ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2014: abyss Divine Ember

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The blood fog of splash blurred everyone's line of sight, punctured everyone's eyes and heartstrings. 飞溅的血雾模糊了所有人的视线,也刺动了所有人的眼睛和心弦。 No matter what who one apparent, Mo Cangying in doing utmost wants to save the Yun Che's life, for this reason does not hesitate to go hardly by the body of junior anti- from 11 half step Divine Extinction powerhouses, but also is the pressures of Qilin deep pool overlord. 任谁都一眼便知,陌苍鹰是在竭尽全力的想要保住云澈的性命,为此不惜以后辈之躯去硬抗来自十一个半步神灭强者,还都是麟渊霸主的压力。 Acting suddenly , has no alternative under obviously, tries Long Jiang that plans to be stronger to kill to die to prevent Yun Che's stupid line, wins the final vitality for him. 猝然的出手,也显然是别无选择之下,试图强杀必死的龙姜来阻止云澈的“蠢行”,为他博得最后的生机。 But the consequence...... he has not waited for Ximen Borong and the others the spunks and falls the crime, a Yun Che sword bang that wants to preserve vigorously is instead killed by him. 但后果……他没有等来西门博容等人的怒意和降罪,反被他想要极力保全的云澈一剑轰杀。 Not even if not endure with hesitant. 没有哪怕一丝的不忍和犹豫。 After drenching blood rain that falls, that eye cannot see a wee bit turbulence. 淋落的血雨之后,那双眼睛更是看不到丁点的动荡。 Ku Xian is startled, Helian Jue and Zhai Kexie...... everyone for a while there. 枯弦怔住,赫连玦砦克邪……所有人都一时愣在那里。 Yun Che, you......” the face of Helian Jue are twitching, is fierce: You...... in...... make anything!” 云澈,你……”赫连玦的面孔在抽搐,在狰狞:“你……在……做什么!” At present, he is unexpected, is unable to understand. 眼前一幕,他始料未及,更无法理解。 Bang! 砰! Responded his, was still Yun Che that heavy to the scary sound of footsteps. This time, even the heart of Helian Jue beat fiercely, Ximen Borong, Zhai Kexie and Wan Wei was unable to smile come out...... that to the utmost to be cruel a heartless sword, also that Yin ghost to almost exceeds the cognitive hostility, let 回应他的,依然是云澈那沉重到骇人的脚步声。这一次,连赫连玦的心脏都猛的跳动了一下,西门博容砦克邪万巍也已无法笑得出来……那极尽残忍绝情的一剑,还有那股阴煞到几乎超越认知的戾气,让 These Qilin deep pool overlord heart live steep anxiously. 这些麟渊霸主心底都陡生不安。 Sound of the sonic boom rock tears to pieces stiffly lonesome, Ku Xian pair of old eyes completely duplicate profound light, cannot see is the pain, is sorrowful. His both arms rock, urges to collapse a day of potential in a flash, straight Yun Che's chest. 一声爆岩之音撕破僵寂,枯弦一双老目尽覆玄光,看不出是痛苦,还是悲哀。他双臂化岩,转瞬催出崩天之势,直云澈的心口。 That pair of old hand everywhere one visit, the space was pushed to leave layer upon layer, below vast desert splits thousand zhang (3.33 m) sand deep pool instantaneously. 那双苍老之手所到之处,空间被层层推离,下方的沙海瞬间裂开千丈沙渊。 His life essence is few, every acts one time, will cause the weaken of life. He could not have remembered when the previous full power acts is, but this time...... the strength of each rock rock, passes renouncing that is going. 寿元无几,每一次出手,都会导致性命的衰减。他已经记不得上次全力出手是何年何月,而此番……每一丝磐岩之力,都透着赴死的决绝。 But death that this does not renounce because of Mo Cangying, but was he from the Yun Che's body sensation to the enormous danger. 而这份决绝不是因为陌苍鹰的死,而是他从云澈的身上感知到了极大的危险。 