ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2017: pierce heart punctures the soul

Yun Che brings Yun Xi to depart the qilin God Qilin territory, when confirmed after leaving the Ximen Boyun Spirit Sense range , the speed increases suddenly, across deserts and metro, until flying into sandstorm. When compares in Yun Che arrives, here sandstorm is also gentler. When leaves the sandstorm region, the ray not only has not become bright, instead suddenly dark under. The line of sight institute, the front world ashes are hazy, seems sticking eternal not loose thick fog, divides the unclear land and sky, is unable to touch the edge that as if no. Fog Sea...... two characters presently in Yun Che's soul sea. Fog Sea fog, is extremely strong abyss dust. It occupies abyss over 90% spaces, is deathtrap that abyss myriad spirits all knows. Is thorough, abyss dust is thick distant, Abyssal Beast is fearful, more was approaches dead. Qilin Abyss Realm close to Fog Sea, in arrival first day he has then known. Was separated from Qilin Abyss Realm, the Yun Che tight soul string has relaxed a point finally slightly. Raids weakly crazily with the severe pain, as if has Wan Zhongshan Yue Hengya in each corner of his whole body. 云澈带着云希飞出麒麟神域,待确认离开西门博云灵觉范围后速度陡增,穿过一片又一片的沙漠与城域,直至飞入沙暴之中。相比于云澈到来之时,这里的沙暴也已和缓了许多。离开沙暴区域时,光线非但没有变得明澈,反而陡然暗下。视线所及,前方的世界一片灰朦,仿佛糊着一层永恒不散的浓雾,分不明大地与苍穹,更无法触及那仿佛并不存在的边缘。雾海……两个字现于云澈的魂海之中。雾海的“雾”,是太过浓重的渊尘。它占据着深渊九成以上的空间,是深渊万灵皆知的死地。越是深入,渊尘越是浓邃,渊兽越是可怕,也越是接近死亡。麟渊界临近雾海,在到来的第一天他便已知晓。脱离了麟渊界,云澈一直紧绷的魂弦终于稍稍松弛了一分。虚弱与剧痛疯狂袭来,仿佛有万重山岳横压在他全身的每一个角落。 Loses the flight trajectory that the foreword aura and obviously sways to make Yun Xi detect his unusual condition, her coldly opens the mouth: Puts me to get down.” 失序的气息和明显晃荡的飞行轨迹让云希察觉到了他的异状,她冷冷开口:“放我下来。” The place of edge, the life was scarce. Here approaches Fog Sea, the divine sense institute , and no one smoke. In the past opened Divine Ember each time, he faint under backlash for a long time, this time supported such inevitably unexpectedly, not only his body was on the verge of the collapse, the even/including consciousness had also presented obvious absent-minded. 边缘之地,本就生灵稀少。这里又临近雾海,神识所及,并无人烟。以往每次开启神烬,他必然在反噬下昏厥许久,此次竟又强撑了如此之久,不仅他的躯体濒临崩溃,就连意识也已出现了明显的恍惚。 Had not insisted, Yun Che falls slowly, the foot touches the ground instantly, the prostration feeling and paralysis kneel in the desire incomparable intensity of place, but he stands, is maintaining the steadiness of body strongly. He must first be Yun Xi cures to recover the injury...... to. At least...... cannot drop down before her. Consciousness from temporary restores cold awakens difficultly, this detected that Yun Xi has been separated from his body, moves to ten steps beside. Her wound seal, aura is especially gentle, does not have the pitiful condition that in Qilin God Realm that was on the verge of death decisively. The similar injury, falling is extremely indeed serious in person body, but she after all is Dragon God. Even Yun Che consciousness some primordial chaos now, but still understands, the Yun Xi previous condition is an attire. Perhaps to lower a vigilance of Ximen Borong people, or...... to enrage him. 没有坚持,云澈缓缓落下,脚触地面的刹那,虚脱感和瘫跪在地的欲念无比之强烈,但他生生站直,更竭力保持着身躯的平稳。他必须先为云希疗愈伤势……必须。至少……不能在她面前倒下。意识从一时的恍惚中艰难恢复冷醒,这才发觉云希早已从他身上脱离,移身到十步之外。她的伤口早已封结,气息格外平缓,断然没有了麟神境中那濒死的惨状。