ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2024: Creation God recalled

The hills are boundless, the sea of clouds winds around, just like immortal realm. 群山无际,云海缭绕,宛若仙境 Above a peak of broken arched cloud penetration, a male child long/grows body stands. As soon as he raids the white robe, after both hands lost/carrying, and waist long hair dances with the wind, cannot say the graceful bearing that is elegant. 一处破穹穿云的峰顶之上,一个男子长身而立。他一袭白袍,双手负后,及腰长发随风而舞,说不完的丰姿飘逸。 The vault of heaven and he is orthogonal, land and world myriad spirits in his. But he is only calmly stands there, the floating cloud then gathers in his under foot, all elements and spiritual energies of surroundings world also in careful and earnest approaches to him, for a very long time is not willing to leave. 天穹与他平齐,大地和天地万灵在他脚下。而他只是静静地站在那里,飘云便聚拢于他的脚下,周围世界的所有的元素与灵气也在小心而热切的向他靠近,久久不愿离开。 Wisp of Qingfeng (breeze) from his behind, along with youngster exciting shouting of: Ni Xuan senior! ...... finally found you.” 一缕清风从他身后袭来,伴随着一个少年兴奋的呼喊:“逆玄前辈!呼……终于找到你了。” With shouting of youngster, the white robe man is smiling turning around. 随着少年的呼喊,白袍男子微笑着转过身来。 Instantly, wind light cloud static, the skylight is dim. 霎时,风轻云静,天光黯淡。 His look, resembling was the congealing essence the fantasy in world all men and female's beauty to male, the surface of white jade, the eyebrow of sword truncation, the eye of resplendent star, the extremely perfect five senses, carry the just right sloppiness and monster are evil ; Mild look, passes is letting the point and profoundness that the person wants to inquire into. 他的相貌,似是凝粹了世间所有男子、女子对男性之美的幻想,白玉之面,剑削之眉,灿星之目,太过完美的五官,偏偏又携着恰到好处的散漫与妖邪;温润的眼神,又透着让人不禁想去探究的锋芒与深邃。 Because he is Elemental Creation God Ni Xuan, Gods and Devils two clans consensus peak of world man look, one such as Li Suo in female. 因为他是元素创世神逆玄,神魔两族所共识的世间男子相貌的极致,一如女子中的黎娑 He looks at the youngster elegantly simple, the smile of lip angle such as the immortal wind of cloud summit: Looks at your appearance, is it possible that......” 他看着少年,唇角的微笑淡雅如云巅的仙风:“看你的样子,莫非……” Youngster nod, sees only the back continually, does not see him to accommodate, but can soon overflow the sensation to him as before intensely the excitement of come out: Father God he complied! Promises me to acknowledge you as the teacher, moreover over the following thousand years, I may along with practice in your side.” 少年连番点头,只见背影,不见其容,但依旧能感知到他强烈到快要溢出来的激动:“父神他答应了!答应我可以拜您为师,而且此后千年,我都可随在您身边修行。” Then, he bang heavily kneels down: disciple Mo Su, meets the master......” 说完,他“砰”的一声重重跪下:“弟子末苏,叩见师……” Wait!” “等等!” Ni Xuan does not have the movement, but an invisible strength has sealed up voice/sound that the youngster will soon export, simultaneously pulls up the body that he worships on bended knees: Your Father God complied, I have not complied.” 逆玄毫无动作,但一股无形之力已封住少年即将出口的声音,同时将他跪拜的身躯拉起:“你父神答应了,我可没答应。” The youngster are startled, then disturbed say/way: But disciple...... Eh not, the place of what does junior have not arriving? Also asked the senior to bestow the knowledge, junior decides more revision and striving diligently.” 少年怔住,然后忐忑道:“可是弟子……不,可是晚辈有什么不到之处?