ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2010: The Qilin bone spirits

, Quickest update latest chapter! ,最快更新最新章节! Yun Che this has obtained too many chances entire life, one time has no to come so easily, is so heavy. 云澈这一生得到过太多的机缘,却没有哪一次来的如此轻易,又如此沉重。 Behind this huge presenting is an instinct of Qilin clan, is the gratitude and respect to Evil God Ni Xuan. 这巨大的馈赠背后是麒麟一族的天性,是对邪神逆玄的感激与敬重。 In the Yun Che hearts has some ashamed crime feelings......, but was then wiped to extinguish by him immediately thoroughly. 云澈心间生出些许愧罪感……但马上便又被他彻底抹灭。 He cannot by any life, any emotion influence be been sober, any! „ My source blood and source marrow can with your body compatibility several points, all look at your good fortune. If the average man, complete refining takes ten several years...... at least also to be the year. But you have Creation God Profound Vein, perhaps short several months then already foot 他不能被任何生灵,任何情感影响清醒,任何!“吾之源血与源髓能与你身躯契合几分,皆看你的造化。若为常人,完全炼化要十数年……至少也要数年的时间。但你既拥有创世神玄脉,或许短短数月便已足 Suffices. ” 够。” Several days enough...... in the Yun Che hearts was also reading, nods toward pupil of heavily fast gloomy God Qilin: „The God Qilin senior felt relieved, I a Qilin light of God Qilin lineage/vein, will obtain the sparkle of most peak in this world surely.” 几天也就够了……云澈心间念着,向着快速暗淡的麟神之瞳重重颔首:“麟神前辈放心,我定会将麟神一脉的麟光,在此世得到最极致的闪耀。” What he said is this world, rather than abyss. 他说的是“此世”,而非“深渊”。 Good.” God Qilin smile, pupil of that pair of God Qilin divine glow also in this time completely dark, only pair of dry rock pollution old eyes: „, I not have so regretted...... only, little worrying.” “好。”麟神微笑,那双麟神之瞳的神芒也在此时完全的暗下,只余一双枯岩般的浑浊老目:“如此,吾已无憾……只余,少许的牵挂。” Yun Che lifts the pupil: Senior, whether to inform your thing of worrying.” The long-time silence, he sent out gradually distant light moan after all: „ The Gods and Devils fierce battle, a God Qilin clan completely, ancestor God Qilin was forced into God Realm of Absolute Beginning on the wane, under the hopeless situation, is not willing to be buried in the hand of Devil God, leaps deeply with a clansman 云澈抬眸:“前辈,可否告知你的牵挂之物。”长久的沉默,他终归还是发出了逐渐悠远的轻吟:“神魔恶战,麟神一族凋零殆尽,先祖麟神被逼入太初神境,绝境之下,不愿葬身魔神之手,与一众族人跃下深 The deep pool...... is actually Abyss Sovereign rescues, survives in this world. ” 渊……却为渊皇所救,存活于此世。” so that's how it is...... in the Yun Che heart has doubts solves. 原来如此……云澈心中疑惑顿解。 Era of the Gods, only has under the suspect is not possible True God of big of crime forgiveness to be lowered abyss. By an instinct of Qilin clan, is insufficient to commit the so big crime again. 诸神时代,唯有犯下不可饶恕之大罪的真神才会被降下深渊。以麒麟一族的天性,再怎么也不至于犯下这般大罪。 Originally is jumps down. 原来是自己跳下来的。 But corrosion of abyss dust nightmare that if unable to get rid, once were corroded completely, will then change to only destruction desires Abyssal Beast.”Looks the children who helplessly the senior of own close same clan and respect, has not grown were corroded Abyssal Beast...... that type to be painful and despair, compared with death fearful ten million times. In the past nightmare, vertical to today, was encumbered to tie up the soul as before, “但渊尘的侵蚀就如无法摆脱的梦魇,一旦被完全侵蚀,便会化作只余毁灭欲望的渊兽。”“眼睁睁的看着自己至亲的同族、敬重的前辈、尚未成长的儿女被侵蚀成渊兽……那种痛苦与绝望,比死亡都可怕千万倍。