AOA :: Volume #13

#1274: Respective worry

Kirinburg, Sandtalin Association station. 克思林堡,散地塔林协会驻地。 Protects in the strict Witchcraft secret room. 一间防护严密的巫术密室之内。 Two representatives the fellow of association highest hierarch are sitting facing each other, over the face anxious look, the mood is oppressed. 两位代表着协会最高掌权者的家伙相对而坐,满面愁容,心情憋闷。 Crossed long time, association president Fried opened the mouth finally. 过了良久,会长弗里德终于开口了。 What kind, association internal situation how?” “怎么样,协会内部情况如何?” Sits the vice-chairman Milva complexion cloudy duck in opposite sofa, the vision twinkle, obviously is also under covering of one extremist sentiment. 坐在对面沙发之中的副会长米尔瓦脸色阴鹜,目光闪烁,显然也正处于一种极端情绪的笼罩之下。 Basically is stable!” Milva replied with the hoarse sound: Majority of association Adept has signed the service contract, before expiration of terms of obligation, they are impossible to have any carelessly action. Instead is......” “基本上还算稳定吧!”米尔瓦用沙哑的声音回答道:“大部分协会巫师都签订了服务契约,契约期满之前他们是不可能有什么胡乱举动的。反而是……” What is?” “是什么?” Instead was this year just that batch of new apprentice that delivered from each region, more than 50% have not chosen and association signs. They as if are still waiting and seeing, wait for the association to put out a more excellent condition......” “反而是今年刚刚从各地送过来的那批新学徒,有一半以上都没有选择和协会签约。他们似乎还在观望,等着协会拿出更优厚的条件……” These will not firm bastards...... If no association acting organization, their these fellows can only ignorant corrupting in the village, either becomes the farmer, either becomes the humble adventurer...... Immediately investigates the family that they come, exerts pressure to their family...... Snort, I do not believe them to be undecided, their families also dare undecidedly......” “这些意志不坚的混蛋……如果没有协会出面组织,他们这些家伙就只能浑浑噩噩的腐烂在村落里,要么成为农夫,要么成为低贱的冒险者……立刻调查一下他们出身的家族,向他们家族施压……哼,我就不信他们三心二意,他们的家族也敢三心二意……” Milva nodded silently, snake eye ring that guy rubs the right hand tail is referring to gently, quick a new transmission of order. 米尔瓦默默点了点头,轻轻厮摩着右手尾指上的蛇眼戒指,很快就把一道新的命令传达了出去。 After having completed all these, Milva cannot bear said disappointed: It seems like that Grim was plans and us has done against, how should we cope with him?” 做完了这一切后,米尔瓦忍不住怅然道:“看来那个格力姆是打算和我们对着干了,我们应该怎么对付他?” Hears companion's inquiry, President Fried of wily old fox also cannot help but sighed. 听到同伴的询问,老奸巨猾的弗里德会长也不由得叹息了起来。 This Grim, age, although is light, but works the conduct to be experienced calm! He to avoid the frontage resists with us, has not expanded the family territory directly. Thus, we want to summon that association elders punished him unable to find the excuse.” “这个格力姆,年纪虽轻,可是做事行事却非常老练沉稳啊!他为了避免正面与我们对抗,并没有直接扩充家族领地。这样,我们想要号召协会长老制裁他都找不到借口。” He is young, at best now over 300 years old, have greatly the time accompanies us to waste. Can see from the Crimson family current action that he has not planned to launch the Adept war, expanded the subordinate territory of family. But has aimed at following two generations and three generations the target, even four Five Dynasties......” “他还年轻,充其量现在不过300多岁,有着大把的时间陪我们虚耗。从深红家族目前的举措可以看出,他已经不打算发动巫师战争,扩充家族的直属领地了。而是把目标对准了后面的两代、三代,甚至四五代……” Yes, he may have the patience. This is to boil us obviously!” “是啊,他可真有耐心。