AOA :: Volume #13

#1271: The war ends

Lich Conger Nurse won! 巫妖康格纳斯获胜了! This point before that old Dragon at the point of death has filled desperate and sentiment of grief and indignation long dragon roar can listen attentively. 这一点从那头老龙临死之前充满了绝望和悲愤之情的悠长龙吟就能倾听出来。 Had been through repeatedly several of powerhouse squad round to besiege, did not have the alert came by Grim ruthlessly. Even if that old Dragon powerful far ultra common Fourth Grade powerhouse, moved the lower hem corner of super powerhouse slightly, but in such a case, did not beat my humble home Conger Nurse of huge initial capital, is embezzled directly by the magnanimous soul that Lich put. 历经了强者小队的几轮围攻,又全无戒备的被格力姆来了一下狠的。哪怕那头老龙实力强大的远超寻常4阶强者,已经稍稍触碰到了超级强者的衣角,但在这样的情况下,还是不敌舍下了巨大血本的康格纳斯,被巫妖放出来的海量亡灵直接吞没掉了。 In world that many strength terrors monster and different strange, why the Lich ominous name can be situated the front row, depends is they shameless skeleton sea tactic. In addition the Lich space is good at playing with soul, dies does not mean the end of pain in their hands. 世上那么多实力恐怖的魔物和异怪,为何巫妖的凶名能够位居前列,靠的就是它们无耻至极的骷髅海战术。再加上巫妖天上擅长玩弄灵魂,死在它们手里并不意味着痛苦的终结。 Just the opposite, dies in the Lich hand, is true start of long painful profession! 恰恰相反,死在巫妖们手中,才是漫长痛苦生涯的真正开始! Their souls and bodies will not be wasted, by the Lich effective use, becomes in his numerous puppet obedient servant. But this enslaving does not have deadline, does not have the freedom and dignity. 它们的灵魂和躯壳不会被浪费,会被巫妖有效的利用起来,成为其众多傀儡般俯首帖耳的奴仆中一员。而这种奴役是没有期限的,也是没有自由和尊严的。 This also means that dies in the Lich hand, soul and body forever falling darkness. They the suffering in the endless despair and pain, live the fearful life that is seeking livehood cannot, seek to refuse stubbornly with hardship! 这也就意味着,死在巫妖们手中,灵魂和躯壳就将永坠黑暗。它们将在无尽的绝望和痛苦中苦苦煎熬,过着求生不能、求死不得的可怕生活! Does not press out to do last use value in their body and soul, Lich will not let off them. 不榨干它们躯壳和灵魂中的最后一丝利用价值,巫妖是不会放过它们的。 But this voluntary transforms itself the soul Nax regarding Lich, simply is a giant treasure house. Besides giving Lich has contributed Fifth Grade artifact, its body and soul are to also build the high rank undead creature top material. 而这位自愿把自己转化成亡灵的纳克斯对于巫妖来说,简直就是一座巨大的宝库。除了给巫妖贡献了一件5阶神器外,它的身躯和灵魂也是打造高阶不死生物的顶级材料。 Can want to see, in the near future, Lich Conger Nurse definitely will be under many powerful Frost Bone Dragon. Had has helped like this efficiently, can make Lich push onward the ranks of super powerhouse instantaneously. 可以想见,不久的将来,巫妖康格纳斯手下肯定会再多一位实力强大的寒冰骨龙。有了这样的得力臂助,瞬间就能让巫妖挺进超级强者的行列。 At the appointed time, fused Ancient Coffer of Severe Winter again, perhaps Lich Conger Nurse was promoted the Fifth Grade path also on the vast stretch of flat land! 届时,再融合了上古严冬之匣,恐怕巫妖康格纳斯晋级5阶的道路也就一马平川了! ............ ………… Along with disappearance of Nax soul aura, Shrine of ice is out of control to start to rock fiercely. 随着纳克斯灵魂气息的消失,冰之神殿禁不住开始剧烈晃动起来。 To rustling to vibrate, from stone wall and high vault that downward unceasing falling ice piece and detritus this closes right up against artifact strength to support the grand palace that cannot start. But filled the ice crystal dense fog also to lose restraint strength, started to dissipate slowly. 这座靠着神器力量支撑起来的宏伟殿堂开始不住的瑟瑟抖动起来,从石壁和高高的穹顶向下不断的掉落冰块和碎屑。而弥漫其中的冰晶迷雾也失去了约束的力量,开始缓缓地消散掉了。 Finally, passed quarter. 终于,又足足过了一刻钟。 A dense fog point, Lich Conger Nurse in rags walked from inside. 迷雾一分,巫妖康格纳斯衣衫褴褛的从里面走了出来。 Although body already broken is unable to look straight ahead, although Spirit feeble making one has palpitated with excitement, but Lich Conger Nurse above the jade Bai Jie's crystal skull only has exhibited a joyful look extremely as before. 