当年梦魇,纵至今日,依旧缠身缚魂, If not entrusting of ancestor God Qilin, if not waits for oncoming of miracle, I have chosen to mediate this body. ” 若非先祖麟神的托付,若非等待奇迹的来临,吾早已选择了断此身。” „......” Yun Che is unable to speak the comfort. “……”云澈无法出言安慰。 He once personally experienced has lost all close pain, the pain to letting him once lived to read thoroughly certainly. 他曾亲身感受过失去所有至亲的痛苦,痛到让他曾彻底绝了生念。 But God Qilin described...... that surely was one type, only if experienced, otherwise peak of impossible sympathize despaired forever. 麟神所描绘的……那定是一种除非亲历,否则永远不可能感同身受的极致绝望。 Short several generations of inheritance, a God Qilin clan then thorough on the wane...... only ancestor God Qilin and I.” “不过才短短几代的传承,麟神一族便已彻底凋零……只余先祖麟神与吾。” Ancestor God Qilin was very once powerful, must still win the current six country seven gods.”But that time abyss, must be more fearful than the present. Corrosion of abyss dust to our beast clan, is much greater than your Human Race. Is better than ancestor God Qilin, was gradually corroded by abyss dust, Divine Power is defeated and dispersed unceasingly, the Divine Body unceasing ash defeats, finally, his “先祖麟神曾无比强大,要犹胜当今六国七神。”“但那时的深渊,要远比现在可怕。渊尘对我们兽族的侵蚀,也远大于你们人族。强如先祖麟神,也被渊尘逐渐侵蚀,神力不断溃散,神躯不断灰败,最终,他的 Divine Power has been defeated and dispersed to God Realm, strength, only endures compared with...... god extremely boundary. ” 神力已溃散至神境之下,所余之力,只堪比……神极之境。” However at that time, the ancestor God Qilin corroded degree, has reached over 90%.” “而那时,先祖麟神被侵蚀的程度,已达九成以上。” In Yun Che hearts shock. Was corroded to over 90% can also keep sober, but can also have Divine Pinnacle Realm power, this ancestor God Qilin is how powerful. 云澈心间震动。被侵蚀到九成以上还能保持清醒,还能有神极境力量,这个先祖麟神何其强大。 He has not broken the word of God Qilin, listened to him to say peacefully. But life aura that extreme speed is defeated and dispersed, also gradually empty „the Qilin temple, is showing his time to be not much left. 他没有打断麟神之言,安静的听他说下去。而那极速溃散的生命气息,还有逐渐虚化的“麒麟圣殿”,都在彰显着他的时间已所剩无几。 This Elemental Seed, is ancestor God Qilin obtained. If ancestor God Qilin keeps in one's body, must be possible to extend the life for a long time. But he chooses will deliver to me.” “此元素种子,为先祖麟神所得。先祖麟神若留于己身,必可延命许久。但他选择将之交予吾。” „The ancestor God Qilin injunction, this is the Elemental Creation God power core, is taking pity on bestowed by heaven, but it should not belong to this world eventually, someday, some people will bring back to should it the existence world.” “先祖麟神嘱咐,此为元素创世神力量核心,是天赐的垂怜,但它终究不该属于这个世界,或许有一天,会有人将它带回它本该存在的世界。” „, Withstands the gracious gift at the same time, a God Qilin lineage/vein final protection mission, is the protection in it. Does not let this Creation God power and gracious gift, falls into the evil spirit hand to contaminate the contamination and evil.” “那么,承受恩赐的同时,麟神一脉最后的守护使命,便是守护于它。绝不让这创世神力量与恩赐,落入歹灵手中而沾染污秽与罪恶。” Yun Che is unable deeply not to touch. 云澈无法不为之深深触动。 In God Realm, ancient times God Qilin the thorough extinction, has not had any inheritance or bloodline preserves in world, black ink Qilin of Qilin headed by Qi Tianli are strongest, other all for every clan Qilin. 