ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2016: Ruthless certainly

Helian, Rock Profound and Ten Thousand Fathoms, do obeisance the Qilin four big influences on seize a side respectively, distinguishes right from wrong. 赫连磐玄万仞、拜麟四大势力各据一方,泾渭分明。 The Yun Che divine sense institute, 985 people, do not have gaps and omissions. 云澈神识所及,九百八十五人,无一缺漏。 The thundering sound stagnates finally, the people then responded that was the storm that the body brought bores a hole through the space unexpectedly voice/sound. 轰雷声终于停滞,众人这才反应过来,那竟是身躯带起的风暴凿穿空间的声音 Following, is a dreariness that makes one suffocate thoroughly. Because turns round in the body ice compaction in extremely heavily, the head wants to crack, the spine wants to destroy. 随之而来的,是一片让人彻底窒息的沉寂。因为覆在身上的凌压实在太过沉重,头颅欲裂,脊骨欲摧。 Closes the eye.” Yun Che lightly said. “闭上眼睛。”云澈轻声道 Yun Xi ignores. 云希置若罔闻。 BOOM! 轰隆 The storm shakes spatial voice/sound to resound again, is only this time direct crack near their ears. 风暴震空的声音再次响起,只是这一次直接炸响在他们的耳边。 Rock Profound Sect numerous profound practitioner still at ignorant however has not gotten back one's composure, their present world then the drastic change, only has golden seas of fire of destruction all sensations. 磐玄宗玄者尚在懵然中未有回神,他们眼前的世界便已剧变,唯有一片覆灭一切感知的黄金火海。 Nine Suns Heavenly Fury, then burns them sufficiently completely completely, but will create the huge loss of God Qilin god source without doubt, therefore, he chose to flicker the body four times. 一记九阳天怒,便足以将他们所有人全部焚尽,但无疑会造成麟神神源的巨大损耗,于是,他选择了四次瞬身。 Takes the bodies of all Rock Profound profound practitioner as to direct, ignition Yellow Springs Ashes. 以所有磐玄玄者的躯体为引,引燃黄泉灰烬 The next flash, he has flickered to the Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect sky...... from Rock Profound Sect rips the spatial pitiful yell to spread to his ear without enough time. 下一刹那,他已瞬身至万仞宗上空……来自磐玄宗的撕空惨叫都来不及传入他的耳中。 A sword land cracks, broken bone everywhere ; A sword vast desert rotates, brutally completely buries. 一剑大地崩裂,碎骨漫天;一剑沙海回转,无情尽葬。 Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect completely extinguishes...... makes any response without enough time, why does not know. 万仞宗尽灭……来不及做出任何的反应,更不知道为什么。 Panic-stricken pitiful yell of even/including that only with enough time release, only maintained short to the extreme merely instantly. 就连那唯一来得及释出的惊恐惨叫,也仅仅只维持了短暂之极的刹那。 All happen in in the wink of an eye, does not have any omen, no spoken language. 一切都发生在瞬息之间,没有任何的先兆,没有一丝的言语。 Qilin Worshipping Alliance is lucky, at least on their faces also reveals with enough time panic-stricken and frightened......, but also merely so. 拜麟盟是幸运的,至少他们的脸上还来得及显露出惊骇与恐惧……但也仅仅如此。 A red lotus blooms in their sky, after instant beauty, is the eternal flame buries. 一朵红莲在他们的上空绽放,刹那的绮丽之后,是永恒炎葬。 More than 300 Qilin Worshipping Alliance Hall Master. The rudder lord and disciple completely by the cage in Fire Lotus, did not have escape, until changing combines piece by piece in the together scarlet ashes. 三百多拜麟盟堂主。舵主、弟子尽被笼于火莲之中,无一逃脱,直至化作片片混杂在一起的赤红灰烬。 