ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2022: The shadow of Ni Xuan

Present form gradual clear, finally, in Yun Che's consciousness screens one clearly...... old person's form. 眼前的身影逐渐的清晰,最终,在云澈的意识里清晰映出一个……老人的身影。 Old...... person......? 老……人……? This is the first time that not Yun Che existence that contacts Evil God Ni Xuan. 这并非云澈第一次接触邪神逆玄的存在。 On the seed of water, was once attaching to a wisp of extremely superficial Evil God remnant soul, at that time, he and Evil God have had the short dialogue, is only that wisp of remnant soul is extremely really weak, even is unable to appear the form, only may distinguish, that is old voice, as if from a being on the verge of death old man. 在水之种子上,也曾依附着一缕极其浅薄的邪神残魂,那时,他与邪神有过短暂的对话,只是那缕残魂实在太过微弱,甚至无法具现出身影,只可辨出,那是一个苍老的声音,仿佛来自一个行将就木的老者。 Also was at that time, his first touching mission these two characters. Until Jie Yuan returns, actually he understands these two character accumulated truly what kind of profound meaning. 也是那时,他第一次触及“使命”这两个字。直到劫渊归来,他才真正明白这两个字究竟蕴着怎样的深意。 Arrives at abyss, before touching the final Evil God seed, Yun Che then once thinks that...... Jie Yuan can through flowing of dark aura detect in returns that time abyss unusual condition, during Gods and Devils battle, and after completely extinguishes, should be primordial chaos aura changes fiercest some time, Evil God does not have reason not to detect. 到来深渊,在触及最后的邪神种子前,云澈便曾想到……劫渊能在归世的那段时间里通过黑暗气息的流动察觉到深渊的异状,神魔交战期间和尽灭之后应该是混沌气息变化最剧烈的一段时间,邪神没有理由毫无察觉。 Perhaps, he once same attempted to sink abyss with Jie Yuan, but also same flies back without any results with Jie Yuan. Since the body cannot sink...... that he invests the Evil God seed of abyss, can attach to his wisp of Divine Soul, what mutation witnessed abyss really occurrence by this? 说不定,他曾和劫渊一样尝试着沉下深渊,但亦和劫渊一样无功而返。既然躯体不能沉下……那么,他投入深渊邪神种子,会不会依附着他的一缕神魂,以此来目睹深渊是否真的发生了什么异变? The fact also indeed such as he thinks, returns to Evil God's Profound Veins that moment in the seed of earth, he then felt that clearly wisp of Soul that from sinking in the dormancy regained consciousness. 事实也的确如他所想,在土之种子回归邪神玄脉的那一刻,他便清晰感觉到了一缕从沉眠中苏醒的灵魂 He has the present image, until now devises in the brain unlike Yun Che extremely. 只是,他所具现的形象,与云澈一直以来在脑中构想的太过不同。 His white robe, is covering entirely incompletely, almost ragged. 他一身白袍,布满着残缺,几近褴褛。 A long hair grayish white interaction, disorderly hanging loose in body, must also be gray steadily, but regardless of the beard and hair, all hangs to the place, as if the innumerable years have not gone to comb. 一头长发灰白相间,杂乱的披散于身,长须亦是一片花白,而无论须发,皆是直垂至地,仿佛已无数年没有去梳理。 ...... A pair of eye socket gets sucked by the face that the long hair partly obstructs, the face covers entirely cannot be distinguishing clearly is the ditch mark that the years or bites to carve poisonously. 被长发半遮的面孔……一双眼窝深陷,脸庞布满着分不清是岁月还是毒噬所刻下的沟痕。 But eye that pair belongs to Creation God, even if is only not substantive Soul Body, is presenting the extremely obvious pollution as before. 而那双属于创世神的眼睛,纵然只是并非实质的魂体,依旧呈现着太过明显的浑浊。 After this is...... the Evil God seed disperses, life completely Evil God? 这就是……将邪神种子分散后,生命将尽时的邪神 Toward the the front soul shadow, Yun Che bowing slowly does obeisance. 向着前方的魂影,云澈缓缓的屈膝而拜。 