神界,远古麟神已彻底绝灭,未有任何传承或血脉留存于世,所余麒麟麒天理为首的墨麒麟为最强,其他皆为凡族麒麟 But the disparate record about God Qilin is various, is difficult to distinguish the truth, but only a little completely all same, that is...... a God Qilin clan exists for the protection. 而关于麟神的零星记载各不相同,难辨真伪,但唯有一点尽皆相同,那便是……麟神一族是为守护而存在。 „The mission of this protection, is reason that ancestor God Qilin wants me to go on living for a long time......, but the ancestor God Qilin final order, me in his to be corroded completely, before changing into Abyssal Beast, annihilates him thoroughly.” “这份守护的使命,亦是先祖麟神要吾长久活下去的理由……而先祖麟神最后的命令,是要吾在他被完全侵蚀,化为渊兽之前,将他彻底湮灭。” Yun Che sighed one lightly, said: Senior is unable to start finally, right?” 云澈轻叹一声,道:“前辈最终无法下手,对吗?” Ancestor God Qilin unloads the strength of all guards, but I...... am unable to achieve finally.” “先祖麟神卸下所有护身之力,但吾……终是无法做到。” Even if has passed has counted the hundred thousand year, his voice/sound took the deep pain as before, but is difficult to distinguish whether has the regret. 即使已过去了数十万载,他的声音依旧带上了深深的痛苦,只是难辨其中是否有后悔。 I choose ancestor God Qilin hit hard the faint, then...... will lead into the Fog Sea deep place.” “吾选择将先祖麟神重击昏厥,然后……将之带入了雾海深处。” Arrived at this moment, Yun Che has roughly understood that God Qilin final worrying is anything. 到了此刻,云澈已经大致明白麟神最后的牵挂是什么。 He is unable to judge the choice of God Qilin is to is wrong. 他无法评判麟神的这个选择是对是错。 In the reason, God Qilin indeed should its annihilation. But, that is an ancestor, that is living the hope leaves own close relative, discussed what reason? 理智上,麟神的确该将其湮灭。但,那是先祖,那是将生之希望留给自己的至亲,谈何理智? After it knocks down, posts Fog Sea...... at least also to believe, he remains in an by another way in the world. 将其打晕后置入雾海……至少还可以认为,他依然在以另一种方式存在于世。 Yun Che said: This ancestor God Qilin, he now as in Fog Sea?” 云澈道:“这位先祖麟神,他现在依旧在雾海?” Right.” The sound of God Qilin narrated slowly: He now, is one of the Fog Sea strongest Abyssal Beast.” “没错。”麟神之音缓缓而叙:“他如今,是雾海最强的渊兽之一。” Yun Che: „......” 云澈:“……” Ancestor God Qilin lifetime great kind, takes the justice and humanity with aiding as the belief, even in is most powerful, is not willing to harm the smallest and weakest innocent life. However during these years, do not know that many thorough Fog Sea profound practitioner are buried because of him.” “先祖麟神一生伟岸慈和,以仁义与护佑为信仰,即使在最强大之时,也不愿伤害最弱小的无辜生灵。然而这些年间,不知有多少深入雾海玄者因他而葬身。” In the past his prestige myriad spirits respect, now, only has to hear that it lives the evil reputation that fears. All these, all for my mistake. My shame to ancestor God Qilin, vertical perishes...... under the dwelling place of the dead also not to have the face to meet.” “当年他的威名万灵敬仰,如今,却唯有让人闻之生惧的恶名。这一切,皆为吾之过错。吾愧对先祖麟神,纵亡去……九泉之下亦无颜相见。” Therefore,” Yun Che said: You hope, if I will run into him in Fog Sea in the future, then...... extricates for him?” “所以,”云澈道:“你希望若将来我在雾海遇到他,便……为他解脱?” The pupil of that pair of huge God Qilin has closed to only slits indistinctly, voice/sound also such as tows the candle breeze: My presenting, only to return the graciousness, rather than bestows favor. My disqualification is willing to entrust this in you...... only has...... please...... strive for......” 那双巨大的麟神之瞳已闭合至只余缝隙,声音亦飘渺如曳烛微风:“吾之馈赠,只为还恩,而非施恩。