ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2021: Again world Evil God

Steps into Fog Sea that moment, is at most edge area merely, the abyss dust density then aggravated ten times to continue suddenly. 踏入雾海的那一刻,仅仅只是处在最边缘区域,渊尘的浓度便陡然加重了十倍不止。 The vision institute, extremely strong abyss dust presents the dusky fog shape, is camouflaging the ray and voice/sound, is swallowing various forms of aura...... life aura, Soul aura, profound energy that even releases including outside. 目光所及,太过浓重的渊尘呈现出灰蒙蒙的雾状,遮蔽着光线和声音,吞噬着各种形式的气息……生命气息,灵魂气息,甚至包括外释的玄气 In other words, in abyss dust, not only Spirit Sense, profound strength will also be suppressed in varying degrees. Profound Dao plane/level is lower, the suppressed degree will also be higher. 也就是说,渊尘之中,不仅灵觉,玄力也会在不同程度上遭到压制。玄道层面越低,被压制的程度也会越高。 Swallows the life, suppressed Spirit Sense and profound strength...... this makes Yun Che think actually Northern God Territory that is flooding dark aura. But on plane/level, Northern God Territory dark aura naturally cannot by far compared with abyss dust. 吞噬生命,压制灵觉玄力……这倒是让云澈想到了充斥着黑暗气息北神域。但就层面而言,北神域黑暗气息自然远远不能和渊尘相比。 He walks in Fog Sea gradually, the world peaceful fearfulness, he was suppressed to the extremely low sound of footsteps arrives at the epicenter clearly. 他缓步行走于雾海,世界安静的可怕,他被压制到极低的脚步声清晰到震心。 Here land is the gray-black, the quarry stone is the gray-black. Does not see any vegetation, by various of abyss dust radical corrosion rock is Fog Sea main existence, or intensive dispersion, either tall Zhishu, looks distantly, as if one piece by piece by the dark forest that the gray fog covers. 这里的大地是灰黑色,乱石为灰黑色。不见任何植被,被渊尘彻底侵蚀的各种“怪石”是雾海最主要的存在,或密集散布,或高至数里,遥遥望去,仿佛一片片被灰雾笼罩的黑暗森林。 This is only Fog Sea most edge, then heavy four characters has annotated peak aura of death. What kind of the Fog Sea deep place...... and even most deep place is ecology, he is unable to forecast. 这只是雾海的最边缘,便已是将“死气沉沉”四字诠释到了极致雾海的深处……乃至最深处是怎样的“生态”,他无从预测。 What are you making?” “你在做什么?” Supple graceful immortal sound that resounds suddenly, making Yun Che nearly fine body hair explode with rapt attention. 那忽然响起的柔婉仙音,让凝神中的云澈险些寒毛炸起。 He bears spurts an impulsion of this Creation God face ruthlessly, very tranquil say/way: I in probe here suppression of abyss dust to my life aura and Spirit Sense.” 他忍住狠狠喷这个创世神一脸的冲动,很是平静的道:“我在试探此处的渊尘对我生命气息灵觉的压制。” He extends extend the arm, with moving ahead of his palm, fog shape abyss dust of the front space dissipates slowly, clearly discernible. 他伸出手臂,随着他手掌的前移,前方空间的雾状渊尘缓缓逸散,清晰可见。 But with the stimulation of movement of Yun Che thought that abyss dust under his soul strength, the speed of escape significantly sped up a point. 而随着云澈意念的催动,渊尘在他魂力之下,逸散的速度明显加快了一分。 Also, his five fingers fierce opening, outside profound energy releases. Immediately, the speed that abyss dust dissipates speeds up a point again. But immediately, with returning of his profound energy gathers together, surrounding abyss dust slowly approaches to him, then relatively peaceful gathering in the side of his five fingers. 随之,他五指猛的张开,玄气外释。顿时,渊尘逸散的速度再度加快一分。而马上,随着他玄气的回拢,周围的渊尘又缓缓的向他靠近,然后相对安静的聚于他的五指之侧。 Worthily is nihility Sacred Body that Primogenitor Goddess bestows, although controlling of minimum degree drives a horse, but all over the world, should only have you to achieve.” “不愧是始祖神亲赐的虚无圣躯,虽然只是最低程度的控驭,但普天之下,应该唯有你可以做到。” even/including attaches in your life aura me, was therefore not corroded by abyss dust.” 