AOA :: Volume #14

#1395: Fight of North land

Compares in the excessive wealth of Silver Alliance, Northern Witch resist may be the individuals that demon tide depends fierce was brave. 相比于银『色』联盟的财大气粗,北地女巫们抵御魔『潮』靠的可就是个体的悍勇了。 Cannot think really that entire Adept Continent, the operational style most direct, fighting method halest and heartiest, fight fiercest one group of people unexpectedly are one group of Sorceress. Facing huge catastrophe of this blotting out the sky, Northern Witch showed unexpectedly by far in the Sorcerer courage and guts. 真真的想不到,整个巫师大陆,作战风格最直接、打法最硬朗、战斗最酷烈的一群人竟然是一伙女巫。面对这场铺天盖地的巨大灾难,北地女巫们竟然展现出了远胜于男巫的勇气和胆量。 They have not stayed and defended one's post the family territory, but goes out of Magic Tower, convenes the mortal army in territory, vast 『』 『』 emerging to has adjoined to the black forest in several fort footholds. 她们没有坐守家族领地,而是走出巫塔,召集起领地内的凡人军队,浩浩『荡』『荡』的涌入到了毗邻黑森林的几处要塞据点之内。 Under the proposal of Sorceress parliament, did not have beast tide the Sorceress clan and tribe of threat also to send out large quantities of Sorceress and Witch/Magical Beast army goes to the border region to support. Their absolute sincerity cooperation, unites, has pulled up a thick and thorough defense network in the black forest edge. 女巫议会的动议之下,很多没有兽『潮』威胁的女巫部族也派出了大批的女巫巫兽部队前往边境地区进行支援。她们精诚合作,团结一心,在黑森林边缘拉起了一道厚实且绵密的防御网。 In this Sorceress, humanity and beast tide in the struggle, various clique Sorceress abandon the past animosity, give full play to the respective clique out of the ordinary forms of combat. 在这场女巫、人类与兽『潮』的斗争中,各派系女巫摒弃前嫌,充分发挥出了各自派系与众不同的战斗方式。 Acts as the war main force naturally is the soul regiment that Death Witch sends. 充当战争主力的自然是死亡女巫派出来的亡灵军团。 Although this dead souls regiment does not have the Lich dead souls army so quantity to be under astonishing, then many unorganized, but on elite level actually also cannot be underestimated. Corpse python, sand dust dybbuk and bone that claw and float spirit group especially acts as the core main force, almost each one is the group war and a Melee skilled person. 这支死灵军团虽然没有巫妖手下死灵大军那么数量惊人,那么繁多芜杂,可是精锐程度上却也不容小觑。尤其充当核心主力的尸蟒、沙尘恶灵、骨爪和浮游灵群,几乎个个都是群战、混战的一把好手。 In addition their unique dead souls spoiled poisonous aura, cope with the vivid jungle beast of prey and fierce monster are handy. But had their sacrifice, beast tide the impact no longer so is also fierce. 再加上它们特有的死灵腐毒气息,对付有血有肉的丛林猛兽和凶猛魔物更是得心应手。而有了它们的牺牲,兽『潮』的冲击也就不再那么猛烈。 As the matter stands, even if the mortal army and Witch/Magical Beast army can also defend the front, was insufficient to be shattered the defense line by the beast group of coming in swarms. 这样一来,哪怕是凡人军队和巫兽部队也就能够稳守住战线,不至于被蜂拥而来的兽群冲垮防线了。 Cold winter Sorceresses also seized the chance tide sky to make the large-scale snowstorm in beast, although wild animal monster of direct kill did not calculate too, may also give the attack of beast group to make the innumerable troubles and pain. 凛冬女巫们也趁机在兽『潮』上空制造出了大规模的暴风雪,虽然直接杀伤的野兽魔物不算太多,可也给兽群的攻击制造了无数的麻烦和痛苦。 But Dark Sorceress has brought their shadow regiment. 黑暗女巫则带来了她们的暗影军团。 Daytime time they are not perhaps conspicuous, may to the night, the entire battlefield become the world of shadow regiment. Fearful shadow creature in groups enlivens in each inch space of battlefield, kills the wild animal and ominous birds and beasts that lacked the unusual strength protection group by group with various strange and sinister techniques. 白天的时候它们或许并不显眼,可一到夜晚,整个战场就将成为暗影军团的天下。成群结队的可怕暗影生物活跃在战场的每一寸空间里,用各种诡异而阴险的手法杀死了一批又一批缺乏超凡力量保护的野兽和凶禽。 Agony Sorceress has built curse altar, turned into the soft foot crabs these active monster leaders with formidable and strange Curse. Whenever at this time, was Pale Witch sends out the formidable spirit partner body and Dark Sorceress attacks the monster lord time together. 痛苦女巫则架起了诅咒祭坛,用一道道强大且诡异的诅咒把那些活跃的魔物首领们变成了一个个软脚蟹。