AOA :: Volume #13

#1272: Horton Magic Institution

Just like the Grim's return his departure is the same, was not known. 格力姆的回归正如他的离开一样,根本不被人所知。 In the general Crimson Adept consciousness, great legendary Fire Sorcerer Grim your excellency has lived in seclusion in that Flame Throne Magic Tower, as if has not left. 在广大深红巫师的知觉中,伟大的传奇火巫格力姆阁下就一直隐居在那座火焰王座巫塔之内,似乎就从来没有离开过。 But his departure and return, even if in the Crimson family also only then few high levels can know one or two. 而他的离去和回归,即便在深红家族内部也只有寥寥几位高层才能知晓一二 After Grim returns to Magic Tower, the first matter naturally has given Meryl the plane sign of that cold ice world. 格力姆返回巫塔后,第一件事自然就是把那个寒冰世界的位面道标交给了梅丽尔 He has laid down a localization rune stone there beforehand, in addition this plane sign, the following search party can also reduce greatly computation and fixed procedure. 他已经事先在那里埋下了一座定位符文石,再加上这个位面道标,后续的探索队也就可以省去了大把的计算和锁定程序。 Although that cold ice world the plane environment is extremely unitary, had been confused Plane Principle by formidable artifact strength. May after all also be good small-type plane, suits the ice is extremely Adept settles down there. 那个寒冰世界虽然位面环境太过单一,也被强大神器力量搅乱了位面法则。可毕竟也是一个不错的小型位面,极其适合冰系巫师在那里定居。 The present Crimson family no longer is past kitten 32, but is the super family that grows strong fast. Emerging of massive external Adept also made the supporting capacity of family territory endure the severe test, two big regions somewhat have been at present unable to withstand the load. 现在的深红家族已经不再是过去的小猫32只,而是一个快速发展壮大的超级家族。大量外来巫师的涌入也让家族领地的承载力经受了严苛的考验,目前两大地域已经有些不堪重负了。 In such a case, Grim has intended to let loose the limit to external Adept , letting them also to participate during the family internal system revolution. 在这样的情况下,格力姆已经有意放开对外来巫师的限制,让他们也能参与到家族内部的体系运转之中。 Therefore after thinking, Grim decides to open outside Rance plane and territory two family footholds, speeds up to the development and development of these two administrative enclaves. 因此深思熟虑之后,格力姆决定开放兰斯位面和域外两个家族据点,加快对这两块飞地的开发和拓展。 The passing Crimson family did not have such inside story, once lets loose the prohibition rule, own family property is very easy to be traced a purity by the enemy, thus targeted destroys. 过往的深红家族还没有这样的底蕴,一旦放开禁令,自家的家底很容易被敌人摸个一清二楚,从而有针对性的加以破坏。 But now, Rance plane has Fourth Grade thunder Giant Dragon Arms to guard, outside the territory has Third Grade Alien Brain and Iron and Steel Metropolis protection. Perhaps any wants fellow who comes to here to look for trouble to think over own component, having a look at enough the qualifications to cause trouble here. 可现在,兰斯位面4阶的雷霆巨龙阿姆斯镇守,域外有3阶异脑钢铁之都守护。任何想要来这里找麻烦的家伙恐怕都要掂量掂量自己的份量,看看够不够资格在这里闹事。 Adept World family unit has Fourth Grade Mary to look that the industry of North land has Fourth Grade Alice to look, in addition stealth secret, formidable incomparable legend Fire Sorcerer assumes personal command, this time Crimson family had enough inside story, no longer fears any common custom and challenge in Adept community. 巫师世界的家族本部有4阶玛丽看着,北地的产业有4阶爱丽丝照拂着,再加上隐身幕后,强大无比的传奇火巫坐镇,此时的深红家族已经拥有了足够的底蕴,不再惧怕任何世俗和巫师群体方面的挑战。 Even sometimes, Grim started to complain that these looked what the own not pleasing to the eyes fellows display was peacefully is extremely tame. But he...... Should send for provoking, making them also enliven. 甚至在某些时候,格力姆都已经开始抱怨,那些看自己不顺眼的家伙们表现的是不是太过安静温驯了。而他……是不是该派人去撩拨一下,让他们也都重新活跃起来。 Does not have the day of enemy also to really be depressed! 没有敌人的日子还真是苦闷啊! This time goes to Adept Association , saw another coordination development adept organization, the feelings of Grim innermost feelings without doubt are very huge. If Sandtalin everywhere is the small workshop -type family industry, then Adept Association concentrates about the big industry of people strength without doubt, the greatly mechanical system. 