ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2020: Fog Sea welcomed the sovereign

Does not need to be surprised.” “不必惊讶。” Carries sacred aura voice/sound to caress the mood that Yun Che is moving restlessly suddenly lightly: When she will soon dissipate, I then know that I can save her. That is an instinct cognition that engraves in soul source , there is nothing to do with the memory. Perhaps is because...... I am Creation God of Life.” 携着神圣气息声音轻抚着云澈陡然躁动的情绪:“在她即将消散之时,我便知道我可以救她。那是一种刻印于魂源的本能认知,与记忆无关。或许是因为……我是生命创世神。” At this moment, Yun Che so believes that intensely she is Creation God of Life. 这一刻,云澈如此强烈的相信她是生命创世神 That He Ling...... she now where?” Yun Che sets out slowly: I and her life is connected, why can't I actually feel her completely?” “那禾菱……她现在在哪里?”云澈缓缓直起身:“我和她生命相连,为何我却完全感觉不到她?” Li Suo said gently: life source and soul source disperses, she and your life links, as well as she and Sky Poison Pearl Soul links also naturally breaks.” 黎娑轻轻道:“命源魂源既散,她与你的生命连结,以及她与天毒珠灵魂连结也自然断裂。” These words, let in the Yun Che heart suddenly cool, lowly muttered: „Does life source and soul source disperse...... really can also...... live?” 这番话,让云澈心中骤凉,低喃道:“命源魂源既散……真的还能……活着吗?” Your cognition, often the cognition of the world, cannot certainly.” Li Suo said: But I am Creation God of Life, but He Ling, is just close to my life source, I pulled her final existence, saved to protect in Primordial Seal of Life and Death. When the time is enough, can make her restore completely...... life, is Soul.” “你之认知,常世之认知,当然不能。”黎娑道:“但我是生命创世神,而禾菱,又刚好与我命源相近,我挽下了她最后的存在,存护于鸿蒙生死印之中。时机足够之时,便可让她恢复完整……无论是生命,还是灵魂。” She uses lightest supple graceful voice/sound, is speaking in world most inconceivable spoken language. 她用最平淡柔婉的声音,说着世间最不可思议的言语。 Time? What time?” The Yun Che anxious sound closely examines. “时机?什么时机?”云澈急声追问。 Right, she is Creation God of Life! Thing that oneself cannot achieve, the matter beyond oneself cognition...... she can actually certainly achieve! 对啊,她可是生命创世神!自己做不到的事,自己认知之外的事……她却一定可以做到! „When my Creation God strength restores to enough. But the person of decision this time is you, rather than I.” “我的创世神力恢复到足够之时。而决定这个时机的人是你,而非我。” Li Suo gives him, is unexpected, but does not make him reply with amazement. 黎娑给他的,是一个意料之外,但又不让他惊讶的回答。 Yun Che has not closely examined immediately, but calms the mind, after short consideration, suddenly said: In other words, can your Creation God strength, attach to me to restore?” 云澈没有马上追问,而是静下心来,短暂思虑后,忽然道:“也就是说,你的创世神力,必须依附我来恢复?” Not only that.” Li Suo gently says: My existence, needs to rely on your body Primogenitor Goddess breath.” “不仅如此。”黎娑轻语:“我的存在,亦需要依赖你身上始祖神息。” Does not know that is the god heart of Creation God of Life to the pure highest sage, Wugou (stainless) had no time, after she regains consciousness, just like new life, the cognition and story outside fragment are extremely superficial...... such own situation, or own card in a hand complete presents in Yun Che at present. 不知是生命创世神的神心本就至纯至圣,无垢无暇,还是她苏醒之后宛若新生,碎片之外的认知和阅历极度浅薄……就这么将自己的处境,或者说自己的底牌完完全全的呈现在了云澈眼前。 Was built on to the high place overlooks various world myriad spirits Creation God, now acknowledges personally...... must rely on him to exist!? 