吾无资格将此愿托付于你……唯有……请……求……” Good, I comply.” Yun Che heavily nods, the vision is bright: If future on the 1st, I in one's power, deciding makes him belong to sleeps soundly.” “好,我答应。”云澈重重颔首,目光明澈:“若将来一日,我力所能及,定让他归于安眠。” Pupil of thorough closed God Qilin, then vanishes slowly, final voice/sound permeates among the Yun Che's souls gently: 麟神之瞳彻底的闭合,然后缓缓消失,最后的声音轻轻渗入云澈的魂间: Ten thousand words are also hard to thank...... vertical do not have today, my life span is also not much left. My dead boundary bursts, in the common sense, Abyss Sovereign is not all able to suspect...... or, my existence, he does not reenter the heart.” “万言亦难以为谢……纵无今日,吾之寿命也所剩无几。吾死境溃,皆在常理之内,渊皇无从疑心……抑或着,吾之存在,他早已不再入心。” Three double-hour, this boundary must burst. Departs...... hopes your future, such as the Qilin light of ancestor blazing shining.” “三个时辰,此境必溃。离去吧……愿你的未来,如先祖的麟光般炽耀。” The final one yellow Qilin light dissipates with going far away voice/sound in this moment eternal. 最后的一抹黄色麟光在这一刻随着远去的声音永恒消逝。 That isolated all Qilin temples also completely to vanish at this time. 那隔绝一切的麒麟圣殿也在这时完全消失。 The wind-drift sand restored whirling around, the dust and fog restored to dance in the breeze......, but immediately, all actually had the radical change. 流沙恢复了翻卷,尘雾恢复了飘舞……但马上,一切却又发生了剧烈的变化。 The earth in dust and fog as if received anything to frighten spirit, no longer peaceful dancing in the air, but was the chaotic vacillation. 尘雾中的土灵仿佛受到了什么惊吓,不再安静的飞舞,而是混乱的游移。 The direction that the wind-drift sand of under foot whirls around also obviously becomes chaotic, starts to undercut unexpectedly. 脚下的流沙翻卷的方向也明显变得混乱,随之竟开始下陷。 At first undercuts is very slow, gradual is getting quicker and quicker, as if not know how profound , the abyss giant beast opens the big mouth that it swallowed. 起初下陷的很是缓慢,逐渐的越来越快,仿佛不知多么深远的下方,有一只深渊巨兽张开了它吞噬的大口。 These proud stand do not know that many years the holding the sky rock pillars, presented the fissure of say/way one after another, then the little break, the avalanche, brings intermittent calamity rumbled. 那些傲立了不知多少年的擎天岩柱,接连出现了道道的裂痕,然后一点点的断裂,崩塌,带起阵阵灾厄轰鸣 Creation God Elemental Seed returns to the Yun Che hand, the earth element of this world loses the source to lose the foreword without doubt completely. 创世神元素种子回归云澈手中,这个世界的土元素无疑完全失源失序。 God Qilin falls, this will also soon cave in its life source connected Small World. God Qilin leaves his source blood and source marrow is all wrapped by temperate small formation, does not have the traces of a wee bit escape. Yun Che cautious posting Sky Poison Pearl, deeply will do obeisance toward the front, then turns around, to the West...... also 麟神陨去,这个与它命源相连的小世界也即将塌陷。麟神留给他的源血与源髓皆被一层温和的小结界所包裹,没有丁点逸散的痕迹。云澈将之小心翼翼的置入天毒珠,向着前方深深一拜,然后转身,向西方……亦 Is the exit|to speak direction non-stop flies to go. 是出口的方向直飞而去。 He must do now only, then leaves Qilin God Realm, then seeks place of enough stability. 他现在唯一要做的,便是离开麟神境,然后寻一处足够安定之地。 As for just reason that came to leave, that was simple. 至于刚进来就离开的理由,那就再简单不过了。 He just did not depart far, in the pupil flashes through the one difference suddenly the sparkling stone light. 他刚飞出没多远,瞳孔之中忽然微闪过一抹异样的莹光。 What is that? 那是什么? Meanwhile...... 与此同时…… The mutation happened in Qilin God Realm each corner. 异变发生在了麟神境的每一个角落。 The remote south, Long Jiang is bathing the dust sand, moving slowly to Eastern, if the this solitary one sail of endless sea. 