ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2012 Part 2: Recitation of broken soul

She struggles is wanting to stand up......, but this time, she only forces to draw out the upper body with the single arm rest merely, then has fallen again. 她挣扎着想要站起……但这一次,她仅仅只勉强以单臂撑起上身,便已再次跌回。 Grayish white width robe that shattered cannot withstand, inside also brocade clothes, by scarlet Dragon's Blood at an exceptional pace dyed red. 破碎不堪的灰白宽袍,还有内里的锦衣,都被猩红的龙血以惊人的速度染红着。 Ximen Borong, Wan Wei, Zhai Kexie and Helian Jue approach gradually. 西门博容万巍砦克邪赫连玦缓步逼近。 However this time, actually no one struggles in front, no one acts for a while again. 不过这一次,却没有人争在前面,也一时无人再出手。 Long Jiang is injured heavily, even if she is Zulong, this grade of injury won't have the strength of struggling...... as for fleeing again? That does not have again, even if a wee bit possibilities. 龙姜受伤极重,哪怕她是祖龙,这等伤势也绝不会再有挣扎之力……至于遁走?那是再无哪怕丁点的可能。 When the prey has been doomed, calm naturally can start to get the winning side. 当猎物已注定到手,冷静自然会开始占据上风。 Who conducts final fatal strikes...... them naturally not to work as this person. 谁来进行最后的致命一击……他们自然都不想当这个人。 „The Ximen hegemon,” Zhai Kexie said: This Long Jiang is your Qilin Worshipping Alliance brings, nature, should solve by your pays respects Lin.” 西门盟主,”砦克邪道:“这龙姜是你们拜麟盟带来的,自然,也该由你们拜麟解决。” Right!” Wan Wei said solemnly: If not for your Qilin Worshipping Alliance brings her, Qilin bone spirit orchid already completely in our hands, how to go so far as to such big trouble!” “没错!”万巍沉声道:“若不是你们拜麟盟将她带来,麟骨灵兰已尽在我们手中,何至于这么大的麻烦!” „, Says that now this saying doesn't seem laughable?” Ximen Borong coldly glance: Who solves this Long Jiang, simple. Naturally just now strives least people.” “呵,现在说这话不显得可笑吗?”西门博容冷冷一瞥:“谁来解决这龙姜,简单的很。当然是方才出力最少的人。” Since is grasshopper on a rope, that should the same strength, take on the same share! You said that Country Lord Helian.” “既然都是一条绳上的蚂蚱,那就该出同等的力,担同等的份!你说是么,赫连国主。” Helian Jue stares, just about to refutes, actually saw Wan Wei and Zhai Kexie vision also to watch intently. 赫连玦一愣,刚要反驳,却见万巍砦克邪的目光也都逼视了过来。 indeed so.” Wan Wei said: Your Helian only gave you strength, this strikes finally, naturally should hand over by you.” 的确如此。”万巍道:“你们赫连只出了你一人的力,这最后一击,也自然该交由你们。” Good, is so fairest.” Zhai Kexie is also naturally viewless: Country Lord Helian, this tribulation results in the Qilin bone spirit orchid glory, but gave you.” “不错,如此最为公平。”砦克邪自然也毫无意见:“赫连国主,这份劫得麟骨灵兰的荣耀,可就交给你了。” The three parties flicker the same front, the Helian Jue resistance is useless, he clenches teeth fiercely, has not actually acted, but turns the head low roaring sound: Ku Xian, killed her!” 三方瞬成同一战线,赫连玦抗拒已是无用,他猛一咬牙,却是没有出手,而是转头低喝:“枯弦,杀了她!” When a two pledge exerts pressure on Helian Jue simultaneously, Ku Xian apparent can be so. 二宗一盟同时施压赫连玦之时,枯弦便知会是如此。 He is not surprised and changes countenance, incomparably tranquil say/way: Respectfully follows the life of Country Lord.” 他毫无惊讶和动容,无比平静的道:“谨遵国主之命。” Mo Cangying turns around, sighed again: Pressed Honored Master...... the hope, will not really leave behind what disaster.” 陌苍鹰转过身去,一声重叹:“难为师尊了……希望,真的不会留下什么祸患吧。” „......” Yun Che has not spoken as before. “……”云澈依旧没有说话。 The cardiac pain as before, the soul deep place gives birth to an inexplicable irritation, whatever he is how calm is unable to stop. 心脏疼痛依旧,心魂深处更是生出一种莫名的烦躁,任凭他如何平心静气都无法休止。 What's the matter...... 怎么回事…… What's the matter? 到底是怎么回事? Ku Xian flickers the body, before had arrived at the Long Jiang body . 枯弦瞬身,已是来到了龙姜身前。 Scarlet blood dyed red her grey robe, dyed red the large pool yellow sand under body. 赤血染红了她的灰袍,染红了身下的大滩黄沙。 Ku Xian do not open the pollution old eyes, does not endure to look straight ahead in her, in the mouth chants in a low voice: „The life of Country Lord is absolute, you...... should not come this.” 枯弦别开浑浊的老目,不忍直视于她,口中一声低吟:“国主之命不可违,你……不该来此。” Long Jiang raised the head slowly...... 龙姜缓缓抬头…… Ku Xian thinks that she had the words to say, the lifted palm falling, has not been leaving behind the last words to her anxiously the opportunity. 枯弦以为她有话要说,抬起的手掌没有急着落下,给她留下遗言的机会。 Actually listens to her mouth, sends out sleep talking light moan: 却听她的口中,发出梦呓般的轻吟: Different Yun…... the chaotic wind...... strokes............ the smoke clearly......” “异云……乱风……拂……明……烟……” Ku Xian: „??” 枯弦:“??” „......!!” Yun Che raised the head suddenly, if in the soul sea has ten thousand thunderings to blast open. “……!!”云澈骤然抬头,魂海之中如有万道轰雷炸裂。 ———— Zulong is abyss carrying/sustaining Dragon God Bloodline Dragon Clan. But Dragon God is the Era of the Gods Dragon God alone has god name, how dare the dragon of later generation abuses Dragon God is the name. Preamble Yun Che once ridicule excessively trivial Dragon God Realm dared by Dragon God two character names and posing as, but abyss Dragon Clan dares to have this action of disrespecting absolutely not.】 ————【祖龙就是深渊承载龙神血脉龙族。但“龙神”是诸神时代龙神独有神名,后世之龙岂敢滥用“龙神”为名。前文云澈吐槽过区区龙神界竟敢以“龙神”二字命名和自居,而深渊龙族则断不敢有此不敬之举。】
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