还请前辈赐知,晚辈定倍加努力的修正和精进。” Ni Xuan shakes the head with a smile ; half th, helpless ; half th, temperate say/way: You have a look at your to toe the line, for fear that there is an appearance of losing, oh.” 逆玄笑着摇头,半是无奈,半是温和的道:“你看看你这循规蹈矩,唯恐有失的样子,唉。” Your Father God that old stick-in-the-mud complies with this matter, I really am accidental/surprised.” Ni Xuan continued: Is it possible that your recent advancement, does miss to letting him...... indignant to seriously does not want to see you?” “你父神那个老顽固答应此事,我甚为意外。”逆玄继续道:“莫非你最近的进境,当真差到让他……气愤到都不想看到你?” Ni Xuan these words saying is especially straightforward, pokes the youngster pit of the stomach, he however lowers the head ashamedly: Is...... folds the day 99 swords, I have stationed in the 73rd sword entire 320 years. Father God said, folds day of Sword Secret Art, in addition so, this whole life, do not want to build Heaven Punishing Sword Secret Art.” 逆玄这番话可谓说的格外直白,直戳少年心窝,他愧然垂首:“是……折天九十九剑,我已驻留第七十三剑整整三百二十年。父神说,折天剑诀尚且如此,这辈子,都别想修成诛天剑诀。” Hahahaha.” Ni Xuan actually smiled: Really was that old stick-in-the-mud speaks the come out words. Clarity that your natural talent how, the world look. It can be said that this various Gods ten thousand clans, no one may compare with you.” 哈哈哈哈。”逆玄却是笑了起来:“果然是那个老顽固说出来的话。你的天资如何,世人都看的清清楚楚。可以说这诸神万族,无人可与你相较。” But that old stick-in-the-mud will not acknowledge absolutely is not good, his conduct attitude that teach, the haughty talent, will fall to his hand will also turn toes the line, does not dare to have any wood/blockhead of overstepping one's authority.” “但那个老顽固绝对不会承认是自己教的不好,他的行事作风,再傲世的天才,落到他手里也会变成循规蹈矩,不敢有任何僭越的木头。” Timid and hesitant, ties heart soul restraint, you can cultivate/repair to the 73rd sword, is quite extraordinary.” “束手束脚,束心束魂,你能修至第七十三剑,已是相当了不起了。” The youngster raise the head, the pupil splits the different glow: My Father God he has never praised me. He often said me......” 少年抬头,眸绽异芒:“我父神他从未如此夸赞过我。他时常说我……” Said that your natural talent is stupid? Is negligent in the cultivation? Read absurdly too, was overcautious and indecisive?” Ni Xuan say/way leisurely. “说你天资愚笨?疏于修炼?还是妄念太多,瞻前顾后?”逆玄缓悠悠的道。 The youngster are surprised, then the whole face admires: Worthily is the Ni Xuan senior, really most understands my Father God person. These, he has said.” 少年惊讶,然后满脸拜服:“不愧是逆玄前辈,果然是最了解我父神的人。这些,他都有说过。” Forgives that old stick-in-the-mud unable to make any new word.” Ni Xuan snorts contemptuously: „The fart that his these several million years put continually is taste.” “谅那个老顽固也造不出什么新词。”逆玄嗤之以鼻:“他这几千万年连放的屁都是一个味。” Is going against elegant surface of ghost axe super craftsmanship, was saying is really the ungraceful vulgar word. 顶着一张鬼斧天工的俊雅之面,却说着甚是不雅的粗俗之言。 The present person is taunting own father obviously, but the youngster is the vision is shining, is releasing intensely earnest with respect......, because, he is present age only one dares so to appraise his Father God person. In his body side, seems in a situation in another completely different world each time. 眼前之人明明在嘲讽自己的父亲,但少年却是目光灿灿,释放着强烈的殷切与崇敬……因为,他是当世唯一一个敢如此评价他父神的人。每次在他身侧,就仿佛处身在另一个完全不同的世界。 