此次前往巫师协会,看到了另一种协同发展的巫师组织,格力姆内心的感触无疑是非常巨大的。如果说散地塔林到处都是小作坊式的家族产业的话,那么巫师协会无疑就是凝合众人力量的大工业、大机械体系。 The fit and unfit quality of both sides and high under clear. 双方的优劣和高下一目了然。 Sandtalin can survive in three big adept organization crevices is so long, but also is really a miracle! 散地塔林能在三大巫师组织的夹缝中生存这么久,还真是一种奇迹! But the back of this miracle, can feel an artificial control indistinctly the trace...... 而这种奇迹的背后,隐约能够感受到一种人为操控的痕迹…… However regarding this Grim is not willing many going into seriously, but was the pure consideration the development of Crimson family and in the future. 不过对此格力姆也不愿意过多的深究,而是单纯的考虑起了深红家族的发展和未来。 If the Crimson family reveals the fang now, launches to attacking of other Adept , by strength that Grim gathers, but also has not the small probability to achieve the wish really successfully, entire turns into the universal states. 如果深红家族现在就显露出獠牙,展开对其他巫师的攻伐,以格力姆聚集起来的力量,还真有不小的几率成功达成心愿,把整个中部变成自己大一统的国度。 Although middle will fall into for this reason is several hundred years of Adept wars, may have the opportunity integration to form one to be similar to three big adept organization influences. 虽然中部会为此陷入长达数百年的巫师战争,可也有机会统合起来形成一个类似于三大巫师组织的势力。 However, the successful premise lies in does not have the disturbance and involvement of outside influence! 不过,成功的前提在于没有外界势力的干扰和介入! Once three big adept organization insert the hand, not merely is the probability of integration failure increases, but may also break in light of this passing tacit understanding, making Continent Central lose the neutral status since then thoroughly, becomes three big adept organization public contentions and shows off the battlefield of muscle. 一旦三大巫师组织把手插进来,那不单是统合失败的几率大增,还有可能就此打破过往的‘默契’,让大陆中部从此彻底失去中立地位,成为三大巫师组织公开角逐和炫耀肌肉的战场。 At that time, entire Continent Central has become a war mire, what broad blueprint and dreadful hegemony have become others' marrying clothing. 那时,整个大陆中部就成了一片战争泥潭,什么样的恢宏蓝图和滔天霸业也都成了别人的嫁衣衫。 Analyzes from this angle, is occupying Adept Association of strongest strength throne to such temperateness that oneself display, even can be called is friendly, in which reason was worth pondering! 从这个角度来分析,占据着最强实力宝座的巫师协会对自己表现的如此温和,甚至可以称得上是友好,其中的原因就很值得玩味了! Perhaps, has wanted to search into Continent Central Adept Association Black Hand, is already hoping Sandtalin are chaotic! At that time, they can protect the way of side benefit to avoid the agreement that three already reached, dispatched troops to send to Continent Central...... 或许,一直想把黑手探入大陆中部巫师协会,早就盼着散地塔林自己乱起来吧!那时,他们就能以保护已方利益的方式避开三家早就达成的协议,向大陆中部派兵派人了…… Therefore, synthesizes various factors to consider that confuses the idea that entire Continent Central fishes in troubled waters again to walk radically does not pass. 所以,综合各方面因素考虑,搅乱整个大陆中部再从中浑水摸鱼的想法根本就走不通。 Since military comes inadequately, then on communications! 既然武的来不成,那就来文的吧! After thinking, returned to Magic Tower Grim also to seize the chance to propose formed the suggestion of public Adept institute. 深思熟虑以后,返回巫塔格力姆也就趁机提出了组建公共巫师学院的建议。 The Continent Central Sandtalin Region Adept institute many will not be only few, if must minutely examine, perhaps will not be less than 300. However their fundamental modes are contract, is the outcomer must choose to join the institute, the service contract of signing certain age limit, may gain the necessary knowledge and resources. 大陆中部散地塔林地区巫师学院只会多不会少,如果真要细查的话,恐怕不会少于300家。但是它们的基本模式都是契约式的,也就是外来者必须选择加入学院,签订一定年限的服务契约,才有可能从中获取必要的知识和资源。 