AOA :: Volume #9

#803: Opens plane

Alice, what us did you this time summon to do?” 爱丽丝,你这次把我们都呼唤过来又想干些什么?” Experienced the previous time Sorceress parliament, the Sorceress leaders has not dared to belittle this to control Destiny Tower young Sorceress again completely. Therefore Death Witch leader Kesuna frowns the impatient neutral tone to inquire. 经历了上一次的女巫议会,女巫首领们也都不敢再小觑这位完整掌控了命运高塔的年轻女巫。因此死亡女巫首领克苏娜只是皱着眉头不耐烦的轻声询问着。 In recent years, Death Witch in the Planar World development is not smooth, is hitting to live to kill in each plane with Beastman of Gods world. In this critical juncture, the old castle that in the plane battlefield that appointed who fluttered about from the blood rain by others drags to entrain to this old almost soon completely decayed falls, same will fill with Kesuna has not borne anxiously with. 这些年来,死亡女巫们在位面世界拓展的并不顺利,正在和诸神世界的兽人们在各个位面打生打死。在这种危急关头,任谁被别人从血雨纷飞的位面战场拖拽到这个苍老的几乎快要完全腐朽掉的古堡里面,都会和克苏娜一样充满了不耐和焦躁。 Although another two Sorceress leaders have not spoken, but looks at their expressions mostly the same except for minor differences actually. 另两位女巫首领虽然没有发话,可是看她们的表情却也大同小异。 As far as I know, fellow elder sisters as if had not caught appropriate Magic Pet......” in Sorceress, Alice other age several people of odd changes cannot catch up continually, naturally can only lower the figure, bosses around the people with the gentle method. “据我所知,各位姐姐似乎都还没有抓到合适的魔宠……”女巫之中,爱丽丝的年岁连其余几人的零头都赶不上,自然只能放低了身段,用温柔的手段笼络众人。 „Do you have the appropriate introduction?” The Kesuna look moves. “你有合适的介绍?”克苏娜神色一动。 „Does the Fourth Grade dragon favor what kind of?” Alice does intentionally mysterious saying with a smile. 4阶龙宠怎么样?”爱丽丝故作神秘的微笑道。 Where? Can the side have the dragon group protection? Is which evolution?......” “在哪里?身边可有龙群保护?是哪个谱系的?……” The Alice voice just fell, three Fourth Grade Sorceress cannot help but closely examine again and again, that and Alice relates worst Dark Sorceress leader Chazyan also cannot help but both eyes to glisten. 爱丽丝的话音刚落,三位4阶女巫都不由得追问连连,就连那个和爱丽丝关系最恶劣的黑暗女巫首领瑟西也不由得双目闪亮起来。 To be honest, other Fourth Grade Adept regarding same step Giant Dragon, probably each one wants the brow big wrinkle, is critical situation. But present crowd of Fourth Grade Sorceress, mention Fourth Grade Giant Dragon, actually all beams with joy, bursting with life, Alice said the place, they immediately run the stance of taking by force. 说实话,别的4阶巫师谈起同阶巨龙,或许个个都要眉头大皱,如临大敌。可是眼前的这群4阶女巫,一提起4阶巨龙,却个个眉开眼笑,神采奕奕,一副爱丽丝说出地点,她们就立刻跑去打劫的架势。 If makes Grim see present one, certainly will feel the light sadness for Rance plane these Fourth Grade Giant Dragon future tragic destinies! 如果让格力姆看到眼前的一幕,一定会为兰斯位面那些4阶巨龙未来的悲惨命运感到淡淡的悲伤! You also know that has supported my Sorcerer in the back, in his hand had Giant Dragon Plane......” Alice to say afraid to say a word, on the pretty face reappeared two to wipe the sunset glow suddenly. “你们也知道,一直在背后支持我的那位男巫,他手中拥有着一座巨龙位面……”爱丽丝吞吞吐吐的说着,俏丽的脸庞上突然浮现了两抹红霞。 Giant Dragon Plane!” 巨龙位面!” Three Fourth Grade Sorceress have simultaneously sent out nearly moan happy sigh, even that Pale Witch leader Silvia body cannot bear shiver. 三位4阶女巫同时发出了近乎口申口今般的幸福叹息,甚至那位苍白女巫首领西尔维娅就连身躯都忍不住颤抖起来。 Naturally, this does not dread, but was one type excited to the exaggerating performance of pinnacle! 当然,这并不是畏惧,而是一种兴奋到了极致的夸张表现! I had already heard Giant Dragon Plane. Heard that in that everywhere is Giant Dragon, everywhere is Dragon Nest, regardless of Giant Dragon of any evolution has everything expected to find, which wants to stress to stress which...... I had been vainly hoping, if I have this kind of plane, certainly happily will faint......” Silvia to lick the lip lightly, the intonation is talking about moving restlessly in heart by an illusion sings. “我早就听说过巨龙位面了。