ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2008: Asked the report depending on

The dust and fog and sandstorm of moving restlessly sweep across Yun Che's to bellow, biography to a more remote space. 躁动的尘雾与沙暴席卷着云澈的大吼,传向了更为遥远的空间。 Actually in next moment, the surroundings fell into the strange and fearful silencing suddenly. 却在下一个瞬间,周围忽然陷入了诡异而可怕的静寂。 voice/sound no longer spreads, the wind-drift sand no longer rolls up and pushes along, dust and fog and sandstorm static there. 声音不再扩散,流沙不再卷动,尘雾和沙暴都静止在了那里。 The whole world as if by suddenly seal, only had the yellow Qilin light to fill the air suddenly, was defeated the space of surrounding thousand li (500 km). 整个世界仿佛被忽然封结,唯有黄色的麟光忽然弥漫,覆没了周围千里的空间。 Together boundless, if aura of endless deep sea turns round in Yun Che's body......, but, on the Yun Che's face has not revealed the startled color, instead in hearts a heavily stretch/leisurely. 一道磅礴如无尽深海的气息覆于云澈的身上……但,云澈的脸上没有露出惊色,反而心间重重一舒。 This aura expected powerful incomparable, heavy such as the day leans. But does not have berserk, does not have the anger, does not have killing intent...... so, he has succeeded most probably. 这股气息意料之中的强大无比,沉重如天倾。但没有狂暴,没有愤怒,更没有杀意……如此,他已成功了大半。 His vision sweeps to the distant place, the yellow Qilin light that fills unceasingly, formed a giant profound light palace unexpectedly, position that he is , is the dead center of this giant palace. 他的目光扫向远方,那不断弥漫的黄色麟光,竟是形成了一个巨大的玄光宫殿,他所在的位置,便是这个巨大宫殿的正中心。 A record in memory was touched ruthlessly. 记忆中的一个记载被狠狠触动。 Era of the Gods, under Creation God strongest defends Divine Power, one is the ancient armillary sphere tower in Black Tortoise, one is the God Qilin Qilin temple. 诸神时代,创世神最强的防御神力,一为玄武的璇玑塔,一为麟神麒麟圣殿。 This could it be that was that ancient times records, in the Qilin temple that Era of the Gods soulless did not understand!? 难道便是那远古记载中,在诸神时代都无神不晓的麒麟圣殿!? In this „the Qilin temple, the world outside palace as if vanished. 在这“麒麟圣殿”中,殿堂外的世界仿佛消失了。 voice/sound and aura, even the ray...... as if the whole world only yellow palaces, other all have all dissipated eternal. 声音气息,甚至光线……仿佛整个世界都只余一处黄色的殿堂,其他的一切皆已永恒消逝。 Yun Che attempts to extend by own divine sense in secret to palace beside, but touches, only has a thorough bareness. 云澈暗中尝试以自己的神识延伸向“殿堂”之外,但碰触到的,唯有一片彻底的空无。 Bidirectional isolation......, moreover thorough appalling. 双向隔绝……而且彻底的让人毛骨悚然。 So terrifying degree, even if palace in incessantly fierce battle, outside ten steps away palace, will not hear voice/sound, cannot detect half wisp of aura. 如此恐怖的程度,哪怕“殿堂”之中抵死恶战,十步之距的殿堂之外,也不会听到一丝声音,察觉不到半缕气息 The strength of earth concentrates on the protection, but the isolation, without doubt is also one of the strength of protection. At this moment, how is for the first time fearful the Yun Che so clear sensation to peak the strength of isolation. 土之力专注于守护,而隔绝,无疑也是守护之力的一种。这一刻,云澈平生第一次如此清晰的感知到极致的隔绝之力何其可怕。 The the front space, screens a pair of giant eye pupil slowly. 前方的空间,缓缓映出一双巨大的眼瞳。 The greatness of this pair of god pupil hundred feet, approximate circular. A pair of pupil such as the rock of aging, is actually condensing the topaz common sparkling stone light. 这双神瞳十丈之巨,近似圆形。一双瞳仁如老化的磐石,却又凝聚着黄玉一般的莹光。 If giant pupil endless rock deep pool, clear inverted image Yun Che's form. 巨大的瞳孔如无尽的岩渊,清晰倒影着云澈的身影 The Yun Che's contour and pupil light, aura and power...... his all were blocked in the Qilin temple, in its carefully examining. 云澈的外形、眸光、气场力量……他的一切都被封锁于麒麟圣殿之内,都在它的审视之中。 