ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2023: Dense fog

I understood.” Ni Xuan so, in Yun Che vertical heart endless surprised, is unable to closely examine again. “我明白了。”逆玄如此,云澈纵心中无尽惊疑,也无法再追问。 At this time, one pure such as the white shadow of dream appeared in the Yun Che's body side slowly, sends out the similar immortal, if voice/sound of remote dream: Ni Xuan, how do you turn into...... so the appearance?” 这时,一抹纯净如梦的白影在云澈的身侧缓缓浮现,发出同样仙若遥梦的声音:“逆玄,你怎么变成……这般模样?” The line of sight of Ni Xuan falls in Baiying, for a long time, has a vocal cord unbelievable twittering: Li...... suo?” 逆玄的视线落于白影,许久,才发生一声带着难以置信的呢喃:“黎……娑?” „Do you exist in the world unexpectedly as before?” “你居然依旧存在于世?” Li Suo replied: Although muddles through life ignobly, but already no longer once. About all your, I have 90% blurring and put behind, but your appearance...... should not so.” 黎娑回答:“虽然苟存,但已不复曾经。关于你的一切,我有着90%的模糊与忘却,但你的模样……不该如此。” Hehe.” Ni Xuan smiles lightly: In body Life Extinguishing Myriad Tribulations, vertical is the Creation God body, was bitten the dead wood that will die poisonously. The cross world reunion, makes you see my so appearance, also regrets ashamedly.” “呵呵。”逆玄淡淡而笑:“身中万劫无生,纵为创世神躯,亦被毒噬成将死的枯木。跨世重逢,却让你看到我这般模样,亦愧亦憾。” „......” Ni Xuan sighed gently: I once set up in Jie Yuan, life-long no longer met with you. In the past entrusted Jie'er in you, has broken a promise. At this time, is one to her ashamed crime.” “不过……”逆玄轻轻一叹:“我曾立诺于劫渊,终生不再与你相见。当年将劫儿托付于你,已是违诺。今时,又是一份对她的愧罪。” Jie'er? 劫儿 Yun Che slightly one surprised then responded, what he said was he and Jie Yuan daughter, before Hong'er and You'er separated that girl —— Ni Jie. 云澈稍稍一愕便反应过来,他说的是他与劫渊的女儿,红儿幽儿分离前的那个女孩——逆劫 The Li Suo form desalinates slowly, until completely vanishes, only has her voice/sound to resound: My memory and cognition are extremely light, is unable to recall this matter, deeply to be sorry.” 黎娑的身影缓缓淡化,直至完全消失,唯有她的声音响起:“我的记忆和认知太过淡薄,无法忆起此事,深为抱歉。” The Ni Xuan smile shakes the head, he has to the guilt of Jie Yuan, but has not never seen the old friend new life in world joy: World overturns, the era change, you no longer were once Creation God of Life, but you were still once that Li Suo, change that had almost does not have any.” 逆玄微笑摇头,他有着对劫渊的愧疚,但何尝没有看到故友新生于世的喜悦:“天地翻覆,时代变迁,你已不再是曾经的生命创世神,但你依然是曾经的那个黎娑,几乎没有任何的变化。” Now wants to come, Mo E and I was finally wrong to your obsession in the past. Pure Saint such as you, when such as the stars above corrupt world, exceed all radiance, actually should not touch for any life.” “如今想来,末厄与我当年对你的那段执念终是错误的。纯圣如你,当如浊世之上的星辰,胜过一切的璀璨,却不该为任何生灵触及。” Yun Che:( Past years really holy was in so the degree unsurpassedly? How present she...... always thought how many are a little gruff?) 云澈:(当年真的圣洁无上到这般程度吗?怎么现在的她……总觉得多少有点憨?) In the past all sorts, when indeed such as the mist passed away.” Li Suo said: I regain consciousness in Changmeng, lost actually the Creation God of Life mission, actually sought new saving world reason. So, at least compares it in you, I am too luckily many.” “往昔种种,的确当如云烟永逝。”黎娑道:“我苏醒于长梦,失却了生命创世神的使命,却又寻到了新的存世理由。如此,至少比之于你,我幸运太多。” That is really good.” Ni Xuan smiles temperately: Results in the friend such as you, lives lucky of body. Only pitifully, I assign/life have fallen, your past benevolence, I have not been able to report.” “那真的再好不过。”逆玄温和而笑:“得友如你,生身之万幸。