同样的伤势,落在人身上的确极其惨重,但她毕竟是龙神。即使云澈如今意识有些混沌,但依然明白过来,云希先前的状态是装的。或许是为了降下西门博容一众人的戒心,也或者……只是为了激怒他。 His throat spoke haltingly, quite difficult shouted that to at this moment, still such as the fond illusion general name: Yun…... hopes......” 他喉咙嚅动,颇为艰难的喊出了那个到了此刻,依然如迷梦一般的名字:“云……希……” My name was dragon Xi ! “我叫龙希!” She is turning away from him, a voice/sound desolateness: Dragontakes Mu, Greece bestows for mother, do not call again wrong!” 她背对着他,声音一片冷淡:“龙’取母姓,‘希’为母赐,不要再叫错!” Her body, fluctuates a light, but incomparably holy white profound light, silent cures the body wound purely. That was Miracle of Life in revolution...... she really also inherited her mother's light profound strength, but also built Miracle of Life. 她的身上,浮动起一层淡薄,但无比纯粹圣洁的白色玄光,无声疗愈着身上的创伤。那是运转中的生命神迹……她果然也继承了她母亲的光明玄力,还修成了生命神迹 Yun Che forward one step, lightly said: I know that...... I have a deficit you is too many too many, does not match for the father, you hate me also should......” 云澈向前一步,轻声道:“我知道……我亏欠你们太多太多,不配为父,你恨我也是应……” No, I do not hate you, not.” “不,我不恨你,一点都不。” The Yun Xi words are still very light: Mother's calamity, the root because was her past choice, had nothing to do with you, she had no complain and regret. I am her daughter, must take on all with her, similarly not complained not hates.” 云希的话依旧无比平淡:“母亲的厄难,根源之因是她当年的选择,与你无关,她无悔无怨。我是她的女儿,应当与她共担一切,同样无怨无恨。” Yun Che: „......” 云澈:“……” You indeed are the father in my blood relationship. But......” “你的确是我血缘上的父亲。但……” She has turned around finally, is looking straight ahead Yun Che's eyes, is only her pupil light, unexpectedly compared with her voice/sound indifferent: I do not need the father, does not need you.” 她终于转过身,直视着云澈的眼睛,只是她的眸光,竟比她的声音更加的冷漠:“我已经不需要父亲,不需要你。” If not this time must use you to get out of trouble, I will not make you know my existence.” Indeed, her body all, do not have outside to release a wee bit hates, only has the indifference and feel alienated of peak. But to Yun Che, actually compared with the hate, wants pierce heart to puncture the soul. She previous, has been going into hiding firmly own aura and appearance, regarding his nearness, repels to the extreme, even coerces by the loathsome appearance. “若非此次必须利用你脱困,我绝不会让你知晓我的存在。”的确,她身上的一切,都没有外释丁点的怨恨,唯有极致的冷漠与疏离。但对云澈而言,却远比怨恨,都更要锥心刺魂。她先前,一直牢牢的隐匿着自己的气息与样貌,对于他的靠近,更是排斥之极,甚至以死相胁。 She has recognized him, actually the least bit does not want to recognize each other with him. Eldest daughter Yun Wuxin...... he cannot witness her birth similarly, similarly defect her growth, when meet, her happy jumping for joy like that just like Wugou (stainless) elf. Because her side, although does not have the father, has had mother's companion. But Yun Xi...... she actually...... serious injury and soul pulled out the pain to blur the line of sight fiercely, when was again clear, on her face that staggered black mark punctured the eye. 她早就认出了他,却半点都不想与他相认。长女云无心……他同样未能见证她的出生,同样缺失了她的成长,但相遇之时,她那般的开心雀跃,宛若无垢精灵。因为她的身边虽然没有父亲,却一直有着母亲的陪伴。而云希……她究竟……沉重的伤势和心魂的剧烈抽痛模糊了视线,再次清晰时,她脸上那交错的黑痕刺动了眼睛。 He blurts to ask: Who the wound on your face...... is......” 他脱口问出:“你脸上的伤……是谁……” „.” “呵。” Yun Xi smiled, actually smiles not an emotion: Naturally is I.” 云希笑了,却笑的没有一丝情感:“当然是我自己。” Yun Che: „......!?” 云澈:“……!?” Yun Xi coldly said: Mother is the world's most attractive female, I very fortunately, very unfortunate inherited her appearance.” 