Yun Che one step, raises slightly forward slightly: junior Yun Che, achieved wishes to see the God Qilin senior, is honored.” 云澈向前一步,稍稍欠身:“晚辈云澈,如愿得见麟神前辈,甚是荣幸。” Beyond the formality, his stance is neither arrogant nor servile. 礼节之外,他的姿态不卑不亢。 voice/sound that a world fearful silencing, even/including Yun Che sends out as before seemed inhaled the invisible black hole. 世界依旧一片可怕的静寂,就连云澈发出的声音都仿佛被吸入了无形的黑洞。 Has not been responded, Yun Che does not worry, is looking straight ahead the the front qilin God Qilin pupil peacefully, whatever that vast boundless divine sense again and again finds out by secret inquiry outside him to release with aura of embodiment. 没有得到回应,云澈也并不着急,安静的直视着前方的麒麟神瞳,任由那股浩瀚无际的神识一次次探知着他外释和内蕴的气息 Finally, a boundless heavy/thick old sound also resounds near his ear and soul sea: Trivial Human Race Divine Sovereign, dares to alarm this venerable to sleep soundly. You are want to be buried in this sand deep pool forever!” 终于,一个磅礴厚重的苍老之音在他耳边与魂海同时响起:“区区人族神君,竟敢惊扰本尊安眠。你是想要永远葬身于这片沙渊中吗!” Yun Che tranquil say/way: God Qilin senior, if buries sand Yuan me, only need snap fingers. But the senior will certainly not do this, because I am the Elemental Creation God Ni Xuan successor!” 云澈平静道:“麟神前辈若要将我埋葬沙渊,只需弹指。但前辈一定不会如此做,因为我是元素创世神逆玄的继承者!” His profound energy release, the left hand ignites the flame, right hand congealment cold ice, the body last volume getting windy spin, whole body lightning bolt incites the cry. 玄气释放,左手燃起火焰,右手凝结寒冰,身下卷起风旋,周身雷光滋鸣。 Naturally, he has not shown the strength of darkness. 当然,他并没有彰显黑暗之力。 One of Elemental Creation God Elemental Seed, then in your within the body. My words is true or false, you in the sensation to my aura that moment, then should have the most defined answer.” 元素创世神元素种子之一,便在你的体内。我的话是真是假,你在感知到我气息的那一刻,便该有了最明晰的答案。” The place of abyss earth attribute power richest enlivening, sole these words, then let the earth seed that Yun Che flickers to think of the Evil God's Profound Veins only defect sufficiently. 深渊土系力量最浓郁活跃之地,单单这句话,便足以让云澈一瞬想到邪神玄脉唯一缺失的土之种子。 Except for Dragon Clan, other beast clans had been corroded all Abyssal Beast. But since this Qilin actually has only existed. Then, a very big possibility, was the Evil God seed saved it. 除了龙族,其他兽族皆已被侵蚀成渊兽。而这只麒麟却一直存在至今。那么,一个很大的可能,便是邪神种子拯救了它。 Now, such near facing the god of this Qilin, the previous guess totally has only become the reality. 如今,如此之近的面对这只麒麟之神,先前的猜测已完完全全成为了现实。 Is this Shuangliu is overflowing the eye of sparkling stone yellow divine glow, can let his clear sensation to aura of Evil God seed. 仅仅是这双流溢着莹黄神芒的眼睛,都能让他清晰感知到邪神种子的气息 Similarly, this only God Qilin can also flicker to believe firmly what his body circulation is Elemental Creation God power. 同样的,这只麟神也能一瞬确信他身上流转的是元素创世神力量 You, from another world?” “你,来自另一个世界?” Another world, is eternal Pure Land that” in the abyss life mouth endless yearns. But God Qilin when inquiring about these words, does not have too many shocking and excitements, only has ten thousand mountains tranquil heavy/thick. “另一个世界”,便是深渊生灵口中无尽向往的“永恒净土”。但麟神在问及这句话时,却没有太多的震惊与激动,唯有万岳般的平静厚重。 Yes.” Obviously is the biggest secret that body should not leak, Yun Che is actually the response of no hesitation: I come here goal, is the recaption loses in your body Elemental Seed, but also looks at the God Qilin senior to help.” “是。”