ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2015: Performs to execute

, Quickest update latest chapter! ,最快更新最新章节! Ximen Borong was done obeisance Qilin Chief Hall Master to bring, escaping of fighting tooth and nail to the south. But the Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect four people all have escaped into the vast desert, runs away to go to four different directions. 西门博容被拜麟总堂主带起,搏命的逃向南方。而万仞宗四人皆已遁入沙海之中,向四个不同的方向逃遁而去。 Eventually is half step Divine Extinction Realm, speed rapidness extremely. When Yun Che massacre Rock Profound Third Elder and Zhai Kexie, they all have escaped about hundred li (0.5 km) away. 终究是半步神灭境,速度极其之快。在云澈虐杀磐玄三长老砦克邪时,他们皆已遁出近百里之遥。 Yun Che turns around, exerts aura that the life escapes to be very clear in his Spirit Sense range, within reach. 云澈转身,奋命远遁的气息在他灵觉范围之内无比清晰,触手可及 He hangs the eye to look that to was gathered together firmly in chest front Yun Xi, she partly is opening eyes, without the body receives the pain of heavy losses, not surprised, not excited, has not given vent to indignation pleased...... 他垂目看向被牢牢拢在胸前的云希,她半睁着眼眸,没有身承重创的痛苦,没有惊讶,没有激动,亦没有泄愤的快意…… All that seems having all have nothing to do with her, porcelain doll that such as had not been carved the emotion. 仿佛此间正发生的一切皆与她无关,如一个没有被雕琢情感的瓷娃娃。 Holds the hand of sword to touch slowly in her between the eyebrows, isolated all her sensations shortly, the Yun Che pupil light lifted, the Profound Handle flying cavitation dragon, released certainly spatial Dragon Roar. 执剑的手缓缓触碰在她的眉心,短暂隔绝了她的一切感知,云澈眸光抬起,玄罡飞空化龙,释出一声绝空龙吟 Ten thousand li (0.5 km)...... and even the 100,000 li (50,000 km) vast desert was shaken instantaneously, such as sticks out suddenly the Azure Waves angry sea. 万里……乃至十万里的沙海被瞬间震起,如暴起沧澜的怒海。 principle breaks up the world to split the innumerable space broken marks...... as far as eyes can reach, as if entire sky is all shattered. Flees Ximen Borong with doing obeisance Qilin Chief Hall Master at present one black, the consciousness flickers to burst, in a vast desert that plants into to roar...... Wan Wei and Ten Thousand Fathoms that Third Elder, but the escaping sand escapes was all ejected from the vast desert, both eyes flood white, whole body crazy Chinese zither 法则崩解中的世界裂开无数的空间碎痕……一眼望去,仿佛整个苍穹皆被震裂。奔逃中的西门博容与拜麟总堂主眼前一黑,意识瞬溃,一头栽入咆哮的沙海之中……而遁沙而逃的万巍万仞三长老皆被从沙海中抛出,双目泛白,全身疯狂瑟 Shrinks trembles, such as four reaching a deadlock the fish of dying. 缩战栗,如四条搁浅的将死之鱼。 Under Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword refers , the sword blade scarlet thunder sparkle, explodes projects six scarlet lightning rope, passes through hundred li (0.5 km) space instantly, was shaken the aura tight winding that six bursts. 劫天诛魔剑下指,剑身赤雷闪耀,爆射出六道赤红雷索,刹那贯穿百里空间,将六道被震溃的气息紧紧缠绕。 The scarlet thunder fulmination, under sky six dazzling lightning bolt extreme speed contractions, just had six talents some escape from the lucky person's shadow, by flees also to want on quick several times the speed to pull compared with them full power to the Yun Che's under foot. Wan Wei and Ximen Borong six people burst from the soul restore consciousness, raised the head...... in the fuzzy line of sight, Yun Che above their heads, that pair is overlooking their jet black eye pupil impressively indifferently, making them as if see that biography 赤雷爆鸣,苍穹之下六道刺目的雷光极速收缩,将六个才刚刚生出些许逃脱侥幸的人影,以比他们全力遁逃还要快上数倍的速度扯回至云澈的脚下。