ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2013: Angry deep pool

, Quickest update latest chapter! ,最快更新最新章节! Ku Xian knits the brows slightly, spoken language that Long Jiang chants in a low voice, he is completely unable to understand. 枯弦微微皱眉,龙姜所低吟的言语,他全然无法听懂。 Ku Xian life essence completely, his cognition and story must present by far everyone. Long Jiang not only exposes is Zulong, she shows come out natural talent, exceeds him always to see to Zulong record...... but also far exceeds. 枯弦寿元将尽,他的认知和阅历要远胜在场所有人。龙姜不仅暴露出是祖龙,她所展现出来天赋,超越他平生所见所有对祖龙的记载……而且是远远超出。 Killed Long Jiang, even if conceals again perfect, simplicity that like that its consequence also absolutely not they imagine. Half god the turning point before, where has the reason. Relatively speaking, what he is unable to understand, so startles the world by Long Jiang the natural talent, in Dragon Clan surely is existence of many things around a center, why the concealment status one person alone will come this...... also for one to Dragon Clan that plane/level, does not calculate 杀了龙姜,哪怕掩饰的再完美,其后果也绝非他们想象的那般简单。只是“半神”的契机在前,哪有理智可言。相比而言,他更无法理解的是,以龙姜这般骇世的天资,在龙族必定是众星捧月的存在,为何会隐匿身份孤身来此……还只是为了一株对龙族那个层面而言,算不 The Qilin bone of top divine item spirits. 得顶级神物的麟骨灵兰。 No longer talks too much, in the Ku Xian heart secretly sighed, the withered palm condenses one group of enough fatal profound light finally, to the Long Jiang head straight bang under. 不再多言,枯弦心中最后暗叹一声,干枯的手掌凝聚一团足够致命的玄光,向龙姜的头颅直轰而下。 But this destroys the strength of extinguishing unable to approach Long Jiang, berserk to the extreme storm has hit ruthlessly him, in his hand the strength will also even be defeated and dispersed shortly. 但这股摧灭之力尚未能临近龙姜,一股狂暴之极的风浪已将他狠狠撞开,将连他手中之力也顷刻溃散。 „......!?” Ku Xian is surprised the position that however turned round...... he to be previously, is setting up Yun Che's form impressively. His subconscious just about to opening the mouth, actually suddenly the complexion changes. “……!?”枯弦诧然回身……他先前所在的位置,赫然立着云澈的身影。他下意识的刚要开口,却忽然脸色微变。 His in the eyes Yun Che, regardless at any time, even if when facing Abyss Knight, is passing completely incompatible with the age assured with despising however. As if all, do not match to make his mood have the turbulence of half a point. 眼中云澈,无论任何时候,哪怕在面对深渊骑士时,都透着与年龄全然不符的笃定与藐然。仿佛此间一切,都不配让他的情绪有半分的动荡。 But at this moment, aura of his whole body is unexpectedly chaotic to the surrounding space is disturbed continually faintly, in confusion, but also clearly has one...... to let his old Soul for the Yin ghost that it trembles. 但此刻,他周身的气息竟混乱到连周围的空间都在被隐隐翻搅,混乱之中,还分明带着一股……让他的苍老灵魂为之战栗的阴煞。 Yun Che, you make anything!” Ximen Borong low roaring sound makes noise, voice/sound and complexion are piece of gloomy. 云澈,你做什么!”西门博容低喝出声,声音和脸色都是一片阴沉 Nephew Yun?” Helian Jue also frowns greatly. 云贤侄?”赫连玦也是大皱眉头。 This sudden not as everyone expected, but is not certainly the mutation outside control by far, people's response is surprised, Yin offense that and little alerts and naturally ascend. 这突如其来的一幕出乎所有人意料,但当然远远算不上掌控之外的异变,众人的反应只是惊讶,以及少许的戒备和自然升腾的阴戾。 