What does obeisance Qilin Young Master, the child of what Abyss Knight...... in the Yun Che's line of sight all for worthless, the mist and dust that was calcined burns, floatings to be nondistinctive after by the phoenix flame. 什么拜麟少主,什么深渊骑士之子……在云澈的视线之内皆为草芥,被凤炎煅燃后所浮飘的烟尘毫无区别。 Flicker the body three times, three instances, make Helian profound practitioner as if awakening from a dream finally. 三次瞬身,三个瞬间,终于让赫连玄者如梦方醒。 They send out day after day fear to call out, then tumbles, being able choose the exact way because of flurry toward being far away from Yun Che's direction escapes to go to...... only most the front crazily, Helian Lingzhu alone looking at dumbly there, both eyes do not have the light, such as falls the bottomless deep dream. 他们发出着连天的恐惧嚎叫,然后连滚带爬,慌不择路的向着远离云澈的方向狂逃而去……唯余最前方,赫连玲珠孤零零的呆立在那里,双目无光,如坠无底深梦。 The Yun Che body has not moved, Heaven Smiting Sword raises, scarlet thunder inspiring, instantly void break, several hundred Heaven's Way Tribulation Lightning simultaneous/uniform explosion under. 云澈身躯未动,劫天剑擎起,赤雷引动,霎时虚空断裂,数百道天道劫雷齐轰而下。 Ka Cha! 嚓! Secret Realm sky in turbulence passes through next several hundred red traces of lightning instantaneously, for a very long time does not extinguish. 动荡中的秘境苍穹瞬间贯下数百道赤色的雷痕,久久不灭。 After shaking is spatially thunderous, the world suddenly becomes peaceful, all startled roars, called out pitifully voice/sound that and ran to stop. 撼空雷鸣之后,世界忽然变得安静,所有的惊吼、惨叫、奔跑的声音都停止了。 Under each traces of lightning, is one or from in the air plants to fall, form that or falls down straightly. 每一道雷痕之下,都是一个或从空中栽落,或直挺挺栽倒的身影。 They had not been burnt fiercely, are retaining the complete body. But the whole body veins and five main internal organs (entrails), were all destroyed to extinguish by Heaven's Way Tribulation Lightning destroy completely. 他们未遭烈焚,保留着完整的躯体。但全身筋脉、五脏六腑,无一不被天道劫雷摧灭毁尽。 The sound of sound, sand flow sound and the fire burning wind howling...... in addition, does not have other again. 风啸之音、沙流之音、火燃之音……除此之外,再无其他。 No, there is still one living aura exists under. 不,还有一个活着的气息存在于下方。 Helian Lingzhu. 赫连玲珠 Is...... assorted............” “为……什……么……” < < br > br> She still looks at dumbly there, the facial features lost all blood-color, both eyes lost all bright lights, such as a person who did not have Soul occasionally. 她依然呆立在那里,面容失去了所有血色,双目失去了所有明光,如一个没有了灵魂的人偶。 Had not replied, Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword vanishes in Yun Che's hand, but his palm lifts, the palm aimed at Helian Lingzhu slowly. 没有回答,劫天诛魔剑消失于云澈的手中,而他手掌抬起,掌心缓缓指向了赫连玲珠 Eventually flickers does not endure, making him not exterminate Helian Lingzhu together. 终究是一瞬的不忍,让他没有将赫连玲珠一同诛灭。 But is this split second does not endure, lets his Soul severe pain. 但就是这一瞬间的不忍,让他的灵魂剧痛。 Each warning of Chi Wuyao, is puncturing his soul in the heavily awl. 池妩仸的每一句告诫,都在重重的锥刺着他的心魂。 ...... …… Therefore, in abyss world. Regardless of the friendship, master and disciple sentiment and men and women sentiment, even the sentiment of benefactor...... they only may become the tool that you use, can dope absolutely not, even if true feelings.” “所以,在深渊之世。