。因此,此时的风暴要塞周边,除了斯克里尔这头4阶巨龙外,就只剩下了那头3阶的翡翠小母龙艾瑞蒂娜和一头3阶龙人首领。 Reason that Grim is not willing to make Arms leave, is considered that their teams at this moment are very perhaps difficult and that Third Grade Dragon-Human leader resist directly. Therefore leaves behind Arms, is wish makes it cope with that Third Grade Dragon-Human leader. 格力姆之所以不愿意让阿姆斯离开,就是考虑到他们此刻的队伍恐怕还很难和那头3阶龙人首领正面对抗。因此把阿姆斯留下,就是想要让它去对付那头3阶龙人首领的。 Has not made Grim and the others wait, after a half minute, under troop Dragon-Human in a strong valiant Dragon-Human leader leads, roared top in one side Dragon-Human camp to clash from the cliff. 没有让格力姆等人多等,半分钟后,一大群龙人在一位强壮彪悍的龙人首领带领下,咆哮着从崖顶一侧的龙人营地里冲了出来。 Under a complementing of troop 1, Second Grade Dragon-Human, that Third Grade Dragon-Human appearance and build appear especially garish. 在一大群1、2阶龙人的映衬下,那位3阶龙人的外貌和体型显得尤其扎眼。 It just rushed to Grim and the others at present, has not waited to roar the first order, Third Grade Thunder dragon Arms was roaring rushing . The huge body is arriving at the opposite party hardly, the both sides volume entangled to wrestle to hit in the middle of nearby Dragon-Human team. 它刚刚冲到格力姆等人眼前,还没等吼叫出第一道命令,3阶雷龙阿姆斯已经咆哮着冲了上去。庞大的身躯硬抵着对方,双方卷缠扭打着就撞进了附近的龙人队伍当中。 Arms is length of body more than 30 meters, stands erect reaches as high as the colossi of ten several meter/rice. Although the Third Grade Dragon-Human leader in the build wants inferior many, but is relying on the hard scales of sturdy stocky body and full arrange body , can be called is a steel and iron combat tank. 阿姆斯是头体长30多米,直立起来高达十数米的庞然大物。3阶龙人首领虽然体型上要逊色不少,可是凭借着粗壮敦实的身躯和满布身躯的坚硬鳞甲,也可以称得上是一座钢铁战车了。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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