AOA :: Volume #14

#1396: Wild giant ape

black ink deep pool valley land. 墨渊谷地。 The turbulence of valley land is still continuing. 谷地的动荡还在继续。 Underwent sweeping and cleaning up of multi-wheel, occupies the external intruder in black ink deep pool valley land abyss mostly to strangle to death cleanly. Plane Principle that however initiates also made there become chaotic a dead territory. 经过了多轮的扫荡和清理,盘踞在墨渊谷地深渊之中的外来入侵者大都已经绞杀干净。但是由此引发的位面法则混乱却也让那里成了一片死域。 Ordinary creature links for one minute one second unable to survive in the black ink deep pool valley underground unit, there environment and Plane Principle to have not been able badly existence of load bearing living matter. 普通生物在墨渊谷地底部连一分一秒都无法生存下去,那里的环境和位面法则已经恶劣到无法承载生命物质的存在了。 But the consequence that this causes is, Adept World Plane Principle retrocedes step by step, has given the chaotic principle the plane domination transfer of black ink deep pool valley land. Here, the confusion is the main axle, the disorder is legitimate, all that passing Adept are familiar with becomes changes beyond all recognition here, the inversion was blurred. 而这造成的后果就是,巫师世界位面法则步步后退,已经把墨渊谷地的位面控制权让渡给了混乱法则。在这里,混乱才是主轴,无序才是正统,过往巫师们所熟悉的一切在这里都变得面目全非,颠倒迷离了。 In such environment, Adept will have no longer any superiority, even must receive the suppression of chaotic principle in turn, becomes is hard to start, crisis-ridden. 在这样的环境里,巫师们将不再具有任何优势,甚至还要反过来受到混乱法则的压制,变得举步维艰,危机四伏。 Conversely, these excelled at the chaotic principle the Other World demon strangely like a fish in water, becomes fiercer, is more unscrupulous. 相反的,那些原本就擅长混乱法则的异界魔怪则如鱼得水,变得更加凶猛,更加肆无忌惮。 Since the chaotic principle has ruled the black ink deep pool valley land, Adept Association also no longer dispatched the Adept squad to enter the valley. But perseveres these Adept Tower of canyon exit firmly, to prevent formidable Other World evil spirit to intrude the association territory. 自从混乱法则统治了墨渊谷地后,巫师协会也就不再派遣巫师小队进入谷底了。而是牢牢地坚守住峡谷出口处的那些巫师高塔,以防止过于强大的异界妖魔闯入协会领地。 But in every day, will have dozens and even over a hundred monster jumps out from the valley wants to intrude Adept World to make chewing motions greatly quickly. Therefore, various continuous fights and strange slaughtering one after another perform in the exit. 而每日里,都会有数十乃至上百的魔物从谷底窜出想要闯入巫师世界大快朵颐一番。于是,持续不断的战斗和各种奇异的杀戮就在出口处轮番上演。 Relies on bravely regarding these, the fellow who rushes to earnestly hardly, a Witchcraft bombardment of thunder smoke artillery can kill them. Only needs to be worried is these has the fellow of strange magic ability. 对于那些自恃勇武,埋头硬闯的家伙,一顿雷烟火炮的巫术轰击就能把它们干掉。唯一需要担心的就是那些拥有奇异魔法能力的家伙。 They or personal appearance like electricity, news vigorous like wind, does not give the opportunity that the Witch/Magical Beast army responded to rush \; Has some strange stealth capability, swaggering slides secretly from the defense line crevice \; The flying escapes, bypasses the Adept Association Magic Tower defense line...... 它们或者身形如电,讯疾如风,根本不给巫兽部队反应的机会就一闯而过\;或者拥有某种奇异的隐形能力,大摇大摆的从防线空隙里偷溜过去\;或者飞天遁地,绕过巫师协会巫塔防线…… Regardless of which type, Adept Association can only do utmost intercepts, strangles to death, to reduce place defense with every effort pressure. 不论哪一种,巫师协会都只能竭尽全力的去拦截、去绞杀,以尽力减轻地方防御的压力。 