ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2011: Greedy

, Quickest update latest chapter! ,最快更新最新章节! Yun Che not suppression speed desirably. The common sense, Qilin God Realm Eastern is four big influences Domain that forbids to approach, some people will not visit. Even if some people were really attracted by the mutation, his goal has achieved, pouring is not big 云澈并没有刻意的压制速度。常理而言,麟神境东方是四大势力禁止靠近的领域,不会有人踏足。即使真的有人被异变吸引过来,他目的已达成,倒也没有太大 So-called, can deal conveniently. 所谓,随手便可应对。 But, big bunch of half step Divine Extinction Realm powerful aura banged into his Spirit Sense violently. 但,一大簇半步神灭境的强大气息猛烈的撞入了他的灵觉之中。 Enough 11 say/way, clearly included all half step Divine Extinction powerhouses who enter Qilin God Realm. 足足十一道之多,分明囊括了所有进入麟神境半步神灭强者。 Yun Che body stagnates...... these 11 fearful aura directions to refer to fiercely, direction that precisely he is. Moreover these aura each urged to well up, manic to peak, such as near absolutely irreconcilable foe. 云澈身体猛地停滞……这十一道可怕气息的方向所指,正是他所在的方向。而且这些气息每一道都催涌、狂躁到了极致,如临不共戴天的仇敌。 Does his heart sink suddenly...... what's the matter? What could it be that did I expose? 他心脏骤沉……怎么回事?难道我暴露了什么? Even has split second that he thinks that is it possible that is voice/sound that and God Qilin talked by the spatial warping that this will soon collapse, passed to other regions...... to be known itself to carry the Creation God inheritance by these people? 甚至有那么一瞬间,他想到莫非是自己与麟神交谈的声音被这个即将崩坏的空间扭曲,传到了其他的区域……被这些人知晓了自己身负创世神传承? Otherwise can also what make them so nearly demented? 否则还有什么能让他们如此近乎癫狂? But immediately, also all urges aura that transfers to clash together from the south. 但马上,又一道同样全力催转的气息从南方冲来。 Long Jiang aura. 龙姜气息 Long Jiang in Qilin God Conference, after entering Qilin God Realm, concealment aura vigorously, moreover obviously used some Hiding profound tool. 龙姜无论是在麟神之会,还是进入麟神境后,都在极力的隐匿气息,而且明显动用了某种匿息玄器 But at this moment, is power completely releases unexpectedly. Moreover perhaps this aura...... is short with the person who Dragon Clan contacts is hard to distinguish, but Yun Che split second then determined, supremeness of that precisely Dragon Clan, Dragon God aura! 而此刻,竟是力量尽释。而且这个气息……少与龙族接触的人或许难以分辨,但云澈一瞬间便确定,那正是龙族的至尊,龙神气息 Also is in the Mo Beichen mouth Zulong. 也就是陌悲尘口中的“祖龙”。 At that time Mo Beichen said that oneself Dragon God ingredient could not miss is too more than” it Zulong. Also said is, abyss Zulong, has extremely highly concentrated Dragon God Bloodline dragon. 当时陌悲尘所言,自己龙神的“成分”比之祖龙也“差不了太多”。也就说是,深渊的祖龙,是拥有极高浓度龙神血脉的龙。 But this Long Jiang Dragon God aura, excellent that although she goes into hiding, but Yun Che has after all is most primitive Dragon God's blood, just touches him then to know on Qilin God Conference. 而这个龙姜龙神气息,虽然她隐匿的极好,但云澈拥有的毕竟是最原始的龙神之血,在麟神之会上甫一碰触他便已识出。 Moreover the indistinct sensation, her Dragon God ingredient is very possible to be high. 而且隐约感知到,她的龙神“成分”很可能要比自己还高。 Also corresponds Zulong who” Mo Beichen said. 也就对应了陌悲尘所说的“祖龙”。 Previously not grasped, thus several probes. At this moment has not actually needed a suspicion again. 只是先前并无十分把握,因而几番试探。此刻却已再无需一丝怀疑。 But immediately, he then detected that Long Jiang aura approaches not, but slightly West. 