一个本是立于至高之地俯瞰诸世万灵创世神,如今亲口承认……必须依赖他而存在!? „......” Is astonished instantly however, the Yun Che's eyebrow did not narrow the eyes voluntarily. “……”刹那讶然,云澈的眼眉不自觉的眯了一下。 Endless absurd and inconceivable......, but, Yun Che is this world only one can the person of it rationalization. 无尽的荒谬和不可思议……但偏偏,云澈是这世间唯一一个能将之合理化的人。 Because of Yun Che's body, truly has plane/level is higher than Creation God has...... nihility Sacred Body! 因为云澈的身上,真正有着层面高于创世神的存在……虚无圣躯 Li Suo said Primogenitor Goddess breath, without doubt is nihility Sacred Body life aura of nature release. 黎娑所说的“始祖神息”,无疑便是虚无圣躯所自然释放的生命气息 But under the plane/level disparity, „the Primogenitor Goddess breath should be Creation God was unable existence of sensation, such as past returns Jie Yuan, never detected any related Primogenitor Goddess trace in Yun Che body, but also because of his light dark coexistence but shocked extremely...... instead is Xia Qingyue life aura with remembering, making her startled however detect existence of first ancestor will. 层面的差距之下,“始祖神息”本该是创世神也无法感知的存在,就如当年归世劫渊,就从未在云澈身上察觉到任何有关始祖神的痕迹,还因他的光暗共存而极度震惊……反而是夏倾月的生命气息与记忆,让她惊然察觉到了始祖意志的存在。 But Li Suo also thinks at first was He Ling life aura awakened itself. Until witnesses Yun Che and dialogue of first ancestor will, she understood Yun Che body „the Primogenitor Goddess breath existence. 黎娑最初也以为是禾菱的生命气息唤醒了自己。直到目睹云澈与始祖意志的对话,她才明白了云澈身上始祖神息”的存在。 Yun Che body was given, is the first ancestor will the Primogenitor Goddess strength that offers sacrifices 600 th Samsara to restore. Compared with true Primogenitor Goddess, under grain of sand dust just like vast starry sky. 云澈身上所被赋予的,是始祖意志献祭六百世轮回所恢复的始祖神力。与真正的始祖神相比,宛若浩瀚星空之下的一粒沙尘。 But enough heaven defying disobedient say/way. 但已足够逆天忤道。 This is the fearfulness of plane/level. 这就是层面的可怕。 so that's how it is.” Yun Che slowly nodded: I understood. So long as I am powerful enough, my life aura is powerful enough, can let your life, Divine Soul and Creation God strength also restores, when restores to enough, can make He Ling recover?” 原来如此。”云澈缓缓点头:“我明白了。只要我足够强大,我的生命气息足够强盛,便可让你的生命、神魂创世神力也随之恢复,待恢复到足够时,便可让禾菱复苏?” If others, Yun Che will suspect surely this is takes the recovery of He Ling as the chip, forcing him as soon as possible to become powerful, completes own restoration and freedom. 若是他人,云澈定会怀疑这是以禾菱的复苏为筹码,逼迫他尽快变得强大,来完成自己的恢复和自由。 But she is Creation God of Life, has Saint soul Sacred Heart, under the weakest condition is not willing to harm He Ling life aura, how also to have this type by the thoughts that the person coerces. 但她是生命创世神,有着圣魂圣心,最虚弱的状态下都不愿有损禾菱的生命气息,又岂会有这种以人相胁的心思。 No mistake.” Li Suo voice/sound resounds, not happily not sad, such as dream like smoke: I am unable to sentence to know your advancement whether was deciding upper limit that I can restore. But, plane/level that you are is higher, my restoration inevitably is also quicker, when will be close to your He Ling recovery.” “没有错。”黎娑声音响起,无喜无悲,如梦如烟:“我无法判知你的进境是否决定着我所能恢复的上限。但,你所在的层面越高,我的恢复也必然越快,也会更加接近你的禾菱复苏之时。” Excitement and wild with joy between very depressing souls diligently, a Yun Che hesitation, cannot repress to ask: „Can I...... have a look at her now?” 