AOA :: Volume #13

#1263: Frost Bone Dragon Nax

This is modeling strange Giant Dragon! 这是一头造型奇异的巨龙 Grew one to be similar to skeleton Dragon Ban huge Skeleton obviously, however in the joint slit, in the giant chest and belly cavity, in the slight hole of bone pterygoid bone membrane, was filling everywhere one type blue tearful, the ice cold piercing side cold frozen air/Qi. 明明长了一副类似于骨架龙般的巨大骨骼,但是在骨节缝隙之中,在巨大的胸腹空腔之中,在骨翼骨膜的细微孔洞之中,到处都填充着一种蓝汪汪、冰寒刺骨的极寒冻气。 glittering and translucent incorruptible wraps majority of Skeleton in inside, actually strange has not had any influence to the motion of this Giant Dragon, is similar the ice pieces of these firm over fine steel is illusory general. 晶莹剔透的冰霜把大部分骨骼都包裹在里面,却诡异的没有对这头巨龙的行动造成任何影响,就仿佛那些坚逾精钢的冰块全是虚幻的一般。 The Giant Dragon seizing every opportunity of formidable overwhelming power and cold ice strength of unifies, just now concentrates to synthesize at present this super terror Cold Ice Giant Dragon! 巨龙的强大威猛和寒冰之力的无孔不入结合起来,方才凝合成了眼前这头超级恐怖的寒冰巨龙 Why is Undead Dragon?” Grim knits the brows: I remember that Cold Ice Giant Dragon should also be flesh and blood creature. Its flesh and blood?” “为什么是亡灵龙?”格力姆皱眉道:“我记得寒冰巨龙也应该是血肉生物。它身上的血肉呢?” In Rance plane, Fourth Grade Cold Ice Giant Dragon Grim, although has not seen, is 1, Second Grade being not infrequent of ice dragon actually also slaughter. But these ice dragons without any exception belongs to flesh and blood creature, is not the soul! 在兰斯位面,4阶寒冰巨龙格力姆虽然没有见过,可是1、2阶的冰龙却也屠杀的不在少数。而那些冰龙无一例外的都属于血肉生物,并不是亡灵啊! This explained Ancient Coffer of Severe Winter exactly in its hand.” The Lich Conger Nurse scarlet soul fire distant looks to lord over Cold Ice Giant Dragon in Shrine by near kilometer distance, cold say/way: „Before it, perhaps is vivid Giant Dragon, may contact Ancient Coffer of Severe Winter to be long, flesh and blood also unavoidably must be corroded by it. Do not forget, Ancient Coffer of Severe Winter may have Death natural law and ice natural law.” “这恰好说明了上古寒冬之匣在它手上。”巫妖康格纳斯猩红魂火遥遥透过近千米的距离看着高踞神殿之内的寒冰巨龙,冷然道:“它以前或许是头有血有肉的巨龙,可接触上古寒冬之匣久了,身上的血肉也就难免要被其侵蚀掉。你可别忘了,上古寒冬之匣可拥有着死亡规则和冰之规则。” Listens to the explanation of Lich, Grim to be suddenly enlighted immediately. 听了巫妖的解释,格力姆立刻恍然大悟。 Really, anything has its advantage to have its shortcoming! 果然,任何事情有其利必有其弊! This Cold Ice Giant Dragon seeks after inside Ancient Coffer of Severe Winter natural law of ice, once has bought in inside strength, the body flesh and blood also unavoidably must be corroded by Death natural law. This is high rank Death natural law! Is impossible to rely on the resiliency by the flesh and blood that it corrodes rebirth to come out again. 这头寒冰巨龙贪图上古严冬之匣内里的冰之规则,一旦吸纳了里面的力量,身上血肉也就难免要被死亡规则侵蚀掉。这可是高阶死亡规则啊!被它所侵蚀的血肉是根本不可能凭借恢复力再重生出来的。 This Cold Ice Giant Dragon completely had been transformed by the strength of Death now, turned had the strength and Death Frost Bone Dragon of strength of dual principle cold ice. 