听说那里面漫天都是巨龙,遍地都是龙巢,无论什么谱系的巨龙应有尽有,想抓哪个抓哪个……我一直在梦想,我如果拥有这样一座位面,一定会幸福的昏过去……”西尔维娅轻舔着嘴唇,以一种梦幻咏叹般的声调畅叙着心中的躁动。 Although other two age long Sorceress leaders have not looked like Silvia to be so excited, is the warm shining double pupil actually also their innermost feelings completely obviously without doubt. 其他两位年岁较长的女巫首领虽然没有像西尔维娅那么激动,可是热情发亮的双瞳却也把她们的内心尽显无疑。 Alice, you meant, that plane control power also in that Sorcerer hand?” Kesuna look quiet asked. 爱丽丝,你的意思是说,那个位面的掌控权还在那个男巫手中?”克苏娜神色沉静的反问道。 Alice nods silently. 爱丽丝默默地点点头。 I see that Sorcerer!” Chazyan stands up to say resolutely: How a such good thing to fall in a small and weak Sorcerer hand, I will give his enough price, must come a that Giant Dragon Plane world sign!” “我去见见那个男巫!”瑟西毅然站起道:“这样的一个好东西怎么能够落在一个弱小的男巫手中,我会给他足够的代价,把那个巨龙位面的世界道标要过来!” The Alice double pupil panic-stricken staring must be perfectly round immediately! 爱丽丝的双瞳立刻惊骇的瞪得溜圆! Kesuna said with a smile lightly: Was good, your several do not frighten Alice again. Then, since that Sorcerer found us through you, wants to make us help him cope with inside Fourth Grade Giant Dragon?” 克苏娜淡淡笑道:“好了,你们几个不要再吓唬爱丽丝了。说吧,那个男巫既然通过你找到我们,是想让我们帮他对付里面的4阶巨龙?” Alice helpless forced smile, silently nod approval. 爱丽丝无奈的苦笑一声,默默地点头认可。 Although she has to control the Strength of Destiny ability, may want to spy on a Fourth Grade Sorceress strength to fall short based on this. Fourth Grade Sorceress had the destroy the Heavens and exterminate the Earth strong capability, regarding the understanding and control of Plane Principle is not this type jack of all trades can the comparison. 她虽然拥有掌控命运之力的能力,可想要据此窥探一位4阶女巫则力有不逮。4阶女巫已经拥有了毁天灭地的强大能力,对于位面法则的理解和掌控也绝不是她这种‘三脚猫’所能够比拟的。 Can become the Sorceress leader, which did not experience over a thousand years of reign of terror and manipulates strategically to fool around together. The small trick and small thoughts that her thinks oneself infallible how possibly have hidden the truth from the informers of these old foxes. 况且,能够成为女巫首领的,哪个不是经历了上千年的腥风血雨和勾心斗角才厮混出来的。她那自以为是的小伎俩和小心思又怎么可能瞒过这些老狐狸的耳目。 Therefore, Alice also on no longer lies false decoration, but takes benefit really as the bait, has started soul-stirring negotiations with several Fourth Grade Sorceress leaders. 因此,爱丽丝也就不再虚言伪饰,而是以实打实的利益为诱饵,和几位4阶女巫首领展开了一场惊心动魄的谈判。 To finally, both sides reached a cooperation agreement of foundation. 到了最后,双方达成了一个基础的合作协议。 The Crimson family headed by Alice and Grim opens the control to present these Sorceress cliques regularly Rance plane, to supply these powerful Sorceresses to go to arrest Dragon Chong. 爱丽丝格力姆为首的深红家族定期向眼前的这几个女巫派系开放掌控的兰斯位面,以供那些实力强大的女巫们去里面抓捕龙宠。 But accordingly, Death, darkness and pale three big Sorceress cliques must respect Crimson family's plane control power to Rance plane. Must pass and out Rance plane according to the Crimson family inherent flow strictly, and can not destroy Rance plane original ecological systems. 而相应的,死亡、黑暗、苍白三大女巫派系也要尊重深红家族对兰斯位面位面掌控权。必须严格按照深红家族固有的流程进出兰斯位面,并且不得破坏兰斯位面原有的生态体系。 Moreover, each success seizes a dragon to favor, as Sorceress of person concerned must according to agreement agreement payment large amount Magic Crystal or the resources compensation. 另外,每成功抓捕一位龙宠,作为事主的女巫也必须按照协议约定支付巨额的魔晶或资源补偿。 Like this after a series of agreements are signed, was equal to the Crimson family has the condition opened Rance plane facing three big Sorceress cliques, recruited some Powerful goons. Naturally, the price that the Crimson family needs to pay is Rance plane interior that leader powerful pure blood Giant Dragon. 