ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2009: Final Evil God seed

, Quickest update latest chapter! ,最快更新最新章节! But, young human, your defect the most important thing.” God Qilin tonality steep revolutions: Vigilance!” “但是,年轻的人类,你缺失了最重要的一件东西。”麟神的音调陡转:“戒心!” You for the person of outside world, when knows in this world, once exposes, must focus attention on. But you have the Creation God inheritance, if knows for the bystander, must be coveted by myriad spirits, that time you, far more than were hard to start.” “你既为外世之人,当知在此世一旦暴露,必被瞩目。而你身怀创世神传承,若为外人所知,必遭万灵觊觎,那时的你,何止举步维艰。” However these, you perform all expose in this venerable at present. Don't you fear this venerable all your Duke in the world?” “而这些,你尽皆暴露于本尊目下。你就不怕本尊将你的一切公之于天下么?” Yun Che said confidently: Feared, feared.” 云澈坦然道:“怕,非常怕。” „If any other lives, I will be extremely careful, mission that my origin, my comes, will be I the biggest secret that vigorously to conceal.” “如果是任何一个其他生灵,我都会慎之又慎,我的来历,我此来的使命,都将是我倾力隐瞒的最大隐秘。” Only has the senior, we dare to pay it honestly. Also only has to pay it to honestly, can have the qualifications to result in the senior to treat with respect.” “唯有前辈,我方敢付之以诚。也唯有付之以诚,才能有资格得前辈以诚相待。” Because,” Yun Che smiles: I believe, the senior as abyss final Qilin, did not allow body shining final Qilin light receives a wee bit minor faults to dye.” “因为,”云澈笑了一笑:“我更相信,前辈作为深渊最后的麒麟,绝不容许身上所耀的最后麟光受到丁点的玷染。” To put it bluntly, is the successor as well as wish that betray others...... to betray the benefactor by body salvation the person, will tarnish a glory of Qilin clan, perhaps will be denounced and ridiculed by the later generation. 说白了,就是出卖他人……还是出卖恩人的继承者以及想要“以身救世”之人,会玷污麒麟一族的荣耀,说不定会被后世所诟病和嘲笑。 He is final Qilin, must protect a Qilin clan final honor and nobility and purity surely. 他是最后的麒麟,必定要守护麒麟一族最后的荣光与高洁。 The completely same admonishment, hidden coerced and suggested, to the different people, the different races, often will even have the entirely different result. 完全相同的规劝、隐胁、暗示,对不同的人,甚至不同的种族,往往会有截然不同的结果。 If facing Cang Shitian this grade of character, some people wants him to think of the graciousness, wants him to abandon oneself to protect the response that the Azure Waves final honor...... gets only to have the head to be patted a pulp by a Cang Shitian palm of the hand. 如果是面对苍释天这等人物,有人要他思恩,要他舍己保护沧澜最后的荣光……得到的回应唯有脑袋被苍释天一巴掌拍个稀烂。 But, what front is God Qilin! 但,面前的是麟神 Hehehe, good cleverness and eloquence.” 呵呵呵呵,好一个伶牙俐齿。” God Qilin what kind of existence, how will unable to listen to the stealth in his words suggestion. „ But you as if forgot, this geographic name is Qilin God Realm, is Abyss Sovereign this venerable wards off specially. Benevolence of Abyss Sovereign to the this venerable, the world all knows. Such about the abyss future important matter, this venerable may hide the truth from others, but does not have reason to conceal Abyss Sovereign certainly. You 麟神何许存在,岂会听不出他话中的隐形“暗示”。“可你似乎忘了,此地名为‘麟神境’,是渊皇特为本尊所辟。渊皇本尊之恩情,世所皆知。此等关于深渊未来的大事,本尊可瞒他人,但绝无理由隐瞒渊皇。