这是明显想要熬死我们啊!” In these 200-300 years, except for that Grim, Continent Central very long had not been born new Fourth Grade Adept . You and I entered the step more than 800 years, even if looks for many life resources also is very difficult to insist again for 200 years. Other association elders also with us almost, were youngest Clara have 500 years old...... Therefore, the opposite party has avoided frontal battlefield, has chosen new generation, perhaps was waiting for our batch old fogy dead in bed of old age!” “这两三百年里,除了那个格力姆,大陆中部已经很久没有诞生新的4阶巫师了。你、我都已经进阶800多年了,哪怕找来再多的生命资源也很难再坚持200年。其他的协会长老也和我们差不多,就是最年轻的克拉拉也有500岁了……所以,对方避开了正面战场,选择了新生代,恐怕就是在等着我们这批‘老家伙’寿终正寝!” Snort, after old one batch of Fourth Grade Adept longevity ages boil one after another completely, perhaps Fourth Grade Adept of new generation unavoidably must live in his that terror huge shadow...... At that time, even if he did not launch the Adept war, entire middle who dares to disobey his will!” “哼,老一批的4阶巫师陆续寿龄熬尽后,新一代的4阶巫师恐怕难免要活在他那恐怖的巨大阴影之中了……那时,即便他不发动巫师战争,整个中部又有谁敢违逆他的意志!” The spitting trough that two Sandtalin Association high levels talked was complaining, actually could not put out any means solution that Grim. 两位散地塔林协会高层你一言我一语的吐槽抱怨着,却根本拿不出任何办法解决那个格力姆 On the strength, that legendary Fire Sorcerer perhaps is Continent Central strongest Adept . 论实力,那个传奇火巫恐怕已经是大陆中部的最强巫师了。 Some when the first this fellows once had also gone to east the mainland the Adept Association station, well exchange with there Adept . According to Fried eavesdropped on the news that showed that Adept Association to his appraisal very high, even has listed as flame Adept of closest super powerhouse him. 前些时这个家伙还曾去过大陆东部巫师协会驻地,与那里的巫师好好‘交流’了一番。据弗里德探听回来的消息表明,巫师协会对他的评价极高,甚至把他列为了最接近超级强者的火焰巫师 Super powerhouse...... What is that? That is the Fourth Grade peak, is most likely to be promoted Fifth Grade exists formidable! 超级强者……那是什么?那可是个个位列4阶巅峰,最有可能晋级5阶的强大存在啊! But this legendary Fire Sorcerer is promoted Fourth Grade many years, unexpectedly can obtain Adept Association to be so great the high appraisal. 而这位传奇火巫晋级4阶才多少年,居然能够获得巫师协会如此巨高的评价。 Naturally, Fried and the others will not suspect the judgment in Adept Association aspect, but fearfulness that extremely secret watchful that legendary Fire Sorcerer strength will only grow. 当然,弗里德等人绝不会怀疑巫师协会方面的判断,而只会暗暗戒惧那个传奇火巫实力增长的太过可怕。 Develops according to such trend, entire Continent Central, entire Sandtalin sooner or later must become this legendary Fire Sorcerer it's in the bag. But for this reason plans Fried who such for a long time actually has had achieved nothing naturally to be unwilling laboriously, all that wanted to make has not become others bridal clothes. 按照这样的趋势发展下去,整个大陆中部,整个散地塔林迟早都要成为这个传奇火巫的囊中之物。而为此辛苦筹谋了这么久却一无所获的弗里德自然心有不甘,更不愿意自己所做的一切都成了别人嫁衣。 However flips that Horton Magic Institution teacher list, a long string prominent and dazzling name will heave in sight. Fourth Grade ...... Fourth Grade ...... Fourth Grade ...... That many Fourth Grade , from Giant Dragon lord to Flame Lord again to not dead Lich...... 但是翻翻那个霍顿巫术学院的导师名单,一长串显赫而耀眼的名字就会映入眼帘。4阶……4阶……4阶……那么多的4阶,从巨龙领主火焰领主再到不死巫妖…… To be honest, sees this list, Fried's heart is shivering. 