Brother Yun?” Mo Cangying rapidly with: What do you...... make?” 云兄弟?”陌苍鹰迅速跟了过来:“你……做什么?” Yun Che has not responded to anybody, he already doing utmost goes to tranquil aura and mood, is actually not able to relax, even if tiny bit. heavily partly kneels in the blood-stained yellow sand, the five fingers that he shivers grasped on the left arm of Long Jiang that only break, in the mouth sent out to hoarse voice/sound rapidly: „ Who are you? Actually you were who...... those words...... you where listened a moment ago 云澈没有回应任何人,他已是竭尽全力的去平静气息和情绪,却是无法缓和哪怕一丝一毫。重重半跪于染血的黄沙之中,他颤抖的五指抓在了龙姜那只断裂的左臂上,口中发出急促到沙哑的声音:“你是谁?你究竟是谁……刚才那句话……你是从哪里听 Comes! ” 来的!” Different cloud Luanfeng strokes the bright smoke, altogether supported ten thousand flowered dormancy with the sunlight...... this is in the past in Samsara Forbidden Land, he embraced Shen Xi, the soul ripples, during in ten thousand spent to speak thoughtlessly to recite, after Shen Xi that often ridiculed him by this. 异云乱风拂明烟,与曦共拥万花眠……这是当年在轮回禁地,他怀抱神曦,心魂荡漾间,于万花之中随口所吟,神曦那之后常以此来揶揄他。 The so ashamed 14 characters, Yun Che nature impossible said with others. World knows, only has him and Shen Xi, as well as He Ling three people. 如此羞耻的十四个字,云澈自然不可能说与他人。世间知晓的,唯有他与神曦,以及禾菱三人。 Insists to calculate words again, after he proclaims oneself emperor , when brings Yun Wuxin returns to Samsara Land again, once facing everywhere dry Wu sadly recited. 硬要再算一个的话,他称帝之后带云无心再回轮回境地之时,曾面对满目枯芜感伤而吟。 But, here is abyss! With that world completely isolation abyss! 但,这里是深渊!与那个世界完全隔绝的深渊 Why she knows! Why this Zulong named Long Jiang...... 为什么她会知道!为什么这个叫龙姜的祖龙…… could it be that has she seen Shen Xi? 难道她见过神曦 could it be that Shen Xi has not died, but here...... 难道神曦没有死,而是在这里…… could it be that...... 难道…… She has not died...... 她没有死…… She...... she...... 她……她…… Yun Che bites the tip of tongue fiercely, the severe pain lets his finally slightly clear understanding, but grasps the hand of Long Jiang left arm tightly still in uncontrolled trembling. 云澈猛一咬舌尖,剧痛让他总算稍稍清明,但紧抓龙姜左臂的手依然在不受控制的发抖。 His present heart against is far from the past years may compare, after entering deep Yuanzhi, every time is the extreme cold awakens condition. Even if knows the Shen Xi news suddenly, certainly not as for out-of-control hence. 他如今的心防已远非当年可比,进入深渊之后,更是每时每刻都处在极端冷醒的状态。就算是骤知神曦的讯息,也绝不至于失控至此。 Heart inexplicable severe pain...... soul actually thorough chaotic...... is why...... 心脏莫名的剧痛……心魂的彻底混乱……究竟是为什么…… Yun Che nearly in voice/sound of beside the ear, lets Long Jiang raising the head slowly. 云澈近在耳际的声音,让龙姜缓缓的抬头。 When her facial features completely present in the Yun Che line of sight, his double pupil frames instantly. 当她的面容完整呈现于云澈视线中时,他的双眸霎时定格。 Not because of that two fearful black mark, but is...... her eye. 不是因为那两道可怕的黑痕,而是……她的眼睛。 Even pupil light is lax, this eye is still refracting thousand heavy Qi light/only, deep accumulated ten thousand heavy illusions. 即使瞳光已然涣散,这双眼睛依然折射着千重绮光,深蕴着万重幻梦。 Shen... Xi......” he loses the soul to pronounce unstressed, one such as the beginning of that year saw Shen Xi. 