很是努力的压下魂间的激动与狂喜,云澈一番犹豫,还是按捺不住问道:“那我现在……可以看看她吗?” Ok, but did not suggest.” Li Suo replied: This world has everywhere abyss dust, opens Primordial Seal of Life and Death, if the abyss dust invasion, may cause the consequence that is unable to know in advance. And she must now the deep sleep, you, even if sees her, is unable to exchange with it. Awakens...... the consequence to be difficult to predict forcefully.” “可以,但不建议。”黎娑回答道:“此世有着无处不在的渊尘,开启鸿蒙生死印,若是渊尘侵入,或许会造成无法预知的后果。且她如今必须沉睡,你纵然看到她,也无法与之交流。强行唤醒……后果难料。” Yun Che breaks the thoughts immediately, said hastily: I understood, was my in the heart is extremely burnt.” 云澈立刻断了心思,连忙道:“我明白了,是我太过于心焦了。” She also in...... 她还在…… very good...... real very good...... 太好了……真的太好了…… Ten years...... hundred years...... the millennium ten thousand years...... can also see complete well her again, how long wait for not to relate. 十年……百年……千年万年……还能再次见到完整无恙的她,等待多久都没关系。 abyss is step by step dangerous, the sin, your relieved falling asleep is also step by step good, does not need to be always worried for me again, does not need to undertake the sin with me together. 深渊步步险恶,步步罪孽,你安心的睡着也好,不需要再总是为我担心,不用和我一起承担罪孽。 Remembered previously talked with Hong'er, Hong'er said White Big Sister, in cured after him, will fall into very long deep sleep...... obviously, her present condition, displayed Miracle of Life, although was shocking, but will damage itself again. 想起先前与红儿对话,红儿说“白色大姐姐”在为他疗愈之后,会陷入很久的沉睡……显然,她如今的状态,施展的生命神迹虽然惊世,但会重损自己。 The flesh wound has recovered, although internal injury heavy......, but deferred to the past experience, when fused the Evil God seed, his all injuries will also restore. 外伤已愈,内伤虽重……但按照以往的经历,融合邪神种子时,他所有的伤势都会随之恢复。 The return of as if each Evil God seed, is his bright however new life. 仿佛每一次邪神种子的回归,都是他的一次焕然新生 Li Suo......” Yun Che hesitant, is probing the say/way: Should shout you...... Sir Creation God?” 黎娑……”云澈犹豫了一下,试探着道:“还是应该喊你……创世神大人?” The response of Li Suo is still elegantly simple such as the quiet spring: My once memory and cognitive all shattered drifted away, does not know that what kind of bearing Creation God should be. Called how, all along with your opinion.” 黎娑的回应依然淡雅如幽泉:“我曾经的记忆和认知全部破碎游离,早已不知创世神该是怎样的神姿。称呼如何,皆随你意。” This.” Yun Che thinks: I whether to understand is, your beforehand memory and cognition gradually are restoring, because shattered drifts away becomes not like own. But truly is you ‚’ cognition, only then did after you regain consciousness these years?” “这样啊。”云澈想了想:“我是不是可以理解为,你以前的记忆和认知在逐渐恢复,但因为‘破碎游离’而变得不像自己的。而真正属于你‘自己’的认知,只有你苏醒后的这几年?” Yes.” Yun Che's annotated the feeling of Li Suo firmly accurately. “是。”云澈的确准确诠释了黎娑的感受。 Such words, I attain Primordial Seal of Life and Death to the present, the considering everything is also less than five years. According to this angle, you are Li Suo, but was not completely once Li Suo, but was new life Li Suo......” “如此的话,我拿到鸿蒙生死印到现在,满打满算也才不到五年。依照这个角度而言,你是黎娑,但又不完全是曾经的黎娑,而是新生黎娑……” His vision frames in facial features that in Li Suo was turned round by white glow, tries the sensation the change of her mood and aura: „Should I shout you...... small Li Suo?” 他目光定格在黎娑白芒所覆的面容上,尝试感知她情绪和气息的变化:“那我是不是应该喊你……小黎娑?” But.” “亦可。” „......” The response of Li Suo makes Yun Che be shocked instantly. “……”黎娑的回应让云澈霎时愣住。 Worthily is Creation God! Worthily is the woman who both big Creation God do not handle! Facing so the word of obviously offending desirably, unexpectedly quiet pale hence! 