ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2012 Part 1: Recitation of broken soul

, Quickest update latest chapter! ,最快更新最新章节! ( Two-in-one) (二合一) So condition Yun Che has the expectation early. 这般状况云澈早有预料。 When numerous aura and vision turn to him suddenly, he not only does not have a wee bit panic, the corners of the mouth instead reveal the one obvious taunt: What's wrong? After seizing the Long Jiang Qilin bone spirit orchid, kills me to eliminate a potential informant again while convenient?” „Can't Hahaha .” Helian Jue rushed to smile a sound said: „ Nephew Yun, person use of Qilin bone spirit orchid to the outside world is not big, but to the person of my Qilin Abyss Realm, but will be related to future divine item. Also is related to the entire Qilin Abyss Realm future 当一众气息和目光陡然转向他时,他非但没有丁点的惊慌失措,嘴角反而露出一抹明显的嘲讽:“怎么?强抢龙姜的麟骨灵兰后,再顺便杀我灭口?”“哈哈哈,不会不会。”赫连玦赶忙笑了一声道:“云贤侄,麟骨灵兰对外界之人用途不大,但对我麟渊界之人,可是事关未来的神物。既事关整个麟渊界的未来 , Some matters have no alternative, but also looks at Nephew Yun not to raise to the outside. ” ,有些事不得已而为之,还望云贤侄万勿对外提起。” Yun Che to pays respects Lin, Rock Profound, Ten Thousand Fathoms three sects , is not only the bystander, to a certain extent foe. 云澈对拜麟、磐玄万仞三宗而言不仅是外人,某种程度上还是仇敌。 But may be entirely different to Helian. 但对赫连而言可就全然不同了。 In experiencing Yun Che that is above the great strength of cognitive and common sense, believes firmly he makes all after Helian Lingzhu, Yun Che is the thigh that he must not hesitate to enclasp. 在见识云澈那超乎认知与常理的强大,更确信他所做一切都是为了赫连玲珠后,云澈已是他必须不惜一切去抱紧的大腿。 Even if in Qilin God Realm, his brain thinks also how to depend upon Yun Che to make Helian lineage/vein soar. 哪怕身在麟神境,他满脑子想的也都是如何依靠云澈来让赫连一脉一飞冲天。 This is also the Yun Che unhurried reason. Because of the situation to this, the aggressive statement had said, four big influences do not have the escape route again, at this time most envied union disintegration. So long as Helian does not hope, other three influences want to move cannot move. 这也是云澈丝毫不慌的原因。因为局势到此,狠话已说,四大势力已再无退路,这个时候最忌“同盟”崩解。所以只要赫连不愿,其他三势力想动也不能动。 Yun Che said at a moderate pace: Qilin bone spirit orchid is anything I do not have the interest. But the weak one bosom Bi Weizui, the law of the jungle is this world most basic principle, in my in the eyes, can not from the start even anything.” „...... Respects you are Lingzhu Imperial Father, I can say one actually: Anyone of you dies who lives with me has nothing to do, matter that but to Lingzhu disadvantageous, I will not definitely do. Even if has nothing to do with Lingzhu, this and other matters of wagging the tongue, I 云澈不紧不慢道:“麟骨灵兰是什么东西我毫无兴致。但弱者怀璧为罪,弱肉强食不过是此世最基本的法则,在我眼中,压根就算不得什么事。”“不过……敬你是玲珠父皇,我倒是可以多说一句:你们谁死谁活与我无关,但对玲珠不利的事,我肯定是不会做的。就算与玲珠无关,这等背后嚼舌之事,我 Disdains to do. ” 更不屑去做。” At this point, his tip of the nose light: Moreover, watches critically in the side roughly also calculates to conspire? So, can Country Lord feel relieved?” 说到这里,他鼻端一声轻哼:“另外,在侧冷眼旁观大致也算共谋?如此,国主可放心了?” Although in the mouth word Country Lord, but in truth said certainly that listens to a two pledge. Listens to Yun Che to say Lingzhu two characters, Helian Jue thin smile makes noise, this time smiles especially relaxes, the five senses stretch because of the joy: „ Nephew Yun and daughter Lingzhu matter, We have known fairly well, regards as half Nephew Yun early 口中虽言“国主”,但实则当然是说给二宗一盟听的。