Naturally, can defend imperial watertight without any defense line really! 当然,没有任何防线真能守御的水泄不通! Therefore, the Adept Association objective invigorates large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones. These 3, Fourth Grade demons different strange cannot emit the black ink deep pool valley land easily. Kills as for these kills extremely, virtually impossible to guard against kid, if really short-handed also turned a blind eye to put them to pass. 所以,巫师协会的宗旨就是抓大放小。那些3、4阶的邪魔异怪是绝不能轻易放出墨渊谷地的。至于那些杀不胜杀,防不胜防的小家伙,如果实在人手不足也就睁一只眼闭一只眼放它们过去了。 Adept Association in each region, has the improvement in any case, and rigorous thaad mechanism. Once these intruder appeared there, naturally can have the local Adept army to be responsible for encircling. 反正巫师协会在每一处地域,都有着完善且严谨的区域防御机制。一旦这些入侵者在那里露了头,自然会有当地的巫师部队负责加以围剿。 As for before strangling to death citizen and the financial loss they creates, this also deals with one of prices the demon tide must pay inevitably. 至于在绞杀之前它们所造成的领民和财务损失,这也是应对魔潮不可避免要付出的代价之一。 After all, this is ten thousand years is difficult to meet time demon tide! 毕竟,这可是万年难遇一次的魔潮啊! ............ ………… The demon tide erupts the 48 th date...... 魔潮爆发的第48日…… As before is ordinary on the 1st, as if with past not any difference! 依旧是平平常常的一日,似乎与往日没有任何不同之处! Saa Gu Li sitting well as usual in No. 107 war Magic Tower master control sorcerer array, draws support from body thorough dense strange sorcerer array to control all sounds of not far away black ink deep pool valley land exit. 撒古力照常的端坐在第107号战争巫塔的主控巫阵里面,借助着身周密密麻麻的奇异巫阵掌控着不远处墨渊谷地出口处的一切动静。 The life examines sorcerer array and element to detect sorcerer array and quantity of heat to examine sorcerer array, to stand guard sorcerer array and dynamic sensation sorcerer array...... A big pile contained ten several types of different modality and strange sorcerer array of different detection way is revolving silently, frequently keeps scanning and sensation access nearby sound. 生命检测巫阵、元素侦测巫阵、热量检测巫阵、警戒巫阵、动态感知巫阵……一大堆包含了十数种不同模态和不同侦测方式的奇异巫阵在默默运转着,时刻不停地扫描和感知着出入口附近的动静。 High-rising place, that in dozens sorcerer array in he keeps revolving at present frequently have glittered suddenly, inside shone shining goal red light. 兀地,在他眼前时刻不停运转的数十个巫阵中的一个突然闪烁了起来,里面亮起了耀目的红光。 Un? Is detection range farthest earth swing fluctuation sorcerer array......” scatters Gu Li one eyes to sweep off, cannot bear mutter: Is it possible that did the valley leave what accident?” “嗯?是侦测范围最远的大地振幅波动巫阵……”撒古力一眼扫去,忍不住喃喃自语道:“莫非谷底又出了什么变故?” Daydream, he while has pressed down near the left hand the third communication crystal button. 一边遐想着,他一边按下了左手边第三个通讯水晶按钮。 Mas, under the valley has sound, you use the eye of Witchcraft to inspect!” 玛斯,谷底下有动静,你用巫术之眼去检查一下!” Yes!” “是!” The order transmitted in the war Magic Tower 3 rd Witchcraft secret room quickly. 命令很快传达到了战争巫塔第3层一间巫术密室之内。 Here, First Grade Adept Mas hurried crawls since the crude bunk, straight standing in carving to draw the complicated sorcerer array center on floor. 在这里,1阶巫师玛斯匆忙的从简陋的床铺上爬起,笔直的站立在刻绘在地板上的繁复巫阵中央。 As an incantation recited oh, No. 107 war Magic Tower peripheral reappeared head size the eye of Witchcraft, then under the control that he realized, cut the thick dense fog to fly toward valley entrance there. 