Obviously is only Divine Sovereign, when that eye, that hostility...... lets he touches, felt oneself seem like pulled drops to bottomless dark abyss, is not always able to be separated. 明明只是一个神君,但那双眼睛,那股戾气……让他碰触之时,感觉自己像是正被扯堕向无底的黑暗深渊,永世都无法脱离。 His previous polite gentle is false, he and Mo Cangying friendship, and being intimate with Helian Lingzhu is false. Even...... he saves this matter by Helian Lingzhu and Mo Cangying, is in itself false! 他先前的温文平和是假的,他和陌苍鹰的交情、和赫连玲珠的亲近是假的。甚至……他被赫连玲珠陌苍鹰所救这件事,本身就是假的! It is said that the person when the longevity completely will die, can indistinct peeping at Heaven's Fate. 据说,人在寿尽将死之时,能隐约的窥视天机 When Yun Che unloads the camouflage, presents in Ku Xian in the eyes...... seems calamity world Devil God that cuts off the human nature and emotion. 云澈卸下伪装,呈现在枯弦眼中的……仿佛是一个断绝人性与情感的祸世魔神 Yun Che present ray dark , the destruction rock of Ku Xian his the front world level lamination duplicate, follows the terrifying rock prestige, is the desperate giant beast anger is howling. 云澈眼前的光线暗下,来自枯弦毁灭之岩将他前方世界层层压覆,伴随恐怖岩威的,是绝望巨兽般的怒嚎。 60% power turn round to give Yun Xi, 40% power pass through in the right arm, Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword tucks. 60%力量覆予云希,40%力量贯于右臂,劫天诛魔剑直直撩起。 Puff Bang! 噗轰! The vast desert overturns, rock rock rupturing. Surges in the most Qilin God Realm rock burst sound, Yun Che was flickered to shake draws back several li (0.5 km). The place of under foot draws back the series break with the violent of figure, 沙海翻覆,磐岩爆裂。激荡大半个麟神境的岩爆声中,云澈被一瞬震退数里。脚下之地随着身形的暴退连环断裂, When sees Ku Xian initially, Yun Che then detects the vigor of his profound strength, although is less to follow Mo Beichen would-be knight Nanzhao Ming and Nanzhao Guang, but must surely above past Long Bai. 在初见枯弦之时,云澈便察觉他玄力之浑厚,虽然不及跟随陌悲尘的准骑士南昭冥南昭光,但定要在当年的龙白之上。 When present Yun Che, must win in the past and Long Bai slightly battles. But only uses 40% strength, facing full power under Ku Xian, as before small poor. 如今的云澈,要稍胜当年与龙白交战之时。但只动用40%力,面对全力之下的枯弦,依旧小劣。 But that 11 half step Divine Extinction Qilin deep pool overlord, is not all weak in existence of Nanzhao Ming and Nanzhao Guang. 而那十一个半步神灭的麟渊霸主,皆是不弱于南昭冥南昭光的存在。 On Helian Jue and other faces suddenly presently startled look. That is Ku Xian uses the will the full power to strike, what releases is Divine Lord Realm to the destruction rock prestige of summit, grasps Yun Che of sword...... to shake unexpectedly only draws back? 赫连玦等人脸上骤现惊容。那是枯弦倾尽意志的全力一击,所释的是神主境至巅的毁灭岩威,竟只是将单手持剑的云澈……震退? Divine Sovereign Realm cultivation base, keeps off the Divine Lord Realm peak the full power to strike...... these 11 half step Divine Extinction Realm powerhouses single-handed inhales the cold air all secretly. 神君境修为,单手挡下神主境巅峰的全力一击……这十一个半步神灭境的强者无不是暗吸凉气。 That that on his Qilin God Conference presents shocks the power and influence of audience, unexpectedly at all is not his full power...... even from the start is only he conveniently under playing jokes upon! 麟神之会上所呈现的那震骇全场的威势,竟根本不是他的全力……甚至压根只是他随手之下的戏耍! What kind of family background is, what kind of natural talent...... can achievement such exceed the cognition completely, twists the common sense completely freak! 