这样的一系列协议签署后,也就等于深红家族有条件的面对三大女巫派系开放了兰斯位面,招募了一些强力的打手。当然,深红家族需要付出的代价就是兰斯位面内部那一头头实力强大的纯血巨龙 Giant Dragon lord there, you, so long as has the strength freely to grasp. Caught, Giant Dragon turns over to Sorceress, Dragon Nest and lead(er) ground-return Crimson family, a Sorceress corresponding payment Magic Crystal compensation then. 巨龙领主就在那里,你只要有实力就尽管去抓。抓到了,巨龙女巫,龙巢和领地归深红家族,女巫再相应的支付一笔魔晶补偿即可。 Which aspect looking from, this is the non- business that gains steadily does not compensate! 从哪方面看,这都是一笔稳赚不赔的无本买卖啊! After the agreement is signed, Alice then this goal, the Wings of Blue Sky Scril relevant information fully carries. Has Thunder dragon Arms this dragon to be deceitful, passing Grim is unable to investigate the dragon clan high-level secret now not to be secret to him. 等到协议签署后,爱丽丝这才把此次目标,碧空之翼斯克里尔的相关情报合盘端上。有雷龙阿姆斯这个‘龙奸’在,过往格力姆无法探查到了龙族高层隐秘现在对他已经不是秘密了。 In Giant Dragon evolution one, Adept World division way obviously differing from other world. 巨龙谱系一项上,巫师世界的划分方式显然与其他世界的有所不同。 So-called Wings of Blue Sky Scril is actually a blue dragon, is the wind dragon that in the Adept mouth often said. 所谓的碧空之翼斯克里尔其实就是一头蓝龙,也就是巫师口中常说的风龙。 This Giant Dragon is good at controlling the strength of wind, is in all Giant Dragon flying speed quickest one. Therefore wants to catch or hunt and kill wind dragon, the issue that first needs to pay attention to how limits opposite party that formidable speed. 这种巨龙擅长操控风之力,也是所有巨龙中飞行速度最快的一支。所以想要捕获或猎杀风龙,第一个需要注意的问题就是如何限制住对方那令人生畏的速度。 However these issues have not been one's turn Grim to go to the headache now, instead became has put the biggest difficult problem in front of several Sorceress leaders. 不过这些问题现在已经轮不到格力姆去头痛了,反而成了摆在几位女巫首领面前的最大难题。 After obtaining this Fourth Grade Giant Dragon detailed information, Dark Sorceress Chazyan and Pale Witch Silvia one after another has chosen giving up. Only then that Death Witch Kesuna vision is glittering, showed the utmost interest. 得到了这头4阶巨龙的详细情报后,黑暗女巫瑟西和苍白女巫西尔维娅都陆续选择了放弃。只有那位死亡女巫克苏娜目光闪烁着,表现出了极大兴趣。 Since this Fourth Grade Giant Dragon is not own dish, Chazyan and Silvia also successively said goodbye, before leaving, them also has left behind the corresponding contact way. Chazyan likes naturally is the shadow is Giant Dragon, for example night shade dragon, Black Dragon or void dragon. But Silvia likes is the ice dragon and ghost dragon. 既然这头4阶巨龙不是自己的菜,瑟西和西尔维娅也就先后告辞了,不过在临走前,她们也都留下了相应的联络方式。瑟西喜欢的自然是阴影系巨龙,比如夜影龙、黑龙或虚空龙。而西尔维娅喜欢的则是冰龙、鬼龙。 Before walking, Dark Sorceress leader Chazyan turning head took a look at Alice one meaningfully, passes on the tone channel quietly: Although I do not like you, but from now on, you and disputes between first Destiny Sorceress I will no longer participate. From now henceforth you do not need to worry that I will cope with you secretly......” 走之前,黑暗女巫首领瑟西回头意味深长的瞅了爱丽丝一眼,悄悄传音道:“虽然我不太喜欢你,不过从现在开始,你和第一任命运女巫间的争执我不再参与。从今以后你再也不用担心我会偷偷对付你了……” The word, departure that Chazyan does not return. 言罢,瑟西就头也不回的离开了。 The double fist that Alice hears word, has gripped tightly loosened finally. 爱丽丝闻言,一直紧握的双拳终于松开了。 Since she being careful has been guarding against attacking overtly and covertly from other Sorceress cliques. Even if these to most genial Sorceress that oneself display, she also never dares to trust the opposite party easily. 一直以来,她都在小心谨慎的防备着来自其他女巫派系的明枪暗箭。即便是那些对自己表现的最和善的女巫,她也从不敢轻易的信任对方。 These main reason is, existence of first Destiny Sorceress! 