遥远的南方,龙姜沐浴着尘沙,缓缓的挪动向东方,如无尽沧海的一叶孤帆。 But extremely the alone and unknown risk, is unable to prevent her focus. 但极度的孤寂与未知的风险,丝毫无法阻挡她的执着。 The northeast yellow Qilin light suddenly becomes rich, and appears a giant palace. She thinks that she was discovered, footsteps stagnation. 东北方的黄色麟光忽然变得浓郁,并现出一个巨大的宫殿。她以为自己被发现,脚步停滞。 But for a long time, does not have aura to touch itself, her form continues, becoming is more careful and slow. 但许久过后,却没有气息触碰到自己,她身影继续前行,变得更加小心与缓慢。 She looks that the sparkling stone yellow palace sparkles continually, soon starts...... until gloomy to vanish gloomily thoroughly. 她看着莹黄色的宫殿持续闪耀,又在不久之后开始暗淡……直至暗淡到彻底消失。 Simultaneously vanishes, also originally duplicate completely entire Eastern sky yellow Qilin light. 同时消失的,还有原本覆满整个东方苍穹的黄色麟光。 She was startled there......, because in her cognition, disappearance of Qilin light, is representing God Qilin dies. 她怔在了那里……因为在她的认知之中,麟光的消失,代表着麟神陨落 Then, she then saw the earth spirit is frightened, the wind-drift sand is undercutting......, but her soul string chaotic such as the earth spirits, the innermost feelings sink like the wind-drift sand suddenly, a deep powerless feeling spreads along with the pain of gradually intensifying to her whole body. 然后,她便看到了土灵在惊惶,流沙在下陷……而她的魂弦混乱如土灵,内心骤沉如流沙,一种深深的无力感伴随着逐渐加剧的痛苦蔓延向她的全身。 Why...... 为什么…… Why is today...... 为什么偏偏是今日…… Only misses obviously that little...... 明明只差那么少许…… could it be that, the even/including final hope also wants...... 难道,就连最后的希望也要…… But at this moment, a dry Wu color world, presented the glimmer of one difference suddenly. 而就在这时,原本枯芜一色的世界,忽然出现了一抹异样的微光。 ...... Makes Long Jiang split second such as fall illusion aura along with one. 伴随着一股……让龙姜一瞬间如坠幻境气息 It deeply hid in Jishen the underground, the heavy/thick earth element is sealing its divine glow, is camouflaging its aura. 它原本深藏于极深的地下,厚重的土之元素封存着它的神芒,遮蔽着它的气息 Actually with the disintegration of element order, the downcast of sand bed, but reveals in the skylight thoroughly. 却随着元素秩序的崩解,沙层的陷落而彻底显露于天光。 It obviously in the side distant place of line of sight, actually in pupil incomparably clear screened its divine light. 它明明在视线的极远方,却在瞳孔之中无比清晰的映出了它的神光 Not only here has abyss dust, the also strong sand dust, will weaken Spirit Sense and aura enormously. But that aura is away from the so remote distance unexpectedly, incomparably clear impact her Spirit Sense and heartstrings. 这里不仅有渊尘,还有浓重的沙尘,都会极大的衰减灵觉气息。但那股气息竟隔着如此遥远的距离,无比清晰的冲击着她的灵觉与心弦。 Replaced the pain to peak pleasantly surprised split second intensely, she can ignore the concealment again, profound energy completely releases, direct impact that wipes the glimmer to go. 强烈到极致的惊喜一瞬间取代了痛苦,她再顾不得隐匿,玄气尽释,直冲那抹微光而去。 Also is the same time. 亦是同一个时间。 Helian and pays respects Lin, Rock Profound, the people of Ten Thousand Fathoms four big influences all are at the mutation to bring stunned and startled. 赫连、拜麟、磐玄万仞四大势力的人皆处在异变带来的错愕与惊慌中。 When they try to seek for the origin of mutation, aura heavily of one from Eastern touched everyone's Spirit Sense. 