云希冷冷道:“母亲是世界上最好看的女子,我很有幸,又很不幸的继承了她的容貌。” When I was 15 years old, I then detected others 's difference to my vision, are excessively getting more and more in divine sense of my body stay.” “在我15岁那年,我便察觉到了他人对我目光的异样,在我身上过度停留的神识也越来越多。” Therefore, I stole a deep pool nuclear from Fog Sea Abyssal Beast, chisels my own face, abyss dust in release deep pool nuclear, until corroding does not dare to look at my one eyes to...... others.” “于是,我偷了一枚来自雾海渊兽的渊核,凿开我自己的脸,释出渊核中的渊尘,直至侵蚀到……别人再不敢多看我一眼。” „......!!!” “……!!!” The Yun Che body play shakes, finally is unable to support again, knee heavily kneels down, shakes all over, is unable to stand up. 云澈身躯剧晃,终于再无法支撑,膝盖重重跪倒在地,全身发抖,无法站起。 Such as ten thousand arrow piercing heart pain and cruelties to Yun Che, when Yun Xi told, actually indifferent seemed like describing small others the matter: This is the corrosion of abyss dust is the result, and for dozens years, already and my body completely merge. Even Miracle of Life, do not want to dispel.” 云澈如万箭穿心般的痛苦与残忍,但云希诉说之时,却漠然的像是在描述一件再微小不过的他人之事:“这是渊尘的侵蚀所致,且数十年来,早已与我躯体完全相融。就算是生命神迹,也别想祛除。” „......” “……” The Yun Che tooth closes tightly, several times wanted to stand up, actually during the extreme heart bursts, in any event is unable to use a strength. 云澈牙齿咬紧,数次想要站起,却在极度的心溃之中,无论如何都无法动用一丝力气。 Why you...... can......” “你……为什么会……” Suddenly, he thought of anything, fierce raising the head, the pupil cowers: Your mother? Hasn't she...... been at side you?” 忽然,他想到了什么,猛的抬头,瞳孔瑟缩:“你母亲呢?她……没有在你身边?” Mother naturally side me!” “母亲当然在我身边!” The Yun Xi tone becomes suddenly serious, has turned the head immediately, does not make him see the chilly wound that own pupil exudes, between lips also sends out somewhat absent-minded soft murmuring: Forever will not hate me...... unable in...... mother......” 云希的语气陡重,又马上转过头,不让他看到自己瞳眸泛起的凄伤,唇间也发出有些失神的轻喃:“永远都在……母亲才不会舍得我……不会……” The Yun Che's heartstrings have not relaxed, whispering of that unconsciousness is to make anxiety between his hearts multiply: Shen Xi she? She? You told me!” 云澈的心弦没有丝毫松弛,那句无意识的低语更是让他心间的不安倍增:“神曦她怎么了?她到底怎么了?你告诉我!” How my mother, does not need you to manage!” The ice cold spoken language took sharp sad and shrill, pricks the Yun Che's heart ruthlessly, let him all of a sudden there. The Yun Xi revolutions glances once again light/only, slowly aspirates...... disregards obviously well, far away from good, why the mood will lose control. “我母亲如何,不用你管!”冰冷的言语带上了尖锐的凄厉,狠狠刺入云澈的心脏,让他一下子顿在了那里。云希又一次转过目光,缓缓的吐了一口气……明明无视就好,远离就好,为什么情绪还是会失控。 Her cold sound said: Is most painful in mother, most desperate time, you in the side, she did not support alone, to save me............” 她寒声道:“在母亲最痛苦,最绝望的时候,你不在身边,她独自撑了下来,更为了救我……咯……” In me loneliest, darkest, most sad, most desperate, most wants dead, most needs......, even if depends upon little time, you always not.” “在我最孤独,最黑暗,最悲伤,最绝望,最想死,最需要……哪怕一点点依靠的时候,你从来都不在。” She deeply inspires, voice/sound gradually returns tranquilly: But doesn't matter, all, I have resisted, mother is so also strong, still existence.” 她深吸一口气,声音逐渐重归平静:“但没关系,所有的一切,我都已经抗了过来,母亲也那么坚强,依然‘存在’着。” „......” “……” Yun Che closes the eye, the corners of the mouth are bloody, the whole body shivers to continue. The appearance of self-destruction, from marrow indifferent...... he is unable to imagine, how does not dare to imagine in the abyss years she to pass. 