万巍西门博容六人堪堪从魂溃中恢复意识,一抬头……模糊的视线中,云澈赫然就在他们的头颅之上,那双漠然俯视着他们的漆黑眼瞳,让他们仿佛看到那传 During said...... the primitive dead deep pool of Fog Sea most deep place. 说之中……雾海最深处的原始死渊。 The Wan Wei mouth opens and closes difficultly...... actually cannot send out voice/sound. 万巍嘴巴艰难开合……却是发不出一丝声音 The lax eye pupil did not have the fear as before, did not have to the fresh bright, has, before is such as Ku Xian at the point of death, general...... ignorant however. 依旧涣散的眼瞳没有了恐惧,更没有了向生的亮光,有的,是如枯弦临死前一般的……懵然。 He is not clear, why small Qilin Abyss Realm will present such a monster...... is not clearer, why oneself must provoke this monster. 他不明白,为什么小小麟渊界会出现这样一个怪物……更不明白,自己为什么要去招惹这个怪物。 Hiss Cha! 嚓! Then shackles six people stubbornly, is being torn has gotten sucked into the scarlet thunder of body bone to send out tyrannical ferocious beast crackling suddenly, as destroys to extinguish exploding of all rays to flash together, split second...... twists the body that six profound strength are defeated and dispersed. 那将六人死死缠缚,在撕扯中早已深陷躯骨的赤雷陡然发出暴虐凶兽般的嘶鸣,随着一道摧灭所有光线的爆闪,一瞬间……将六具玄力溃散的躯体生生绞断。 Bursts its will by Dragon Soul and protects oneself profound strength, flickers the broken body six big half step Divine Extinction powerhouses again......, even if same power, this also only has the action of startling world Yun Che can achieve. 龙魂溃其意志和护身玄力,再将六大半步神灭强者一瞬碎躯……哪怕同等力量,这也是唯有云澈才能做到的骇世之举。 The Wan Wei upper part tumbles in the chaotic surges vast desert, his sensation the life aura extreme speed is passing, the even more fuzzy vision stares at Yun Che's to be at as before stubbornly. 万巍的上半身滚落在混乱翻腾的沙海,他感知着生命气息的极速流逝,越发模糊的目光依旧死死盯着云澈的所在。 You...... are...... the Owl Butterfly god...... the country......” “你……是……枭蝶神……国……” He saw that is releasing the rich dark aura demon flame. 他看到了那释放着浓郁黑暗气息的魔炎。 terrifying dark profound strength, only has the possibility to come Owl Butterfly Divine Country like that. 那般恐怖黑暗玄力,唯有可能出身枭蝶神国 The vast desert surges, buries with his breaking body his following voice/sound together eternal. 沙海翻腾,将他后面的声音与他的断躯一同永恒埋葬。 But Ximen Borong final thought simple many: 西门博容最后的意念则简单的多: Why wants...... to make so many efforts to enter this nonsense Qilin God Realm...... 为什么要……耗费那么多心力进这狗屁麟神境…… Damn Fierce Sand sect...... 该死的烈砂宗…… ———— ———— Bang! 砰! Lie Qianhong departs, kicks everywhere the the front giant stone debris, in the mouth scolds bitterly: Damn Qilin Worshipping Alliance!” 烈千洪一脚飞出,将前方的巨石踢成漫天的碎屑,口中恨恨骂道:“该死的拜麟盟!” Father!” Burns Yang to go forward to comfort fiercely hastily: Things have gotten to this point, is beyond any help. However asked the father to feel relieved, burnt Yang Ding and brothers and sisters together more diligently, to make up regretting of Qilin God Realm industriously.” “父亲!”烈灼阳连忙上前安慰:“事已至此,已无可挽回。不过请父亲放心,灼阳定与兄弟姐妹们一起倍加努力,以勤补麟神境之憾。” You have not entered Qilin God Realm, you do not understand.” Lie Qianhong sighed: Some things, are attendance a character are unable to make up.” “你未入过麟神境,你不懂。”