就连依附于你生命气息的我,也因此而不受渊尘侵蚀。” The Yun Che palm takes back, looking pensive. 云澈手掌收回,若有所思。 When Qilin Abyss Realm fourth day, abyss dust has not then been able to become the corrosion to other party again. 麟渊界第四天时,渊尘便已无法再对他造成侵蚀。 When seventh day, the suppression of abyss dust to his Spirit Sense has been equal not to have. 第七天时,渊尘对他灵觉的压制已等同于无。 At the 15 th day, he can reprimand abyss dust all around with oneself profound energy slightly, later discovered the soul strength can also achieve. 第15天时,他可以用自己的玄气轻微斥开周遭的渊尘,随后又发现魂力亦可以做到。 Before Qilin God Conference, he then can conducts controlling of low degree to drive a horse to abyss dust by profound strength or the soul strength...... for example gathers. 麟神之会前,他便能以玄力或魂力对渊尘进行低程度的控驭……比如聚拢。 The present to Fog Sea, he found surprisedly, oneself faces abyss dust that the density increases suddenly, reprimanded, the pressure that gathered, has not increased slightly. 如今到了雾海,他惊奇的发现,自己面对浓度陡增的渊尘,无论是斥开,还是聚拢的压力,都丝毫没有增加。 power and Spirit Sense that outside him releases also put on abyss dust, not by slight suppression and interference. 他外释的力量灵觉也都是直穿渊尘,不受丝毫的压制和干涉。 As if, swallows all abyss dust actually completely to disregard his existence, even can also obey his direction to a certain extent. 仿佛,吞噬一切的渊尘却完全无视着他的存在,甚至还能在一定程度上顺从他的指引。 The recollection arrives at the entire process after abyss, his body first adapted to existence of abyss dust extremely quickly, then derived step by step is controlling to drive a horse the abyss dust ability...... 回想到来深渊后的整个过程,他的躯体先是极快的适应了渊尘的存在,然后一步步的衍生着控驭渊尘的能力…… No! 不! As coming from Primogenitor Goddess nihility Sacred Body, must be his body is concealing this ability, after touching „the strength of extinguishing, starts the gradual recovery. 作为来自始祖神的虚无圣躯,应当是他的躯体本身就暗藏着这种能力,在触碰到“灭之力”后,开始逐渐的复苏。 But this change obviously is an eternal qualitative change , there is nothing to do with the abyss dust density! 而这种变化明显是一种永恒的质变,与渊尘的浓度无关! Short one month then already so. If continues to immerse in abyss dust, in the future to the control of abyss dust, can actually grow to what kind of situation? 短短一个月便已如此。若继续沉浸于渊尘之中,未来对渊尘的驾驭,究竟可以成长到一个怎样的地步? Has not continued again, Yun Che arrange/cloth next small formation, then sits cross-legged to sit conveniently, asked freely spoken: Li Suo, actually Senior Evil God is he what kind of person? With record is same?” 没有再继续前行,云澈随手布下一个小结界,然后盘膝而坐,顺口问道:“黎娑,邪神前辈他究竟是一个怎样的人?和记载中的一样吗?” Li Suo gave him to reply: Although with is Creation God, but I to their memories, have over 90% fuzziness as before. But clearest mark......” 黎娑给了他回答:“虽同为创世神,但我对他们的记忆,依旧有着九成以上的模糊。而最为清晰的印记……” Mo E is most dignified Creation God, is extremely severe to the good and evil, to wrong, rule and social class, arrives uprightly reluctantly often.” 末厄是最威严的创世神,对善恶、对错、规则、阶级都极其严苛,刚正到时常让人无奈。” Xi Ke is most arrogant Creation God, he is Creation God of order, therefore does not allow itself to receive any mood emotion to hobble, the life acts alone proudly, does not suppose Divine Palace, under no one. In all clear memories, most is also superficial about his impression, wants to come me in the past, with him should be the rare contact.” 夕柯是最孤高的创世神,他是秩序的创世神,所以不容自己受任何情绪情感牵绊,一生傲然独行,不设神宫,无人麾下。