神……曦……”他失魂轻念,一如当年初见神曦 That eye, is Yun Che this life sees most beautiful star lake, is abyss that makes him be willing to fall into eternal...... is also that eye, once made the Long Bai God Realm supreme immersion illusion like that count the hundred thousand year not to wake up. 那双眼睛,是云澈这一生所见最美丽的星湖,是让他甘愿永恒堕入的深渊……也是那双眼睛,曾让龙白那般的神界至尊沉浸幻梦数十万载不愿醒来。 But present Long Jiang, has like that the similar eye unexpectedly. 而眼前的龙姜,竟拥有那般相似的眼睛。 She...... 她…… She is...... 她是…… „......” Facing the eye pupil that Yun Che split second changed colors, Long Jiang smiled, the blood-stained happy expression has the deep taunt and chilly cold: Yun Che...... really...... still remembers the name of my mother thanks to you......” “呵……”面对云澈一瞬间失色的眼瞳,龙姜笑了起来,染血的笑意带着深深的嘲讽和凄凛:“云澈……真亏你……还记得我母亲之名……” Blood stream as if split second seal of Yun Che whole body, wells up the top of the head in next instant together: You...... mother......” 云澈全身的血流仿佛一瞬间封结,又在下一瞬间齐涌头顶:“你……母亲……” „Is Shen Xi...... you...... mother...... kisses/intimate......?” Short a few words, under the train of thought that in he loses control of thoroughly unexpectedly said like that difficult. 神曦……是你……母……亲……?”短短一句话,在他彻底失控的思绪下竟说的那般艰难。 Shen Xi...... 神曦…… The mother...... kisses/intimate...... 母……亲…… She...... Long Jiang...... ages of-and-a-half the sixty-year cycle...... 她……龙姜……一个半甲子之龄…… Black Tide Period...... 时间黑潮…… Nine years ago...... 九年前…… Train of thought obviously like that chaotic, actually complete overlaps...... split second, Yun Che such as by ten thousand thunder Hongding. 思绪明明那般混乱,却又完完整整的重叠……一瞬间,云澈如被万雷轰顶。 His fierce forwarding, the variant pronunciation shouts: Who your father...... your father is! could it be that...... could it be that......” 他猛的向前,破音嘶吼:“那你父亲……你父亲是谁!难道……难道……” ice cold that Long Jiang still smiles taunted: I do not have the father...... that person, does not match...... becomes my father!” 龙姜依然笑的冰冷而嘲讽:“我没有父亲……那个人,不配……当我的父亲!” Obviously close, but that reflection image Shen Xi eyes has the piercing repel and feel alienated: even/including mother in the past Yun Xi the name...... I have also discarded!” 明明近在咫尺,但那双像极了神曦眼眸却是带着刺骨的排斥与疏离:“就连母亲当年所予的‘云希’之名……我也早已舍弃!” The Yun Che's pupil enlarges suddenly. 云澈的瞳孔猝然放大。 Does Yun…... hope......? 云……希……? His appears that two depth to bury in the Samsara Forbidden Land bamboo sign at present. 恍惚间,他的眼前浮现出那两枚深埋于轮回禁地的竹牌。 Engraves Greece, engraves “Yun”. 一枚刻印着“希”,一枚刻印着“云” No...... 不…… That is not hopes cloud that” he thinks. 那不是他以为的“希云”。 But yes...... 而是…… Yun Xi! 云希 Is dizzy, that once the biggest doubts...... defended Shen Xi to count the hundred thousand year of Long Bai anger to lose control silently extremely,...... heavily to the reason of her sudden under killer is passing through the Yun Che's soul sea. 一阵天旋地转间,那曾经最大的疑惑……默守神曦十万载的龙白怒极失控,向她猝下杀手的原因……重重的贯穿着云澈的魂海。 Own past years left Samsara Forbidden Land, when renounces went to Star God Realm, Shen Xi...... has the pregnancy...... 自己当年离开轮回禁地,决绝前往星神界之时,神曦……已经有了身孕…… She names...... Yun Xi. 她为之取名……云希 Similar eye...... 相似的眼睛…… Inexplicable familiar Soul...... 