ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2018: Creation God name

, Quickest update latest chapter! ,最快更新最新章节! The place of desolate dry Wu, deathly stillness like the pandemonium, the unclear crow called continually has not resounded. 苍凉的枯芜之地,死寂的如同鬼域,连不详的鸦鸣都不曾响起。 The Yun Che soundless paralysis under Divine Ember backlash lies down there, how long no one knew him already the stupor. 神烬反噬下的云澈毫无声息的瘫躺在那里,无人知道他已昏迷了多久。 abyss is well-known, in Fog Sea, or near Fog Sea region stupor is the extremely dangerous behavior. The body that because does not garrison, will seize the chance to bite by omnipresent abyss dust remnantly, until silent drawing in dead deep pool. 深渊人尽皆知,在雾海,或近雾海区域昏迷是极其危险的行为。因为不设防的躯体,会被无所不在的渊尘趁机残噬,直至无声的拖入死渊。 But, floats floats, but abyss dust not only does not stay in Yun Che body, instead in close, presenting one type, although is not obvious, but truly exists far away from trend. 但,浮漂而过的渊尘非但不在云澈身上停留,反而在临近之时,呈现着一种虽不明显,但的确存在的“远离”趋势。 Strength that without consciousness as pure extinguishing said that presented one type in Yun Che's body unexpectedly strangely...... dreaded? 身为毫无意识所言的纯粹灭之力,竟在云澈的身上呈现出了一种诡异的……畏惧? At this time, time that Yun Che's body and abyss dust contact, but short one month. 此时,云澈的躯体渊尘接触的时间,不过才短短一个月。 abyss dust throughout is abyss dust, will not have anything to change. But when response of abyss dust to his body obvious and he entered abyss initially had very big difference. 渊尘始终是渊尘,不会有什么变化。但渊尘对他躯体的反应明显和他初入深渊时有了很大的不同。 As if, is his body in process that in contacts with abyss dust, is having some subtle mutation quietly. 似乎,是他的躯体在与渊尘接触的过程中,悄然发生着某种微妙的异变。 After all, that belongs to Primogenitor Goddess nihility Sacred Body. 毕竟,那是属于始祖神的虚无圣躯 At this time, the dim world appeared one white glow suddenly. 这时,昏暗的世界忽然现出了一抹白芒 This white glow is not intense, is actually to the utmost pure purely, has one type unable by the holiness of spoken language annotation. 这道白芒并不强烈,却是极尽的纯净纯粹,更带着一种无法以言语诠释的圣洁。 It sparkles instantly, was split second stripped come out the surrounding space from the whole world unexpectedly, as if, that should not exist in this abyss world ray. 它闪耀起的刹那,竟是一瞬间将周围的空间从整个世界剥离了出来,仿佛,那根本是不应该存在于这深渊之世的光芒。 In white glow, is a physique slender and delicate such as the jade truncates, indistinct such as the female form of illusion. 白芒之中,是一个身姿纤柔如玉削,又飘渺如幻梦的女子身影。 She lifts the hand slowly, the slender five fingers are swaying continuously holy white glow, turns round in Yun Che's body lightly. 她缓缓抬手,修长的五指拂动着缕缕圣洁白芒,轻覆于云澈的身上 Immediately, covers entirely the wound of Yun Che whole body by the visible speed contraction and healing...... even/including his body contamination sully, at an exceptional pace fast purification and disappearance. 顿时,布满云澈全身的创口以肉眼可见的速度收缩、愈合……就连身上沾染的脏污,也以惊人的速度快速的净化、消失。 At this moment, stupor Yun Che opened the eye suddenly, arm grasping like lightning approached the white shadow before body. 就在这时,“昏迷”中的云澈忽然睁开了眼睛,手臂如闪电般的抓向了身前的白影。 The white shadow was unresponsive, the palm that whatever he stretches out suddenly touches five fingers...... actually to put on, has one piece merely still the pure white ripples. 白影毫无反应,任由他猝然伸出的手掌触及自己的五指……却是一穿而过,仅仅带起一片依然纯净的白色涟漪。 Soul Body? 魂体 On the one hand grasps spatial Yun Che to sit to set out slowly, concentrates the eyes looks at the white shadow before body: Who are you?” 一手抓空的云澈缓缓坐起身来,凝目看着身前的白影:“你是谁?” Present form in white glow empty remote, is unable to see clearly her facial features, can only distinguish is a female, dances in the breeze as if can weave the illusion the long hair. 