ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2019: Li Suo

, Quickest update latest chapter! ,最快更新最新章节! Li...... suo?” “黎……娑?” Creation God of Life that...... Li Suo?” 生命创世神的那个……黎娑?” Yun Che looks at the the front white shadow, among the souls shocks inexplicably. 云澈看着前方的白影,魂间震惊莫名。 Yes.” White shadow gentle reply: Your surprised and unbelievable, are really normal. Because in the cognition of various world, Creation God of Life has withered away.” “是。”白影轻轻柔柔的回答:“你的惊讶与难以置信,实属正常。因为在诸世的认知中,生命创世神早已消亡。” Li Suo, Creation God of Life of God Race Four Great Creation Gods god name! 黎娑,神族四大创世神生命创世神的神名! Most receives myriad spirits to love. Venerates with respect Creation God. 更是最受万灵爱戴。尊崇与敬仰的创世神 Ice Phoenix Divine Spirit in Netherfrost Heavenly Lake, took once served in her life God Hall for the lifetime biggest glory. 冥寒天池中的冰凰神灵,以曾侍奉于她的生命神殿中为毕生最大的荣耀。 She created the innumerable lives and races...... the first race that but she creates, is Wood Spirit Race. 她创造了无数的生命与种族……而她创造的第一个种族,便是木灵族 She creates Miracle of Life, once saved did not know many lives at the calamity true miracle. 她所创的“生命神迹”,是曾挽救了不知多少生灵于厄难的真正神迹。 About her record, engraves is leaving a good name to posterity always affection and sacred, to have no time greatly and pure and holy, as well as...... Saint beautiful unparalleled. 关于她的记载,无不镌刻着流芳永世的慈爱、神圣、伟大、圣洁无暇,以及……圣美无双。 As only female Creation God, she is an origin of character female „beautiful”, is peak of character „beautiful”. 作为唯一女性创世神,她是女性“美”之一字的起源,亦是“美”之一字的极致 The Dragon God Realm Dragon God old book, once so recorded the Li Suo bearing: 龙神界龙神古籍,曾如此记载黎娑的神姿: The body receives creates and creates and Light Divine Power Creation God powerful. Has the heart of affection pities the arousing pity world, redeems ten thousand to live all things sacred power, creates the world immortal dust unique the appearance and Shenhua. 身承强大创界、创生光明神力创世神。拥有悯生怜世的慈爱之心,救赎万生万物神圣之力,超脱创世仙尘的容颜与神华。 When rumor Primogenitor Goddess creation world, grants a all things three points of grace and talent. Other seven points all give Li Suo. 传闻始祖神创造天地时,赐予万物三分风华。其余七分皆予黎娑 The bearing, thousand star ten thousand months, performs to melt the dry dust. 其神姿所至,千星万月,尽化枯尘。 The writing is pale, is difficult to peep its eventuality. But Heaven Punishing God Emperor, Elemental Creation God and emotion between Creation God of Life three tragedy, then indicated that Li Suo is the what kind of grace and talent. 文字苍白,难窥其万一。但诛天神帝元素创世神生命创世神三者之间的情感“悲剧”,便足见黎娑何等风华。 Two big most Creation God all once folded the heart to Li Suo crazily painstakingly. 两大最创世神皆曾对黎娑痴苦折心。 returns Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor when mentioning Li Suo name, vertical has been separated by for several million years, vertical knows Creation God of Life to fall, in its words, overflows to letting Yun Che fearful and apprehensive as before strongly...... envious hatred. 归世劫天魔帝在提及“黎娑”之名时,纵已相隔数百万年,纵知晓生命创世神已然陨去,其话语之中,依旧流溢出浓烈到让云澈胆颤心惊的……嫉恨。 Envious hatred rather than disdaining, obviously as Devil Emperor Jie Yuan, in grace and talent in two characters, has to feeling inferior of Li Suo subconscious. “嫉恨”而非“不屑”,可见身为魔帝劫渊,在“风华”二字上,有着对黎娑潜意识的自卑。 