只可惜,我命已陨,你当年的恩情,我已无从为报。” Li Suo divine sense touched Yun Che: He is I exists in reason of this world, he receives favor in you. Then, you to his graciousness, are also my graciousness. Therefore to me, you do not need the shame.” 黎娑神识触碰了一下云澈:“他便是我存在于此世的理由,他承恩于你。那么,你对他之恩,便是还我之恩。因而对我,你无需有愧。” „......” By Yun Che to the Li Suo current understanding, she speaks incomparably always pure straightforward, certainly not dark hidden what profound meaning. “……”以云澈黎娑目前的了解,她说话总是无比的纯正直白,绝不会暗隐什么深意。 But hears his scalp tingles as before. 但依旧听得他一阵头皮发麻。 Is good because of present Ni Xuan is only wisp of weak Soul Body. Otherwise...... his divine nature and self-control are even good, even if he had broken to Li Suo obsession, should still unable to preserve will give birth the impulsion that he will make. 好在眼前的逆玄只是一缕微弱的魂体。否则……就算他神性、涵养再好,就算他早已断了对黎娑执念,依然保不住会生出将他拍死的冲动。 After all, he several million years of focus, cannot nearly her body, her meaning. Now she says the life personally...... is every clan man exists...... 毕竟,他几千万年的执着,都未能近她之身,得她之意。现在她却亲口说出此生……为一个凡族男子而存在…… Really, Profound Vein World presented a peace that suddenly makes Yun Che unable not palpitation. 果然,玄脉世界忽然出现了一段让云澈无法不心悸的安静。 He felt that Ni Xuan divine sense is carefully examining him again. 他感觉到逆玄神识在重新的审视他。 Then, he asked that let the Yun Che fearful and apprehensive two characters: Is...... what......” 然后,他问出了让云澈心惊肉跳的两个字:“为……何……” But immediately, has not waited for Li Suo to respond, he has given a calm smile: forget it/that's all, this world all, in my what relations. You can find newly reason, good fortune how, I must console for you joyfully greatly.” 但马上,未等黎娑回应,他已淡然一笑:“罢了,此世一切,又于我何干。你能找到新的‘理由’,何其之幸,我应当为你欣然大慰。” reason......” he muttered to read suddenly: Always did not know, reason two characters unexpectedly are like that the luxurious thing. Mo E so, I also so......” 理由……”他忽然喃喃而念:“平生不自知,‘理由’二字竟是那般奢侈之物。末厄如此,我亦如此……” It is not able to imagine, actually Ni Xuan experienced anything in the past, so sigh with emotion. 无法想象,逆玄当年究竟经历了什么,才会有如此感慨。 Was once...... continually living couldn't reason find? 是曾经……连活着的理由都找不到了吗? Wait, Mo E so? 等等,末厄如此? That Heaven Punishing God Emperor Mo E...... could it be that did not have reason that saves the world? 诛天神帝末厄……难道也没有了存世的理由 His died in bed of old age/be exhausted...... is crushed with grief!? 他的寿终正寝……是郁郁而终!? What in the past exactly had...... exactly to have what!? 当年到底发生了什么……到底发生了什么!? The Ni Xuan final soul breath possibly dissipates momentarily, past all, is doomed to be buried eternal? 逆玄最后的魂息随时都可能消散,当年的一切,也注定要就此被永恒埋葬吗? Although somewhat offends, the soul of Evil God but facing can dissipate momentarily, Yun Che is not competent looks that these two Creation God continue to chat. 虽然有些冒犯,但面对随时都会消散的邪神之魂,云澈已不能干看着这两个创世神继续这么聊下去。 His said out loud: „The Ni Xuan senior, I when God Realm, seek the engraved inscription that you left behind. You sink abyss a Evil God seed, is worry complete Evil God's Profound Veins will also derive to exceed God Realm to withstand the boundary in mortal body now power, will thus possibly cause the new life God Realm again order collapse.” 出声道:“逆玄前辈,我在神界之时,寻到了你所留下的铭文。