Does not need to constrain, does not need trembling with fear, does not need the self-doubt...... not to need to care about the step is whether steady, expression whether breach of etiquette, breath whether has chaotic. 不需要压抑,不需要战战兢兢,不需要自我怀疑……不需要在意步伐是否稳重,表情是否失仪,呼吸是否有乱。 He actually knows oneself do not excel at for the master, but cannot have a long face to ask me, therefore under the donkey taking advantage of the slope, following your request, feigns to be furious with disappointed complying, it is estimated when rumbles you go out, but must roar on sentence to hurry to roll, happen to falls a purity.” “他其实知道自己不擅为师,但又拉不下脸来求我,于是借坡下驴,顺着你的请求,佯装震怒和失望的答应,估计轰你出门时,还得吼上句‘赶紧滚,正好落个清净’。” Corners of the mouth big of youngster, the both eyes circle stares: „A mold...... same......” 少年的嘴角大张,双目圆瞪:“一模……一样……” Ni Xuan natural condition: In this world, is not better than your Father God that old stick-in-the-mud the person who ponders over.” 逆玄一副理所当然之态:“这个世界上,没有比你父神那个老顽固更好琢磨的人了。” Mo Su,” he calls the name of youngster: Follows side me, I may guarantee that you within millenniums, then can folding Sky Sword cultivates to great perfection.” 末苏,”他唤出着少年的名字:“跟随在我身边,我可保证你千年之内,便能将折天剑修至大圆满。” The youngster raise head, does not dare to believe: Thousand...... millenniums?” 少年仰头,不敢置信:“千……千年?” Ni Xuan feels relieved to smile: What's wrong? Your Father God has not told you, did I practice successfully to fold the day 99 swords only to use for 400 years?” 逆玄展眉而笑:“怎么?你父神没有告诉过你,我修成折天九十九剑只用了四百年?” The youngster shake the head: Father God never mentioned. But Fantian Sword Servant had said this word, I then tried to prove to Father God on the same day, Father God was only snort/hum one, I then do not dare to ask again. Originally...... unexpectedly real!” 少年摇头:“父神从未提及。但梵天剑侍说过此言,我当日便向父神求证,父神只是哼了一声,我便不敢再问。原来……竟是真的!” Ni Xuan said: In the past your Father God newly creation folded the day 99 swords, said that except for Heaven Punishing Sword Secret Art, world Sword Path was second to none, even I, must at least millenniums be possible to peep the access initially. Therefore I am then convenient with your Father God make a bet, bet my millenniums to be able 99 swords to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study.” 逆玄道:“当年你父神新创折天九十九剑,自称除了诛天剑诀,天下剑道无出其右,即使是我,也要至少千年才可初窥门径。于是我便顺手和你父神打了个赌,赌我千年便可将九十九剑融会贯通。” As you know, only used for 400 years, your Father God has then been defeated. What a pity in the past you had not been born, otherwise you can see with one's own eyes your Father God face compared with the bottom of the pot also black appearance, is really the marvelous sight.” “结果如你所知,只用了四百年,你父神便已落败。可惜当年你还未出生,否则你就能亲眼看到你父神脸比锅底还黑的样子,甚是奇观。” Senior...... was too extraordinary.” The youth's worship to Ni Xuan add for several points: That, what the senior and is Father God gambling stake?” “前辈……真的太了不起了。”少年对逆玄的崇拜更添数分:“那,前辈和父神的赌注又是什么?” Simple. Who lost, complies with an opposite party matter.” Ni Xuan said with a laugh: This gambling stake, can like the gravel, but also bigger than the heavens. I spoke thoughtlessly at that time a saying, what a pity booklet day of Sword Secret Art of your Father God to newly creation is extremely contented, direct compliance.” “简单。谁输了,就答应对方一件事。”