But is in this Four Great Creation Gods holiest Creation God...... in beginning of earliest dies Gods and Devils fierce battle Creation God, unexpectedly at this moment, in his at present, gently says that such as remote dream general god name. 而就是这个四大创世神中最圣洁的创世神……在神魔恶战之始最早陨落创世神,竟在此刻,在他的眼前,轻语着那如遥梦一般的神名。 By your cognition, Creation God of Life dies in nine ghost Devil Emperor devil poison, is buried at the beginning of war of Gods and Devils.” “以你之认知,生命创世神陨落于九煞魔帝魔毒,葬身于神魔之战的起点。” But ancient times recorded, never seeks to have been to her remains, never seeks Primordial Seal of Life and Death that has been to her to hold truly.” “但远古记载,从未寻到过她的遗骸,也从未真正寻到过她所持的鸿蒙生死印。” White shadow voice/sound quiet like slack month, she is saying herself obviously, but in the spoken language, actually performs is she character. 白影声音幽如淡月,她明明在说着自己,但言语之中,却尽是“她”字。 Her life, her Soul passed through the rebirth to remould probably, but once these cognitive and memory fragment , clear when the gradual connection, has actually been similar to the external thing, such as others 's memory and life. 她的生命,她的灵魂像是经过了重生重塑,而曾经的那些认知与记忆的碎片,在逐渐的连接、清晰之时,却已如同外来之物,如他人的记忆与人生。 White shadow voice/sound, touched in the Yun Che soul sea, some records about Creation God of Life remembers: 白影的声音,也触动了云澈魂海之中,关于生命创世神的一些记载记忆: Creation God of Life dies, all realms is furious, myriad spirits is sad. However when...... until now, cannot seek Creation God of Life to lose the body as before...... or because of fearing it loses the Light God breath that the body releases, is nine ghost Devil Race destroys completely...... 生命创世神陨落,诸界震怒,万灵悲戚。然……时至今时,依旧未能寻得生命创世神遗躯……或因惧其遗躯所释的光明神息,为九煞魔族毁尽…… ...... Creation God of Life dies, Primordial Seal of Life and Death does not have the trace since then, the world all biography falls into the hands of nine ghost Devil Race...... thousand to regret ten thousand sorrow. ……生命创世神陨落,鸿蒙生死印从此无踪,世皆传落入九煞魔族之手……千憾万哀。 You......” Yun Che are still startled to visit her, for a very long time is indescribable, his cognition, his all, keeps him from believing. “你……”云澈依然怔看着她,久久难以言喻,他的认知,他所有的一切,都让他根本无从置信。 Because, that is Creation God! 因为,那是创世神 In the remote ancient age, is on the god the god! 在遥古年代,都是神上之神! The world of present, how may still have...... Creation God!? 如今之世,怎可能还会存在……创世神!? Is unbelievable to Yun Che's, the white shadow is not surprised. Her finger took back slowly, making this dim world lose actually the one endless luxurious pure white glow immediately. „ I think, in the past, Creation God of Life was plotted against by nine ghost Devil Emperor, after body peak nine ghost devil poison, has not fallen immediately, but in the final time, the peeling stems from Jiwei by part that dyes poisonously ‚’, escaped into Primordial Seal of Life and Death, 云澈的难以置信,白影毫无惊讶。她的手指缓缓收回,让这个昏暗的世界顿时失却了一抹无尽奢侈的纯白之芒。“我想,当年,生命创世神遭九煞魔帝暗算,身中极致的九煞魔毒后,并未马上陨去,而是在最后的时刻,剥离出自己未被毒染的‘部分’,遁入了鸿蒙生死印中, And by final power, blocked Primordial Seal of Life and Death. ” „ Later, then long sinking dormancy in Primordial Seal of Life and Death......, but, with the Gods and Devils destruction, primordial chaos aura is getting more and more thin, in primordial chaos gradually did not have Qi of Primordial Chaos, but is unable to touch Qi of Primordial Chaos her is not then able 并以最后的力量,封死了鸿蒙生死印。”