莫名熟悉的灵魂…… The heart was passed through severe pain...... 心脏被贯穿般的剧痛…… Loses the foreword completely the reason...... 完全失序的理智…… Originally...... 原来…… She is the Shen Xi daughter! 她是神曦的女儿! She is Shen Xi and...... my daughter! 她是神曦和……我的女儿! Is my daughter! 是我的女儿! Without other, merely is that eye, proof that then was unable to doubt. 哪怕没有其他,仅仅是那双眼睛,便已是无从置疑的证明。 The whole body blood chaotic surges, the state of mind is such as the crazy disturbed muddy sea...... he closes tightly the tip of tongue once again, bites the mouthful fishy smell blood. 全身血液混乱翻腾,心绪更是如被疯狂翻搅的浊海……他又一次咬紧舌尖,直咬得满嘴腥血。 The line of sight transfers with the train of thought little clearly, the bloodstain of her lip angle, spreads the dyeing coat, the blood hole that her body passes through, under the also body inundates the yellow sand of blood unceasingly...... 视线随着思绪一点点转为清晰,她唇角的血痕,遍染的外衣,将她躯体贯穿的血洞,还有身下不断漫血的黄沙…… The innermost feelings severe pain such as ten-thousand blades twists to shear, that only grasps in her breaks the palm of left arm to receive the strength hastily. 内心剧痛如万刃绞割,那只抓在她断裂左臂的手掌更是仓促收力。 Has not said anything again, Yun Che closed the eye, long when inspires...... both eyes to open, already such as a dark deep pool. 没有再说什么,云澈闭上了眼睛,长长的吸了一口气……双目睁开之时,已如一汪暗渊。 In vision that the people vary, he slow extends the left arm, holds the Long Jiang single arm, gathers together the chest front tightly. profound energy also slow and gentle tilting that silent outside releases in her body. 在众人各异的目光之中,他缓伸左臂,将龙姜单臂抱起,紧拢胸前。无声外释的玄气也缓慢而柔和的倾覆于她的身上 When bloodline connected feeling such clear, such as he embraces Yun Wuxin. 血脉相连的感觉如此之清晰,就如他怀抱云无心之时。 Originally, my there is still one daughter...... 原来,我还有一个女儿…… I never know unexpectedly, my there is still one daughter...... 我竟从不知道,我还有一个女儿…… In the past what kind of situation Shen Xi...... should be...... what kind of desperate...... 神曦当年……该是怎样的处境……怎样的绝望…… Long Jiang has not struggled and resisted, but that pair of lax dragon pupil also does not have a warmth. 龙姜没有挣扎和抗拒,但那双涣散的龙眸亦没有一丝的温暖。 Yun Che, what do you want to make?” Ximen Borong partly narrows the eye. 云澈,你要做什么?”西门博容半眯起眼睛。 Replied his, was one bright red sword light. 回答他的,是一抹朱红的剑芒 Heaven Smiting Sword leaves, the serious sword potential is annihilating the sandstorm , the pressure turns round in everyone's body. 劫天剑出,沉重的剑势湮灭着风沙,也压覆于所有人的身躯。 Go away.” His left hand enclasps Long Jiang, the right hand holds up the sword, cold voice/sound hear an emotion: Who blocks, who dies.” “滚开。”他左手抱紧龙姜,右手擎剑,冷冽的声音听不出一丝的情感:“谁拦,谁死。” The short several characters, caused people to change the complexion, was gloomy laughter. 短短几个字,引得一众人皆是变了脸色,随之是一阵阴沉的笑声。 Hehehe, this may be too interesting.” Zhai Kexie is not only not angry, instead smiles quite ponders: Country Lord Helian, your Nephew Yun, it seems like wants to give us happily accidental/surprised.” 呵呵呵呵,这可太有意思了。”砦克邪非但不恼,反而笑得颇为玩味:“赫连国主,你这个‘云贤侄’,看来是想送给我们一个意外之喜啊。” Everyone knows, passed through the Zhai Liancheng incident, Zhai Kexie wished one could to tear to shreds Yun Che absolutely personally. 谁都知道,经过了砦连城一事,砦克邪绝对恨不能亲手将云澈碎尸万段。 