你 , Also doesn't fear? ” The happy expression on Yun Che face has not reduced: „ The God Qilin senior does not need to test and ridicule me again. I know the God Qilin senior and Abyss Sovereign relational not world spreads like that on the contrary, I guessed...... between the senior and Abyss Sovereign with great courage, should in some ,也不惧吗?”云澈脸上的笑意未减:“麟神前辈不必再考验和揶揄我了。我知道麟神前辈与渊皇的关系并无世所流传的那般,相反,我斗胆猜测……前辈与渊皇之间,应该在某 Or at certain things, has the considerable big barrier. ” 个,或某些事情上,有着相当之大的隔阂。” „......” divine glow of pupil of God Qilin stopped the circulation suddenly. “……”麟神之瞳的神芒忽然停止了流转。 He has not refuted, but is astonished Yun Che was learning from where. 他没有反驳,而是惊异着云澈从何处得知。 Yun Che said: Is open about the facts the senior, I arrive at abyss short in January/one month, regarding this world knowledge really shallow, with living in Abyss Sovereign impossible of highest position has any touching. Reason that I think, is actually very simple.” His vision swept around one, the place of seeing, is the yellow sand: „ I hear legend about Qilin God Realm, was Abyss Sovereign and God Qilin senior is the department in the old friend of remote past, Abyss Sovereign to protect the God Qilin senior, just now opened specially 云澈道:“不瞒前辈,我到来深渊不过短短一月,对此世知之甚浅,与身居最高之位的渊皇不可能有任何碰触。我如此认为的原因,其实很是简单。”他目光扫了一眼四周,入目之处,皆是黄沙:“我所听闻的关于麟神境的传说,是渊皇麟神前辈是系于久远年代的故交,渊皇为了保护麟神前辈,方才特意开辟 This boundary. ” „ Qilin Abyss Realm high and low, is to the respect and praise of Abyss Sovereign this act. Everyone believes, in this Secret Realm the rich to the extreme earth strength is Abyss Sovereign gives, is Abyss Sovereign uses the heart blood unsurpassed gracious gift. Also is this gracious gift, finally 此境。”“麟渊界上下,皆是对渊皇此举的敬仰与称颂。所有人都坚信,这个秘境中浓郁之极的土之力是渊皇所赋予,是渊皇倾尽心血的无上恩赐。也是这份恩赐,将最后 Qilin bloodline preserves today. ” 麒麟血脉留存到了今日。” But! In I know Elemental Seed that I seek for likely when senior body, I then know what since lets the God Qilin senior exists is Elemental Creation God Elemental Seed, rather than Abyss Sovereign gracious gift.” “但!在我知晓我所找寻的元素种子很可能在前辈身上时,我便知道让麟神前辈存在至今的是元素创世神元素种子,而非‘渊皇的恩赐’。” That, when most surface cognition has the huge deviation, thing that I consider, naturally can have the difference in root with others.” He is staring at the pupil of God Qilin, the sensation the change of each wisp of pupil light: „ Therefore, so long as regardless ‚the Abyss Sovereign gracious gift, one wants then to understand slightly: If the God Qilin senior and Abyss Sovereign have the enough deep friendship seriously, if Abyss Sovereign wants seriously “那么,当‘最表层的认知’出现巨大偏差,我所思虑的东西,也自然会与其他人有了根源上的不同。”他凝视着麟神之瞳,感知着每一缕瞳光的变化:“所以,只要抛开‘渊皇的恩赐’,稍稍一想便会明白:若麟神前辈与渊皇当真有足够深厚的交情,若渊皇当真想要 Under insurance final Qilin, why doesn't that place the God Qilin senior without abyss dust Pure Land? ” 保下最后的麒麟,那为什么不将麟神前辈安置于没有渊尘净土?” God Qilin: „......” 麟神:“……” If said that Pure Land as to exists high, can not make an exception to allow to stay others. Then, why doesn't Abyss Sovereign place you in can isolate abyss dust six big Divine Country largely?” “若说净土作为至高存在,不得破例容留他人。