无论朋友之情、师徒之情、男女之情,甚至恩人之情……他们都只可成为你利用的工具,断不能掺杂哪怕一丝的真情。” ...... …… In abyss, your status, your mission, not only benevolent is the crime, insufficient heartless is the crime, even/including is not very ruthless certainly is also the big crime!” “在深渊,你的身份,你的使命,不仅仁慈是罪,不够绝情是罪,就连不够狠绝也是大罪!” Any does not endure with the leeway, possibly lets you, lets close family member who waits for you to return, lets under your governing myriad spirits, making this world beyond redemption!” “任何一丝的不忍和余地,都可能让你,让等待你归来的至亲家人,让你的御下万灵,让此世万劫不复!” ...... …… When you have hesitates, then recalls my these words your to abyss life each to pity, may turn horizontally in the butcher knife of this world life top of the head!” “当你心生犹豫之时,便记起我这句话你对深渊生灵的每一丝怜悯,都有可能变成横在此世生灵头顶的屠刀!” ...... …… Does not need to fear.” His light opens the mouth will not hurt.” “不用怕。”他淡淡开口“不会疼。” Ding! 叮! A light cry, body of Helian Lingzhu already by instantaneous seal, in an extremely light shattered sound, changes to the chilly cold ice dust that scatters in all directions. 一声轻鸣,赫连玲珠的躯体已被瞬间封结,又在一道极轻的破碎声中,化作四散的凄寒冰尘。 Hence, enters the Qilin God Realm thousand people, except for Yun Che and Long Jiang, was all put to death to eliminate a potential informant. 至此,进入麟神境的千人,除了云澈龙姜,皆被诛杀灭口。 Except for them, no one knows again has had anything. 除了他们,再无人知晓这其中发生过什么。 But their deaths, will sum up in the collapse of Qilin God Realm. 而他们的死亡,也将就此归结于麟神境的塌陷。 The Divine Ember condition relieves, God Qilin source strength that on the Evil God seed attaches, only other 30%. 神烬状态解除,邪神种子上所附的麟神源力,只堪堪余下30%。 Serious load and huge backlash, Yun Che's skeleton and body in spontaneous trembling, blood stream of out-of-control in the body and blood vessel that since he cracks well up crazily. 沉重的负荷和巨大的反噬袭来,云澈的骨骼、躯体在自发的颤栗,失控的血流从他崩裂的躯体、血管里狂涌而出。 Yun Che does not utter a word, motionless, returning stubbornly gathers together aura, blood stream silent trap. 云澈一声不吭,一动不动,死死的回拢气息,将血流无声的封堵。 In abyss world, he must suppress certainly, once is forced to reveal the fang, must not remain, even if a leeway and future trouble. But strips the Emperor Yun coat, his natural disposition...... still needs to dispel that quite uncomfortable sin and serious feeling silently. 深渊之世,他必须狠绝,一旦被迫露出獠牙,就必须不留哪怕一丝的余地和后患。但剥离云帝的外衣,他的本性……依然需要默然消解那颇为难受的罪孽与沉重感。 The sin...... my sin are few...... 罪孽……我的罪孽还少吗…… When recollection the beginning of that year to Northern God Territory, being filled with only hate (Wei Hen)...... this was only just started, can be familiar with, must be familiar with. 回想当年初至北神域,满心唯恨之时……这只是刚开始,会习惯的,也必须习惯。 The breath is gradually tranquil, he hangs the pupil to look the female to the bosom...... 呼吸逐渐平静,他垂眸看向怀中女子…… Her vision, light like dead situation. 她的目光,平淡的如一潭死水。 No does not endure, ill, even cannot see, even if a wee bit shocking or puzzled. 没有任何的不忍、不适,甚至看不到哪怕一丁点的震惊或不解。 As if Yun Che just now the slaughter extinguishes, seriously is only one clump of worthlessness. 仿佛云澈方才所屠灭的,当真只是一丛草芥。 Qilin God Conference, everyone can being intimate with that detects him and Helian Lingzhu, to behind can understand this Helian to lead by Helian Lingzhu, inevitably because of him. 