不愧是创世神!更不愧是两大创世神都搞不定的女人!面对如此明显刻意的冒犯之言,居然幽淡至此! Actually......” Yun Che some cannot on the contrary: I crack a joke.” “其实……”云澈反倒有些不会了:“我开玩笑的。” Li Suo: „?” 黎娑:“?” Yun Che has to change the topic: Your present existence is very weak, unless it is absolutely essential, try not to use power. My internal injury, does not need to pay attention temporarily.” 云澈只好岔开话题:“你如今的存在还很微弱,不到万不得已,尽量不要动用力量。我的内伤,暂时不需要理会。” Divine Ember backlash is how fearful, he seems like not the flesh wound now, the but in truth meridians partly break, the five internal organs crack, profound energy turbulent flow that the whole body loses control of unceasingly. 神烬反噬何其可怕,他如今看上去并无外伤,但实则经脉半断,五脏崩裂,全身都是不断失控的玄气乱流。 Li Suo gently says: You have restored consciousness, naturally does not need my power. At present, you should seek peaceful place, fuses the Evil God seed that you just obtained.” 黎娑轻语:“你既已恢复意识,自然无需我的力量。眼下,你应该寻一处安静之地,融合你刚刚取得的邪神种子。” Right.” The Yun Che visual distant place...... surrounds the Qilin Abyss Realm sandstorm nearly in the eye border, he is unable completely to remove the Ximen Boyun discovery unusual condition, pursues the Qilin Abyss Realm possibility. “对。”云澈目视远方……环绕麟渊界的沙暴近在眼际,他无法完全排除西门博云发现异状,追出麟渊界的可能。 His goal was set quickly: We go to Fog Sea.” 他的目标很快确定:“我们去雾海。” He had confirmed in Qilin Abyss Realm, abyss dust extremely will limit Spirit Sense. 麟渊界他已然确认,渊尘会极大的限制灵觉 But Fog Sea abyss dust is by far stronger than the outside world, the limit to Spirit Sense is naturally bigger, but when his Spirit Sense already gradually no longer by abyss dust affects...... to place Fog Sea, at least in sensation, he has the big advantage. 雾海渊尘远远比外界浓重,对灵觉的限制自然更大,而他的灵觉已逐渐不再被渊尘所影响……那么身处雾海时,至少在感知方面,他有着巨大的优势。 Meanwhile he also wants to know, oneself interference to abyss dust, can actually go to what kind of situation. 同时他也想知道,自己对渊尘的干涉,究竟可以达到一个怎样的地步。 Li Suo has not said a word with him again, white glow desalinates, such as was stroked the loose immortal cloud to vanish by the light breeze generally in Yun Che's at present. 黎娑没有再与他言语,白芒淡化,如被轻风拂散的仙云一般消失在了云澈的眼前。 "Ah! White Big Sister, you had not replied that I...... cannot run! ” “啊!白色大姐姐,你还没有回答我……不可以跑!” Hong'er also changes to red glow to return to Sky Poison Pearl immediately, pursues Li Suo aura to go. 红儿也顿时化作一道红芒回到天毒珠中,直追黎娑气息而去。 She is always worry-free, anything will not care, but why does not know, in the subconscious, she always thought that Wan Hu (bowlpot) this name is very important to her. 她向来无忧无虑,任何事情都不会放在心上,但不知为什么,潜意识里中,她总觉得“碗壶”这个名字对她很重要。 Yun Xi, He Ling and Shen Xi Li Suo of news and present world...... short one day, is the Yun Che soul sea that stirs is earth-shaking. 云希禾菱神曦的消息、现世的黎娑……短短一天,却是搅的云澈魂海天翻地覆。 He flies at low altitude, gloomy world that swallows the world goes to that. 他低空飞起,直向那片将天地吞噬的灰暗世界而去。 Yun Xi...... my daughter, you said right, by my present power, even if approaches to you and Shen Xi side forcefully, is unable to protect you...... to take away, perhaps really only has the disaster. 云希……我的女儿,你说的没错,以我现在的力量,就算强行靠近到你和神曦的身边,也根本无法保护你们……所能带去的,或许真的只有灾祸。 Waits for me some time...... 等我一段时间…… Your father...... he has being partial of Primogenitor Goddess, has the inheritance of Evil God and Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor, some people abandon actually to change the life for him...... now, Creation God has to become his boost...... 