说实话,看到这份名单,弗里德的心都是在颤抖着。 Perhaps passing his also makes an all-out effort, wants to retreat in fear that Grim's ambition by a Sandtalin Association several hundred years of increase in population and wealth. But now has a look at the powerhouse quantity that others win over, looks all around again the side three walnut two jujubes, that gathered at the fighting spirit of bottom of the heart was already flowing. 过往的他或许还有一股狠劲,想要凭借散地塔林协会数百年的生聚吓退那个格力姆的野心。可是现在看看人家拉拢起来的强者数量,再环顾一下自己身边的三核桃俩枣,那股聚集在心底的斗志早就一泻千里了。 Does not have the reason, a Fried inexplicable sorrow and depressed, entire tight Spirit suddenly lax, collapses slowly in the soft sofa, corner of the eye that the wrinkle piles up one on top of another silent has shed drop of tears. 没来由的,弗里德一阵莫名的悲哀和沮丧,整个紧绷的精神突然松懈了下来,缓缓地瘫倒在松软的沙发之中,皱纹堆叠的眼角无声的流下了一滴眼泪。 We could not fight him......” Milva are also strings of sighs: If our these old fogies died, entire middle also fell into his hand. Therefore, in following one or two in hundred years, I wants to train several good seedlings in family again carefully. In the future our can the inheritance continue, perhaps looked their......” “我们是斗不过他了……”米尔瓦也是一串串的叹息:“如果我们这些老家伙都死了,整个中部也就落入他手里了。所以,在后面的一二百年里,我想把家族里的几个好苗子再仔细培养一下。将来我们的传承能不能延续下去,也许就看他们的了……” Fried is silent, had not replied. 弗里德沉默着,没有回答。 The words said that inherited several thousand years of ancient family as Continent Central, almost every Fourth Grade Adept behind has thousands, and even over ten thousand tribal groups and bloodlines descendants. Fourth Grade Adept is the day, Fourth Grade Adept is a god, so long as they exist for day, the survival rights of these Clansman and descendant dare to encroach on nobody. 话说,作为大陆中部传承了数千年之久的古老家族,几乎每一位4阶巫师身后都有着数以千计,乃至上万的族群和血脉后裔。4阶巫师就是天,4阶巫师就是神,只要他们存在一天,这些族人和后裔的生存权益就无人敢于侵犯。 But once their longevity age boils completely, the body dead soul extinguishes, these passing received the later generation and Clansman that destiny they blessed are worrying. 可一旦他们寿龄熬尽,身死魂灭,这些过往受到他们庇佑的后辈和族人的命运就堪忧了。 Who did not have an enemy or personal enemy anything, once the protective umbrella did not have, these passing was suppressed several hundred years of fellow to make use to counter-attack by them, light is the family deterioration, the serious entire tribal group was eradicated, strangles to death cleanly. 谁还没个敌人或仇家什么的,一旦保护伞没了,那些过往被他们压制数百年的家伙就会趁势反扑,轻则是家族衰败,严重的整个族群被人连根拔起,绞杀干净。 Such matter is simply innumerable in Adept World! 这样的事情在巫师世界简直数不胜数! Therefore, majority of Fourth Grade Adept after being hopeless to be promoted Fifth Grade , will leave behind some maintaining life methods to the family resourcefully, or cultivates a new powerhouse to continue the inheritance of family with every effort. 所以,大部分4阶巫师在无望晋级5阶之后,都会想方设法的给家族留下一些保命手段,或尽力栽培起一位新的强者以延续家族的传承。 However such matter easier said than done, wants to achieve is actually beset with difficulties. 不过这样的事情知易行难,想要做到却是困难重重。 First, the Adept later generation of non- family direct line blood, they are not willing to train most powerhouse. 首先,非家族直系血裔的巫师后辈,他们是绝不愿意培养最强者的。 My class his heart cannot different! 