他们试图寻找异变的来源时,一抹来自东方气息重重触动了所有人的灵觉 aura enters the body, their five senses unexpectedly as if all of a sudden clear understanding several times. But most lets their epicenter, is circulation that Earth Profound Strength of their whole body sends always doing nothing but, as if uncontrolled is jumping for joy jubilantly. 气息入体,他们的五感竟仿佛一下子清明了数倍。而最让他们震心的,是他们周身的土之玄力竟自发的流转,仿佛在不受控制的雀跃欢腾。 What that is......!?” “那是……什么!?” The face of Helian Jue, Zhai Kexie, Wan Wei and on Ximen Borong reveals deep startled look all. They look to the line of sight of Eastern, mapped one strikingly obviously extremely, actually to puncturing the yellow light of soul. 赫连玦砦克邪万巍西门博容的脸上无不露出深深的惊容。他们看向东方的视线,都映入了一抹明明极微,却醒目到刺魂的黄光。 This aura...... so remote, arrives at so the position unexpectedly richly purely?” Ximen Borong loses one's voice startled recites. “这个气息……如此遥远,竟浓郁纯粹到这般境地?”西门博容失声惊吟。 These words exit|to speak, is almost split second, the completely same four characters appear in their soul seas. 这句话出口,几乎是一瞬间,完全相同的四个字出现在他们的魂海之中。 could it be that is......” 难道是……” Ku Xian opens the mouth slowly: Ten thousand li (0.5 km) wash the soul, Profound Vein palpitate again...... only have the possibility, is legendary......” 枯弦缓缓开口:“万里涤魂,玄脉重悸……唯有可能,是传说中的……” Qilin bone spirits!” “麟骨灵兰!” BOOM!!! 轰隆!!! As if ten thousand thunder Qihong, Ximen Borong, Wan Wei and Zhai Liancheng have exploded shoot to go, direct impact Eastern. 仿佛万雷齐轰,西门博容万巍砦连城已爆射而去,直冲东方 Helian Jue gawked, this seems to be awakening from a dream, roars strangely, dashes to go. 赫连玦愣了一下,这才如梦方醒,怪吼一声,也直扑而去。 Follows! Numerous Elder, Hall Master as well as all disciple stand by and wait for orders, cannot excel at!” “跟上!众长老殿主以及所有弟子原地待命,不可擅动!” Rock Profound Sect three most Elder follows to go rapidly, is Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect and Qilin Worshipping Alliance. 磐玄宗的三个最长老迅速跟随而去,随之是万仞宗拜麟盟 Helian Imperial Family, under Helian Jue, most is Ku Xian. Rock Profound Sect and Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect have three half step Divine Extinction Realm Elder respectively, Qilin Worshipping Alliance Chief Hall Master is also half step Divine Extinction. But Helian Imperial Family...... Helian Jue is weak, even his speed is fastest, the Qilin bone spirit orchid Qiangzhi hand, is still difficult 赫连皇室这边,赫连玦之下,最强便是枯弦磐玄宗万仞宗各有三个半步神灭境长老,拜麟盟总堂主亦是半步神灭。而赫连皇室这边……赫连玦势单力薄,就算他速度最快,将麟骨灵兰抢至手中,也难 By preserving. 以保住。 He does not go also to go. 他不去也得去。 When Ku Xian will soon leave, Mo Cangying flickers the body to his body side: Honored Master, I also go.” 枯弦即将动身之时,陌苍鹰瞬身至他的身侧:“师尊,我也去。” Ku Xian paused, but has had no time hesitant, slightly nod, bringing Mo Cangying to go directly to Eastern. 枯弦顿了一下,但已无暇犹豫,微一点头,带起陌苍鹰直赴东方 Honored Master, Ninth Senior Brother!” 师尊,九师兄!” Helian Lingzhu voice/sound by profound energy engulfed of more than ten violent eruptions, she can only be startled disciple with other completely together, looks helplessly they by the speed directly shoots that nearly fights tooth and nail to Eastern. Yun Che to west, Long Jiang to north, four big influences on east...... they interlocking of direction, is that wipes the yellow glimmer impressively is. 赫连玲珠声音被十几股猛烈爆发的玄气完全吞没,她只能与其他怔愣中的弟子一起,眼睁睁的看着他们以近乎搏命的速度直射向东方云澈向西,龙姜向北,四大势力向东……他们所去方向的交错点,赫然便是那抹黄色微光的所在。
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