所有清晰的记忆中,关于他的印象也最为浅薄,想来我当年,与他应是少有接触。” However Ni Xuan, is not like Creation God Creation God.” “而逆玄,是最不像创世神创世神。” He afterward, indeed discarded the name of Creation God. 他后来,也的确舍弃了创世神之名。 In his world, as if no the concept of social class and plane. When Low-Rank God Race, the beast clan and spirit clan, arrive at lowest plane every clan...... he to maintain again the all realms element balances, to all lives is the equal intersections, down to never tall God poses as. Therefore, his sincere junction proliferates, bestows favor innumerably.” “他的世界里,仿佛没有阶级与位面的概念。下位神族、兽族、灵族、再到最低位面的凡族……他维持诸界元素平衡之时,对所有生灵都是平等相交,从不以至高神自居。所以,他挚交遍布,施恩无数。” Spontaneous splicing of little clear memory fragments in her narration, her continued: About their memories, are most by Ni Xuan. He will go to life Divine Palace frequently, to me told that he the good friend of place and new friend, described newly creation Star Realm and initial life to me...... takes away from the different world, the different plane strange gifts...... so, seemed to be for several million years, several million years.” 少许清晰的记忆碎片在她的讲述中自发拼接,她继续道:“关于他们的记忆,以逆玄最多。他会经常去到生命神宫,向我讲述他所去之地和新交的挚友,向我描述新创的星界和最初的生命……带去来自不同世界,不同位面的奇异礼物……如此,似有几百万年,几千万年。” Yun Che:( ⊙ o ⊙)...( dumbfounded) 云澈:(⊙o⊙)…(目瞪口呆) These, Jie Yuan knows...... 这些,劫渊知道吗…… Should know that...... mentioned Li Suo each time, almost can hear her quickly voice/sound that the tooth bit. 应该知道吧……每次提及黎娑,几乎都能听到她快把牙齿咬碎的声音 Words said, Yun Che cannot bear ask finally: In the past you to Mo E and Ni Xuan, then so many years, haven't really moved?” “话说,”云澈终是忍不住问道:“当年你对末厄逆玄,那么那么多年,就真的一点都没动心过?” Moves...... the heart?” She resembles by the cognition of reconstruction, very diligently understood that these two characters, said gently: Is Creation God of Life, when complies with the mission and will that Progenitor Divine Spirit gives, executes in Zhushi myriad spirits the Creation God strength, how may contaminate this world six sexual attractions.” “动……心?”她似在以重建的认知,很努力的去理解这两个字,随之轻轻道:“既为生命创世神,当遵从始祖神灵赋予的使命与意志,将创世神力施于诸世万灵,岂可沾染凡尘六欲。” A Yun Che eye of reveal is strange, said: In this point, you and Xi Ke actually resembles.” 云澈目露怪异,道:“这一点上,你和夕柯倒是蛮像的。” „......?” These words, as if made her have some difficult solutions. “……?”这句话,似乎让她有了些许的难解。 That present?” Yun Che asked: „The past all are not, Creation God has become the ancient times god name that dissipates, so-called that you once grasped mission the nature has also vanished into thin air. After you, will exist for what?” “那现在呢?”云澈问道:“当年的一切都已不在,‘创世神’更是已经成为消逝的远古神名,你曾经所秉持的所谓‘使命’也自然已烟消云散。那你以后,将是为了什么而存在?” She did not say for a long time, obviously fell into confusedly because of Yun Che these words. But finally, she gave the Yun Che accurate reply, only has a character: 她许久不言,显然是因云澈这番话而陷入了迷茫。但最终,她还是给了云澈确切的回答,只有一个字: You.” “你。” „......”, if not she is Creation God of Life, if not had experienced her personality unique mortal previously quiet however faint, he thinks absolutely this woman is pulling up herself. “……”若非她是生命创世神,若非先前见识过她性情超脱凡灵的幽然淡漠,他绝对会认为这女人在撩自己。 Calm of very Yun Che performance: Because of my body Primogenitor Goddess breath?” 云澈表现的很是淡定:“因为我身上始祖神息?” Yes.” “是。” Obviously, within this reply...... also anticipates within the Yun Che anticipation completely feeling disappointed. 显然,这个回答完全在云澈意料之内……也意料之内的扫兴。 