到底是怎样的出身,怎样的天赋……才能成就这样一个完全超越认知,完全歪曲常理的怪胎 Moreover age half sixty-year cycle! 而且年龄才半个甲子 Such freak, will grow into in the future, grinds kills them, with being run over and dying ants what difference!? 这样的怪胎,将来长成之后,碾杀他们,和碾死蝼蚁何异!? The crazy ascension of chill in the air and killing intent in their hearts...... contain Helian Jue. 寒意和杀意在他们心中疯狂升腾……包含赫连玦在内。 The person of terrifying, has so had no consideration for face...... that to kill! They must extremely rejoice, is rejoicing he also young, in Secret Realm that also in isolates with outside, at least at present, but also completely within they control. 如此恐怖之人,既已撕破脸……那就非杀不可!他们还要万分庆幸,庆幸着他还年幼,又是在与外隔绝的秘境之中,至少眼下,还完全在他们掌控之内。 He...... Yun Che...... must die!” Zhai Kexie voice/sound, is in the gaps between teeth that is never aware bites tightly squeezes out. “他……云澈……必须死!”砦克邪声音,是从不自觉紧咬的牙缝间挤出。 BOOM! Snaps to begin, the vast desert in collapse crashes again, Ku Xian has acted again, the withered body under the strong rock light, flies the spatial great eagle to throw just like one bites to Yun Che, when close, surrounding already 3000 rock spears/guns, each 轰隆!爆声再起,塌陷中的沙海再度崩塌,枯弦已再次出手,干枯的身躯在浓烈的岩光之下,宛若一头翱空的巨鹰扑咬向云澈,临近之时,身周已化三千岩枪,每一道 Explodes is flashing the awl soul dazzling peak rock light. 都爆闪着锥魂刺目的极致岩光。 Yun Che raised the head instantly, before Ku Xian that slowly...... the vision touches is ruthless did not have physique paused certainly. 云澈缓缓抬头……目光碰触的刹那,枯弦本是狠绝无前的身姿生生顿了一下 Was shaken obviously draws back, facing must die obviously the bureau, in his eye could not see unexpectedly tiny bit anxious, angry and unwilling. 明明被震退,明明面对必死之局,他的眼睛里竟看不到一丝一毫的焦躁、愤怒和不甘。 Tranquil frightening. 平静的让人恐惧。 Ku Xian has split second absent-minded...... they, probably awakened a devil of originally concealment fang. 枯弦一瞬间的恍惚……他们,好像唤醒了一只原本隐匿獠牙的魔鬼。 Bang! 砰! Bright red great sword heavily enters in the vast desert. 朱红巨剑重重顿入沙海之中。 But in Yun Che's hand, suddenly presently the one yellow ray...... obviously is only one group of divine light of palm size, actually split second invaded everyone's field of vision, straight invasion soul. 云澈的手中,骤现一抹黄色的光芒……明明只是掌心大小的一团神光,却一瞬间侵占了所有人的视野,直侵入魂。 Under the rock light compared with it 3000 rock spear/gun fusions also wants not to know many times deep and quiet. 比之三千岩枪融合之下的岩光还要幽邃不知多少倍。 What is that......? 那是……什么? Presently in the Yun Che hand, precisely that from has passed the Evil God seed of God Qilin. 现于云澈手中的,正是那颗来自已逝麟神邪神种子。 The boundary of present, he naturally does not have the time to complete the fusion. 只是如今之境,他自然没有时机去完成融合。 But, above this Evil God seed, concentrates to attach God Qilin final, is all source strength. 但,这枚邪神种子之上,凝附着麟神最后的,也是所有的源力。 If he gradual refining when the fusion final Evil God seed, must be able to let his cultivation base significant growth. 他若在融合最后的邪神种子时将之逐渐炼化,必能让他的修为大幅度增长。 But at this moment, is unimportant. 但此刻,已经不重要了。 The plan of moving out, the advancement of ten thousand li in a day...... is unimportant! 