麟神之会,所有人都能一眼察觉他与赫连玲珠的亲近,到了后面更能明了此次赫连会由赫连玲珠主导,必然是因为他。 Later the Helian Jue attitude, is wishes one could to work as everyone the surface to give Yun Che the Helian Lingzhu stopper. 之后赫连玦的态度,更是恨不能当着所有人之面把赫连玲珠塞给云澈 He does not have first to kill Helian Lingzhu, the biggest barrier is not oneself, but is Yun Xi. 他没有第一时间杀赫连玲珠,最大的障碍并非是自己,而是云希 But...... 但…… Recalled when he Helian Lingzhu changes into the ice dust, her body, simply has not transmitted the tiny bit mood to fluctuate. 回想他将赫连玲珠化为冰尘之时,她的身上,根本没有传来一丝一毫的情绪波动。 After surprised, his heart palpitates suddenly. 惊讶之后,他的心脏骤悸。 Actually these years...... did she experience what? 这些年……她究竟经历了什么? Space shock is even more fierce, space fissures fast split open spread in Yun Che's directly at present. 空间的震动越发剧烈,一道道空间裂痕直接在云澈的眼前快速崩开蔓延。 God Qilin said that in its perished latter three double-hour this boundary collapses inevitably. But actually is in these three double-hour which quarter is unable to determine. Yun Che is Yun Xi therapy with is separated as soon as possible several breaths hesitant, finally chooses the latter. 麟神说它陨灭后三个时辰内此境必然崩溃。但究竟是这三个时辰内哪一刻根本无从确定。云澈在为云希疗伤和尽早脱离之间犹豫数息,最终选择后者。 We go out...... you to pretend the stupor to be good.” “我们出去……你装作昏迷就好。” „......” Expected, without reply. “……”意料之中,没有应答。 After his arm transfers, moves to back Yun Xi, simultaneously releases to the blockade of whole body wound, whatever the blood stream spatters in all directions, then the body flowing light, the direct impact exit|to speak goes. 他手臂转后,将云希移至后背,同时释开对全身伤口的封锁,任由血流迸溅,然后身化流光,直冲出口而去。 Near the ear burning wind is howling, the rear vast desert is downcasting, before male body of a bloodstain from body wanders about destitute, touches her fingertip, the belt/bring one strange...... extremely remote warm. 耳边的灼风在呼啸,后方的沙海在陷落,道道血痕从身前的男子身上流落,触碰到她的指尖,带起一抹陌生……又极其遥远的温热。 Has split second that her pupil light passes one to be vacant. 有那么一瞬间,她的眸光晃过一抹茫然。 ............ ………… Mother, you teaches me cognition, mentioned that each life will not only have mother, will also have the father. Moreover mother and father forever in the same place. But, why a mother lonely person, could it be that, don't I have the father?” “母亲,你教给我的‘认知’中,提到每个生灵不仅会有母亲,还会有父亲。而且母亲和父亲会永远在一起。可是,为什么母亲却只有孤单的一个人,难道,我没有父亲吗?” ............ ………… That...... father his looks what appearance? Can and mother is equally gentle, same attractive?” “那……父亲他长得什么样子?会不会和母亲一样温柔,一样好看?” This need yourself use the eye, looks with the mind.” “这需要你自己去用眼睛,用心灵去看。” ............ ………… Father does not love mother, will the father...... love me?” “父亲不爱母亲,那父亲……会爱我吗?” Naturally meets...... him to want, for you are reckless, even if must with the whole world be an enemy. Because you are not only mother's daughter, is his daughter.” “当然会……他会愿意为了你不顾一切,哪怕要和整个世界为敌。因为你不仅是母亲的女儿,也是他的女儿。” ............ ………… The fingertip suddenly were differently many one warm...... she is startled however sees, by blood bead of fingertip, does not know unexpectedly when dropped water drop. 指尖忽然多了一抹不一样的温热……她怔然看到,指尖的血珠旁,竟不知何时滴落了一枚水珠。 