那么,渊皇为何不将你安置于能够极大程度隔绝渊尘的六大神国?” God Qilin senior is not only quite powerful, is the justice and humanity and auspicious omen beast of the world all knows, is final Qilin. Any Divine Country it, will only take as the glory, is difficult the repel reason.” 麟神前辈不但极为强大,更是世所皆知的仁义与祥瑞之兽,更是最后的麒麟。任何神国得之,都只会引为荣焉,难有排斥的理由。” However finally is actually, God Qilin senior not in Pure Land, not in Divine Country, even not near Divine Country. Instead in this remote area far away from all gods country's. Under revolving, this instead is more like one type...... the exile.” “而结果却是,麟神前辈未在净土,未在神国,甚至未近神国。反而是在这处远离所有神国的偏远之地。细思之下,这反而更像是一种……流放。” „If the exile, existence of that Qilin God Realm, is not the protection, but is one type imprisonment.” “若为流放,那麟神境的存在,便不是保护,而是一种‘禁锢’。” Qilin God Realm every hundred sixty-year cycle open one time, must dispatch faction Abyss Knight to come this opening each time specially, and entire journey supervision, entered everyone also to scrupulously follow Abyss Sovereign in the past the decreed rule.” 麟神境每百甲子开启一次,每次还要特意遣派一个深渊骑士来此开启,并全程监督,进入其中的所有人也要恪守渊皇当年钦定的规则。” Remote area, how to go so far as to spends so the thoughts, how to go so far as to periodicity dispatches faction Abyss Knight from Pure Land to go, but. Only if......” “一个偏远之地,何至于花费如此心思,何至于周期性遣派一个深渊骑士净土远赴而至。除非是……” Surveillance!” “监视!” Yun Che's voice stops, has not actually waited for the denial or the rebuttal of God Qilin for a very long time. Yun Che continued: „ I attempt to substitute to the Abyss Sovereign position, reason that is pushing his so action. The obtained conclusion is, friendship between you and Abyss Sovereign bursts because of an enough big difference, but creates this difference 云澈的声音停顿,却久久没有等来麟神的否定或反驳。云澈继续道:“我尝试将自己代入至渊皇的位置,正推他这般举动的原因。得出的结论便是,你和渊皇之间的交情因一个足够巨大的分歧而破裂,而造成这个分歧 Most possible reason...... ” 的最可能原因……” Was you knew related Abyss Sovereign some secret.” “是你知晓了有关渊皇的某个秘密。” When voice/sound falls, he noticed clearly God Qilin pupil split second blasts out the innumerable say/way close fissures. 声音落下之时,他清晰看到麟神的瞳孔一瞬间炸开无数道细密的裂痕。 Originally, his to this guess assurance , is less than 40%. But the response of pupil of God Qilin makes him know that oneself guessed right. He draws this conclusion is not but actually difficult. Abyss Sovereign the God Qilin exile to the remote area, imprisonment in disguised form, the supervision of cycle, enters Qilin God Realm various rules that he set personally...... all these to aim at a goal, 原本,他对这个猜测的把握只有不到40%。但麟神之瞳的反应让他知道自己猜对了。他得出这个结论倒也并不难。渊皇麟神流放至偏远之地,变相的禁锢,周期的监督,他亲自定下的进入麟神境的各种规则……所有的这些都指向了一个目的, That is Abyss Sovereign does not hope God Qilin and Six Divine Countries, even willfully life contact of slightly high plane. 那就是渊皇不希望麟神六神国,甚至任意稍高位面的生灵接触。 So, the biggest possibility, is God Qilin is then knowing Abyss Sovereign some taboo secret. But Abyss Sovereign does not hope, or cannot kill God Qilin, does not want to doubt for the world, has to choose so, and is classified as the gracious gift the coat. 如此,最大的可能,便是麟神知晓着渊皇的某个禁忌隐秘。而渊皇又不愿,或者不能杀麟神,更不想为世所疑,才不得不选择如此,并冠以恩赐的外衣。 