而马上,他便察觉到龙姜气息所向并非自己,而是稍偏西方。 Her aura...... is just that wipes to release the unusual spiritual energy yellow light to be at with that 11 half step Divine Extinction aura intersection. 她的气息与那十一道半步神灭气息的交叉点……刚好是那抹释放着异样灵气的黄光所在。 A Yun Che's heartstrings fiercely loosen. 云澈的心弦猛地一松。 Frightens me to jump! 吓我一跳! Can be pregnant born in Qilin God Realm, only possibly is earth attribute spirit treasure. But can let four big influences strongest excitedly hence, that wipes earth attribute spirit treasure that the yellow light makes clear to should plane to be extremely high. 能孕生于麟神境的,唯可能是土系灵宝。而能让四大势力的最强者激动至此,那抹黄光所昭示的土系灵宝应该位面极高。 spirit treasure in Qilin God Realm who first starts is whose, they naturally must exhaust rob full power. 麟神境中的灵宝谁先入手便是谁的,他们自然要用尽全力去抢夺。 But Long Jiang...... 龙姜…… As Dragon Clan strongest Dragon God, does not repair earth attribute profound strength, why is she also the stance that robs full power? 身为龙族最强的龙神,又不修土系玄力,她为什么也是一副全力抢夺的架势? This several breaths shortly, the Yun Che's aura nature has also exposed in their Spirit Sense. 这短暂数息,云澈的气息也自然已是暴露在他们的灵觉之内。 Yun Che the plan made a detour, wants to come these person of attention all above that spirit treasure, should have no time to care about itself. 云澈本打算绕道而行,想来这些人注意力全在那枚灵宝之上,应该无暇顾及自己。 But thinks, he has not changed the direction finally , to continue to go forward. 但想了一想,他最终没有更改方向,继续向前而去。 They indeed detected Yun Che's aura completely......, but, had no one person obstinately, even if a wisp of aura cover to Yun Che. 他们的确全部察觉到了云澈的气息……但,愣是没有任何一人,将哪怕一缕的气息罩向云澈 This also makes Yun Che add several times surprised and curiosity. After all, he direction that from God Qilin is at flies, should make them shock and feels shocked is right. 这也让云澈更添数倍的惊讶和好奇。毕竟,他可是从麟神所在的方向飞至,本应引他们震惊和惊觉才对。 Actually that yellow light is what thing!? 那个黄光究竟是什么东西!? The people leave that yellow light to be getting more and more near, gradually, its appearance/portrait also presently in the line of sight of everyone. 众人都离那枚黄光越来越近,逐渐的,其真容也现于每个人的视线之中。 That is one puts spirit flower, the rhizome yellow light overflows, the length approximately three chi (0.33 m), spend four petals, each petal is the sparkling stone, if Glazed Glass gem. Its peaceful drifting there, the surroundings has enough over a thousand earth of different sizes to dance in the air spirit, the dust and fog of huge space as if put behind dancing in the air, cautious of like that below innumerable also flowing, as if for fear that alarms to this as if 那是一株盛放中的灵花,根茎黄光流溢,长约三尺,花开四瓣,每一瓣皆是莹若琉璃宝玉。它安静的飘浮于那里,周围有足足上千个大小不同的土灵飞舞,庞大空间的尘雾仿佛忘却了飞舞,下方的恒沙也流动的那般小心翼翼,仿佛都唯恐惊扰到这株宛 If spirit flower of this boundary emperor. 若此境帝王的灵花 Ah...... that is...... is......” 啊……那是……是……” voice/sound that difficult, shivers overflows from the throats of Ku Xian. 艰涩、颤抖的声音枯弦的喉间溢出。 Really is the Qilin bone spirits, is really the Qilin bone spirits!” Zhai Kexie bellows loudly. The Qilin bone spirit orchid record, Qilin Abyss Realm who does not know! “果然是麟骨灵兰,果然是麟骨灵兰啊!”砦克邪放声大吼。麟骨灵兰的记载,麟渊界谁人不知! „...... So is why big?” The eye socket of Helian Jue almost must be supported the crack by suddenly/violently protrude the eyeball unceasingly. “为什么……这么大?”