眼前的身影在白芒中虚虚渺渺,无法看清她的面容,只能辨出是一个女子,飘舞着仿佛能编织幻梦的长发。 But at this moment passes in his body pure white profound light, making his heart ascend unequalled startled however. Yun Che has Dragon God's Body and Great Way of the Buddha Art and Miracle of Life, self-recovery ability unparalleled in the world, exceeds world to cure technique sufficiently. But at this moment, the flesh wound or the internal injury, its healing the rapidness of speed, making him shock difficultly 而此刻流转于他身上的纯白玄光,让他内心升腾着无与伦比的惊然。云澈龙神之躯大道浮屠诀生命神迹,自愈能力天下无双,足以胜过世间一切疗愈之术。但此刻,无论是外伤还是内伤,其愈合的速度之快,让他震惊到难 In order to believe. 以置信。 Unexpectedly is several times of his self-recovery ability! 竟是他自愈能力的数倍! His first instantaneous apparent, what circulation in body is light profound strength. 他第一个瞬间便知,流转于身的是光明玄力 His life know to have the light profound strength only three people, he and Shen Xi, as well as their daughter Yun Xi, strongest without doubt is Shen Xi. 他此生所知拥有光明玄力者唯有三人,他、神曦,以及他们的女儿云希,最强者无疑是神曦 But at this time turns round in body light profound strength, its pure Saint and richness, exceed Shen Xi ten times to continue unexpectedly! 但此时所覆于身的光明玄力,其纯圣与浓郁,竟胜过神曦十倍不止! Moreover Divine Power that this white glow revolves, clearly is...... 而且这道白芒所运转的神力,分明是…… Miracle of Life! 生命神迹 Who I... am.........” “我…是…谁……” She is pronouncing unstressed, but voice/sound actually not from the front, but resounds in the Yun Che's soul sea. 她轻念着,但声音却不是来自前方,而是响起在云澈的魂海之中。 This voice/sound pleasantly warm such as clear Spring Water fog, indistinct such as outside cloud immortal sound...... of pleasant to hear as if only possibly came from to construct willfully the extravagant absurd dreamland, but should not belong to the world of full contamination. „ I once again and again asked who oneself I am. When regains consciousness, my world piled up with the fragments of innumerable blank, there are many names, many or clear, or fuzzy memory. But they actually such as the stars break into pieces generally. I am unable 这个声音温软的如清泉水雾,飘渺如云外仙音……好听的仿佛只可能来自能构筑任意奢妄的梦境,而不该属于遍满污秽的人世。“我曾经一次次的问自己‘我是谁’。苏醒之时,我的世界堆满了无数空白的碎片,有很多的名字,很多或清晰,或模糊的记忆。但它们却如星辰一般碎散。我无法 Splices them, is unable to cancel the above dense fog, is unable to know that who...... I am. ” Yun Che is startled for a while however. voice/sound in soul sea, as if has one type to lead into the illusion Devil Power. What is clearer, this voice/sound also carries Miracle of Life power, in the silence, whisks off in his hearts unexpectedly little that because 将它们拼接,无法抹去上面的迷雾,无法知道……我是谁。”云澈一时怔然。魂海中的声音,仿佛有着一种将人带入幻梦的魔力。更为清晰的是,这个声音也携着生命神迹力量,在悄无声息间,竟一点点拂去他心间那因 Yun Xi gives birth heavy depressed. 云希而生出的沉重郁结。 Therefore, who you are?” He asked. “所以,你到底是谁?”他问。 Without a doubt, at present, is in the Blue Dragon Emperor mouth that just likes the illusion white shadow, as well as Hong'er said White Big Sister. 毫无疑问,眼前,便是青龙帝口中那恍若幻觉的“白影”,以及红儿所说的“白色大姐姐”。 Blue Dragon Emperor that should probably die will save shortly, remises him who Mo Beichen is on the verge of death after the war to regain consciousness fast, making him when falling into the abyss turbulent flow regains consciousness, the internal injury healed most likely (80%)...... 将本该必死的青龙帝顷刻挽救,让与陌悲尘之战后濒死的他快速苏醒,让他在落入深渊乱流后苏醒时,内伤愈合了八成之多…… Now is sobering the sensation, he understands this cure power how...... terrifying. White shadow slowly language: „ When I regain consciousness, then your without a gap has followed. These years, I by the cognition that you obtain, is constructing my cognition, gradually, the memory of disintegration splices in the cognition of retrieval, I also retrieved 如今清醒着感知,他才明白这股治愈的力量何其……恐怖。