This is except for the parental family member, first he is completely driving, kneeler who is also willing completely. 这是除了父母亲人,第一个他完全主动,又完全甘愿的跪拜者。 Because Evil God to him is a benefactor, is Master, saves various world, lets his endless respect Ancient Spiritual God. 因为邪神对他而言是恩人,是师父,更是拯救诸世,让他无尽敬重的远古神灵 Every clan human Yun Che, pays respect to Senior Evil God. junior at age 16, was lucky the senior to pay attention to receive, changes to assign/life from this. Receiving favor life. Now must see the senior real posture finally, in a big way finished always one to hope extravagantly.” “凡族人类云澈,拜见邪神前辈晚辈于16岁时,万幸得前辈所留神承,亦由此改命。承恩此生。如今终得见前辈真姿,了却平生一大奢愿。” The world that the different remnant souls contact is independent. Although the remnant soul on seed of water knows Yun Che's to exist, remnant soul that but attaches to the seed of earth on, is actually complete initially sees. 不同的残魂所接触到的世界都是独立的。水之种子上的残魂虽知晓云澈的存在,但对土之种子上所附的残魂而言,却又是完全的初见。 A vision pollution that throw, but, that full is the old face of scratch floats off one modest smiling: Can reappear this boundary, how you gather ‚’ a character.” 投来的目光一片浑浊,但随之,那张满是刻痕的苍老面孔浮起一抹温和的笑:“能将此境重现,你又岂合‘凡’之一字。” I have not been Evil God.” He transfers the pupil, watches this piece as if familiar, actually remote Profound Vein World: If this world also Evil God, that only has you to endure this seriously.” “我也早已不是邪神。”他转眸,看着这片似乎熟悉,却已然遥远的玄脉世界:“若此世当真还有邪神,那唯有你堪此名。” Yun Che shakes the head: In front of senior, junior what comes the qualifications.” 云澈摇头:“前辈面前,晚辈何来资格。” Ni Xuan smiled, said nothing pro or con, he is waiting and seeing this world repeatedly, but actually not surprised, has not yearned for or recalled, if must say a mood, that perhaps was one type...... late in life below desolate. 逆玄笑了,未置可否,他只是一遍遍的观望着这个世界,但却没有惊讶,没有留恋或缅怀,如果一定要说一种情绪,那或许是一种……迟暮下的苍凉。 This flash, Yun Che understands suddenly, he is using this final Spirit Sense the going all out sensation, was not his once power, but was...... Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor aura. 这一刹那,云澈忽然明白,他在用这最后的灵觉所拼命感知的,不是他曾经的力量,而是……劫天魔帝气息 His body, has Jie Yuan Devil Emperor's blood, has Jie Yuan Darkness Everlasting. 他的身上,有着劫渊魔帝之血,有着劫渊黑暗永劫 In Yun Che heart fierce one astringent, he whether there is words completely want to tell with Ni Xuan, there are innumerable questions to inquire, but facing Ni Xuan at this moment, actually does not endure to make noise to disturb for a very long time. 云澈心中猛的一涩,他有无尽的话想和逆玄诉说,有无数的疑问想要问询,但面对此刻的逆玄,却久久不忍出声打扰。 Jie Yuan did she...... come back?” 劫渊她……回来了?” old voice, bringing faint light to tremble, such as from dreary cold wind. 苍老的声音,带着隐隐的轻颤,如来自萧瑟的寒风。 Yes.” Yun Che puts light voice/sound to reply: Senior Jie Yuan breaks open Wall of Primordial Chaos by World Needle, returned...... is, was still less than ten years.” “是。”云澈放轻声音回答:“劫渊前辈乾坤刺破开混沌之壁,重新归来……距今,尚不到十年。” She...... fortunately?” “她……还好吗?” Had not inquired about that afterward had anything, even if only the remnant soul that a wisp will disperse, he most wants to know that as before is her safety. 没有问及后来发生了什么,即使只是一缕将散的残魂,他最想知道的,依旧是她的安危。 „...... Senior Jie Yuan is very good, regardless of the body, is Soul.” Yun Che looks at Ni Xuan, enabling him to be able the sincerity in clear sensation vision: Although, her body leaves behind the scar that outside the strength of primordial chaos is giving, but the body is well. Although power has incomplete, but only need snap fingers as before, but then Ling press/pressure present age myriad spirits.” “……劫渊前辈很好,无论躯体,还是灵魂。”云澈看着逆玄,让他可以清晰感知自己目光中的真诚:“虽然,她的身上留下着外混沌之力给予的伤痕,但躯体安好无恙。力量虽有残缺,但依旧只需弹指,便可凌压当世万灵。” He has not concealed the Jie Yuan body scar. Ni Xuan and Jie Yuan emotion, had spanned the Gods and Devils two clans, spanned principle and prejudice, the common custom in the eyes appearance wound, their sentiments, is not worth mentioning. Intentionally conceals, instead is to blaspheming of their emotion. 他没有隐瞒劫渊身上的伤痕。逆玄劫渊的情感,早已跨越了神魔两族,跨越了法则与偏见,世俗眼中的外貌创伤,于他们的感情而言,根本不值一提。刻意隐瞒,反而是对他们情感的亵渎。 Her Soul is complete and great. When return hate intent shades spatially, when touches under Heaven Punishing God Emperor aura will be filled with the full anger, when hears your death news when sad absent-minded...... she will speak, is always filling to all resenting, will actually choose and subordinate numerous devils will keep outside primordial chaos forever, gives the present world to be peaceful.” “她的灵魂完整而伟大。归来时恨意蔽空,触及诛天神帝麾下气息时会满心盈怒,听闻你的死讯时会悲伤失神……她说话时,总是充满着对一切的愤恨,却又选择将自己和麾下众魔永留外混沌,来给予现世安宁。” Outside the primordial chaos several million years have not destroyed to injure her Soul, have not wiped to extinguish under her chilling semblance real good. She is junior...... is present age all lives when ten thousand world respects the demon that feels grateful, is in the world the greatest demon.” “外混沌的数百万年没有摧伤她的灵魂,更没有抹灭她冷硬外表下的真善。她是晚辈……是当世所有生灵都当万世敬重感恩的魔,更是世上最伟大的魔。” Ni Xuan smiled, not surprised, gently however read: Yes, because she is...... Jie Yuan.” 逆玄笑了,没有惊讶,轻轻而念:“是啊,因为她是……劫渊。” If not such Jie Yuan, how will let his deeply love hence. 若非这样的劫渊,怎会让他深爱至此。 Yun Che, thank your spoken language...... I am only the solitary person who a wisp should disperse early extinguishes, can actually in this final, feeling so luxurious comfort and warmth.” 云澈,感谢你的言语……我只是一缕早该散灭的孤魂,却能在这最后,感受这般奢侈的安慰与温暖。” Yun Che shakes the head: junior said that was only the most real fact. junior is also good, present age everyone is also good, the body receives the heavy graciousness that you bestow, what comes the qualifications to withstand your thanks two characters.” 云澈摇头:“晚辈所言,只是最真实的事实。晚辈也好,当世所有人也好,都身承你们所赐的重恩,何来资格承受你的‘感谢’二字。” Ni Xuan raised the head slowly, such as the subtilis long hair is telling endless dismal: Only regrets, cannot see again/goodbye one side her, unable...... to apologize to her......” 逆玄缓缓抬头,如枯草般的长发诉说着无尽的悲凉:“只憾,不能再见她一面,不能……向她赔罪……” Yun Che shakes the head again: Among couples, what to come apologizing said. Senior Jie Yuan leaves regretless not hates. Cannot see again/goodbye to you, decides is she biggest regretting.” 云澈再次摇头:“夫妻之间,何来赔罪之说。劫渊前辈的离开无悔无恨。未能再见到你,也定是她最大的憾。” Is Ah......” Ni Xuan twittering said: If apologized to her seriously, decides is hit one by her ruthlessly, hehe.” “是啊……”逆玄呢喃道:“若当真向她赔罪,定会又会被她狠狠打一顿吧,呵呵。” He showed the happy expression, was hit one...... the present actually not to touch again by her extravagant absurdly. 他露出了笑意,再被她打一顿……如今却是再也触碰不到的奢妄。 