你将一枚邪神种子沉下深渊,是担心完整的邪神玄脉凡灵身上也会衍生出超越当今神界承受界限的力量,从而可能导致新生神界再度秩序崩坏。” But I think, your there is still one goal, then attaches wisp of Soul in not by any Evil God seed of power annihilation on, as thus the Evil God seed falls into abyss, peeps at the abyss mutation in this manner.” “但我想,你还有一个目的,便是将一缕灵魂附于不会被任何力量湮灭的邪神种子上,从而随着邪神种子落入深渊,以这种方式窥视深渊的异变。” You said right.” Ni Xuan nods, revealed indistinctly one commended: In the remote world, I have then detected the unusuality of abyss aura, but at that time, I for it vigilance, have not once believed that is as under sinking of more and more crime god, but aura change.” “你说的没错。”逆玄颔首,隐约表露出一抹赞许:“在遥远之世,我便已察觉到了深渊气息的异常,但那时,我并未为之警觉,曾一度认为,那是随着越来越多罪神的沉下,而产生的气息变动。” Afterward, the tribulation of Evil Infant, Gods and Devils all extinguished, suddenly did not have the world of demon and god, primitive Qi of Primordial Chaos, purest world aura, is overflowing...... the rapidness of speed to Null Abyss, big of scope, making me want to neglect cannot.” “后来,邪婴之劫,神魔皆灭,忽然没有了魔与神的世界,原始的鸿蒙之气,最精纯的天地气息,皆在向无之深渊流溢……速度之快,幅度之大,让我想要忽视都不能。” Yun Che:( Really......) 云澈:(果然……) I have once thought leaps Null Abyss, but odd/surplus Yuan, does not dare to attempt.” “我曾想过跃下无之深渊,但余愿未了,未敢尝试。” Because he must leave behind oneself inheritance, hinders to meet returns Jie Yuan in the future, how may violate the dangerous body dead. 因为他必须留下自己的传承,去阻滞未来会归世劫渊,岂可犯险身死。 Therefore, such as you said that I wisp of Divine Soul, accumulated entered in the nuclear of power, along with it sank abyss.” “于是,如你所言,我将一缕神魂,蕴入力量之核中,随它沉下深渊。” „The nuclear of power had not been bitten to extinguish by abyss, this wisp of Divine Soul is preserved. But enters abyss, the connection with Lord soul has then broken leaves, the matter of peeping, is doomed unable to pass on that world.” 力量之核未被深渊噬灭,这缕神魂得以留存。但一入深渊,与主魂的连接便已断离,所窥之事,也注定无法传予那个世界。” At this wisp of Divine Soul weak degree, in abyss these years, the time that divine sense is released externally should be extremely few, basically is in the deep sleep......, but, certainly once peeped the innumerable secrets. 以这缕神魂的微弱程度,在深渊的这些年,神识外放的时间应该极少,基本都处在沉睡之中……但,一定曾窥得无数的隐秘。 According to the Mo Beichen cognition, in abyss, no one knows that the name of Abyss Sovereign, only knows him is Abyss Sovereign. 依照陌悲尘的认知,在深渊,无人知道渊皇之名,只知他就是“渊皇”。 As if, his original name, hidden what fearful taboo. 仿佛,他原本的名字,隐着什么可怕的禁忌。 Who regardless of he is, the family background of his most root, can only be without a doubt the Gods and Devils Era god or the demon......, and defers to the imagination of Chi Wuyao, possibly carries Devil Race strongest space Devil Weapon the demon of High-Rank. 而无论他是谁,他最根源的出身,毫无疑问只能是神魔时代的神或魔……且按照池妩仸的推想,最可能是携着魔族最强空间魔器上位之魔。 Exists in the earth seed of abyss, continuously along in the body of God Qilin. But God Qilin, once Jinchu in Abyss Sovereign. 存在于深渊的土之种子,一直随于麟神之身。而麟神,曾近触于渊皇 abyss no one knows Abyss Sovereign. But Evil God what kind of existence, Abyss Sovereign plane/level is high, impossible high Evil God. Nearly under touches, vertical is only the remnant soul, may easily know. 深渊无人渊皇。但邪神何许存在,渊皇层面再高,也不可能高过邪神。近触之下,纵只是残魂,亦可轻易识出。 Yun Che asked immediately directly: Sees by Senior Evil God these year of institutes, actually establishes this abyss world Abyss Sovereign...... is who?” 云澈当下直接问道:“以邪神前辈这些年所见,创立此深渊之世渊皇……究竟是何人?” When the Yun Che language falls, does not know whether is the misconception, he from the Ni Xuan pupil light, the dimness that catches one difficult solution Qiyi. 云澈语落之时,不知是否是错觉,他从逆玄的眸光之中,捕捉到了一抹难解其意的朦胧。 several breaths, he gave the Yun Che reply: Builds this world, is my sin.” 足足数息,他才给了云澈回答:“筑造此世的,是我的罪孽。” „......??” Yun Che's eyes obviously enlarged a point: What did you say......?” “……??”