白影缓缓而语:“我苏醒之时,便已你无间相随。这些年,我以你得到的认知,重新构建着我的认知,逐渐的,散碎的记忆在重获的认知中拼接,我也重新找回了 My name. ” 我的名字。” Li...... suo.” “黎……娑。” The white glow circulation, Yun Che all flesh wounds vanish in this moment without the trace. 白芒流转,云澈所有的外伤在这一刻消失无踪。 Yun Che as if no to think, for a very long time is startled however looks at present such as the immortal such as the imaginary white shadow, seemed really brought to the empty vast dreamland. 云澈却似乎毫无所觉,久久怔然的看着眼前如仙如幻的白影,仿佛真的被带至了虚渺的梦境之中。 Because resounds in his souls, is the Creation God god name. 因为响起在他魂间的,是创世神的神名。 ———— ———— Here is a continuous ten million/countless in huge mountain range, a number hundred thousand zhang (3.33 m) mountain puts on above the vault, giant beast that such as bends down the world. 这里是一处连绵千万里的庞大山脉,一座座数十万的丈山岳直穿穹顶之上,如俯世的巨兽。 During the hills encirclements, is one has innumerable year of huge formation, is isolating abyss dust, with stepping into of all foreign clan. 群山环绕之间,是一个存在无数年的巨大结界,隔绝着渊尘,和一切外族的踏入。 The petite form that is binding the grey robe across formation, non-stop flies under. 一个裹着灰袍的娇小身影穿过结界,直飞而下。 When she falls, temperate voice/sound stopped by calling out her. 她落下之时,一个温和的声音叫住了她。 Dragon hope, came back.” “龙希,回来了。” The middle-aged man skin of speech is fair, the look scholarly does not lose majestic, but a pair of dragon eyes deep accumulated can actually flicker to startle fear myriad spirits divine glow. 说话的中年男子皮肤白皙,相貌儒雅又不失英伟,但一双龙目却深蕴着能一瞬骇慑万灵神芒 He is taking a look at dragon Xi, suddenly knits the brows: „Were you injured?” 他打量着龙希,忽然一皱眉:“你受伤了?” Un.” Yun Xi extremely desolate should with one, pass through his body side directly. “嗯。”云希极为冷淡的应和一声,直接穿过他身侧。 The middle-aged man has become accustomed to obviously, is not angry, has turned around to urge once again: Dragon hope, why always shows off power. About eternal Pure Land the matter you have also known. Then hoping of Dragon Lord, requests him to be the father, not only......” 中年男子显然早已习以为常,毫不生气,转过身又一次劝道:“龙希,何必总是自己逞强。关于‘永恒净土’的事你也已经知道。遂龙主之愿,拜他为父,不仅……” Go away!” “滚!” A character, chokes the middle-aged man following words. He looks at Yun Xi that goes far away, helpless however shaking the head of regrets. 一个字,噎回中年男子后面的话语。他看着远去的云希,无奈而惋惜的摇了摇头。 Returns to own mountain territory, across small formation, her footsteps was all of a sudden lighter, ice cold on facial features also flickers the resolution. 回到自己的山域,穿过一层小结界,她的脚步一下子轻了许多,面容上的冰冷也一瞬消解。 Before she arrives is standing still the tombstone, bowing slowly kneels. 她来到一尊静立着的墓碑前,缓缓的屈膝而跪。 But this peaceful just started, was broken by rude voice/sound. 但这份安静才刚刚开始,便被粗莽的声音打破。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! formation was resounded by voice/sound of continual hit, is men's impatient howling: Dragon hope, you give me come out!” 结界被连续撞击的声音响起,随之是一个男子不耐烦的吼叫声:“龙希,你给我滚出来!” Yun Xi closed eyes opens, unemotional. 云希闭合的眼眸睁开,面无表情。 Her flickers the body, before arriving at formation, as formation was opened a gap, the person of clamoring also presently in Yun Xi at present. 她一个瞬身,来到结界之前,随着结界被打开一个缺口,叫嚣之人也现于云希眼前。 This is a stature is tall, in the look is passing the man of sinister and vicious. His appearance, his name, does not have the dragon not to know in this in mountain range ten million/countless. 这是一个身材颀长高大,眼神里透着阴鸷的男子。他的样貌,他的名字,在这千万里山脉无龙不知。 Because he is ancestor Long Yi lineage/vein generation of only successor. 因为他是祖龙一脉这一代唯一的传人 In the future to lead abyss all Dragon Clan few Dragon Lord. 