ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2025: colorless Profound Handle

What did you see?” “你看到了什么?” When the Yun Che's consciousness leaves from the soul shadow, Li Suo voice/sound resounds. 云澈的意识从魂影中离开时,黎娑声音响起。 That is Evil God Ni Xuan keeps Yun Che soul sea memory afterimage directly, Li Suo is unable to peep. 那是邪神逆玄直接留予云澈魂海的记忆残影,黎娑无法窥视。 Is the memory fragment that the Ni Xuan senior leaves behind specially.” The Yun Che's tone brings the heaviness that has not been diverging. “是逆玄前辈特意留下的记忆碎片。”云澈的语气带着尚未散去的沉重。 Mo Su...... 末苏…… This name, he is not first touching. 这个名字,他并非是第一次触及。 Although the impression is very superficial, but end this surname is extremely special, the Yun Che entire life knows, only has two people. 虽然印象很是浅薄,但“末”这个姓氏太过特殊,云澈生平所知,也唯有两人 One is Four Great Creation Gods first Mo E. Another...... is Mo Su that” in the Dragon God old book records! 一为四大创世神之首末厄。另一个……便是龙神古籍上所记载的“末苏”! Heaven Punishing Crown Prince Mo Su, the bearing, world God's Son is remarkably second to none. The sincerity of Heaven Punishing God Emperor love, actually because of offending cannot accommodate the taboo, was buried into Null Abyss by it personally.】 诛天太子末苏,神姿卓然,世间神子无出其右。诛天神帝爱之深切,却因触犯不可容之禁忌,被其亲手葬入无之深渊。】 It its strict it certainly, shakes Heavens, the world all extols admires.】 【其正其苛其绝,震荡诸天,世皆赞颂拜服。】 „......” Recalled the brief record of Dragon God old book name to Mo Su, Yun Che was deep in the long-time thought. “……”忆起龙神古籍对“末苏”之名的简短记载,云澈陷入了长久的沉思。 Ni Xuan in memory fragment, his Divine Power, his position, his look, his makings breadth of spirit...... is world man most, so exists all, is actually like that free and easy uninhibited, horizontally views all living things. 记忆碎片中的逆玄,他的神力,他的地位,他的相貌,他的气质气魄……无不是世间男子之最,如此存在,却又是那般洒脱不羁,平视众生。 Sons such as he, when Ling Gujue now. 男儿如他,当凌古绝今。 Ni Xuan that but Yun Che sees, actually sinks like that old depressed...... 云澈所见的逆玄,却是那般苍老沉郁…… Regardless of under who meets for first time, is absolutely impossible to believe that they unexpectedly are the same people. 无论何人乍见之下,都绝无可能相信他们竟是同一人。 Sees to feel by Yun Che, before the Evil God Ni Xuan god falls the appearance, the principal factor at all is not the corrosion of Life Extinguishing Myriad Tribulations, but gloomy dispirited with self- suffers extremely. 云澈所见所感,邪神逆玄神陨前的样子,主因根本不是万劫无生的侵蚀,而是极度的灰暗颓废与自我折磨。 But Mo Su...... 末苏…… He is Heaven Punishing Crown Prince that” in the Dragon God old book records, without a doubt is the Heaven Punishing God Emperor Mo E most important son. 他是龙神古籍中记载的“诛天太子”,毫无疑问是诛天神帝末厄最重要的儿子。 In the memory fragment, with Mo E that Ni Xuan does not approve, for the Mo Su advancement, the choice advanced side him Ni Xuan, shallow apparent, this is he for huge concessions —— that Mo Su makes, because this act is not only to lag behind the face, will also make him have to owe a Ni Xuan favor. 记忆碎片中,与逆玄互不认同的末厄,为了末苏的进境,还是选择将他推到了逆玄身边,浅想便知,这是他为末苏做出的巨大让步——因为此举不但是拉下脸面,还会让他不得不欠逆玄一个人情。 Indicates he Mo Su deep hidden attaching great importance to and concern. 足见他对末苏深隐的重视与关爱。 But why the Dragon God old book record...... was the Mo Su result, buried Null Abyss by Mo E unexpectedly personally? 