The blood bead and water drop touch together, such as the mutual attraction fuse unexpectedly slowly, until melts the same drop of blood bead in her fingertip, the similar temperature...... is unable to separate. 血珠与水珠触碰到一起,竟如互相吸引般缓缓融合,直至在她的指尖融成同一滴血珠,同样的温度……无从分离。 The exit|to speak of Qilin God Realm in the line of sight, the Yun Che speed has not slowed down presently slightly, falls, puts on. 麟神境的出口现于视线之中,云澈速度丝毫没有放缓,直坠而下,一穿而过。 BANG!! 砰!! The space switch over, the present world sudden change, Yun Che is receives the potential is not anxious, leaves Qilin God Realm latter to fall to the ground, dragging Yun Xi to slide for a long time stops the body very much distressedly. 空间切换,眼前的世界骤变,云澈似是收势不急,脱出麟神境后一头栽倒在地,拖着云希滑出很久才狼狈停身。 Extremely anxious Ximen Boyun fierce turning the head, saw Yun Che and Long Jiang, he just about to opens the mouth, Yun Che is before his startled roar makes noise Ximen Boyun! Qilin God Realm...... is collapsing at the avalanche everywhere! You quick......” 万分焦躁中的西门博云猛的转头,一眼看到了云澈龙姜,他刚要开口,云澈已是先于他惊吼出声“西门博云麟神境在崩塌……到处都在崩坏!你快……” The desperate heart fear, he said Ximen Boyun the name. 情急心惶,他直呼“西门博云”之名。 Which Ximen Boyun can also attend to him how calling, urgently exclaimedtheir people? You 西门博云哪还顾得上他怎么称呼,急吼道“他们人呢?你们 How to escape come out? The exit|to speak the damage, does obeisance the Qilin...... ” 是怎么逃出来的?出口有没有损毁,拜麟……” The Yun Che fierce breathing one breath snatches sound said everywhere is the space turbulent flow, everyone was curled to the space turbulent flow, some were twisted directly broken, without was twisted broken does not know where was curled!” 云澈猛喘一口气抢声道“到处都是空间乱流,所有人都被卷到空间乱流中,有的被直接绞碎,没被绞碎的也不知被卷到了何方!” The Yun Che's words, also his body wound makes the Ximen Boyun heart startled all...... Long Jiang half-length blood-stained, is unable to distinguish the wound. But the Yun Che whole body covers entirely the lacerated wound, an apparent twisted space tears. 云澈的话,还有身上的伤口无不让西门博云心惊……龙姜半身染血,无从分辨伤口。但云澈全身布满裂伤,一眼便知是遭扭曲的空间所撕裂。 I and Long Jiang were curled to the place just approaches the exit|to speak, in addition escaped at risk of life by luck come out!” “我和龙姜被卷向的地方刚好靠近出口,拼死加侥幸才逃了出来!” The Ximen Boyun whole body is icy cold, the big mouth is unable to put out voice/sound for a very long time...... the space turbulent flow! This is worse, no, basically is the worst condition that he estimates. 西门博云全身冰凉,大张的口久久无法吐出声音……空间乱流!这是远比他预想的还要恶劣,不,基本是最恶劣的状况。 After all, that is the space that Abyss Sovereign wards off, its space plane/level inevitably high extremely, once after cracking, causes the space turbulent flow and space storm, can imagine terrifying to the non- average man surely. 毕竟,那是渊皇所辟的空间,其空间层面必然极其之高,一旦崩裂后引发空间乱流和空间风暴,也必定恐怖到非常人所能想象。 Yun Che said every time a few words are one gasp for breath greatly, the lingering fear and lingering fear of whole face. He thought of anything suddenly, raised the head to exclaim Ximen Boyun, you are also staring doing! Has not hurried to rip open the Secret Realm space! Crown Princess they also in inside!” 云澈每说一句话都是一口大喘气,满脸的后怕与余悸。他忽然想到了什么,抬头吼道“西门博云,你还愣着干什么!还不赶紧撕开秘境空间!长公主他们还在里面!” Ximen Boyun said solemnly I, if can rip open Qilin God Realm...... also to turn to obtain you to remind!” 