明明是身上绝不该外泄的最大隐秘,云澈却是毫无犹疑的回应:“我来这里的目的,便是取回遗落在你身上元素种子,还望麟神前辈成全。” Hehe.” The low and deep laughter epicenter shakes the soul, the eye of God Qilin also concentrates almost to want the pressure that the Yun Che body destroys: Elemental Creation God successor how? You are only trivial Divine Sovereign human!” “呵呵。”低沉的笑声震心撼魂,麟神之目也凝起几乎欲将云澈身躯摧断的威压:“元素创世神传人又如何?你不过只是区区神君人类!” Elemental Seed that you asked indeed in the body of this venerable, is connected with the this venerable life, if delivered to you, this venerable must die without doubt. Trivial Divine Sovereign human, what to come reason and qualifications demand the this venerable life related thing!” “你所求的元素种子的确在本尊之身,早已与本尊性命相连,若交予你,本尊必死无疑。区区神君人类,何来的理由与资格索求本尊性命相关之物!” This is the pressure from God Qilin, although has obviously restrained, but as before fearful peerless, to Divine Sovereign, its one flickers bruising sufficiently. 这是来自麟神的威压,虽然明显有所收敛,但依旧可怕绝伦,对一个神君而言,更是足以将其一瞬压溃。 But Yun Che in pupil of God Qilin is actually stands as before proudly, without shivering of body, even cannot see trembling of a wee bit eye pupil. 麟神之瞳中的云澈却是依旧傲然而立,没有躯体的颤抖,甚至看不到丁点眼瞳的战栗。 He said slowly: reason that you need, I give you!” 他缓缓道:“你需要的理由,我给你!” Its one,” Yun Che voice/sound slowly, depresses words is still sonorous in the God Qilin soul: abyss the corrosion of abyss dust to beast clan is bigger than Human Race by far. Therefore, the deep Abyssal Beast clan except for Dragon Clan depends upon the powerful body and since the power support, is completely all corroded Abyssal Beast, including your Qilin clan.” “其一,”云澈声音徐徐,在麟神的魂压下依旧字字铿锵:“深渊渊尘对兽族的侵蚀远远大过人族。因而,深渊兽族除了龙族依靠强大的躯体和力量支撑至今,已尽皆被侵蚀成渊兽,包括你们麒麟一族。” Only has you, continuously since survival. But saves since you, without doubt is Elemental Seed that you obtain. Otherwise, you already or perished, or became Abyssal Beast that loafed in Fog Sea.” “唯有你,一直存活至今。而拯救你至今的,无疑便是你所得到的元素种子。否则,你早已或殒命,或成为游荡于雾海渊兽。” The pupil of God Qilin is not turbulent, but mentioned Abyssal Beast in Yun Che two word-time, that pair presented the obvious contraction...... that to seem like cowering of one pain like the abyss pupil. 麟神之瞳毫无动荡,但在云澈提及“渊兽”二字时,那双如深渊般的瞳孔出现了明显的收缩……那似乎是一抹痛楚的瑟缩。 Therefore, was Elemental Creation God saved your life, making you continue a Qilin light of Qilin clan to today. So the obligation, leans a difficult report, let alone is returns the thing of this obligation merely to his successor.” “所以,是元素创世神拯救了你的性命,让你将麒麟一族的麟光延续至今日。如此大恩,倾身难报,何况仅仅是交还这大恩之物给他的继承者。” Its two!” Has not waited for God Qilin to respond, Yun Che already continued: „The world that I come does not have abyss dust, without the dispute, why you may know me to not hesitate to take ten thousand risks, arriving at this full is abyss dust and calamity world?” “其二!”没有等麟神回应,云澈继续说道:“我所出身的世界没有渊尘,亦没有了纷争,那你可知我为何要不惜冒着万险,到来这个满是渊尘和厄难的世界?” In the pupil of God Qilin congealed the anticipation, it waited for Yun Che to give in its answer. 麟神之瞳中凝起了期待,它等待着云澈给于它答案。 The Yun Che head is supine, voice/sound slows down, face the color of recalling: In the past, is Evil God's Elemental Creation God in post-war of Gods and Devils, supported by strenuous efforts many years under the poison of Life Extinguishing Myriad Tribulations. At that time, he discovered the abyss mutation. Therefore, he before withering away,...... was also Elemental Seed of your within the body throws into abyss a Evil God seed.” 云澈头颅仰起,声音放缓,一脸的缅怀之色:“当年,已为邪神的元素创世神神魔之战后,在万劫无生之毒下又苦苦支撑了许多年。在那个时候,他发现了深渊的异变。所以,他在消亡前,将一颗邪神种子……也就是你体内的元素种子掷入了深渊。” As inheriting the person of Elemental Creation God Profound Vein, I naturally can induce to Elemental Seed is. His past behavior, then to direct me stepped into abyss.” “作为继承了元素创世神玄脉之人,我自然能感应到元素种子的所在。