但为何龙神古籍记载……末苏的终局,竟是被末厄亲手葬下无之深渊 The youngster in memory fragment noble also brings ignorant some...... or simple-hearted, defends the ritual following the gauge, the elders and superiors respect the father, does not moisten the six sexual attractions, is extremely careful including the word usage of each few words, for fear that is disrespectful. 记忆碎片中的少年高贵中又带着些许懵懂……或者说木讷,循规守礼,尊长敬父,不沾六欲,连每一句话的用词都慎之又慎,唯恐失礼。 Such obviously grows under the strict bunch, even Ni Xuan personally request overstepping one's authority difficult did the extremely person, actually he commit the crime of what taboo? Lets a father unexpectedly, doesn't hesitate to bury to extinguish itself most to love the son who personally? 这样一个明显在严束下成长,连逆玄亲口要求的“僭越”都极为艰难的人,他究竟是犯了何种禁忌之罪?竟让一个父亲,不惜亲手葬灭自己最爱的儿子? Wait...... 等等…… Why can Ni Xuan stay behind this remembering to me specially? 逆玄为什么要特意给我留下这段记忆? Mo Su...... buries abyss...... 末苏……葬下深渊…… could it be that...... 难道…… Your Soul fluctuates is so suddenly fierce.” Li Suo voice/sound resounds: It seems like, Ni Xuan leaves your memory fragment to be unusual.” “你的灵魂波动忽然如此剧烈。”黎娑声音响起:“看来,逆玄留给你的记忆碎片非同寻常。” Yun Che spits the breath slowly, said: He told me some originally not the thing that wants to inform, perhaps...... to thank me looks after Hong'er and You'er.” 云澈缓缓吐息,道:“他告诉了我一些原本不欲告知的东西,或许……是为了感谢我照顾红儿幽儿。” The memory fragment that in the soul sea, Ni Xuan leaves behind altogether has five. 魂海之中,逆玄所留下的记忆碎片共有五枚。 But he sees, is only two. 而他所看到的,只是其中的两枚。 also three self- blockades. Although blockade Divine Soul is extremely weak, but Yun Che, if reads forcefully, must make it to be defeated and dispersed directly. 还有三枚自我封锁。封锁的神魂虽然极其微弱,但云澈若是强行读取,必会导致其直接溃散。 Only can treat it in some unknown time, voluntarily presents in the Yun Che's soul sea. Perhaps, when Ni Xuan dissipation, does not know as before should should the thing of passing away to keep the person of later generation these. 只能待它在某个未知的时机,自行呈现于云澈的魂海之中。或许,逆玄消散之时,依旧不知该不该将这些本该永逝的东西留予后世之人。 But this present two have remembered, had given the Yun Che extremely clear suggestion. 但这已现的两幕记忆,已是给了云澈太过清晰的暗示。 Comforted good Hong'er and You'er with great difficulty, Yun Che opened the eye. 好不容易安抚好红儿幽儿,云澈睁开了眼睛。 A surroundings as before deathly stillness, but the scene actually had the drastic change. 周围依旧一片死寂,但景象却是发生了剧变。 He in it place, falls impressively the next giant gulf. 他所在之地,赫然陷下一个巨大的深坑。 The greatness of gulf, straight vine beyond dozens li (0.5 km). 深坑之巨,直蔓数十里之外。 He places the big hole the center, the vision, then destroyed Fog Sea land smooth like mirror surface. 他身处大坑的中心,目光所至,那被摧毁的雾海大地平整的如同镜面。 He knows nothing about, his Profound Vein when fusing, new life, caused a terrifying disaster in his place unexpectedly. 他浑然不知,他的玄脉在融合、新生之时,竟在他所处之地引发了一场恐怖的天灾。 Such big sound, likely attracts others...... or Abyssal Beast, immediately leave to well.” “这么大的动静,很可能引来他人……或者渊兽,马上离开为好。” said in a low voice, Yun Che is soars immediately......, but flickers, he stagnated there, then lifted the palm slowly. 低念一声,云澈已是腾空马上……但一瞬,他又停滞在了那里,然后缓缓的抬起了手掌。 Because stimulates to movement profound energy that moment in him, the rapidness of its revolution, tyrannical, exceeded previously there are numerous similar cases. 因为就在他催动玄气的那一刻,其运转之快,之强横,超越先前不知凡几。 Looks at five fingers, his read slowly lowly: Divine Lord Realm......” 