全身而退的筹谋,一日千里的进境……都不重要了! abyss all, all are the worthlessness that he must suppress excises certainly, does not have one to stumble to entangle his soul. 深渊的一切,皆是他必须狠绝割除的草芥,无一可绊缠他的心魂。 But, in bosom...... is his daughter! 但,怀中的……是他的女儿! Her safety, exceeds abyss all life dead souls!! 她的安危,胜过深渊一切生灵死灵!! Bang! 嘭! Releases the Evil God seed of rich Qilin light to be pounded by him to the chest front, in straight inserting flesh. 释放着浓郁麟光的邪神种子被他砸向胸前,直嵌入血肉之中。 The war of Mo Beichen, he offered sacrifices body all god sources. 陌悲尘之战,他献祭了身上所有的神源。 But on the Evil God seed attaches, came from God Qilin directly, without any pollution, any buckle, any primitive god source of inheritance. 邪神种子上所附的,是直接来自麟神,未经任何污染,任何折损,任何传承的原始神源。 On the bearing capacity, must exceed him only in any god source that God Realm offers sacrifices. 单就承载能力而言,要胜过他在神界所献祭的任何一枚神源。 Makes him open sufficiently decidedly in abyss world first time...... 足以让他决然开启在深渊之世的第一次…… Divine Ember!! 神烬!! RUMBLE—————— 轰—————— Without shouting under severe pain, has not vented roared...... only has the violent split open flesh, as well as split second overturned the air wave of 100,000 li (50,000 km) vast desert. 没有剧痛下的嘶吼,没有发泄的咆哮……唯有猛烈崩开的血肉,以及一瞬间翻覆十万里沙海的气浪。 wu......!?” Ku Xian throws the physique that raids to be shaken by this air wave in the sky turns, 3000 rock spear/gun half collapsing. 唔……!?”枯弦扑袭的身姿被这股气浪当空震翻,三千岩枪半数崩断 After his ear, transmits calling out in alarm of amazement numerous chaotic overlap. But his at present, all existences have completely vanished, only together bright red sword light, as well as a pair just like the eye pupil of blood deep pool. Condenses the rock spear/gun of strength of his limit to extinguish piece by piece broken...... is not collapsing, but changes into fine powder directly. His old five senses' extreme speed under the imminent terrifying pressure distort, distorts again, finally, can only distinguish one pair to change colors indistinctly completely 他的耳后,传来一众混乱交叠的骇然惊呼。而他的眼前,所有的存在都已完全消失,只余一道朱红的剑芒,以及一双宛若血渊的眼瞳。凝聚他极限之力的岩枪片片碎灭……不是崩断,而是直接化为齑粉。他苍老的五官在迫近的恐怖威压下极速变形,再变形,最终,只能隐约分辨出一双完全失色 pupil. 瞳眸 The afterglow of pupil deep place is not shocking, is not frightened, but is vacant. 瞳眸深处的残光不是震惊,不是恐惧,而是茫然。 One type except for being in the erroneous dream, vacant that is unable to explain. 一种除了身在谬梦,无从解释的茫然。 Puff Bang! 噗轰! Yun Che puts from the Ku Xian body side. 3000 rock spears/guns such as the present glow vanishes in everywhere sand dust for the first time completely. The body of Ku Xian, together with duplicate fills the rock light of his whole body to break around the middle...... when following closely eruption the strength of Divine Ember shattered, shattered, falls again, only 云澈枯弦的身侧一穿而过。三千岩枪如乍现的萤火般全部消失于漫天沙尘中。枯弦的躯体,连同覆满他全身的岩光拦腰而断……又在紧随爆发的神烬之力下破碎,再破碎,落下之时,只余 Blood rain that a piece is mixing the endless sand dust. 一片交混着无尽沙尘的血雨。 Even if this is away from the filling the heavens sandstorm, as before incomparably clear maps in everyone's both eyes. 这一幕纵然隔着弥天的沙暴,依旧无比清晰的映入所有人的双目之中。 11 pairs of pupils enlarge suddenly, contracts crazily, such as spike innumerably only bled the demented nine quiet malicious ghosts. 