听着云澈直呼“玲珠”二字,赫连玦淡笑出声,这次笑得格外松弛,五官都因欣喜而舒展开来:“云贤侄与小女玲珠的事,朕早已心中有数,更早将云贤侄视为半 The person of Helian, where had untrustworthy said. ” 赫连之人,哪有信不过之说。” His vision revolution, to Long Jiang in a severe tone said: Long Jiang, fast has the Qilin bone spirit congenial friendship! Has just now given you opportunity, now, you only have two choices.” 他目光一转,向龙姜厉声道:“龙姜,速速将麟骨灵兰交出!方才已经给了你机会,现在,你就只剩下两个选择。” obediently hands over, keeps your complete corpse. If exacted by us, you die may not have attractive that!” Changes person on one's own side from bystander, changes conspiring from variable, in addition disdains under the guarantee compared with fear to make people relieved...... one set of cocktail of moves gets down, with bellowing of Helian Jue, the attention of people already from Yun Che 乖乖交出,留你全尸。若是由我们强取的话,你死的可就没那么好看了!”从“外人”变“自己人”,从“变数”变“共谋”,再加上“不屑为之”远比恐惧下的保证更让人放心……一套组合拳下来,随着赫连玦的大吼,众人的注意力已是从云澈 body puts aside, pours into the body of Long Jiang again completely. 身上移开,再次全部倾注于龙姜之身。 Big Brother Mo, acts according to the special circumstances, keeps off with Crown Princess, from now on will apologize again.” Yun Che passes on the sound said to Mo Cangying. The Mo Cangying complexion not only has not become ugly/difficult to look at, instead is color of the admiration: „ I understand. Worthily is Brother Yun, in an instant then a comforting next two pledge. However I believe firmly, if Brother Yun so extremely heavy friendship, indeed cannot 陌大哥,事急从权,拿长公主一挡,过后再行赔罪。”云澈陌苍鹰传音道。陌苍鹰脸色非但没有变得难看,反而是一副敬佩之色:“我明白。不愧是云兄弟,刹那之间便安抚下二宗一盟。不过我确信,如云兄弟这般极重情义,也的确不会 Does the matter of harmful Junior Sister Lingzhu, although this act...... ” 做有害玲珠师妹之事,虽然此举……” Yun Che shakes the head slightly: Although despicable, but this opened the reality after superficial human nature. Big Brother Mo you are the principle very heavy person, responded, when has been warned from this Long Jiang situation.” 云澈微微摇头:“虽然卑劣,但这才是揭开表面人性后的现实。陌大哥你是个原则很重的人,反应当从这个龙姜的处境上得到警示。” Mo Cangying did not say for a very long time. 陌苍鹰久久不言。 Good one crowd...... despicable villain!” “好一群……卑劣小人!” Dragon profound energy condenses among Long Jiang, facing the suppression of strength of 11 half step Divine Extinction, her aura does not have originally tranquil cold and still. 玄气龙姜手间凝聚,面对十一道半步神灭之力的压制,她的气息早已没有了最初的平静冷寂。 „To kill me? Depending on your also match!?” “想杀我?凭你们也配!?” Low and deep a few words, carry heavily such as the ten thousand mountains Dragon Soul pressure, making these Qilin Abyss Realm overlord hearts sink suddenly. 低沉的一句话,却携着沉重如万岳龙魂威压,让这些麟渊界的霸王都心头骤沉。 Wan Wei sneers: It is said that the pride of Dragon Clan, making them vertical die will not bow to any life. In my opinion, so-called pride, is a stupidity.” 万巍冷笑:“据说,龙族的骄傲,让他们纵死也不会向任何生灵屈膝。在我看来,所谓的骄傲,也不过是一种愚蠢。” Since knows, that does not need again the multi- idle talk!” In Ximen Borong killing intent releases steep: Kills!” “既然知道,那就没必要再多废话!”西门博容目中杀机陡释:“杀!” Killing character falls, Ximen Borong has acted suddenly. “杀”字落下,西门博容已是猝然出手。 Ximen Borong usually is seemingly assured temperately, but can make Qilin Worshipping Alliance rise in such a short time, and will soon realize founds a nation to change toward the ambition, can it be that simple character. 