Creation God lives because of Primogenitor Goddess, must comply with the mission that Primogenitor Goddess gives entire life. Although once mission has dissipated, but the Primogenitor Goddess will actually appeared, but this wisp of will, only had your safety.” 创世神是因始祖神而生,应当一生遵从始祖神所赋予的使命。曾经的使命虽已然消散,但始祖神的意志却重现于世间,而她这缕意志所向,唯有你的安危。” „The Primogenitor Goddess will, is I must receive the lifetime mission. Present I , can only attach in you temporarily. Perhaps this also came from the direction of first ancestor will. Directs my Creation God strength, appears in you for the protection.” 始祖神的意志,是我须秉承一生的使命。如今的我,也只能暂时依附于你。这或许亦是来自始祖意志的指引。指引我的创世神力,是为守护于你而重现于世。” Yun Che is speechless for a while. 云澈一时无言。 The Li Suo memory and cognition shattered has drifted away obviously, but, her loyalty and belief to the Primogenitor Goddess, as if engraves in soul source, vertical era avalanche, destiny drastic change, unexpectedly also as before purely hence. 黎娑的记忆和认知明明已经破碎游离,但,她对始祖神的忠诚和信仰,仿佛是刻印在魂源之中,纵时代崩塌,命运剧变,竟也依旧纯粹至此。 Past Ni Xuan rigid in Li Suo, but Li Suo rigid in Primogenitor Goddess, but Primogenitor Goddess of this( Xiao Lingxi) rigid in oneself. 当年的逆玄执着于黎娑,但黎娑执着于始祖神,而这一世的始祖神(萧泠汐)执着于自己。 Therefore...... 于是…… When the beliefs enough purely, oneself will find most suitable oneself reason...... Creation God to be no exception. 当信仰信念足够纯粹,自己就会找到最适合自己的理由……创世神也不例外。 Got it.” Yun Che serious say/way: You could rest assured that you by the protection that the Creation God strength gives, I will decide will not disappoint.” “明白了。”云澈一本正经的道:“你放心,你以创世神力给予的守护,我定不会辜负。” Arrived at this moment, his within the body riot for a long time aura was also suppressed finally, he no longer talks too much, the palm held slowly that by the light star that the yellow Qilin light wrapped...... is also the last Evil God seed. 到了此刻,他体内暴乱许久的气息也总算被压制下来,他不再多言,手掌缓缓捧起了那么被黄色麟光所包裹的光星……亦是最后一颗邪神种子。 Ni Xuan aura.” Remote ancient memory was touched, Li Suo pronounces unstressed. 逆玄气息。”遥古记忆被触动,黎娑一声轻念。 Perhaps, you can also meet again.” Yun Che shows a faint smile. “说不定,你们还能再相见。”云澈微微一笑。 Li Suo: „?” 黎娑:“?” Attaches in God Qilin aura of Evil God seed only 30%, but still sparkles is arriving at nearly the sacred Qilin light purely. Above encirclement blockade small formation also because of withstanding Divine Ember dissipates, but Yun Che will hold when the hand, actually still cannot feel any repel and aggressivity. 依附于邪神种子的麟神气息只余30%,但依然闪耀着纯粹到近乎神圣的麟光。原本环绕其上的封锁小结界也已因承受神烬而消散,但云澈将之捧在手中时,却依然感觉不到任何的排斥和攻击性。 Temperate just like God Qilin final voice/sound. 温和的宛若麟神最后的声音 Finally...... 终于…… Finally stared at this Evil God seed one, Yun Che closed the eye, lost in it the entrance, swallowed directly under. 最后盯了这枚邪神种子一眼,云澈闭上眼睛,将其丢入口中,直接吞咽而下。 Immediately, the Yun Che's chest front screens yellow ray in a falling down clearly, it after entering Yun Che body interior, such as by invisible strength hauling, spontaneous flying to the Profound Vein position...... until entering his Profound Vein World. 顿时,云澈的胸前清晰映出一点下坠中的黄色光芒,它在进入云澈躯体内部后,如被无形之力牵引,自发的飞向玄脉的位置……直至进入他的玄脉世界 ———— ———— Yun Che Profound Vein World, as well as in soul sea, immediately by a depressed rumbled sound engulfed. 云澈玄脉世界,以及魂海之中,顿时被一阵沉闷的轰鸣声所吞没 He quickly concentrates mind, although early some premonitions, but this Profound Vein big of sound, makes him be startled as before. 