逆玄笑呵呵的道:“这个赌注,可以微如砂砾,也可大过于天。我当时只是随口一说,可惜你父神对新创的折天剑诀太过自得,直接应允。” That, what matter did the senior make my Father God do?” Little is curious. After all this world can of his Father God admitting defeat, is too few are too seriously few. “那,前辈让我父神做了什么事?”少年满是好奇。毕竟此世能让他父神吃瘪之人,当真是太少太少。 So far, has not made him cash.” In the Ni Xuan refined happy expression brings irregular of faint trace: I have does not have any belongs to him to do the matter, might as well be so floating. Your Father God as a person who regards such as the life, has seen me after that each time, on imposing manner weak three points, crisp.” “到目前,还没让他兑现。”逆玄温雅的笑意中带着丝丝的邪异:“我也没有什么非他来做不可的事,不如就这么悬着。你父神作为一个视诺如命的人,从那之后每次见过我,气势都会弱上三分,爽哉。” A side is a father, a side most respects the person, the youngster is not good to comment, then prostrates oneself again: Can follow the senior body bank, is Mo Su since birth the biggest desire and being honored. During these millenniums, Mo Su decides does not permit itself to have the half a point to idle, decides does not disappoint the senior and Father God the time.” 一方是生父,一方是最敬慕之人,少年不好置评,便再次拜倒:“能跟随前辈身畔,是末苏有生以来最大的愿望和荣幸。这千年之中,末苏定不允自己有半分懈怠,定不辜负前辈和父神所期。” Your this boy, often the that's alright this ritual of worshipping on bended knees.” Ni Xuan shakes the head, a finger ball, has pushed again the body of youngster: I permit you along with my millenniums, but during these millenniums, you must leave your Father God these years to place in your body all custom wind of principle and handling matters.” “你这小子,动不动就行这跪拜之礼。”逆玄摇头,手指一弹,已将少年的身躯再度推起:“我允你随我千年,但这千年之中,你须脱出你父神这些年安置在你身上的所有规矩法则和处事之风。” Naturally!” Youngster heavily nod: Follows the senior body bank, when complies with senior's instruction.” “当然!”少年重重点头:“跟随前辈身畔,当遵从前辈的教诲。” Very good.” Ni Xuan looks at his nod: „The my first instruction is...... you do not need to request me to be the master, later should not be again symmetric by the senior to me, calling my Big Brother is then good.” “很好。”逆玄看着他点头:“那我的第一个教诲就是……你无须拜我为师,以后也不要再对我以前辈相称,称呼我大哥便好。” Wha...... Ah? no, no...... has no alternative but the energy, cannot!” The youngster had a scare by heavily: How I may......” “什……啊?不不……不能不能,万万不能!”少年被重重吓了一跳:“我怎可……” What's wrong? This is the first matter, don't you listen?” Ni Xuan narrowed the pupil. “怎么?这才是第一件事,你就不听了?”逆玄眯了眯眸。 No, does not dare.” The youngster shake the head frightened, stuttering said: But the precedence maintained between seniors and juniors, the high and low is able to discriminate, you are the senior who I most respect, how I may say to the senior by so the name of lese majeste.” “不,不敢。”少年惶然摇头,结结巴巴的道:“可是长幼有序,尊卑有别,您又是我最敬重的前辈,我怎可对前辈言以如此大不敬的称呼。” Yeah, what old and young high and low. Rank this shackles you are not willing to unload, then you, even if in my body side , in the past what difference.” The Ni Xuan back passes away, said disappointedly: You walk, does not need to follow I.” “哎,什么长幼尊卑。连‘辈分’这个枷锁你都不愿卸下,那么你纵然在我身侧,又和往昔何异。”逆玄背过身去,失望道:“你走吧,不必跟着我了。” Terrified split second overflowed completely the youngster whole body, his anxiously said: „...... The senior...... I...... I do not listen to your words, I...... I......” 