赫连玦的眼眶几乎要被不断暴凸的眼珠撑裂。 Ku Xian somewhat absent-minded say/way: Ancestor Great Emperor obtained Qilin bone spirit orchid for half foot. But this...... is three chi (0.33 m) unexpectedly fully!” 枯弦有些失神的道:“先祖大帝所得的麟骨灵兰为半尺。而此株……竟足有三尺!” Short a few words, let everyone excited such as the calamity volcano of violent eruption is ordinary with the desire, split second ascended innumerable times. 短短一句话,让所有人内心的激动与欲望如猛烈爆发的灾厄火山一般,一瞬间升腾了无数倍。 The past Helian Kunlun Mountains, worked depending on half foot Qilin bone, short one dynasty broke through the bottleneck achievement half god who the lie did not know many years, the achievement the past Helian prosperous times. 当年的赫连昆仑,凭半尺麟骨灵兰,短短一朝突破了停驻不知多少年的瓶颈成就半神,成就了当年的赫连盛世。 Also makes Qilin bone spirit orchid four characters the highest hopes in Qilin Abyss Realm all profound practitioner, regards, if myth. 也让“麟骨灵兰”四个字成为了麟渊界所有玄者中的最高渴望,视若神话。 Half foot spirit orchid already so, that this three chi (0.33 m) spirit orchid...... 半尺灵兰已然如此,那这株三尺灵兰…… Suddenly again no one voice, they all power centralized above speed, whole body clothes sleeve highly bulge, bites the tooth to want broken. 一时间再无人发声,他们把所有的力量都集中于速度之上,周身衣袂高鼓,咬齿欲碎。 Yun Che's aura, Long Jiang aura, they have no time to take into consideration radically. But what makes them have to be suddenly vigilant, Long Jiang aura clearly also takes the Qilin bone spirit unexpectedly. 云澈的气息,龙姜气息,他们根本无暇去顾及。但让他们不得不陡然警觉的是,龙姜气息竟分明也是直取麟骨灵兰。 Moreover the distance faintly be nearer than on a point them. 而且距离隐隐要比他们近上一分。 From pulled closer by the extreme speed, Glazed Glass divine light of Qilin bone spirit orchid release such as the essence is attacking their Profound Vein generally, making the revolution of profound energy obviously smooth, even flowing of blood sped up faintly for several points. 距离被极速拉近,麟骨灵兰释放的琉璃神光如实质一般的冲击着他们的玄脉,让玄气的运转都明显变得顺畅,连血液的流动都隐隐加快了数分。 Is such far overflow spiritual energy then already so, the boundary of half god if refining...... that sleeping will be difficult to seek is how could it not be extremely easy to obtain! 仅仅是如此之远的外溢灵气便已如此,若将之炼化……那梦寐难求的半神之境岂不唾手可得! World happiest dreamland close...... the palm that but at this moment, was wrapped by the grayish white homespun cloth entered in the dreamland. 世间最美好的梦境近在咫尺……但就在这时,一只被灰白粗布包裹的手掌伸入了梦境之中。 In their lines of sight no longer only then the Qilin bone spirits, also Long Jiang. Between both, distances of only hundred zhang (333 m). 他们的视线中已不再只有麟骨灵兰,还有龙姜。两者之间,只余百丈之距。 11 people of simultaneously startle greatly, calls out: Stop!!” 11 half step Divine Extinction profound practitioner overlap in the together roar to shake the space, actually cannot hinder Long Jiang, even if checks. Her form is rolling up and pushing along the filling the heavens sandstorm, such as the iron grey thunder to/clashes to the side of Qilin bone spirit orchid together, the palm 十一人齐齐大骇,同时暴吼:“住手!!”十一个半步神灭玄者交叠在一起的吼声连空间都为之震荡,却未能阻滞龙姜哪怕一刹。她的身影卷动着弥天沙暴,如一道灰白色的雷霆冲至麟骨灵兰之侧,手掌 Touches to go. Collects this world spirit treasure to be careful without doubt again carefully, tiny bit divulging or damaging are the massive losses. But Long Jiang comes prepared obviously, during her referring to appears strange profound tool, close to Qilin bone spirit orchid at the same time, one 直触而去。