AOA :: Volume #13

#1275: Destiny broadcast

East mainland, Observation Tower. 大陆东部,眺望高塔 Situated in a top layer strange secret room, Marstan satisfied lying down of skin and bones above oneself that wasteful luxurious bed, whistling falls asleep greatly. 位于顶层的一间奇异密室之中,瘦骨嶙峋的玛斯坦正惬意的躺在自己那张奢靡豪华的大床之上,呼呼大睡着。 In this secret room, can see the semblance decoration everywhere the splendid luxurious furniture and ornaments, on the wall is hanging up abundantly * the breast everywhere fat * the beautiful girl portrait of buttocks. Has chocked up the money tableware of complete set by a dinner table of wall corner/horn laying aside on, maps the blurred illusory ray under the bright Witchcraft photo source illumination...... 这间密室之内,到处都可以看到外表装饰的富丽堂皇的奢华家具和摆设,墙壁上到处都张挂着丰*乳肥*臀的妖艳女郎画像。靠墙一角放置的餐桌上面更是摆满了全套的金银餐具,在明亮的巫术光源照射下映射出迷离虚幻的光芒…… If there is a bystander to rush to this place by mistake, certainly does not believe that here is a Fourth Grade Adept residence. Because the entire residence has filled extravagant and luxurious, leading a befuddled life as if drunk or dreaming * the dispirited aura, does not conform to high rank Adept that formidable mysterious mysterious makings. 如果有外人误闯此地,一定不会相信这里是一位4阶巫师的居所。因为整座居所充满了一股穷奢极侈,醉生梦死的*颓废气息,根本不符合高阶巫师那种强大玄奥的神秘气质。 Leafs through the entire residence, could not find half with the Witchcraft related goods, everywhere are, mixes in the magnificent precious silk underwear that instead is the human aristocrats some that likes * the small thing throwing, letting the person is out of control the recollections in close succession. 况且,翻遍整座居所,也找不到半件和巫术有关的物品,反而是人类贵族们最喜欢的一些*小物件扔的到处都是,混在华丽名贵的丝绸内衣里,让人禁不住浮想联翩。 However in that Marstan both hands both feet clamps is drawing the naked female design greatly hugs the pillow whistling rests greatly, in void of room corner the ripples flood, strange Magic Eye reappeared, blinks the illusory eye is starting curiously to size up this room. 然而就在那位玛斯坦双手双脚夹着一个绘着衤果女图案的巨大抱枕呼呼大睡之际,房间一角的虚空中涟漪泛起,一个奇异的魔力之眼浮现了出来,眨巴着虚幻的眼睛开始好奇的打量起这个房间。 The Magic Eye imaginary seems true/really, actually really has this void. 魔力之眼似幻似真,却又真实存在这片虚空。 It like dim phantom of one group of fist sizes, floats to flutter in the room, as if is quite curious regarding here all. 它就像一团拳头大小的朦胧虚影,在房间里飘来飘去,似乎对于这里的一切都极为好奇。 Finally, its vision fell on that shape was ugly, on Marstan that stark naked whistling rested greatly, the illusory eyeball approached to it unceasingly, on each point of each inch detail him got a panoramic view. 最终,它的目光落在了那个形态丑陋,赤身衤果体呼呼大睡的玛斯坦身上,虚幻的眼球不断地向其靠近,把他身上每一分每一寸的细节都尽收眼底。 Has saying that Marstan is really ugly enough! 不得不说,玛斯坦还真够丑陋的! On the skin and bones body cannot see how much flesh and blood, the lax withered flesh builds above joint distinct Skeleton, looks from afar like one also in the skeleton of breath. 瘦骨嶙峋的身躯上面根本看不到多少血肉,松垮干瘪的肌肤搭在骨节分明的骨骼之上,远远望去就像一具还在呼吸的骷髅。 