你的父亲……他有着始祖神的偏爱,有着邪神劫天魔帝的传承,更有人舍却自己为他改命……如今,又有一个创世神不得不成为他的助力…… He has not to hesitate all determinations...... 他更有着不惜一切的决心…… Therefore, even if abyss, gives his enough time, he will still certainly grow before does not fear all sufficiently......, regardless of you have withstood anything, when you meet again, in the future all, he will shoulder for you. 所以,就算是深渊,给他足够的时间,他也一定会成长到足以不惧一切……无论你以前承受过什么,在你们再次相见之时,往后的一切,他都会替你担负。 Fog Sea is getting more and more near, Yun Che's vision unconscious shooting a look at approached Yun Xi direction. 雾海越来越近,云澈的目光不自觉的瞥向了云希所去的方向一眼。 Dragon Clan...... 龙族…… My daughter, my Shen Xi, if you shelter, in the future, I must to your leave a way out. The graciousness of execution, hundred times present also! 我的女儿,我的神曦若得你们庇护,未来,我必对你们网开一面。所施之恩,百倍奉还! But...... 但…… If treats my daughter, my Shen Xi has to owe...... 若待我的女儿,我的神曦有亏…… Will your entire clan...... vanish in this abyss eternal! 必要你们全族……在这深渊永恒绝迹! Touches that flash of Fog Sea edge, his form such as was swallowed by a gloomy big mouth suddenly completely, vanishes in the boundless billowing gray fog thoroughly. 触碰到雾海边缘的那一刹那,他的身影如忽然被一张灰暗大口完全吞噬,彻底消失于茫茫滚滚的灰雾之中。 ............ ………… Zulong mountain range, under highest mountain. 祖龙山脉,最高的山岳之下。 dragon prestige of trim Zulong mountain range as if gathers in this, vertical exists without formation, that invisible vast pressure will then make myriad spirits alarmed and afraid, does not dare to approach. 整片祖龙山脉的龙威都仿佛聚集于此,纵无结界存在,那股无形的浩瀚威压便会让万灵惊惧,不敢临近。 Because here is the ancestor Dragon God palace is. 因为此处是祖龙神殿所在。 At this time, in the silencing incomparable ancestor Dragon God palace, hears the sound of footsteps that approaches slowly. 此时,静寂无比的祖龙神殿中,传来一个缓慢临近的脚步声。 Sincerity, you came.” “赤心,你来了。” old voice, accumulated sufficiently world sealed huge lofty, as if carries faint exhausted. 苍老的声音,蕴着足以将天地都封结的庞大威凌,又似乎携着一种隐隐的疲惫。 The middle-aged man does obeisance before the palace: Sincerity worships Dragon Lord.” 中年男子在殿前拜下:“赤心敬拜龙主。” Sets out, said.” Dragon Lord voice/sound transmits from the palace. “起身,说吧。”龙主声音从殿中传来。 dragon Chixin stands up, upper body as before half bow: Dragon hopes this to go, is named Qilin Abyss Realm remote region. She with the aid of local named Qilin Worshipping Alliance the influence, entered Qilin God Realm. But enters the rising sun, Qilin God Realm then caves in suddenly, is good leaves because of her promptly. body receives it wound, when must be the result for the Secret Realm avalanche space turbulent flow.” 龙赤心站起身来,上身依旧半躬:“龙希此去,是一个名为‘麟渊界’的偏远地域。她借助当地一个名为‘拜麟盟’的势力,进入了麟神境。但进入初日,麟神境便忽然崩陷,好在她及时脱出。身上所受之伤,应当是为秘境崩塌时的空间乱流所致。” Qilin Abyss Realm...... Qilin God Realm.” old voice read lowly, asked: You visit her, how did she respond?” 麟渊界……麟神境。”苍老的声音一声低念,随之问道:“你方才访她,她如何回应?” dragon Chixin: She said, she has attained spirit treasure of earth, the named Qilin bone spirits.” 龙赤心道:“她说,她已拿到了土之灵宝,名为麟骨灵兰。” „......” Dragon Lord is silent for a very long time. “……”龙主久久沉默。 Sees Dragon Lord not to say for a very long time, the dragon sincerity cannot bear ask: Dragon Lord, why do you...... so care to this matter?” 龙主久久不言,龙赤心忍不住问道:“龙主,你对此事……为何如此在意?” In the palace resounds a long sigh. 