采集这种天地灵宝无疑要小心再小心,一丝一毫的泄露或污损都是巨大的损失。但龙姜显然有备而来,她的指间现出一枚奇异的玄器,靠近麟骨灵兰的同时,一 Translucent formation perfect covering, will then flicker income. 个半透明结界将之完美笼罩,然后一瞬收入其中。 The yellow light and spiritual energy completely vanish. The previous breath Qilin bone is at spirit orchid, now only Long Jiang forms. 黄光与灵气完全消失。上一息麟骨灵兰所在,现在只余龙姜的身影。 Ximen Borong, Zhai Liancheng, Wan Wei and Helian Jue...... 11 people of figure stagnate, rear blown sand everywhere, is scattered the ray, is far inferior complexion their gloomy uncertain. 西门博容砦连城万巍赫连玦……十一人身形停滞,后方飞沙漫天,错落着光线,却远不及他们面色的阴暗不定。 Eastern, Yun Che at a moderate pace flying, receives in the eyes all. 东方,云澈不紧不慢的飞至,将一切收入眼中 Ah? Brother Yun? How can you here?” 啊?云兄弟?你怎么会在这里?” Rear area by the Ku Xian belt/bring to Mo Cangying saw Yun Che, subconscious shouted makes noise......, but periphery that just like sealed strange aura, did not have, because his shouted to relax. 后方被枯弦带至的陌苍鹰一眼看到了云澈,下意识的呼喊出声……但周围那宛若封结的诡异气场,却丝毫没有因为他这声呼喊而松弛。 Yun Che said: Does not fear the Big Brother Mo joke, my to north, does not want to confuse the direction in the sand fog unexpectedly. Realizing Eastern is God Qilin is, rushes to turn back. You and Country Lord, why also major do Sect Master come this is?” 云澈道:“不怕陌大哥笑话,我本一路向北,不想竟在沙雾中迷了方向。意识到东方麟神所在,就赶忙折返。你和国主,还有各大宗主来此又是为何?” The Mo Cangying vision rotation, hit a meaningful glance to Yun Che: Brother Yun, first to me, after accommodating, related in detail.” 陌苍鹰目光转动,向云澈打了个眼色:“云兄弟,先到我这边,容后再细说。” Yun Che nodded, not anxiously not slow passed through from the Long Jiang body side, arrived at side of Mo Cangying and Ku Xian. 云澈点了点头,不急不缓的从龙姜身侧穿过,来到了陌苍鹰枯弦之侧。 But the entire journey, no one's vision and aura station in his body, completely stubbornly centralized in Long Jiang body. 而全程,没有任何人的目光和气息在他身上驻留,全部死死的集中于龙姜身上 Is the Qilin bone spirits.” Near the Yun Che's ear, resounds passes message of Mo Cangying. “是麟骨灵兰。”云澈的耳边,响起陌苍鹰的传音。 Yun Che understands clearly immediately. 云澈顿时了然。 When the name of Qilin bone spirit orchid, Yun Che previously to Helian Lingzhu made a veiled attack the old ancestor of that in secret protection listened to her to mention, that protected old ancestor also precisely, because obtained the Qilin bone spirit orchid, but achievement half god. 麟骨灵兰之名,云澈先前向赫连玲珠旁敲侧击那个暗中守护的老祖时听她提及过,那个守护老祖也正是因为得到麟骨灵兰而成就半神。 Although Yun Che does not have the interest in it, but to cultivating earth attribute profound strength Qilin deep pool profound practitioner, that is belief divine item. 虽然云澈对之毫无兴致,但对修炼土系玄力的麟渊玄者而言,那是信仰般的神物 Mo Cangying continues to pass on the sound said: In the past, Kunlun Mountains Great Emperor obtained Qilin bone spirit orchid, be only half foot, then helps his dynasty achievement half god. But this enough three chi (0.33 m), at least ten times in Kunlun Mountains Great Emperor.” 陌苍鹰继续传音道:“当年,昆仑大帝所得的麟骨灵兰只有半尺,便助他一朝成就半神。而这一株足足三尺,至少十倍于昆仑大帝。” „......!” The Yun Che brow sinks, the vision swept silently had presented everyone, finally fell on Long Jiang body. “……!”云澈眉头一沉,目光默然扫过了在场每一个人,最后落在了龙姜身上 He thoroughly understands, why these Qilin Abyss Realm most peaks existed insanely each one to was the same. 