“之后,便是在鸿蒙生死印中漫长的沉眠……但,随着神魔的覆灭,混沌气息越来越稀薄,混沌之中逐渐没有了鸿蒙之气,而无法碰触到鸿蒙之气的她便就此无法 Regains consciousness, blockade of even/including to Primordial Seal of Life and Death, gradually becomes less crowded. ” 苏醒,就连鸿蒙生死印的封锁,也逐渐松动。” These, are she act according to the Yun Che's cognition, suspicion that pieces together, gradual is overlapping with she slow clear memory fragments. 这些,都是她根据云澈的认知,所拼凑起来的猜想,也逐渐的在与她一枚枚缓慢清晰的记忆碎片重叠着。 She felt that own deep sleep many many years, segregates the long time to her final Soul. 她感觉自己自己沉睡了很多很多年,久到她最后的灵魂都为之离析。 Until one day, Primordial Seal of Life and Death touched you, touched...... that named He Ling Wood Spirit female.” “直到有一天,鸿蒙生死印触碰到了你,触碰到了……那个叫‘禾菱’的木灵女子。” He Ling two characters grip the Yun Che Soul severe pain, takes off/escapes the tastes: Was He Ling life aura awakened you?” Yes, is not.” The white shadow gave him very subtle reply: „ He Ling life aura is to the utmost pure, as if has a source with my life aura. When her aura touches, such as the spirit water sweet dew, lets my life and 禾菱”二字扎得云澈灵魂剧痛,脱口道:“是禾菱的生命气息唤醒了你?”“是,也不是。”白影给了他很是微妙的回答:“禾菱的生命气息极尽纯净,仿佛与我的生命气息同出一源。在她的气息触碰之时,就如灵水甘露,让我的生命与 The consciousness from sinking in the dormancy recovers. ” 意识从沉眠中复苏。” When I piece together the cognition...... I am Creation God of Life, Wood Spirit is I by to the pure spirit that the life source creates, indeed is the life common origin. She can awaken me, is in the common sense.” “当我拼凑起认知……我是生命创世神,木灵是我以生命本源所创造的至纯之灵,的确是生命同源。她能将我唤醒,也算是在常理之中。” But afterward, is following your experience, I detected, lets I regain consciousness with completely gradually ’ the principal factor trulyis not He Ling, but is you.” “但后来,跟随着你的经历,我才发觉,真正让我苏醒和逐渐‘完整’的主因并非是禾菱,而是你。” Because of your body...... Primogenitor Goddess divine aura.” “因为你身上……始祖神神息。” „......” Yun Che slowly with rapt attention. “……”云澈缓缓凝神。 This saying Li Suo the white shadow, she has existed in Primordial Seal of Life and Death!? Primordial Seal of Life and Death is Qianye Ying'er gives him, these years, he can never successfully stimulate to movement it, even/including can find is very few about its record, therefore gradual was given up and forgetting by him, has settled in Sky Poison Pearl 这个自称“黎娑”的白影,她一直存在于鸿蒙生死印之中!?鸿蒙生死印千叶影儿所交给他,这些年,他从未能将之成功催动过,就连能找到的关于它的记载都少之又少,因而逐渐的被他放弃、遗忘,已静置在了天毒珠 The corner is very long is very long. 的角落很久很久。 If her consciousness when oneself obtain Primordial Seal of Life and Death then has regained consciousness, then after oneself all experiences, are equal to her experience. 若她的意识在自己得到鸿蒙生死印时便已苏醒,那么自己之后的所有经历,都等同于她的经历。 Including...... him and dialogue of first ancestor will! 包括……他与始祖意志的对话! At this time, he thinks suddenly when oneself just attained Primordial Seal of Life and Death, that just like misconception voice/sound. 这时,他忽然想到自己刚刚拿到鸿蒙生死印时,那恍如错觉的声音 „When you regain consciousness, had shouted Ni Xuan this name?” He asked. Yes.” She gave the most direct response: „ That time I was like the first awakening after a dream, fragment that such as a new life baby, during the consciousness, drifted away innumerably......, but your aura, touched the fragment that engraves Ni Xuan two characters, let me “你苏醒之时,是不是曾经喊过‘逆玄’这个名字?”