他迅速集中精神,虽早有预感,但此次玄脉中的动静之大,依旧让他大吃一惊。 The return of Evil God seed, will bring about the obvious change of Evil God's Profound Veins each time. But these cannot call it the change time, but is...... the mutation! 每次邪神种子的回归,都会带来邪神玄脉的明显变化。而这一次根本不能称之为变化,而是……异变! That flash when yellow earth profound light maps, Profound Vein World started fierce shivering suddenly, is only the first instance, then shivers as if must collapse general. 当黄色的土之玄光映入的那一刹那,玄脉世界忽然开始了剧烈的颤抖,只是第一个瞬间,便颤抖的仿佛要崩坏一般。 But , the fire, water, thunder and wind four Evil God seeds release rich to the extreme divine glow suddenly, compared with it previous any wants intense several times. 而随之,火、水、雷、风四颗邪神种子都骤释出浓郁之极神芒,比之先前的任何一刻都要强烈数倍。 But Darkness Evil God Seed releases jet black Domain, arrived at profoundly as if already that Profound Vein space complete swallowing. 黑暗的邪神种子更是释开了一个漆黑的领域,深邃到仿佛已将那一片玄脉空间完全的吞噬。 The Yun Che whole body blood stream stops, in all profound energy short three breaths all flows backwards Profound Vein, does not have one to make one's home. His heart with palpitation of Profound Vein, but beats crazily, fierce such as the sound of heavenly thunder. 云澈全身血流停止,所有的玄气短短三息之内全部倒流回玄脉,无一丝存身。他的心脏随着玄脉的悸动而疯狂跳动,剧烈如天雷之音。 The Evil God seed in Profound Vein World secluded a territory respectively, and complex space is biggest by Dark Seed profound light. But with entry of seed of earth, fire, water, thunder, wind and earth five colors profound light in incomparably blazing sparkles, unexpectedly in approaching slowly. 玄脉世界中的邪神种子原本是各踞一域,并以黑暗种子玄光所覆空间最大。而随着土之种子的进入,火、水、雷、风、土五色玄光在无比炽烈的闪耀间,竟在缓缓的临近。 Quick, Yun Che's consciousness the clear sensation, their profound light in approaching and in touching, started slowly continued blending unexpectedly. 很快,云澈的意识清晰的感知到,它们的玄光在靠近与碰触之中,竟开始了缓慢而持续的交融。 Fire and water, water, and wind, wind and earth, earth and water, wind and fire, thunder and earth...... 火与水、水与雷、雷与风、风与土、土与水、风与火、雷与土…… Until five profound light without a gap blend, the free circulation, is not mutually exclusive. 直至五种玄光无间交融,自由流转,互不排斥。 In the Yun Che consciousness is startled is ignorant, one dark silent close to...... that is from Dark Seed Dark Domain, but this time, dark has not actually swallowed other profound light, but is the infiltration of no hindering into five colors profound light, then fierce unfolding. 就在云澈意识怔懵之时,一抹黑暗无声临近……那是来自黑暗种子黑暗领域,但这一次,黑暗却没有将其他玄光吞噬,而是毫无阻滞的渗透入五色玄光之中,然后猛的铺开。 This strange incomparable phenomenon, Yun Che cannot witness too for a long time, his consciousness was then shaken the powder in one piece loudly completely. 这一幕奇诡无比的现象,云澈并未能目睹太久,他的意识便在一片轰然中被完全震散。 RUMBLE—————— 轰—————— This analogy also wants depressed ten million times of rumbled, in split second, making his consciousness fall into the complete blank. 这一声比方才还要沉闷千万倍的轰鸣,在一瞬间之间,让他的意识陷入了完全的空白之中。 The blank of this consciousness does not know how long continued, when the Yun Che's sensation recovers, he saw...... lets him such as the world of falling illusion. 这种意识的空白不知持续了多久,待云澈的感知复苏之时,他看到了一个……让他如坠幻梦的世界。 His Profound Vein space complete changed. 他的玄脉空间完完全全的变了。 