云澈的眼眸明显放大了一分:“你说……什么?” The Ni Xuan spoken language is like that brief, his character is actually not able to understand. 逆玄的言语那般简短,他却一个字都无法理解。 „......” Ni Xuan has not spoken again, but closed the eye, as if in diligently that passing isolation. “……”逆玄没有再说话,而是闭上了眼睛,似乎在努力的将那段过往隔绝。 The Yun Che itself/Ben takes to touch the Evil God remnant soul as this time, must be able the doubts between defined many hearts. 云澈本以为此次能触碰到邪神残魂,必能明晰很多心间的疑惑。 How not to have actually thought that instead fell into nearly confused puzzled and vacant. 却怎么都没想到反而陷入了近乎错乱的不解与茫然。 Ni Xuan this time appearance, keeping him from opening the mouth to closely examine again...... resounds until his voice/sound in the Yun Che's souls: 逆玄此时的样子,让他无法再开口追问……直到他的声音重新响起于云澈的魂间: Prevents him, must prevent him.” He looks at Yun Che, divine sense one point of grief, nine points of firmness: Lets all sins, ends in this world. You can achieve...... also only then you, can achieve.” “阻止他,一定要阻止他。”他看着云澈,神识一分悲怆,九分坚决:“让一切的罪孽,就在此世终结。你可以做到……也只有你,可以做到。” Even, your graciousness the repayment to my god receiving.” “就算是,你对我神承之恩的报答。” The cognition is confused, does not know that actually completely Abyss Sovereign is, but facing Ni Xuan gaze at this moment, the Yun Che double pupil congealing glow, heavily nods: My itself/Ben to prevent him comes, I will also achieve surely...... because of my behind, without escape route.” 认知错乱,更完全不知渊皇究竟是谁,但面对逆玄此刻的注视,云澈双眸凝芒,重重颔首:“我本就是为了阻止他而来,我也必定会做到……因为我的身后,没有退路。” „...... Good.” Ni Xuan raises the head, again to close both eyes: If can end in this world seriously,...... is not at least considered as that the worst result.” “……好。”逆玄仰首,再次闭目:“若当真能在此世终结,至少……不算是最坏的结局。” You still young, he has grown into. This road, being doomed to be long and difficult. You can meet again in body the separate power core , indicating that your will, and destiny approaches.” “你尚年幼,他已长成。这条路,注定漫长而艰难。你能将离散的力量核心重聚于身,足见你的意志,以及天命所向。” Is only, too early nearness in him, because he may easily know...... once to belong to Elemental Creation God power aura.” “只是,不要太早的靠近于他,因为他可轻易识出……曾经属于元素创世神力量气息。” „......!” Yun Che pupil slightly shakes. “……!”云澈瞳孔微震。 What does this...... mean? 这……意味着什么? Good, thank senior's warning.” He can only reply. “好,感谢前辈的告诫。”他只能如此回答。 Ni Xuan whispered slowly: His once status, is how unimportant. I am unable...... not to have face/color to mention. Now is in abyss him, but a being insane traveller far from home who indulges in obsession, he needs to be prevented, was saved...... this time heavy burden, then entrusts in you.” 逆玄缓缓低语:“他曾经的身份如何,早已不重要。我无法……也无颜提及。如今身在深渊的他,只是一个沉溺于执念的失心游子,他需要被阻止,被拯救……此番重担,便托付于你。” My time, completely.” “我的时间,也将尽了。” voice/sound weak, his soul shadow, in this time gradual fuzziness. 声音弱下,他的魂影,也在这时逐渐的模糊。 Wait!” Yun Che consciousness from confused rapidly pulls out leaves, makes noise anxiously: „The Ni Xuan senior, first do not walk!” “等等!”云澈迅速将意识从迷乱中抽离,急切出声:“逆玄前辈,先不要走!” During the speeches, his thought gearing, moved to his body side Hong'er and You'er soul shadow. 说话之间,他意念连动,将红儿幽儿的魂影移至了他的身侧。 Exactly the same body, exactly the same face...... is only different eyes, different hair colors, different soul breaths. 一模一样的身躯,一模一样的面孔……只是不同的眼眸,不同的发色,不同的魂息。 Ni Xuan decided there, his soul shadow is desalinating, but pupil light framing in two girls' body, is actually not willing to have instantaneous feel alienated. 