而每当这个时候,也就是苍白女巫派出强大伴生灵体与黑暗女巫一起突袭魔物领主们的时刻了。 As for cheat and Void Sorceress, is responsible for misleading and tempting beast tide, making them welcome the overall rout in all sorts of illusion. 至于欺诈和虚伪女巫,则负责误导和引诱兽『潮』,让它们在种种幻境之中迎来了整体的溃败。 In this entire meets head-on beast tide in war, Destiny Sorceress do not need to go to the battlefield. They maximum existence value is divination and prophecy leaves next wave of beast tide possible place, as well as goal and possible scale of attack. 在这整个迎战兽『潮』的战争中,命运女巫们根本无需踏上战场。她们最大的存在价值就是占卜预言出下一波兽『潮』可能出现的地点,以及进攻的目标和可能的规模。 The border line that the entire Northern Witch territory and black forest border on is long and rugged. If no Destiny Sorceress correct guidance, even if Northern Witch not possibly turn out in full strength being scrupulous in one's work of defense line protection. 整个北地女巫领地与黑『色』林接壤的边境线漫长而崎岖。如果没有命运女巫正确的引导,哪怕北地女巫们倾巢而出也不可能把防线守护的一丝不漏。 Once any border were shattered, then waited for North land people are a super cruel massacre! 而一旦任何一处边境被冲垮,那么接下来等待北地民众的就是一场超级残忍的大屠杀! The general publics may not have the slight strength to hit back facing the beast group, once beast tide breaks in the human community, appointed that fearful consequence who thinks to want the cold sweat to dripping, two gangs of Li Li. 普通民众面对兽群可没有丝毫还手之力,一旦兽『潮』冲入人类聚居区,那可怕的后果任谁想想都要冷汗淋淋,两股栗栗。 The Crimson family also has administrative enclave together in the North land White Tower region, although there in name belongs to Destiny Sorceress, but the actual domination actually controls in headed by the Meryl Crimson giant hand. 深红家族在北地白塔区域还有一块飞地,那里名义上虽然归属于命运女巫旗下,可是实际控制权却掌控在以梅丽尔为首的深红巨头手中。 In order to defend this administrative enclave, Crimson has accredited two giant airship here, green dragon squad that more than 700 Magical Machine regiments, as well as emerald beautiful woman dragon Aredina lead. 为了守住这块飞地,深红在这里派驻了两艘浮空巨舰,700余的魔械战团,以及翡翠美女龙艾瑞蒂娜率领的绿龙小队。 Mentioned earnestly, this kind of powerful and elite fighting force defended area more than 3000 square kilometers territories, used a talented person in an insignificant position simply. 认真说来,这样一支强悍而精锐的战斗队伍守住一块面积不过3000余平方公里的领地,简直是大材小用。 Therefore, just had to gather the sign of sticking together in the White Tower eastern black deep woods beast group, the Crimson great ship that heard the news to rush for scattered directly. 因此,在白塔东部黑森林深处兽群刚一有聚拢抱团的迹象,就被闻讯赶来的深红巨舰给直接打散了。 From then on, high rank monster lord in peripheral black forest by Meryl and the others had the goal and one by one in a planned way to clean up. Has been short of their being an intermediary and induction, following beast tide, because lacks the necessary core again condensation not to get up. 从那以后,周边黑森林中的高阶魔物领主梅丽尔等人有目的、有计划的一一清理掉了。少了它们的穿针引线和诱导,后续兽『潮』因为缺乏必要的核心也就再也凝聚不起来了。 As for ominous beast bird of prey and monster that runs out of the black forest fragmentarily, then has become low rank Adept and Apprentices trial goal. 至于零星冲出黑森林的凶兽猛禽和魔物,则成了低阶巫师学徒们试炼目标。 Compares in entire North land anxious and withers, White Tower peripheral poured rare pure lands! 相比于整个北地的紧张和肃杀,白塔周边倒成了一片难得的净土! As if perceived function of giant airship Important in the large-type war, headed by Death Witch leader Kesuna and in Dark Sorceress leader Chazyan Sorceress high-level driving relation Meryl in White Tower. 似乎觉察到了浮空巨舰大型战争中举足轻重的作用,以死亡女巫首领克苏娜黑暗女巫首领瑟西为首的女巫高层主动联系上了白塔里的梅丽尔 After one bargained back and forth, the Crimson family name has sent out two giant airship and more than 400 people of Magical Machine regiments by requisition. They are mainly responsible for shipping the Northern Witch various Witch/Magical Beast armies and types of commodities, materials and resources, does not participate in the fight of North land actually. 经过一番讨价还价,深红家族以‘征调’名义派出了两艘浮空巨舰和400余人的魔械战团。它们主要负责运送北地女巫们的巫兽部队和各种物资、材料、资源,并不实际参与北地的战斗。 