这头寒冰巨龙现在已经被死亡之力完全改造过了,变成了拥有寒冰之力和死亡之力双重法则的寒冰骨龙 It now is complete and thorough Undead Dragon! 它现在已经是头完完全全、彻彻底底的亡灵龙了! Base and low and greedy intruder, I smelled wailing of cold ice state dying resentful soul on you. Your behaviors will certainly be punished by the destiny! I will freeze in you in ice piece, stands erect in the palace entrance, to warn successor who these act recklessly......” “卑微而贪婪的入侵者们,我在你们身上闻到了寒冰国度死去怨魂的哀嚎。你们的行为必将受到命运的惩罚!我会把你们封冻在冰块里,竖立在宫殿门口,以警告那些不知死活的后来者……” That Frost Bone Dragon high raising body, contracts after behind deep blue wings launches directly. Strange rune of that shining and circled to wind high above the uncertain dense cold air to cover entirely its entire body, looked from afar like the fine artware that one group of blue light wrapped. 那头寒冰骨龙高高的昂起身躯,收缩在身后的湛蓝双翼更是直接展开。那流光溢彩的奇异符文和盘旋飞绕不定的氤氲寒气布满了它的整个身躯,远远看去就像一团蓝光包裹的精美艺术品。 Snort, boast shamelessly!” Lich cannot bear satirize: I, if guesses good, should you want to integrate in oneself soul that Ancient Coffer of Severe Winter?” “哼,大言不惭!”巫妖忍不住讽刺道:“我如果猜的不错的话,你应该是想把那个上古严冬之匣融入自己灵魂之中吧?” Bastard, your fellows loudly are really roaring for...... Frost Bone Dragon that thing comes, gushed out the side cold frozen air/Qi of big group big group from it big mouth, making the temperature in Shrine fall hundred degrees celsius to be many once more. “混蛋,你们这些家伙果然是为了那个东西来的……”寒冰骨龙大声咆哮着,从它大张的嘴巴里涌出了大团大团的极寒冻气,让神殿之内的温度再次直降了百度还多。 Ancient Coffer of Severe Winter has Death and cold ice two is natural law, you to be promoted Fifth Grade , want to integrate in the soul it. Has actually underestimated its strength, has overestimated itself. In order to fuse successfully, you did not even hesitate to transform undead creature yourself...... Jie Jie Jie, is really enough ruthless!” Lich cold say/way: Now we came, you know the limitation to hand over it! Otherwise......” 上古严冬之匣可是拥有死亡和寒冰两系规则的,你为了晋级5阶,想要把其融入到灵魂之中。却低估了它的力量,也高估了自己。为了融合成功,你甚至不惜把自己转化成了不死生物……桀桀桀,果然是够狠!”巫妖冷然道:“现在我们来了,你就识相点把它交出来吧!否则……” Perhaps thoroughly had been enraged by the Lich words, Frost Bone Dragon roared fierce, the bending down body trod bang the serious step to clash to five people of squads fiercely. 兴许是被巫妖的话语彻底激怒了,寒冰骨龙厉声咆哮了一阵,猛地俯下身躯踏着轰隆隆的沉重步伐向五人小队冲了过来。 Sand King, the snake female, you block it!” The Lich Conger Nurse's high-pitched and fine voice resounds immediately. But it is withdraws several steps, starts hurriedly read aloud to open the dead souls space the magic incantation. 沙王,蛇女,你们挡住它!”巫妖康格纳斯尖细的嗓音即时响起。而它更是后撤几步,开始风风火火的念诵起了打开死灵空间的魔法咒语。 Damn, this fellow physique was too big!” The Sand King hissing is roaring: I most keep off it several to count on the fingers...... Behind you strove for fortunately!” “该死的,这个家伙块头太大了!”沙王嘶声怒吼着:“我最多挡它十几屈指……后面你们就自求多福吧!” The word, the Sand King body shakes, the massive brown smoke group's from the body in icy peak withdraws to pour into its within the body. It 5 meters Insect Body expanded like the air flush ball inflation instantaneously, turned into a build 33 meters in length great insect, welcomed Frost Bone Dragon to hit. 