逆玄定在了那里,他的魂影在淡化,但眸光却怔怔的定格在两个女孩的身上,不愿有瞬间的疏离。 Hong'er is sizing up this strange world, very natural asked the close at hand old person to Yun Che: Whose this strange place...... also this strange Grandpa is Iya? 红儿打量着这个奇异的世界,又很自然的向云澈问起近在眼前的老人:“这个奇怪的地方……还有这个奇怪的老爷爷是谁呀? Is contrary to her response clearly, the You'er whole person decided there, the vision such as Ni Xuan was startled generally however. Until some moment, that had had been away from extremely remote Soul Imprint to be touched by heavily. 与她的反应截然相反,幽儿整个人定在了那里,目光如逆玄一般怔然。直到某一刻,那个已阔别太过遥远的灵魂印记被重重触动。 Her tender lip opens and closes, sends out the difficult unstressed tone: Father...... kisses/intimate......” 她嫩唇开合,发出艰涩的轻音:“父……亲……” ei???” Hong'er the revolutions pupil, stares the vermilion star pupil to look at You'er greatly. “欸???”红儿咻的转眸,瞪大着朱红色的星眸看着幽儿 „......” The Ni Xuan soul shadow is shivering, is moving fast. If Divine Soul has the tears, he already sobbing hard to bring about sound. “……”逆玄的魂影在颤抖,在飘忽。若神魂有泪,他早已泣难成音。 Hong'er.” Yun Che has drawn her and You'er small hand, very serious say/way: He called Ni Xuan, was your father, your true father.” 红儿。”云澈拉过她与幽儿的小手,很是郑重的道:“他叫逆玄,是你的父亲,你真正的父亲。” Such Oh......” Hong'er sizes up Grandpa the vision becomes especially is all of a sudden earnest, then on face a bloomed delighted smile: Your good Oh father, I am Hong'er. Shen Xi Elder Sister and White Big Sister said before me, also very strange name, called Wan Hu (bowlpot)...... is because I did like eating?” “这样……”红儿打量“老爷爷”的目光一下子变得格外认真起来,然后脸儿上绽开一个欢欣的笑颜:“你好父亲,我是红儿神曦姐姐白色大姐姐都说我以前还有个很奇怪的名字,叫碗壶……是因为我太喜欢吃了吗?” „......” Ni Xuan looks at them, the soul shadow is shivering as before, is unable to send out voice/sound as before. “……”逆玄看着她们,魂影依旧在颤抖,也依旧无法发出声音 Originally, I really have the father and mother.” Hong'er very happy smiling: I also think Lord...... wu...... Wu! “原来,我真的也有父亲和母亲。”红儿很是开心的笑着:“我还以为主……唔……唔唔唔唔! Had some Master of preparation to seal up her mouth early promptly, say/way that was without turning a hair: What pig cat goose dog, in abyss does not have these things, not quickly to your father side.” 早有准备的某主人及时的封住了她的嘴巴,然后面不改色的道:“什么猪猫鹅狗的,深渊里没有这些东西,还不快到你父亲身边去。” In Yun Che Hong'er pushes past tense, You'er is light before arriving at the Ni Xuan body . 云澈一把将红儿推过去时,幽儿已是轻飘飘的来到了逆玄身前。 She stretches out small hand, probes is touching to the father, actually can only poke one like blister phantom. 她伸出小小的手儿,试探着触碰向父亲,却只能戳开一抹如水泡般的虚影 The clear teardrops fall from her snow white face slowly, one after another, is unable to stop. 晶莹的泪珠从她雪白的脸儿上缓缓滑落,一滴又一滴,无法停止。 In the past, the father placed that dark and lonely world her, accompanied her, only had big piece of Netherworld Udumbara Flower. 当年,父亲将她放在了那个黑暗而孤独的世界,陪伴她的,只有一大片幽冥婆罗花 Afterward, he has looked at her many times. Last time, he gave her a jet black light star, said many words, then...... then did not come back again. 后来,他去看过她很多次。最后一次,他给了她一枚漆黑的光星,说了很多的话,然后……便再没有回来。 Ni Xuan stretches out the palm that shivers slowly, wants to hold daughter's teardrops......, but can only look helplessly that this world is most radiant, actually most destroys the crystal of heart to put on the palm. 逆玄缓缓伸出颤抖的手掌,想去捧起女儿的泪珠……但只能眼睁睁的看着那一颗颗这世间最璀璨,却又最摧心的水晶穿掌而过。 Father.” Hong'er also flew, short distance looks at Ni Xuan, clear vermilion eye full is inquires into and curious: Your hair why so long, the beard is so long, but also such big.” “父亲。”