虽然身躯已经残破的无法直视,虽然精神已经衰弱的令人怦然心动,但是巫妖康格纳斯玉白洁净的水晶颅骨之上依旧摆出了一副欣喜万分的神色。 Can want to see, it in inside harvest affirmed that big has been hard to imagine the situation that to the average man. Only is artifact and bone dragon, can make it eat an abdomen also to have the pack to go home perfectly round. 可以想见,它在里面的收获肯定大到了常人难以想象的地步。光是神器和骨龙,就能让它吃个肚腹溜圆还带打包回家的。 Sand King and snake that female and Star Spirit overjoyed Lich and waits for outside, have formed the sharp contrast immediately. The latter three people of face darkens, the mood is all depressed, obviously restrains by force their head regarding Grim, does not make its participation final decisive battle have the disaffection. 欢天喜地的巫妖和在外等候的沙王、蛇女、星灵,立刻形成了鲜明的对比。后者三人个个脸色阴沉,心情郁闷,显然对于格力姆强压它们一头,不让其参与最后的决战心存不满。 Formed a team to arrive at this dangerous different plane with great difficulty, but also caused heavy losses to that sinister terrifying old Dragon. If the squad members get together to kill this old Dragon together, perhaps they can also propose righteously request fair carves up old Dragon buried treasure. 好不容易组队来到了这个险恶的异位面,还把那头阴险恐怖的老龙重创了。如果小队成员聚合起来一起干掉这头老龙,或许它们还能理直气壮地提出要求‘公平’瓜分老龙的宝藏。 But now...... Finally fought a decisive battle by Lich one person has taken care of everything, definitely will come under the enormous influence in following dividing the booty link their individual incomes. 可现在……最终决战被巫妖一人包办了,那么在接下来的分赃环节它们的个人收益肯定会受到巨大影响。 Had this factor, also no wonder several people took a look to Lich and Grim's look somewhat hate and angry. 有了这个因素在,也就难怪几人瞅向巫妖格力姆的眼神有些怨恨和愤怒了。 Conger Nurse also is always skilled in the fellow of matter, selects the eyebrow to know the eye, immediately stands to take a stand. 康格纳斯也是老精于事的家伙,挑眉知眼,立刻站出来表态了。 „The Nax treasure house front door was opened by me! Besides that Coffer of Severe Winter, I only take away that I earned, other treasures same have not moved. You hurry to now, happen to can divide equally them. This is also you participates in one harvest of this motion!” 纳克斯的宝库大门已经被我打开了!除了那件严冬之匣外,我只拿走了我应得的那一份,其余的宝物则一样未动。你们现在赶去,正好可以把它们都平分掉了。这也算是你们参与此次行动的一种收获吧!” Heard this word, Sand King and on the snake female face reveals finally happy has accommodated, immediately such as flies to resemble the arrow to crash in creakying Shrine. That Star Spirit Tulas congealing vertical moment, took a look at Lich and Grim, overtaking of finally did not say a word. 闻听此言,沙王和蛇女脸上终于露出了欢容,立刻如飞似箭般冲进了摇摇欲坠的神殿。那位星灵图拉斯凝立片刻,瞅了巫妖格力姆一眼,终于一言不发的赶了过去。 After three people depart, Lich Conger Nurse then turned the head to look to Grim. 等到三人离去后,巫妖康格纳斯这才转头看向了格力姆 But the Grim look is motionless, has not set out slightly robbing the meaning of treasure. 格力姆神色不动,丝毫没有起身去‘抢夺’宝物的意思。 You are very strange!” Lich Conger Nurse approves to sigh: You are I have seen in Adept most ascertain airtight one. Sometimes, I cannot think through you to want anything really......” “你很奇怪!”巫妖康格纳斯赞叹道:“你是我所见过的巫师中最为捉摸不透的一个。有时候,我真的想不通你到底想要些什么……” Grim had not replied that its issue, instead caught the eye to look to the dense fog deep place, the brow micro wrinkle said: „Do you deceive the dense fog deep place to do them? To catch the whole lot in a dragnet them?” 格力姆没有回答它的问题,反而抬眼看向了迷雾深处,眉头微皱道:“你把它们骗到迷雾深处干什么?想要把它们一网打尽?” Conger Nurse jade Bai Jie only, did not have the crystal cheeks of half silk flesh and on flesh and blood shows a cold and gloomy smile, the mandible fanned to say slightly: If before place, by my natural disposition, must certainly one and kills these idiots......” 