未来引领深渊所有龙族的少龙主 The dragon forgets beginning. Sees Yun Xi, his both eyes obviously narrowed one......, regardless of sees many times, on her face that two ugly incomparable black mark can make him uncomfortable, such as this world busiest beautiful jade, was actually caught the ugliest dirt 龙忘初。看到云希,他的双目明显眯了一下……无论见多少次,她脸上那两道丑恶无比的黑痕都会让他难受无比,就如这世间最无暇的美玉,却偏偏被染上了最丑陋的污 Filthy. 秽。 Oh! Unexpectedly came back, I almost think that you had slid, died outside while convenient.” Facing him full is the spoken language of manic vision and taunt, Yun Xi advise...... removes the blood-color in the chest with her facial features suddenly, floats off the paleness of one morbid state, a blood bead has congealed in her fingertip, was pushed to the dragon to forget by her beginning “唷!居然回来了,我差点以为你已经溜了,顺便死在了外面。”面对他满是狂躁的目光和嘲讽的言语,云希指点在心口……随着她面容猛然褪去血色,浮起一抹病态的惨白,一枚血珠已凝于她的指尖,然后被她推向龙忘初 . Takes away, go away!” “拿走,滚!” Then, she no longer looks at opposite party one eyes, turns around, behind formation also closes slowly. 说完,她不再看对方一眼,转过身去,身后结界也缓慢闭合。 The small blood bead fully occupies the dragon forgot the beginning the pupil instantaneously, his anxious in income hand, but has not left, but flickers the body suddenly, before formation completely closed intrudes instantaneously. 微小的血珠瞬间占满了龙忘初的瞳孔,他急切的将之收入手中,但没有就此离开,而是忽然瞬身,在结界完全闭合前的瞬间闯入其中。 The double pupil of Yun Xi concentrates one to quench cold light of bone immediately. Dragon hope, this time blood essence, you late entire 19 double-hour, was makes me wait for 19 double-hour.” The dragon forgets beginning the tonality is gradually low and deep: „ It seems like the time was long, you were also more and more dissolute. If there is again next time... 云希的双眸顿时凝起一抹淬骨的寒光。“龙希,这次的精血,你可是晚了整整十九个时辰,也是让我足足等了十九个时辰。”龙忘初音调逐渐低沉:“看来时间久了,你也是越来越放肆了。若再有下次… ... ” …” This formation, no one can intrude, including Dragon Lord.” Yun Xi makes noise suddenly lightly: This was Dragon Lord in the past personally below ban, did you forget?” “这处结界,谁都不可以闯入,包括龙主。”云希忽然淡淡出声:“这是龙主当年亲口下的禁令,你是忘了吗?” „, Hahahaha!” The dragon forgets to laugh wildly one initially: I intruded, your my what? I pour also really am curious, your broken...... !” “呵,哈哈哈哈!”龙忘初狂笑一声:“那我就是闯入了,你奈我何?我倒还真是好奇,你这破……唔啊!” Bang! 轰! The dragon forgets the beginning the body was patted by huge pale dragon claw ruthlessly above formation. 龙忘初的躯体被一只巨大的苍白龙爪狠狠拍在了结界之上。 You......” dragon forget beginning dragon eye enlarges, his strength of resistance just gathered, then had been depressed suddenly , after the both arms dragon claw is crude are turned, then...... breaks off in the thundering broken bone sound. “你……”龙忘初龙眸放大,他的反抗之力刚刚聚起,便已被猛然压下,随之双臂被龙爪粗暴后扭,然后在轰雷般的碎骨声中……生生掰断。 Wuaaaaaah!” 呜啊啊啊啊啊啊!” In formation resounds the dragon forgets beginning chillily fierce such as the pitiful yell sound of evil spirit. The Yun Xi five fingers drew in slowly, control pale dragon claw the both arms that forgot the preliminary crushing to break to shackle one dragon: „ Dragon forgets beginning, you usually before me again how domineering insolent, I consider the clown to stamp one's foot, disdain to pay attention. But you dare 结界之中响起龙忘初凄烈如厉鬼的惨叫声。云希五指缓缓收拢,驾驭着苍白龙爪将龙忘初碎断的双臂缠缚到了一起:“龙忘初,你平日里在我面前再怎么跋扈张狂,我都当是小丑跳脚,不屑理会。但你胆敢 Steps into this place, then touches my reverse scale! ” 踏入此地,便是触我逆鳞!” You...... you!” The dragon forgets beginning the pupil wants to crack, eyeful unbelievable. “你……你!”龙忘初瞳孔欲裂,满眼的难以置信。 His age is dragon Xi five times, but was still young in Dragon Clan, cultivation base is Divine Lord Realm Eighth Level. Such age, such cultivation base, in Dragon Clan is extremely talent existence, the same clan is the same age. 他的年龄是龙希的五倍,但在龙族尚属年幼,修为已是神主境八级。这样的年龄,这样的修为,在龙族已是绝顶天才般的存在,同族同龄无出其右。 