On the flesh of his greenish grey full was the gloomy streak, on the chest, armpit and foot plate these should not the place of long hair be covered with the disorderly black thick bristle, instead most should on the hair exuberant head, only then some sparse light yellow mixed wools...... 他青灰的肌肤上面满是晦暗的斑纹,胸口、腋下、脚板上这些不该长毛发的地方长满了凌乱黑粗的硬毛,反而最应该毛发旺盛的脑袋上面只有一些稀疏淡黄的杂毛…… As Fourth Grade Prophet, how Marstan does not pay great attention to the personal hygiene obviously, on his ugly body has covered entirely the dirt, the entire room is disseminating an ill-smelling fearful odor. 作为4阶预言师,玛斯坦显然并不如何注重个人卫生,他丑陋的身躯上面布满了污垢,整个房间都弥散着一股难闻的可怕恶臭。 Although Marstan rests exceptionally deeply, but Magic Eye collects such near, the obscure destiny that above sends out fluctuates others perhaps sensation, but he was actually familiar cannot again be familiar. 尽管玛斯坦睡得异常深沉,可是魔力之眼凑得如此之近,上面散发出来的晦涩命运波动别人或许感知不到,可他却是熟悉得不能再熟悉了。 Marstan cursed repeatedly is waking up from the sleep, opened eyes, sees is a pair of bright and intelligent and sparkling beautiful attractive big eye that saw. Big of this eye, clear, almost occupied him at present the most visual space. 玛斯坦连声咒骂着从睡梦中醒来,一睁眼,入目看到的就是一对水汪汪、亮晶晶美丽漂亮的大眼睛。这双眼睛之大,之清晰,几乎占据了他眼前绝大部分的视觉空间。 He even has to Yang to retreat several centimeters, this see clearly Magic Eye of that float backward before body. Then silently is looking steadily at him to the beautiful eye by Magic Eye. 他甚至不得不向后仰退了几公分,这才看清了那个漂浮在身前的魔力之眼。而那对美丽的眼睛就是透过魔力之眼在默默地盯视着他。 Bastard, is your this little rascal!” A series of denigrating viciously have braved from Marstan that withered and yellow crooked mouth immediately, he brandishes the arm to attempt that Magic Eye action of driving away furiously is farther. “混蛋,又是你这个小鬼!”一连串的恶毒咒骂立刻从玛斯坦那枯黄歪斜的嘴巴里面冒了出来,他奋力的挥舞着手臂试图把那个魔力之眼驱赶的更远一些。 What a pity, Magic Eye only withdrew half meter, changed the place that flank his arm could not suffice to continue to play peeping. 可惜,魔力之眼只退后了半米,就换到了侧翼他手臂够不到的地方继续玩起了‘偷窥’。 Disfigured, is here your bedroom? Really is ugly and smelly, is just the same as your body.” Magic Eye is shaking gently void, scattered a strange Spirit ripple: You always said that you are Fourth Grade Adept , why can in your bedroom unable to find half with Witchcraft with the Prophet related thing? Can you lead me to visit your laboratory? I am interested in various experiments of your Fourth Grade Adept ......” “丑八怪,这里就是你的卧室?果然是又丑又臭,和你的身体一模一样。”魔力之眼轻轻震荡着虚空,飘散出了一道奇异的精神波纹:“你总是说你是一位4阶巫师,可为什么你的卧室里面找不到半件与巫术预言有关的东西?你能带我参观一下你的实验室吗?我对你们4阶巫师的各种实验非常感兴趣……” As if was pesters Marstan, Magic Eye fluttered around him, was walking back and forth peripheral all, while careless was talking with him. But on that Marstan fierce face has written all over was angry and helpless. 似乎是纠缠上了玛斯坦,魔力之眼飘荡在他四周,一边逡巡着周边的一切,一边漫不经心的和他交谈着。而那位玛斯坦狰狞的脸庞上已经写满了愤怒和无奈。 You give me peacefully!” “你给我安静一点!” The Marstan golden light stirs up * to shoot together from the palm, flies high to hit to explode Magic Eye. 