烈千洪叹息一声:“有些东西,是‘勤’之一字也无从弥补的。” Then, he makes noise bitterly: If not for had/left Ximen Boyun by luck, where if not for from invited Long Jiang, his Qilin Worshipping Alliance was nothing!” Has not entered the Qilin God Realm person, indeed does not have that big obsession to Qilin God Realm. Burns fiercely continues comforted Yang: „ So-called fortune and misfortune relies on one another. This time cannot enter Qilin God Realm, perhaps will cause the entire sect high and low concentric indignant, more cultivation 说完,他又是恨恨出声:“若不是侥幸出了个西门博云,若不是从哪请来个龙姜,他拜麟盟算个屁!”未曾入过麟神境的人,对麟神境也的确没有那么大的执念。烈灼阳继续安慰道:“所谓祸福相依。此番未能入麟神境,说不定会引得全宗上下同心激愤,倍加修炼 . fiery sun has believed, the say/way of cultivation, the resources and opportunity are no doubt important, but most importantly, certainly is the diligence and inscription of strict oneself is the obsession will. ” 烈阳一直相信,修炼之道,资源和机遇固然重要,但最重要的,一定是苛己的勤奋和铭为执念的意志。” The Lie Qianhong complexion relaxes, he sees the own most favorite son, huge comforts fast is diluting the indignant resentment: Yang Er...... good, said well!” 烈千洪的脸色缓和下来,他看着自己最得意的儿子,巨大的宽慰快速的冲淡着愤怨:“阳儿……好,说得好!” Father, although is bad, but father's son compared with their hundred times! Even if not enter Qilin God Realm, in the future certainly will not be worse than them!” “老子虽然不济,但老子的儿子比他们强百倍!就算不入麟神境,将来也一定不比他们差!” Trivial Qilin God Realm resources...... when added the money to buy coffin to that several old things! Walks, we return to the sect!” “区区麟神境的资源……就当给那几个老东西添棺材本了!走,我们回宗!” Qilin God Conference, only has the Fierce Sand sect to lose. 一场麟神之会,唯有烈砂宗铩羽而归。 But they have a dream have not thought, this time disastrous defeat, makes them become Qilin Abyss Realm first Big Sect unexpectedly...... in the short-term unshakable that. 但他们做梦都没想到,此次的惨败,竟让他们一跃成为麟渊界第一大宗……还是短期内无可撼动的那种。 Regarding this, Lie Qianhong compelled for three months not to have slow the god ignorant. 对此,烈千洪懵逼了仨月都没缓过神来。 At this time, before Qilin God Realm . 此时,麟神境前。 The Ximen Boyun brow is deep, decided looks at entrance space profound array. 西门博云眉头深蹙,定定的看着入口的空间玄阵 In just now, him shot a look at the one not normal space ripples indistinctly. The vigilance as half god and Abyss Knight, he will not have regarded pale, but transfers the eye with rapt attention, staring that flickers...... has not made him wait for above is too long, several breaths, the obviously unusual ripple then reveals on space profound array again 就在方才,他隐约瞥到了一抹不正常的空间涟漪。身为半神和深渊骑士的警觉,他并没有将之淡视,而是凝神转目,一瞬不瞬的盯在上面……没让他等待太久,不过数息,明显异常的波纹便再次于空间玄阵上显 Presently. 现。 At first is only one, but the moment then appears one after another . Moreover the persistent time obvious vice minister crosses one time. 起初只是一处,但须臾便是接连出现,而且持续的时间明显一次长过一次。 Vanishes by luck, under his heart intense shock. 侥幸消失,他心下剧震 Abyss Knight as this inspector general Qilin God Realm, he naturally knows that this Secret Realm essence is anything. 身为此次监督麟神境深渊骑士,他自然知道这个秘境的本质是什么。 Space ripple that these acceleration exude, clearly is Qilin God Realm principle loses the foreword first plays! But once principle collapses, Qilin God Realm will also crash! 这些加速泛动的空间波纹,分明是麟神境法则失序的先奏!而法则一旦崩坏,麟神境也会随之崩塌! But can cause principle loses the foreword, the Secret Realm avalanche...... only to have the God Qilin life to fall! 而能导致法则失序,秘境崩塌的……唯有麟神的命陨! He returns before Pure Land apparent, several tens of thousands of years ago, Pure Land then had final Qilin to approach died of old age, momentarily possibly the view of dies...... after that its any time death, was normal. 