惶恐一瞬间溢满了少年全身,他急声道:“不……前辈……我……我听你话,我……我……” Big Brother...... how simple two characters, but in the lip bank of youngster, actually heavy, if hundred million honored. 大哥……何其简单的两个字,但在少年的唇畔,却重若亿钧。 Because presses in these two characters, has implemented with the education and god of meter, custom, Heaven's Way and etiquette deep his entire life...... 因为压在这两个字上的,是已贯彻和深种他整个人生的教养、神仪、规矩、天道、礼法…… Ni Xuan no longer gives him a word, flickers the body to go far away. 逆玄不再多给他一言,瞬身远去。 Ah............” youngster physique staggers, in a panic pursues, simultaneously is tying tight the hair, almost exhausts the whole body will to compel from the mouth that two characters: Big...... elder brother......” 啊……等……”少年身姿一个踉跄,仓惶的追上去,同时紧绷着头发,几乎用尽全身意志将那两个字从口中逼出:“大……哥……” The Ni Xuan figure stagnates instantaneously, looking back of smiling: This also almost, called one again.” 逆玄的身形瞬间停滞,笑眯眯的回首:“这还差不多,再叫一声。” The youngster whole person wood there, look sends to flutter. 少年整个人木在那里,眼神一阵发飘。 When that disobeys the foreword of old and young, when two characters that departs from the classics and betrays principle simply shouted from the mouth, he feels like has anything from the top of the head broken skull, but...... , the whole person seemed like jumped out of some not visible Small World suddenly, placed oneself in one piece is obviously unrelieved, actually as if fluctuated the color world. 当那违逆长幼之序,简直离经叛道的两个字从口中喊出时,他感觉像是有什么东西从头顶破颅而出……随之,整个人都像是忽然跳出了某个看不见的小世界,重新置身于一片明明毫无变化,却又仿佛变幻了色彩的世界。 Big...... elder brother.” Although the manner and tone are still very stiff, but this exit|to speak, easy too to be obviously more than first time. “大……哥。”虽然神态、语气依然无比僵硬,但这一次出口,明显比第一次容易了太多。 Hahahaha!” Ni Xuan smiles, flies one shoulder that brings back the youngster: Then right! Your I together travelling world, the brothers are starting today symmetric, do not have did not discuss, is recklessly quick! What senior Master, thinks that is feels disappointed to the extreme.” 哈哈哈哈!”逆玄爽朗一笑,飞过来一把勾起少年的肩膀:“这才对!你我从今日开始一起游历世间,兄弟相称,无可不谈,肆意快哉!什么前辈师父的,想想都是扫兴之极。” Youngster ignorant expressed the support: What senior said is.” 少年懵懵的表示赞成:“前辈说的是。” What...... did you shout me?” “……你喊我什么?” Big Brother...... Ni Xuan Big Brother!” The youngster correct with great speed, this exit|to speak was also for the second time smoother. 大哥……逆玄大哥!”少年火速纠正,这一次的出口又比第二次顺畅了许多。 Called, can only call, particularly in Lower Realm.” Ni Xuan urged emphatically: „The Lower Realm Human Race life span is very short, mostly is about hundred years. If that side little miss listens to you to shout my senior, my charm must reduce greatly.” “就这么叫,只能这么叫,尤其是在下界的时候。”逆玄着重叮嘱道:“下界人族的寿命很短,大都不过百年。那边的小姑娘若是听你喊我前辈,我的魅力可是要大减的。” This...... Lower Realm humble/despise spirit, before how enters,...... the eye of Big Brother.” “这……下界卑灵,岂堪入前……大哥之目。” The Ni Xuan smile shakes the head, without the explanation, patted the shoulder of youngster saying: High and low is an expert, in the heart, does not lie in showing.” 