非我族类其心必异! Adept that these halfway come, even if the talent is high, Fourth Grade Adept is not willing to train. After all after these fellows are promoted Fourth Grade , definitely in addition will ward off the family, but will not regard own family member Clansman of master. 这些半路而来的巫师,哪怕天分再高,4阶巫师也是不愿意培养的。毕竟这些家伙晋级4阶后,肯定会另辟家族,而绝不会把老东家的族人当成自己的亲人。 Therefore, can continue can only be Fourth Grade Adept own bloodlines descendant who truly the family inherits. 所以,真正能延续家族传承的只能是4阶巫师自己的血脉后裔。 May as the matter stands, choose the surface slightly without doubt on. 可这样一来,选择面无疑就小上了很多。 In the Fourth Grade Adept bloodlines descendant can have the potential achieves Fourth Grade absolutely is extremely rare, but wants the training success that they go smoothly, the resources that consumes are astronomical figures. 4阶巫师的血脉后裔里面能够拥有潜质达到4阶的绝对是凤毛麟角,而想要把他们一路顺遂的培养成功,所耗费的资源更是一个天文数字。 In Fourth Grade Adept do not have in the situation that the road ahead cuts off, they definitely first safeguard oneself resources supplies, only some will unable to use considers the later generation of family with the resources and knowledge that. 4阶巫师自己没有前路断绝的情况下,他们肯定优先保障自己的资源供给,只会拿些自己用不上的资源和知识去照顾一下家族的后辈。 In such a case, in later generation direct line blood presented the probability of Adept talent to be without doubt tinier! 在这样的情况下,后辈直系血裔中出现巫师天才的几率无疑就更加渺小了! Therefore, in the family can emerge high rank Adept continuously, inherits the example of continuing too to be simply few family are too few. When majority of Adept Family is fluctuate, scenery smiles the outstanding heroes arrogantly, for a while does not have two, but when going down in the world defends against a siege this lofty one, gets by difficultly. 所以,家族之内能够连续涌现高阶巫师,把家族传承延续下去的例子简直太少太少。大部分巫师家族都是起起伏伏,风光时傲笑群雄,一时无二,而落魄时困守孤地,艰难度日。 Even many Adept Family halfway declining, is unable to survive including a bloodlines descendant. 甚至很多巫师家族半路衰亡,连一位血脉后裔都无法存活下来。 Like President Fried, the Westmond family that he subordinates altogether has Clansman more than 3000, but has his direct line bloodlines is more than 400. And has 127 people of Adept talent, but can be promoted high rank, what becomes Third Grade Adept is about 2. 像弗里德会长,他所隶属的西德蒙家族共有族人3000多名,而拥有他直系血脉的则是400多个。其中拥有巫师天赋的127人,而能够晋级高阶,成为3阶巫师的不过2个。 Even if this only two Third Grade posterity, does not have big training value. Because their talent potential is insufficient, all closes right up against the stacks of huge resource reluctantly to climb the present level. 即便这唯一的两个3阶后人,也是没有多大培养价值的。因为他们本身就天赋潜力不足,全靠着大量资源的堆积才勉强爬升到了现在的层级。 However, in Fried's direct line later generation, there is a blood relative granddaughter talent potential to be actually good, only over 200 years old are Second Grade Advanced Level. However wants to promote her in 100-200 years to the Fourth Grade level, difficulty is also the high astonishment. 不过,在弗里德的直系后辈里面,有个嫡亲孙女倒是天赋潜力不错,才只200多岁就已经是2阶高级了。然而想把她在一二百年内超拔到4阶层级,这其中的难度也是高的惊人。 Therefore, thinks after oneself died , the decline of family, intermittent twitching that Fried's innermost feelings cannot stop. 所以,一想到自己死后家族的衰落,弗里德的内心就止不住的阵阵抽搐。 