看着自己的五指,他缓缓一声低念:“神主境……” In the past, Yun Che once in every possible way wish breakthrough diligently to Divine Lord Realm, but cultivated him of no bottleneck, actually when arriving at the Divine Sovereign Realm peak, as if ran upon the wall barrier that is unable to span, how to him diligently, how to attempt unable the little advance. 当年,云澈曾百般努力的想要突破至神主境,但修炼从无瓶颈的他,却在到达神君境巅峰时,仿佛撞上了一堵无法跨越的壁障,任凭他如何努力,如何尝试都无法寸进。 Until when Eternal Sky Divine Realm, he starts to detect that perhaps this is Evil God's Profound Veins is not the result completely. Afterward obtained the Evil God engraved inscription, knew this is the limit that Evil God Ni Xuan deliberately left behind. 直到在宙天神境中时,他才开始察觉到这或许是邪神玄脉不完整所致。后来得到邪神铭文,才知这是邪神逆玄刻意留下的限制。 Now his body cross abyss, is the last a Evil God seed. In Evil God's Profound Veins returns completely instantly, that pile presses in Divine Sovereign Realm limit several years power on such as the Hong of bursting a dike, while Yun Che's Profound Vein changes into the drift of stars universe, completed the breakthrough impatiently. 如今他身跨深渊,取得最后一枚邪神种子。在将邪神玄脉重归完整的刹那,那堆压在神君境极限数年的力量就如决堤之洪,在云澈的玄脉化为星流宇宙的同时,亦迫不及待的完成了突破。 The entire process smooth to letting Yun Che not detected unexpectedly. 整个过程顺畅到让云澈竟毫无察觉。 „...... Looks at five fingers in...... him finally, somewhat absent-minded low is reading. “终……于……”他看着自己的五指,有些失神的低念着。 This to Yun Che, merely is not a breakthrough of Great Realm, is he in this abyss world, the first step that takes truly. 这对云澈而言,绝不仅仅是一次大境界的突破,更是他在这深渊之世,真正迈出的第一步。 His five fingers open, the flame, cold ice and wind spin and lightning bolt appear in same instantly, seizes one finger/refers respectively. 他五指张开,火焰、寒冰、风旋、雷光在同一个刹那出现,各据一指。 Also, the yellow profound light sparkle, turns round firmly above his little finger such as the rock light of ten thousand heavy rock crags. 随之,黄色的玄光闪耀,在他的小指之上覆起一层坚如万重磐岩的岩光。 The strength of five element also release, exists, does not have a wee bit hindering and difficult feelings. 五种元素之力同时释放,同时存在,没有丁点的阻滞与艰涩感。 The five fingers gather, profound light completely extinguishes, profound energy that outside releases swings the clear incomparable space ripples in the line of sight. 五指一合,玄光尽灭,外释的玄气在视线中荡起清晰无比的空间涟漪。 This is my...... the strength of Divine Lord! 这就是我的……神主之力! Perhaps present power, only need open Hades gate, but then fights Qilin Abyss Realm that 11 half step Divine Extinction alone! 如今的力量,说不定只需开启阎皇境关,便可独战麟渊界的那十一个半步神灭 But most makes Yun Che astonished is not sudden rise of profound strength, but is the drastic change of his sensation. 而最让云澈惊异的不是玄力的暴涨,而是他感知的剧变。 Previously, he can the sensation to existence and vacillation of abyss dust, but this sensation was relatively fuzzy. 先前,他能感知到渊尘的存在和游移,但这种感知相对模糊。 But at this moment, in surroundings space...... almost every wisp, even existence of each grain of abyss dust, he can the clarity of sensation. 而此刻,周围空间之中……几乎每一缕,甚至每一粒渊尘的存在,他都能感知的清清楚楚。 When contracts the Spirit Sense range, when centralized sensation, each grain of abyss dust vacillation path is very clear. 当收缩灵觉范围,集中感知之时,每一粒渊尘的游移轨迹都无比清晰。 Originally is the preparation decides far away from this place Yun Che there, both eyes closed, for a long time is motionless, mind that concentrates tightly, is almost approximate in an unusual enlightenment condition, making Li Suo not dare to make noise. 本是准备远离此地的云澈就这么定在那里,双目闭合,许久一动不动,那紧凝的精神,几乎近似于一种奇特的顿悟状态,让黎娑都未敢出声。 