殿中响起一声长长的叹息。 Qilin Abyss Realm, although is the remote area, is actually this world earth element most active place. So-called earth spirit treasure only possibly appears there. Therefore I according to the record of Qilin Abyss Realm, gave Qilin bone spirit orchid the name.” 麟渊界虽是偏远之地,却是此世土元素最活跃之地。所谓的土之灵宝只可能出现于那里。于是我根据麟渊界的记载,给予了‘麟骨灵兰’之名。” However this Qilin bone spirit orchid, appears briefly in the Qilin Abyss Realm history. I think the possibility that it not has again, has not thought......” “而这‘麟骨灵兰’,在麟渊界历史上只是昙花一现。我本以为它再无出现的可能,没想到……” „Is could it be that, really the divine intervention?” 难道,真的是天意吗?” dragon Chixin lifts the eye startled: Dragon Lord, the meanings of your words...... could it be that, you previously said five spirit Supreme Treasure......” 龙赤心愕然抬目:“龙主,你这些话的意思……难道,你先前所言的‘五灵至宝’……” Right. Five spirit Supreme Treasure, are only my word of fictionalizing.” Dragon Lord said this to hide the heart finally the fact. “没错。五灵至宝,只是我的虚构之言。”龙主终于说出了这个一直掩藏心底的事实。 Wha......” dragon sincerity looks startled look. “什……”龙赤心面露惊容 Dragon Lord said slowly: abyss dust is not only swallowing our Dragon Clan life, is swallowing natural talent. Each generation of declines are clearly discernible, to forgot beginning...... 龙主缓缓道:“渊尘不但在吞噬我们龙族的生命,也在吞噬着天赋。每一代的衰落都是清晰可见,到了忘初……唉。” A sigh, showing him was being once disappointed to the dragon forgot beginning what kind of. 一声叹息,彰显着他曾对龙忘初何等失望。 However dragon Xi appearance, such as bestowed by heaven miracle and hope. These years, my more than once has thought that if selects her for the successor......” “而龙希的出现,就如天赐的神迹和希望。这些年,我不止一次的想过,若是将她择为继承者……” Does not may!” The Dragon Lord voice completely, the dragon sincerity has not been startled shouts makes noise: Dragon hopes her natural talent to be high, but after all is outside the dragon, rather than Dragon Lord successor. Moreover she is half -and-a-half people of dragons, even without the incarnation dragon body ability...... my Dragon Clan, how could to take -and-a-half-and-a-half person of dragon as in the future.” “万万不可!”龙主话音未尽,龙赤心已是惊喊出声:“龙希她天赋再高,但毕竟是外龙,而非龙主传人。而且她是半人半龙,甚至没有化身龙躯的能力……我龙族,未来岂能以一个半人半龙为尊。” These that you said that I naturally understand.” Dragon Lord said: Therefore, nourishes by her blood essence forgets beginning, is the best choice. But beginning forgetting these years advancements, and change of dragon qi, the numerous all see, such as the miracle is seriously common.” “你说的这些,我自然明白。”龙主道:“所以,以她的精血滋养忘初,是最好的选择。而忘初这些年的进境,以及龙气的变化,众所皆见,当真如奇迹一般。” But, her personality, everyone is how clear.” “但是,她的性情如何,所有人都一清二楚。” Her indifference desolate, as if carves in the bone. Regardless of the male and female old and young, she does not approach with anybody, did not say a character with anybody...... even/including with my transaction, mentioned for fair trade emphatically, did not have to owe mutually.” “她的冷漠冷淡,仿佛是刻在骨子里。无论男女长幼,她不与任何人靠近,不与任何人多说一字……就连与我的交易,也着重提及为公平交易,互无相欠。” dragon Xi the temper, the dragon sincerity naturally knows...... everyone in most words that dragon hope there hears, is one rolling character. 龙希的性子,龙赤心自然知晓……所有人在龙希那里听到的最多的话,就是一个“滚”字。 She does not want a friendship with the person of any Dragon Clan, the extremely desolate back...... as if receives what extremely deep wound. 