Perhaps, because of him is being Qilin, that well-known instinct made Abyss Sovereign choose so. If trades to make other races...... to involve the secret of ruler taboo seriously, regardless of the former friendship how much, must be decided the extinction to kill. 或许,也正因他是麒麟,那人所皆知的天性让渊皇选择了如此。若换做其他种族……当真涉及帝皇禁忌之秘,无论以前交情几何,必被决绝灭杀。 Impressive.” “让人惊叹。” God Qilin voice/sound brings deeply surprised and sighed however: Unexpectedly so young young life aura, may ascertain so...... exactly right, worthily is his successor, has the qualifications to inherit the Creation God strength worthily human.” 麟神声音带着深深的惊讶和叹然:“如此稚幼的生命气息,竟可窥破的如此……分毫不差,不愧是他的继承者,不愧是有资格继承创世神力的人类。” The same praise, were more than previously too multiple gasping in admiration it. 相同的夸赞,比之先前却多了太多倍的叹服。 Yun Che said: „The God Qilin senior overpraised seriously. Trades to be anybody to know this place Divine Power of eternal earth not the gracious gift from Abyss Sovereign, will easily think of this point.” 云澈道:“麟神前辈当真过誉了。换做任何人知晓此地的永恒土之神力并非是来自渊皇的恩赐,都会轻易想到这一点。” Hehe, does not need to be modest. In recent years, many Divine Lord final level human to this, do not have the guts close to half step. But you by the body of Divine Sovereign, actually in front of this venerable proudly not inferior. Only this, you already remarkably above in same clan.” “呵呵,不必自谦。这些年来,多少神主极境人类到此,却无胆临近半步。而你以神君之躯,却在本尊面前傲然不卑。单凭此,你已卓然于同族之上。” Yun Che: „......” 云澈:“……” Therefore now, the God Qilin senior has allowed me to take back Elemental Seed?” “所以现在,麟神前辈可是已允许我将元素种子收回?” Yun Che restrained the all gods sentiment, tranquil looks at the eye of God Qilin. 云澈收敛起了所有神情,平静的看着麟神的眼睛。 God Qilin said: Why you first did not ask this venerable, was actually that Abyss Sovereign secret what?” 麟神道:“你为何不先问本尊,那个渊皇的隐秘究竟是什么?” I want certainly to know.” Yun Che shakes the head slowly: „But if I asked that this issue, without doubt is to senior's one insult.” “我当然很想知道。”云澈缓缓摇头:“但若我问出这个问题,无疑是对前辈的一种侮辱。” Hahahahaha!” God Qilin laughs loudly, with his internal qi no longer is heavy and congealment, the surrounding world was rolled up and pushed along the sandstorm of chaotic dissemination by his laughter: Replied well, replied that resulted in very good......” 哈哈哈哈哈!”麟神放声大笑,随着他气机不再沉重和凝结,周围的世界被他的笑声卷动起混乱弥散的风沙:“回答得好,回答得太好了……” Good two characters, making Yun Che slightly one knit the brows. “太好”二字,让云澈微一皱眉。 The cause, reason, personality and goal...... and even the response of each few words, indeed „was too good, does not have any errors and flaw. 起因、理由、性情、目的……乃至每一句话的回应,都的确“太好”了,没有任何错漏和破绽。 As if has passed through in the innumerable abdomens to train. 仿佛早已经过了无数次的腹中演练。 Without the flaw, is a flaw. 没有破绽,又何尝不是一种破绽。 But, God Qilin actually resembles had not detected this flaw, after laughing, his voice/sound thorough temperate: Young human, you may know in the words that you spoke, what this venerable most likes is which words?” 但,麟神却似没有察觉这个“破绽”,大笑之后,他的声音彻底温和了下来:“年轻的人类,你可知你所说的话中,本尊最喜欢的是哪句话?” The Yun Che short consideration said: Is it possible that is...... this in the hand that Elemental Seed that wanders about destitute abyss in the God Qilin senior absolutely not is accidental. Only has Qilin, has the qualifications to obtain this to come from the asylum of Creation God?” 