玛斯坦一道金光从手心里激*射出来,把魔力之眼凌空打爆。 However this Magic Eye just dissipated, peripheral void once again flood ripples, new Magic Eye reappeared. 然而这个魔力之眼刚刚消散,周边的虚空又一次泛起了涟漪,一个新的魔力之眼就又浮现了出来。 You hit to explode my Eye of Destiny to do...... You do not know that condenses it to need to consume Strength of Destiny? You had hit to explode my 73 Eye of Destiny yesterday, I have not asked you to do accounts!” “你打爆我的命运之眼干嘛……难道你不知道凝聚它需要耗损命运之力吗?你昨天已经打爆我73个命运之眼了,我还没有找你算账呢!” The Marstan action as if to hiding was useless in the void eyeball opposite fellow, the opposite party this time appeared on the verbose start language bombing, solemn Fourth Grade Prophet bothersome tossed about on the bed actually again cannot fall asleep. 玛斯坦刚才的举动似乎对躲在虚空眼球对面的家伙根本无用,对方这次一出现就絮絮叨叨的开始了语言轰炸,把一个堂堂4阶预言师烦的在床上翻来覆去却再也睡不着了。 Marstan struggled to crawl from the luxurious bed, from spreading the floor of fine soft rug was working on a silk long gown to throw over conveniently binds on the body, swayed walked toward the washroom. 玛斯坦挣扎着从豪华大床上爬了下来,从铺着精美松软地毯的地板上随手抓起了一件丝绸长袍就披裹在了身上,摇摇晃晃的向着盥洗室走去。 Little rascal, with me, I can not take a bath. If you want to see a taking a bath appearance of old man, comes!” Before entering, Marstan turned head to roar wickedly. “小鬼,不要跟着我了,我要去洗澡。你如果想看到一个老男人的洗澡模样,就跟着来吧!”临进之前,玛斯坦回头恶狠狠地咆哮了一声。 This threat as if had an function, the eyeball hesitant, finally has not floated the washroom, but flutters in the bedroom strolled. 这次的威胁似乎有了一点作用,眼球犹豫了一下,终于还是没有飘进盥洗室,而是在卧室内飘飘荡荡的闲逛了起来。 A Fourth Grade Adept individual residence how can simple, although here in surface luxurious wasteful does not have the aristocrat nouveau riche mansion of personal status like one. But in the cold and gloomy wall band, under of wooden floor, on being hanging the ceiling of huge crystal hanging lamp is hiding densely and numerously, number endless protection sorcerer array. 一位4阶巫师的个人居所又岂能如此简单,这里虽然表面上豪华奢靡的就像一座没有品位的贵族暴发户府邸。可是在森冷的墙壁夹层里面,在木质地板的下方,在悬挂着巨大水晶吊灯的天花板上都隐蔽着密密麻麻,数之不尽的守护巫阵 But several covert hidden places in bedroom residence, is overflowing obscure elemental fluctuation, impressively is several after the dark check and secret room that the camouflage and conceals. 而在卧室居所的几个隐蔽暗处,也荡溢着晦涩的元素波动,赫然是几个经过伪装和掩饰的暗格与密室。 Outside the institutes of these hiding is lingering overlapping protection sorcerer array, can isolate the investigation of Prophet kind of Witchcraft, can isolate permeating in world major part unusual strength. 这些隐蔽之所外面都萦绕着层层叠叠的防护巫阵,能够隔绝预言巫术的探查,也能隔绝世间绝大部分超凡力量的渗入。 What a pity, on this Magic Eye soaks accumulated strength not to belong to common custom common Witchcraft strength obviously, regards these Witchcraft protections unexpectedly , if no thing, shuttles back and forth and is walking back and forth in inside at will. 可惜,这颗魔力之眼上面浸蕴的力量显然并不属于世俗常见的巫术力量,竟然视这些巫术防护如无物,随意地在里面穿梭和逡巡着。 