红儿也飞了过来,更近距离的看着逆玄,晶莹的朱眸里满是探究与好奇:“为什么你的头发这么长,胡子这么长,还这么大大的一蓬。” He Ling Elder Sister said, the father and mother are in the world most intimate near person. But mother left secretly, secretly the father...... you will not leave right? Later, will be many a person to give the delicious thing to me frequently?” 禾菱姐姐说,父亲和母亲是世界上最亲近的人。可是母亲偷偷的走掉了,父亲……你不会偷偷走掉的对吗?以后,是不是就会多一个人经常给我送好吃的东西?” The Yun Che side glances at the light, expiration of slowly. 云澈侧过目光,缓缓的吐了一口气。 Cognition of Hong'er and father concept to mother, has very big difference from the average man obviously. But regardless of the cognition is how biased, to the hope of kinship, deeply will always bury in bloodline of all lives, any way, any time and space are unable to stop truly. 红儿对“母亲”与“父亲”概念的认知,和常人显然有着很大的不同。但无论认知如何偏颇,对亲情的渴望,总是会深埋在所有生灵的血脉之中,任何方式,任何时间与空间都无法真正断除。 Ni Xuan looks at You'er, looks at Hong'er, gently said: I...... do not match for the father...... I bring the world...... actually...... to thrust abyss you you......” 逆玄看着幽儿,看着红儿,轻轻的道:“我……不配为父……我将你们带来世界……却又将你们……推入深渊……” ei? abyss? Yeah, abyss is not Master jumps down, is not you pushes.” Hong'er investigates the correct path. “欸?深渊?不是哎,深渊主人自己跳下来的,才不是你推下来的。”红儿纠正道。 ~! # ¥ %......” Yun Che put out a hand to cover the face...... these two characters to be given to jump come out by her. “~!@#¥%……”云澈伸手捂脸……这俩字还是被她给蹦出来了。 The Ni Xuan soul shadow to become Wuzhuang, he has resembled has not heard clearly in the Hong'er mouth Master two characters, he by the final soul breath, final voice/sound, is giving the daughter final feeling attached to: When the sin ends...... some people to replace me and your mothers, leading you to look that this world should some happy...... replace us...... to make up for your defect all......” 逆玄的魂影已成雾状,他似未听清红儿口中的“主人”二字,他以最后的魂息,最后的声音,给予着女儿最后的爱怜:“待罪孽终结……会有人代替我和你们的母亲,带你们看遍此世本该有的美好……代替我们……弥补你们缺失的一切……” Yun Che said seriously: I by this am the oath, that person, certain meeting!” 云澈郑重道:“我以此身为誓,那个人,一定会!” As for the father and mother...... puts behind that also good...... to recall occasionally well also...... only to hope your life...... forever... permanent... peaceful... happy......” “至于父亲和母亲……忘却也好……偶尔记起也好……只愿你们此生……永…恒…安…乐……” The Ni Xuan soul shadow the thorough powder extinguishes at this moment, changes to the light star that innumerable gradually go to pale. 逆玄的魂影这一刻彻底的散灭,化作无数枚逐渐淡去的光星。 But these light/only star fast flying to Yun Che, then all the ablation in his soul sea, and brings one temperate voice/sound: 而这些光星快速的飞向云澈,然后尽数消融于他的魂海之中,并带起一抹温和的声音: Yun Che,...... I not have thank you regretted.” 云澈,谢谢你……我已无憾。” Yun Che to close both eyes sighed...... your benevolence quiet, my ten thousand Shinan, have what skills and abilities received your thanking. 云澈闭目幽叹……你的恩情,我万世难还,何德何能承你之谢。 ei? Vanishes? Also is like mother, left...... You'er secretly, you cried...... do not cry good, saw you to cry, I suddenly was sadly good...... wū wū...... I...... also good to cry suddenly............ Wa! “欸?消失啦?是不是又和母亲一样,偷偷的走掉了吧……幽儿,你又哭了……不要哭了好不好,看到你哭,我忽然好难过……呜呜……我……忽然也好想哭……呜……呜哇哇哇! Yun Che walks, one on the left and other on the right holds Hong'er and You'er in the arms, is comforting gently. 云澈走过去,一左一右将红儿幽儿抱在臂间,轻轻的安慰着。 But at this moment, these fly into the Yun Che soul sea the light star, unfolds remote pictures in his consciousness...... 而就在这时,那些飞入云澈魂海的光星,在他的意识中铺开一幕幕遥远的画面……
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