他问道。“是。”她给了最直接的回应:“那时的我大梦初醒,如一个新生的婴儿,意识之中,只有无数游离的碎片……而你的气息,触动了刻印着‘逆玄’二字的碎片,让我 Complete unconsciousness sent out that voice/sound. ” 完全无意识的发出了那个声音。” That summon, such as instinct of consciousness. But at that time, I do not even know that who Ni Xuan is, does not know that oneself is.” “那声呼唤,就如意识的本能。而那时,我甚至不知逆玄是谁,亦不知自己是谁。” white shadow continues to tell: Initial consciousness, can to clearly recognize, only have several brief names......” 白影继续诉说着:“最初的意识,能够辨清的,唯有几个简短的名字……” Mo E, Ni Xuan, Xi Ke and Li Suo...... Heaven Smiting...... nine ghosts...... the plate deep...... turns......” 末厄逆玄夕柯黎娑……劫天……九煞……槃冥……涅轮……” also two most made my soul tranquil name...... afterward I gradually clear...... that two names, one was my disciple, one was my adopted daughter......” 还有两个最让我心魂宁静的名字……后来我才逐渐清晰……那两个名字,一个是我的弟子,一个是我的义女……” disciple...... name Dragon God sunlight, adopted daughter...... name Ling Wanhu.” 弟子……名‘龙神曦’,义女……名‘灵菀瑚’。” "Sou", the one red glow departs from Yun Che's body, changes to a pretty girl form: Who is shouting Wan Hu (bowlpot)?” Hong'er obvious awake song awakes initially, her blinked eye, Zhu Hongxing eye full is astonished looks at the the front white shadow: „ ei? White Big Sister, how you know that my there is still one name was Wan Hu (bowlpot)? This obviously is only then Shen Xi Elder Sister knows “嗖”的一声,一抹红芒从云澈的身上飞出,化作一个娇俏的女孩身影:“谁在喊碗壶?”红儿明显的惺忪初醒,她眨了眨眼睛,朱红星目满是惊异的看着前方的白影:“欸?白色大姐姐,你怎么知道我还有一个名字叫碗壶?这明明是只有神曦姐姐才知 The secret is right. ” 道的秘密才对。” „......” White shadow had not replied, sees the girl peacefully, to the utmost holy white glow as if was also pleasantly warm several points. “……”白影没有回答,安静的看着女孩,本就极尽圣洁的白芒仿佛又温软了几分。 Yun Che transfers the pupil to look at Hong'er, looked that...... he thought of the unusual condition and gently says of past Jie Yuan when to the white shadow suddenly facing Hong'er. 云澈转眸看着红儿,又看向白影……忽然间他想到了当年劫渊面对红儿时的异状和轻语 could it be that, after Hong'er was stripped darkness ingredient, making up the soul of sacred, sword transforms into Devil Slayer is attribute...... Creation God of Life casts to bestow?! Such as you think.” The white shadow as if can peep to be clear his consciousness: „ In the past war of Mo E and Ni Xuan, Ni Xuan losses, but Mo E knew that the victory the non- military, left room, no longer wipes to extinguish Ni Xuan with plundering the Yuanzhi female, but must strip her to be dark 难道,红儿被剥离黑暗“成份”后所“补”的神圣之魂,所化之剑的“诛魔”属性……是生命创世神所铸所赐?!“如你所想。”白影仿佛能窥清他的意识:“当年末厄逆玄之战,逆玄,但末厄自知胜之不武,亦留下了余地,不再抹灭逆玄与劫渊之女,但需剥离她黑暗的 Ingredient. ” 成分。” Creates the world Emperor's god and devil daughter, plane/level unsurpassed high of its life and Soul. Can remould the complete body and Soul it after the peeling, only has Creation God of Life.” “创世神与魔帝之女,其生命与灵魂层面无上之高。能将之在剥离后重塑完整躯体和灵魂的,唯有生命创世神。” „......” Yun Che listens attentively silently. He can hear, white shadow tone at this moment...... not according to the guess that the present cognition obtains, but is the real memory fragment. „ Creation God of Life the women's epee of incomplete Ni Xuan will make the complete life, and receives for the adopted daughter, in life Divine Palace the Wanhu flower blooms, then bestows on Wanhu. Finally complies hoping of Ni Xuan, entrusted her to Sword Spirit God Clan, and for her “……”云澈默然倾听。