Except for dragon hope! 除了龙希! But his these year of advancements are fierce, far exceeds his senior same time, is does obeisance Yun Xi blood essence to quench the body to bestow. 而他这些年进境凶猛,远超其前辈同期,皆是拜云希精血淬体所赐。 He is this generation of only Zulong, future Dragon Lord. But the dragon hopes natural talent to be high, eventually is only outside dragon of unknown origin. The Dragon Clan most high level resources should be him, in any clan the dragon for his sacrifice should also. 他是这一代唯一的祖龙,未来的龙主。而龙希天赋再高,也终究只是来历不明的外龙。龙族高等的资源都该属于他,任何族中之龙为他的牺牲也都是应该。 He has not thought, this must to offer sacrifices in the scar surface dragon female who he has, dares making a move to injure him. 他没想到,这个应当是为献祭于他而存在的疤面龙女,竟敢出手伤他。 You dare...... the wound...... I!” The dragon forgets beginning the cutting tooth makes noise, the eye of time offense is vicious. “你敢……伤……我!”龙忘初切齿出声,目光阴戾狠毒。 Injures you?” Yun Xi smiled, smiles densely: I also dare to kill you, letter/believes?” “伤你?”云希笑了,笑得森然:“我还敢杀你,信吗?” „, Hehe......” dragon forgets beginning twists the face to sneer: Depends on......” “呵,呵呵……”龙忘初扭曲着脸冷笑:“就凭……” CHI!! 哧!! sword light projects from the Yun Xi wide sleeve together, ruthless pricks the dragon forgets the beginning the throat, the sword point from his nape passes through. 一道剑芒云希的宽袖中射出,狠绝的刺入龙忘初的喉管,剑尖从他的后颈贯穿而出。 Eh...... Aaah...... Ah......” Blasting open bloodstain split second covers entirely the dragon forgot the beginning dragon pupil, the Yin offense and shock vanished thoroughly on his pale face, only extreme fears. 呃…啊啊啊……啊……”炸裂的血痕一瞬间布满了龙忘初的龙瞳,阴戾和震惊彻底消失了他惨白的脸上,唯余极度的恐惧。 Yun Xi approaches gradually, thin smile of corners of the mouth adds on the terrifying black mark of face, the body that making the invisible fear such as myriad devils tear and bite the dragon is forgetting beginning crazily to tremble generally: How kills you? At most one life trades assigns/life that's all.” 云希缓步走近,嘴角的淡笑加上面部的恐怖黑痕,让无形的恐惧如万千魔鬼一般撕咬着龙忘初疯狂颤栗的躯体:“杀你又如何呢?顶多不过一命换一命而已。” You have infinite future few Dragon Lord, but I? I do not have a thing in the world, have no cares, the thing that most does not fear, dies.” “你可是拥有无限未来的少龙主,而我?我一无所有,无牵无挂,最不怕的东西,就是死。” CHI!! 哧!! The dragon forgets beginning the cold sword of nape of the neck was inserted one section again, almost shuts off his entire throat. Said, in this Dragon Clan, most does not think I die is not I, but is your father, your Dragon Lord, all your elders.” Yun Xi the language, that quiet cold vision, such as is looking steadily at humble/despise spirit who will die slowly: „ Because 龙忘初脖颈的寒剑再被插入一截,几乎将他的整个喉管切断。“说起来,这龙族之中,最不想我死的偏偏不是我,而是你的父亲,你的龙主,你的所有长辈。”云希缓缓而语,那幽冷的目光,如在盯视一具将死的卑灵:“因 For if I died, your waste was really also incurable. You were incurable, your ancestor Long Yi lineage/vein thorough were also incurable. ” „ Therefore, they must ask me to live well. formation that this no one may step into , is one of the Dragon Lord transaction conditions. What a pity, your waste really does not make every effort to succeed, unexpectedly dares to touch my taboo, such being the case... 为若是我死了,你这个废物也就真的没救了。你没救了,你们这祖龙一脉也就彻底没救了。”“所以,他们得求着我好好活着。这处谁都不可踏入的结界,也是和龙主交易的条件之一。可惜啊,你这个废物实在是不争气,居然敢来触我的禁忌,既然如此… ... Butchered considering as finished. Perhaps you died, Dragon Lord has not been possible to be willing to kill me. ” …还是宰了算了。说不定你死了,龙主还不一定会舍得杀我。” That quiet cold killing intent, strong like the essence, punctures the nerve that under his entire body each is trembling crazily. 那幽冷的杀机,浓烈的有如实质,刺动着他全身上下每一根疯狂颤栗的神经。 „...... Wait......” dragon forgets beginning the double pupil wants to crack, throat difficult overflow hoarse spoken language of break, pair of quite long leg shivering is suffering from the malaria: Bountiful...... I......” “等……等等……”龙忘初双瞳欲裂,断裂的喉管艰难溢出嘶哑的言语,一双颇长的腿更是颤抖的打着摆子:“饶……了我……” Because this does not threaten and threat, but was truly nearly in the death fear of late ruler. 因为这不是威胁和恐吓,而是真正近在迟尺的死亡恐惧。 Un?” Yun Xi narrows the pupil: What did you say? I have not heard clearly.” “嗯?”云希眯眸:“你说什么?我没听清。” Forgave me...... to forgive me......” he to listen to the vitality, strongly is squeezing out voice/sound: I...... big mistake...... Eh...... forgive me......” “饶我……饶了我……”他听出了生机,竭力的挤出着声音:“我……大错……呃……饶我……” „After that do you also want to approach here?” Yun Xi bends down an eye of say/way. “那以后,你还要靠近这里吗?”云希俯目道。 The dragon forgets beginning eyes showed pleading: „...... Does not dare...... not to dare......” 龙忘初目露哀求:“不……敢……再不敢了……” Very good.” The Yun Xi frown as if stretches slightly: Hope after today, you can understand that a matter...... provokes anyone to be good, do not provoke without a thing in the world lunatic!” “很好。”云希的双眉似乎微微舒展:“希望今日之后,你能明白一件事……招惹谁都好,千万不要招惹一个一无所有的疯子!” Chi! 哧! Sharp sword forgets the beginning from the dragon the throat draws out, suppresses also vanishes in his body dragon claw. formation opens, a great strength throws ruthlessly him, such as abandons our Lv, formation also closes. 利剑从龙忘初的喉管中拔出,压制在他身上龙爪也随之消失。结界打开,一股巨力将他狠狠丢出,如弃敝履,结界也随之闭合。 Coughs...... cough cough cough...... to vomit...... cough cough......” “咳……咳咳咳……呕……咳咳……” The dragon forgets beginning in mouth crazy coughing up blood froth, he turns back the arm by dragon qi forcefully, reluctant is covering the throat wound, the arm that another breaks to pieces digs up to support the ground, moving in a panic to being far away from the Yun Xi direction. 龙忘初口中狂咳着血沫,他以龙气强行折回断臂,勉强的捂着喉咙创口,另一只碎断的手臂扒撑着地面,仓惶的挪动向远离云希的方向。 The death near of present, the fear never so biting cold...... is never being venerated him who grew up since childhood, the gentian nearly broke to pieces. 死亡从未如今之近,恐惧从未如此彻骨……从小在尊崇中长大的他,龙胆险些碎破。 Said, might as well told you again a matter.” “说起来,不妨再告诉你一件事。” On formation splits a slit, transmits Yun Xi that to let his alarmed and afraid voice/sound: pioneer that this Pure Land dispatches, had arrived at eternal Pure Land successfully ‚’, what can you know this to mean?” 结界上裂开一道缝隙,传来云希那让他惊惧的声音:“此次净土派遣的先驱者,已成功到达了‘永恒净土’,你可知这意味着什么?” „......” Dragon forgets initially lifts the pupil in the pain and fear, the whole face is shocking. „ Confirmed eternal Pure Land the position, next channel opening, Abyss Sovereign can the belt/bring person to that eternal Pure Land. To come, that first body knight named Mo Beichen completely has controlled eternal Pure Land in the palm, is awaiting calmly the arrival of Abyss Sovereign. “……”龙忘初在痛苦和恐惧中抬眸,满脸震惊。“确认了‘永恒净土’的方位,下次的通道开启,渊皇便可带人去往那永恒净土。想来,那个叫陌悲尘的先躯骑士已经将永恒净土尽控于掌中,静候着渊皇的驾临。 But enters the person of channel to be limited each time, you guess, which people are entitled, but which people will be discarded?” “但每次进入通道的人是有限的,你猜,哪些人有资格,而哪些人会被舍弃呢?” Answer clearly...... waste, only then discarded destiny. Un? Looks at your appearance, is it possible that...... haven't you known this matter?” “答案再清晰不过……废物,只有被舍弃的命运。嗯?看你的样子,莫非……你还不知道这件事?” „......” Dragon forgets beginning the throat bone spoke haltingly, the pupil that just contracted enlarged again for several points. “……”龙忘初喉骨嚅动,刚收缩回去的瞳孔再次放大数分。 This matter, beside Pure Land, Six Divine Countries and Dragon Clan have all known. Dragon Lord told me, what without telling you...... this means?” “这件事,净土之外,六神国龙族皆已知晓。