西门博容平日里看似笃定温和,但能让拜麟盟在如此短的时间内崛起,并即将实现“立国改朝”的野心,又岂是个简单人物。 In his bone resolute mean, must exceed Qilin Abyss Realm anyone absolutely. 他骨子里的果决阴狠,绝对要胜过麟渊界任何一人。 He acts instantly, the whole body blows out such as Wan Zhongshan collapse -like fearful aura, shakes ruthlessly Chief Hall Master of body side, chest that arm straight Long Jiang that is sparkling rock rock profound light. 他出手刹那,周身爆出如万重山崩般的可怕气场,将身侧的总堂主都狠狠震开,一只闪耀着磐岩玄光的手臂直龙姜的心口。 The Long Jiang arm lifts, the shadow of pale dragon claw appears, welcomed Ximen Borong the strength of rock rock. 龙姜手臂抬起,苍白的龙爪之影显现,直迎西门博容的磐岩之力。 Eighth Level Divine Lord strikes facing the half step Divine Extinction full power, does not evade unexpectedly does not draw back, instead direct welcomed, simply with courting death without doubt. 八级神主面对半步神灭的全力一击,竟不避不退,反而正面相迎,简直和找死无疑。 The Ximen Borong vision concentrates, the arm strength on rock rock also faintly is serious a point, the potential must strike the bang to put on her body. 西门博容目光一凝,手臂上的磐岩之力又隐隐沉重一分,势要将她的躯体一击轰穿。 But when close , the Ximen Borong suddenly complexion changes. 但临近之时,西门博容忽然脸色一变。 dragon prestige that close pale dragon claw, releases rises dramatically unexpectedly suddenly. 近在咫尺的苍白龙爪,所释出的龙威竟忽然暴增。 That at all is not Eighth Level Divine Lord aura, but yes...... 那根本不是八级神主气息,而是…… A heavy sound, rock sand everywhere, dry spatial Dragon Roar, on Long Jiang behind is supine instantly, backward short away flying to move. 一声重响,霎时岩沙漫天,枯空龙吟,龙姜身后仰,向后短距飞移。 But Ximen Borong was shaken in the sky turns, turned more than ten somersaults to stagnate when continually, set up the body, the rock light on arm collapse completely, from the arm bone to the five fingers severe pain is incomparable, for a very long time trembled. 西门博容被当空震翻,一连翻了十几个跟头才堪堪停滞,立身之时,手臂上的岩光已崩散殆尽,从臂骨到五指剧痛无比,久久颤栗。 Half...... half step Divine Extinction!” In the sandstorm, startled recited rises from all directions. “半……半步神灭!”沙暴之中,惊吟四起。 Yun Che not at all surprised...... she really suppressed profound strength aura with Hiding profound tool forcefully. 云澈毫不意外……她果然是用匿息玄器强行压制了玄力气息 In other words, this is one -and-a-half sixty-year cycle, cultivation base actually already to half step Divine Extinction Realm...... dragon!? 也就是说,这是一个只有一个半甲子,修为却已至半步神灭境的……龙!? What kind of concept Yun Che was unable completely defined this in abyss Dragon Clan to be. But inherits by him from the God Realm cognition, the fearfulness of this dragon female natural talent, makes one be afraid simply! 云澈还无法完全明晰这在深渊龙族是何许概念。但以他继承自神界的认知,此龙女天赋之可怕,简直让人不寒而栗! Shui Meiyin, Huo Poyun and Jun Xilei...... they without doubt are the God Realm that generation of natural talent most extremely high people. Experienced Eternal Sky 3,000 years, is Divine Lord Realm Late Stage. 水媚音火破云君惜泪……他们无疑是神界那一代天赋高绝的人。经历了宙天三千年,也才是神主境后期 But when everyone instantly absent-minded, Long Jiang body explodes violent storm, the direct impact Southwest goes. 而趁所有人刹那失神之时,龙姜身上已是爆开一股猛烈的风暴,直冲西南方而去。 With is half step Divine Extinction, Dragon Clan can win Human Race steadily. But Long Jiang naively to not thinking oneself can contend with 11 half step Divine Extinction profound practitioner......, let alone there is still one Divine Lord peak Ku Xian. 