In the hearts somewhat sinks to damp immediately, Yun Che opens the mouth to ask suddenly: „Does the Ni Xuan senior, the matter of past years, the fruit of present, you...... hate?” 心间顿时有些沉抑,云澈忽然开口问道:“逆玄前辈,当年之事,如今之果,你……恨吗?” Hates?” If his sound cotton fiber: Whom hates............” “恨?”他音若棉絮:“恨……谁……” For example,” Yun Che very direct say/way: Accomplishes cause —— Heaven Punishing God Emperor Mo E of all tragedies.” “比如,”云澈很是直接的道:“造就一切悲剧的起因——诛天神帝末厄。” World peaceful, Yun Che does not have for a long time, when echo of Ni Xuan......, even, without feeling, even if from his resentment. 世界安静了下来,云澈许久没有等到逆玄的回音……甚至,没有感觉到哪怕一丝来自他的怨恨情绪。 Instead, one type sad in silent spreads with the painful mood. Like that the weak remnant spirit, sorrow unexpectedly constraining of like that release, making the Yun Che's soul sea heavy to putting behind the turbulence. 反而,有一种悲伤与痛苦的情绪在无声蔓延。那般微弱的残灵,释出的悲苦竟又那般的压抑,让云澈的魂海都沉重到忘却了动荡。 Mo E......” he is pronouncing unstressed this remote and heartache name: I have what qualifications to hate him...... only to have him to hate me...... I to have what qualifications to hate him......” 末厄……”他轻念着这个遥远而伤魂的名字:“我有何资格恨他……唯有他恨我……我有何资格恨他……” „......??” In Yun Che heart surprised myriad. “……??”云澈心中惊讶万千。 Mentioned Mo E two characters, Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor hates to clench jaws, if his skeleton remained, Jie Yuan will go to dig up a grave it absolutely personally frustrates the bone to raise the ash again. 提及“末厄”二字,劫天魔帝恨得咬牙切齿,若他尸骨尚存,劫渊绝对会去亲手将其掘墓挫骨再扬灰。 But this hate intent radiated other all gods clans, even under Mo E God Race later generation successor, obviously cutting of Jie Yuan to his hate intent. 而这股恨意辐射到了其他所有神族,甚至末厄麾下神族的后世继承者,可见劫渊对他的恨意之切。 But by Mo E to her the matter of doing, this hate intent is normal. If not and she is Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor, trades to be others, several million years of hate intent accumulations, have changed to from head to tail revenge Devil God surely. 而以末厄对她所做之事,这股恨意再正常不过。且若非她是劫天魔帝,换做他人,数百万年的恨意积累,必定早已化作一个彻头彻尾的复仇魔神 But also faces Mo E the name , instead is the sad pain that Evil God Ni Xuan reveals as well as...... the ashamed crime? 但同样面对“末厄”之名,邪神逆玄所流露的,反而是悲伤痛苦以及……愧罪? Does not have most to have the hate that only. 唯独没有最该有的怨恨。 Only has him to hate me...... I to have what qualifications to hate him? 唯有他恨我……我有何资格恨他? Why?” Yun Che puzzled asking: Was Mo E plotted against Senior Jie Yuan, causing you two to separate, Senior Jie Yuan received beyond for several million years the pain of primordial chaos, your children also because of him, but...... even/including you , after was that completely discouraged, discarded the name of Creation God.” “为什么?”云澈不解的问道:“是末厄暗算了劫渊前辈,导致你们就此两隔,劫渊前辈更受数百万年外混沌之苦,你们的孩子也因他而……就连你,也是那之后万念俱灰,舍弃了创世神之名。” God Race and Devil Race the war of being drowned, is plotted against the blasting fuse that Senior Jie Yuan that sword lays down by Mo E. Otherwise, the later all will not happen, now is God Race and Devil Race is to revere as before world.” 神族魔族的灭顶之战,也是由末厄暗算劫渊前辈那一剑而埋下的导火索。否则,之后的一切都不会发生,如今依旧是神族魔族为尊的世界。” He also wants saying that world aura mutation that if not the Gods and Devils destruction causes, abyss mutation not such rapidness. Draws back again ten thousand steps, even if the change of abyss one such as at this moment, has the world that God Race Devil Race assumes, how also to fear the aggression of abyss power. 