云澈闭上眼睛,嘴角血流如注,全身颤抖不止。自毁的容颜,发自骨髓的冷漠……他无法想象,不敢想象在深渊的岁月她是如何度过。 Now, I already enough powerful, I have been able to protect itself, found let mother awakens the method...... I not to need to depend upon, does not earnestly seek the dependence, you actually at the right moment appearance!” “如今,我已经足够强大,我早已可以保护自己,更找到了让母亲‘苏醒’的方法……我已不需要依靠,更不渴求依靠,你却‘适时’的出现!” Moreover appears......” “而且一出现……” Yun Xi bites the tooth slightly: Almost destroyed me to rescue the only hope of mother!” 云希微微咬齿:“就差点毁了我救母亲的唯一希望!” „......?” “……?” Yun Che pronounces unstressed at a loss: You take the Qilin bone spirit, for...... Shen Xi?” 云澈茫然轻念:“你取麟骨灵兰,是为了……神曦?” Right.” “没错。” Yun Xi slowly said: „, I went into hiding aura, close to God Qilin, can take the Qilin bone spirit quietly with ease.” 云希缓声道:“原本,我隐匿气息,悄然靠近麟神,就可以轻松取到麟骨灵兰。” Because, my grandfather...... Primordial Azure Dragon has the heavy graciousness in Remote Ancient Era to a God Qilin clan. God Qilin most read the graciousness race, graciousness also has not met generations of inheritance. God Qilin in Qilin God Realm will know my aura surely, so long as I open the mouth, it will wish one could all Qilin bone spirit orchid completely to me.” “因为,我的祖父……太古苍龙远古时代麟神一族有重恩。麟神是最念恩的种族,未还之恩会代代传承。麟神境中的麟神定会识得我的气息,只要我开口,它会恨不能将所有的麟骨灵兰全部给我。” I may start safely, leaves quietly.” “我原本可安然入手,悄然离开。” But you......” “但你……” The Yun Xi chest fluctuates: You dare saying that God Qilin perished suddenly, is uninterested with you!?” 云希胸口起伏:“你敢说,麟神的忽然陨灭,和你毫无关系吗!?” „......” Soul by incomparably heavy hitting hard, Yun Che was supported the palm of place to shiver for a very long time. The grandfather...... Primordial Azure Dragon...... Shen Xi, is really the female of Primordial Azure Dragon...... at this moment, his soul sea only has the pain, does not have the least bit mental effort to consider. “……”心魂又遭一记无比沉重的重击,云澈撑地的手掌久久颤动。祖父……太古苍龙……神曦,果然就是太古苍龙之女……只是此刻,他的魂海唯有痛楚,早已没有半点心力去思虑。 Therefore, do not think that you saved me, I must thank you. That is you owes me, even gave back to my wound!” The Yun Che's consciousness like crashing into the deep sea of no light, the ashamed crime, bitter and astringent, pain, from hating...... him proclaimed oneself emperor in God Realm, world myriad spirits no one did not fear, bowed the head all, was how imposing. “所以,不要以为你救了我,我就必须感激你。那是你欠我的,甚至还给了我一身伤!”云澈的意识如同坠入了无光的深海,愧罪、苦涩、痛楚、自恨……他在神界称帝,天地万灵无人不畏,无不俯首,何其威风。 Actually does not know, in another world, his daughter is shouldering her mother, walks in dark abyss lonely. 却不知,在另一个世界,他的女儿正背负着她的母亲,孤独行走于黑暗深渊 Yun…... hopes......” 云……希……” He is pronouncing unstressed, all spoken languages in world, at this moment all are paleness like that: Is unfair to...... me not to know that...... I...... really do not know......” 他轻念着,世间的所有言语,在此刻皆是那般的苍白:“对不起……我不知道……我……真的不知道……” I...... do not even know that your had...... the past years...... I to leave your mother...... to have no other choice but............ I unable to find her afterward again......” “我甚至……不知道你的存在……当年……我离开你母亲……有着不得已……后来……我就再也找不到她……” Her coldly breaks Yun Che's voice: I know that you have many difficulties, has no other choice, many other wife and children must protect, therefore?” 冷冷打断云澈的声音:“我知道你有着很多苦衷,很多不得已,很多其他的妻子儿女要守护,所以呢?” „Can I accept? Can forgive? Can forgive for mother? Then when you appear respectful shouted one father?” “我就必须接受?