她不想和任何龙族之人有所交情,极度冷淡的背后……仿佛受到什么极深的创伤。 She by blood essence receiving in exchange asylum. But even if she blood essence has owed, actually as before growth quickly is too too quick, to others life-long difficult and Divine Extinction Realm, she buckle blood essence, while within reach......” “她以精血换取庇护。但她纵然一直精血有亏,却依旧成长的太快太快,对他人而言终生难及的神灭境,她一边折损着精血,一边触手可及……” However when she is powerful enough, then does not need to shelter again, will naturally also break gave to forget the beginning blood essence. Not only does not have the sentiment to hobble, and not owes fairly, at that time, I did not have reason to leave behind her......, if detained, with her temper, must choose jade entirely burn.” “而她足够强大之时,便不会再需要庇护,自然也会断了给予忘初的精血。既毫无感情牵绊,又是公平无欠,那时,我没有理由留下她……若是强留,以她的性子,必会选择玉石俱焚。” Therefore, after I know her only obsession, I compiled five spirit Supreme Treasure existence. Told her, so long as obtained five spirit Supreme Treasure, supplemented with my dragon force, can awaken that sword Soul.” “于是,在我知道她唯一的执念后,我编造了‘五灵至宝’的存在。告诉她,只要取得五灵至宝,辅以我的龙力,便可唤醒‘那把剑’中的灵魂。” However I offer sacrifices at the appointed time the dragon force condition for her, then before is she looks for entire five spirit Supreme Treasure, must keep Dragon Clan, and cannot interrupt to forgetting beginning consecration.” “而我到时为她献祭龙力的条件,便是她找全五灵至宝前,必须一直留在龙族,且不可中断对忘初的‘供奉’。” Dragon Lord voice/sound is gradually incapable...... without a doubt, this is his lifetime has done the most despicable matter. 龙主声音逐渐无力……毫无疑问,这是他毕生所做过的最卑劣之事。 But for Dragon Clan in the future, he has to do. 但为了龙族未来,他不得不做。 To let her believes that five spirit Supreme Treasure once appeared in divine item of record, rather than fictionalizes. But I select five spirit Supreme Treasure actually also only once appeared briefly, wants to result, no matter what its one difficult such as to ascend to heaven. But...... only dozens years, she has then sought unexpectedly its four.” “为了让她相信,那‘五灵至宝’都是曾出现于记载的神物,而非虚构。但我所择选的‘五灵至宝’却也都只曾昙花一现,想得任其一都难如登天。但……这才区区数十载,她竟已寻得其四。” Therefore he must sigh with sadness divine intervention. 所以他要悲叹一声“天意”。 abyss any old book not about five spirit Supreme Treasure record. But the Dragon Lord life span near million years, his cognition has then exceeded the innumerable records sufficiently. 深渊的任何古籍都没有关于“五灵至宝”的记载。但龙主的寿命已近百万载,他的认知便足以超越无数记载。 Moreover as supreme Dragon Lord, the position is next to existences of Pure Land and six country seven gods, how to say the so despicable lie to a younger generation...... 而且身为至尊龙主,地位仅次于净土和六国七神的存在,岂会对一个幼辈说出如此卑劣之谎言…… Not only therefore dragon Xixin, all knows this matter's dragon also to believe that does not doubt. 所以不仅龙希信,所有知晓此事的龙也都坚信不疑。 The dragon sincerity deeply lowers the head, lip trembles. 龙赤心深深垂首,嘴唇一阵哆嗦。 He cannot believe that...... some are not even able to accept the supreme Dragon Lord unexpectedly meeting...... 他不敢相信……甚至有些无法接受至尊龙主竟会…… But thinks of the dragon forgets beginning original natural talent and advancement, will think of the ancestor Long Yi lineage/vein the future...... he also only to be able long expiration. 但想到龙忘初原本的天赋与进境,想到祖龙一脉的未来……他也只能长长的吐了一口气。 Dragon Lord, you tell me today these, is it possible that is......” 