十一双瞳孔急剧放大,又疯狂收缩,如被钉入了无数只喋血癫狂的九幽恶鬼。 Half...... half god......” in dust sand, resounds Ximen Borong voice/sound that extrudes from the throat. “半……半神……”尘沙之中,响起西门博容从喉管中挤压出的声音 He looks at Yun Che for the first time, the sensation from his aura, the entire life is unable to believe that in any event oneself eye, is unable to believe own Spirit Sense. 他看着云澈,感知来自他的气息,生平第一次无论如何都无法相信自己的眼睛,更无法相信自己的灵觉 lofty of half god, he has withstood from Ximen Boyun body repeatedly, can say that already particularly familiar, lets his endless expectation and hope. 半神的威凌,他从西门博云身上承受过多次,可以说已分外熟悉,亦让他无尽的憧憬与渴望。 But present Yun Che, as before is Divine Sovereign Realm Profound Dao aura, but this makes his whole body weak, Soul is uncontrolled the terrifying oppression that trembles...... clearly is half God Realm pressure! 而眼前的云澈,依旧是神君境玄道气息,但这股让他全身酥软,灵魂不受控制战栗的恐怖压迫……分明是半神境界的威压! Moreover, but must exceed Ximen Boyun! 而且,还要胜过西门博云 ...... Even do not exceed in the past that Mo Beichen that faintly may be called the Qilin deep pool myth! 不……甚至还要隐隐胜过当年那个堪称麟渊神话的陌悲尘 Their shock have not turned into the fear with enough time, that just like the pressure of terrifying nightmare already suddenly imminent. 他们的震惊还未来得及化成恐惧,那股宛若恐怖梦魇的威压已骤然迫近。 The first goal, was nearest Helian Jue. 第一个目标,是距离最近的赫连玦 Under Divine Ember condition, Yun Che berserk far more than is power. That checks rips the spatial flickering body, makes ignorant however tremble Helian Jue only to lift the both arms. 神烬状态下,云澈狂暴的又何止是力量。那一刹撕空的瞬身,让懵然战栗中的赫连玦只堪堪抬起双臂。 The fulmination sound before the Helian Jue body crack, his two small arm flickers the smashing, the body sprinkles the blood to pound down, the straight penetration does not know in the deep vast desert, together with sad and shrill pitiful yell sound together crazy welled up wind-drift sand burying. 爆鸣声在赫连玦身前炸响,他的两只小臂一瞬粉碎,身躯洒血砸下,直贯入不知多深的沙海之中,连同凄厉的惨叫声一起被狂涌的流沙埋葬。 BOOM!! 轰隆!! However the figure shifts, brings is actually the sound of thundering. Ximen Borong just gave birth to reading of fleeing, at present vermilion glow flashes, body instantaneous such as by the ten thousand mountains sidewise compression, suffocates thoroughly. 不过身形移转,带起的却是轰雷之音。西门博容刚生出逃离之念,眼前朱芒一闪,身躯瞬间如被万岳横压,彻底窒息。 Yun Che, lives......” 云澈,住……” BANG!! 轰!! Ximen Borong opens the mouth in a panic, what trades is a Yun Che sword bang body. 西门博容仓皇的开口,换来的是云澈一剑轰身。 The guard rock rock flickers like the flimsy extinguishes broken, the Ximen Borong chest front drove out a several cuns (2.5 cm) deep gully. After blood fog that sprays, the five internal organs of breastbone and shifting of shattered are clearly discernible. 护身磐岩如薄纸般一瞬碎灭,西门博容的胸前被轰开一个数寸深的沟壑。喷洒的血雾之后,破碎的胸骨、移位的五脏清晰可见。 Hegemon!!” “盟主!!” In doing obeisance Qilin Chief Hall Master rips in the heart panic-stricken howling, Ximen Borong such as a blood bag tumbling of shattered departs. 在拜麟总堂主撕心惊恐的吼叫声中,西门博容如一只破碎的血袋般翻滚飞出。 Yun Che body...... wisp of profound energy water, washes one not to splash down in the Yun Xi round of tree top blood bead suddenly gently carefully. 