ATG :: Volume #20 Emperor of fog sea

#2007: Close

„The Qilin God Realm opening instant is 300 days. 300 days later, everyone regardless of the life and death, will be reprimanded Qilin God Realm.” 麟神境的开启时间为三百天。三百天后,所有人无论生死,都会被斥出麟神境。” During this period, you may leave Qilin God Realm at any time freely. If leaves, is not then reenterable!” “不过在此期间,你们可在任何时间自由离开麟神境。但一旦离开,便不可再入!” The Ximen Boyun cold words are reading out Qilin God Realm basic principle. 西门博云冷言宣读着麟神境的基本法则 Places Qilin God Realm each breath, is the Abyss Sovereign gracious gift. The unnecessary warning I no longer gave unnecessary detail, I think, you were also insufficient to waste time stupid the battle.” “身处麟神境的每一息,皆为渊皇恩赐。多余的警告我不再赘述,我想,你们还不至于蠢到浪费其中的时间来争斗。” Zhai Kexie said hastily: This point asked Lord Knight to feel relieved. In Qilin God Realm always not struggles, can result in what seed/type to break through and chance, all depending on the respective skill. The place of Abyss Sovereign gracious gift, I and others how dare hurriedly.” 砦克邪连忙道:“这一点请骑士大人放心。麟神境内历来无争,能得何种突破与机缘,皆凭各自本事。渊皇恩赐之地,我等岂敢造次。” Snort, forgives you not to dare!” The Ximen Boyun vision sweeps away the people: Moreover, in Qilin God Realm is flooding various dust storms and rock disasters, withstands the gracious gift at the same time, wants Gu good own poor life! If the life buries, could not complain about anybody.” “哼,谅你们也不敢!”西门博云目光横扫众人:“另外,麟神境中充斥着各种沙暴、岩灾,承受恩赐的同时,也要顾好自己的小命!若命葬其中,怨不得任何人。” The language falls, he sparkled the back of the hand of Pure Land god mark to touch above Qilin God Realm formation. 语落,他闪耀着净土神纹的手背触碰在了麟神境结界之上。 Instantly, empty of formation in suddenly shining profound light, Qilin God Realm entrance presently in line of sight. The space ripple that ripples overflows rich ground aura. 霎时,结界在骤耀的玄光中虚化,麟神境的入口现于视线中。微漾的空间波纹溢动着浓郁的岩土气息 Finally!” His voice/sound quenching, the complexion becomes incomparably with deep veneration: This matter you all know surely, but this venerable has to say as before...... ten million/countless, cannot approach God Qilin the place of roosting! If dares to enrage God Qilin, no one could save you!” “最后!”他声音骤冷,脸色变得无比肃然:“此事你们必定皆知,但本尊依旧不得不说……千万,不可靠近麟神所栖之地!若胆敢触怒麟神,谁都救不了你们!” Understood, Lord Knight felt relieved although.” Ximen Borong said accordingly. “明白,骑士大人尽管放心。”西门博容应声道。 Ximen Boyun making way body: Goes. During this, this venerable has protected in this place, until the day of Qilin God Realm closure.” 西门博云让开身位:“进去吧。这期间,本尊会一直守护于此地,直至麟神境关闭之日。” Helian and pays respects Lin, Rock Profound, Ten Thousand Fathoms high and low excitedly are difficult to damp, after thanking politely Abyss Sovereign and Abyss Knight, then also calculates that stepped into Qilin God Realm orderly. 赫连、拜麟、磐玄万仞上下都已是激动难抑,纷纷拜谢了一番渊皇深渊骑士后,然后还算有序的踏入了麟神境中。 When Ximen Borong close to entrance stops the footsteps, passes on the sound said to Ximen Boyun: Bo cloud, don't you really go in?” 西门博容临近入口之时停下脚步,向西门博云传音道:“博云,你真的不进去吗?” Ximen Boyun said: Above Divine Lord Realm is unable to enter, this rule has existed, is only few triggering, therefore few person knows.” 