随着一阵咒语吟,107号战争巫塔周边浮现成了一颗人头大小的巫术之眼,然后在他意识的操控下,划破浓浓的迷雾向着谷底入口那里飞去。 In magic mirage dense fog in unceasing shake, along with the arrival of eye of Witchcraft silent divided the both sides, revealed has covered up in the following fearsome scene. 魔法水镜里面迷雾在不断的震荡,随着巫术之眼的到来无声的分到了两侧,露出了遮掩在后面的一幕幕可怖场景。 Everywhere skeletons and types of fierce fearsome monster wreckage piles various in confusion pile in the same place, paved one to go nonstop to under the black ink deep pool valley land bloody road. 满地狼藉的尸骨和各种狰狞可怖的魔物残骸堆摞在一起,铺就了一条直通墨渊谷地下方的血腥之路。 In the air is fluttering the strong bloody air/Qi, the sad and shrill sorrowful soul wail is lingering on faintly. 空气中飘荡着浓重的血腥气,凄厉哀婉的灵魂哀鸣不绝于耳。 The eye of Witchcraft breaks the dense fog, along bloody road downward, silently flies toward the valley deep place. 巫术之眼破开迷雾,沿着血腥之路一路向下,悄然无声的向着谷底深处飞去。 Initially, all in scene are very clear, the sensation detection range also reaches as high as over a hundred meters. 初时,镜头里的一切还很清晰,感知侦测范围也高达上百米。 However along with the Fukairidani bottom, the Plane Principle aura is gradually getting more and more thin, twists more and more, the picture that in the mirage sees is also getting more and more fuzzy, the perception area was reduced in the range of eye of peripheral ten several meter/rice Witchcraft. 但是随着渐渐深入谷底,位面法则气息越来越稀薄,越来越扭曲,水镜里看到的景象也越来越模糊,感知范围更是被压缩到了巫术之眼周边十数米的范围之内。 But monster remnant corpse also even more tyrannical violence that sees along the way, this point, since their residual skeleton size and corpse fierce level can realize initially. 而沿途看见的魔物残尸也愈发强横暴力,这一点从它们残留的骨架大小和尸体的狰狞程度就能初步体会出来。 However in eye of float Witchcraft in takeoffing eight meters half upper air, bit by bit to the valley flies, the entire canyon channel together with the both sides dikes starts in a disorderly way trembles. 然而就在巫术之眼漂浮在离地八米的半高空,一点一点向谷底飞去时,整个峡谷通道连同两侧的岩壁都开始有规律的震颤起来。 Thump...... 咚咚咚…… As if the valley is having a peerless ominous beast to climb up slowly upwardly, the entire canyon becomes because of its every action and every movement trembles. 就仿佛谷底正有一头绝世凶兽正在慢慢地向上攀爬,整个峡谷都因为它的一举一动而变得瑟瑟发抖起来。 Incessantly is the earth, dense fog and air also together tremble to rock along with the seismic wave, the picture of eye of feeding in Witchcraft is being hard discrimination of fuzzy defocusing. 不止是大地,就连迷雾和空气也随着震波一起震颤晃动起来,巫术之眼传回的画面更是模糊失焦的难以辨析。 The high-rising place, a not far away dense fog point, especially huge strange monster intrudes in the picture. The next second, the eye of Witchcraft suddenly ruptured. 兀地,不远处迷雾一分,一头格外庞大的怪异魔物闯入画面之内。下一秒,巫术之眼就猝然爆裂了。 Controls that First Grade Adept Mas of eye of Witchcraft to frighten in No. 107 war Magic Tower of canyon exit|to speak trembles, in the hurrying link immediate superior Second Grade Adept scattered Gu Li. 远在峡谷出口的107号战争巫塔内操控着巫术之眼的那位1阶巫师玛斯吓得一哆嗦,赶忙联通上了顶头上司2阶巫师撒古力。 Quick...... Prepares the safety mask quickly...... War giant beast...... What this time comes is war giant beast!” “快……快准备防护罩……战争巨兽……这次来的是战争巨兽!” At once, the ear-piercing alarm sound has spread over trim war Tallinn. 旋即,刺耳的警报声就传遍了整片战争塔林。 War Magic Tower start to revolve, from the tower footing to the spire, dense and numerous complicated incomparable rune sorcerer array starts to lighten one after another. Egg shell results in energy safety mask successively to appear, gathers together into which war Magic Tower, isolated all inside and outside to relate. 