龙主告诉了我,却没有告诉你……这意味着什么呢?” The dragon forgot to decide initially there, resembled is not willing to believe that also resembled cannot believe, only had the shattered throat to overflow obscure voice/sound unceasingly. 龙忘初定在了那里,似是不愿相信,又似是不敢相信,只有破碎的喉管不断溢出晦涩的声音 Goes to Dragon Lord there to complain like the qualified waste, he can be what seed/type responded, I anticipated.” “像个合格的废物一样去龙主那里告状,他会是何种反应,我非常期待。” formation closed, all belong to silent. 结界闭合,一切归于寂静。 Yun Xi turns around, the dragon forgets the first meeting to retaliate complains or suppresses sobs, she shows absolutely no concern. 云希转过身来,龙忘初会报复还是告状还是吞声,她毫不关心。 no one disturbs, she kneels in front of the tombstone, white hands homocentric, double pupil closed, is only some body slightly swaying. 无人打扰,她重新跪在墓碑面前,玉手覆心,双眸闭合,只是身躯稍微有一些摇晃。 Some wounds in the body, just damaged blood essence, forgets to act to the dragon initially...... but this pain is not worth mentioning to her, even does not match to make her reveal a painful color in the place of this no one. 有伤在身,刚损精血,又对龙忘初出手……但这种痛苦对她而言不值一提,甚至不配让她在这无人之地露出一丝痛色。 Mother, I successfully attained the Qilin bone spirit. Five spirit Supreme Treasure, I have attained its four, only misses the last type...... to be able at the appointed time...... not, can certainly make you come back.” “母亲,我成功拿到了麟骨灵兰。五灵至宝,我已拿到其四,只差最后一种……到时应该就能……不,是一定能让你回来。” I, wait for me...... to ask you to again wait for me sometime...... very is not really long.” “等我,再等我一小段时间……求你一定要等我……真的不会很久。” She is reading gently, telling, as if mother before her body peaceful is listening attentively. „ Mother, I grew up...... the place of this asylum, is my blood essence trades, is the fair transaction...... does not have any emotion entanglement. After you come back, can stay behind or leave freely, does not need to be restrained anybody anything 她轻轻的念着,诉说着,仿佛母亲就在她的身前安静的倾听着。“母亲,我长大了……这处庇护之地,是我精血所换,是公平的交易……更没有任何的情感纠缠。你回来后,可以自由的留下或离开,不需要受制于任何人任何事 ...... Will not have in the past Dragon God Realm such hobbled...... will not have in the past such matter...... ” ……再不会有当年龙神界那样的牵绊……再不会有当年那样的事……” At the appointed time, I protect mother, mother protect me, where we want to go to go to where...... to be good......” “到时,我保护母亲,母亲保护我,我们想去哪里就去哪里……好不好……” „......” “……” Mother, I...... saw that he...... he had not died like you said in the past, but also arrived at abyss......”obviously, I father two characters will have gouged from my life......, but sees him, I could not bear...... vent ugly/difficult to look at...... is too ugly/difficult to look at, the childish child who ruthlessly well...... vented......, was quite likely laughable “母亲,我……见到他了……他像你当年说的那样没有死,还来到了深渊……”“明明,我已将‘父亲’二字从我的生命中剜去……但见到他,我还是忍不住……狠狠地发泄了一通……发泄的好难看……太难看了,像个幼稚的孩童……呵,好可笑 . ” 。” I know, even the disaster...... mother still wants certainly to meet again with him...... even for see again/goodbye to him like that still please must come back...... to ask you...... to ask you......” “我知道,就算那般劫难……母亲一定也想与他重聚……就算是为了再见到他,也请你一定要回来……请你……求你……” Does not want...... to disappear...... loses......” “不要……消……失……” Mother...... I, only then you...... I really...... only then you......” “母亲……我只有你了……我真的……只有你了……” Her hand caresses above the tombstone, tombstone the front that side land, hides accumulated this life almost all tears. 她的手抚在墓碑之上,墓碑前方的那方土地,藏蕴着她这一生几乎所有的眼泪。 ............ ………… The dragon forgets the beginning the both arms were being returned to by him reluctantly, the wound of nape of the neck also tied up by the coat tightly, when he staggers is returning to the mountain territory, dignified and light voice/sound resounds: Forgets beginning, what's all this about?” 