西门博云道:“神主境以上无法进入,这个规则一直存在,只是鲜少触发,所以少有人知。” Regardless of cultivation base of my partly god, the or me Abyss Knight status, is doomed unable to enter. And the Pure Land resources, by far this Qilin God Realm, Elder Brother does not need to think to reach to me.” “无论我半神的修为,还是我深渊骑士的身份,都注定无法进入其中。且净土资源,远胜此麟神境,兄长不必思及于我。” He transfers the eye to Ximen Borong, the complexion is serious: Qilin God Realm meeting Room partition passes message with aura, If there is accidental/surprised, my inevitably strength difficult. Therefore, if presented the danger of possible calamity and life seriously, immediately leaves is most on choice. Remains assigns/life, exceeds other.” 他转目向西门博容,脸色郑重:“麟神境会【隔断传音与气息】,若有意外,我势必力所难及。所以,若当真出现了可能祸及性命的危险,立刻脱出才是最上的选择。留得命在,胜过其他一切。” I understand.” “我明白。” Ximen Borong heavily nods, the figure vanishes in the entrance space ripples. 西门博容重重颔首,身形消失于入口的空间涟漪中。 Steps into Qilin God Realm that moment, the world changes into withered and yellow. 踏入麟神境的那一刻,世界化为一片枯黄。 A world color, only has withered and yellow. The foot vulgar sand is billowing, with curling richly to the strength of scary sand-stone. If cultivation base is insufficient, will then easily be curled falling, is buried eternal. 天地一色,唯有枯黄。脚下流沙滚滚,携卷着浓郁到骇人的沙岩之力。若是修为不足,轻易便会被卷陷其中,永恒葬身。 But so the terrifying wind-drift sand world, the distant place of line of sight, actually stands erect the innumerable rock pillar, the shape size is varying, in terrifying wind-drift sand of eternal trundle gorgeously motionless, holds up sky. 而如此恐怖的流沙世界,视线的远方,却矗立着数不清的岩柱,形状大小各异,在永恒滚动的恐怖流沙中巍然不动,直擎苍穹 The sand dust that everywhere waves interweaves piece of limitless strange sand mist in this world. Often has high level earth spirit loafing, is swaying or the profound or thin dry Huangyan light. 漫天舞动的沙尘在这个世界交织成一片无边无际的奇异沙雾。更不时有高等的土灵游荡其中,挥洒着或深邃或稀薄的枯黄岩光。 Occasionally the wind sound/rumor howls, is the filling the heavens sandstorm. 偶尔风声啸起,便是弥天的沙暴。 Careful wind-drift sand! It compared with wants many of terrifying you imagine!” “小心流沙!它远比你们想象的要恐怖的多!” Hiss...... is called Qilin deep pool sacred ground Qilin God Realm worthily! Here rock sand aura, unexpectedly pure rich to so the terrifying degree, I felt that my deathly stillness more than 100 years of bottlenecks were shivering.” “嘶……不愧是被称作麟渊圣地麟神境!这里的岩沙气息,竟然精纯浓郁到如此恐怖的程度,我感觉我死寂了一百多年的瓶颈都在颤动。” Near the ear various types startled recited the sound to have...... Yun Che to observe the situation all around, finally the line of sight fell on Eastern. 耳边各种惊吟声响起……云澈环视四周,最终视线落在了东方 Also Ximen Boyun warned no wonder they cannot approach God Qilin, has not actually informed God Qilin in it place. So long as because steps into Qilin God Realm, apparent. 也难怪西门博云警告他们千万不可靠近麟神,却没有告知麟神所在之地。因为只要踏入麟神境,一眼便知。 The Eastern vast desert and sky, are turning round a strange yellow sparkling stone light. That resembles is the legendary Qilin light, maps in the pupil, having one to infiltrate the soul bottom the invisible spirit pressure. 东方的沙海与苍穹,都覆着一层奇异的黄色莹光。那似是传说中的麟光,映入瞳孔之中,带着一股直渗魂底的无形灵压。 Does not may approach Eastern, there is God Qilin is at!” “万万不可靠近东方,那里是麟神的所在!” The elders of four big influences are warning young disciple at the stern voice. 