康格纳斯玉白洁净,没有半丝肌肤和血肉的水晶脸颊上露出了一丝森冷的微笑,下颌骨微微扇动道:“如果放在以前,以我的本性,肯定要把这几个蠢货一并干掉……” Then now?” Grim smiles easely. “那么现在呢?”格力姆悠然一笑。 Now is certainly different. Obtains all that I wanted, I had the confidence to go forward again. Leaves behind these idiots, in the future also will perhaps have to take their opportunities!” Here, revolution of Lich scarlet soul fire on Grim: As for your excellency...... Among us the agreement is as before effective. From now on 200 years, I am willing to form an alliance with your excellency, becomes in expensive family......” “现在当然不同了。得到了我想要的一切,我已经有信心再前进一步了。留下这些蠢货,将来说不定还有利用它们的机会!”说到这里,巫妖猩红魂火在格力姆身上一转:“至于阁下……我们之间的约定依旧有效。从现在开始的200年内,我愿意和阁下结盟,成为贵家族中的一员……” To their this levels, although cannot say as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, each few words that but said that each pledge that made also had all sorts of strange prestige energies, can arouse the principle strength unusual resonance. 到了它们这个层级,虽然说不上言出法随,可是说出的每一句话,发出的每一个誓言也都有了种种奇异的威能,能够引发法则力量的异样共鸣。 Therefore even if not draw support from any magic contract, when saying these words when Lich Conger Nurse treats a matter seriously, the void principle aura fills the air, the line of one ancient and obscure destiny already it and Grim tight relation in one. 因此即便不借助任何魔法契约,当巫妖康格纳斯郑重其事的说出这番话时,虚空中法则气息弥漫,一种古老而晦涩的命运之线已经把其和格力姆紧紧联系在了一起。 Both sides both have not rejected, respectively submerged their within the body on behalf of the strange line of strength of destiny causes and effects, integrated in the soul slowly. 双方都没有拒绝,代表命运因果之力的奇异线条就分别没入到了它们体内,缓缓地融入灵魂之中。 Such pledge contract not compulsory punitive measures, but is the Spiritual Force strong and weak suspension hook of both sides. If the Lich Spiritual Force complete lid has pressed Grim, even if violated the contract trifling thing not to have. 这样的誓言契约没有强制性的惩罚措施,而是和双方的精神力强弱挂钩。如果巫妖精神力完全盖压了格力姆,即便违背了契约也屁事没有。 May want Grim Spiritual Force to be higher than it, but it has violated the contract words, price that then it needs to pay also with it elevation. 可要格力姆精神力远高于它,而它又违背了契约的话,那么它需要付出的代价也将随之升高。 Regarding this type related to soul source thing, without which high rank creature careless and indiscreet regarding it! 对于这种涉及灵魂本源的东西,没有哪位高阶生物会轻忽视之的! After the contract was established, Grim and Lich related immediately were intimate with several points. 契约成立后,格力姆巫妖立时关系就亲近了几分。 Although could not have achieved intimate level, may at least no longer always cautiously alert the sneak attack of opposite party like other people. 虽然还达不到亲密无间的程度,可至少不再像其他人一样总是小心翼翼地戒备对方的偷袭了。 You have helped my such big busy, this thing you receive!” Lich Conger Nurse lifts the hand, threw strange heart of one group of grinding pan sizes. “你帮了我这么大一个忙,这个东西你收好吧!”巫妖康格纳斯一抬手,扔过来了一团磨盘大小的奇异心脏。 The heart just made an appearance, the peripheral mist immediately the condensation has become thin film of ice in broken bits, starts to fall. Together piercing severely cold disseminates in all directions, making each feel the fellow cannot help but blood freeze of its aura, the body stiffly stagnates. 心脏刚一露面,周边的雾气立刻冷凝成了细碎的冰碴,开始扑簌簌掉落下来。一道刺骨的严寒四处弥散,让每一个感受到其气息的家伙都不由得血液冻结,身躯僵滞。 Heart of Nax?!” Grim almost called with amazement. 纳克斯的心脏?!”格力姆几乎惊讶的叫了出来。 Giant heart of this freeze in thick ice crystal also in the slight pulsation, as before is maintaining strongly the vigor of full. But the life aura of its overflow, is clearly without change with that Frost Bone Dragon Nax. 这颗封冻在厚实冰晶里面的巨大心脏还在轻微脉动着,依旧保持着强劲而充盈的活力。而其外溢的生命气息,分明就和那位寒冰骨龙纳克斯一般无二。 