必须原谅?必须替母亲原谅?然后在你出现的时候恭恭敬敬的喊一声‘父亲’?” „......” “……” Yun Che bows the head to lose one's voice, for a long time painful say/way: At least, to the opportunity that I make up for......” 云澈俯首失声,许久才痛苦的道:“至少,给我弥补的机会……” No need!” “不必!” Yun Xi turns around, decline not slightly hesitant: I had said a moment ago clearly, I do not need the father, does not need your so-called making up.” 云希转过身去,回绝的没有丝毫犹豫:“我刚才已清楚的说过,我已经不需要父亲,更不需要你的所谓弥补。” I do not hate you. In the future I rescue mother, if she gathers with you, I will not stop. But before then, please do not disturb me and mother's present situation!! Because you bring...... possibly can only be the disaster!!” “我也不恨你。将来我救回母亲,她若要与你相聚,我也不会阻拦。但在这之前,请你不要来干扰我和母亲的现状!!因为你带来的……可能只会是灾祸!!” Calculates that I asked you.” “算我求你。” Then, she soars, renounces is far away. 说完,她腾空而起,决绝远离。 Wait!” Nearly the body of collapse has surged does not know power that from where comes, driving him to flee to Yun Xi the front. Yun Xi is forced to stop the body. “等等!”已近崩溃的躯体涌起不知从何而来的力量,带动他生生窜至云希前方云希被迫停身。 Telling me...... Shen Xi...... your mother she how...... she where......” the Yun Che's vision fully is pleading. “告诉我……神曦……你母亲她到底怎么了……她在哪里……”云澈的目光满是哀求 Yun Xi vision ice cold: „After telling you ?? How can you? Saves her? Protects her?” 云希目光冰冷:“告诉你之后呢??你能如何?救她?保护她?” Yun Che: „......” 云澈:“……” Killed small of several Qilin Abyss Realm, feels glorious prestige?” “杀了几个麟渊界的小喽啰,是不是觉得威风八面?” The Yun Xi taunt smiles: You may know, before this abyss true powerhouse, you are the big point ants! Does also match protect my mother?? Joke!” 云希嘲讽一笑:“你可知,在这深渊真正的强者面前,你不过是大一点的蝼蚁!也配保护我母亲??笑话!” Has not waited for Yun Che to respond, her suddenly tonality revolution: That Abyss Knight named Mo Beichen, was killed by you right?” 未等云澈回应,她忽然音调一转:“那个叫陌悲尘深渊骑士,被你杀了对吗?” The words that Yun Che will soon export transfer instantaneously startled however. 云澈即将出口的话语瞬间转为惊然。 Snort .” “哼,果然。” Yun Xi shows the flash strange facial expression: Since you kill these Qilin deep pools power, in addition your body Heavenly Profound Treasure, indeed may achieve. such being the case, you will appear in this abyss, really to seek to block abyss to corrode the turning point of that world.” 云希露出一刹那诡异的神情:“从你杀那些麟渊喽啰的力量,加之你身上玄天至宝,的确有可能做到。如此说来,你会出现在这深渊,也果然是为了寻找阻断深渊侵蚀那个世界的契机。” „......” Yun Che decides to visit her, could not speak. “……”云澈定定看着她,说不出话来。 The form in a flash, she has circled to Yun Che's behind, goes far away in a flash: Does not think that I leak out your existence, the farther the better to me, otherwise......” 身影一晃,她已绕至云澈的身后,转瞬远去:“不想我将你的存在泄露出去,就离我越远越好,否则……” The voice/sound extreme speed goes far away, until extinguishing in dim horizon. Yun Che according to chest, closing eye slowly. Good intelligent...... is really intelligent fearful...... worthily is...... my daughter...... the consciousness break, he lets fall in the sky, thorough fainted. 声音极速远去,直至消弭在昏暗的天际。云澈手按心口,缓缓的闭上眼睛。好聪明……真是聪明的可怕……不愧是……我的女儿……意识断裂,他当空垂落,彻底的昏死了过去。 ———— Words said why some people think Helian Lingzhu is the Yun Che's savior? I was deeply shocked...... also possibly truly am my written expression am not very straightforward clearly, later paid attention.】 ———— ————【话说,为什么会有人认为赫连玲珠云澈的救命恩人?我深表震惊……不过也可能确实是我文字表述不够直白清晰,以后注意。】————
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