四大势力的长者都在严声警示着年轻弟子 legendary God Qilin...... does not know the long what appearance.” 传说中的麟神……不知长什么样子。” „The good terrifying pressure, can actually God Qilin be how powerful existence?” “好恐怖的威压,麟神究竟会是多么强大的存在?” It is said this God Qilin was quite once powerful, but was eclipsed by abyss dust, power dissipates year by year, since can exist, is the miracle of present age. However that after all is God Qilin, power, even if degenerates again, also I and others cannot touch...... in brief, cannot tread near Eastern half step.” “据说这尊麟神曾经极为强大,但受渊尘所蚀,力量逐年消散,能存在至今,已是当世之奇迹。不过那毕竟是麟神,力量纵然退化再甚,也非我等所能触及……总之,千万不可踏近东方半步。” ...... …… Surrounding voice/sound all hears, making the Yun Che's brow tip move slightly. 周围的声音皆入耳中,让云澈的眉梢微微动了动。 It seems like that various suspicions of my this period of time, drew close in more and more are real. 看来,我这段时间的各种猜想,都越来越趋近于真实了。 The attention will take back from Eastern, Yun Che swept surrounding aura fast. 将注意力从东方收回,云澈快速的扫了一遍周围的气息 Helian Jue, Ximen Borong, Zhai Kexie and Wan Wei all in...... these four people of all cards in half step Divine Extinction Realm, but Qilin God Realm is they breaks through the highest hope of bottleneck, how can into. 赫连玦西门博容砦克邪万巍皆在……这四人皆卡在半步神灭境,而麟神境是他们冲破瓶颈的最大希望,岂会不入。 As far as eyes can reach, the major influences basically are 90% young disciple, after all the senior has finalized mostly, young one generation will be the future hope. 一眼望去,各大势力基本都是90%的年轻弟子,毕竟年长者大都已定型,年轻一辈是未来的希望。 Yun Che pays more attention, is remaining that 10%. 云澈更为关注的,是剩下那10%。 Rock Profound Sect except for Zhai Kexie, also another three half step Divine Extinction Realm aura, should be the Elder level character ; That side Ten Thousand Fathoms Sect is also so ; even/including Qilin Worshipping Alliance, has another half step Divine Extinction profound practitioner outside Ximen Borong. 磐玄宗除了砦克邪,还有另外三个半步神灭境气息,应该是长老级人物;万仞宗那边亦是如此;就连拜麟盟,亦有西门博容外的另一个半步神灭玄者 abyss extremely most profound practitioner halt in this Realm life-long, they will become a cornerstone, but never certainly the hope of achievement half god...... even as the growth of life essence, the hope even more is also intense and urgent. 深渊极大多数的玄者都终生止步于这个境界,他们会成为一宗的基石,但永远不会绝了成就半神的渴望……甚至会随着寿元的增长,渴望也愈加强烈和迫切。 Helian Imperial Family entered many Helian ancestors and relatives, but is mostly good-for-nothing. But those who let Yun Che accidental/surprised is, Ku Xian also entered Qilin God Realm unexpectedly. 赫连皇室这边进入了不少赫连的宗亲,但大都不成器。而让云澈意外的是,枯弦竟也进入了麟神境 By present situation that he is on the verge of death, properly speaking cannot...... 以他行将就木的现状,按理说不应当…… But immediately, in his heart understands clearly. Ku Xian comes, obviously to direct and assist the disciple cultivation of Helian Tianfu, particularly Helian Lingzhu and Mo Cangying. 但马上,他就心中了然。枯弦之所以进来,显然是为了指引和辅助赫连天府弟子修炼,尤其是赫连玲珠陌苍鹰 This old person was also for the Helian Imperial Family offering sacrifices life. 这个老人也算是为赫连皇室献祭一生了。 Young Master Yun Che.” The Helian Lingzhu stand the Yun Che body side, on the face is the one exciting cake is red: Enters so many people one time, this was the past Helian prosperous times time had the scene that. Really does not know how...... should thank you.” 