他当年之所为,便是为了指引我踏入深渊。” Because, only has his power, can save to be forced to survive in abyss myriad spirits!” “因为,唯有他的力量,可以拯救被迫生存于深渊万灵!” Yun Che puts out a hand, the water, fire, wind and thunder strength of all gather in Zhangjian...... 云澈伸手,水、火、风、雷之力皆聚于掌间…… Simultaneously gathers, also surrounding space abyss dust. 同时聚拢的,还有周围空间的渊尘 abyss dust colorless invisible. But, in this by the space that God Qilin aura is defeated completely, existence and trend of abyss dust are how clear in its divine sense. 渊尘无色无形。但,在这处被麟神气息完全覆没的空间,渊尘的存在和动向在它的神识间何其清晰。 That pair huge pupil split second enlarged nearly three times. 那双本就巨大的瞳孔一瞬间放大了近乎三倍。 You...... can control abyss dust unexpectedly!” “你……竟能驾驭渊尘!” You can control abyss dust unexpectedly!!” “你竟能驾驭渊尘!!” The palm puts down, abyss dust scatters in all directions, before Yun Che look tranquil such as, aura does not have the slight disorder, as if made an again easily minor matter: „The Ni Xuan senior is Elemental Creation God, but abyss dust, its essence is also a high level element. The spirit of present age is unable to control, but how to leave the control of strength of Elemental Creation God.” 手掌放下,渊尘四散,云澈神色平静如前,气息更没有丝毫紊乱,仿佛只是做了一件再轻易不过的小事:“逆玄前辈是元素创世神,而渊尘,其本质亦是一种高等元素。当世之灵无法驾驭,但岂会脱出元素创世神之力的驾驭。” All these naturally are Yun Che talk nonsense. 这一切自然是云澈胡扯的。 Let him to control to drive a horse abyss dust, is aloof Nihility Principle above all existing principle. 让他能控驭渊尘的,是超脱一切现有法则之上的虚无法则 But is used to fool this God Qilin extremely to be without doubt useful. 但用来唬这个麟神无疑极其有用。 Has this matter...... abyss dust to control unexpectedly unexpectedly! This is even he, thing that is unable to achieve!” “竟有此事……渊尘竟可驾驭!这是连他,都无法做到的事!” If solely is the spoken language, God Qilin does not believe decisively. 若单单是言语,麟神断然不会相信。 But vacillation of abyss dust in Yun Che palms, incomparably clear presents in his sensation. 渊尘云澈掌间的游移,无比清晰的呈现在他的感知之中。 He? 他? Abyss Sovereign? 渊皇 Response of Yun Che very satisfied God Qilin, but the facial expression does not have the fluctuation as before: Because of the strength of element not yet complete, my control to the abyss dust is quite limited. When my power is complete enough and powerful, I then can the strength of Elemental Creation God, this abyss world, bit by bit, change to true eternal Pure Land, completes entrusting of Elemental Creation God!” 云澈很是满意麟神的反应,但神情依旧毫无波动:“因元素之力尚未完整,我对渊尘的驾驭颇为有限。待我力量足够完整和强大,我便可以元素创世神之力,将这深渊之世,一点一点,化作真正的永恒净土,完成元素创世神的托付!” Therefore!” “所以!” His vision is dignified and firm: in private, you, when repays Elemental Creation God to continue the graciousness of life.” 他目光凝重而坚决:“于私,你当报答元素创世神续命之恩。” in world, you will abandon the present age not to attend to without reason in the future.” “于世,你无理由弃当世之未来于不顾。” For a very long time silence. 久久的沉默。 But the world is no longer peaceful. 但世界不再安静。 The present dust and fog is rippling, the wind-drift sand of under foot also made rustle the sound...... each trivial sound and turbulence, is the ripples of God Qilin soul. 眼前的尘雾在漾动,脚下的流沙亦发出了簌簌之音……每一丝微音和动荡,都是麟神心魂的涟漪。 Hehehe Heh! 呵呵呵呵! God Qilin smiled, as before low and deep like that: „The type of this element, non- Elemental Creation God bestows, but is this venerable has no intention it, what Laizhong.” 麟神笑了起来,依旧那般的低沉:“此元素之种,非元素创世神之亲赐,而是本尊无意得之,何来重恩。” abyss world, myriad spirits all private. this venerable not only can result in peacefully, world otherness, and with this venerable what relations!” 