He is very clear, if offend that Grim now painstakingly, the opposite party possibly has no alternative. But once his longevity age boiled completely passed away, Clansman and descendant who then he left behind will definitely suffer opposite party bloody and fearful devastation. 他很清楚,如果现在自己把那位格力姆得罪苦了,对方可能无可奈何。可一旦他寿龄熬尽而故去,那么他遗留下来的族人和后裔肯定会遭受对方血腥而可怕的摧残。 Adept World is so brutal and real! 巫师世界就是如此残酷而真实! He, all people will look in his face, regards ancient and honored Adept Family the Westmond family regards. But once he not in...... At that time, in the family did not have Fourth Grade Adept to support, naturally also can only let the person to prey, the fate was pitifully incomparable. 他在时,所有人都会看在他的面子上,把西德蒙家族当成一个古老而尊贵的巫师家族看待。可一旦他不在了……那时,家族里面没有一位4阶巫师撑腰,自然也就只能任人鱼肉,下场凄惨无比了。 Fried looked up Milva, in the look has hesitated with the pain completely. 弗里德抬头看了看米尔瓦,眼神中满是迟疑和痛苦。 He knows that the family of opposite party and are mostly the same except for minor differences, in the direct line blood relation is also very difficult the later generation that selects one to be able to support the scene. A few years ago, Milva's grandson made every effort to succeed actually strangely, actually the birth had the kid of good talent. 他知道,对方的家族和自己大同小异,直系血亲里面也很难选出一个能够撑得住场面的后辈。前些年,米尔瓦的孙子倒是怪争气,竟然诞生下了一个拥有不错天赋的小家伙。 However now will First Grade Intermediate Level, wants to train it, own granddaughter also wanting difficult over a hundred times. 不过现在才堪堪1阶中级,想要把其培养起来,比自己的孙女还要难上百倍。 Therefore their eldest brothers did not say flatter two, is the same headaches, is the same awkwardness. 因此两人阿大不说阿二,都是一样的头痛,都是一样的为难。 We were impossible again with that Grim fight. However Clara and Alfred also young, 300-400 years may live. They will not always be resigned to receive the suppression of Crimson family! Perhaps, we should win over their!” Milva twists the beard to say. “我们是不可能再和那个格力姆斗下去了。不过克拉拉艾弗雷德都还年轻,还有三四百年可活。他们总不会甘心受到深红家族的压制吧!也许,我们该拉拢他们一下!”米尔瓦捻着胡须道。 Alfred...... Melting Fire City of fellow now and Crimson family has formed the alliance, through betraying the underground rare ore has gained earthen bowl full Penman, do not count on that he came out to stir up trouble.” Speaking of that Melting Fire City Lord, President Fried on a lot of sulks. 艾弗雷德……那家伙的熔火城现在和深红家族形成了联盟,通过出卖地底稀有矿石赚了个钵满盆满,别指望他出来挑事了。”提起那个熔火城主,弗里德会长就一肚子的闷气。 However changes mind he to hesitate: That Clara can strive actually again. Her family territory adjoins to the Crimson family, the pressure that definitely bears be older than us. If among them erupts some friction, can perhaps suppress that Grim's rampant arrogance......” 不过转念他又迟疑起来:“那个克拉拉倒是能够再争取一下。她的家族领地毗邻深红家族,肯定承受的压力要比咱们更大。如果他们之间爆发些摩擦,也许就能压制一下那位格力姆的嚣张气焰了……” Milva hears word eyes one bright, cannot bear hey however sneers saying: This Jane Da, I have not arranged immediately and ensure makes their two quick hit! Hey, has the Clara drivehead, we draw in Matthew, Nicolas and Gaia again, at least can suppress the development momentum of Crimson family, wins many dealing time to us......” 米尔瓦闻言眼睛一亮,忍不住嘿然冷笑道:“这还不简答,我马上就去安排,保证让他们两家很快就打起来!嘿嘿,有克拉拉打头,我们再拉上马修、尼古拉斯和盖亚,至少能打压一下深红家族的发展势头,给咱们争取到更多的应对时间……” The word, Milva Adept left the secret room immediately in high spirits. 言罢,米尔瓦巫师立刻兴冲冲的离开了密室。
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