同为半步神灭,龙族可以稳胜人族。但龙姜不会天真到认为自己能抗衡十一个半步神灭玄者……何况还有一个神主巅峰的枯弦 Escapes to the Qilin God Realm exit|to speak full power, this is her only vitality, only choice! 全力遁至麟神境出口,这是她唯一的生机,唯一的选择! But she escapes thousand zhang (3.33 m), the body has then sunk suddenly, the speed was slow several times...... the suppressions of ten single layer half step Divine Extinction Realm, she vertical was dragon body, how could also easily to get rid. 但她不过遁出千丈,身躯便已猛然下沉,速度更是慢了数倍……十一重半步神灭境的压制,她纵是龙躯,又岂能轻易摆脱。 But three Rock Profound Sect Elder about throwing, but , the power overlap, covers Long Jiang. 而三个磐玄宗长老已是合扑而至,力量交叠,直罩龙姜 Long Jiang turns round, behind suddenly present ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Dragon Shadow, more spatial dragon head with destroying a day of anger, the release shakes world Dragon Roar. 龙姜回身,身后忽现万丈龙影,弥空龙首携毁天之怒,释出震世龙吟 Roar —————— “吼—————— split second, everyone figure quick stoppage, the pupil changes colors, Soul lives steep puts on the fear of marrow. Close to Long Jiang three big Rock Profound Elder from in the air straight planted. 一瞬间,所有人身形骤止,瞳孔失色,灵魂陡生直穿骨髓的恐惧。临近龙姜的三大磐玄长老更是从空中直挺挺的栽了下去。 Eah!” Mo Cangying from in the air was shaken at the scene falls, the hand according to the chest, the whole body shivers incessantly...... his clear feeling, own Soul and five internal organs as if were shaken in split second crush. 呃啊!”陌苍鹰被当场从空中震落,手按心口,全身颤抖不止……他真切的感觉到,自己的灵魂和五脏仿佛在一瞬间被震得粉碎。 „......?” Yun Che is startled suddenly. “……?”云澈忽然怔住。 This is Dragon God that Dragon God lineage/vein are in sole possession of roars, flickers the shock and awe, to cower sufficiently the soul of myriad spirits. Dragon God's Soul is stronger, is purer, its prestige is greater. 这是龙神一脉独有的龙神咆哮,足以一瞬震慑、瑟缩万灵之魂。龙神之魂越强,越精纯,其威越巨。 But, why...... 但,为什么…… The quite remote west, is waiting for four big influences all as if to come from the facial features that beyond day Dragon Roar shakes to change colors by this at a loss. 颇为遥远的西方,正茫然等待中的四大势力皆是被这声仿佛来自天外的龙吟震荡的面容失色。 What sent...... had?” Their facial features are all panic-stricken, soul uncontrolled trembling, but under the Sect Master strict order, their no one dares to approach the confirmation. “发……发生了什么?”他们个个面容惊恐,心魂不受控制的颤栗,但宗主严令之下,他们无人敢靠近确认。 Dragon God's Soul shock and awe no doubt incomparably powerful, but is unable to win enough running away time to Long Jiang obviously as before. 龙神之魂的震慑固然强大无匹,但显然依旧无法给龙姜争取到足够的逃遁时间。 When she escapes dozens li (0.5 km), the terrifying heavy pressure has overlapped again duplicate, even more demented power along with shouting approach from the rear area. 她遁出数十里时,恐怖的重压已再次交叠覆下,一道道越发癫狂的力量伴随着嘶吼从后方逼近。 But her left and right, below wind-drift sand was cut the plow by the extreme speed, by terrifying peerless speed suddenly/violently Cuanzhi her the front. Also the wind-drift sand explodes, two person's shadows carry the sandstorm from her direct attack. 而她的左右两侧,下方的流沙被极速切犁,以恐怖绝伦的速度暴窜至她的前方。随之流沙爆开,两个人影携着沙暴从她的正面轰至。 Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect the technique of sand escaping! 万仞宗的沙遁之术! BOOM! 轰隆 direct contends, she may end to win anyone, but impossible shakes the two people joint effort decisively hardly. 正面抗衡,她可完胜任何一人,但断然不可能硬撼两人合力。 