他从净土归来之前便知,早在数万年前,净土便有最后的麒麟临近寿终,随时可能陨落的说法……此后它任何时间死亡,都属正常。 Unexpectedly is today! Ximen Boyun is unable to maintain again tranquil......, if ordinary Secret Realm, the phenomenon before avalanche will let everyone vigilance, and leaves promptly. But Qilin God Realm daily is various sand Bao Yan zai, will confuse the principle collapse when enormously 竟偏偏是今日!西门博云再无法保持平静……若是普通秘境,崩塌前的异象会让其中的所有人警觉,并及时脱出。但麟神境日常都是各种沙暴岩灾,会极大的混淆法则崩坏时的 Phenomenon. 异象。 When the space starts to cave in thoroughly, they escape again likely are without enough time. Especially if exits first crashes, that thorough was basically hopeless. 待空间开始彻底塌陷,他们再行逃脱很可能已是来不及。尤其若是出口先崩塌,那基本就彻底无望了。 After all, that is uses God Qilin life source as the base, by space that Divine Power of Abyss Sovereign wards off, will not have the possibility of forcefully leaving by the strength of half step Divine Extinction, only has is torn and annihilated, vanishes in the space crack eternal. 毕竟,那是以麟神命源为基,以渊皇神力所辟的空间,以半步神灭之力根本不会有强行脱出的可能,唯有被撕裂、湮灭,永恒消失于空间罅隙中。 Others died were also uninterested with Ximen Boyun, Elder Brother that but he most respected was one of them, also Qilin Worshipping Alliance all cores as well as aptitude highest young disciple...... including his son and nephew. 其他人都死光了也与西门博云毫无关系,但他最敬重的兄长在其中,还有拜麟盟所有核心以及资质最高的年轻弟子……包括他的儿子、侄子。 Anxious, he clenches teeth, fierce collision above entrance profound array. 焦躁之中,他一咬牙,猛的撞在了入口玄阵之上。 Does not have accidental/surprised, huge countershock force, reprimanded several li (0.5 km) away him ruthlessly, a whole body fierce vitality surges. 毫无意外的,一股巨大的反震力袭来,将他狠狠斥出数里之遥,周身一阵剧烈的气血翻腾。 Entrance restriction is Abyss Sovereign executes personally, even if better than Abyss Knight not to rush. 入口禁制渊皇亲手施下,哪怕强如深渊骑士也别想强闯。 Thousand people are full, want to grasp Qilin Abyss Realm profound practitioner to deliver the warning people again forcefully already impossible. 千人已满,想要再强行抓个麟渊界玄者送进去警告众人都已不可能 Ximen Boyun inspires again, closely is staring at entrance profound array, forcing oneself to calm down. 西门博云重吸一口气,紧紧盯着入口玄阵,强迫自己冷静下来。 In outside Qilin God Realm, he is incapable of being possible to execute. Only can hope for that Ximen Borong...... or in Qilin Worshipping Alliance anyone discovers the unusual condition, before the space collapses leaves as soon as possible. 身在麟神境外,他无力可施。只能企望西门博容……或拜麟盟中任何一人发现异状,在空间崩溃前尽早脱出。 ———— ———— Red lightning bolt is twisting crackling as before, for a very long time has not dispersed. But the trundle vast desert does not see anybody's form, is unable to seek including a bloodstain. 赤色雷光依旧在扭曲嘶鸣,久久未散。但滚动的沙海已不见任何人的身影,连一丝血迹都无从找寻。 Yun Che has not left, Heaven Smiting Sword raises, the heavily bang falls. 云澈没有就此离开,劫天剑擎起,重重轰落。 —— —— The huge vast desert was raised the entire even thousands zhang (3.33 m) depth, split second camouflaged the bright light, filled the disintegration vault of heaven. 庞大沙海被掀起整整千丈之深,一瞬间遮蔽了明光,弥漫了崩碎的天穹。 When the crazy sand falls like the rainstorm, crooked the form also pounds to fall ruthlessly. 当狂沙如暴雨般落下之时,一个佝偻着的身影也狠狠砸落。 His both arms blood-stained, trembles. In vast desert perfect held the breath almost to exhaust his always all wills, was still difficult to escape this absurd nightmare. 他双臂染血,瑟瑟发抖。在沙海中的“完美”屏息几乎耗尽了他平生所有意志,却依旧难逃这荒谬的噩梦。 