言罢,沙王身躯一抖,大量的土黄色烟团从身下冰峰里提取出来灌入它体内。它原本不过5米的虫躯瞬间就像吹气球般膨胀壮大了起来,化成了一头体型长达33米的巨虫,迎着寒冰骨龙就撞了过去。 Frost Bone Dragon from beginning to end 35 meters in length, the build is the several fold in Sand King. 寒冰骨龙头尾长达35米,体型更是数倍于沙王 Therefore the hits of two big fellows look like the comet hit Earth, has started fearful wild hurricane in the main hall center instantaneously. The ice variety that several being indomitable spirit icicles that the place of strength ripple volume, approaches and find at everywhere explodes everywhere shaved ice immediately, was wrapped up by the wild hurricane has been firing into all directions. 因此两个大块头的撞击就像是彗星撞地球,瞬间在大殿中央掀起了一股可怕的狂暴飓风。力量波纹卷荡之处,临近的几根顶天立地冰柱和随处可见的冰簇立刻爆成了漫天的冰屑,被狂暴飓风卷裹着冲向了四面八方。 The build light snake female has not waited to approach the battlefield by the repetitive backlash of storm impact, depended entirely on the snake tail volume to entangle on an icicle reluctantly has stood firm the personal appearance. 体型较轻的蛇女还未等靠近战场就被风暴冲击的连连后退,全靠蛇尾卷缠在一根冰柱上才勉强稳住了身形。 That Star Spirit is quite strange, the body week floats three to glitter spooky ray strange shield, wraps itself in. But its main body crouches in hiding above ice layer, soars strange rune from within the body one after another. 那位星灵则比较古怪,身周漂浮起三面闪烁着幽幽光芒的奇异护盾,把自己包裹其中。而它本体则蹲伏在冰层之上,从体内飞腾出一个接一个的奇异符文 These rune as if are having the bystander unreadable strange prestige energy, imitates, if flies toward hurricane deep place that group deep blue cold glow to the nest bird. 这些符文一个个似乎拥有着外人难以理解的古怪威能,仿若离巢小鸟般向着飓风深处那团湛蓝寒芒飞去。 But Grim also in fast holds incantation casting magic, with elevation of incantation syllable, pure is condensed the giant shutter that becomes to reappear by the flame, and opens slowly. 格力姆也在快速的持咒施法,随着咒语音节的升高,一座纯由火焰凝聚而成的巨大光门浮现出来,并缓缓打开。 The next quarter, tidal flame creature flushed, flushes away toward Frost Bone Dragon Grim driven by. 下一刻,潮水般的火焰生物冲了出来,在格力姆驱使下向着寒冰骨龙冲去。 Good...... Looks my!” Almost at the same time, the Lich Conger Nurse's dead souls space also opened. “好了……看我的吧!”几乎在同一时刻,巫妖康格纳斯的死灵空间也打开了。 The gate of strange skeleton condenses together in the air, opens wide along with the front door, the teams of systematic elite dead souls regiments appeared before the people. 一道奇异的骸骨之门在空气中凝聚出来,随着大门敞开,一队队井然有序的精锐死灵军团出现在了众人面前。 What placed team most front row is one crowd of quantities achieves 200 fearful Ghoul. 排在队伍最前列的是一群数量达到200的可怕食尸鬼 They mount greasy body surface not any flesh slippery, has revealed under the thick and tenacious muscle fiber directly. Their rickets the body is crawling on the ground, above the spinal column of back bulge has been covered with the white spur. 它们湿滑黏腻的身躯表面没有任何肌肤,直接露出了下方粗大而坚韧的肌肉纤维。它们佝偻着身躯匍匐在地上,背后凸起的脊柱之上长满了白森森的骨刺。 They main attack weapons are Four Limbs terminal that incisive sharp claw claw, as well as the fierce fearsome fang huge mouth and can the ejection leave two meters far strange loquacious. 