他听得出,白影此刻的语气……并非是根据现在认知所得出的猜测,而是真实的记忆碎片。“生命创世神将残缺的逆玄之女重塑成完整的生命,并收为义女,正值生命神宫菀瑚花开,便赋名菀瑚。最终又依从逆玄之愿,将她托付给了剑灵神族,并为她 Models into sword soul, henceforth takes the spirit as the surname, uses Sword Spirit God Clan Princess as the body. ” 塑入剑魂,从此以灵为姓,以剑灵神族公主为身。” In memory fragment, Ni Xuan indeed such as general of commitment, did not meet with his daughter henceforth again, did not appear in the Creation God of Life later memory again.” “记忆碎片之中,逆玄也的确如承诺的一般,从此再未与他的女儿相见,也再未出现在生命创世神之后的记忆中。” Is only, Mo E, Creation God of Life did not know incessantly at that time, darkness that was isolated ingredient had not written off, but has gone into hiding in world by him.” “只是,不止末厄,生命创世神那时也丝毫不知,被隔离出去的黑暗‘成分’并未被抹杀,而是一直被他隐匿于世。” She said that without doubt is You'er. 她说的,无疑就是幽儿 „Are you...... really Creation God of Life Li Suo?” “你……真的就是生命创世神黎娑?” Far more than Yun Che, facing Li Suo the name, trades to make this world anyone, even if other Creation God are alive, cannot believe. 何止云澈,面对“黎娑”之名,换做此世任何一人,哪怕其他创世神在世,都根本不敢相信。 White shadow voice/sound slowly: My Miracle of Life, was less than the eventuality of past years, but enough showed as before. Arrived at this moment, you were careful defined.” 白影声音徐徐:“我的生命神迹,不及当年之万一,但依旧足够证明。到了此刻,你当心中明晰。” The Yun Che's subconscious has believed that all that because she told, in his cognition, was beyond the cognition, with Creation God of Life this status extremely compatibility extremely. 云澈的潜意识已然相信,因为她所诉说的一切,无论是他认知之内,还是认知之外,都与“生命创世神”这个身份太过太过的契合 Creation God three characters really extremely lofty, extremely illusory indistinct...... to big of Yun Che impact, is next to Primogenitor Goddess that” similarly is alive. 只是,“创世神”三个字实在太过高远,太过虚幻飘渺……对云澈冲击之大,仅次于同样在世的“始祖神”。 Beside Li Suo, Creation God and Devil Emperor, except for dying of old age Mo E and sent into exile Jie Yuan, other die of Evil Infant’s Wheel of Myriad Tribulations kidnap Life Extinguishing Myriad Tribulations that” Sky Poison Pearl releases. 黎娑之外,创世神魔帝,除了寿终的末厄和被放逐的劫渊,其他都是死于邪婴万劫轮劫持天毒珠所释的“万劫无生”。 Under Life Extinguishing Myriad Tribulations ten thousand Shengping and others, only die not fresh. 万劫无生之下万生平等,唯死无生。 But Li Suo, is nine ghost devil poison. 黎娑所中,是九煞魔毒 Instead escapes Life Extinguishing Myriad Tribulations unexpectedly, after long-time sinking dormancy, again presently in world? 竟反而逃过“万劫无生”,在长久的沉眠后,重新现于世间? Moreover, with his without a gap in! 而且,与他无间同在! His body is contemporaneous Hong'er and You'er, but also once had He Ling...... 他的身上同生着红儿幽儿,还曾有禾菱…… Even if the heavy dreamland, he does not dare to think ten million/countless, his body, still has had Creation God unexpectedly! 哪怕千万重梦境,他都不敢想到,他的身上,竟还一直存在着一个创世神 Except for name of Creation God of Life and Li Suo, I could not find other to be able with my incomplete cognition and remembers incompletely the compatibility status.” When speech, her pupil light continuously peaceful looks at Hong'er...... the bright red eye, the bright red long hair, the elf-like appearance, inexplicable intimate aura...... that is a clear Soul mild feeling. She believes that once, “除了生命创世神黎娑之名,我找不到其他能与我残缺认知与残缺记忆契合的身份。”