他彻底明白,为什么这几个麟渊界最巅峰的存在个个都跟疯了一样。 Clearer...... Long Jiang danger. 更明白……龙姜危险了。 Who regardless of she is, is what family background! 无论她是谁,是何出身! The common benefit, they can the thinking over risk. 寻常的利益,他们会掂量风险。 When seduces enough in a big way, the desire will then defeat the reason. 而当诱惑足够大,欲望便会战胜理智。 When seduces to...... ten times in a big way in a dynasty achievement half god, makes them step on the random risk sufficiently, ignition all reason and crazy. 而当诱惑大到……十倍于一朝成就半神时,足以让他们踩踏任意风险,引燃所有理智与疯狂。 Let alone, this is Qilin God Realm that isolates with outside! Can tribulation to eliminate the mouth perfectly, pushes to Secret Realm calamity, drops to the lowest place the risk. 何况,这是与外隔绝的麟神境!一个可以完美劫杀灭口,将一切推给秘境灾厄,将风险降至最低之地。 Dragon small Venerable.” When Ximen Borong first opens the mouth: You take, is this Qilin God Realm unique Supreme Treasure Qilin bone spirits. It to cultivating earth attribute profound strength has big helping, but Dragon Clan, almost with common spirit not different.” “龙小尊者。”西门博容当先开口:“你方才所取,乃是此麟神境特有的至宝麟骨灵兰。其对修炼土系玄力者有大助,但于龙族而言,几乎和寻常灵株无异。” His stance is respectful like the previous microstrip, words also very smalltalk, but his internal qi actually shackles in the body of Long Jiang stubbornly, so long as the opposite party has the change slightly, he must the thunder make a move. 他姿态如先前般微带恭敬,话语也很是客套,但他的气机却是死死缠缚于龙姜之身,只要对方稍有异动,他必雷霆出手。 Therefore, but also asked dragon small Venerable to give up what one treasures. If helps, my Qilin Worshipping Alliance accumulated profound tool spirit treasure, whatever dragon small Venerable takes it.” “所以,还请龙小尊者割爱。如若成全,我拜麟盟所蕴玄器灵宝,任由龙小尊者取之。” If solely faces Ximen Borong, when Long Jiang may resist it. But she now, is eyed covetously by 11 half step Divine Extinction Realm, wants to bring the Qilin bone to move out spirit orchid, is completely dream of a fool. 如果单单只是面对西门博容,龙姜当可拒之。但她如今,是被十一个半步神灭境虎视眈眈,想要带着麟骨灵兰全身而退,完全是痴人说梦。 Therefore, hands over the Qilin bone spirit before thorough having no consideration for face, is most sane, is the only choice. 所以,在彻底撕破脸之前交出麟骨灵兰,是最理智,也是唯一的选择。 But, the response of Long Jiang, actually comes as a surprise to Yun Che completely. 但,龙姜的反应,却是完全出乎云澈意料。 Secret Realm spirit treasure, whose taking then belongs to whom! This is basic principle that three -year-old young child knows. I have no interest in exchanging with you, make way!” 秘境灵宝,谁取之便归属于谁!这是三岁小儿都知晓的基本法则。我没兴趣与你们交换,让开!” Courts death...... Yun Che to read lowly. This woman so comes, so astonishing natural talent and aura, the head is not quite how miraculous. 找死……云澈一声低念。这女人如此出身,如此惊人的天赋气场,怎么脑袋不太灵光。 Apparent pure such as white paper Heaven Breaker God's Daughter will be different from that one, is primary enter world? 不会是和那个一眼便知单纯如白纸的折天神女一样,是初次入世吧? Ximen Borong lifts the hand, the tone obviously sank a point: Dragon small Venerable, you hand over come out, do not make this/Ben hegemon difficult to do.” 西门博容抬手,语气明显沉了一分:“龙小尊者,你还是交出来吧,别让本盟主难做。” What's wrong?” Long Jiang voice/sound, is unexpectedly lower and deeper than Ximen Borong: My Dragon Clan thing, do you also dare to snatch?” “怎么?”