Jie Jie Jie...... I have not thought that old Dragon is attached to the passing body. Unexpectedly before transforming oneself, pulled out to dig the coming out seal the dragon heart in the ice piece.” On Lich the mandible is colliding gently, has made the clear delightful sound: It seems like, after it is planned to endure the soul transformation, again finds the way to restore own blood sarcosaurus body. But now...... Jie Jie Jie, these have become our spoils of war!” “桀桀桀……我也没有想到,那头老龙还是很眷恋自己过往身躯的。竟然在改造自己之前,就把龙心掏挖了出来封印在了冰块里。”巫妖上下颌骨轻轻碰撞着,发出了清脆悦耳的声音:“看来,它是打算熬过灵魂改造之后,再想办法重新恢复自己的血肉龙躯。只不过现在……桀桀桀,这些都成了咱们的战利品了!” Grim held this giant heart to heft hefting, scanned the inside life activeness with the chip and energy intensity, satisfied nod, has forced conveniently in elder status ring. 格力姆一手托着这颗巨大心脏掂了掂,又用芯片扫描了一下内里的生命活性和能量强度,满意的点点头,随手就塞进了长老权戒之中。 To their this levels, besides high rank Sorcerer Artifact, the ordinary armament was unable to use. Even if passing these low rank equipment wear on the body, being hard amplification their strength slightest. 到了他们这个层级,除了高阶巫器外,普通装备已经根本无法使用。过往那些低阶装备哪怕佩戴在身上,也难以增幅他们力量分毫。 Moreover fights the same place, strength of full entire body formidable principle. These low rank equipment let alone attacked the enemy, oneself mixed in the flame of strength of principle unable to withstand, will cremate the ash directly. 而且大战一起,强大的法则之力充盈整个身躯。这些低阶装备别说攻击敌人了,就连自身掺入了法则之力的火焰都承受不住,会直接焚化成灰。 Therefore, besides suiting the Sorcerer Artifact equipment of their level, other low rank treasures place on them are purely the waste. 因此,除了适合他们层级的巫器装备外,其余低阶宝物放在他们身上纯属浪费。 But which aspect the heart of this ice dragon from looks is a good Fourth Grade material, manufactured Sorcerer Artifact disposable Witchcraft item, the might affirms slightly not. 而这颗冰龙之心从哪方面看都属于一件不错的4阶材料,无论是制作成巫器还是一次性巫术道具,威力肯定小不了。 Regarding good intentions that’ Lich expressed that Grim naturally without hesitation kindly accepted! 对于巫妖表达出来的‘善意’,格力姆自然毫不犹豫的就笑纳了! How this does plane process?” Grim raising the head visual Conger Nurse. “这个位面怎么处理?”格力姆抬头目视康格纳斯。 Here creature resources and plane environment was seriously twisted by Coffer of Severe Winter, returned to the original condition very much difficultly again. If you are interested in stay behind it, I think that three fellows do not dare to snatch with you!” Lich cannot bear the suggestion say. “这里的生物资源和位面环境已经被严冬之匣严重扭曲了,很难再恢复原状了。你如果感兴趣的话就把其留下吧,我想那三个家伙是不敢和你抢的!”巫妖忍不住建议道。 The word, it conveniently has pulled open dense small-type cross plane Teleportation Gate. 言罢,它又随手拉开了一道氤氲的小型位面传送门 But before leaving, it has abandoned a few words. 而在临走之前,它又扔下了一句话。 I will observe the commitment! I return to skeleton plane recuperation first, takes 2-3 years probably. After the situation stabilizes, I personally will certainly pay a visit your excellency. At the appointed time sees!” “我会信守承诺的!我先回骸骨位面休整一下,大概需要两三年时间。等到情况稳定后,我一定会亲自登门拜访阁下。到时见!” At the appointed time sees!” “到时见!” After Lich Conger Nurse drills into Teleportation Gate, the white light explodes dodges, the space closed slowly. 巫妖康格纳斯钻入传送门后,白光爆闪,空间徐徐弥合起来了。 On it is bringing so heavy treasure, naturally when does not dare again like made a long and wearisome journey. Therefore rather consumes some energy and resources, wants the direct transmission, to avoid the halfway bitter experience anything mishap. 它身上带着如此重宝,自然不敢再像来时那样长途跋涉了。所以宁愿多耗损些精力和资源,也要直接传送回去,以避免半路遭遇什么不测。 Also can see the Lich this creature discrete cunning place from this point! 从这一点也可以看出巫妖这种生物的谨慎奸猾之处!
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