Even if so, joining of such two airborne jumbos also make entire North land fight the potential suddenly change, from original takes strict precautions against to cling to tenaciously to turn into present on own initiative attack. 然而即便如此,这样两艘空中巨无霸的加入也让整个北地战势陡然一变,从原先的严防死守变成了现在的主动出击。 Demons tide rallying point wiped out by the swift and fierce offensive by Northern Witch directly, monster lord were assassinated in oneself lair, region returns because of arrival of giant airship a piece by piece tranquilly...... 一个个魔『潮』聚集点被北地女巫们以凌厉的攻势直接打掉,一个个魔物领主被暗杀在自己巢『穴』之内,一片片地域因为浮空巨舰的降临而重归宁静…… Has saying that the giant airship that the Crimson family builds can float and shift heavy war fortress like one at will. Nature must miss compared with true Adept Tower besides defense on little, in other aspect, giant airship drew close in perfect. 不得不说,深红家族打造的这种浮空巨舰就像一个能够随意漂浮和转移的重型战争堡垒。除了防御『性』比真正的巫师高塔要差上少许外,在别的方面,浮空巨舰已经趋近于完美。 Therefore, in coordinates to battle several times after giant airship, all Northern Witch by this type can fly on high vault of heaven the silver fortress to arouse the strong interest. 因此,在和浮空巨舰配合作战了几次后,所有的北地女巫都被这种能够飞行在高高天穹上的银『色』堡垒引起了浓重的兴趣。 Northern Witch is not one group of women, they have also gone to the situation of reaching the pinnacle in Witchcraft and attainments in high rank knowledge. They naturally have filled to this giant airship magic energy system curiously. 北地女巫也不全是一群蛮婆子,她们在巫术高阶知识方面的造诣也已经达到了登峰造极的地步。她们自然也对这种浮空巨舰魔能系统充满了好奇。 By the Northern Witch knowledge, ability and resources reserve, build the pure metal great ship simply not to have any difficulty like this. However is difficultly difficult to want this kind of colossus to actuate, the magic energy of every time consuming is extremely astonishing. 北地女巫们的知识、能力和资源储备,打造这样的全金属巨舰根本没有任何难度。然而难就难在想要把这样一个庞然大物驱动起来,每时每刻耗损的魔法能量都是极其惊人的。 If giant airship does not have the external energy, depends entirely on burns Magic Crystal to actuate, perhaps one month sufficiently burnt down an entire Magic Crystal mountain. 如果浮空巨舰没有外来能源,全靠烧魔晶来驱动的话,恐怕一个月就足以烧掉一整座魔晶山了。 Therefore, has experience Northern Witch also especially to pay attention to this giant airship power core. 因此,有见识的北地女巫也就格外注意这种浮空巨舰的动力核心。 Finally, they have discovered existence of Magic Engine Furnace through all sorts of Witchcraft methods! 终于,她们通过种种巫术手段发现了魔动熔炉的存在! This mysterious Magic Engine Furnace can actually penetrate the plane barrier directly, from endless void in continuous derives the wild and fierce chaos energy, then tames it with the special method and way, transforms the corresponding magic energy...... 这种神奇的魔动熔炉竟然能够直接穿透位面壁垒,从无尽虚空里面源源不断的汲取来狂暴而凶猛的混沌能量,然后再用特殊的手段和方式把其驯服,转化成相应的魔法能量…… Such technology and knowledge obviously be more profound than the Adept Tower element altar, but also is mysterious. 这样的技术和知识显然要比巫师高塔的元素祭坛还要高深,还要玄奥。 Can say unrestrained/no trace of politeness, this building Magic Engine Furnace ability and method may probably compared with these giant airship valuable many! 可以毫不客气的说,这种打造魔动熔炉的能力和手段可要远比这些浮空巨舰有价值的多! Hence, these passing to so-called legendary Fire Sorcerer some fellows of contempt, finally has squared own manner, realized that Grim truly is one extremely fearfully actually talented talent Sorcerer. 至此,那些过往对所谓传奇火巫有些轻视的家伙,终于摆正了自己的态度,认识到了格力姆确实是一位极其可怕却又才华横溢的天才男巫 Did not say other, the single building Magic Engine Furnace technology can make it jump be Adept World is at one fell swoop most valuable and most persuasive talent Adept ! 不说别的,单只这种打造魔动熔炉的技术就能让其一举跃升为巫师世界最有价值、最令人信服的一位天才巫师 What a pity, this Magic Engine Furnace without doubt is also Crimson family most core one secret. Therefore, numerous Northern Witch besides greedy direct-current saliva, does not have other means in its income pouch. 可惜,这种魔动熔炉无疑也是深红家族最为核心的一种机密。因此,众多北地女巫除了眼馋的直流口水外,也没有别的办法把其收入囊中。 