逆玄微笑摇头,没有解释,拍了拍少年的肩膀道:“尊卑在行,在心,不在于表。” Your booklet Sky Sword advancement is slow, the principal factor was you by to seal/confer Kun in extremely shackles tightly, this shackles surrounded was not your sword, but was your heart.” “你的折天剑进境缓慢,主因便是你被封困在了一个太过紧实的枷锁之中,这个枷锁困住的不是你的剑,而是你的心。” Mood, trapped/sleepy paused your sword boundary.” “心境,又困顿了你的剑境。” However you never realized that existence of this shackles, was instead regarding the life indispensable thing it, unceasing reinforcement.” “而你从未意识到这个枷锁的存在,反而在将它当成了此生不可或缺之物,不断的将之加固。” At this point, he looks at the youngster confused look: Cannot understand are not related. It is not anxious, you are young, also are too many too much time. That old stick-in-the-mud is willing to give me you rarely, I cannot visit you to become one again helplessly slightly stubborn.” 说到这里,他看着少年迷茫的眼神:“听不懂没关系。不急,你还年轻,还有太多太多的时间。那个老顽固难得愿意把你交给我,那我再怎么也不能眼睁睁看着你成为一个小顽固。” Walks!” “走!” His arm is cancelling the youngster, leaps from cloud Dian, falls against the wind. 他手臂勾着少年,从云巅飞跃而下,迎风直坠。 Big Brother, where do we go to?” This time, the youngster shouted Big Brother few crabbedness. 大哥,我们去哪里?”这一次,少年喊出的“大哥”只有很少许的艰涩。 Goes to Lower Realm.” “去下界。” ei? Lower Realm?” “欸?下界?” Haha, along with me is......? Your this aura, are you unexpectedly a young lad?” “哈哈,随我便是……嗯?你这气息,你居然还是个童子?” Father Divine Cult teaches: Male Primordial Yang works as......” “父神教诲:男子元阳当……” Stops from time to time! The words of that old stick-in-the-mud were needless saying that listened to me. Can you have to be deeply in love with the female?” “停停!那个老顽固的话不用说给我听。那你可有钟情女子?” Is deeply in love?...... What is not deeply in love?” “钟情?没有……何为钟情?” How...... your sentiment to the men and women to see?” “……你对男女之情又如何看?” Father God said, the sentiment of men and women becomes such as Father God and Royal Mother like that mutually according to mutually auxiliary, respects one another as one would a guest, multiply to a big way, drowns to envy......” 父神说,男女之情当如父神和母后那般,互依互辅,相敬如宾,繁衍为大,溺欲为忌……” Listens to the Creation God fart that he puts! He wished one could the head and buttocks inlays to life God Hall in the past!” “听他放的创世神屁!他当年可是恨不能把脑袋和屁股都镶到生命神殿里去!” „...... My Father God had also once said you.” “……我父神也曾如此说过你。” „, To Lower Realm beforehand postpones several days, I first go to fight one with your Father God.” “咳,去往下界的事先暂缓数日,我先去和你父神打一架。” Eh? Big Brother, you...... you really go to Ah...... wait/etc! Ni Xuan Big Brother I made a mistake, I did not speak randomly...... Big Brother!” 唉?大哥,你……你真去啊……啊等等!逆玄大哥我错了,我再也不乱讲话了……大哥!” Hahahahaha!” 哈哈哈哈哈!” Ni Xuan naturally does not have really to look for his Father God, he leads the youngster to go against Qingfeng (breeze), non-stop flies to another entirely different world. 逆玄当然没有真的去找他父神,他带着少年逆着清风,直飞向另一个全然不同的世界。 ............ ………… Big Brother, has an issue I to ask. You led me to travel so many world, especially liked watching world female to be differ in thousands of ways. But why are you...... always a piece of leaf do not moisten the body?” 大哥,有个问题我一直想问。你带我游历了如此多的世界,尤其喜欢观赏世间女子千姿百态。可为何你……从来都是片叶不沾身?” Naturally is the heart has the subordinate. If, you had on the 1st can touch your soul, entered the person of your dreamland, will then understand other world females, even if ten thousand world grace and talent, was less than her to review checked.” “当然是心有所属。