Under two Ten Thousand Fathoms Elder great strength, Long Jiang was turned by the heavily bang, flickers to fly upside down several li (0.5 km), but her rear area, Helian Jue and Wan Wei have been ready, rumbles together her back of the body. 两个万仞长老的巨力之下,龙姜重重轰翻,一瞬倒飞数里,而她的后方,赫连玦万巍早已蓄势待发,齐轰她的后心。 The Long Jiang figure is not steady, only has Dragon Shadow together to protect back. 龙姜身形未稳,唯有一道龙影护住后背 BANG!! 轰!! The dragon bone|keel is extremely firm, Country Lord adds Sect Master's unable to destroy the sound of broken bone with joint forces. 龙骨极坚,一国主加一宗主的合力也未能摧出碎骨之音。 The Long Jiang body flies spatially, replication, pale dragon claw with her arm brandishes the rapid enlargement, in a flash thousand zhang (3.33 m), in the sky under bang. 龙姜身躯飞空,生生折转,一只苍白龙爪随着她手臂的挥舞迅速放大,转瞬千丈,当空轰下。 dragon claw duplicate, enters under Helian Jue, Wan Wei and two Ten Thousand Fathoms Elder bang the wind-drift sand. 龙爪覆地,将赫连玦万巍和两个万仞长老生生轰入流沙之下。 But she acts instantly, Ximen Borong and Zhai Kexie have also flushed, two people condenses the body of strength of rock rock just like the falling from the sky meteor, the heavily bang is falling the body of Long Jiang. 但她出手的刹那,西门博容砦克邪也已冲至,两人凝聚着磐岩之力的身躯宛若天坠流星,重重轰落龙姜之身。 Bang! —— 轰!—— Long Jiang was flickered to shake flying several li (0.5 km), above the iron grey hood, the fast vine opens the scarlet bloodstain. 龙姜被一瞬震飞数里,灰白色的头罩之上,快速蔓开猩红的血痕。 Mo Cangying returns to the soul to come finally, he restrains by force the cowering feeling of as before not having been diverging to stand up, raised the head, actually saw that Yun Che is drifting in the original position, decided looks at a direction, both eyes is the obvious startled condition. 陌苍鹰终于回过魂来,他强压着依旧没有散去的瑟缩感站起身来,一抬头,却看到云澈正飘浮于原处,定定的看着一个方向,双目呈明显的怔愣状态。 His rapid fly up, arrives at the side of Yun Che: Brother Yun, are you all right?” 他迅速飞身而起,来到云澈之侧:“云兄弟,你没事吧?” „......” Yun Che unexpectedly is unresponsive. “……”云澈竟是毫无反应。 Brother Yun?” Mo Cangying puts out a hand, shakes shaking in him at present. 云兄弟?”陌苍鹰伸手,在他眼前晃了晃。 „......” The Yun Che vision returns, smiles reluctantly: I am all right. Was shaken by Dragon Roar probably somewhat loses the soul.” “……”云澈目光转回,勉强一笑:“我没事。大概是被刚才的龙吟震得有些失魂。” What's the matter? 怎么回事? Why will have one type...... the inexplicable familiarity? 为什么会有一种……莫名的熟悉感? This Dragon Soul aura, my where sensation? 这个龙魂气息,我在哪里感知过? It is not right! I initially to abyss, the person of does not have any acquaintance, Long Jiang am the first dragon that meets...... 不对!我初至深渊,根本没有任何相识之人,龙姜更是遇到的第一个龙…… This familiarity...... could it be that is because all has Dragon God Bloodline and Dragon God's Soul? 这种熟悉感……难道是因为皆有龙神血脉龙神之魂 But when facing Western God Territory Dragon God Clan, has never had this feeling. 但面对西神域龙神一族时,从未有过这种感觉。 That Dragon Roar is indeed fearful.” Mo Cangying deep is so: Never expected that Horned Dragon Dragon Soul also has such fearful deterrent effect unexpectedly, made me think actually......” “那声龙吟的确可怕。”陌苍鹰深以为然:“没想到螭龙龙魂竟也有这么可怕的震慑力,倒是让我想到了……” His complexion suddenly changes, direction that the fierce revolutions eye looks at to Long Jiang: could it be that she is not Horned Dragon, but is...... but is......” 他脸色忽然一变,猛的转目看向龙姜的方向:“难道她不是螭龙,而是……而是……” BOOM!!! 