This moment he was hard to start before. But now...... Yun Che this clearly is delivers toward his hand in! 此刻之前他难以下手。但现在……云澈这分明是自己往他手上送! The Yun Che's background origin is unimportant. Long Jiang background like that has gotten down the extreme methods...... the escape route completely to cut off, kills Long Jiang one to kill, two same kill! 云澈的背景来历已经不重要了。龙姜那般的背景都已是下了死手……退路既已彻底断绝,杀龙姜一个是杀,两个一样是杀! Also can ask for the enmity to give vent to indignation while convenient! 还能顺便讨仇泄愤! Nephew Yun, you are......” Helian Jue obvious was ignorant: What father did you say with her a moment ago? could it be that...... you and ancestor Long Yi lineage/vein have a friendship, but also knows her father?” 云贤侄,你这是……”赫连玦明显的懵了:“你刚才和她说什么父亲?难道……你和祖龙一脉有所交情,还认识她父亲?” He does not certainly want to lose Yun Che this thigh absolutely, Helian Lingzhu marries into the Divine Country picture his brain to make up did not know many. 他当然绝对不想失去云澈这条大腿,赫连玲珠就此嫁入神国的画面他都脑补了不知多少遍。 But if he has what deep department with Long Jiang seriously, but also tries to take away her...... 但如果他当真和龙姜之间有什么深系,还试图带走她的话…… Yun Che had not replied, takes a step toward them slowly, bright red great sword each breath in hand is releasing even more heavy sword might. 云澈没有回答,向着他们缓缓迈步,手中的朱红巨剑每一息都在释放着越发沉重的剑威 Hahahaha, is really interesting.” Wan Wei laughs: Manages his anything family background, young people, but also thinks oneself can like outside secure. Cannot see clearly the situation...... to want early death.” 哈哈哈哈,甚是有意思。”万巍一声大笑:“管他什么出身,到底还是年轻人,还以为自己可以像在外面一样有恃无恐。看不清局势……可是要早夭的。” Yun Che!” Helian Jue voice/sound also gloomy, such as a final warning. 云澈!”赫连玦声音阴沉了下来,如最后的一次警告。 Bang! Bang! BANG!! 砰!砰!砰!! The footsteps tread on the wind-drift sand, voice/sound that brings actually such as the rock rock hit, shakes the heart. 脚步踏在流沙上,带起的声音却如磐岩撞击,直震心脏。 Brother Yun! Puts down her...... Brother Yun!!” Helplessly looks that Yun Che and Helian Jue they are getting more and more near, Mo Cangying anxious is shouting. „Is this spells is dying must save her? Hehe...... Country Lord Helian.” Ximen Borong gloomily said: „ You should know, if Long Jiang lives is leaving is what consequence. But this Yun Che is also obvious and she has any special friendship......, if Long Jiang dies, clouds 云兄弟!放下她……云兄弟!!”眼睁睁的看着云澈赫连玦他们越来越近,陌苍鹰急急的呼喊着。“这是拼着死也要救她?呵呵……赫连国主。”西门博容阴声道:“你该知道若龙姜活着离开是什么后果。而这云澈又明显和她有什么特殊的交情……若龙姜死,云 clear lives, after you guess leaves Qilin God Realm, will he make what? ” Now instead must rejoice that he violates suddenly stupid. If his hidden does not send...... the consequence to be inconceivable!” The Zhai Kexie vision shifts to Helian Jue, the sinking sound sinks suddenly: „ Country Lord Helian, his attitude already extremely defined, you should not want to guarantee him 澈活,你猜离开麟神境后,他会做什么?”“现在反而要庆幸他忽然犯蠢。若是他隐而不发……后果不堪设想!”砦克邪目光转向赫连玦,沉声骤沉:“赫连国主,他的态度已万分明晰,你该不会还想保他吧 ? ” ?” „......” Helian Jue five senses twitches, finally opens the mouth: Ku Xian, takes him!” “……”赫连玦五官一阵抽搐,终于开口:“枯弦,拿下他!” What he shouted was taking, rather than killing, had the fantasy obviously. 他喊的是“拿下”,而非“杀”,显然还心存幻想。 