The consciousness institute, that seems one by the universe that the endless dark night institute turns round, takes the darkness as the bottom color, is dancing in the breeze and wavering everywhere the assorted drift of stars, or for scarlet, either is ice blue, either for quiet purple, either for dark green, or for withered and yellow, or scarlet purple coincides, either azure is intertwined blue...... or the five colors blends. 意识所及,那仿佛是一个被无尽暗夜所覆的宇宙,以黑暗为底色,四处飘舞、游移着各形各色的星流,或为赤红,或为冰蓝,或为幽紫,或为青绿、或为枯黄,或赤紫相合,或青蓝交缠……或五色交融。 The Profound Vein space did not have the Evil God seed, did not have the end. 玄脉空间没有了邪神种子,也没有了尽头。 Seven big Evil God gate such as seven are flashing the stars of glimmer in the deep sleep, embellishes in this new life universe, is waiting for that moment of flaminging shining. 七大邪神境关如七枚在沉睡中闪动着微光的星辰,点缀于这个新生的宇宙之中,等待着炽耀的那一刻。 Among the drifts of stars of endless circulation, there is a one light yellow light appears is somewhat incompatible. 无尽流转的星流之间,有一抹淡色的黄光显得有些格格不入。 That previously attached to the God Qilin god source on Evil God seed, it unexpectedly with the Evil God seed complete was integrated this world, incomparably is waiting for docilely by refining. 那是先前依附在邪神种子上的麟神神源,它竟随着邪神种子完完整整的被纳入这个世界,无比温顺的等待着被炼化 This is...... true...... complete Evil God's Profound Veins...... 这就是……真正的……完整的邪神玄脉…… Load bearing Creation God strength Profound Vein of god! 承载着创世神力的神之玄脉 Yun Che such as places illusion, is hard to get back one's composure. 云澈如身处幻境,难以回神。 Endless space, endless element drift of stars......, but each, each wisp, in his consciousness, complete complies with him consciousness the random direction that. 无尽的空间,无尽的元素星流……但每一丝,每一缕,又都在他的意识之间,完完全全的遵从着他意识的任意指引。 „The Ni Xuan's Profound Vein world, unexpectedly is so.” 逆玄的玄脉世界,竟是如此。” Brings back to cold awakens the Yun Che consciousness, is Li Suo voice/sound. 云澈意识带回冷醒的,是黎娑声音 His Profound Vein World, takes the darkness as the bottom color unexpectedly. This is its initial appearance, is...... the reason from the union with Jie Yuan?” “他的玄脉世界,居然是以黑暗为底色。这是它最初的样子,还是……缘自与劫渊的结合?” No, this is not Evil God Ni Xuan's Profound Vein.” Yun Che slowly language. “不,这不是邪神逆玄的玄脉。”云澈缓缓而语。 Li Suo: „?” 黎娑:“?” „The base of his Profound Vein, was congealed by him is drop of Indestructible Blood, the nuclear of his power, was congealed the seed of respective element, that represented past Evil God's to end, as well as disintegrating of Evil God's Profound Veins.” “他的玄脉之基,被他凝为一滴不灭之血,他的力量之核,被凝成各自元素的种子,那代表着当年邪神的终结,以及邪神玄脉的分崩离析。” At the present, they in my within the body merge, return completely. Derives, is one is only me, bright however new life Evil God's Profound Veins.” “而今,它们在我的体内相融,重归完整。所衍生的,也是一个只属于我,焕然新生邪神玄脉。” His form in Profound Vein World, visual the front, on the face is revealing one thin smile presently: „The Ni Xuan senior, present I, received the inheritance of your power truly. I do not know that present do have the qualifications to say by Evil God of this world, does not know...... you to my successor are satisfied, is disappointed.” 他的身影现于玄脉世界之中,目视着前方,脸上露出一抹淡笑:“逆玄前辈,现在的我,才算是真正接过了你力量的传承。只是我不知现在的自己有没有资格以此世的邪神自称,更不知……你对我这个继承者是满意,还是失望。” The Yun Che's soul sound scatters in Profound Vein World, the the front space, screened a tall male form at this time slowly. 云澈的魂音飘散于玄脉世界,前方的空间,也在这时缓缓映出一个颀长的男子身影。 Counter...... profound?” “逆……玄?” A that form fuzziness, if the loose bubble, Li Suo soft murmuring will have his name as before. 那个身影一片模糊,如将散的泡影,黎娑依旧轻喃出了他的名字。
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