龙主,你今日告诉我这些,莫非是……” Right.” Dragon Lord voice/sound slow and austere heavy: Beginning achievement Divine Extinction Realm at least before forgetting, last spirit treasure,...... may not make her seek absolutely again.” “没错。”龙主声音缓慢而肃重:“至少在忘初成就神灭境之前,最后一件灵宝,绝对……不可再让她寻到。” At this moment, does not have the second choice. 事到如今,没有第二个选择。 Dragon sincerity heavily nods: I understood, asking Dragon Lord to feel relieved.” 龙赤心重重颔首:“我明白了,请龙主放心。” Short hesitant, he asked: Dragon Lord, the sincerity has one to ask, purely for curious.” 短暂犹豫,他还是问道:“龙主,赤心有一问,纯为好奇。” „Does dragon hope rigid that...... really not to have the means the sword sword soul to awaken?” “龙希一直执着的那把剑……真的没有办法将其中的剑魂唤醒吗?” The long-time silence, Dragon Lord responded to him: I once more than once consciousness to search into that formation, the result of but each time obtaining is completely same.” 长久的沉默,龙主还是回应了他:“我曾不止一次的将意识探入那个结界,但每次得到的结果都完全一样。” That is aura is ancient, but ordinary...... dead sword.” “那是一把气息古老,但再平凡不过的……死剑。” Does not have sword soul. Such every sword, basically impossible derives sword soul.” “没有剑魂。那样的凡剑,也根本不可能衍生剑魂。” Dragon sincerity: But......” 龙赤心:“可……” Perhaps her focus, is not willing to believe that also or...... in that sword really has some deep sleep Soul, but only she can the sensation.” “她的执着,或许是不愿相信,也或者……那剑中真的存在着某个沉睡的灵魂,但只有她能感知到。” But in any event, that is her only obsession, even I can the clear sensation, that be reason that she goes on living only......, if this obsession broke, then in this world, then does not have to keep her thing again.” “但无论如何,那是她唯一的执念,甚至我可以清晰的感知到,那是她唯一活下去的理由……若她这个执念断了,那么这世上,便再无可以留她之物。” The dragon sincerity nods: I understood, thank Dragon Lord to bestow the knowledge, the word of today, will not have third person of knowing.” 龙赤心颔首:“我明白了,感谢龙主赐知,今日之言,绝不会有第三人知。” Goes to...... this matter, although difficult to criticism/human language, but its importance, you should understand.” “去吧……此事虽然难对人言,但其重要性,你该明白。” Yes!” But dragon sincerity heavily the ritual, turns around...... but he stops the footsteps suddenly, said: Dragon Lord, never trusts anybody's temper by astute and her who the dragon hopes, can she from the beginning suspicion five spirit Supreme Treasure be a lie?” “是!”龙赤心重重而礼,转过身去……但他又忽然停住脚步,道:“龙主,以龙希的精明和她从不信任任何人的性子,她会不会从一开始就怀疑‘五灵至宝’是个谎言?” Dragon Lord voice/sound resounds: „The person of drowning, even if there is nine points suspected, have to grasp that only straw.” 龙主声音响起:“溺水之人,纵有九分怀疑,也不得不抓紧那根唯一的稻草。” I used her obsession, but...... cannot trigger that worst result.” “我利用了她的执念,但……绝不可触发那个最坏的结果。” „...... Dragon Lord felt relieved.” A dragon sincerity ritual, leaves again gradually. “……龙主放心。”龙赤心再次一礼,缓步离开。 Before Zulong main hall, restores that to let the silencing that the person holds the breath again. 祖龙大殿前再度恢复那让人屏息的静寂。 For a long time later, a wisp sinks the strongly fragrant wind zone to have Dragon Lord the sound of sigh: 许久之后,一缕沉郁的风带起龙主的叹息之音: Dragon hopes......, if you are my later generation, I ten thousand die also not regret, oh.” “龙希……若你是我的后人,我万死亦无憾,唉。” He also indeed once raised more than once has hoped that dragon Xi requests him...... categorically to be rejected to be the father each time, not, even if instant hesitation. 他也的确曾不止一次提过希望龙希拜他为父……每次都被断然拒绝,没有哪怕一个刹那的迟疑。
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