一座座战争巫塔纷纷开始运转,从塔基到塔尖,密密麻麻繁复无比的符文巫阵陆续开始点亮。一个个鸡蛋壳似得能量防护罩陆续出现,把战争巫塔都拢入其中,隔绝了一切内外联系。 Subsequently, such as big wave starts like the sea energy raging tide toward war Magic Tower gatherings, lingers around the tower, momentarily can transform wild incomparable attack Witchcraft to deal a head-on blow to the enemy. 继而,如涛如海般的能量狂潮开始向着一座座战争巫塔汇聚,萦绕在塔身周围,随时都能转化成一道道狂暴无匹的攻击型巫术给敌人一个迎头痛击。 When they were just ready, the canyon exported there shocking thorough incisive call to resound through the audience. 而当它们刚刚做好准备,峡谷出口那里一声震天彻底的尖锐猿啼就响彻了全场。 The next second, a personal appearance reaches as high as more than 50 meters, the whole body was covered with the wild giant ape of short rough and work-soiled hard soft body hair to rush from the dense fog. 下一秒,一个身形高达50多米,浑身长满了短粗黑硬毫毛的狂暴巨猿从迷雾之中奔出。 Sees only its personal appearance big overwhelming power, Four Limbs is sturdy, the body surface turned round to fill the black hair, on the fierce fearsome rogue face a pair scarlet such as the great pupil as if searchlight of blood wickedly was taking a fast look around peripheral. 只见它身形高大威猛,四肢粗壮有力,体表覆满了黑色的毛发,狰狞可怖的凶恶脸庞上一双猩红如血的巨瞳仿佛探照灯般恶狠狠地扫视着周边。 But in the fang huge mouth of its micro is rolling the stuffy thunder -like low roar, in the wing of the nose that hu-hu fans emits two loud white smokes. 而其微张的獠牙巨口里滚动着闷雷般的低吼,呼哧呼哧扇动的鼻翼里面喷吐出两股粗重的白烟。 Fourth Grade ...... This is a Fourth Grade wild giant ape! 4阶……这是一头4阶的狂暴巨猿! Almost is seeing clearly the opposite party status that moment, wild incomparable thunder lightnings have cut the expansive sky, the illness have divided. 几乎在看清对方身份的那一刻,一道道狂暴无匹的雷霆闪电已经划破长空,疾劈了过去。 Wild giant ape look suddenly one ferocious, both hands holds the head, bows to drop to the ground, the body week concentrates bunch of brown smog, rapid has covered up oneself. 狂暴巨猿眼神猛然一狞,双手抱头,躬身卧倒,身周凝起一团团土黄色的烟雾,迅速的把自己遮掩了起来。 The next second, the entire battlefield was burnt the item of desire blind dazzling thunder light to cover! 下一秒,整个战场就被灼目欲盲的耀眼雷光所覆盖! Roll of thunder, the electric light is deeply worried. 雷声隆隆,电光焦灼。 The battlefield center was covered by one group of white lightning storms, drifts away the water drop shape lightning ball that extends gracefully to splash innumerably in all directions, where falls is flip-flop the explosive. 战场中心被一团白茫茫的闪电风暴所笼罩,无数游离曼伸出来的水珠状闪电球四处飞溅,落在哪里都是一阵噼噼啪啪的爆响。 After the field disseminates flesh and blood instantaneously by the electricity burns the burnt aura! 场内瞬间弥散起一股血肉被电灼后的焦糊气息! Wild lightning storm continued for ten several seconds then slowly to collect. After the white glare dissipates completely, has revealed. center that colossus burned black meat mountain 狂野的闪电风暴足足持续了十数秒这才徐徐敛去。等白茫茫的强光完全消散后,露出了场中央那个庞然大物般的焦黑肉山。 Finally, the meat mountain moves slightly. 终于,肉山微微动了动。 The flesh and blood fragment that big group big group burned black withers comes down from the meat mountain, since the field as if had black rain. 大团大团焦黑枯萎的血肉碎片从肉山上崩落下来,场内就仿佛下起了一场黑雨。 The high-rising place, on the burned black meat mountain, scarlet blood pupil of pair of grinding pan size opens suddenly, staring that the look of ominous offense stares has been away from its recent that No. 107 war Magic Tower. 