云澈公子。”赫连玲珠站到了云澈身侧,脸上是一抹兴奋的酥红:“一次进入这么多人,这是当年赫连盛世的时候才有的景象。真不知……该怎么感谢你。” Crown Princess spoke discreetly.” Yun Che light smile. 长公主言重了。”云澈淡淡微笑。 Mo Cangying also walked: Brother Yun, I prepare first to coordinate Honored Master , helping Lingzhu achievement Divine Lord, Brother Yun may probably cultivation together?” 陌苍鹰也走了过来:“云兄弟,我准备先配合师尊,助玲珠成就神主,云兄弟可要一起修炼?” Yun Che shakes the head: I do not cultivate/repair the ground, here aura is useless to me. I come to here, is only curious.” 云澈摇头:“我不修岩土,这里的气息对我无益。我来这里,只为好奇。” Really so.” Mo Cangying nodded: That Brother Yun completely depends on the view is. However...... is as far as possible careful, here is the independent space, I feared that some people wait for an opportunity to retaliate. If there is accidental/surprised, remembers passes message immediately, I and Lingzhu can lead Helian everyone to rush to surely.” “果然如此。”陌苍鹰点了点头:“那云兄弟尽凭己意便是。不过……还是尽量小心,此处为独立空间,我怕有些人伺机报复。若有意外,记得立刻传音,我和玲珠定会带赫连所有人赶赴过去。” Yun Che looks the gratitude: Good.” 云澈面露感激:“好。” Here indeed is a murder and good place of report personal grudge. Therefore at present the most sane approach, is separated from everyone's attention as soon as possible. 这里的确是个杀人和报私仇的好地方。所以眼下最理智的做法,是尽快脱离所有人的注意力。 Here space not only has sand mist, also abyss dust. 这里的空间不仅有沙雾,还有渊尘 As the strength of primordial chaos most primitive extinguishing, its plane/level is too high, even if from warding off the space is unable to isolate. 作为混沌最原始的灭之力,它的层面实在太高,纵然是自辟空间也无法隔绝。 His vision shot a look at Long Jiang of distant place, then turns around to walk. 他的目光瞥了一眼远处的龙姜,然后转身走去。 Helian Lingzhu subconscious lifting hand......, but lets fall immediately slowly, voice/sound that will soon export also disperses in between lips. 赫连玲珠下意识的抬手……但马上又缓缓垂落,即将出口的声音也散于唇间 She detects faintly, after entering Qilin God Realm, Yun Che looked that changed to her look. 她隐隐察觉到,进入麟神境后,云澈看向她的眼神变了。 Same facial expression, same vision, same cloud poor business conditions light faint smile......, but regardless of the pupil light or the happy expression, as if no longer invades among her hearts. 一样的神情,一样的目光,一样云淡风轻的浅笑……但无论眸光还是笑意,都似乎不再侵向她的心间。 Dragon small Venerable.” Ximen Borong toward Long Jiang a ritual: My Qilin Worshipping Alliance this time can enter Qilin God Realm by the first place, all does obeisance your helping. What I never know dragon small Venerable this time to enter Qilin God Realm am ask, might as well informs, my Qilin Worshipping Alliance will use up and down surely helps one another full power.” “龙小尊者。”西门博容向着龙姜浅浅一礼:“我拜麟盟此次能以首位入麟神境,皆是拜你之助。我始终不知龙小尊者此次进入麟神境是所求何物,不妨告知,我拜麟盟上下定会倾尽全力相助。” Long Jiang is turning away from him, cold sound said: No need. Your my contract has completed, from does not owe at this moment, does not harass.” 龙姜背对着他,寒声道:“不必。你我契约已是完成,从此刻起互不相欠,更互不相扰。” Response in anticipation, Ximen Borong, helpless said: So, then obeys the meaning of dragon small Venerable.” 意料之内的回应,西门博容无奈道:“如此,便遵龙小尊者之意。” But Long Jiang is the one person alone that does not return to goes. 龙姜已是头也不回的孤身而去。 