轰隆!!! sky of distant place resounds almost the loud sound that the eardrum breaks. 远方的苍穹响起一声几乎将耳膜震碎的巨响。 The strength of entire seven half step Divine Extinction, simultaneous/uniform explosion that wipes before the Long Jiang body is above obviously emaciated Dragon Shadow. 整整七道半步神灭之力,齐轰在龙姜身前那抹已是明显孱弱的龙影之上。 After heavenshaking rock burst, is sad Dragon Roar. 震天的岩爆之后,是一声悲戚的龙吟 Pale Dragon Shadow thorough disintegration, routed Long Jiang last guard dragon force. 苍白龙影彻底的崩碎,也击溃了龙姜最后一道护身龙力 The blood fog that a bunch of thick hood is unable to hinder continually spurts crazily, Long Jiang body such as the withered leaf in sandstorm, distant flies to go horizontally, tumbles above wind-drift sand that in had stopped undercutting. 一簇连粗厚头罩都无法阻滞的血雾狂喷而出,龙姜的身躯如沙暴中的枯叶,远远的横飞而去,滚落在了已经停止下陷的流沙之上。 If the opposite party only has one person, she may end the victory ; Three people, she has the assurance whole body very to escape ; Five people, she also has very big possible support to the exit|to speak of Qilin God Realm...... 若对方只有一人,她可完胜;三人,她有十分的把握全身而逃;五人,她也有很大的可能支撑到麟神境的出口…… But, that is 11 people. 但,那是十一人。 —— —— Her grayish white wide robe disruption, reveals inside pure white brocade clothes. 她的灰白宽袍碎裂,露出里面的纯白锦衣。 Gust curls up, the hood that then covers up her head completely disrupts suddenly, a long hair dispersed...... also revealed the appearance/portrait of her continuously vigorously hidden. 一阵风卷起,那将她头部完全遮掩的头罩忽然碎裂,一袭长发飞散……也露出了她一直极力隐藏的真容。 Ss! 嘶! Startled recited and inspiration sound gets up, is even startled to draw back one step in Helian Jue that most the front approached gradually. 一阵惊吟和吸气声响起,在最前方缓步逼近的赫连玦甚至被惊退了一步。 Who that is one...... assumes the post to look at one fearfully, will make the face of nightmare. 那是一张……可怕到任何人看一眼,都会做噩梦的脸。 Her nape of the neck and her flesh are very white, snow general white, has the jade general shiny smooth. 她的脖颈、她的肌肤很白,雪一般的白,又有着玉一般的莹润。 But is above such beautiful white skin beautiful white skin, is actually interlocking two fearful marks. 而就是这样的雪肤玉肌之上,却是交错着两道可怕的印痕。 The mark is the jet black color, together from left E to right jaw, together from left E to right volume, two all one inch widths, shape distortion...... 印痕呈漆黑之色,一道从左额到右颚,一道从左颚到右额,两道皆一寸之宽,形状扭曲…… If two interlock to lie the jet black centipede on face. 如两只交错趴在脸上的漆黑蜈蚣。 white Ying skin color, complementing more striking fearsome. 过于白莹的肤色,将之映衬的更为醒目可怖。 She raised the head slowly, the long hair that naturally staggers makes these two fearful marks present in the public eyes is more complete. 她缓缓抬头,自然错开的长发让这两道可怕印痕在众人视线中呈现的更加完整。 Blood overflows from her lip angle a continuously, to become share/thigh wanders about destitute above below dry sand. 一缕缕鲜血从她唇角流溢而出,成股流落在下方的枯沙之上。 Yun Che's direction can only see her side face, even so, that black mark fearful shocking, lets his brow big wrinkle as before. 云澈的方向只能看到她的侧颜,即使如此,那黑痕依旧可怕的触目惊心,让他眉头大皱。 The common injury, by Dragon Clan constitution and strength of half step Divine Extinction, is easily retrievable. 寻常的伤势,以龙族体质半步神灭之力,轻易便可恢复。 Clearly, that is the corrosion of abyss dust creates, is incapable solvable. 很明显,那是渊尘的侵蚀所造成,无力可解。 Snort, no wonder must bind that solid.” Helian Jue continuously forward several steps. Obviously, before was startled that step makes him who draws back get angry very much bashfully. “哼,怪不得要裹得那么严实。”