At this time, the tearing sound got up, the grey shadow punctured together from the gray fog, has one strangely howled to dash to the Yun Che's back of the body. 这时,撕裂声响起,一道灰影从灰雾中刺出,带着一声怪异的吼叫直扑云澈的后心。 Yun Che is still motionless, as if not detected. 云澈依旧一动不动,仿佛毫无察觉。 In the grey shadow is away from his back only one foot away, a palm grasped suddenly above the grey shadow head. 就在灰影距离他的后背只余一尺之距时,一只手掌骤然抓在了灰影的头颅之上。 The speed of that hand is too fast, quick like emerging out of thin air. 那只手的速度实在太快,快的如同凭空出现。 Under tightened five fingers, the grey shadow framed in in the air, such as was been ordinary by seal, only had the whole body to ascend gray mist that let the person palpitation. 紧锁的五指之下,灰影就这么定格在了空中,如被封结一般一动不动,唯有周身升腾着让人心悸的灰色雾气。 Yun Che's body has transferred with the arm slowly. 云澈的身躯随着手臂缓缓转过。 Is this...... Abyssal Beast? 这就是……渊兽 This is wolf shape Abyssal Beast, only then long of half a Zhang. The gray fog completely duplicate is filling its body, just like a spirit wolf that is burning the Purgatory ash fire. 这是一只狼状的渊兽,只有半丈之长。灰雾完全覆满着它的躯体,宛若一个燃烧着炼狱灰火的幽灵狼。 Only distinguishable, only then the original outline...... or can also add on that pair of wolf pupil that again is flashing the terrifying gray light. 唯一可辨识的,只有原本的轮廓……或者还可以再加上那双闪动着恐怖灰光的狼瞳。 destruction aura that this only Abyssal Beast releases, probably in Divine Sovereign Realm Intermediate Stage, under Yun Che power at this moment, no least bit threat. 这只渊兽所释的毁灭气息,大概在神君境中期,在云澈此刻的力量之下,毫无半点威胁可言。 He grasps the head of locked this only Abyssal Beast, profound energy and soul strength passes through its whole body following his five fingers. 他就这么抓锁着这只渊兽的头颅,玄气和魂力顺着他的五指直贯其周身。 Gradually, his accumulated the double pupil of crafty glow slowly narrows the eyes. 逐渐的,他蕴着诡芒的双眸缓缓的眯起。 Bang! 砰! A light sound, Abyssal Beast was destroyed to shake the fragment in his five fingers...... beside the broken bone stump residual limb, still has a lot of fishy smell blood to splash, along with crazy escape fog shape abyss dust. 一声轻响,渊兽在他的五指间被摧震成碎片……碎骨残肢之外,依然有大量的腥血溅出,伴随着疯狂逸散的雾状渊尘 The flesh and blood of Abyssal Beast all, is only the mutation under the corrosion. 渊兽的骨血皆在,只是在侵蚀下异变。 But person's flesh and blood under abyss dust, will actually be extinguished the nihility by gradual biting. 而人之骨血在渊尘之下,却会被逐渐的噬灭成虚无。 This is abyss dust to the difference that Human Race and beast clan corrode. 这就是渊尘人族与兽族侵蚀的不同。 But causes beast clan Abyssal Beast the core...... 而导致兽族渊兽化的核心…… With rupturing of this only Abyssal Beast body, jet black round integument Yun Che pinched in the five fingers. 随着这只渊兽躯体的爆裂,一枚漆黑的圆珠被云澈捏在了五指之间。 That should be profound beast profound core, is equivalent to person of Profound Vein. But in this moment Yun Che hand profound core, its each exists, already by the abyss dust complete corrosion, shackling stubbornly. 那本该是玄兽玄丹,相当于人之玄脉。但此刻云澈手中的这枚“玄丹”,它的每一丝存在,都已被渊尘完全的侵蚀,死死的缠缚。 Dust and fog that above ascends, rich nearly jet black. 其上所升腾的尘雾,已浓郁的近乎漆黑。 The Yun Che's eyebrow corner/horn shivers suddenly ruthlessly...... this thing, should be the deep pool nuclear. 云澈的眉角忽然狠狠地搐动……这个东西,应该就是渊核。 First hearing deep pool nuclear these two characters, are from Yun Xi. 第一次听到“渊核”这两个字,还是来自云希 She then by rich abyss dust of deep pool nuclear release, ruined oneself face. 她便是以渊核释放的浓郁渊尘,毁掉了自己的脸。 