若有一日,你有了能触你心魂,入你梦境之人,便会明白世间其他女子哪怕万世的风华,也不及她回眸的一刹。” „Is that person,...... is the Li Suo senior?” “那个人,是……是黎娑前辈?” Hahahaha! This is not the matter that the world all knows.” 哈哈哈哈!这不是世所皆知的事么。” So many years, Big Brother was really also persistent. But I always feel with the temper of Li Suo senior, Eh......” “可是都那么多年了,大哥还真是痴心不改。可我总觉得以黎娑前辈的性子,呃……” So long as does not give up, will be hopeful forever. She is worth me so. Although is still fruitless, but...... Mo Su, if one day, you also run into such a person, you understand, even if fruitless following, will make one endure gladly.” “只要不放弃,就永远会有希望。她值得我如此。虽然至今无果,但……末苏,若有一天,你也遇到这样一个人,你就会明白,哪怕只有无果的追随,也会让人甘之如饴。” „...... The sentiment of men and women, really so mysterious?” “……男女之情,真的如此玄妙吗?” Non- spoken language can describe, waiting for you runs into your person, you will know. As for your Big Brother I, you do not need to be pessimistic completely. Your Father God with badly beaten that I struggled, the result to inherit to choose in the past with your Royal Mother unifies. Then, among this worlds, can match on Li Suo, did not remain me.” “非言语所能描述,等你遇到你的那个人,你自会知晓。至于你大哥我,你完全不需要悲观。你父神当年与我争的头破血流,结果为了传承而选择与你母后结合。那么,此世之间,能配的上黎娑的,可不就剩我一人了。” What Big Brother said is! In the world has the qualifications and Li Suo senior coincides, is not only Big Brother one person! Big Brother keep it up, to life God Hall, will have what need little brother to help absolutely next time, Big Brother opens the mouth although!” 大哥说的是!世上有资格与黎娑前辈相合的,可不就只有大哥一人!大哥万万加油,下次去往生命神殿,有什么需要小弟帮忙的,大哥尽管开口!” Hahaha is good! Your Big Brother my heart to the Li Suo, the world may reflect Sun Moon to prove, the ten thousand th vicissitudes may also not move! I do not believe unable to destroy the Li Suo pure-heart!” 哈哈哈好!你大哥我对黎娑之心,天地可鉴日月可证,万世沧桑亦不可移!我就不信摧不开黎娑的冰心!” ............ ………… Picture switching. 画面切换。 Still is mountain sea and cloud Dian, but, here cloud, is stated differently presenting the deep strongly fragrant dark color. 依然是山海与云巅,但不同的是,这里的云,呈现着深郁的黑暗之色。 Ni Xuan is situated in the summit, his side, is a black clothes, the stature also wants the tall half foot female compared with him. 逆玄立于山巅,他的身边,是一个一身黑衣,身材比他还要颀长半尺的女子。 The female appearance is extremely beautiful, but exceeds appearance ten million times, is she floods in the foreheads, five senses and double pupils...... and even the heroic spirit and imposing of each skin trace. 女子容颜极美,但胜过容颜千万倍的,是她充斥于眉宇、五官、双眸……乃至每一丝皮肤纹路的英气与凛然。 Anybody looks at her one eyes, did not doubt itself to see this world was only, most supreme female emperor. 任何人看她一眼,都毫不怀疑自己看到了此世唯一的,最至高无上的女性帝王。 Anybody received attention by her, as if will be flickered to draw in cowers with the alarmed and afraid demon deep pool. 任何人被她注目,都仿佛会被一瞬拖入瑟缩与惊惧的魔渊。 Stands in his nearby Ni Xuan no Creation God bearing, the vision temperate like the water, the surface floats the smile, eyes does not release the least bit point and Ling prestige, such as initially the handsome son of upper-class family of earthliness. 站在他身边的逆玄毫无创世神的神姿,目光温和如水,面浮微笑,眼眸不释半点锋芒和凌威,就如一个初涉俗世的翩翩贵公子。 Ni Xuan, complying with my three matters...... you to narrate again.” The females look at the front, voice/sound chilling. 