Yun…... Yun…... Divine Child Yun...... clouds that venerable......” Helian Jue supports the body to kneel, fear and pleading everywhere: We...... my my I know that you...... will definitely not kill me for Lingzhu......” 云…云…云神子……云尊上……”赫连玦撑身跪地,满目的恐惧与哀求:“朕……我我我就知道你为了玲珠……肯定不会杀我……” Lingzhu you take away...... anything to take away casually......” he to spit a character every time, body then more than ten times is trembling. But still the twisting the mouth sidewise corners of the mouth diligently, reveal lowly, flattered smiling. 玲珠你随便拿去……什么都可以拿去……”他每吐一个字,身体便是十几次的颤栗。但依然努力的咧开嘴角,露出一个卑微的,讨好的笑。 He felt the fissure in within the body fast spread...... under the original extreme fear, the person really met the courage disruption. 他感受到了体内快速蔓延的裂痕……原来极度的恐惧之下,人真的会肝胆碎裂。 Has not looked at his one eyes, has not relieved the Divine Ember condition, Yun Che tightened Yun Xi in bosom gently, was confirming gentleness of her injury under own power, then non-stop flies the West...... is also the exit|to speak direction goes. 没有看他一眼,也没有解除神烬状态,云澈轻轻紧了紧怀中的云希,确认着她伤势在自己力量下的和缓,然后直飞西方……也是出口的方向而去。 Is saved from death, Helian Jue all of a sudden weak in place. 死里逃生,赫连玦一下子瘫软在地。 But he has not rejoiced with the respite with enough time, returned Profound Handle has been changed into Golden Crow by Dragon God, carries golden glow that burns the flame across his body, pursues vanishes in horizon Yun Che. 但他还没来得及庆幸和喘息,回返的玄罡已由龙神化为金乌,携着燃炎的金芒穿过他的躯体,直追消失在天际的云澈 BANG!! 轰!! golden flame explodes, swallows Helian Jue instantaneously. Helian Jue only sends out a desperate pitiful yell with enough time, then had been burnt the bleached bone, turns over to the ashes again. 金炎爆裂,将赫连玦瞬间吞噬。赫连玦只来得及发出一声绝望的惨叫,便已被焚成枯骨,再归灰烬。 ............ ………… sky that the space of Dragon Roar, rumbled, sandstorm and shake, cracks...... 龙吟轰鸣、沙暴、震荡的空间、崩裂的苍穹…… Various phenomenon that Eastern transmits unceasingly make four big influences profound practitioner all fearful and apprehensive. 东方不断传来的各种异象让四大势力的玄者无不心惊胆颤。 What's the matter? What exactly had?” “怎么回事?到底发生了什么?” They to not compete for the Qilin bone spirit,...... mutual fierce battle? Can we pass to help?” “他们不会是为了争夺麟骨灵兰,正在……正在互相恶战吧?我们要不要过去帮忙?” Cannot act rashly! If the Sect Master need, will send greetings!” “不许妄动!若是宗主需要,自会传音!” That fearful Dragon Roar...... is could it be that really Long Jiang?” This space shakes, fissure that also is presenting everywhere. Should......” Ximen once not listen to the secret about Qilin God Realm from Ximen Boyun there deep, at this moment he is suddenly vigilant: „ Can be Qilin God Realm soon crash “那个可怕的龙吟……难道真的是龙姜?”“这个空间震荡,还有到处都在出现的裂痕。该不会……”西门泓曾从西门博云那里听过很多关于麟神境的秘闻,此刻他忽然警觉:“有没有可能是麟神境即将崩塌 Sign? Eastern Qilin light as if also already...... ” 的迹象?东方的麟光似乎也已经……” „, Makes much ado about nothing.” Ximen Qi coldly laughed: Qilin Abyss Realm high and low, regardless has entered the Qilin God Realm person, who does not know that in Qilin God Realm year to year sand Bao Yan zai, as few hegemons, did this sound frighten you?” His pointed out exit|to speak direction: „ Feared words, agile departure. However do not forget father's younger brother's reminder, once goes out, but could not come in again. This Qilin God Realm mounts, but Abyss Sovereign gracious gift, is not indeed suitable “呵,大惊小怪。”西门祺冷笑一声:“麟渊界上下无论进没进过麟神境的人,谁不知麟神境内常年沙暴岩灾,身为少盟主,这点动静就把你吓到了?”