Once again, Yun Che decided there, grasped the deep pool nuclear in hand to move for a long time. Including Li Suo, actually also does not know him in sensation anything. 又一次,云澈定在了那里,就这么抓着手中的渊核许久一动一动。连黎娑,亦不知他究竟在感知什么。 Rip!! 嘶啦!! Also is a shadow jumps out, dashes to Yun Che to go. 又是一道黑影窜出,直扑云澈而去。 This time, Yun Che then reacted very much early, but has not acted, but transferred the vision. 这一次,云澈很早便做出了反应,但并没有出手,只是将目光转了过去。 This is a physique and just now extremely similar Abyssal Beast, the gray fog surrounds, if eye quiet fire. But its destruction aura wants on weakly many, only has Divine King Realm. 这是一只形体和方才极为相似的渊兽,灰雾环绕,目若幽火。只不过它的毁灭气息要弱上很多,只有神王境界。 Until it nearly to distance of hundred feet, Yun Che has not acted as before, but both eyes are staring at this extreme speed imminent grey shadow stubbornly, divine sense of that strongly release clear touches its deep pool nuclear exists...... arrives at each wisp of abyss dust again. 直到它近至十丈之距,云澈依旧没有出手,只是双目死死盯着这道极速迫近的灰影,那竭力释放的神识清晰的触及它渊核的存在……再到其中的每一缕渊尘 Before grey shadow , the speed of throwing suddenly slow, in both eyes quiet fire started not normal surging, the gray mist of whole body such as is also swayed by the chaotic wind, the confusion stroked the swayed. 灰影前扑的速度忽然缓了下来,随之双目中的“幽火”开始了不正常的激荡,周身的灰色雾气也如被乱风吹拂,混乱拂摆。 Its speed is getting more and more slow, when the even/including tear and bite movement also in the obvious distortion...... gradually, in away the Yun Che also three chi (0.33 m) away, it stagnated there. 它的速度越来越慢,就连撕咬动作也在明显的变形……逐渐的,就在距云澈还有三尺之距时,它停滞了那里。 Abyssal Beast has no consciousness, only has the destruction instinct. This is the basic cognition that abyss life no one does not know. 渊兽没有任何的意识,只有毁灭的本能。这是深渊生灵无人不知的基本认知。 You...... unexpectedly......” “你……竟然……” Li Suo voice/sound soft light vast, but obviously brings deep being astonished however. 黎娑声音柔软轻渺,但明显带着深深的讶然。 The abyss dust essence, is plane/level high to not in the extinguishing strength in general knowledge principle. 渊尘的本质,是层面高到不在常识法则之内的灭之力。 This only Abyssal Beast, actually in front of Yun Che's, stagnated its destruction instinct. 这只渊兽,却在云澈的面前,停滞了它毁灭的本能。 At this time, the Yun Che arm stretched out...... is only the movement of gib or derrick is very stiff and slow, the five senses in sudden tightening, as if are also resisting some giant resistance or the pain. 这时,云澈手臂伸出……只是伸臂的动作无比僵硬与缓慢,五官也在急剧的收紧,仿佛在抵御着某种巨大的阻力或痛苦。 His almost all soul strength, stubbornly centralized above at present the Abyssal Beast deep pool nuclear, such as demented general, touches that crowded to...... as if inexhaustible abyss dust. 他几乎所有的魂力,都死死集中于眼前渊兽的渊核之上,如癫狂一般,去触碰其中那密集到……仿佛无穷无尽的渊尘 But arm that he lifts slowly, is he stimulates to movement under the soul strength difficultly, body that completely subconscious hauling movement. 而他缓慢抬起的手臂,是他艰难催动魂力之下,躯体那完全下意识的牵引动作。 In that moment that his arm lifts completely, wanted to plunge Yun Che's Abyssal Beast to turn around suddenly, then goes toward opposite direction suddenly/violently Cuan, until completely vanishes in the gray fog. 在他手臂完全抬起的那一刻,原本欲扑向云澈的渊兽忽然转身,然后向着相反的方向暴窜而去,直至完全消失在灰雾之中。 plop! 噗通 Yun Che at present one black, from in the air plants directly, heavily pounds to fall on the place. 云澈眼前一黑,从空中直接栽下,重重砸落在地。 