云澈短暂思虑道:“莫非是……‘这颗流落深渊元素种子会在麟神前辈的手中绝非偶然。唯有麒麟,有资格得到这来自创世神的庇护’?” No.” God Qilin gave his negative reply: My arrival, is in your long years, biggest pleasant surprise. These words, passed through this venerable this to count hundred thousand year of Soul.” “不。”麟神给了他否定的回答:“‘我的到来,是你这漫长岁月中,最大的惊喜’。这句话,贯穿了本尊这数十万载的灵魂。” „......” A Yun Che's soul dramatic turbulence. “……”云澈的心魂一阵剧烈的动荡。 He just about to opens the mouth, at present suddenly the yellow light duplicate under...... his Evil God's Profound Veins also transmits incomparably intense palpitation suddenly. 他刚要开口,眼前忽然黄光覆下……他的邪神玄脉也陡然传来无比强烈的悸动。 Yun Che subconscious raised the head...... a yellow light star to drop from the clouds, falls slowly to Yun Che. 云澈下意识的抬头……一枚黄色的光星正从天而降,缓缓落向云澈 Every time close to a Yun Che point, its ray will then be profound a point, palpitation in Yun Che Profound Vein will also be more violent a point. Yun Che Wuxin (unintentional) has thought of the spoken language again, his extend the hand palm, anxious and careful held this yellow light star in the hand...... the flash, Evil God's Seed in his Profound Vein all released respective divine glow, deep satisfaction with 每靠近云澈一分,它的光芒便会深邃一分,云澈玄脉中的悸动也会更加猛烈一分。云澈已再无心思言语,他伸出手掌,急切而又小心的将这枚黄色的光星捧在了手中……一刹那,他玄脉中的邪神之种全部释出了各自的神芒,一种深深的满足与 Jumps for joy ascends in his within the body, until spreading to each corner of his whole body. 雀跃在他体内升腾,直至蔓延到他全身的每一个角落。 The palm gathers, closely drew in this final Evil God seed. Hehe.” Felt Yun Che body that unquenchable excitement, God Qilin was exuding the especially gentle laughter: „ Actually, first reason is completely then enough. Since the life of this venerable can preserve, all does obeisance that Elemental Creation God gives 手掌合起,也紧紧收拢了这最后的一枚邪神种子。“呵呵。”感受着云澈身上那难以抑制的激动,麟神发出了格外平和的笑声:“其实,第一个理由便完全足够。本尊之命能留存至今,皆拜元素创世神给予的这份 Gracious gift. This thinks that after all is hard for the report, but you, appeared in front of this venerable. ” 恩赐。本以为毕竟难以为报,而你,却出现在了本尊面前。” Your arrival, is the bestowed by heaven pleasant surprise. Because this venerable, can return to the Elemental Creation God obligation finally...... may feel at ease to go finally.” “你的到来,是天赐的惊喜。因为本尊,终于可以对元素创世神的大恩有所回报……终可安心而去。” As for saving abyss...... abyss collapse is irretrievable, you could not rescue abyss, no one could rescue abyss.” “至于拯救深渊……深渊崩灭不可挽回,你救不了深渊,谁也救不了深渊。” „......!?” Yun Che fierce raising the head: God Qilin senior, your saying what intent?” “……!?”云澈猛的抬头:“麟神前辈,你这话何意?” „It is not able to speak.” God Qilin replied: Elemental Creation God successor, regardless of you want to save deep Yuanzhi to say is true or false, this venerable hopes, you can leave abyss as soon as possible, returning to that you to come the world that.” “无法言说。”麟神回答:“元素创世神的继承者,无论你想要拯救深渊之是真是假,本尊都希望,你可以尽早离开深渊,回到那个你出身的世界。” Yun Che just about to asks, suddenly in the hearts fierce moves. 云澈刚要开口询问,忽然心间剧烈一动。 Isn't able to speak? 无法言说? could it be that...... is related with that Abyss Sovereign secret that he can cling to tenaciously? 