After half quarter, took a hot bath, Spirit changed beyond recognition Marstan just walked from the washroom, saw that loafed Magic Eye that fluttered from own Witchcraft secret room. 半刻钟后,洗了一个热水澡,精神焕然一新的玛斯坦刚从盥洗室里走出来,就看到了那个悠悠荡荡从自己巫术密室里飘出来的魔力之眼 There puts may be most likes, the most precious unsurpassed most precious object! 那里放的可都是自己最喜爱、最珍贵的无上至宝啊! The Marstan complexion fiercely twisted immediately. 玛斯坦脸色立刻又狰狞扭曲了起来。 Since previous time has peeped that after the North land colleague, he bewildered was entangled by that Daughter of Destiny. Opposite party as if deeply by the love of Strength of Destiny, has the bystander unreadable destiny control method. 自从上次偷窥了那位远在北地的同行后,他就莫名其妙的被那个命运之女缠上了。对方似乎深受命运之力的宠爱,有着外人难以理解的命运操控手段。 After she catches Eye of Destiny that Marstan have originally created, on being self-taught mastered this ability. Then, since then, she also becomes the fearful nightmare that Marstan has been able hardly be removed! 她无意间捕捉到了玛斯坦自己独创的命运之眼后,就无师自通的掌握了这种能力。然后,从那时起,她也就成了玛斯坦挥之不去的可怕梦魇! As if there is rich Strength of Destiny strange old man to be quite curious to this on, that Daughter of Destiny is urging unexpectedly passing Eye of Destiny that only then Marstan can control started to all -weather track of his 360 degrees non- dead angle. 似乎对这位身上有着浓郁命运之力的古怪老头颇为好奇,那个命运之女竟然驱使着过往只有玛斯坦才能操控的命运之眼开始了对他360度无死角的全天候跟踪。 When Marstan meditation, she in \; When Marstan divine, she in \; When Marstan eats meal, she in \; When Marstan sleeps, she in \; Marstan hides in having the Strength of Destiny protection secret room, she still in...... 玛斯坦冥想时,她在\;玛斯坦占卜时,她在\;玛斯坦吃饭时,她在\;玛斯坦睡觉时,她在\;玛斯坦躲在拥有命运之力守护的密室里,她仍在…… In brief, Strength of Destiny that Marstan grasps can protect that north colleague perfectly, is invalid to this Daughter of Destiny. 总之,玛斯坦所掌握的命运之力能够完美的防护住那位北边的同行,却对这位命运之女根本无效。 Marstan has tried all protection methods, is actually not able to isolate this curiosity excessively abundant Daughter of Destiny to peep at personal. 玛斯坦已经尝试了所有的防护手段,却都无法隔绝掉这位好奇心过盛的命运之女贴身窥视。 Entire a half year, each quarter, his side is floating this repugnant eyeball every day, is peeping at his every action and every movement, keeping he tiny bit privacy from retaining. 整整半年之久,每一天每一刻,他的身边都漂浮着这颗讨厌的眼球,窥视着他的一举一动,让他连一丝一毫的隐私都无法保留。 Moreover this strange Magic Eye, only then he can see, other Adept , even if in association other Fourth Grade Adept , is unable by the naked eye to see that this hateful eye that floats to flutter. 而且这颗奇异的魔力之眼只有他能看得见,其他巫师,哪怕是协会里面的其他4阶巫师,都无法透过肉眼看到这颗飘来飘去的可恶眼睛。 To be honest, the manual labor of this peeping others privacy, Marstan little had not done in the past. 说实话,这种偷窥别人隐私的活计,玛斯坦过去也没少干。 But with hardship pesters others a half year of like this Daughter of Destiny, this situation never has also appeared. But what is more fearful, even if Marstan hits to destroy completely opposite party Eye of Destiny, the opposite party can summon one in a flash again. 