兀地,焦黑肉山上,一对磨盘大小的猩红血瞳猛然睁开,凶戾的眼神直勾勾的盯上了距离它最近的那座107号战争巫塔 Attack might also insufficient......” manages No. 107 war Magic Tower that to scatter Gu Li Adept heart to jump crazily, is whooshing toward all communication crystal crazily: Continues to attack...... Continues to attack......” “攻击威力还不够……”主持着107号战争巫塔的那位撒古力巫师心头狂跳,疯狂地向着所有通讯水晶嘶吼着:“继续攻击……继续攻击……” Line of sight institute and in the range, 12 war Magic Tower started the difficult energy gathering once more, shining goal thunder light start jump on the tower to flash. Obviously, gives them again 78 seconds of preparations, the lightning attack of next round can drop from the clouds, submerges this fearful enemy at present in the terror thunder and lightning high sea. 视线所及的范围内,12座战争巫塔再次开始了艰难的能量汇聚,一道道耀目的雷光开始在塔身上跳跃闪动。显然,再给它们78秒的准备功夫,下一轮的闪电攻击就能从天而降,把眼前这个可怕的敌人淹没在恐怖的雷电怒涛之中。 What a pity, the wild giant ape will not give them obviously again this opportunity! 可惜,狂暴巨猿显然不会再给他们这个机会了! Earthshaking roaring, the wild giant ape body shakes crazily, exposes the body surface burnt flesh and blood, does not give a thought to that fearful injury quite the same as, resembled the insane tiger to plunge No. 107 war Magic Tower. 嗷一声惊天动地的怒吼,狂暴巨猿身躯狂震,抖落体表焦糊的血肉,浑然不顾那可怕的伤势,状似疯虎般扑向了107号战争巫塔 Wild giant ape real important person stands, reaches as high as 27 meters war Magic Tower perhaps only and its navel altitude. Its this making a determined effort not awfully, the day falls the meteorite giant fist to wrap up the severe gale of howling, has ground war Magic Tower outside energy safety mask directly, a fist strokes maliciously in the tower central place. 狂暴巨猿真要人立起来,高达27米的战争巫塔恐怕只及它肚脐高度。它这一不要命的发起狠来,天降陨石般的巨大拳头卷裹着呼啸的厉风,径直碾碎了战争巫塔外面的能量防护罩,狠狠一拳击打在塔身中央处。 Ka a fearful bang. 咔一声可怕的巨响。 No. 107 war Magic Tower comes to break unexpectedly, its one fought with the fists. 107号战争巫塔竟然居中断折,被其一拳打断。 On the half tower has flown about several hundred meters, is tumbling the disappearing trace. In the other lower half towers a piece, the connected sorcerer array rupturing bang is in confusion lingering on faintly, being sharp-eyed can also look that only remains the half in the Witchcraft secret room that being panic-stricken human Adept . 上半截塔身呜一声飞到了数百米开外,一路翻滚着不见了踪影。余下的下半截塔身里一片狼藉,连串的巫阵爆裂巨响不绝于耳,眼尖者还能看都仅剩半截的巫术密室内那一个个张皇失措的人类巫师 Their whole face panic-stricken looks up to resemble the devils fearful giant ape, pulls out Witchcraft scroll to run away to other war Magic Tower. In Magic Tower space, shining goal transmission rays continuously. 他们满脸惊恐的抬头看着状似凶神恶煞般的可怕巨猿,纷纷掏出巫术卷轴想要逃遁到其他的战争巫塔巫塔空间里,一道道耀目的传送光芒此起彼伏。 However, always several fellows of slows in work, when they realized when the atmosphere is not right, pulls out Escape Scroll wants to run away, present world high-rising one dark. 但是,总有几个手慢的家伙,等到他们察觉气氛不对,掏出逃脱卷轴想要逃遁之时,眼前的世界兀地一暗。 Wild giant ape that cage day covered place the fearful armored hand bang to pound once again. 狂暴巨猿那笼天罩地的可怕铁拳又一次轰砸了下来。 Thump...... 咚…… The remaining war Magic Tower lower half was pounded the fragment together with tower footing together! 残余的战争巫塔下半截连同塔基一起被砸成了碎片! Battlefield instantaneous solemnly silent! 战场瞬间一片肃静! Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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