他伸手一指出口方向:“怕的话,就利索的离开呗。不过可别忘了叔父的提醒,一旦出去,可就再也进不来了。这麟神境所镶嵌的可是渊皇的恩赐,也的确不适合 Cowards. ” 懦夫。” Ximen Qi as obtaining Ximen Borong and Ximen Boyun in pairs acknowledgment the generation of natural talent highest, to was Ximen of few hegemon deep has been reprehensible, often found fault the provocation, mystifying. 西门祺作为得到西门博容西门博云双双承认的这一代天赋最高之人,对身为少盟主的西门泓早已看不顺眼,时常挑刺挑衅,阴阳怪气 Ximen deeply knits the brows deep, without the speech, has not stepped half step to the exit|to speak direction. 西门泓深深皱眉,没有说话,更没有向出口方向迈动半步 Suddenly, the Eastern sky appears a strange distortion, along with the formation thundering sound transmits, at first is only remote depressed thunder sound, the moment has shocked such as ten thousand thunder Qihong unexpectedly, shakes both ears buzz the cry. 忽然,东方的天空现出一片诡异的扭曲,随之阵阵轰雷声传来,起初只是遥远的沉闷雷音,须臾竟已震撼如万雷齐轰,直震得双耳嗡鸣。 That is assorted...... Wuah!” “那是什……呜啊!” Bang buzz ———— 轰嗡———— The people just sent out subconscious calling out in alarm, terrifying to the extreme storm carries everywhere blown sand Heaven Covering, but, directly to/clashes the person of majority turns in the place. 众人才刚刚发出一阵下意识的惊呼,一阵恐怖之极的风浪携着漫天飞沙覆天而至,将大半数的人直接冲翻在地。 They startled however raised the head...... the sky outside hundred zhang (333 m) to present a person's shadow, but was only a person is situated in there obviously floating, was lets the entire Eastern sky gloomy. 他们惊然抬头……百丈之外的上空出现了一个人影,而明明只是一个人飘立于那里,却是让整个东方的天空都阴暗了下来。 RUUUUMBLE —— 轰隆隆隆—— The sound of delayed thundering from his rear area is continuous, but , the incomparably fierce bang is trembling each heart, bites to extinguish world all sounds. The line of sight of collapse under panic-stricken used to restore the focal distance for a long time reluctantly, this saw clearly, that was not a person...... he is hugging a half-length blood-stained female single-handedly, a rigid power and influence heavy to letting them is unable to shout 迟来的轰雷之音从他的后方连绵而至,无比剧烈的轰颤着每一颗心脏,噬灭着世间所有的声响。一道道在惊骇下崩散的视线用了许久才勉强恢复焦距,这才看清,那并非是一个人……他一手抱着一个半身染血的女子,一手执着一把威势沉重到让他们无法呼 Great sword that attracts. 吸的巨剑。 Yun...... Che?” 云……澈?” They read lowly make noise, whole face alarmed and afraid and vacant...... everyone recognized him, but everyone cannot believe that was he. 他们低念出声,满脸的惊惧与茫然……所有人都认得他,但又所有人都不敢相信那是他。 Hate world Devil God that because his face and look indifferent such as just regained consciousness. Pressure that his body releases, fearful as if only need move aura slightly, can grinds their bodies and Soul directly. 因为他的面孔、眼神冷漠如刚刚苏醒的恨世魔神。他身上所释放的威压,可怕的仿佛只需稍动气场,便可将他们的身躯与灵魂直接碾碎。 ———— ———— Review: Evil God gate and corresponds the Evil God technique 复习:邪神境关和对应邪神 First Level: Evil Soul —— Falling Moon Sinking Star( Point kills) 第一境:邪魄——陨月沉星】(点杀) Second Level: Burning Heart —— Sealing Cloud Locking Sun( Defense) 第二境:焚心——封云锁日】(防御) Third Level: Purgatory —— Destroying Sky Decimating Earth( destruction) 第三境:炼狱——滅天绝地】(毁灭) Fourth Level: Rumbling Heaven —— Drawing Moon Returning Star( counter attack) 第四境:轰天——月挽星回】(反震) Fifth Level: Hades —— Asura's Salvation( berserk) 第五境:阎皇——彼岸修罗】(暴走) Sixth Level: Divine Ember —— Element bans territory( God Territory) 第六境:神烬——【元素禁域】(神域) Seventh Level:?? —— 【????】( End) ———— 第七境:??——【????】(终结)————
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