Ku Xian receives an order, the wide sleeve lifts......, but will soon act instantly, his body suddenly one stiff. 枯弦领命,宽袖抬起……但即将出手的刹那,他身躯忽然一僵。 He leaves Yun Che to be recent, heartfelt feeling his aura at this moment...... also that divariant incomparably fearful eye. 他离云澈最近,真切感受到了他此刻的气息……还有那双变得无比可怕的眼睛。 Yun Che in line of sight becomes Wuji its strange, that clearly was previously a complete different person! 视线中的云澈变得无极其陌生,那分明是和先前完完全全不同的一个人! That look accumulated gloomy and ruthless...... seemed to have once washed nine quiet bloodshed certainly, oversteps ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) corpse mountain! 那个眼神所蕴的阴暗与狠绝……仿佛曾沐过九幽血海,踏过万丈尸山! He uses the lifetime, has not withstood so fearful aura and look. 他倾尽毕生,都未曾承受过如此可怕的气息和眼神。 When Ku Xian short absent-minded, Mo Cangying had flushed: Wait! Honored Master do not act! Brother Yun and she does not have the friendship certainly, otherwise can make a move to prevent at first, rather than waits till the present.” 枯弦短暂失神之时,陌苍鹰已是冲了过来:“等等!师尊不要出手!云兄弟和她绝无交情,否则最初便可出手阻挡,而不是等到现在。” He has moved to fast between Yun Che and Ku Xian: In this has what secret facts surely, first makes me attempt to ask the inside story, everyone decides and handles again.” 他已是快速移身于云澈枯弦之间:“这里面必定有什么隐情,先让我尝试问出内情,各位再行决定和处置。” Does not wait for the people to respond, Mo Cangying faces directly Yun Che, the complexion is very dignified: Brother Yun, you are more intelligent than anybody, you should know that you cannot save her...... the present to put down her also with enough time.” 不等众人回应,陌苍鹰已是直面云澈,面色无比凝重:“云兄弟,你比任何人都聪明,你该知道你救不了她……现在放下她还来得及。” Bang! 砰! Yun Che's footsteps such as treads ruthlessly above the heart of Mo Cangying, that pair also makes his hearts palpitate among the endless abyss black pupil suddenly. 云澈的脚步如狠踏在陌苍鹰的心脏之上,那一双宛若无尽深渊的黑瞳也让他心间骤悸。 Mo Cangying clenches teeth, suddenly the figure sticks out suddenly, the hand concentrates the destruction rock light, grasps Long Jiang. 陌苍鹰一咬牙,忽然身形暴起,手凝毁灭岩光,直抓龙姜 Ku Xian startles greatly: Do not approach him!!” 枯弦大骇:“不要靠近他!!” —— —— The figure stagnation of Mo Cangying in the midair, the destruction rock light in hand was unable to touch Long Jiang, then has been defeated and dispersed all. 陌苍鹰的身形停滞在了半空,手中的毁灭岩光还未能触碰到龙姜,便已尽数溃散。 pupil that his facial expression delay, changes colors fast dangles slowly, does not dare to believe looks that the bright red great sword that his body passes through. 他神情呆滞,快速失色的瞳眸缓缓垂下,不敢置信的看着那将他躯体贯穿的朱红巨剑。 I said that...... who blocks...... who dies......” Yun Che's voice to be low and deep, the jet black eye pupil does not have a wee bit Mo Cangying familiar pleasant warmth and bright, but indifferent such as is bending down to despise the lowly ants: You...... deaf......!” “我说……谁拦……谁死……”云澈的声音低沉沙哑,漆黑的眼瞳没有丁点陌苍鹰熟悉的温软和熙,而是漠然的如在俯藐卑贱的蝼蚁:“你……聋……吗!” BANG!! 砰!! The boundless sword might brutal eruption, destroys the broken bone stump residual limb of everywhere dispersing the body of Mo Cangying instantaneously. ———— 磅礴剑威无情爆发,将陌苍鹰的躯体瞬间毁成漫天飞散的碎骨残肢。————
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