深渊之世,万灵皆私。本尊既能得安,世间他物,又与本尊何干!” Yun Che is not flurried, on the face instead shows the smile: If other lives, said this word, I decided not at all surprised, did not doubt.” 云澈毫不慌乱,脸上反而露出微笑:“若是其他生灵,说出此言,我定毫不意外,也毫不怀疑。” But, you are Qilin, is the god of Qilin.” “但,你是麒麟,更是麒麟之神。” His line of sight again is supine a point, is looking straight ahead the eye of band of light of pupil of God Qilin the bald-faced respect: Ancient times, is presently the world. no one does not know that Qilin is the beast of justice and humanity, the beast of auspicious omen. Has powerful power obviously, only has kind, does not have the humiliation, envies/avoid the evil and dispute extremely, bestows favor happily myriad spirits, is never actually willing to have a deficit others the graciousness.” 他视线再度仰起一分,直视着麟神之瞳的目光带着毫无掩饰的敬重:“无论是远古,还是现世。无人不知麒麟是仁义之兽,祥瑞之兽。明明有着强大的力量,却唯有慈和,从无欺凌,极忌罪恶与纷争,最喜施恩万灵,却又从不愿亏欠他人之恩。” Is each era, noble and pure beast that most receives the myriad spirits respect respect!” “是每一个时代,都最受万灵敬仰敬重的高洁之兽!” Why this is also, junior dares to alarm sleeping soundly of God Qilin senior by the body of trivial Divine Sovereign.” “这也是为何,晚辈敢以区区神君之躯惊扰麟神前辈的安眠。” He smiles invariably, continued: I think, in the hand that Elemental Seed that this wanders about destitute abyss in the God Qilin senior absolutely not is accidental. Because only has Qilin, has the qualifications to obtain this to come from the asylum of Creation God ; Also only has Qilin, will be willing to endure the endless arid years, but rigid protection in it.” 他微笑不变,继续说道:“我想,这颗流落深渊元素种子会在麟神前辈的手中绝非偶然。因为唯有麒麟,有资格得到这来自创世神的庇护;也唯有麒麟,会甘愿忍受无尽枯燥的岁月而执着的守护于它。” „The God Qilin senior just now words are false. I think...... my alarming, not only does not make you angry, on the contrary, is in your long years, biggest pleasant surprise.” 麟神前辈方才的话是假的。我想……我的惊扰非但不让你愤怒,相反,还是你这漫长岁月中,最大的惊喜。” In the pupil of God Qilin divine light no longer concentrates tightly, but resumed the natural circulation. That pressure has turned round in the Yun Che body soul presses will also dissipate shortly. 麟神之瞳中神光不再紧凝,而是恢复了自然的流转。那一直压覆在云澈身上的魂压也顷刻消散。 Hahaha, Hahahaha!” 哈哈哈,哈哈哈哈!” In the Qilin temple resounds laughing of God Qilin, incomparable old, is actually incomparable frank carefree...... it too many too many years has not smiled, do not say so laughing recklessly. 麒麟圣殿中响起麟神的大笑,无比的苍老,却又是无比的爽朗畅快……它已经太多太多年没有笑过,更不要说如此肆意的大笑。 what kind of is assured, the what kind of breadth of spirit, what kind of is intelligent! Worthily is Elemental Creation God...... not, is the Evil God's successor, is ancestor God Qilin most respects successor of person worthily!” 何等的笃定,何等的气魄,何等的聪慧!不愧是元素创世神……不,是邪神的继承人,不愧是先祖麟神最敬重之人的传人!” My years have not wasted, my Gou health/life, got the miracle response unexpectedly...... Hahahahaha!” “我的岁月没有白费,我的苟生,竟得到了神迹般的回应……哈哈哈哈哈!” Ancestor God Qilin? 先祖麟神 In the Yun Che heart suddenly moved...... could it be that, present God Qilin, does not drop abyss God Qilin unexpectedly at first, but is its descendant? 云澈心中猛的一动……难道,眼前的麟神,竟不是最初落下深渊麟神,而是它的后代? The God Qilin laughter, the also his tall Tan spoken language, making the Yun Che secret tight soul string relax finally thoroughly. 麟神的笑声,还有他高叹的言语,让云澈暗暗紧绷的魂弦终于彻底松弛了下来。 Young human, it seems like, you in another world, intersect really deeply with my Qilin clan.” “年轻的人类,看来,你在另一个世界,与我麒麟一族相交甚深。” The Yun Che smile did not speak. 