说话之时,她的眸光一直安静的看着红儿……朱红的眼睛,朱红的长发,精灵般的容颜,莫名亲近的气息……那是一种真切的灵魂温润感。她相信,曾经的自己, Once incomparable liking, was intimate with this girl. 曾无比的喜欢、亲近这个女孩。 You are Creation God Li Suo......” Yun Che are pronouncing unstressed, in the mouth is exhaling chaotic aura unceasingly, some little time slowly tranquil: Then before , then since is long, has regained consciousness, why before you......, has never appeared on own initiative?” Because of cannot.” She replied in a soft voice: I who „ just regained consciousness, the life is extremely thin. If appears, I earnestly seek the recovery life source meets the instinct absorb He Ling life source, the plane/level disparity, will keep this process from resisting, does not have “你是创世神黎娑……”云澈轻念着,口中不断呼出着混乱的气息,好一会儿才缓缓平静:“既然那么久之前便已苏醒,为什么你……之前从未主动出现过?”“因为不能。”她轻声回答:“刚苏醒的我,生命太过稀薄。若是出现,我渴求复苏的命源会本能的去吸收禾菱命源,层面的差距,会让这个过程无法抗拒,无 law stops. ” 法中止。” Therefore, I am unable to allow itself to appear in the space that she has.” “所以,我无法允许自己出现在她存在的空间。” Battles until...... you and Mo Beichen, she offered sacrifices oneself life source.” “直到……你与陌悲尘交战,她献祭了自己的命源。” This is Creation God of Life...... as supreme existence, even if in oneself are weakest, is not willing to capture others 's life aura. 这就是生命创世神……身为至高无上的存在,哪怕在自己最卑弱之时,也不愿去夺取他人的生命气息 Recalled that strange reviving of Blue Dragon Emperor, the extreme speed of oneself two times injury changes for the better...... after He Ling offers sacrifices oneself. 回想青龙帝的奇异回生,自己两次伤势的极速好转……都是在禾菱献祭自己之后。 Originally...... so.” “原来……如此。” Related to He Ling, soul heavy has pressed immediately surprisedly, his bitter and astringent smiling: No wonder...... no wonder......” 涉及禾菱,心魂的沉重顿时压过了惊讶,他苦涩的笑着:“怪不得……怪不得……” Blue Dragon Emperor must die the wound, you may twinkling saving...... my impossible achieve, Shen Xi cannot achieve......, only then you......” 青龙帝必死之伤,你都可瞬息挽救……我不可能做到,神曦也做不到……只有你……” Even if only Creation God under empty soul condition, Miracle of Life that she displays, absolutely not present Yun Che and Shen Xi can hope to attain. 哪怕只是虚魂状态下的创世神,她所施展的生命神迹,也绝非如今的云澈神曦所能企及。 Powerful such as you, if can also rescue...... should He Ling at that time good.” He somewhat loses the soul is pronouncing unstressed. “强大如你,若在那时能将禾菱也救下……该有多好。”他有些失魂的轻念着。 The white shadow...... Creation God of Life Li Suo gently says makes noise: I not only exists, how and to really make her vanish.” 白影……生命创世神黎娑轻语出声:“我既存在,又怎会真的让她消失。” immortal sound hears, flickered to draw in the dreamland Yun Che. 仙音入耳,将云澈一瞬拖入了梦境。 He is shocked...... enough three breaths, he sets out fiercely, another staggered partly to kneel directly the ground, actually completely forgot the adjustment physique, only had in the losing one's voice low roar: What did you say? What you said!?” 他愣住……足足三息,他猛地起身,又一个踉跄直接半跪到了地上,却完全忘记了调整身姿,唯有口中失声低吼:“你说什么?你说什么!?” ———— PS: Dragon God sunlight name, is hyphenated name Dragon God, famous sunlight. ————PS:龙神曦这个名字,是复姓龙神,名曦。
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