Her body crosswind sound rolls up and pushes along, Yun Che with, face sincerely said: Obviously, your I to not practice and break through to come. Such being the case, might as well travels together?” 她的身侧风声卷动,云澈跟了上来,一脸真诚的道:“显然,你我都不是为了修炼和突破而来。既然如此,不妨同行?” Long Jiang not pays attention. 龙姜毫无理会。 The Yun Che side pupil, sized up her very much earnestly, said: Actually, I thought that your name is not quite suitable you. Ginger character is on the sheep maid, so-called......” 云澈侧眸,很认真的打量了她一番,道:“其实,我觉得你的名字也不太适合你。‘姜’字为上羊下女,所谓……” Chi! 哧! The cold glow punctures together from the grey robe, before the Yun Che's throat. 一道寒芒从灰袍下刺出,点在了云澈的喉咙前。 Close to my one step, killed you again!” “再靠近我一步,杀了你!” Yun Che has not really followed her again, such as is scared stands still generally in same place, looks silently her grey shadow vanishes in the sand fog of filling the heavens duplicate place. 云澈果然没有再跟随她,如吓傻一般静立在原地,默默看着她的灰影消失于弥天覆地的沙雾中。 She the direction, is south. 她所去的方向,是南方。 Yun Che turns around, goes to the north. 云澈转身,向北方而去。 His aura completely collected, has the feeling to press lowly. In addition most people immerse are entering in the excitement of Qilin God Realm initially, and conducts the following preparation arrangement...... to be too long, Yun Che then silent vanished in everyone's sensation. 他的气息尽敛,存在感压到了最低。再加上绝大多数人都沉浸在初入麟神境的兴奋中,并进行着接下来的筹划安排……没过太久,云澈便无声消失在了所有人的感知之中。 body did not have touching of any external aura, Yun Che continues after the north flight thousand li (500 km), suddenly the bend direction, to Eastern goes. 身上没有了任何外来气息的碰触,云澈继续向北方飞行千里后,忽然弯折方向,向东方而去。 His form in this time slowly empty, again empty, until such as his aura was also ordinary, completely vanished in the sand fog. 他的身影也在这时缓缓虚化,再虚化,直至如他的气息一般,完全消失于沙雾之中。 Almost at the same time, only then a person of single-minded south, an iron grey shadow also changed the direction, directly went to Eastern. 几乎在同一时间,只有一人孤行的南方,一个灰白色的影子也改变了方向,直线东方而去。 Her speed, many that Yun Che is slower. 只是她的速度,要比云澈慢的多。 Because Yun Che has basically no longer received the negative impact of abyss dust, gradually can achieve to the concealment of aura such as that side God Realm. Therefore concealment aura can also keep relatively the quick speed. 因为云澈已基本不再受渊尘的负面影响,对气息的隐匿逐渐能够做到如在神界那边。因而隐匿气息的同时也可以保持相对较快的速度。 But Long Jiang...... she must vigorously the suppression and concealment aura, the speed also has to put slowly. 龙姜……她必须极力的压制和隐匿气息,速度也不得不放到最慢。 The filled the air sand dust is leisurely from time to time, from time to time manic, will be having the large impact on Yun Che's Broken Moon's Flickering Shadow without doubt, making his figure often have instant appearance. 弥漫的沙尘时而轻缓,时而狂躁,对云澈的断月拂影无疑会造成着颇大的冲击,让他的身形不时会有刹那的显露。 However Yun Che extremely does not care, he has enough assurance determination, dwells must be in the deep sleep of depth in Eastern that only Qilin, will not easily wake up. Therefore concealment aura in the maximum degree is then enough, Stealth are for many one point to safeguard. 不过云澈并不是太过在意,他有足够的把握确定,栖息于东方的那只麒麟应当正处在深度的沉睡之中,轻易不会醒来。所以在最大程度上隐匿气息便已足够,匿影不过再多一分保障。 