云澈微笑不语。 The intersection deeply is not, but indeed has enough understanding. 相交甚深算不上,但的确有足够的了解。 The world said that Qilin is the justice and humanity and auspicious omen beast, this point different people have different views. But Qilin kind, but the unhappy battle, Yun Che may too approve. 世称麒麟为仁义和祥瑞之兽,这一点见仁见智。但麒麟慈和而不喜争斗,云澈可就太认同了。 Western God Territory takes Dragon God Realm as to revere, next, is Qilin Realm. 西神域龙神界为尊,其次,便是麒麟界 The Qilin Realm all-round strength is not only Western God Territory second, said that is entire God Realm second is not overrated. 麒麟界的综合实力不仅是西神域第二,说是整个神界第二都毫不为过。 But, so powerful Qilin Realm, actually never uses strength to bully the weak, with anybody battle, does not participate to interfere with others the struggle. Is willing to bestow favor in people, but is not willing to owe graciousness in people. 但,如此强大的麒麟界,却从不恃强凌弱,不与任何人争斗,更绝不参与干涉他人之争。愿施恩于人,但绝不愿欠恩于人。 In the past Long Bai with the entire Western God Territory storm, Yun Che still at Eternal Sky Divine Realm, a Northern God Territory side fell into the thorough hopeless situation at that time. But as the Western God Territory second strong strength, under the absolute advantage, by Qi Tianli to lead Qilin Realm is actually the entire journey negative...... should be like that false is the war. 当年龙白携整个西神域强攻,那时云澈尚在宙天神境,北神域一方陷入彻底的绝境。而作为西神域第二强的战力,在那般绝对的优势之下,由麒天理引领麒麟界却是全程消极……应该是虚假为战。 Solemn Qilin Emperor adds four strongest black ink Qilin easy diversion, the entire process, the person of no North Territory dies of the hand of Qilin Realm obstinately, conversely in the North Territory profound practitioner hand that the backwater fights tooth and nail buckle many Qilin. 堂堂麒麟帝加四个最强墨麒麟被轻而易举的“牵制”,整个过程,愣是没有一个北域之人死于麒麟界之手,反倒是在背水搏命的北域玄者手中折损不少麒麟 If this is not the case, Northern God Territory impossible supports to Yun Che decisively goes out of Eternal Sky Divine Realm. 若非如此,北神域断然不可能支撑到云澈走出宙天神境 Afterward, Qilin Realm first bowed to submit to Mo Beichen. 后来,麒麟界第一个向陌悲尘屈膝臣服。 Qi Tianli damn? 麒天理该死吗? Naturally damn. Such as he said at that time, if the traitor cannot obtain the disciplinary punishment, that loyal will then degenerate into the joke. 当然该死。就如他当时所言,若背叛者得不到惩戒,那忠诚便会沦为笑话。 Is Qi Tianli hateful? 麒天理可恨吗? At that time Chi Wuyao has said that when Qi Tianli facing Mo Beichen that does not have any hope contended with, makes was actually wisest and most correct, even was the only choice. Otherwise, Qilin Realm has perished in the Mo Beichen hand. 那时池妩仸说过,麒天理面对没有任何希望抗衡的陌悲尘时,所做出的其实是最明智、最正确,甚至是唯一的选择。否则,麒麟界已然灭亡于陌悲尘手中。 Afterward, Qi Tianli tied up oneself to apologize, he had nothing the fear to the death, had no character to the desire of own life, only strove for being able under defending desperately Qilin Realm by oneself. 后来,麒天理缚己请罪,他没有任何对死亡的恐惧,更没有任何一字对自己性命的乞求,只求能以自己之死保下麒麟界 Also is therefore, making Yun Che see clearly the instinct in deep Qilin bone. 也是因此,让云澈看清了深种麒麟骨子里的天性。 Present God Qilin is the god of Qilin, such as Dragon Clan Dragon God. It has a source with Qilin, but as the god of Qilin, erratically is so purer. 眼前的麟神麒麟之神,如龙族龙神。其与麒麟同出一源,而作为麒麟之神,这般不定更为纯粹。 Therefore, when knowing this Evil God seed carrier is Qilin, he then thought the countermeasure. 所以,在得知这枚邪神种子的“载体”是一只麒麟时,他便想好了对策。 By graciousness depending on it, by virtue it! 以恩挟之,以德架之! Until now at present looks like, must compared with want smooth many that he estimates. 至今目前看来,要远比他预想的还要顺利的多。
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