难道……和他必须死守的那个渊皇隐秘有关? abyss surely collapse? Abyss Sovereign secret?? 深渊必定崩灭渊皇的隐秘?? Does not need to closely examine.” Spoken language that God Qilin voice/sound duplicate under Yun Che will soon export: „ You only need keep firmly in mind, abyss collapse, his focus is the thing of this world most terrifying, no one is surely reversible. Since this venerable has muddled through life ignobly, is unwilling with the helpless waiting “不必追问。”麟神声音覆下云澈即将出口的言语:“你只需牢记,深渊必定崩灭,他的执着是这世间最恐怖之物,无人可逆。本尊一直苟存至今,也只是在不甘与无奈的等待 Arrival of that day. ” 着那一天的到来。” abyss surely collapse...... 深渊必定崩灭…… His focus? 他的执着? Does he...... refer to Abyss Sovereign? 他……是指渊皇 Abyss Sovereign...... rigid...... collapse abyss...... 渊皇……执着……崩灭深渊…… Not is right! 不对不对! abyss world is Abyss Sovereign constructs, abyss can have the present relative stability , is Abyss Sovereign lifetime heart blood. His subordinate Abyss Knight, to maintain the abyss order exists. 深渊之世渊皇所建,深渊能有如今的相对安定,也皆是渊皇一生的心血。他麾下的深渊骑士,更是为了维护深渊秩序而存在。 The God Qilin words decide however should not so understand. 麟神的话语定然不该是如此理解。 Actually that is...... 那究竟是…… Now obviously is not this/should excessively considers the time, Yun Che sane has not closely examined, secretly relieved, serious saluting said: Good, thank senior's advice, thank helping of senior.” 现在显然不是该过多思虑的时候,云澈理智的没有追问,暗舒一口气,郑重的行礼道:“好,感谢前辈的劝告,感谢前辈的成全。” Elemental Creation God power when originally is you, discussed what thanks and helping.” 元素创世神力量本就当属于你,谈何感谢与成全。” divine glow that however short a few words, the pupil of that pair of God Qilin overflows then already naked eye obvious was dim. „ This Elemental Seed in this venerable within the body many years, while preserving the this venerable life, is connected with this venerable life source. Above turns round, is this venerable source Divine Power, you must fuse Elemental Seed not anxiously, but in fusion 不过短短一句话,那双麟神之瞳所流溢的神芒便已肉眼可见的黯淡了许多。“这枚元素种子本尊体内多年,在留存本尊性命的同时,也早已与本尊命源相连。其上所覆的,是本尊的本源神力,你莫要急着融合元素种子,而是在融合的 Meanwhile, slow refining this venerable source Divine Power, deciding advancement that may help in greatly your. ” 同时,缓慢炼化本尊的本源神力,定可大助于你的进境。” When Yun Che touches the Evil God earth plants, he then already sensation to that extremely rich Qilin source. 云澈触碰到邪神土种之时,他便已经感知到了那极其浓郁的麒麟本源。 God Qilin can definitely only strip from own life source the Evil God seed. So, did not have the Evil God seed, his surplus life source will also support him to continue survival many years. 麟神完全可以只将邪神种子从自己的命源中剥离。如此,没有了邪神种子,他剩余的命源也将支撑他继续存活很多年。 He does this, without doubt will be defeated and dispersed by oneself remaining life air/Qi extreme speed. 他如此做,无疑会让自己残余的命气极速溃散。 Only to help Yun Che, only to repay the graciousness of Evil God. 只为成全云澈,只为报答邪神之恩。 Good......” “好……” Not artificial said anything, Yun Che nodded heavily: My this starts refining, does not leave uncultivated the senior pains tiny bit.” 没有矫情的多说什么,云澈重重的点头:“我这就开始炼化,绝不荒废前辈苦心的一丝一毫。” No, the place of here non- refining.” “不,此处非炼化之地。” Not only pupil light, even/including his voice/sound, extremely obvious emaciated several points: Because of this boundary, is connected with the this venerable life air/Qi. After the this venerable life perishes, in this Qilin God Realm three double-hour will then crash.” 