西门博云沉声道“我要是能撕开麟神境……还轮得到你来提醒!” You are Abyss Knight!” “你可是深渊骑士!” This is Secret Realm that Abyss Sovereign wards off!” Ximen Boyun angrily roars, the full head black hair anxious under has been exploding extremely completely. “这是渊皇所辟的秘境!”西门博云一声怒吼,满头黑发已在极度的焦躁下全部炸起。 Yun Che is furious „, if not for because of Abyss Sovereign two characters, how I and Long Jiang will condescend to participate in what nonsense Qilin God Conference! The result...... almost loses the life in inside!” 云澈更是怒不可遏“若不是因为‘渊皇’二字,我和龙姜岂会屈尊参加什么狗屁麟神之会!结果……差点把命丢在里面!” Ximen Boyun angry glare sinking sound Yun Che, I, no matter your anything family background, if dares to say again is degrading the word of Abyss Sovereign......” 西门博云怒目沉声“云澈,我不管你什么出身,若再敢说出有辱渊皇之言……” How you think to save the Qilin Worshipping Alliance person!” Yun Che no trace of politeness interrupts his words, then vigorously seal the body wound I and Long Jiang see with one's own eyes, is better than the Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect lord, by space turbulent flow twisting several!” “你还是多想想怎么救拜麟盟的人吧!”云澈毫不客气的打断他的话,然后极力封结身上的创伤“我和龙姜可是亲眼看到,强如万仞宗主,都被空间乱流给绞成好几段!” Your Qilin Worshipping Alliance person wants to live, only if like us by space turbulent flow volume to exit|to speak nearby......, but it is estimated that come out is also half dead! The clansmen died quickly certainly, how you do not think to rip open this Secret Realm, unexpectedly the also thoughts defended the Abyss Sovereign dignity!” “你们拜麟盟的人想活,除非是像我们一样被空间乱流卷到出口附近……但估计出来也是半死!族人都快死绝了,你不想想怎么将这秘境撕开,居然还有心思维护渊皇尊严!” The words saying the Ximen Boyun mentality to explode, the vision returns the Qilin God Realm that dramatic turmoil instantaneously the entrance, both hands both feet trembles fiercely. 一番话说得西门博云心态爆炸,目光瞬间又转回麟神境那正剧烈动荡的入口,双手双脚剧烈发抖。 Yun Che brings Yun Xi, said bitterly small Qilin Abyss Realm, will nearly harm me to be killed...... the life not to approach this broken place half step unexpectedly!” 云澈云希带起,恨恨道“小小麟渊界,竟险些害得我丧命……此生再也不会靠近这破地方半步!” We walk!” “我们走!” BANG!! 砰!! Ximen Boyun distressed, sticks out suddenly a palm to pound above entrance profound array. 西门博云心焦之下,暴起一掌砸在入口玄阵之上。 The result does not have accidental/surprised, he was shaken by the huge repulsion again flies, the entire right arm is only numb for a very long time, after being numb, is the intermittent piercing severe pain. 结果毫无意外,他再一次被巨大的斥力震飞,整只右臂久久酥麻,酥麻之后是阵阵刺骨的剧痛。 As for Yun Che and Long Jiang that leaves angrily, his also where has the thoughts to pay attention. 至于愤然离开的云澈龙姜,他还哪有心思去理会。 But the final result can be imagined. 而最终的结果可想而知。 About one double-hour after being incompetently wild with rage, Qilin God Realm entrance profound array such as crackling like lightning twists breaks broken, vanishes before the trace...... this, does not have a person to live escaping. 近一个时辰的无能狂怒后,麟神境的入口玄阵嘶鸣的闪电般扭曲碎断,消失无踪……这之前,无一个人活着逃出。 The center of qilin God Qilin territory curls up fearful peerless space storm, along with some Abyss Knight venting shouting. 麟神域的中心卷起一片可怕绝伦的空间风暴,伴随着某深渊骑士声声发泄的嘶吼。
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