逆玄,答应我的三件事……你重叙一遍。”女子看着前方,声音冷硬。 The Ni Xuan mouth splits the smile, not sluggish opens the mouth: First, within the 30,000 year informed the entire world, Jie Yuan for the wife of my Ni Xuan.” 逆玄嘴绽微笑,毫无迟滞的开口:“第一件,三万年之内昭告全世,劫渊为我逆玄之妻。” Second, regardless of what matter stumbles, every year must one gather in this.” “第二件,无论何事所绊,每年都必须在此一聚。” Third, always does not see Li Suo.” “第三件,永世不见黎娑。” Snort!” The females have left the face slightly: Exact, calculates that you pass. However...... world each is the vicissitudes changes, when various types of variables vertical are your I have is hard to resist, therefore first two, can appropriately relax. But third...... you must give my honest achieving! Otherwise......” “哼!”女子稍稍别过脸:“一字不差,算你过关。不过……世间每一刻都是沧桑变动,各种变数纵是你我也有难以抗拒之时,所以前两件,可以适当放宽。但第三件……你必须给我老老实实的做到!否则……” Otherwise punishes me to turn into dirty old man.” Ni Xuan held the hand of female, looks at her side face smile the language. “否则就罚我变成一个脏兮兮的老头子。”逆玄牵住了女子的手,看着她的侧颜微笑而语。 Females symbolic struggled two, arrogant pampered say/way: Is knows the limitation. Relax, even if you turned into dirty old man I still to want you, perhaps must you make that dirty was uglier, making you not have the face to see your harboring intentions small Li Suo again.” 女子象征性的挣扎了两下,才傲娇娇的道:“算是识相。放心,就算你变成了一个脏老头我也要你,说不定还要把你弄得更脏更丑,让你再没脸去见你那个心心念念的小黎娑。” Good.” Ni Xuan is complying, double pupil by cheeks complete fully occupying of Jie Yuan: So long as there are you in side, to be how good.” “好。”逆玄答应着,双眸被劫渊的脸颊完完全全的占满:“只要有你在旁,怎样都好。” „......” The Jie Yuan lip moved slightly, crossed some little time, her gently said: „The God and Devil Forbidden Scripture last boundary will soon be completed, at the appointed time, the nuclear of your dark will awaken completely, at that time, you then did not have the escape route again.” “……”劫渊嘴唇微动,过了好一会儿,她轻轻的道:“神魔禁典的最后一境即将完成,到时,你的黑暗之核就会完全觉醒,那时,你便再无退路。” You...... the line are no different than heaven defying to leave regarding me said, you won't really regret?” “你对于我……所行无异于逆天离道,你真的不会后悔吗?” Cannot.” “不会。” Ni Xuan remote regards the boundless world, the sound of between lips is inexhaustible, endless decidedly: We not wrong. What is wrong is defends stubbornly, is the prejudice and originally the cognition of error.” 逆玄遥视苍茫天地,唇间之音无尽温和,无尽决然:“我们没有错。错的是固守,是偏见和本就谬误的认知。” If coincides with you are defies Heaven's Way, I am the person of this heaven defying, regardless of being what result...... I did not regret finally.” “若与你相合是违逆天道,那我甘做这个逆天之人,无论最终是何结果……我绝不后悔。” His arm lifts, the finger, spreads out long dark sword light unexpectedly. 他手臂抬起,手指所向,竟衍出一道长长的黑暗剑芒 God and Devil Forbidden Scripture last boundary, then at day counter! An end sword that has not ended, the name...... heaven defying is then regretless!” 神魔禁典最后一境,便以‘天逆’为名!未完的终结一剑,便命名……逆天无悔!” This boundary, all proves my heart!” “此境此名,皆证我心!” ............ ………… The picture extinguishes. 画面熄灭。 But leaves Yun Che, is actually the one pain regret. 但留给云澈,却是一抹痛苦的悔意。 heaven defying regretless...... that your time regret, is actually anything...... 逆天无悔……那你此番悔的,究竟是什么……
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