龙忘初的双臂被他勉强正回,脖颈的创伤亦被上衣紧缚,他踉跄着回到自己山域时,一个威严而平淡的声音响起:“忘初,这是怎么回事?” The dragon forgets to stop the footsteps initially, the eye splits hates the light, but was struggled to replace immediately, finally, when he has turned around, has haunched to be calm diligently: Unobstructive, when cultivation is wounded carelessly, thanks the Grand Elder care.” 龙忘初止住脚步,目绽恨光,但马上又被挣扎代替,最终,他转过身时,已是努力撑起一脸平静:“无碍,修炼时不慎受创,谢太长老关心。” The vision has swept from his nape of the neck, Grand Elder knits the brows slightly, but has not closely examined, said lightly: Un, the cultivation is wounded again unavoidably, unobstructive good.” 目光从他的脖颈扫过,太长老微微皱眉,但没有追问,淡淡道:“嗯,修炼受创再所难免,无碍就好。” Then, he just about to leaves, the dragon forgot to stop by calling out him initially: Grand Elder, forgets to have the incident to inquire initially. I heard that did Abyss Knight that this Pure Land dispatches successfully arrive at eternal Pure Land?” 说完,他刚要离开,龙忘初叫住了他:“太长老,忘初有一事相询。听说,这次净土派遣的深渊骑士成功到达了‘永恒净土’?” Grand Elder transfers the eye unexpectedly: How you know......, it seems like Dragon Lord cannot repress, ahead of schedule told you, also fine.” 太长老蓦地转目:“你怎么知道……嗯,看来龙主还是没能按捺住,提早告诉你了,也罢。” The dragon forgets beginning corners of the mouth unnatural twitches. „ Right. About a year ago, this time advance knight successfully arrived at eternal Pure Land, and before the channel is closed sent back passes message. However as a result of existence of Black Tide Period, eternal Pure Land that side should only pass for a month 龙忘初嘴角一阵不自然的抽搐。“没错。就在大约一年前,这次的先遣骑士成功到达了‘永恒净土’,并在通道关闭前发回了传音。不过由于时间黑潮的存在,‘永恒净土’那边应该只过去了一个月 . ” 。” But eternal Pure Land power plane/level is very low, Divine Lord Realm is the peak, one month also is almost enough Abyss Knight to control the aspect.” “但‘永恒净土’的力量层面很低,神主境已是巅峰,一个月也差不多足够一个深渊骑士控下局面。” Snort, actually cheap that Abyss Knight named Mo Beichen, as pioneer, feared that must keep in mind eternally the history.” “哼,倒是便宜了那个叫陌悲尘深渊骑士,作为先驱者,怕是要永铭历史了。” The dragon forgot in the first thought to shock...... dragon Xi to say unexpectedly real! But Dragon Lord also really first told dragon Xi unexpectedly, but has not told itself. 龙忘初心中激震……龙希说的居然是真的!而龙主也居然真的先告诉了龙希,而未告诉自己。 His secretly took a breath, probed: That......, if the channel opens again, how many people a time can pass?” 暗吸一口气,试探着问道:“那……若通道再次打开,一次可通过多少人?” Grand Elder deeply looked at him, said: Channel only has Abyss Sovereign to open, probably 50 years may open one time. As for one time can through many, only has Abyss Sovereign to know. But...... the rejection, is inevitable.” 太长老深深看他一眼,道:“通道唯有渊皇可以打开,大概五十年可开启一次。至于一次能通过多少,也唯有渊皇知晓。但……舍弃,是必然的。” When abyss did not have Pure Land, did not have Divine Country...... 深渊没有了净土,没有了神国…… That was true death abyss. Turns on the channel also to need to draw support from strength of Six Divine Countries and our Dragon Clan, therefore this matter currently also only has Six Divine Countries and our Dragon Clan knows, does not may leak, beside other Dragon Clan including our Zulong.” The Grand Elder sinking sound warned 那将是真正的死亡深渊。“开启通道也需要借助六神国和我们龙族之力,所以这件事目前也唯有六神国和我们龙族知晓,万万不可外传,包括我们祖龙之外的其他龙族。”太长老沉声告诫 ......, although, he believes firmly that Dragon Lord has repeatedly urged. 道……虽然,他确信龙主早已反复叮嘱。 Forgets to understand initially, Grand Elder felt relieved.” The dragon forgets beginning when nod accordingly, turns the head hastily, his tooth closes tightly, in hearts a confusion. ———— “忘初明白,太长老放心。”龙忘初连忙点头应声,转头之时,他牙齿咬紧,心间一片混乱。————
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