不仅瞳光,就连他的声音,也太过明显的孱弱了数分:“因为此境,与本尊命气相连。本尊命殒之后,此麟神境三个时辰内便会崩塌。” However this venerable time, already hundred breaths.” “而本尊所余时间,已不过百息。” „......!?” Yun Che vision flash setting. “……!?”云澈目光骤凝。 He wants saying that by the great strength of Qilin, the strength of vertical rejection source, absolutely not being the extent that quick withering away. 他想说,以麒麟之强大,纵舍弃本源之力,也断不至于如此之快的消亡。 But his words have not exported, at present, then lowered two sparkling stone yellow light stars suddenly slowly, sparkles to richly flooding his entire field of vision yellow Qilin light. „ The body of this venerable, had been corroded by abyss dust most, if not that Elemental Seed, such as ancestor God Qilin has changed into Abyssal Beast like that......, but these, is the this venerable final pure source blood and pure source marrow, a strongest protection of my Qilin clan 但他话未出口,眼前,便忽然缓缓降下了两枚莹黄色的光星,闪耀着浓郁到充斥他整个视野的黄色麟光。“本尊之躯,早已被渊尘侵蚀大半,若非那枚元素种子,早已如先祖麟神那般化为渊兽……而这些,是本尊最后的纯粹源血与纯粹源髓,我麒麟一族的最强守护‘ The Qilin templealso engraves ”. 麒麟圣殿’亦刻印其中”。 This is this venerable...... to some Elemental Creation God only returns, hope them, endures to become the boost of your subsequent life.” “这是本尊……对元素创世神唯有的回报,愿它们,堪成为你此后人生的助力。” „......” The Yun Che mouth opens, is unable to put out a hand, is unable to say a word. “……”云澈嘴巴张开,无法伸手,无法言语。 Leaves this boundary as soon as possible, seeks place of the stability...... regeneration Elemental Creation God, regeneration Evil God, Hehehe, making one how anticipate.” “尽快离开此境,寻一安定之处……再生的元素创世神,再生的邪神,呵呵呵,让人何其期待。” His laughter already especially weak, if night breeze completely. But does not have slightly is unwilling not indignation, only has to be gentle and satisfied. 他的笑声已格外的虚弱,如将尽的晚风。但没有丝毫的不甘不忿,唯有平和与满足。 The Yun Che vision hangs, lightly said: „The graciousness of senior, junior...... unable to return the favor.” 云澈目光微垂,轻声道:“前辈之恩,晚辈……无以为报。” He to the words that God Qilin spoke half for, half for the false, only goal, was winning victory without firing a shot the seed of recaption earth. 他对麟神所说的话半为真,半为假,唯一的目的,便是兵不血刃的取回土之种子。 But God Qilin...... vertical obviously ascertained him saying that word half really half false, actually did not expose, not only returned the seed, but also leaned by the report. 麟神……纵明显窥破他所说之言半真半伪,却毫不点破,不仅将种子交还,还倾身以报。 This is...... the god of Qilin. 这便是……麒麟之神。 My Qilin light, should pass away along with me. Now can actually sparkle in Elemental Creation God successor body again...... only not regrets joyful.” “吾之麟光,本该随吾永逝。如今却能在元素创世神传人身上再度闪耀……唯欣无憾。” „......” Any grateful spoken language only has the paleness. Yun Che putting out a hand slowly, serious these two from God Qilin presents to receive in Zhangjian heavily. Thanked hitting of everyone/numerous big shot to enjoy, bosses were seriously muddled ~ ~ ~ “……”任何感激的言语都唯有苍白。云澈缓缓的伸手,郑重的将这两枚来自麟神的沉重馈赠收于掌间。【感谢众位大佬们的打赏,老板们当真糊涂啊~~~】
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