Even if these flaunts the Adept institute of public banner is also being so, the object but who they serve no longer is some Adept Family or the Adept branch school, but is Sandtalin Adept Association . 哪怕是那些打着公共旗号的巫师学院也是如此,只不过他们服务的对象不再是某个巫师家族巫师分支流派,而是散地塔林巫师协会 To compete for the favor of stray Adept and free Adept from their hands, can only promote them is better , a more preferential condition. 想要从他们手里争夺流浪巫师和自由巫师的青睐,就只能推出比他们更好、更优惠的条件。 But Grim's planned that is changes contract for charge. 格力姆的打算就是改契约式为收费式。 Crimson family be established public Adept institute no longer forces the outcomer signing service contract, but betrays the knowledge and resources in the way of honest price tag displayed. This also weakened stray Adept and free Adept regarding the resistance mood of institute. 深红家族成立的这座公共巫师学院不再强迫外来者签订服务契约,而是以明码标价的方式来出卖知识和资源。这样也就削弱了流浪巫师和自由巫师对于学院的抵抗情绪。 Moreover, the Crimson family is having a large number of Fourth Grade Adept and powerhouses, recruits apprentice with them as the gold-lettered signboard, regularly teaches some public classes...... This regarding numerous low rank Adept , simply is the matter that has a dream does not dare to imagine! 而且,深红家族拥有着数量众多的4阶巫师和强者,用他们作为金字招牌来招收学徒,再隔三差五的讲授一些公开课……这对于众多的中低阶巫师们来说,简直是做梦都不敢想象的事情啊! Mary can haunch huge blood attribute, Alice can harvest the favors of all Prophet, different strange Gazlowe suits the Spirit department, Emelia is the only candidate of Chair plant attribute, Reamey definitely is the venom department, Gongga is the magic energy department, Billy is the Variation department...... 玛丽能够撑起一个庞大的血系,爱丽丝能够收获所有预言师的青睐,异怪加兹鲁维则适合精神系,埃梅丽雅则是植物系院长的不二人选,雷米肯定是毒液系,贡嘎是魔能系,比利斯变异系…… If grasps to establish Dragon Xi Arms again, fire attribute that Lich tenable Necromancy System that in addition soon must arrive, as well as Grim leads...... 如果再把阿姆斯抓来成立龙系,再加上不久就要到来的巫妖成立的亡灵系,以及格力姆自领的火系…… To be honest, so many Teacher high rank a appearance, will definitely initiate the stir of institute, will let these stray Adept and free Adept goes after like ducks. 说实话,如此多的高阶导师一出现,肯定会引发学院的轰动,也会让那些流浪巫师和自由巫师趋之若鹜的。 This is the attraction of knowledge, resources and powerhouse, is the spontaneous choice of Adept . 这是知识、资源和强者的吸引,也是巫师们的自发选择。 In such a case, even if these people with high aspirations are unwilling, is unable to criticize the Crimson family is not. If they dare to look for a job, the Crimson family deep conceal for a long time butcher knife also happen to takes to present. 在这样的情况下,即便那些有心人心有不甘,也无法指斥出深红家族的不是。如果他们胆敢找事的话,深红家族深藏已久的屠刀也正好拿出来亮个相。 These external forces cannot including the Crimson family self-preservation the authority eliminates! 那些外部势力总不能连深红家族‘自保’的权力都剥夺吧! However such idea wants to put into practice, first, the gold-lettered signboard of family is attractive, second, the knowledge and resources reserve of family are sufficient, third, must have the core backbone that one batch formidable and enough are obedient...... 不过这样的想法想要实现,第一,家族的金字招牌要有吸引力,第二,家族的知识和资源储备要充足,第三,要有一批强大且足够听话的核心骨干…… But these points, the Crimson family basically had! 而这几点,深红家族已经基本都具备了! For this great idea, Grim starts unceasingly looks for Alice and Mary talks, and convened the family core level to hold the innumerable secret meetings, deduced to argue each detail and each step of establishment public Adept institute. 就为了这个宏大的想法,格力姆开始不断的去找爱丽丝玛丽交谈,并召集家族核心层开了无数个秘密会议,把成立公共巫师学院的每一个细节和每一个步骤都推演争辩了一番。 Finally, after having been through repeatedly one -and-a-half years of careful preparation, Horton Magic Institution was called the Iron Forest City place officially to establish in one. 终于,在历经了一年半的精心准备后,霍顿巫术学院在一个叫做铁林城的地方正式成立了。 ............ ………… Iron Forest City, Horton Magic Institution. 铁林城,霍顿巫术学院 Since that striking Adept Tower towers high, here became lived it up and clamored. 