云澈身体忽顿……一缕玄气化水,轻轻涤去一抹不小心溅落于云希发梢的血珠。 Also takes Zhai Kexie in next instant. 又在下一瞬间直取砦克邪 Sword broken arm Helian Jue, a sword causes heavy losses to Ximen Borong. This is so-called half step Divine Extinction, with the vast gap of prestige of true Divine Extinction. 一剑碎臂赫连玦,一剑重创西门博容。这就是所谓半步神灭,和真正神灭之威的巨大差距。 Distance of half step, difference of heaven and earth. 半步之距,天壤之别 Why this is also, they facing the opportunity of achievement half god, can so lose the wisdom to be demented. 这也是为什么,他们面对成就半神的机遇,可以如此的失智癫狂。 Such rapidness that the greedy price comes, want terrifying to destroy the heart compared with the worst result that they estimate. 只是,贪婪的代价来的如此之快,更要比他们预想的最坏的结果还要恐怖摧心。 Sect Master...... walks! Walks quickly!!” 宗主……走!快走!!” Ku Xian, Helian Jue and Ximen Borong before, everyone all already guts crack, how also to have the least bit to fight with it again intention. 枯弦赫连玦西门博容在前,所有人皆已胆裂,又岂会再有半点与之为战的心念。 Before several breaths eliminating a potential informant reading, has become their life to be most laughable sorrowfully, actually no stupid joke of opportunity regret. 至于数息之前的“灭口”之念,已成他们这一生最可笑悲哀,却没有机会后悔的愚蠢笑话。 Zhai Kexie is extremely high in the Rock Profound Sect prestige, makes Rock Profound Third Elder not have the choice to flee actually, but pushes with joint forces far Zhai Kexie, then attacks Yun Che together. 砦克邪磐玄宗威望极高,硬是让磐玄三长老没有选择遁逃,而是合力将砦克邪推远,然后齐攻云澈 Zhai Kexie is promoted ten several li (0.5 km) by the air wave that three people rumble, he has not looked back, the whole body profound energy crazy eruption, such as the dog of broken guts escapes to go to the West crazily. 砦克邪被三人轰出的气浪推出十数里,他没有回首,周身玄气疯狂爆发,如破胆之犬般向西方狂逃而去。 The Rock Profound Third Elder strength has the common origin, to each other power if entirely oneself body. Acting instantly, three people of power the without a gap fusion, has then unfolded isolation profound array that one thousand zhang (3.33 m) are apart from, straight cage Yun Che. 磐玄三长老力出同源,对彼此力量悉若己身。出手的刹那,三人的力量便已无间融合,铺开一个千丈之距的隔绝玄阵,直笼云澈 In close, thousand zhang (3.33 m) profound array contracts suddenly, blocks the space that Yun Che is at stubbornly. 在临近之时,千丈玄阵又急剧收缩,将云澈所在的空间死死封锁。 A Yun Che sword rumbles. 云澈一剑轰出。 ———— ———— Isolates the profound array instantaneous split open myriad fissures, Rock Profound Third Elder such as by the day mallet bang body, whole body intense shock, the complexion one white, the blood stream in bottom of one's heart wells up the throat together, was swallowed by them. 隔绝玄阵瞬间崩开万千裂痕,磐玄三长老如被天槌轰身,全身剧震,脸色一白,肺腑中的血流齐涌喉管,又被他们生生咽下。 Drinks Aaah —— their angry glare to neigh, does not have retreat one step obstinately, isolates the fissure on profound array also in they fight tooth and nail under power that surges the quick recovery. “喝啊啊啊——”他们怒目嘶叫,愣是没有后退一步,隔绝玄阵上的裂痕也在他们搏命涌动的力量下快速恢复。 But among next instant, on the bright red great sword the Dark Flame conflagration, that condenses their power poor silks of isolation profound array...... such as under this strange Dark Flame to be flickered to burn suddenly completely puts on. 