它们最主要的攻击武器就是四肢末端那尖锐锋利的脚爪手爪,以及狰狞可怖的獠牙巨口和能够弹射出两米远的奇异长舌。 But behind the Ghoul team is several hands with the bones of the dead law stick, wears terror Corpse Adept of Death method robe. But they inborn soul Caster, can cast major part Death magic and several fearful ghost Curse. 而在食尸鬼队伍后方的则是十几个手拿白骨法杖,身穿死亡法袍的恐怖尸巫。它们可是天生的亡灵施法者,能够施放绝大部分的死亡法术和几种可怕的亡魂诅咒 But the distribution by Corpse Adept this is more than 30 soul knights. 而分布在尸巫两侧的这是30多个亡灵骑士。 They from most low rank bone horse Qishi( First Grade ) to most high rank scourge knight( Fourth Grade ), almost included all knight class soul creature again. 它们从最低阶的骨马骑士(1阶)再到最高阶的天谴骑士(4阶),几乎囊括了所有的骑士类亡灵生物 But they are not most powerhouses in Lich Conger Nurse guard regiment. 而它们也不是巫妖康格纳斯近卫军团中的最强者。 As unceasing emergence of elite soul regiment, behind their team along with a Skeleton resounding of creaking, a build 15 meters in length big bone dragon appears before the people. 随着精锐亡灵军团的不断涌现,它们队伍后方随着一阵嘎吱嘎吱的骨骼脆响,一头体型长达15米的高大骨龙出现在众人面前。 Soul regiment, blows away the fellow of this being in the way for me!” “亡灵军团,替我干掉这个碍事的家伙!” The Lich Conger Nurse stick wields, all souls face upwarded has sent out the silent call, simultaneously from the flank have fired into the battlefield. 巫妖康格纳斯法杖一挥,所有的亡灵仰天发出了无声的呐喊,齐齐的从侧翼冲向了战场。 Flame creature and soul regiment and Nether Energy rune...... 火焰生物、亡灵军团、幽能符文…… Three can various methods, convene the formidable and fearful teams greatly immediately, broke in the battlefield from each direction. 三位大能各施手段,立刻召集出了一支支强大而可怕的队伍,从各个方向冲入了战场。 But at this point, Sand King somewhat could not support! 而在此时,沙王已经有些支撑不住了! Does not exist using the body of talent different functions huge after all, in each collision and energy junction stir up, sand Royal Capital must withstand the strength suppression that the disparate build brings. 利用天赋异能巨大化的身躯毕竟不是真实存在的,在每一次碰撞和能量交激中,沙王都要承受悬殊体型带来的力量压制。 Frost Bone Dragon body by firm over fine steel of strength of forging cold ice, in crazy collision besides falling some shaved ice and ice dregs, almost cannot see any other injuring. But Sand King already was scarred, outside the body insect shell everywhere can see the fearful crack, the stench insect blood has not waited to sprinkle to be swept across the cold air of trim world to freeze the ice crystal. 寒冰骨龙的身躯已经被寒冰之力锻造的坚逾精钢,在疯狂碰撞中除了掉落了一些冰屑和冰渣外,几乎看不到任何其他的伤损。而沙王则早已伤痕累累,体外虫壳处处都能看到可怕的裂纹,腥臭的虫血还未等洒落就被席卷整片天地的寒气冻结成了冰晶。 That snake female Stheno walks randomly in the battlefield surrounding at the flexible body fast, once for a while social climbing is attacking Frost Bone Dragon above the icicle with the swift and violent snake arrow. 那位蛇女丝希娜以灵活的身躯在战场外围快速游走,时不时的攀附在冰柱之上以迅猛的蛇箭攻击着寒冰骨龙 Snake female Stheno has six arms, two arms are brandishing the sword the ice crystal deducting fragment that front surfaces fly, two arms bend the bow the nocking to project modeling strange snake arrows. 