赫连玦连续向前数步。显然,之前被惊退的那一步让他很是羞怒。 Wan Wei said: I saw that for the first time other place is safe and sound, instead the face was first corroded, is really unusual.” 万巍道:“我还是第一次见到别的地方安然无恙,反而面部先遭侵蚀的,真是稀奇。” She is not Horned Dragon!” Ximen Borong makes noise suddenly: She is Zulong!” “她不是螭龙!”西门博容忽然出声:“她是祖龙!” That fearful Dragon Roar has made their heart have a feeling, but this moment Ximen Borong said that they as before were complexion gloomy several times. 那声可怕的龙吟早已让他们所有人都心有所感,但此刻西门博容言出,他们依旧是面色阴沉了数倍。 Horned Dragon and Zulong...... are Dragon Clan, actually difference of heaven and earth. 螭龙和祖龙……都属龙族,却又天差地别 Zulong...... that is inherits Dragon God Bloodline to the high dragon! Is the supremeness of Dragon Clan. Is beside Six Divine Countries, is qualified for participating in the race of meeting of Pure Land only! 祖龙……那可是继承龙神血脉的至高之龙!是龙族的至尊。更是六神国之外,唯一有资格参加净土之会的种族! The great strength of Zulong, abyss no one does not know. But the place of similar world its weak trend all knows...... that is the multiplication is difficult. 祖龙之强大,深渊无人不知。但其弱势之处同样天下皆知……那就是繁衍艰难。 This causes the ancestor Long Yi lineage/vein is the quantity extremely have been few, Zulong who it is said that has still less than ten fingers of numbers. 这导致祖龙一脉一直是数量极少,据说目前存在的祖龙尚不足十指之数。 This also naturally means, each Zulong perished, will certainly initiate the ancestor Long Yi lineage/vein, and even huge shake of entire Dragon Clan. 这也自然意味着,每一个祖龙的陨灭,都必将引发祖龙一脉,乃至整个龙族的巨大震荡。 With dies Horned Dragon is the entirely different concept. 陨落一个螭龙是截然不同的概念。 „......” Long Jiang stands up slowly, the let fall long hair partly is obstructing her scary cheek: Knows me is Zulong......, if dares to kill me...... your Qilin Abyss Realm...... to lift...... is buried along with the dead!” “呵……”龙姜缓缓站起,垂落的长发半遮着她骇人的面颊:“既知我是祖龙……若敢杀我……你麟渊界……必举界……陪葬!” Draws back...... me to work as all not to happen!” “退开……我可当一切未曾发生!” Her these words have shown weakness, but how possibly to make these be bitten completely all sane old foxes to have a wee bit vacillations greedily. 她的这句话已是示弱,但怎可能让这些被贪婪噬尽一切理智的老狐狸有丁点的动摇。 Because to this step, who regardless of the opposite party is, must kill. 因为到了这一步,无论对方是谁,都非杀不可了。 Put her, the later retaliation is lifts is buried along with the dead. 放了她,之后的报复才是举界陪葬。 Killed her, pushes...... has „the Abyss Sovereign gracious gift to the Qilin God Realm sand Bao Yan disaster the name shock and awe, having Abyss Knight is the card, even the calamity and Qilin Abyss Realm, are still insufficient to exterminate the clan to extinguish the sect...... perhaps also to be safe and uneventful. 杀了她,推给麟神境的沙暴岩灾……有“渊皇的恩赐”之名震慑,有深渊骑士为证,就算祸及麟渊界,也不至于灭族灭宗……说不定还能安然无事。 Let alone the also extremely easy to obtain Qilin bone spirits! 更何况还有唾手可得的麟骨灵兰! Although half step Divine Extinction Realm is hanging Divine Extinction two characters, but its essence, actually Divine Lord Realm peak. 半步神灭境虽然挂着“神灭”二字,但其本质,其实还是神主境巅峰。 Are too many too many profound practitioner to halt forever this boundary, is unable to break through life-long. Therefore, this nondescript false Realm then gradually derives. 只是太多太多的玄者永远止步此境,终生无法突破。于是,这个不伦不类的伪境界便逐渐衍生。 