可是像这位命运之女一样苦苦纠缠别人半年之久,这种情况还从未出现过。而更可怕的是,哪怕玛斯坦把对方的命运之眼打灭掉,对方就能转瞬间再召唤一个。 As if possible, general idea...... Strength of Destiny favored to drown this Daughter of Destiny, the opposite party when used Strength of Destiny unable to look at the strenuous appearance, resembled her to employ destiny Witchcraft simply not to bear general...... 似乎、可能、大概……命运之力太宠溺这位命运之女了,对方在使用命运之力的时候丝毫看不出来吃力的模样,就好像她施用命运巫术根本没有负担一般…… But this, most lets Marstan desperately! 而这,才是最让玛斯坦绝望透顶的! „Does little rascal, what you want to obtain from here? Asked you, let off me! I was pestered again like this by you, I can go crazy......” Marstan overruns immediately, holds that Magic Eye, collects loudly the face was roaring. “小鬼,你到底想要从我这里得到什么?求求你,放过我吧!我再这样被你纠缠下去,我会发疯的……”玛斯坦立刻冲过去,一把抓住那颗魔力之眼,把脸庞凑上去大声的咆哮着。 I already said! So long as you teach me destiny Witchcraft of your meeting, I was not tired of you...... I asked Teacher Alice for a long time, her destiny Witchcraft is actually not willing to teach me. Added that I am Daughter of Destiny, all that I want can only obtain from destiny there...... Snort, definitely is she extremely mean-spiritedly is not willing to teach me, but also found that many excuses!” “我早就说了嘛!你只要把你会的命运巫术教给我,我就不烦你了……我已经求爱丽丝老师好久了,她却一个命运巫术都不肯教我。还说我是命运之女,我想要的一切只能从命运那里获得……哼,肯定是她自己太过小气才不愿意教我的,还找了那么多的借口!” One hear is destiny Witchcraft, on Marstan of moment also whole face entreaty immediately changed the complexion, pinched to explode the eyeball, turned around to go out of the room. 一听是命运巫术,上一刻还满脸哀求的玛斯坦立刻变了脸色,一把捏爆了眼球,转身走出了房间。 After the moment, a new eyeball fluttered in him behind, spread that young girl fresh delightful voice from inside. 片刻后,一颗新的眼球又飘荡在了他身后,从里面传出了那个少女清新甜美的声音。 Old man, you ruin my Eye of Destiny. If you so are again crude, I broadcast the stark naked ugly appearance, making your side each see your ugly side...... Hurry up, a bit faster teaches me destiny Witchcraft, otherwise I have broadcast now......” “老头,你又毁掉我一个命运之眼。你如果再这么粗暴的话,我就把赤身衤果体的丑恶模样广播出去,让你身边的每一个都看到你丑陋的一面……快点,快点教我命运巫术,否则我现在就广播了……” Marstan been mad flying into a rage, one pack repeatedly cursed this with the vulgar language may be called the destiny Monster strange young girl. 玛斯坦被气的暴跳如雷,一叠连声的用污言秽语咒骂起这个堪称命运怪物般的古怪少女。 The young girls as if were also enraged, spread strange and strange spiritual fluctuation from the eyeball, rapid quick goes toward the ripples in all directions. 少女似乎也被激怒了,从眼球里传出了一阵古怪而奇异的精神波动,迅快的向着四面八方涟漪而去。 Silent proliferation of this ripples in Observation Tower, each by the life individual that the ripples affect, regardless of they are doing, in the mind instantaneously reappeared rickets, and ugly naked masculine body. 这道涟漪在眺望高塔内部无声的扩散着,每一个被涟漪波及的生命个体无论他们在干什么,脑海里都瞬间浮现出了一个佝偻且丑陋的赤衤果男性身躯。 In the great tower clamors to rise from all directions immediately! 巨塔之内立刻喧哗四起!
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