下一瞬间,朱红巨剑上忽然黑炎爆燃,那凝聚着他们三人全部力量的隔绝玄阵在这诡异的黑炎之下……如劣帛被一瞬灼穿。 profound array collapses suddenly, huge backlash makes the Rock Profound Third Elder incomparably neat blood fog spurt crazily, but follows focuses on bursting, is their life is biggest, is the final nightmare. 玄阵骤崩,巨大的反噬磐玄三长老无比整齐的血雾狂喷,而伴随着力溃的,是他们此生最大,也是最后的噩梦。 Carries the Everlasting Devil Flame great sword under three people of cranial vault in the sky bang. 携着永劫魔炎的巨剑在三人的颅顶当空轰下。 Cruel sword might submerged the pitiful yell, Rock Profound Third Elder such as three meteorite that burns the flame puts on to fall spatially. Yun Che sets up the body to be motionless, indifferent both eyes look straight ahead the front, under the Heaven Smiting Devil Slayer Sword brutal bang. 残暴的剑威淹没了惨叫,磐玄三长老如三块燃炎的陨石穿空坠下。云澈立身不动,漠然的双目直视前方,劫天诛魔剑无情轰下。 BOOM! BOOM! ———— 轰隆轰隆———— Sword Heavenly Wolf Meteor, the flaws that they tear and bite, sword Destroying Sky Decimating Earth, buries them to deeper death deep pool...... uses their bodies as the carrier finally, explodes one piece to link dark sea of fire. 一剑陨落天狼,将他们撕咬的千疮百孔,一剑滅天绝地,将他们葬向更深的死渊……最后以他们三人的躯体为载体,爆开一片连接在一起的黑暗火海。 The pitiful yell that chilly such as ten thousand ghosts cry loudly certainly lets Zhai Kexie subconscious looking back, three Great Elder that saw as the sect strongest cornerstone twisted in Dark Flame tumbles, such as three by the pitiful malicious ghosts of nine quiet crime flame calcines. 那凄绝如万鬼嚎哭的惨叫让砦克邪下意识的回首,一眼看到了身为宗门最强基石的三大长老黑炎中扭曲翻滚,如三只正在被九幽罪炎煅烧的凄惨恶鬼。 His scalp is instantaneously numb, the latter keel...... and even whole body each bone is fleeing crazily the chill in the air of penetrating heart. 他头皮瞬间麻木,后脊……乃至全身每一根骨头都在疯狂窜动着彻心的寒意。 He does not endure, does not dare to look at split second again, insane the general craziness released profound energy, wishes one could to destroy own Profound Vein. 他再不忍,也不敢再多看一瞬间,疯了一般的狂释玄气,恨不能摧断自己的玄脉 But in him that moment that the head returns, near the ear the thundering crack, he has turned suddenly the line of sight touched one pair...... to let the eye that his courage flickered to crack. 但就在他将头颅转回的那一刻,耳边忽然轰雷炸响,他扭过的视线碰触了一双……让他肝胆一瞬崩裂的眼睛。 Yun…...” 云……” In the teeth that tremble crazily only overflows a pronunciation with enough time, the present world then changes to a darkness suddenly. 疯狂打颤的牙齿间只来得及溢出一个字音,眼前的世界便忽然化作一片漆黑。 His head vanished on the body. 他的头颅消失在了躯体上。 Was pounded to fly by a Yun Che sword. 云澈一剑砸飞。 Extreme shocking and fear, let this Qilin deep pool's first Sect Master, even forgot condensed has become guard profound energy of instinct. 极度的震骇与恐惧,让这个麟渊第一宗的宗主,甚至都忘记了去凝聚早已成为本能的护身玄气 However shortly, the Rock Profound Sect strongest four people have buried to extinguish completely. 不过顷刻之间,磐玄宗最强四人已全部葬灭。 The entire journey, Yun Che has not given them a character, has not granted them, even if the respite time of moment......, because each form in line of sight, must die the person! They violate, is ten thousand dies may not big crime. 全程,云澈没有给予他们一个字,没有赐予他们哪怕须臾的喘息时间……因为视线中的每一个身影,都是必死之人!他们所犯的,是万死都不可恕的大罪。
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