这其中最主要的原因就是,第一任命运女巫的存在! According to the passing Struggle of Destiny path, Alice is doomed dead in Destiny Tower. But all that she has also will become the nourishment that new Destiny Sorceress clone will grow to need. May because of existence of this different number, make that plan all these first Destiny Sorceress plan evaporates over ten thousand years ago. 按照过往命运之争的轨迹,爱丽丝是注定要死在命运高塔之内的。而她所拥有的一切也都将成为新的命运女巫分身成长所需要的养料。可正是因为她这个异数的存在,才让那位在上万年前策划了这一切的第一任命运女巫计划落空。 Becoming from Alice the official Destiny Sorceress leader starts, she has become outside the territory the eye-sore and thorn in the side of some void somewhere great person. If not the protection of Adept World World's Will, perhaps Alice already has become in the grave the bleached bone, was planned dead by that formidable first Destiny Sorceress. 爱丽丝成为正式的命运女巫首领开始,她就已经成了域外虚空某处某个大人物的眼中钉、肉中刺。如果不是巫师世界世界意志的保护,恐怕爱丽丝早已成了坟中枯骨,被那个强大至极的第一任命运女巫算计到死。 But Alice is still still living, is not she is intelligent, is not the enemy is unable how her, but is the enemy needs her to live! 爱丽丝至今依然活着,并不是她自己有多么聪慧,也不是敌人无法奈何她,而是敌人需要她活着! Can want to see, even if that first Destiny Sorceress employed the method to kill Alice, huge Strength of Destiny that Alice condensed only will also return to Adept World, will not bring the slightest advantage to her. 可以想见,那位第一任命运女巫即便施用手段弄死了爱丽丝,爱丽丝所凝聚起来的庞大命运之力也只会重新回归巫师世界,并不会给她带来分毫好处。 But she, if to ignore Alice grows, after Alice surmounts Fourth Grade , sooner or later must step forward Adept World. At that time, a tasty fruit grew healthy and strong, she only needed to pick to obtain all that Alice currently has gently. 可她如果放任爱丽丝成长起来,等到爱丽丝跨越4阶后,迟早也要跨出巫师世界。那时,一颗鲜美的果实茁壮成长起来了,她只需要轻轻采摘下来就能获得爱丽丝目前拥有的一切。 Thus, although plans some deviations, the result of but obtaining is exactly right. 这样,虽然计划有些偏差,可是得到的结果却分毫不差。 Therefore, since these days, first Destiny Sorceress outside that territory faintly has also been displaying the method control and is guiding the development of Alice, has not actually killed her intention. However, can disturb the different number of Alice development path regarding some, outside that territory Sorceress actually unprecedented mean ominous offense. 因此,这段时间以来,那位域外的第一任命运女巫也在隐隐施展手段操控和引导着爱丽丝的发展,却并没有杀死她的意图。不过,对于一些能够干扰到爱丽丝发展轨迹的异数,那位域外女巫却前所未有的阴狠凶戾。 This, the unexpected misfortune of Grim being hit by can slightly know one or two! 这点,从格力姆遭受的无妄之灾就能略知一二 Since Chazyan so took a stand, explained around entire Dark Sorceress henceforth will again not involve in two Destiny Sorceress domestic dispute. This regarding Alice, must be a huge advantage good news in any event! 既然瑟西已经如此表态,也就说明整个黑暗女巫从此将不会再介入前后两位命运女巫的内部争端之中。这对于爱丽丝来说,无论如何都要算一个巨大的利好消息! If can outside Destiny Sorceress the territory place in plane internal strength node one by one wiping out or transfers has used, can make Alice gain certain situation in this imbalanced resistance. 如果能够把域外命运女巫安置在位面内部的力量节点一一拔除或转为已用,也能让爱丽丝在这场不均衡的对抗中重新获取一定的先机。 Can obtain such guarantee, Alice smiles finally enjoyably! 能够得到这样的保证,爱丽丝终于舒心的笑了! Regarding the small secret between Chazyan and Alice, Kesuna does not have the interest to inquire into, she is interested is that Rance plane internal environment and strange principle. Only then considers ahead of time these contents that seizes that Wings of Blue Sky assurance to be able greatly. 对于瑟西和爱丽丝间的小秘密,克苏娜可没兴趣去探究,她更感兴趣的则是那个兰斯位面的内部环境和奇异法则。只有提前把这些内容都考虑进去,抓捕那头碧空之翼的把握才能更大一点。 Therefore, Alice without hesitation recommended Kesuna has still been having a headache about this matter's Grim! 因此,爱丽丝毫不犹豫的就把克苏娜引荐给了还在头疼此事的格力姆 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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