龙姜声音,竟比西门博容还要低沉:“我龙族的东西,你们也敢抢?” Ended, thorough incurable...... Yun Che aspirated secretly. The deterrent effects of Dragon Clan two characters are certainly enormous, but this potential boundary, Dragon Clan not only will not make them frightened, instead...... will compel them to break actually the leeway. 完了,彻底没救了……云澈暗暗吐了口气。龙族二字的震慑力当然极大,但此势此境,“龙族”非但不会让他们恐惧,反而……会逼他们断却余地。 Zhai Kexie, Ximen Borong, Wan Wei and Helian Jue...... four people of vision revolutions as if by prior agreement, touched one in same instantly. 砦克邪西门博容万巍赫连玦……四人的目光不约而同的一转,在同一个刹那碰触到了一起。 Zhai Kexie light opens the mouth: Is divided into four, no one are many, who are many.” 砦克邪淡淡开口:“一分为四,谁也不多,谁也不少。” Good.” Wan Wei nod. “好。”万巍点头 Determined that who are many?” Helian Jue obviously lacks in resonance. Naturally.” The Ximen Borong complexion does not have a gentleness again: „ After today, we are grasshopper on a rope. After leaving Qilin God Realm, who dares to divulge, will then all be fallen the crime by Dragon Clan, we naturally do not have the guts to treat either one thinly “确定谁也不少?”赫连玦明显底气不足。“当然。”西门博容的脸色已再无一丝和缓:“今日之后,我们便是一条绳上的蚂蚱。离开麟神境后,谁敢泄露,便会皆遭龙族降罪,我们自然没胆薄待任何一方 . ” 。” Helian Jue felt relieved instantaneously. 赫连玦瞬间放心。 Even if divided into four, obtained must surpass the past Helian Kunlun Mountains. 哪怕一分为四,所得也要超过当年的赫连昆仑。 The boundary of half god, the boundary of half god! 半神之境,半神之境啊! „To kill me?” Long Jiang voice/sound becomes endless quiet cold: Small Qilin God Realm, what to come the courage violates my Dragon Clan actually!” Hehehe!” Ximen Borong smiles to make noise lowly: „ Outside Qilin God Realm, we naturally do not dare. But here...... you died, no one knows. They know that only then you are buried in the calamity sandstorm of this boundary. Even if Dragon Clan falls the crime... “想杀我?”龙姜声音变得无尽幽寒:“小小麟神境,倒是何来的胆子犯我龙族!”“呵呵呵!”西门博容低笑出声:“麟神境外,我们自然不敢。但这里……你死了,无人知道。他们会知道的,只有你葬身于此境的灾厄沙暴之中。龙族纵然降罪… ... This boundary, but Abyss Sovereign wards off, your is Dragon Clan strong, has the ability to fall crime Abyss Sovereign? ” …此境可是渊皇所辟,你龙族再强,有能耐降罪渊皇吗?” Let alone......” he smiles gloomily: Also will have Abyss Knight to testify for us. Everyone in Qilin God Realm, all may to prove.” “何况……”他笑得更加阴森:“还会有深渊骑士为我们做证。麟神境中的所有人,皆可为证。” „......” Long Jiang both hands get hold, that draws in Qilin bone spirit orchid space profound tool to be received by her. “……”龙姜双手握紧,那枚收拢麟骨灵兰的空间玄器被她收起。 This movement, lets Yun Che surprised at the same time also deeply knits the brows. 这个动作,让云澈惊讶的同时亦深深皱眉。 Until at this moment, her still does not have a wee bit handing over thought. 直至此刻,她依然没有丁点交出的念想 As if that Qilin bone spirit orchid also wants the important thing compared with her life. 仿佛那株麟骨灵兰是比她性命还要重要之物。 In other words, this time the goal of entering Qilin God Realm, really spirits for this Qilin bone unexpectedly? 也就是说,她此次进入麟神境的目的,竟真的就是为了这株麟骨灵兰? Brother Yun, we withdraw.” Mo Cangying entrains Yun Che to withdraw slowly. 云兄弟,我们退后。”陌苍鹰拽着云澈缓缓后撤。 But the chanting in a low voice of Mo Cangying, reminded in everyone on the scene suddenly. 陌苍鹰的这声低吟,却是忽然提醒了在场之中所有人。 Vision and internal qi fall to Yun Che body suddenly. 一道道目光和气机陡然落至云澈身上 Because of here except for Long Jiang, there is still one bystander. Yun Che! 因为这里除了龙姜,还有一个外人。云澈
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