自从那座醒目的巫师高塔高高耸立起来,这里就变得热闹和喧哗了起来。 Because the Iron Forest City city area is too small, Horton Magic Institution chose in the Roy river bank, regarding Horton Magic Tower that big broad area. Here already has the luxuriant deep dense magic jungle, there is gloomy Swamp of thick fog wet weight, constructs in the underground huge mausoleum, Magical Machine small town that as well as the furnace thunders all day long...... 由于铁林城的城区面积过小,霍顿巫术学院就选择在了罗伊河畔,围绕着霍顿巫塔的那一大片广阔地区。这里既有繁茂深密的魔法丛林,也有浓雾湿重的阴森沼泽,还有修建于地下的庞大陵墓,以及终日熔炉轰鸣的魔械小镇…… Witchcraft branch that entire Horton Magic Institution may be divided into several different evolutions approximately, is hanging the chief reputation is that hard to get hold can barely catch a glimpse of legendary Fire Sorcerer Grim, but he simultaneously the minister of fire attribute branch. 整个霍顿巫术学院大致可分为十几个不同谱系的巫术分部,挂着院长名头的就是那位神龙见首不见尾的传奇火巫格力姆,而他同时还是火系分部的部长。 With Grim compound, presents the names in various branch lists dazzlingly burns the item, making each come to understand that investigates Adept of this new institute to feel fearful and apprehensive. 格力姆并列,出现在各分部名单上的名字一个个都是那么刺眼灼目,让每一个前来了解探查这座新学院的巫师感到胆战心惊。 blood attribute: 血系: Minister: Mary( Fourth Grade ) 部长:玛丽4阶 Minute minister: Sorrows( Third Grade ), Rotter( Third Grade ) 分部长:索罗斯(3阶)、罗瑟(3阶 Branch teacher: Issa( Third Grade ), Spara( Third Grade ), Dolores( Third Grade ), Seaver Luss( Third Grade ), Wenlier( Third Grade )...... 分部导师:伊萨(3阶)、史帕拉3阶)、多洛雷斯(3阶)、西弗勒斯(3阶)、温利尔3阶)…… The entire branch contains the foreign professor and outside hires the teacher 33 people, almost completely is the Second Grade above high rank blood group. 整个分部包含外籍教授和外聘导师共33人,几乎全部是2阶以上的高阶血族。 Their activity venues main centralized in blood old castle, Horton Magic Tower and snake bird cliff and other places, the informed and experienced place that the internal clique members chose contained Heisen plane and black forest. 它们的活动场所主要集中在鲜血古堡、霍顿巫塔、蛇鸟崖等处,内部派系成员选择的历练场所包含了海森位面和黑森林。 fire attribute: 火系: Minister: Grim( Fourth Grade ) 部长:格力姆4阶 Minute minister: Sindahl( Third Grade ), mountague( Third Grade ) 分部长:辛达尔(3阶)、蒙塔古(3阶 Branch teacher: Brace? Sharpey( Second Grade ), Durban? Pu Sai( Second Grade ), Vincent? Gore( Second Grade )...... 分部导师:布雷斯?沙比尼(2阶)、德班?普赛(2阶)、文森特?高尔(2阶)…… The entire fire attribute branch altogether has the professor and teacher 17, Grim is only the honor minister of enrolling, all concrete affairs have given the Little Lord mountague that flame tiger Sindahl and another Flame King recommended jointly to manage. 整个火系分部共有教授和导师17名,格力姆只是挂名的荣誉部长,所有的具体事务都交给了焰虎辛达尔和另一位火焰君王推荐来的小领主蒙塔古共同主持。 Their activity venues main centralized in Horton Magic Tower, Flame Throne and Rance plane and other places, the informed and experienced place has chosen Fire Elemental Plane. 它们的活动场所主要集中在霍顿巫塔火焰王座和兰斯位面等处,历练场所则选择了火元素位面 Necromancy: 死灵系: Minister: Conger Nurse( Fourth Grade ) 部长:康格纳斯(4阶 Minute minister: Scourge knight broken face( Fourth Grade ), high rank Corpse Adept Woll( Fourth Grade ) 分部长:天谴骑士碎脸(4阶)、高阶尸巫沃尔(4阶 Branch teacher: Corpse Adept Gels( Third Grade ), not dead Banshee/female monsters Illing( Third Grade ), corpse lord is willing the color( Second Grade ) 分部导师:尸巫格尔斯(3阶)、不死女妖瑟伊林(3阶)、僵尸领主肯色(2阶 Can not say politely that entire Necromancy almost depends entirely on the high rank dead souls that Lich Conger Nurse recommends to support. But Adept or apprentice that can study here, have the opportunity to go to skeleton plane to seek to suit own wild soul there. 可以不客气的说,整个死灵系几乎全靠巫妖康格纳斯推荐来的高阶死灵支撑起来的。而能够在这里学习的巫师学徒,都有机会前往骸骨位面在那里寻找适合自己的野生亡灵。 ...... …… ...... ……
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