蛇女丝希娜有着六条手臂,两条手臂挥舞着战刀把一块块迎面飞来的冰晶劈成碎片,两条手臂弯弓搭箭射出一支支造型奇异的蛇箭。 These snake arrows come from her head snake send. 这些蛇箭就来自于她头上的蛇发。 Whenever the snake arrow hit enemy, arrow is taking to the enemy the fearful physical injury also to turn into the poisonous snake instantaneously, pesters the opposite party stubbornly. 每当蛇箭命中敌人,箭矢在带给敌人可怕的物理伤害同时还会瞬间变成毒蛇,死死地纠缠住对方。 This is also a big unique skill of snake female Stheno long-distance attack! 这也是蛇女丝希娜远程攻击的一大绝招! Is only a pity this wishy-washy long-distance attack regarding Frost Bone Dragon Nax radically invalid. These snake arrows do not penetrate the cold ice protective layer of Nax huge Skeleton body surface, activates as for some snake venom and snake arrows, without enough time displayed to be frozen the ice crystal. 只可惜这种不疼不痒的远程攻击对于寒冰骨龙纳克斯来说根本无效。那些蛇箭根本穿不透纳克斯巨大骨骼身躯表面的寒冰防护层,至于些许的蛇毒和蛇箭活化,更是还来不及施展就被冻结成了冰晶。 The disparate disparity on build makes snake female Stheno not dare to approach the Frost Bone Dragon slightest. 体型上的悬殊差距让蛇女丝希娜根本不敢靠近寒冰骨龙分毫。 Once she by the side cold strength frontal attack of opposite party, she may not have the Sand King that thick insect armor to protect itself, does not have Sand King that powerful strength to work loose the ice crystal restraint. 一旦她被对方的极寒之力正面攻击到,她可没有沙王那么厚实的虫铠来保护自己,也没有沙王那么强悍的力量挣脱冰晶的束缚 Can not say politely that was too simply uncomfortable with this Frost Bone Dragon Nax fight! 可以不客气的说,和这头寒冰骨龙纳克斯战斗简直太难受了! So long as at Frost Bone Dragon Nax ices Aura to cover in the range coldly, Sand King every action and every movement will become exceptionally slow and crabbed. The numerous segmental appendage great legs will often be frozen in same place, can only depend upon powerful physical body strength to help its disintegration, can make it restore the mobile capability. 只要处在寒冰骨龙纳克斯的寒冰光环笼罩范围内,沙王的一举一动都会变得异常缓慢和艰涩。众多的节肢巨腿动不动就会被冻结在原地,只能依靠强悍的肉*体力量帮其崩碎,才能让其重新恢复移动能力。 Therefore supports after by strenuous efforts 13 have counted on the fingers, Sand King can only cry out strangely from the battlefield to draw back. But it just drew back, flame creature and dead souls of regiment and that Nether Energy rune troop have surrounded. 因此苦苦支撑了13屈指后,沙王只能哇哇怪叫着从战场上退了下来。而它刚刚退下,大群的火焰生物、死灵军团和那种幽能符文就围拢了上来。 Looks densely, from wells up the enemy who in all directions, Frost Bone Dragon Nax roars, opened the big mouth to spout one to disseminate the side cold frozen air/Qi of audience. 看着黑压压,从四面八方涌来的敌人,寒冰骨龙纳克斯怒吼一声,张开大嘴喷出了一股弥散全场的极寒冻气。 The fellows in these charges, flame creature, or is the dead souls regiment, in froze in instantaneously in a thick transparent ice crystal. And along with the dissemination of cold air, far and near the ice crystals of various places in abundance bursts, connected inside the fellow of freeze to break to pieces everywhere the shaved ice together. 那些冲锋中的家伙们,无论是火焰生物,亦或者是死灵军团,都在瞬间被封冻在了一层厚实的透明冰晶之中。并且随着寒气的弥散,远近各处的冰晶纷纷破裂,连通着里面封冻的家伙一起碎成了满地冰屑。
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