Because of awakens, will accelerate its death! The yellow Qilin light is getting more and more near, in clearer mapping pupil. 因为苏醒,会加速它的死亡!黄色的麟光越来越近,也更加清晰的映入瞳孔之中。 At this time, Yun Che had a sleep/felt suddenly, lifted the left hand. 这时,云澈忽有所觉,抬起了左手。 In the palm, one emerald-green brilliance is sparkling slightly. 掌心之中,一抹翠绿色的光华在微微闪耀。 In Profound Vein, the water, fires, winds, thunder and dark five Evil God seeds also had respective divine glow...... more intense than the previous any induction in this time shining. 玄脉之中,水、火、风、雷、暗五颗邪神种子亦在这时耀起各自的神芒……比先前的任何一次感应都要强烈。 As if they, are not even able to suppress that soon to belong to completely, palpitation of retrieval new life. 仿佛连它们,都无法抑制那即将归于完整,重获新生的悸动。 Although already near 100% assurances, but at this moment, the Yun Che's heartbeat was still for fierce several points. 虽早已有近十成的把握,但此刻,云澈的心跳依然剧烈了数分。 Really here, in the front!! 果然就在这里,就在前方!! His speed unconscious speeding up, but sank immediately slowly the air/Qi. 他的速度不自觉的加快,但马上又重新沉下气慢了下来。 The endless yellow sand, the rock rock and dust and fog cast off behind by him, the whole world, he as if becomes the only life. Went down to so the position, he at this moment vertical was vigorously to bellow, not possibly some people responded to him again. 无尽的黄沙、磐岩与尘雾被他甩开了身后,整个世界,他仿佛成为了唯一的生灵。深入到了这般境地,他此刻纵是倾力大吼,也再无可能有人回应他。 Finally, the ray in pupil rich to peak. His both feet, touched the that quiet yellow Qilin light. 终于,瞳孔中的光芒浓郁到了极致。他的双脚,也碰触到了那一抹静谧的黄色麟光。 The Stealth condition relieves, he stopped there, both eyes are looking straight ahead the front, in the short several breath, the vision already did not have slightly anxious disturbed, only piece of cold and resolute, as well as gradually floated in the forehead proudly. 匿影状态解除,他停在了那里,双目直视着前方,在短短几个呼吸间,目光已没有了丝毫的紧张忐忑,唯有一片冷毅,以及逐渐浮于眉宇的傲然。 Encounters a difficulty does not decide, Yun Che most excels at breaking it by the strength, but Chi Wuyao most excels at observing and using the will of the people. 遇事不决,云澈最擅以力破之,而池妩仸则最擅窥测和利用人心。 How facing this only Qilin, how to obtain...... not, is the recaption final Evil God seed, he had trained innumerable in the hearts. 如何面对这只麒麟,如何得到……不,是取回最后的邪神种子,他早已在心间演练了无数遍。 This is classified as God Qilin Qilin of name, it can be imagined powerful. 这是被冠以“麟神”之名的麒麟,其强大可想而知。 If exacts...... by Yun Che present cultivation base, even if comes ten hundred again, brings death. 若要强取……以云澈如今的修为,哪怕再来十个百个,都是送死。 Also so...... 既如此…… That makes this only Qilin...... obediently offer the Evil God seed! 那就让这只麒麟……自己乖乖邪神种子奉上! Because that is instinct bright to Qilin that regardless of the ancient times, present world almost no one did not know! 因为那可是天性鲜明到无论远古、还是现世都几乎无人不知的麒麟 He is built on the Qilin light arrogantly, whole body profound energy surges, in the mouth bellows: Elemental Creation God successor Yun Che, audience qilin God Qilin spirits especially!” 他傲立于麟光之中,周身玄气涌动,口中一声大吼:“元素创世神继承者云澈,特来请见麒麟神灵!” This bellowed to shake dispersed sand mist, is shaking the space, the even/including more/complete empty/sky Qilin light appeared for a very long time not the loose ripples. 这声大吼震散了沙雾,震荡着空间,就连弥空的麟光都现出久久不散的涟漪。
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