The exists, to put it bluntly was comforts these to achieve Divine Lord Realm most peak, actually touched less than half God Realm profound practitioner forever, making them while shouting half step Divine Extinction, as if had touched Divine Extinction Realm the misconception. 其存在,说白了不过是安慰那些达到了神主境的最极致,却永远触碰不到半神境界的玄者,让他们在喊着“半步神灭”的同时,仿佛有了触碰到“神灭境”的错觉。 But existence of this Realm, showed the enormous hope of Divine Lord profound practitioner fifty-fifty God Realm without doubt. 而这个境界的存在,也无疑彰显了神主玄者对半神境界的极大渴望。 This hope huge...... Dragon God two characters do not want to prevent. 这种渴望之巨大……“龙神”二字也别想阻挡。 Draws back? Hehehe, it seems like, you have not clarified the condition.” Ximen Borong smiled...... the happy expression just to get up, he has acted suddenly. “退开?呵呵呵,看来,你还是没搞清状况。”西门博容笑了……笑意刚起,他已猛然出手。 Zheng! 铮! white glow shining gets up, guard profound tool releases intense profound light before the body of Long Jiang......, but also shakes merely Ximen Borong power. 白芒耀起,一个护身玄器龙姜的身前释出强烈的玄光……但也仅仅将西门博容力量震开。 When Ximen Borong acts, does obeisance Qilin Chief Hall Master also to follow, the rock pillar rumbles to together from one side, center Long Jiang left arm. 西门博容出手之时,拜麟总堂主也已紧随其后,一道岩柱从侧面轰至,正中龙姜的左臂。 Long Jiang guard profound strength is weak, under this strikes, Long Jiang left arm bend, the sound of dragon bone|keel disruption just like thunder crack. 龙姜的护身玄力已是孱弱不堪,这一击之下,龙姜左臂弯折,龙骨碎裂之音宛若雷霆炸响。 Behind, is headed by Zhai Kexie, the Rock Profound Sect four people have also moved sideways, but. 后方,以砦克邪为首,磐玄宗四人也已闪身而至。 Although is four people, and Long Jiang obviously is the severe wound, but they actually make a move as before full power, is unretentive. power, flickers the sidewise compression to count hundred feet the under vast desert. 虽是四人,且龙姜明显已是重伤,但他们却依旧是全力出手,毫无保留。力量所至,将下方沙海都一瞬横压数十丈 Long Jiang lifts the right arm reluctantly, angry roaring Dragon Shadow brings the solemnness and stirring of renouncing. 龙姜勉强抬起右臂,怒吼的龙影带着决绝的悲壮。 Bang buzz ———— 轰嗡———— Behind Long Jiang dozens li (0.5 km) wind-drift sand was flickered the evacuation, appears a fearful cavity. Her body only supported incomparably short one instantly, as then Dragon Shadow shattered flutters. But Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect makes a move to follow closely, but, three rock pillars pursues to go, in concentrates close to makes three zhang (3.33 m) rock spears/guns...... in the deafening destroying bone sound, passes through the body of Long Jiang cruelly, puts on the back, has three in a big way 龙姜后方数十里的流沙被一瞬排空,现出一个可怕的空洞。她的身躯只支撑了无比短暂的一个刹那,便随着龙影破碎飘飞出去。而万仞宗的出手紧随而至,三根岩柱直追而去,又在临近之时凝化做三把丈长的岩枪……在震耳欲聋的摧骨声中,将龙姜的躯体残忍贯穿,穿背而出,带起三大 Blood fog that flutters about. 蓬纷飞的血雾。 Eh! 呃! The Yun Che body cowers suddenly, fierce holding down chest. 云澈忽然躯体瑟缩,猛的按住心口。 Brother Yun? You how?” Mo Cangying looks back to ask hastily. 云兄弟?你怎么了?”陌苍鹰连忙回首问道。 „......” Yun Che has not spoken, the palm still presses stubbornly above the chest. “……”云澈没有说话,手掌依然死死按在心口之上。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? How inexplicable...... so severe pain? 怎么会莫名……如此剧痛? Probably the heart was sticking a thorn by anything ruthlessly. 像是心脏在被什么东西狠狠扎刺。 Bang! 砰! Long Jiang drops the vast desert once again. 龙姜又一次跌落沙海。
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