他还想说,若非神魔覆灭导致的天地气息异变,深渊异变也不会如此之快。再退万步,哪怕深渊的变化一如此刻,有神族魔族坐镇的世界,又岂会惧怕深渊力量的侵略。 No, no.” Ni Xuan said two continually not character, is incapable, punctures the heart: All sins in me, not in him...... not in him. Is I, is unfair to him.” “不,不。”逆玄连说两个“不”字,一声无力,一声刺心:“一切的罪孽在我,不在他……不在他。是我,对不起他。” „The name of once Elemental Creation God, non- was the rejection, but was I do not match ; The hidden world after that non- is completely discouraged, but is I...... does not have the face countenance to the world.” “曾经的元素创世神之名,非是舍弃,而是我已不配;那之后的隐世,非是万念俱灰,而是我……已无颜面对世人。” „????” Yun Che thorough ignorant however. “????”云澈彻底懵然。 What is he saying? 他在说什么? Why knows with me different...... completely different! 为什么和我知道的不一样……完全不一样! could it be that, what secret facts Heaven Punishing God Emperor did Mo E plot against Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor in the past...... other also? 难道,诛天神帝末厄当年暗算劫天魔帝……还有其他的什么隐情? He does not hesitate buckle 30% life essence to start Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword to make primordial chaos Jie Yuan ; 他不惜折损自己30%寿元来发动诛天始祖剑劫渊打出混沌; Does not hesitate to destroy to tread the Gods and Devils two clans to be locked in a stalemate the innumerable year of balances ; 不惜毁踏神魔两族相持无数年的平衡; Does not hesitate to damage oneself first Creation God prestige again ; 不惜重损自己第一创世神的威名; Later does not hesitate to damage 30% life essence also to defeat Evil God again...... 之后不惜再损30%寿元也要将邪神击败…… Does he renounce reason hence, could it be that is not just unable to accept the union of Creation God and Devil Emperor? 他决绝至此的原因,难道并非只是无法接受创世神魔帝的结合? If really has other serious reason, but the hate of Jie Yuan...... is it possible that doesn't she even know? 若真有其他更沉重的原因,但劫渊的怨恨……莫非,连她也并不知晓? Senior, you said that ’ has the difference from truth that I knewgreatly, the matter of past years, is it possible that other also reasons?” “前辈,你方才所言,和我知晓的‘真相’大有不同,当年之事,莫非还有其他原因?” However said that Yun Che knows truth, majority is Ice Phoenix Divine Spirit acts according to more and more known facts with him, but calculates come out gradually, is given the evidence by returns Jie Yuan again. But Jie Yuan to the past memory, when only arrives at her to be rumbled primordial chaos by a Mo E sword...... 不过说起来,云澈所知的“真相”,大部分是冰凰神灵与他根据越来越多已知的事实而逐步推算出来,再由归世劫渊给予佐证。但劫渊对当年的记忆,也只到她被末厄一剑轰出混沌之时…… Ni Xuan slowly said: In the past all sorts, the mist, had all raised again has no intention. Mo E, is not willing to mention until death again thinks and a character, I also so, the idle talk...... lets them at this time, with the world of once Gods and Devils together, in light of this passing away dust.” 逆玄缓声道:“往昔种种,皆已化云烟,再提无意。末厄在时,至死都不愿再提及思及一字,我亦如此,遑论今时……就让它们,与曾经的神魔之世一同,就此永逝尘埃吧。” Complex mood fall in torrents into the Yun Che's soul sea, takes constraining that he suffocates. 各种复杂的情绪倾泻入云澈的魂海之中,带给他窒息的压抑。 He does not want to raise again. 他不想再提。 Even if perhaps thinks slightly, to him is the severe pain that is unbearable with suffering. 或许哪怕只是稍稍思及,对他而言都是难以承受的剧痛与折磨。
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