His complexion flood white, among the volumes is cold sweat proliferates in a flash, but his actually such hand supports the ground, strange smiled. 他脸色泛白,额间转瞬已是冷汗遍布,但他却就这么手撑地面,怪异的笑了起来。 “Heh…... Hehehe...... Hahahaha...... ” “嘿…嘿嘿嘿……哈哈哈哈……” „Are you...... all right?” The Li Suo voice/sound microstrip is anxious. “你……没事吧?”黎娑声音微带不安。 All right.” Yun Che stands up, the corners of the mouth are still of slanting the happy expression not having been clearing: Discovered some...... the serious thing.” “没事。”云澈站起身来,嘴角依旧斜着未散尽的笑意:“只是发现了一些……不得了的东西。” You said is it possible that is...... controls to drive a horse Abyssal Beast?” Simple and elegant such as smoke immortal sound, said was actually rips to extinguish the abyss most basic cognition the shocking language. “你说的莫非是……控驭渊兽?”清雅如烟的仙音,说出的却是撕灭深渊最基本认知的惊世之语。 Now is not good.” Yun Che shakes the head, but said was actually not totally the words that denied: But, will not be long.” “现在还不行。”云澈摇头,但说出的却并不是完全否认的话语:“但,不会太久的。” Li Suo has not had the spoken language for a long time. 黎娑许久未有言语。 ...... takes your time.” The Yun Che vision looks out the distant place, at this moment, he looks to this piece of Fog Sea look, had had the drastic change: First goes to find a place, the god source that refining God Qilin gives, as well as source plasma marrow.” “呼……慢慢来。”云澈目光遥望远方,此刻,他看向这片雾海的眼神,已是发生了剧变:“先去重新找个地方,炼化麟神给予的神源,以及源血源髓。” Moreover, Great Way of the Buddha Art...... also had the sign of change finally. My body also indeed arrived at this/should transformation time.” “另外,大道浮屠诀……终于也有了变动的迹象。我的躯体也的确到了该蜕变的时候了。” According to the record of Great Way of the Buddha Art, the first six boundaries are the boundary of every body, but starts...... only to have Divine Body from Seventh Level to receive! 按照大道浮屠诀的记载,前六境是凡躯之境,而从第七境开始……唯有神躯可承! It seems like, then a long time, must keep Fog Sea.” “看来,接下来很长一段时间,都要留在雾海了。” He is only the choice temporarily hidden Fog Sea, after fusing the Evil God seed , will then leave. But at this time, he does not want to walk suddenly. 他原本只是选择暂隐雾海,融合邪神种子后便会离开。但此时,他忽然不想走了。 Relaxed a while mind, before Yun Che leaves, suddenly shot a look at an own left arm. 缓和了一会儿精神,云澈离开之前,忽然瞥了一眼自己的左臂。 In his faint feeling, some power in bloodline...... becomes is not quite as if same. 他隐隐的感觉中,血脉中的某种力量……似乎变得不太一样。 The left arm lifts, stimulates to movement Profound Handle to fly to shoot. 左臂抬起,催动玄罡飞射而出。 But next instant, his whole person decided all of a sudden there. 下一瞬,他整个人一下子定在了那里。 Yun Clan Profound Handle, weakest is the red, strongest is the purple. But his Profound Handle is most special, as continuously his growth grows, by initial red growth for purple. 云氏一族玄罡,最弱为赤色,最强为紫色。而他的玄罡最为特殊,一直随着他的成长而成长,由最初的红色成长为了紫色。 But Yun records, above the purple, also one extremely special golden color Profound Handle, can carry Lord body 100% power! 而云氏记载,紫色之上,还有一种极为特殊的金色玄罡,能携主身十成力量 But even if leaves behind the person of this record, still labels this is only the legend, some people have never seen truly. 但即使是留下这个记载之人,也标注这只是传说,从未有人真正见过。 He called Profound Handle, the clear sensation its is existing......, but the the front world, actually did not see the shadow of Profound Handle. 他唤出了玄罡,清晰感知着它的存在……但前方的世界,却丝毫不见玄罡之影。 Because that unexpectedly is...... 因为那竟是…… colorless Profound Handle!? 无色玄罡!?
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