Kesuna once had been also good the thought that goes to and that Grim through Alice bargains back and forth, has a look whether to acquire this Magic Engine Furnace technology in the way of resources transaction. Information that however Grim there feeds back has died immediately of suffocation this road. 克苏娜也曾行过念头,通过爱丽丝去和那位格力姆讨价还价,看看能否以资源交易的方式获得这种魔动熔炉技术。但是格力姆那里反馈回来的信息当即就堵死了这条路。 The transaction condition that Grim put forward was very simple, the Crimson family can betray a number of Magic Engine Furnace end products to give Northern Witch, but the Sorceress parliament must authorize Alice to marry in him publicly. 格力姆提出的交易条件很简单,深红家族可以出卖一批魔动熔炉成品给北地女巫,但是女巫议会必须批准爱丽丝公开下嫁于他。 To be honest, heard this condition, Kesuna almost decides to give up instantaneously! 说实话,听到这个条件,克苏娜几乎瞬间就决定放弃了! Northern Witch is one quite seals up and region after all nature qualitative adept organization, for long, they continuously cautiously is balancing the Sorceress clique, diligently is maintaining the passing Sorceress tradition. 北地女巫毕竟还是一个较为封闭和地域『性』质的巫师组织,长久以来,她们一直小心翼翼的平衡着女巫派系,努力保持着过往的女巫传统。 But makes Alice this Destiny Sorceress leader marry Grim publicly, without doubt is challenging the Northern Witch dominant position. 而让爱丽丝这位命运女巫首领公开下嫁格力姆,无疑就是在挑战北地女巫们的统治地位。 This is they will not comply in any event! 这是她们无论如何都不会答应的! However, if can in turn, making that legendary Fire Sorcerer Grim marry into the wife's household Destiny Tower, becomes a Northern Witch dependency, they lift the welcome of both hands both feet actually. 不过,如果能够反过来,让那位传奇火巫格力姆入赘命运高塔,成为北地女巫的一个附庸,她们倒是举双手双脚的欢迎。 What a pity, by Grim this time status, such idea is not feasible. 可惜,以格力姆今时今日的地位,这样的想法根本不可行。 North land takes Sorceress as Venerable, but Continent Central takes the powerhouse as Venerable. 北地女巫为尊,而大陆中部则是以强者为尊。 Like this once the Grim super powerhouse is reconciled to a lowly position becomes the North land dependency, then his integration entire central situation also however not saves on 『』. The superelevation popularity that Grim passing saves laboriously shortly will also vanish into thin air, the Crimson family will become the object of central Adept suspicion and resisting. 一旦格力姆这样的超级强者纡尊降贵的成为北地附庸,那么他统合整个中部的大势也就『荡』然无存。格力姆过往辛辛苦苦积攒起来的超高人气也就顷刻间烟消云散,深红家族更会成为中部巫师怀疑和抵制的对象了。 The humans affair every so often is so laughable! 世事很多时候就是如此可笑! Some sound very nonsense obviously the matter, but places the body of specific role and specific character to be especially earnest, blowing especially wool fault location. 一些明明听起来非常荒唐可笑的事情,可是放在特定角『色』、特定人物的身上就要格外较真,格外的吹『毛』求疵。 They cannot even contain any point slight defect and are imperfect! 他们甚至容纳不下任何一点的瑕疵和不完美! Therefore, union of Grim and Alice, let alone Northern Witch, is Continent Central, is the Crimson family, has the sound of not the small resistance and opposition. 所以,格力姆爱丽丝的结合,别说北地女巫这边了,就是大陆中部,就是深红家族内部,都有着不小的阻力和反对的声音。 Stretches across the love unions of two big influences even to affect the Adept Continent strength increase and decrease, like this big event is also beyond control two people, as well as the both sides back influence is not prudent! 横跨两大势力的爱情结合甚至会影响到巫师大陆力量消长,这样的大事件也就由不得两人,以及双方背后的势力不慎重了! North land after all is one regarding the totalitarian authority Sorceress organization that Queen of Sorceress establishes, any will try to challenge the Sorceress dominant position the behavior to suffer the consistent opposition of all Sorceress. 北地毕竟是一个围绕着女巫之王而建立起来的极权女巫组织,任何试图挑战女巫统治地位的行为都会遭受全体女巫的一致反对。 Therefore, how Grim and Alice were in private ambiguous and how nobody care intimately that nobody pays attention. But once they want publicly, wants to obtain people's blessing, authority unstable that then initiates also no longer received them to control...... 所以,格力姆爱丽丝私下如何暧昧、如何亲密都无人关心,无人理会。可一旦他们想要公开,想要获得众人的祝福,那么由此引发的权力动『荡』也就不再受他们掌控了…… Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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